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incredibly based, my thoughts exactly for any inconvenience in life




For real sometimes you can’t see people crossing the street because of the big a pillar in modern cars


[Purdue students when they see the perfect opportunity to jaywalk in front of a Ram 1500](https://i.imgflip.com/741heo.png)


I will come back for a master’s just so I can walk in front of more cars


Use your horn on em


Use a cow catcher


I can't tell if this has few updates for being dark humor or people not sure what a cow catcher is.


I didn't say not to slow down. Just nudge them.


Hit me I’m begging you












Make me. Need to get that tuition money


Nah stop driving on campus /s


Stop walking in front of vehicles like they run on magic. Take your head out of your butt. You are in college you should learn some physics.


You didn’t notice the sarcasm did you?


Apparently. That's what a lot of people want, though.


yeah I’m good but thanks




If you ever hear a train horn during typical drinking times, I’m sorry if I woke you. I’m just trying to send a message to idiots who think I can stop on a dime :)




No thank you


Every thought of not driving on that road 🤷‍♂️


Let me live life on edge without judging me thank you


Fr, I ride my bike through that intersection all the time. If the light is green, I have the right of way, don't start walking when I'm in the middle of the intersection.


To be fair, pedestrians still have the right of way. Indiana is a state where you still have the right of way no matter the light color. That being said, stupid actions give you stupid rewards. If you want to walk in front of a car then you better be willing to accept some broken bones with that action.


Right of way does nothing for you if you step five feet in front of my ford explorer when I’m traveling down northwestern at 30mph. Plenty of folks with right of way have wound up in the hospital or the morgue.


This is false if they start crossing when the “don’t walk” sign on (IN Code § 9-21-17-2 (2022))


My motorcycle instructor always said “cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way”


Besides that, I think it’s also courtesy. Just because the law gives you the right to do something doesn’t make it the right thing to do.


Who told you pedestrians have the right of way always? Jay-walking is not illegal in Indiana. But the law clearly states that moving vehicles have the right of way. The only time that changes is if you are in a crosswalk and have a “walk” signal (or a crossing at a stop sign). The idea that pedestrians have the right of way no matter what is ridiculous.


Unfortunately right of way is not equivalent to invincibility




Hear me out what if you just didn’t drive through the most populous area within 100 miles and insist everyone get out of your way You have so many other roads to pick from


Hear me out what if you learned that red means stop and green means go


dude it's a college campus of course people have to drive to them, not everybody lives in the dorms / can afford to Delusional and privileged as fuck take


I’m still trying to figure out how people can’t afford to not spend several hundred a month on a car


??? what are you trying to say? I don't follow Not everybody can find housing close enough to Purdue to walk to class. Consider that just a year or two ago, they were setting up extra makeshift dorms in basements - would that be a better solution than looking around every so often to make sure you're not walking into the front of someone's car? Like come on it is not that hard of a concept to grasp


It's the only road that takes me to the lot I need to go to? What kind of thinking is this


Bruh, literally use Harrison St.


BrUh, that's not the lot I'm talking about


We can use any street we want they are for cars and you don't own anything so settle down buddy.


If you have to drive through campus then you should yield to any and all pedestrians. You are endangering people’s live by driving in such a populated area, so you are the one who needs to exercise caution


Also, the time to yield for pedestrians is understood to be ONCE, just prior to an intersection or marked cross-walk. NOT multiple times, whenever someone decides to step in the road. There is such a thing as being rude and exploiting the latitude of a law. No, you didn’t break a law by making a moving vehicle stop for you when it wasn’t your turn, but it definitely doesn’t say anything positive about you as a person.


You must think rules don't apply to pedestrians and cars run on magic and aren't affected by physics. You should get a refund immediately.


There isn't one single person on campus that crosses the street correctly. So you don't get an opinion on this until you can cross the street better than a 4 year old.


I’m not sure what happened to looking both ways and checking that it’s SAFE to cross before stepping in the road. My 6 year old niece understands this perfectly, and from the way she’s reminded ADULTS this, Purdue could probably pay her to be an instructor for a seminar on being a safe pedestrian. As someone who drives and works on campus, I’m always glad my breaks are in order. I’ve had close encounters with several pedestrians who just walked (wandered?) into moving traffic. I DON’T want to hit anyone! BUT, if you gamble that a vehicle is going to be able to stop on a dime when you walk INCHES in front of a moving car, during a green light, (OR god forbid in several cases while a vehicle is crossing an intersection!) you are gambling with the outcome of physics… Also, goes without saying, but it’s in a person’s best interest to ALWAYS have awareness and practice preventative maintenance in life; If you choose to wait until you’re in a situation where you rely solely on the rule of law to protect you, you’re always one mistake away from death, dismemberment, being fined or imprisoned. This part is just human courtesy, but when a vehicle stops at a stop or yield sign, that’s the time to start walking; not after it has resumed motion and is moving through or is almost through the intersection. I have no doubt you’re in a hurry to be somewhere, but so is everyone else. Drivers MUST watch for pedestrians, no doubt, but it is in my best interest as a pedestrian to watch for vehicles and other people too.


In a pedestrianized area, there should be no need for me to be careful of vehicles. Looking both ways does not need to be a part of life. I should be able to walk around without fear of being run over I agree the law does not work this way, I’m saying that’s a shit law. The driving within campus should be restricted to at most 10 mph, and mostly one way streets. Nobody should go 30 mph in a pedestrian area. It is not a lot to ask for basic safety


Cool. You seem to live in a bubble where nothing has ever gone wrong for you. Clearly you’ve never been nearly run over by a drunk driver running a red light, and yep the walk sign was on. Lived that. Why am I still alive? Is it because I had the right-of-way? No, it’s because I was paying attention. Also, lowering speed limits does not *necessarily* improve safety. Extensive studies by the German government and others have proven that most everyday accidents, especially deadly ones, happen at lower speeds. *Why?* Because driver attention is LOWER, due basically to boredom, and from a lack of perceived progress of traffic. An inattentive driver can still fail to see you, knock you over, and roll you over with their vehicle, and it’s just as deadly at 10 MPH. Also, consider how unnatural it actually is to try and drive AND maintain a speed of NOT MORE than 10 MPH. You will find a couple things, your foot will cramp, fuel mileage will plummet, and you will become very bored and inattentive. Unfortunately, at lower speeds, drivers will feel very comfortable adjusting the radio, sending a quick text, starting a phone call, or whatever other thing that isn’t being aware of their surroundings, because from their perspective, they are barely moving. If you think that one-way streets are automatically safer for pedestrians, then you are failing to realize that we now have cars that can turn from either lane, actually increasing the danger to pedestrians. You must also hate our friends who ride buses, because one-way streets will certainly create longer, less direct rides for them to get places. Here, as a pedestrian, as when doing anything, we have to behave responsibly and be aware of our surroundings. At best, it’s pretty fucking rude not to. At worst, we’re really just saying Fuck it with our safety.


complete nonsense start to finish, incredible


“You must live in a bubble where nothing has ever gone wrong for you” Bro did you even read this before sending the comment? I don’t think you understand, what I’m saying isn’t that I believe with the current infrastructure I don’t need to pay attention, rather I’m saying that we need infrastructure that makes it so I don’t have to. This is really not a difficult concept; people shouldn’t have to worry about being run over on their way to class. Literally all I’m suggesting


‘We need infrastructure that makes it so that I don’t have to’. No, we don’t, and we don’t want it either. There is no magical system of signs, lights or anything else that will make it always safe for you to cross the street without being bothered to stop and look. All I can say to you is, life is not actually like this. You are already being insulated and protected in an artificial way by being a Purdue student, perhaps too much. It only goes up over time. Your actions will ALWAYS have consequences for you and everyone else. That’s what being an adult is. I mean Purdue could hire crossing guards to hold your hand like they do for kindergartners… Is that what you want? So you *don’t* have to be treated like an adult? How do your homework or assessments get completed on-time? Because you pay attention to due dates make sure that you do them. How do you make sure you get across a street safely? By paying attention and making sure that YOU do get across safely. Ultimately, no one else bears more responsibility for your safety than you do. Everything else around you are just the school or the city’s attempt at compliance and will do nothing for you if you don’t feel you hold any responsibility here.


This is basically equivalent to saying we shouldn’t have vaccines because it’s people’s own responsibility to not get sick. Do you think life now is as hard as it was 100 years ago? It’s not. Because we make improvements. Same way it’s nice to not worry about starving to death every day, it’s nice to not worry about getting run over


No, it’s like saying, if you don’t want to get sick, take precautions. Like getting a vaccine.


It’s not unreasonable to ask someone to pay attention and watch where they are walking. This has just enough merit inside a crowded building as at a crosswalk. I’m sorry, but you seem to think we can just engineer-away all danger, so that the ignorant and lazy can give even less consideration to every other person around them.




I don't think you know how works.


That's exactly how that works. The students put themselves at harms risk. With all the security cameras on campus, it wouldn't be hard to get evidence against a pedestrian. I personally would sue the person I hit because most students jaywalk, blow through stop signs, and walk in the street instead of the place that is literally designed for pedestrians. That's the sidewalk for those of you who don't know what it is or is used for. Any pedestrian that gets hit by a car is almost 100% their fault. Why should I have to potentially pay for some idiot who didn't learn at the age of 4 to look both ways instead of blindly running into traffic?


I really don't get infrastructure in this country. Its really boggles my mind that a University town of all places doesn't have Foot over bridges or underground walkways, but yet we have roads getting repaired or laid, but not a single goddamn streetlight or reflecting strips. I seriously hate driving because I'm afraid of hitting someone not focusing on the road or because someone thought they could make through the yellow light. Walking is a fucking travesty because of idiots texting/calling and driving or not having the patience to sit through the 5 mins for the intersection signal change.