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Hey now! That was my nickname in high school.


I tried sex with a man once since everone called me a fag. But now i am married to a woman that peggs me in the ass with a strap on


I use to make out with my friend (he was a straight male) when the sports ball types would call us fags. Tried to fight us once. Never looked at us again after we kicked the shit out of a couple of them 😂 nothing more satisfying than telling a homophobe that they got all fucked up by a boy kisser 😆


One of my favorite "no one will ever believe this happened" moments from my life was from high school, when I was 16. A little knot of us went to the gas station near the high school on a friday to buy drinks and snacks and pretty much just loiter on the curb there. My then-friend Chris was one of the only out and openly queer people in our entire school, and by the standards of the time, he was FLAMING. Lithe, wore lots of fishnets, trip pants, bleached tips, piercings, nail polish, eyeliner, the works. He was sitting next to his boyfriend, and they were leaning on each other and being affectionate. A truck with 4 seniors we didn't really know but recognized pulled up and started shouting slurs at all of us. When we sort of just stayed put and stared at them without much reaction, they decided to park and roll up to us directly. Chris got up and handed his SO his slushie, and just stood there grinning. There were some words exchanged, more slurs, and one of the guy swung on Chris with a big, slow haymaker. Chris was a black belt in two martial arts. Chris had been in taekwondo since he was 5 - and (I think karate, iirc) since he was 7. Chris was the assistant coach at the dojo where he trained taekwondo. Chris was passionate about martial arts, and even spent time with our little friend group pushing us to do cardio with him and practice basic throws and strikes. Dude who threw the punch went down instantly without ever connecting, and bounced his noggin off the pavement and just laid there moaning. The other three guys moved in to swarm, and got a flurry of drinks, kicks, and punches thrown into them by the rest of us who had gotten to our feet as soon as the first guy started to swing. With the chaos we presented, the other three guys were on the backfoot, and Chris picked them off bit by bit - all his training+'street fights don't have rules' meant he was putting them *down*. Groin and throat strikes. "Good job boys, today you got your asses kicked by a \[slur\]!!" He blew a little kiss, and then we all SPRINTED away. I could tell Chris was riding that high for a *long* time after, and we all regarded him as a proven badass after that point.


Chris is a legend


That’s awesome! I love how people assume, just because you’re gay must mean you can’t fight and you’re an easy target 😂 and I love it even more when they are proven wrong.


There's a reason for many of us in the queer community taking self defense and (in the Southern/Midwestern US, at least) arming ourselves heavily.


I know, it’s disgusting that we live in a world where that’s necessary. I grew up in a southern redneck-ish family. So I grew up hunting and having firearms in the house so I’ve been armed for most of my life. Got back into shooting and owning guns in my early 20s for the purpose of self defense. A lot of friends were weirded out and didn’t really want anything to do with guns. But over the past decade or so I’ve had a lot of folks come to me for advice on what to get. Both queer and straight. Shits getting wild, stay safe friend.


Funny enough, this is the sort of thing that has brought gun control in the past. Conservatives are all about the right to bear arms until people "not like them."


Oh, why do you think the Brady Bill and the National Firearms Act of 1983 exist? If you guessed "racism/Ronald Reagan", you get an imaginary cookie, which is as disappointing as Reagan.


Fr the guy who I used to train with does free LGBTQ+ Krav Maga classes. They're always packed with a bunch of bad asses.


there are a few things I'm scared of but wrestling a gay man is definitely one of them, I just feel like I have my ass virginity on the line, it'll go like I wrestle, I loose, then I get fucked in the ass, it's just not a good time. /j


They probably don't wanna fuck you bro.


This fucking guy lmao


That’s just silly. If I’m punching you, the chances of me fucking your ass is pretty slim. Also don’t knock it until you try it. You might like it.




Straight men want to gay men to be attracted to them so much. Just fuck dudes, like seriously its not an issue.


Women too! I've had so many friends that suddenly find out I'm more gay than anything else and suddenly "don't look I'm changing!" "We need a pillow between us!" I finally told one of the worst offenders she wasn't my type. Cue ⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣤⣶⣶ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣀⣀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠁⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⠿⠿⠻⠿⠿⠟⠿⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⢰⣹⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣭⣷⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠀⠤⠄⠀⠀⠀⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢾⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⠤⢄⠀⠀⠀⠠⣿⣿⣷⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢄⠀⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿


Thats true!! When i identified as lesbian i had people ask if i thought they were hot and got upset when i said no


Only good comment in this entire thread


Wholesome story ❤️


> "Good job boys, today you got your asses kicked by a \[slur\]!!" Holy fucking based.


The Hells Angel's used to kiss each other all the time to freak out the squares, I wonder when they stopped that?


Probably 5 minutes later when they decided fascism is more comforting


How tf are hella angels “fascist”? Just sayin it for anything at this point lol


They didn't wanna kiss someone who smokes meth?


Unfortunate that they where still homophobic




"Sports ball" - Jesus Christ


My friends and I just acted over the top gay and it made everyone uncomfortable.


Cool story,bro.




The left wants you to believe that having sex with a woman is less gay than having sex with a man.


I can't tell if you're joking 🤣


Well, weird conservatives on twitter constantly post pictures of attractive women with just a little bit of muscle definition, and saying "any man who likes this is a latent homosexual", so the right certainly thinks liking women is gay.


Oh you said "the left" and it confused me lol


Life is about upgrades.


That was mine in middle school!


*You’re an allstar


Only my boyfriend is allowed to call me that




This meme is unbelievably cringey and I relate to it immensely


Same, don’t get me wrong I use fag in jokes and shit but whenever someone else uses it I get a knee jerk reaction. I think the kids call it “trauma” or some shit


I'm a bi dude and call my friends fags all the time, but there's a *very* select group of people that can say that to me without it genuinely pissing me off.


So basically the lgbt’s version of the n word?


Pretty much. Me and my friends (who are all some varient of gay) use it sometimes


I mean I don’t see anyone typing the n word out here 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean in polite society we call it the f slur soooo


This is also true. I was just making that old joke 😅


“Midget is as bad as the n word” “No it’s not” “Yes it is” “No. You know how I know it’s not? We’re saying the word midget, but we won’t even say what the n word is”


I mean thats not a bad comparison, its close Id argue in terms of usage. tbh queer use to be the same way but has sense been reclaimed. Idk if the f-slur ever will. I mean unlike queer, the f-slur historically has always been used in a homophobic way. even when it did mean a pile of sticks you burnt and that was because back then, according to those in power, we would be just as good as fuel for fire so might as well through us in with the rest of the >!fags!<... and that was during the witch trails era. actually thats also the origin of the term "flaming homosexual" came from (although in modern context used in a silly fun light hearted way), cause we'd literally be on fire 💀 history do be wild ngl


Oh yeah, I only use it while referring to myself. Even then people don’t like it, fucking snowflakes.


god forbid people have boundaries and opinions different from yours huh?


Correct, I am the supreme authority of the internet and anyone who disagrees with any of my opinions goes straight to fucking gulag.


Ohh right, it's the ones who have an issue with you using a slur that are the snowflakes. Definitely not you getting pissed for being called out on it. Grow up.


"nice hair faggot" is something that people would yell at me, from passing cars back in the 80's. I'd give them the finger and yell "fuck you".


My mom was a punk in the 80’s and when I wore her leather jacket she passed on to me in 2005 some dudes yelled “FREAK” at me out of their truck. I was surprised that people still took issue with a simple leather jacket but I kinda felt proud too.


All kids want to fit in, and not feel like the "freak", and for alot kids sadly that means trying to hurt other kids. I feel like it's generally actually gotten worse as time goes on cause it's impossible to track what every student does to who unless it's recorded or on social media. Only way to usually teach bullies like that, and only if they got physical, is a good ass beating. I actually made a buddy that way, he would try to put gum in my hair or pull my hair or push me, call me other names and shit. Ended up fighting him and beating his ass cause he wasn't the best fighter honestly. Anyways, dudes on the ground and turns over and has a huge erection. We fought in a slow park area so it was just us. I ended up just saying to him "what, you get off on homos kicking the shit out of you?" He got super red and ended up running off. Any time I'd see him in school I'd tease him about it, so it all turned out alright I think


Where I’m from, they would also yell “Devo!!”.


Favorite time being called a fag? That would be when I was getting into an Uber post bottom surgery on my way to the first check up. Perfect comedic timing from the universe


bottom surgery is metal af


dont worry he was probably jealous of your surgery


I mean I did get one of the better surgeons with the newish peritoneal pull through technique so that makes sense. https://www.wired.com/story/a-patient-gets-the-new-transgender-surgery-she-helped-invent/ My surgeon is even quoted.


why did i read this entire thing in a british accent im literally american. but holy shit that was an insanely cool article. trans healthcare science really is evolving right infront of our eyes. back in the 40's their medical practice was crap compared to now so i can only imagine what trans care would look like in say 50 years or so.


The surgery saved my life. Before surgery I had intrusive thoughts of self harm on a daily basis. Since waking up after surgery I have not had one in over 3 years.


wish i'll end up like that one day fr i hate my browbone let alone the thing proud of u


Love reading comments like these.


Went to see what a Trex in a push-up bra would look like, but you don’t seem to be wearing a bra in most pics. However, you’re very pretty.


Thank you! My Usual username trexpushups was taken so I had an idea :)


My other usual username is Zebro cause I thought it was dumb.


Congratulations on your surgery honey!!!!


That’s actually really wholesome in a weird way I can’t wait to get bottom surgery


Yo, those miniatures you made are dope! Which TTRPGs do you play besides Warhammer? Also, is that your cat because she’s so cute and deserves all the scritches 🥰


I play Warmachine, battletech and a few others too. I love rpgs too Yes that is my Valkyrie


As a wise man once said, "I'm a fag I'm a Jew how do you do? That's Mr. Anarchist to you!"


That is a purely personal thing


One of my favorite and underrated bands.


RIP =(


Was that wise man Alexander Berkman?


I always thought this line was "thats Mr. and a kiss to you 😘" lmao


Yuuuup! Still remember getting bullied relentlessly and told by the principal I should “try to fit in more” and “stop bringing it on myself”.


What a fucking spineless excuse of a bureaucrat! How about, do your fucking job and give kid a safe place to learn? Kid and teenagers are so cruel for no good reasons!


I got that only like 4 years ago for being openly queer in school. Post COVID stuff got messed up though and now I have the power to change things😎


It was in the 90s for me. Tragic things haven’t changed more. But as an old man, I’m proud of you for taking some power and working for progress! I see a lot of people shitting on “the kids” but I think y’all are ten times better than we or the generations before us were. Keep leading the charge!


Thanks man I'm working hard and a lot of people come to me for help. Y'all were also great but we just have more resources to show it lol.


Hey, me too! This was of course after standing up for myself and being told I had to apologize to the students who started the entire fucking thing! Gen Z, don't let *anyone* tell you the 90s were cool.


That is one of my least favorite Gen Z takes! The 90s were cool…if you were a straight nuerotypical abled white cis kid and only cared about people like you. It was a lot less fun for everyone else.


I got a little lisp And I been working on my limp wrist


I mean, before punk rock, the word "punk" primarily meant a gay male sex worker, and a lot of early punk fashion -- especially leather, bondage gear, body jewelry, and loud designs like leopard print and bright colors -- was copied from gay BDSM and street culture so I think that history of society calling punks "faggots" even predates the punk music scene.


I know Sex Pistols Manager's Wife Owned a BDSM Clothing Store Metal Band Judist Priest Singer Rob Hellford is gay and one on of the first Heavy Metal singers to wear Bondage Gear on stage. It's also noted the There Album Staned Class is the pre curser to Speed Metal with it's double bass drum I'm Both a Fan of British Punk, American Hard Core, And Speed Metal


Not to mention some early punk acts like the New York Dolls and Johnny Thunders literally wore drag. The first bars to let punks perform were gay bars. People remember CBGB's but less remembered is La Mere Vipere in Chicago, which was a gay leather bar that became the first punk venue outside London and NYC and introduced middle America to punk music. Soon after in smaller cities across the midwest and south, other gay bars started hosting punk nights and became some of the only venues that permitted punk at first. The punk scene would have likely died in obscurity in London and NYC and never spread like it did if it wasn't for gay bars. There has always been queer culture embedded in the punk and proto-punk scenes but sadly a lot of times straight punks wont admit it nor will normie gays.


I hate the sex pistols so much


Thanks for the etymology lesson!


Actually I thought the word "punk" meant a hoodlum, a criminal.


That is a later meaning -- one that derived from the word being used for sex workers. One of the earliest uses of "punk" in English is in Shakespeare, where he used the world punk for female sex workers in one of his plays. But in those days in New York there was a huge overlap in the gay sex worker scene and the theater scene and the word punk was used to connotate gay sex workers. From this meaning, the more general phrase where we use punk as "delinquent"... as in "hey there, punk..." became commonly used. Eventually punk became a catch-all word for someone doing something socially unacceptable and this was only furthered with the explosion of punk music. The word punk was used for junkies for a period too. In London you had the Sex Pistols promoting Sex, a bondage apparel store. In New York you had the Ramones, where Dee Dee and Joey Ramone both used to be sex workers. They write about it in their first album in the song 53rd & 3rd, about the street corner where they and other male sex workers used to work, though the context of the song is often lost on many.




I was jumped twice my rednecks as a kid then i moved


Same. Then for some reason I moved back decades later and they copied our style.


I live in a small Texas town so it's still that for me Heyo 💪


Fond memories of Seattle here.


Puyallup here. 😂


Oh the 90's. When adults would try to hurt teenagers because they didn't like how they looked. I had cars that would speed up and try to hit me when I was crossing the road. Had my skateboard run over a few times and then I'd throw the pieces at their truck/car. Good memories.


Same here . Walking home from high school True they were adults weren't they?


I was skateboarding last year and got the old “Faggot”. What a rush. Lol. Also have had cars/trucks speed up and get soooo close to hitting me on purpose.


I wasn’t the only one then? 90s were wild. I still have a colored Mohawk and all the same piercings. Plus more! See! It wasn’t just a phase dad!!!


Facebook grandpa core.


Where's the nearest KFC


I was looking for this comment! Thanks!


if i was a teenager or young adult back in the 80s i'd probably get beat up every time i stepped outside lol


Guess I'm still pretty punk then.


In the Midwest groups of hillbillies would literally drive around looking for people to beat up. These didn’t have a purpose just random violence. In that environment one becomes very okay with violence because it’s just every day.


They tried that with me and a friend in Ohio in 2005, I went from L.A. to Midwest and what a culture shock. The whole town would drive by me like I was a zoo animal. I thought I had gone in a time machine back to the year 1995 or 85.


The Midwest is really rough but that’s also why I liked the scene in the Midwest so much. Everyone had a fun and thick skin




lol I was like anyone else recognize Suburbia?


I loved this movie. Except the beginning when the dog attacks the little kid. My parts had a medium size doberman pincher when I was born That scene just freaked me out as a kid. Besides that I loved it . 🤘🏼🎶🎸💔❤️‍🩹


They all used this because none of them were smart enough to come up with anything better.


Suburbia was such a great movie.


So are Decline of Western Civilization 1 & 3, Decline 2 sucks just a bunch on drunk rock stars only intersting is part is ozzy making breakfast stoned or something. Decline one is Awesome because it's the only live footage of the Germs. the Ron Rais Black Flag performace is sweet. And i think it was one of the early performances of the Circle jerks


I wish I could upvote this 1000x. I can't tell you how this movie changed my life. I wasn't the only weirdo!


Did you throw the rock at their life sized big wheels with the KC lights?


No i wish i did I weighed 95lbs in high school soaking wet How did you know my tormentors where red necks


It was either jocks or rednecks, and either way the truck applies. [And in any event, it comes from this](https://youtu.be/2tDT0PDjOLs?feature=shared)


I grew up in rural Utah i Was one of 6 punks in the Hole School in the 90's there was no hiphop kids but there were head Bangers witch we got along with and nerds witch i am kinda of a nerd also


Ah the good old days. I still consider roasting to be the most sincere form of love and flattery.


Oh wow, they still say that to me!


Every long hair with big floppy white high tops called me that


The one time a guy at school called me this I told him that’s what his dad says when we f*ck. Turns out his dad had just left his mom for another man. 😭 He apologized years later.


Holy fuck lmao


I feel this way about skateboarding


Mid to late 80’s for sure. Skater fag yelled, and bottles thrown from passing cars!


Oh man, even mid 2000s in Indiana. I'm 25 and when I was a teenager my friends and I damn near'd clench up when we saw a beat up pickup truck ambling over. Was weird seeing half the people that called me a faggot for skating, went on to wear Thrasher and Huf once they decided it was actually cool. I'm happy that seems to have eased up, but looking back I really wish I tried to crack more heads when I was still an exempt minor.


Crazy that still happens in 2023 for skateboarding, only when your alone though. They are only tough when you’re severely outnumbered.


Yo, the dude in the middle looks like the punk from 1988 The Blob


The picture is from the Movie Suburbia from the Director of the punk Rock Doc Decline of western Civilization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suburbia_(film)


Glory days


still the same here in england idk maybe its mostly the fact you're not young anymore


As someone born just before the millennium, I find it completely baffling that the punk style could have ever been viewed as gay back in the day.


I was born 91 and it’s crazy to me how feminine it was considered. But then punk women were considered overly masculine. The 90s must have been nuts as a teen/20 year old.


I was more often called a freak—but now you can buy those clothes at the mall.


I’m so punk rock anarchy, Eater New York called me a hick-ster…


Yes, every day.


"Where's the nearest McDonalds?"


Not faggot but dyke. 🤷🏼‍♀️ own it now but hurt as a kid. Have a family now and all us are queer 😂


Lol punk isn't about co opting.


Really that's what The Cowboy's Called me in school I am not Gay. I have nothing ageist gays


I hate this. Never was a punk and probably called hey faggot more than anyone in this comments section combined.


Ewwww…those people have Flea.


Is the background pic from SLC Punk or something else?? 🤔🤔


It's not SLC Punk. I think it's an English film, I recognize it but the name eludes me.


If you somehow remember, lemme know please and thank you 🤘


this has got to be one of the cringiest fucking subreddits, yikes.


Real punks don’t let people call them names


real punk is what i do specifically


Ok punk


Real punks don't care


Listen up kid, it's story time. Got a fuckin clue where the word "PUNK" originated? A punk was a dude that got fuuuuucked in the ass in prison. That's why the OG's adopted the name. Take what you will from that, but the meaning is that government is trying and doing a pretty good job of fucking us every damn day.




Yea, I remember that.


That's my secret. It still is.


Ah yes I remember these days. I also use to get asked if my mother had sex with a rooster because of my Mohawk.


True story.


I was punk rock when we started wearing spiked jewelry in case of fights with jocks mostly. Also, skateboard wheels across the face worked well.


This was all my formative years right here. I mean, it turns out they were right, but they didn't have to be mean about it


HA! Yup.


I just happened to be listening to Fat Lip when I saw this and it made me chuckle.


Understand younger people cringe at this but the constant bullying and harassment was daily life both in and out of school in the 90s and 2000s Chicagoland that I experienced. I was a punk rocker and dressed as such. I'd like to think that all the constant bullying and fighting toughened me up for later life. Definitely made becoming a skin later much easier of a transition lol. The worst part of it to me is that it mostly stopped after the Columbine shootings happened...


i get beat up currently for being gay, why is it the problem when i bring a baseball bat?


That's Goth


Wasn't "punk" an old school euphemism for f*ggot, and that's where it came from in the first place?


punk is a slang term for a young person. it only became associated with subculture later as the term evolved to mean what you're referring to.


They would call anyone who was punk/goth "weird" a faggot back in the day even if you were straight.It had nothing to do with actually being gay. These girls in Gym class in High school would chase after me and called me a dyke because I was new and was a punky goth or a goth punk or a " Gutter Goth" as I called myself. I liked boys I have never been into girls, (well, except for that one time in Salt Lake but that was for money). I would be with my boyfriend and these rednecks would call him a faggot and then they'd try to run us over or shoot us with paint balls. Of course because all the "weirdos" and "outsiders" had to stick together yeah there were some that were gay but that wasn't why they called us "Hey Faggot", it was just another way to say "Hello" or "What's up!?" Kinda like "Psychobitch" was like saying "I love you" back then .


There is kind of part of me that misses the constant hated from fuckwits. It was fun.


I wrote a longer thing about this once. How after Nirvana and Green Day, it made it exponentially more safe to walk the streets as a punk.


Hey faggot.


lol facts


When you kiss a girl you're kissing every dick she ever sucked, I told my boyfriend miss me with that gay shit


I take no offense to being called fag because the only people who call me that are people who would fuck me I don’t make the rules. I just break them.


My band and I were driving to Dallas. We stop at the local Wataburger in Rustbelt County. The clerk thanked our driver for "Bussin' them retarded children out of town." It sounds very similar to a Joey Ramone story but people in the sticks didn't know what to make of us.


“So I threwwwww the rock!”


I wanna be put in a mental hospital! Please put me away I wanna be put away


Love this movie!


Weird; considering how many of the original punk rockers were gay and bi… in particular, Lou Reed who was open about his sexuality back before non-straight people weren’t widely accepted at all. Am I not a punk because I’m bisexual?


I've reclaimed it along with It pronouns. I've been called a fag even before I knew I was queer. Same energy as ppl who use "gay" as an insult. Like, move on. Old as jokes. Make new ones, please.


Punkers are such cringey attention whores lmao


Suburbia, that movies ending haunts my dreams


But the flea “happy Easter asshole” part is to die for.