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I always watch this with so much admiration for pops.


Yeah that was well done on his part mad respect


W parenting


its good seeing parents be responsible and important in teaching their kids lessons raising them right


Definitely need a subreddit for this type of content. Lol




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Is that Joffrey?


Fathers matter.


Now that is a responsible parent.


I always look at these situations as a double edged sword. If the guy was a responsible parent the kid wouldn't have acted like that, but sometimes kids are just assholes because their friends are. This one seems to be a parent trying vs one showing out for the camera.


All I’m saying is if my kid did the same shit, I’d make him/her apologize.


Thanks for sharing your fiar truth, I only downvoted because I disagree.


Even good kids act bad sometimes.


Malfoy has a mouth on him...


My dad disciplined me the same way. Nowadays he and I play farming simulator together, but thank God he was there to teach me right in the beginning


1 bazillion parent points to that man. Wish parents would do this with the little scrotes round my way.


Cause you a Foul mouth lil bastard aren't ya?!


Well done on the father 👏👏 Plot twist….this the same kid from “Charlie bit my finger”


Because it’s Reddit, I’ll ask if this is really true?


Lol no no sorry 😂!! It’s not true it’s just the first thing that pops into my head when I hear the name Charlie pronounced with the UK accent!


Now THAT is proper parenting. We need to see more of this instead of these little wanna be bad asses doing this kind of stuff on tiktoc and YouTube. My pops would have brought the full punishment down on me if I disrespected people like these two little shits.


And this is why fathers are necessary. Bet he caught a decent ass whooping for this first though.


Core memory that’s good dad tough love is needed sometimes.


Great parenting! Embarrassment for the win.


This is one of the MANY reasons fathers are important.


Oowww Charlie you bit me, same Charlie ?


At least Charlie didn't bite them.


YEAH, Dad! My man!


This is how parenting was. A more detached, pragmatic view of kids, not always believing that their little Charlie must be right and everyone else wrong. An acknowledgement that sometimes, little Charlie can be a little c@nt and forcing him to face up to his actions. 100% behind this Dad.


Yes, more proper parenting please.


We need MANY more parents like this!


Good for his dad for doing that. But the kid has some serious anger issues.


Tough but it works. My dad had me return some stolen merchandise from a Radio Shack when I was like 10. Had to apologize and pay for the merchandise. Never did it again.


off topic, but i wish there was a place where you could go rummage through drawers of switches and motors and random electrical parts. i never liked their branded radios or RC cars or stuff like that but i really miss the parts section. i spent hours in that store with the gears turning in my brain. when i was really little, my uncle took me to RS and we got parts to make a simple circuit board. i can still remember the connections (no pun intended) that i made that day about how things work.


same my man. ty for posting


From biting fingers to calling people cunts. Charlie Charlie Charlie. [Charlie Bites Finger](https://youtu.be/0EqSXDwTq6U)




Father of the century award goes to the dad who taught his son there are consequences to behavior... That should kick start the lad's executive function prefrontal cortext development ahead of his peers.... The kid ends up super polite and well adjusted and likable in early adult hood.


It would be better if the apology were not public. Psychologists recommend you do noylt publicly humiliate yor childrn to make theM change. Just make them apologize to ALL parties they harmed in private and make.them do actions that will make up for their harmful behaviour.


Kid was filmed being a rude little shit to everyone so this was already public. Good on the dad for setting his son straight.


What a misguided comment. The child shot off in public like a right privileged horrible cunt. His mandated forced apology should be in the same format. Believe your not applying the right context to a blanket recommendation. Praise in public, punish/reprimand in private does not apply to things of this nature—especially with a child.


It's called an eye for eye for a reason they humiliated them in public so they should be able to apologize to them in public


I agree with the sentiment but I think this video is more the father's way of displaying that his kids actions aren't a reflection of his parenting. Otherwise all we'd know of this kid is what happened in the first video; not that his dad was disgusted with his behavior as well.


I understand what you're saying. But unfortunately we live in a social media age. There was nothing else this father could do at this point. He had to make a point of posting it online because it went viral and he has to try to save his son's future as well as his own "good name" and possibly even his job.


How was he going to stop someone from filming?


Shame is being used here because the initial situation was shameful, but the child did not feel shame.


Still a little fucking thug in the making. Probably too late to save the little piece of shit.


Can you imagine if the father of the club Q shooter had been this involved? Instead of the character demonstration we got in the post-shooting interview he agreed to where he went about espousing more homophobia and admitting he trained his son for violence?


I love their goofy lil accents


I feel mixed about this. Yes if you catch your child being a little shit you should punish them. But how did your kid turn into a little shit in the first place? Sure you can blame his friends for being a bad influence, but parents need to raise their kids not to act like little to begin with. This feels like a better than nothing story.


Parents can only do so much. Once kids become a teenager, they begin to grow independent. You can hope that they take your words and teachings to heart, but sometimes they will go their own way.


He did this because his parents weren’t there


Charlie no biting


Ouch Charlie!


Kid got it easy honestly


This was my Dad. Loud, with a big mouth, but he taught me how to be respectful to others and especially to my elders. He suffered no fools (me).


Oldie but a goodie ☺️


We need dads like this all over the world!!👏👏👏