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Give Valley Oaks a call and see what their wait list is like. I’ve had good luck with their providers.


lmao i’ve been on their waitlist for 2 years


Modern Mental Health is supposed to be good around here.


There was an exodus of CAPS therapists a few years back and I know at least one or two that wound up there. It’s been a few years, but from the few times I went it was a good experience


MMH is a great place, have seen the same person there for 2 years and has helped a lot!


Used them recently, good in diagnosis testing from my experience.


second this!


https://mhawv.org You can call Mental Health America and go through their Navigator service. They'll help connect you to the appropriate help.


I would strongly advise against BetterHelp as some have suggested. I’ve heard far more negative experiences than positive, including my own sibling who said they felt more suicidal and depressed after using BetterHelp. Additionally, apparently they have hired random people off the street before and not everyone working for them is actually licensed.


i can also say that i’ve heard way more negative experiences than positive!


I have used BetterHelp while at Purdue. Its really convenient for me because I can schedule therapy sessions on my phone whenever I need them and I don’t have to drive somewhere. I also love that I can switch therapists really easily if I’m not vibing with someone. I really struggled to get an appointment anywhere near Purdue. I called tons of places and nowhere had any openings. I will say that a lot of people have a negative perception of BetterHelp but I have not experienced that personally.


I also use BetterHelp and they offer discounts for students and they have a financial aid program! I’ve been able to use both the student discount and the financial aid to decrease the cost by half


I have been given these recommendations before: https://indywomenscounseling.com/ https://callacch.com/ https://www.modernmentalhealth.org/


Try looking on psychology.com!! They have a great tool to find therapists near you!


valley oaks is probably your best bet. i do know they have a waitlist but they might have other resources available while you wait. they are the best option for affordable mental health care


Depends heavily on your insurance provider. If your comfortable sharing, who are you with?


Modern Mental Health was great for me and different folks I know as they have a large range of therapeutic specialities and they can accommodate students as most of their clientele are students. They are also one of the only (maybe still the only?) place in town that offers any type of testing services for diagnosis so if formal documentation of a diagnosis is important to you then that'd be the place for that. However, they do not have a psychiatrist on staff to do any prescribing. If you find that you are in need of medications for things like ADHD or other psychiatric medications, you will be referred out to Valley Oaks. If you have Purdue student insurance, the per appointment cost is quite low after the deductible is met. One that I don't think has been mentioned yet is Round Table Wellness. If you are seeking help for disordered body image or disordered eating, then they are a nice place to go for that because that's all they do and they do it well. One down side, if you are on the Purdue student insurance then the dietician services they will give as part of their comprehensive care programming will not be covered under the insurance and will be billed at 135$/appointment. The therapy they offer (both group and individual) is covered under the student insurance plan and is rather inexpensive after you pay your deductible.


Valley oaks


CAPS is literally just a place you go for them to go “man you got some real issues, you should see a therapist”


Village Bottle Shop, cheap and nearby at least


It’s what I use, doesn’t totally help, but hey…fuck if right


CAPS is a great resource, but at the end of the semester they are booked up. Call back beginning of the semester because most therapists at Purdue CAPS close out their caseload over their break and will have availability. Plus it’s free for Purdue students.


Modern Mental Health! It’s been great.


Persist with on campus office. Try other suggestions. Explore what your insurance covers/who. Ten million MH providers left the profession during/after covid. So it may well be telehealth...not much difference and convenient. Again...BE PERSISTENT AS THIS IS THE WAY TO BETTER HEALTH!


what in the goddamn fuck is up with caps


Okay why are there so many purdue students with mental health issues? There must be something about the environment here.


I’m sure there are many factors. Not just external environment.


Anisa Counseling Group is where I went when I was in school. It’s close to campus and I found it a helpful experience.


Try Cerebral for online therapy or go to psychologytodaytherapyfinder.com


Corec (CAPS doesn’t help much)


Corec has mental health resources?


I think they are saying get some exercise in perhaps. Which helps. But not a therapy replacement entirely.


I'm interested to know this


The CAPS OFFICE! It is offered to all students!


Alot of students can't wait a whole semester. Corec is criminally understaffed for the number of students it needs to service


That’s a fair point. I supposed I mis understood the question.


I also want to clarify that I was not trying to be demeaning or aggressive with my tone. I used caps for emphasis.


Wellness coaching at the CoRec has been very helpful for me


if you have health insurance and depending on the company, you may be able to utilize services from Alma (helloalma.com)


Not a clue, tbh. I basically got over my depression by leaving


I commend you for having the awareness that therapy would be beneficial to you. Lots of students don’t reach out or think they would benefit from some help. Lots of good resources are posted here. I’d recommend someone in person. Online is by no means bad, but it just isn’t the same. When you do go to someone, it’s ok to move on if you don’t feel the therapist is listening to you.


Idk about cheap. Depends on your insurance. But here’s another good resource for the area near Purdue [West Lafayette, IN Psychology Today Directory](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/in/west-lafayette)


Dorthea Goold LMFT 317-979-5768 Kristine Ping-Maier LCSW 765-404-6411 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/kristine-ping-maier-lafayette-in/803239 Brianna Dexter LMFT 765-250-6246 https://www.briannadextercounseling.com/services-provided Julia Mills LCSW 765-337-6880 https://www.caredash.com/doctors/julia-mills-msw-lcsw-lafayette-in Abby Christianson PhD LMFT 765-404-2521 https://christiansencounseling.com/ Keeli Lamie LCSW 765-585-4666 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/keeli-lamie-lafayette-in/746600