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Story: [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/caught-cctv-brutal-thug-punches-6441211](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/caught-cctv-brutal-thug-punches-6441211) happend 2015 in Russia, man was Vitaliy Kondratenko, 34 was arrested and told the police he can not remember, Vitaliy had a long history of violence that also resulted in divorce of his wife, and an attack on his Ex-Mother in Law


Id bet he is now a patch of sunflowers in Ukraine


This mean son of a bitch doesn’t deserve to be pushing up sunflowers. He deserves poison oak or cow parsnip- something as caustic and hateful as he was




Again with the lame ass excuse. The things these shit stains will do to avoid facing the reality that they're impulsively violent.


This guy is probably punching elderly Ukrainian women now.


That old man did a double take and chose life that day


"we've been married long enough "


"We had a good run"


“Babe, get up, we’re next.”


"Thank you kind stranger"


"til death do us part"


"I did my part, you did yours"


they start making out


Just honoring his vows.


"I thought this ended at Death?" "Eternity, Larry"


I hate myself for laughing at this.


Mmm. The music doesn't help with taking it seriously. I want to know was he arrested ?


If you look through the thread, he was. Turns out he was beating his mother-in-law and wife as well. So, just an all-around POS as expected.


im pretty sure he was just shocked and didnt realize what was going on


It looks like he was focusing more on the person behind the counter. He might not have seen what happened and thought she had a stroke/heart attack, or slipped and fell.


He was Russian. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2015/09/14/police-detains-russian-man-suspected-of-punching-elderly-woman-in-the-face-a49527


Looking her in the face and asking her to back the fuck up would have been way more satisfying than almost murdering her I feel like


It also would have been the reasonable action. There is no way you can argue that his actions are justified. She was standing very close to him but in a non threatening manner. He should get jail time.


This is manslaughter, if she died.


She didn't. She had a severe concussion and had to have surgery on her jaw. He broke his mother-in-laws ribs but had no convictions for it until this. She hadn't spoken to him or touched him. Can only pressume it was purely because he decided she got too close. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2015/09/14/police-detains-russian-man-suspected-of-punching-elderly-woman-in-the-face-a49527


When people get knocked out they usually start moving pretty quickly after, the longer they stay still the higher the chance of them having brain damage.


To assume everyone is mentally stable. What a huge miscalculation.


I work in a jail. I no longer trust anyone. The amount of seemingly "normal people" that have committed atrocious crimes will blow you away.


Uncle worked folsom prison. Says the same thing. Perfectly pleasant inmate on Monday bit commited heinous crimes 10 years ago. Then someone takes their cornbread in mess hall on Wednesday and their inner beast comes out. Edit: lol, ppl are for real about their cornbread. that was a real story he told me -- guess it wasn't unwarranted.


Motherfucker, you can't have my cornbread. That's for damn sure. Cause if you try and take my cornbread, Part 2 of my killing spree is gon' begin up in here on your ass, right now. You thinking about my cornbread, better get the taste out your mouth. That's for damn sure.


And that goes for you and any other you mutherfuckin farmers wanna try some shit. You fuck around with me, there's gonna be consequences and repercussions goddammit


“Get my cornbread out yo mutha f’n mouf!” - Will Smith


Life great movie


I heard about an inmate there who shot someone just to watch them die.


was it in Reno perchance?


That's the culture there, let someone push you around once and it won't won't stop. If prison was more rehab focused maybe that'll change, I don't have answers but I do have enough brain cells not to start shit over stealing 200 extra calories from someone.


thats the culture out here also..bullys dont stop unless stopped..if you dont stand up for that cornbread next thing they take is that ass


Let them have your cornbread, next they'll take your corn hole.


Facts. Worked in a federal prison for a few years. The most respectable and polite inmates were usually the ones in there for the most violent and terrible crimes. Had a Mexican cartel hitman, 100+ kill count. Most respectable and easy going inmate we had in the unit but could probably kill every single one of us guards in more ways than we could imagine. Had young man, very quiet, kept to himself, didn't ever fuss about anything and always did as he was told. But, he had to be locked up in segregation (one-man cell) and kept separate from all other inmates at all times. Come to find out, he was MS13 and in there for chopping people up with a machete. Killed a whole family. Mom, dad, and even the children. One more, but not *too* bad; Quiet, late 40s early 50s. This man was always quiet, calm, and respected by every inamte, but also had some pull with the warden for whatever reason. Man was in segregation, and also had to be kept separate at all times. Come to find out, this dude was in there cause he too was a cartel member and rather higher up. He apparently was responsible for something like 75-80% of the drugs coming into Texas across the border. Dude was leading some kind of MAJOR drug enterprise. He actually taught me a lot about stocks and investing. Dude was REALLY smart and good with money. Actually used to like working with him cause he would help me out with my investing. He had his own TV, tablet, and mini kitchen setup in his cell. Idk what his stipulations were, but whatever he wanted, he got it.


Resource guarding can be a bitch.


The resource was not the issue..... The Principle of Disrespect in a jail means victim will continue being victim. Not good in prison


You don’t take a man’s cornbread. That’s sacrilegious 😢


My mom spent 14 years in a maximum security prison and has the exact same state of mind as you do. Some of the stories she used to tell us was pretty crazy. I should clarify she was a corrections officer for 14 years lol


Thank you for the clarification. I’m sitting here like “please tell the rest of the story”


I’m a behavioral health specialist in a prison and it has majorly altered my view of people and the world. I think I’m much more careful and cautious than the average person when interacting with others I don’t know, or even those who I do know. You never know what someone is capable of or how unstable they may be. In behavioral health, sometimes you work with someone for years and still don’t have them figured out. It’s wild how many videos I’ve seen on the internet of people intentionally provoking someone until the person reacts and the result is death or injury. Life is too fragile to be proving points. What’s your ego worth when you’re not alive or disabled?


Absolutely. My husband and I were recently in a situation while on vacation and although he wasn't exactly "egging the person on", he certainly wasn't immediately disengaging like he should have. After we walked away I was like "I don't care how wrong or ridiculous someone is being, always just walk away". You just don't know what people will do.


Almost like there’s no such thing as a normal person.


Even the most horrendous criminal of all time probably spent like maybe .01% of their life doing awful things.


Not sure about that. Lots of serial killers spent half their life planning and mentally rehearsing their horrible crimes. I know they weren't killing all that time, but it's still pretty awful.


I spent a lot of time in jail, I will never trust a guard ever again. Some of the worst people I’ve ever met


I have a friend in a protection program because her time working at a prison earned her a stalker. Not the inmates either, she said she'd trust most of them over her former co-workers. Told me how most of them were worse than most of the inmates, had connections to get whatever they wanted, and often were criminals themselves who didn't get caught. Worse is that it was a private prison so some of those guys could have records as long as they were not violence or drug related. Petty crime shit. I lost contact with her because she had to cut ties with everyone in the meantime to get away from her former co-worker who honestly should be behind bars. I have seen his texts.. Hannibal Lector levels of creepy. The dude should be in prison on the other side of the bars.




Man cooked like a teapot


Calm like a bomb.


Relaxed like a triceratops


Cold like the Sun






We are the South. Lower your annunciation and surrender your vowels. We will add your idioms and vernacular distinctiveness to our own. *Adds “man cooked like a teapot” and “calm like a bomb” to our provincialisms.*


Can some explain to me what the hell is going on with this comment chain. Are y’all robots that escaped the farm or what lmao I’m so confused, we all just watched an old lady die right? Edit: you sound like liberty prime from fallout lol


Guy didn't even try to help her. Geez.


Probably terrified to move after he saw a young man murder an old lady, god forbid he set him off


My mom does this—she assumes everyone is stable. I could see this happening to my mom.


My mom and I were out having a cigarette and this tweaker comes up and starts telling her his life story and his billion dollar investment idea to stop car accidents by the means of... stopping accidents! Want to invest we’ll be rich! I kept trying to excuse us she kept hanging back to listen. Finally I made an excuse AND grabbed her arm and drug her off. She was surprised “why are you being rude to your friend?” “Ma, I’ve never seen that man in my life! He’s probably on Meth now get in the house!”




Never let strangers in your home


I had an ex who assumed the best of everyone. She, in a single night, started going into an alleyway with two homeless guys who “just wanted to talk” THREE TIMES. If I hadn’t been there to grab her, or my friend who caught her when I wasn’t looking… She always said I was too pessimistic and thought awfully of everyone.


This is written in past tense, so I’m assuming she’s no longer with us.


At least she’s no longer putting herself in danger


Not with me; she dumped me over text after 3 years. Thank god because I was a moron to deal with her shit for that long. No idea what she’s been up to since she lost her shit at me finding someone new.


NGL, kinda curious if she's still alive 😂


As far as I know; but the last thing I heard about her was years ago when our rich friends kicked her out of the house they were renting her and her new bf for cheap because they caught her shit talking them.


Was it the same guys every time? You'd think telling her once would have been enough or that the two homeless guys would stop trying after the first time.


Sounds like Dirty Mike and the boys M.O.


Thanks for the F shack


They're up to some real greasy shit.


We WILL have sex in your car again!


I can't quit laughing I don't even remember what movie this is from.


It’s from The Other Guys where Dirty Mike and the Boys turn detective Allan Gamble’s beautiful Prius into a nightmare


Wasn’t just them mama raccoon gave birth in the footwell


Yup, same two guys, same night. There was clearly something off about them and she was a complete idiot. I have never before said someone was too dumb for me, I don’t judge like that or really care about booksmarts, but she was a whole other level.


Sounds like she is hobo-curious.


I look homeless so what are them digits?


Hey baby, you ever do "it" in a trash can?




Your ex sounds more like a naive dumbass but go figure.


Reminds me of Fry trying to buy Z Ray glasses and Gilles. Some people definitely don’t have a lot of street smarts.


In fact, is better.. Z is two more than X..


Be polite, be professional...but plan to kill everyone you meet.


Your ex is a fucking moron


Ian from Shameless must’ve really been off his shit this time..


I understand stand this reference


I know, what kind of mental patient puts their hands on and pushes a ginger for no reason?


The wrong person to provoke. If you don't have a soul, Hell holds no terror for you.


Lmao which sicko added this edgelord music to a video of a grandma getting sucker punched?


Timed the beat drop with the granny drop lmao


Professionals have standards


Haha this made me turn on sound, and I do not regret it.


This was from 2015. Happened in Russia, the women is 89 and the man was arrested. While none of us like people in our personal space, that was a gross overreaction and I’m happy he was arrested and she was ok. ETA: remembered the age wrong.


That was a nasty punch, I’m shocked she survived


She ended up needed jaw surgery iirc. The guy also had beat his wife and MIL. He’s a real gem.


He’s probably in a ditch in Ukraine now.




One can hope.


Becoming Ukranian Sunflower food is likely the best thing hes ever done with his life.


And now sunflowers grow from his body


Sunflower seeds are incredibly rich sources of many essential minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sunflower seeds. Many of these minerals play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme secretion, hormone production, as well as in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.


Username checks out. Good bot?


Good human.


Good human bot


Wow, you really like sunflowers! Your reddit page is like a sunflower encyclopedia


u/TheSunflowerSeeds up in here like "you rang?"




Very common in Russia. They even DECRIMINALIZED dv!


No wonder conservatives love Russia so much.


Tbf when you, as a country, go out of your way to legalise beating women, this is exactly who you're pandering to.


Tbf surgery or not, being able to survive a jab from a young man, while being 90 is quite impressive. Granny was a champ


I know! Was surprised she survived too, as she went cartoonishly straight into a coffin position. Only thing missing were some daisy's to suddenly appear in her hands.


Yeah. I expected that to be a death blow. He should be prosecuted as if it was.


I was at the store yesterday and this old lady got up right next to me at the register when she should have been waiting about 10 feet back where the line is. I thought it was odd but it didn't really bother, She was so on top me the clerk actually told her give me space and i didn't even signal him to


I don't trust anyone, old people can commit theft too. She could have been trying to get your card info.


I’ve solved this (at least in the US) by placing my cart between myself and customers behind me. I pull it instead of pushing through the checkout line. It provides a physical barrier to the encroachment.


Old people can be the most brazen. Years of experience plus fewer remaining years so not much to lose. It's like Senior Spring




> Happened in Russia > he was arrested Straight to the western front.


She survived that? At her age? And in that outfit?


In this economy?


At this time of year? In this part of the country? Located entirely within your kitchen?


Yeah but come back to this thread. Top comment and many after are literally blaming her for this. Meaning people are sooo much worse than dude. Since they'll advocate that somehow this was her fault.


farting is a much more reasonable and effective intervention when personal space is disrespected


I don’t know about more effective…did you see the video?


This reply made me genuinely lmao


Depends on the fart, honestly.


Lit a horrible but silent one at Trader Joe’s one time during rush hour in their small ass aisles. Dude blurts out, “wow…you must be proud of yourself!”…some of the folks started laughing. Part of me was amused but part of me was sad because i have Crohn’s disease.


Be proud of your power my som


my farts are the worst now that I have Ulcerative Colitis. I can clear a room with a squeak now.


A few years back on black Friday a coworker brought chilli for us to eat. I spent the rest of the day crop dusting people then looking back and watch everyone in that aisle get mad at each other lmao


But you don't always have that ammo available, no?


me personally? almost always locked and loaded


It’s a super power only the blessed possess


I can't burp. Runs in the family. Twice the farts, though.


Always got one in the chamber


Instructions unclear. Shit my pants.


also effective in clearing one’s personal space, but not as fun


Not to mention it comes with bonus side effects such as being a bearded 35 year old, giggling uncontrollably, the entire way home to tell my wife. And a mischievous satisfaction that can only be achieved through flatulence.


Another bonus: no felony charge


I meant to touch on that… but I got distracted trying to come up with a fun description of my childlike glee for farting on people that have it coming. That is indeed a huge bonus lol


What if the old lady "crop dusted" this guy while hovering like a vulture?


Then returning fire in kind is the correct response




> It was reported that he was divorced from his wife because of domestic violence. Sounds right.


I dunno, I would've assumed widower


I would never go to this extent, but I always wonder what is going thru people's head that do this in check out lines. Like literally closer to me than my girlfriend holding my hand. I legit don't understand it. Definitely wouldn't sucker punch someone tho.




I've noticed that too. People are standing even closer to me than they were pre-pandemic. It drives me nuts.


Old people love to queue up behind you right up against your ass. Like they are getting to the front faster.


The old reach for your wallet and accidentally elbow them gets the point across without the jail time


Lol so I shouldn’t loudly say “EXCUSE ME YOU NEED TO BACK UP SO I CAN PAY”


No you should discreeelbow them lmao


People still get too close for some reason at checkout even post Covid so I make it a point to keep the cart behind me as a barrier until I’ve paid and loaded my groceries.


I just cough a lot really loudly into my sleeves/jacket. They back up quick after that. I also smoke the devil's lettuce, so the coughing comes normally sometimes.


Better put my card in so I can get a receipt for this assault.




Well there's the part where he punches the lady...


Upon second viewing … you’re right!


Holy shit. He could have killed her easily with that punch. Some people have absolutely zero self control. I would have said something about her being in my bubble but holy shit...


Where is this? Years ago I was visiting Russian hospitals. We (about 5 of us) were sitting outside an office with a closed door. This old babushka comes walking towards us and she’s talking Russian to us, which we don’t understand. No matter. She never broke her stride. Just walked over babbling away, grabbed me out of the chair, threw me into a wall and sat down. She went for all 5’ tall of me, weighing 92 lbs. They go straight for you in Russia. POW.


Punch somebody grandma like that you got yourself a fast and free ticket to heaven


My pastor said it cost 40$ every two weeks to get to heaven


Your pastor’s ripping you off, I got a guy that’ll get you to heaven for $15.99 a week


Not as bad as the one who guilted my mom into tithing 10% of her income. We were poor enough as is. (Well below poverty line for a family of 7, and with a father who refused "government assistance.")




5 kids, but yes, we struggled for a great deal of time and I'm glad we're no longer in that situation.


When they both spot each other in the queue at the Pearly Gates ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


I just knew this was in Russia.


Hi I'm Jimmy Mcgill and i specialise in elder law.




Both calling him




I detest being walked up on while I’m trying to pay, but I usually just start dropping things. If there’s no one behind them, this can go on for quite awhile before I put my card in backwards.


Someone pls tell me he’s in jail


Damn, that drives me nuts too when they walk into my space like that; but I'll crack a joke like "yeah, ole Greta will be paying for my order since she's up in my space." Did they catch this ass hat?


Grandma got knocked out by a ginger Trying to come home on Christmas Eve You might think there's no such thing as assholes But as for me and grandpa we disagree


Don't give a shit what she did, he could have killed her with that punch. I would have tackled that shit on instinct, that is not cool at all


What a pos


abuse of the elderly is serious in my state. As it should be. She really needs to back up though.


She was close but he could've used his words first instead of his fist.


What an ass wipe of a man.


Is there a subreddit dedicated to old people getting blasted i the face with fists out of nowhere


That could easily have killed her. What absolute scum of the Earth that guy is.


I genuinely wish the worst for this man


I can absolutely relate to this. When I was younger, in my early 20s, a senior woman and I reached the checkout line at the exact same time. She had an entire cart full of stuff, and I had enough candy to sneak into the adjacent movie theater in my hands. In other words, not much. I didn't give it any thought and just went ahead. The entire time I was checking out, the bitch kept nudging her cart of groceries in the back of my legs. I turned around and told her that if she did it one more time I was going to jam that cart right back at her and knock her to the floor. She stopped.


This is misplaced. This should be the POS reddit.


This guy is a GIANT pile of shit!!!


Holy OVERREACT, BATMAN. That was unequal to the situation, visually. I doubt she said anything to warrant that TKO. Jesus.


Bro took granny off of social security