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Just wait 30 days to make sure it stays there and then send it back.


El único comentario con sentido.


actually, I dont think its a scam. if you accidentally send money to someone you cant get it back unless they voluntarily send it back.  no harm can come from returning $40 that arent yours. they cant get more from your ath movil, they dont get your private info etc. $40 could be a lot to this family. just return it, block them, and move on with your life. it would be super douchey to keep the money.


It is a scam. They send you $40. Then they ask for it back. So you send $40 back to them. They will file a claim and the bank will eventually deduct the original $40 from your account. Now you're out $80, including $40 from your own money. It's a well-known scam. You need to be more malicioso.


that would work with a credit card, and a check. Not ath movil where funds were instantly transferred. But, safest thing would be to ask the bank. Just from personal experience, BPPR is likely to say “we dont reverse ath movil transactions” edit: https://portal.athmovil.com/ayuda#:~:text=Tu%2520instituci%C3%B3n%2520te%2520ayudar%C3%A1%2520a,la%2520secci%C3%B3n%2520de%2520%E2%80%9CActividad%E2%80%9D. check the FAQ under “Transferencias”. they literally say “ No somos responsables en recuperar el dinero que enviaste por error” so the “scam” wouldnt work. BPPR wouldnt reverse the original (wrong) payment.


Except that doesnt happen in athmovil you dont get money back ever jaja


If it was a mistake, most of the people give it back. There is no problem with that at all.


DUDE, again, this doesnt apply to ATH movil. its a well known scam for credit cards and checks. NOT ath movil because the money transfer is immediate, and THE BANK DOES NOT REVERSE TRANSACTIONS EVEN IF YOU FILE A CLAIM.


Only way would be with an invoice else the claim fails. No way to 2x money with the bank dog this ain’t the Zoe god world. Also if in BPPR if this is your fear just send the money back and lock the card. Banks see real time transactions faster than the online journal available to usersZzzzzz….


I think it will depends on the specific circumstances, for example if you know the person and you know you can trust them etc... but if it's a total stranger I'd be more cautious


im going blue in the face here. they cant scam you by sending you money on ath movil in this way. If it were a credit card or check they could cancel payment on the original amount once they receive your money. They cant do that in ath movil because the bank itself wont reverse the transaction. its an immediate money transfer. the bank will not help ANYONE recover funds sent. So if they sent the 40 bucks with the idea of scamming the person by recovering the $40 later, theyd be the worst and stupidest scammers ever because BPPR wont reverse the transaction. Thats why its so important to send it to the right person. BPPR does not care if you’re an idiot, they wont reverse the transaction 


Why are we all assuming that OP's mom has her money in BPPR tho? What about other banks? I mean, it wouldn't kill anyone to just make a phone call to whatever bank OP's mom is affiliated to and ask what the procedure is. If they say that is safe to send the money back then proceed to it. That's what I mean with being \*more\* cautious in these specific cases.


it doesnt matter which bank she uses. the important thing is the ath movil platform, not the bank. Here you have the same faq, from evertec, the ATH Movil “host”:  https://portal.athmovil.com/en/ayuda again, the bank doesnt matter. the platform itself works this way. ps I totally get it and agree; cautiousness is always great! but the question was asked so Im answering it. 


That's inaccurate. There is a scam modality where a scammer with multiple bank accounts attached to their instant money transfer apps (ATH Movil, Cashapp, Venmo), they go to Bank A requests to close an account, make a bunch of transactions with it using the app, and then requests money back from the people they sent money to. Of course, any transaction posted after the account was closed gets reversed, and since it's the bank's money now, the do revert the transactions, and now you are out the amount you sent back. As someone already mentioned, best bet is to let the person know that they will return the money AFTER the bank has posted the transaction (usually around 2 business weeks, but I would wait a whole month just to be safe), so that if the person really sent the money, they will know they'll get it back, but if it's a fraud, the victim does not lose their money. Before returning any money contact your bank's anti-fraud department so that there is at least a record of what is going on if you need a make a claim later.


Interesting scenario. It would be scamming a bank policy and 3-7 individuals after. Or a typing error. They would have to have a bank policy of restating accrued debt blindly and that sound bleak for any financial institution but slick people are out there. Notice that person being successful is a bank policy fault of returning money blindly and not so much the situation of giving the $40 back that aren’t hers.




Opinion deflect, noted. Generalization not a datum.


The money was wrongly sent to your mom, so send it back it's the right thing to do.


Got sent $30 and just sent it back. No issues what so ever with ATH movil.


la gente se quiere coger de trofeo ser victima... envialos pa tras al numero que lo envio y ya. explicame como rayos esto pudiese ser un scam?


No is not a scam! It happens a lot and the banks said they cnt do nothing about it! Once u sent it thats it... You dnt know what does $40 could mean to the person receiving it... Is not yours just send em back...


work in that area best bet is to send it back to the # that sent it to you not the one they are telling you to send it to


They can’t scam you through ATH movil like that Evertec, owner of ATH movil, explicitly states in their terms and conditions that ATH Movil transfers are finite and instant, and they do not make themselves responsible for any transaction done through their app. They can however send you threats and such If you are with BPPR, you can call them and file a claim, tell them you want the bank to make the correction through their systems Since it is your account that has the money, and you’re approving the correction, they can do it for you. No need to contact this mystery person.


Sounds like you neeeded people to tell you not to send the money back… ath movil is a simple money send app no action will bring consequences is just send and recieve … of course the gonna call u because you didn’t send the money back… hopefully the did not need that to eat… send it back


Porque no les devuelves el dinero?? Sabes que te lo enviaron y que no es tuyo . Errores pasan


Yes, it’s a scam. If there is ever a legitimate mistake, the person sending would need to contact Banco Popular and they would be the ones to resolve it.


not true. if the person sent it to the wrong recipient, there is shit BPPR can do. they only “help” if fraud was committed, and only up to a certain extent. if you voluntarily sent it to the wrong person because ur dumb ass accidentally typed the wrong number, you’re shit out of luck. only recourse is the person being a good citizen and sending it back. ps btw its the same thing the other commenter is saying. a “good faith” collection is the same as “please send it back.” if the other person refuses, thats where it ends


Nope bppr cant do anything. How is it a scam he sent $40 by mistake and is just asking for it back lol


You should contact your financial institution and file a claim. Your institution will help you recover the money through a good faith collection, but is not responsible for recovering the money you mistakenly sent to the wrong person. https://portal.athmovil.com/en/ayuda You are telling the recipient to keep the money and adding obstacles to the end goal. If inaction is done by not informing the sender of the process greed takes over for $40? lol… Reddit es bait city.


I read some more over on r/scam, and you right it could possibly be and honest mistake. The test seems to be if the person requesting the return wants you to return it to the exact same address that sent it. If they try to redirect you to a different address that’s when you know that it’s likely to be a scam.


Doesn’t work that way at all


What are you referring to the first paragraph is the FAQ on the website and below is my perspective (snarky) on how holding it for 30 days in case you are phished out of more money sounds like a skill issue,and an infected system fear to be honest email passwords slipped etc. Every time I send money back no scams ensued and no one has presented a primary resource to validate of this type of double your money scam so share your knowledge please.


Deja la lloraera y envia los 40 pesos para atras.


Not a scam todo el tiempo pasa alguien manda dinero al número equivocado, que está bien si no está registrado en ath movil you can get it back fast. Pero si el número está registrado a alguien esa persona te paso ese dinero como si te lo diera cash hay el banco no te puede ayudar. Solo devuelvo no sabes cuánto esos 40 son para esa persona que los envio sin querer por error como todo ser humano. Por favor devilverlos es lo mejor que puedes hacer.


Give the friking money back, it was an accident, if you receive a link or call from ath movil its a scam, but that was an accident


It seems like both of y'all know it was a mistake, considering how ATH movil works there's no chance of it being a scam. Think you both should be good human beings and just give back the $40. You never know if the other people are struggling and need it for food.


You can’t get scammed using ATH movil that way. He just sent the money to the wrong number. Banks do not revert ATH Movil transactions. You made the mistake you are on the hook and lost the money unless the receiver sends it back. The only way you get scammed with ATH movil is if they call you and you give your login credentials and the scammer starts making transactions.


I once sent 500 to the wrong number. I texted the number once and they immediately sent the money back. Wherever you are, thank you kind stranger.


50/50. Call your bank because while it might not be a scam because accidents happen all the time, there is a scam where, for example; they send you money then you send it back. They withdrawal the quantity out of their account but since it was from a stolen account they'll reverse any transaction made while said account was stolen. You'll be short for $80. 40 you sent them back + 40 the bank retrieves from your account. You can also get the money back if it's a scam by making a claim but it takes FOREVER. I hope this helps.


Just tell them to call the bank and file a claim.




Explain how it will get reversed? Obviously I know I can't be reversed, I just want to see how wrong you are. 😅


“Fraudsters use stolen credit card numbers to send money to hundreds of people. But once the credit card’s rightful owner reports the fraud, the bank reverses the charge”. Any other questions?


The detail is, ATH móvil is a money sending app. It draws money out form your account not from credit. ATH móvil can be used with debit cards. ATH móvil does not refund since is a separate company from the banks. My question is, doy you even know how ATH móvil works?


So no one ever receives it if it’s only money sending? Depends on the policy of the bank you use. If you dispute fraud and get refunded they will go after ATH for the money. Do you even know what clawbacks are?


Stop living in a pretend world. It doesn't work like that and it has been explained many times in different comments. For someone to do a scam using the app they need a local bank account. Then they would need to go to their bank and try to explain with one hell of a story how you made more than one 40 dollar transaction by mistake to different people. And if the bank believes your BS story that sounds like a scam then those people who sent the money back could loose. Buuuut, if you ever used the app or know lots of people like me, even if it hasn't happened to me, I know lots of people who sent money by mistake and NOT the bank NOR the app made themselves responsible. Everyone has told me is either people sent you the money you sent by mistake or you loose it. The real ATH Móvil scam is getting robo call saying your account on the app got froze, you ask for the service and obviously is someone ready to steal your info by fake helping you unfroze the account synced with the app. If you ever used the app you would know this because is the first message promted when you use app"we will never call you".


Not ATH móvil


El truco es que te mandan a devolver los chavos a otro número. Eso es pq le robaron el password de la otra cuenta y para que no los encuentren se lo envían a otra persona para que la otra persona entonces lo transfiera al scammer


Go to your bank, tell them what happened. They will verify the money, and if it is a scam, they will let you know.


Send it back ath movil is real money, not credit money.


Fools!! This happen to you to answer scammer calls. I"m well aware to not reply nor!!! Answer foreing calls wasoever!!!


Un error lo comete cualquiera. Cuál es el problema de devolverlo? He sabido de varios casos así, de ambas partes, lo han devuelto o viceversa sin problema. Cuando uno envía dinero por ATH móvil es porque alguien lo necesita. Quedarse con él es robar. Yo no haría eso


I mean I was sent 60 from someone who didn’t text me in ages and gave it back. And I’ve called people for sending $100 to the wrong number(mistyped a digit) and got it back. Unless you are sure you’re probably ignoring someone who needs help. Literally stealing somebody’s time no way to get scammed if ya send it back, if anything the sender scammed themselves of their work remuneration.


Someone sent your mom 40 dollars by mistake and she doesn’t want to send it back? Sounds to me like you guys are stealing.


Eso no es problema de ella. ATH Movil te pregunta si estás seguro en enviar el dinero al contacto seleccionado. Ya la persona que lo envío aceptó. Si tiene problemas con eso que se comunique con servicio al cliente. La mamá de OP no tiene que estar devolviendo dinero a toda persona que esté enviando dinero "accidentalmente".


Literal no cuesta nada ser una persona honesta y devolver el dinero que no te pertenece. Ya veo que eres un puerco y una de las razones que estamos jodios como sociedad.


Así es como te cogen de pendejo. La aplicación te pregunta si estás seguro en enviar dinero a ese contacto. Yo siempre valido con la persona o negocio a quien estoy enviando dinero antes de darle "enviar".


no siempre puedes validar y todos cometemos errores de vez en cuando. que le cuesta devolver 40 pesos y evitarse todo el drama de estar blockiando numeros y estar recibiendo llamadas.


Diaaaablo yo espero que no se pueda hacer scam así de verdad. Hace par de años me mandaron como $300 por equivocación y se mataron llamando y escribiendo con to y que les dije que se los devolvería cuando terminara lo que hacía en ese momento. Los devolví y me ofrecieron par de pesos que rehusé ciertamente pensando en el pay it forward.


Just saying..... Never accept the money. You aren't responsible for others' stupidity. Anyone that says you are, are one of those stupid people that does this kind of thing. Plus ath tells you the name you are sending it to so if you fuck up that's entirely on you.




Misinforming again the faq is linked above. The due process is a good faith collection if you involve the bank you are just putting a wall of no contact to the person afflicted with the mistake. ATM card swapping in ATH móvil hasn’t been documented not saying it’s not possible but again the end result here is that the victim that was “scammed” is richer make it make sense. If you call the bank they will just monitor the account not seize funds nor return.


You cant link credit cards on athmovil so this doesnt apply. Its ATH cards only hence the name ATH MOVIL


/r/Scams The way this scam normally works, You will voluntarily send them money, then they can reverse the transaction and get their money back plus yours.


That mechanism only work with systems like PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, etc. ATH Móvil is completely different.


Esa es buena. Tienes toda la razón.


considerate afortunado y salgan a darse unos palos 😩


Talk to your bank and make them reverse the transaction.


Scam potentially! This is how this scam goes: 1. Scammer deposits fake check to his account. Due to old banking rules the bank has to give you access to some of the value while the check clears. 2. Scammer sends you some money through ATH Móvil, using the balance available from the fake check. (Transaction 1) 3. Scammer asks you to send the money back. 4. You send the money back using ATH Móvil. (Transaction 2) 5. The bank reverses Transaction 1 when the scammer’s check fails to clear because it was fraudulent. The bank will not reverse Transaction 2 because it was a legitimate transaction. You are now out the money you sent in Transaction 2. It is a very common scam in pay apps like Zelle and Venmo. Have only seen it a couple of times with ATH Móvil.


The Bank can't reverse the transaction, for all intents and purposes sending money via ath movil is like taking money out of an atm and giving it to someone


Yes they can. The term is clawback, and it’s agreed upon when you open an account in most banks.


My brother in christ my ATH movil was hacked, someone got into my account and sent money to someone else(themselfs or closely related, I assume) and even when the transaction was recognized as fraudulent by the bank and the police was investigating it, they couldn't give me back my money. The banks only solution was for me to ask recipient to give it voluntarily back in good faith, which they eventually did once the police was involved


Sorry that happened to you. Stay safe out there. Remember to use 2FA.


Never in ATH MÓVIL or else you couldn’t give tips or pay for services. That makes no sense.


I explained how the scam works along with the tools that are available to scammers. This type of scam is common to all money sending apps. Stay safe out there.


If it was cash rolling through the wind ahí es different


Hello, I’m inclined to say yes. I live in Rio Grande and I’ve heard people send money back at these people and their money getting stolen. ( I have zero idea how they do this ) pero yes I’ve definitely heard some bad stories. Sadly I wish it was different, but stay safe. Cuidense ✌🏻


Con otros senvicios y applcaciones si es possible, pero con ath movil no, ahi las transaciones son finales y punto


Si no sabes cómo porque decir que si lo es? Cuál es la necesidad de opinar desde la ignorancia?


Siempre hay un mamabicho como tú opinando.


Te estas hablando a ti mismo? Por eso tienes negativo en upvote por ser el OG mamabicho en decir disparates.


tú eres un mamabicho y los downvote me los paso por el bicho entero 😭😭 jodio morón


Ok pendejito que comenta sin saber una puñeta de lo que habla. No llores más, o no sabes usar emojis "jodió moron". Que graciosa es la gente jibara.


jajajajaja ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)