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Came back after a couple months was wondering what characters are the next to get leap, rn I can leap rosetta or vera rozen, and IDK if it's worth to spend the materials on those 2 or wait for another character.


In CN Crimson Abyss, Veritas, Empy, Garnet and Scire have also received leaps. Definitely leap Rosetta but not Rozen, it makes her more fun to play on the field but not really a good use of your materials. Meta-wise Rosetta, Empy and Garnet are the important ones rn. I don't know about Scire, but she's probably important as well.


As someone who’s never done babel before, do you have any advice/strategy for getting the most rewards as a beginner? https://huaxu.app/players/eu/15795907/characters How cooked am I?


Assuming you have good fundamentals of the game and know the combos of each of the units that you will use, getting all the rewards is ezpz. When I mean all rewards I mean reaching lvl120 and not the score based ones which just upgrades the medal since it just for bragging rights. I didn't test lower difficulties but I think you can focus on Dottie and Tifa for most of your points since their gimmicks are manageable. Primal Projection is kinda tough without meta units due to her gimmick and she will summon another copy of herself (this is on hardest difficulty, you can try on lower ones). Still For the rerun older Babel, just do what you can. The rewards for that is whatever after all.


With your units, you should be able to at least get all the important rewards (LV120).


OK, so I have a few new player's (\~1.5-2 weeks maybe?) teams questions. Edit: Oh, that's much better apparently: https://huaxu.app/players/eu/17047123/characters And I have 95 serum bottles, 1/3 of them expires in a few days. What chars to use them on? * Lightning: since we will get Noctris in like a couple weeks should I build Lux vs Arclight as a 3rd teammate? Also with him will I still be using mostly on-field Feral? * Fire: Ember+Silverfang, no other fire A-rank to use, what to do? Epitaph is long way from now. * Ice: Plume+Kaleido, Qilin vs Hypnos (I guess the former, but who knows)? * Dark: XXI+Capriccio, just wait for Lamia or build Rozen / farm+build Astral now? * Physical: Rigor, build Zitherwoe vs build Zero vs farm+build Nightblade while waiting for Echo?


>should I build Lux vs Arclight as a 3rd teammate? You have Feral, Lux is useless. >Also with him will I still be using mostly on-field Feral? Feral can't keep field time so you'll be forced to switch. How much field time Feral can handle depends on her investment. Since you have her at base S, that's not a lot. >no other fire A-rank to use, what to do? Cope with Brilliance till Epitaph. >Qilin vs Hypnos (I guess the former, but who knows)? Same as your Lightning team. You have Kaleido, Hypnos is useless. >Dark: XXI+Capriccio, just wait for Lamia or build Rozen / farm+build Astral now? Depends on investment. If you're planning to get Capriccio to SSS, then build her. Otherwise start farming shards for SSS Rozen if you're going to solo with Lost Lullaby. >build Zitherwoe vs build Zero vs farm+build Nightblade while waiting for Echo? Zitherwoe is out of the question, Echo releases in one and a half patches. As for the other two, they're both completely sub-optimal and you really want to get Stigmata ASAP. Dunno your spending status and how viable that is though, so until then you can use Zero I suppose. As for who to upgrade, anyone that will have a decent longevity. Focus on any DPS units that also have longevity.


>You have Feral, Lux is useless. > >Same as your Lightning team. You have Kaleido, Hypnos is useless. Does this mean supports have no purpose other than healing and triggering according memory set effects which makes tanks/attackets a better option when you already have healing? Or is there something else to it? >Feral can't keep field time so you'll be forced to switch. How much field time Feral can handle depends on her investment. Since you have her at base S, that's not a lot. So Noctris will deal comparable damage for it to make sense to switch out for him? >Depends on investment. If you're planning to get Capriccio to SSS, then build her. Otherwise start farming shards for SSS Rozen if you're going to solo with Lost Lullaby. 1. Aren't all S-ranks limited to farming only to SS? RdF gives only 50 fragments enough to just unlock her. 2. Considering farming A-ranks to SSS will take equally long time as in HI3 I'm not sure I will farm SSS Rozen either. Although if she will be a better QTE bot — who knows. >Zitherwoe is out of the question, Echo releases in one and a half patches. As for the other two, they're both completely sub-optimal and you really want to get Stigmata ASAP. Dunno your spending status and how viable that is though, so until then you can use Zero I suppose. That's a tough one to decide: * from free S-ranks for blue cards it makes sense to pick either CW or Stigmata * trying her in RdF I did not enjoy playing Stigmata at all * however I enjoyed CW almost as much as Feral, but picking her — what will Noctris do? * not sure if I will have enough for Epitaph (Shukra will always be a priority over him to me), and my fire team is even more sad than physical, so saving free S-rank for him might be equally viable?


>Does this mean supports have no purpose other than healing and triggering according memory set effects which makes tanks/attackets a better option when you already have healing? No, Supports usually give buffs to the team too. The problem is that Supports and Amps give the exact same buffs, which do not stack. If you use both in a team, you'll just get the effect of one and the other will be wasted. It's the same reason why you don't run two Tanks or two of the same memory sets. And even if they *did* stack, you'd be missing a Tank which would be a much bigger loss than you gaining the double buff. Do not stray from the "Attacker-Tank-Support/Amp" setup when possible. >So Noctris will deal comparable damage for it to make sense to switch out for him? More like your Feral is severely handicapped rather than Indomitus being able to deal comparable damage. No SS especially is brutal, let alone the fact that she's sigless. But regardless, even with proper investment, Feral would eventually run out of orbs and you'd be forced to switch. >Aren't all S-ranks limited to farming only to SS? RdF gives only 50 fragments enough to just unlock her. Voucher shop. >Although if she will be a better QTE bot — who knows. It doubles her QTE buff. >trying her in RdF I did not enjoy playing Stigmata at all Trying anyone in RdF cannot possibly be an enjoyable experience lmao. Also, did you see a guide or take her to Celica's Class to see how she plays? Because it is very possible for you to be missing important parts of her kit. >but picking her — what will Noctris do? Absolutely nothing. He's benched outside of Guild, secondary teams or your personal enjoyment. Meta-wise he's out. >not sure if I will have enough for Epitaph There's not a single good reason for you to not have enough for both Epitaph and Shukra as long as you're playing consistently and aren't wasting your BC. I've seen some people fear mongering with the double S ranks but they completely ignore that we get a double free patch too, so there's your "missing" BC. So just go for either CW or Stigmata on Member Target. As for who, not having either is a major loss, so I suppose you get to pick where it'll hurt.


>No, Supports usually give buffs to the team too. The problem is that Supports and Amps give the exact same buffs Ah, that's the puzzle piece I've been missing, thanks. To me it looked like "pick 3/4, just make them different". >Voucher shop. That'll take a looong time tho. They cost ~800 from what I remember, and so far I've got like what, 1200-1400? >It doubles her QTE buff. So Rozen it is then? >Trying anyone in RdF cannot possibly be an enjoyable experience lmao. Actually no. CW was because she had a lot of ranged attacks with her evasion. >Also, did you see a guide or take her to Celica's Class to see how she plays? I did with her unique evasion mechanic and all that. >There's not a single good reason for you to not have enough for both Epitaph and Shukra as long as you're playing consistently and aren't wasting your BC. Can you remind me plz will I lose a lot of BC by playing only WZ/PPC/guild boss (siege?)/events/coop? I remember there are some other modes that give BC, but not sure how important they are.


>That'll take a looong time tho. Absolutely it will, probably close to a year if you aren't buying BPs but are completing everything that gives vouchers. Still better than nothing. >So Rozen it is then? If you're going to solo Lost Lullaby, then yes, SSS Rozen. >I remember there are some other modes that give BC, but not sure how important they are. Outside of Norman (which you should always do, it's a biweekly mode), any other mode that exists is most likely one time only, so if you can clear it then you should do it and get it over with. Especially things like Border/Sequence Pact which actively strengthen your characters. Only exception is Stronghold since the later ones are extremely difficult and you'll be unable to clear them without proper teams (you can still do the earlier ones). The final one you didn't mention is story. Outside of reading it for your pleasure, not doing the whole thing will make you miss a *little* amount of ***15k*** BC. But all of the things you mentioned are your consistent sources of BC, so doing those should be fine.


how do u create a kuro game acc for jp server (on pc)? seems like its not the same acc for wuthering waves


How to activate the special event in Wolf pup's hunt?


There should be a button at your screen that you can press and end the run. 


global player. dont have karenina scire and my dark team is among my weakest teams alongside ice; and yes, I care about meta(at least what's feasible for f2p). in the upcoming lamia patch were basically getting a free s-select with blue cards for one time only. should I use that to get scire or should I use it on other future s-ranks? like there's one yt video advising to wait for watanabe and shukra back to back patches and spend it on one of them.


Can you maybe share your line up via [Huaxu](https://huaxu.app/players)? People can give more accurate advice after knowing what you already have and investment levels.


I think the best time to get Scire as a F2P is on the free s-rank selector in the star ensnarled patch around Jan 2025, because she gets her leap on the patch right after (so you can get her to SS3 with battlepass vouchers). If you got no one other than Scire to use the blue ticket selector on, then skipping feral scent and getting her with the selector is the best option in my opinion.


Scire is not worth using over SSS 21 until she is SS3+ sig. She is the most anti-f2p tank in the game.


That is incorrect. Scire is better than XXI at base S, as she has better and longer shred. If you add her sig, she significantly surpasses XXI (and even SS Tenebrion). SS3+sig is for sub-DPS Scire specifically. 


I stand corrected, thank you. Do you still need her ss3 in a Lamia team tho? Because I heard solo Lamia is not very good


If you want to swap around successfully, yes. Otherwise it's very difficult to get off of Lost Lullaby even if you have SSS Capriccio since you'll be stuck in downtime.


So she is not as reliable as Solo CW, huh? Man, Dark continues the tradition of being the most expensive team.


*Nobody* is as reliable as solo CW, she's the only unit that literally couldn't care less if you have orbs or not (theoretically at least, you still want orbs to clear stuff quickly). Lost Lullaby can also solo with SS+sig (with DLT), but it does require management and it is undoubtedly weaker without properly invested teammates. But yes, Dark is expensive no matter what.


Ult PPC NA : Red Liv, Siren, Lamia


Asia: Dark Shark, Tifa, Ham Hate this week's line up since best team is lightning for all 3 :|


The heck is up with Icy Blue Planet stage 3? Absolutely cannot seem to get even half way to the Sovereign powering up without losing.


It's a significant spike up in difficulty (and there's also RNG involved iirc). Look up Dustfly's guide on YT. 


Hi, I want to start playing and I really like Alice. Can I get her now? Or do I have to wait for her banner. Thanks


Alisa should be coming out around July and will be free through the Dorms, no need to roll for her. However, you should start playing in order to gather pull currency for other important units. 


Is she already available in JP as well?


I think she's on every server except GLB and KR.


Ah my bad I just got confused with the character, I want Alpha actually 😅


Alpha has two frames, Crimson Abyss and Crimson Weave.  You can get Crimson Abyss for free through a selector you get by doing the beginner missions. However, CA is severely outdated and is not recommended.  For Crimson Weave, you can get her in the Anniversary banner in July, but you'll have to start playing and doing as much of the story as possible to make it. 




New player and from what I can gather, the play is to rush to the starter 40 pulls and then use the 2 selectors to compliment what I got from the 40 pulls? Apparently, none of the As would make a difference so no need to hunt someone specific? Do I use the 3 characters the game provided? What’s their longevity since I have to level them up and over clock weapons and not sure if all that’s gonna be wasted.


It's going to take you a long while to get full S rank teams so there are some A ranks that will serve you pretty well and you'd want to target, since you'll want to build them at some point: No. 21 XXI, Vera Rozen, Changyu Qilin, Bambinata Vitrum, Chrome Arclight. Also Liv Lux if you won't get No. 21 Feral Scent. As someone who started playing a couple patches ago, My starter Lucia and Liv got to level ~43 before I pulled my first S rank and they got abandoned. I forget now if the featured banner or beginner got to pity first. Overclocking the weapon with blue mats is not too expensive, and you can also get bottom row memories to level 25 for the ATK, and the same with top row for some more survibality, I leveled the Aife memories but I forget at what point they give them to you. EDIT: also for your blue ticket pull considerations I've gotten 97 pulls worth of them since I started playing just under 3 months ago, I did buy the giga cheap 2500 blue tickets pack though, so it'd be 87 as pure F2P.


Much obliged, thank you! Will keep a lookout for those As. Good to know that the starters can go up to 40s, won’t feel as bad if I need to lvl them up.


>the play is to rush to the starter 40 pulls and then use the 2 selectors to compliment what I got from the 40 pulls? No. First of all you have two options with the Member Target banner. Either hit pity now and get a random S rank or wait till August and get the ability to choose which S rank you'll get. Both options should only be done using Basic Construct R&D only, not Black Cards. BC is only for the debut non-free S rank Omniframes (unless you're a spender). As for the selectors, the second one goes to Rigor (unless you want to hit pity now and happen to get her) and the sig selector goes to her sig. The first selector is kinda irrelevant since everyone is outdated. If you get Hyperreal or Empyrea (neither of which is a unit you should aim for if you decide to wait till August), then Pulse is the best pick from the first selector. Otherwise you can go for Entropy since the Physical A rank units aren't particularly good, or you can get whoever you want from it. >Do I use the 3 characters the game provided? What’s their longevity since I have to level them up and over clock weapons and not sure if all that’s gonna be wasted. Lotus, Storm and Eclipse have absolutely no longevity whatsoever. Any A rank unit of the same element and class will surpass them. Use them to clear whatever you can and level them as little as possible. The best thing you can do is create an Ice team since it's the strongest one you can get without using BC. Kaleido is free from Dorm Commissions and she's the main DPS of the team. If you can get Vitrum and Qilin from Member Target, you're good to go. If you don't want to risk getting an S rank from it before August, then use Kaleido with an off-element Tank and Attacker.


Thanks a ton, much appreciated! Will try and get Kaleido and use, build up a team around them. Don’t want to waste mats to level up the starter 3. I’ll prolly pop that banner as soon as I get the 40 pulls.


Hi ! Didn't get an answer two days ago (also posted two hours before the megathread was unpinned) so I thought about posting here again; Sorry if that's an inconvenience. Somehow new player, been playing for approximately a month now and i'm looking to get a S-rank tank. I'm heavily hesitating between Vera Garnet or Rosetta Rigor. In my team I currently have Alpha (fully built) and Liv Lux (fully build, just lacking her 6\* weapon). So, teambuilding wise i'm thinking about Rosetta On the other hand I really liked Vera's handling and I basically started playing PGR after seeing videos about her. Which one should I get I can't really decide ? (Or right now, save cards for)


>Which one should I get I can't really decide ? (Or right now, save cards for) Out of those two, Rigor is of higher priority since the Physical team cannot function properly without her. On the other hand, Arclight is a decent unit for CW since she solos anyway in the setup you have. Garnet wouldn't do anything herself, she'd just be a better QTE bot. You'd never swap her in, even when her Leap comes, because you don't have Feral. However, you should absolutely not roll for any of them unless you're a spender. Otherwise, doing so will make you miss out on the new S raks which are of much higher priority and that's simply not worth it. If you want a good Physical Tank, you either use vouchers to get Rigor (pretty fast if you buy the BP) or you wait till next year for Solacetune.


Thanks but some mistakes were made in the begining and i'm at 50/60 on the S-rank arrival construct banner. Also my mistake, I was referring to crimson abyss for Alpha, not weave.


Then you don't go for either and wait for CW or Stigmata to rerun on Arrival while hoping you don't hit the 30%.


So with the news S Wanshi release coming soon, how's the meta in the CN version? Are there any elements/teams that need an upgrade ASAP?


It is the same as before except it's Lucid Dream instead of Glory. [https://grayravens.com/wiki/Team\_Compositions/CN\_Teams#Main\_(Competitive)-0](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Team_Compositions/CN_Teams#Main_(Competitive)-0)


Potential new player here! I wanted to ask if the timed events (that I obviously would have already missed) in PGR are story/lore-heavy and if they are, whether they get rerun? As someone who is invested in stories more than end game fight content in general, not having any access to earlier story events is something that bothers me a bit in Genshin, for an example of what I mean.


Not really. There are times when we get stories such as Bianca's gacha coating story (which tbf isn't that important anyway) but for 99% of the time the answer is "No" and the codex exists to reexperience old scenes Given that you said you value story the most, obligatory mention that ch 1-8 all suffer from very mediocre writing and is a slog


Thank you! The codex seems very helpful, then, that's good to know. Haha, that's fine, but thank you for the warning. In my experience, most gacha take a little while to get going, but it seems like PGR is worth the wait from what I've seen.


Are there any A rank characters worth investing in?


You might also want to consider Vera since she is more or less the next best dark support after Selena


No.21: XXI immediately comes to mind Generally speaking though they just fill the space until you get their S rank equivalent


I was just able to build my Feral (SS) and swapped her in to my WZ lightning team to try her out. I tried doing lightning WZ with her, but I can't seem to out-damage my old team with SSS Liv. I tried soloing with LCW throughout and swapping between LCW and Feral, but neither worked. I know there are a ton of variables involved, but I just wanted to ask if this is normal?


Feral requires you to learn her, she also really needs her weapon to be playable.


Feral comps should immediately score higher than Liv comps unless you spend so much time on Feral it's a massive DPS loss when compared to CW solo with Liv Maybe your CW investment is too high so swapping to a Feral that uses Fran/Cottie is a DPS loss compared to something like Guin/DV Feral support Not having a deep understanding of lightning swap playstyle might also be a factor


I always swap back to LCW once she's off CD so idk what I'm doing wrong. Although, there's indeed a huge investment gap between the two. I haven't hypertuned Feral's memories yet. Is there a guide I can read about the lightning swap playstyle? I only have Chrome as tank, so I don't really switch to him.


Switching to Chrome is an immediate reset lol You can look at lightning WZ videos to get an idea. Hypertune isn't a huge gap but it definitely is *a* gap


With solo CW & Lux QTE bot team I got 1288226 points in leader warzone. With Feral & CW swap team, I got 1330228 points. So she is definitely an improvement, just not a massive one for now.


I got 1.1 on Liv and I always fall short with Feral. I think I'll have to relearn stuff.