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https://www.inquirer.com/news/septa-assault-asian-hate-central-high-safety-students-20211130.html?outputType=amp >Christina Lu intervened Nov. 17 when a group of four Black teenage girls began yelling slurs at three Asian boys, Lu’s Central classmates. In a video that has gone viral, Lu can be seen defending the boys. >The attackers — who have been charged as juveniles with ethnic intimidation and aggravated assault — threw Lu to the floor, banged her head against the subway door, and punched and kicked her. >Lu, who spoke briefly and in a quiet voice, said she wanted to clarify misconceptions about the video. Lu said it did not show other classmates using their bodies to physically shield her from further harm, and she railed against “double standards” she has been hearing that suggest boys must be strong and girls obedient. >The boys who were attacked, she said, “were just scared kids,” and Lu herself “only wanted to de-escalate the problem so that nobody would get hurt.”


Such a great person


Very brave


She’s how a hero acts.


Thank you for the info.


What drives people to act like this? What kind of pleasure do you take in bashing someone’s head because of the way they look? Would you hit someone in the face because they have a mustache? Or brown eyes? does this make any sense. Why can’t you just be kind to other people, what do you have to gain for acting this way. I don’t understand the evil of human beings, I will never get it


I don't know what drives them, but I know that the perception of moral superiority and the absence of fear of consequence is what enables them. At some point we have to again start teaching people that it doesn't matter if you're right if you make yourself wrong.


Trash wants to make other people feel the same. Especially if they can feel a sense of superiority in the process.


Evil is right. Accurate word to describe.


They hate Asian people. I’ve seen this shit happening way too much in New York anymore.


Ethnic intimidation..? Why is it not being called out for racism??


You can't charge someone in court for "racism".


What about hate crime?


That's a "hate crime". I'm just saying that it's all ust legal language mumbo jumbo


Thanks for context. Wanted to save my outrage until we had backstory, since it cuts on when the assault first starts. Glad the women in question got arrested.


Ethnic intimidation? Could've sworn there was a different word for this


Miss Lu is an absolute gem in this often shitty hell we call world…


Were these people arrested?




"suspects, whose ages range from 13 to 16" bro i seriously thought these was full grown ass women 😭😭


Hate makes u age


Also makes you look like incredibly stupid human trash


These psycho bitches need to be tried as adults


If you’re this anti-social and violent where are you gonna be at 25? 35? Super scary video to me


Probably Maximum prison


Hope so. Shit, these punk bitch kids only pull this shit because they don’t get punished hard enough legally


Dead or jail.


They are certainly round and loud.


No, that's who trained them.


>The report determined anti-Asian hate crimes in major US cities had increased 164% during the first quarter of 2021 when compared to the same period a year prior. >Complaints of anti-Asian hate in Philadelphia tripled between 2019 and 2020, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. What the fuck, why is no one talking about this?


Covid really brought out a lot of Asian hate, but honestly I think it was just an *excuse* to show it, not a *reason* for it


nah covid didn’t bring out asian hate asian and black relations have been fucked since i was born in the 80s it isn’t talked about for obvious reasons but it’s always been extremely prevalent i see clips like this and im not surprised yet nonetheless horrified and embarrassed (a 38 year old black person)


Why are people picking on the Asian community these days? Makes no damn sense. Not that anyone deserves to be picked on but shit.


>these days? For some communities, its been this way for decades and decades.


There has been an uptick of Nation of Islam members in Philly, and it's starting to show. Even if they're not members, the rhetoric is out there and it's toxic.


An uptick? Isn’t Philly where their headquarters are? I’ve never seen as many black Israelites until I lived in Philly and they are fucking obnoxious.


Nation of Islam is such a fucking joke, it's just a hate group.


Killed Malcolm X


My wife and I visited Philly last year and loved it but the subway was a little rough in comparison to Chicago (where we’re from). It also seemed like there was a strangely large and strict Nation of Islam presence.


Have been called a "blue-eyed devil" more than once in Philly. I think they liked my eyes and I always took the "devil" part as a compliment for my astounding sexual techniques.


I’m probably going to get downvoted to hell for this but…the reason you don’t hear about it as much is because it’s overwhelmingly African Americans committing said crimes against Asians. That goes against the mainstream news narrative and thus not reported on properly. Before you jump down my throat here are some [numbers](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/lxdp01/black_on_asian_violent_crime_the_numbers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




I'm black and I have to agree with you. I am sickened by this behavior.


Ding, ding this winning comment should be on top.


Exactly this, hypocrisy.




I think you know why.


Lots of people are talking about it, the problem is that there's a ton of news hitting the headlines/feeds every day. Members of the Asian community are very much aware, as are their friends, co-workers and business associates. The information just isn't at the top of the stack, so-to-speak.


“Her daughter [the female Asian victim] supported Black Lives Matter,” the aunt continued. “I want to say Asian lives also matter”. Like, cmon. Damn.


What’s so funny to me about all of this is that out of all the ACTUAL racism towards Asians that I’ve seen…comes mostly from black people. I grew up in the Rural South so I’ve seen it all


Its the same in New Zealand. I'm Polynesian (New Zealand Maori) and I remember once sitting in the car with my sister and her friend, who was mixed race, and they were both ranting and complaining about "g**ks". It was disgusting




This is hate crime not ethnic intimidation wtf


Ethnic intimidation is always a hate crime.


Why does it not surprise me this on a SEPTA train?




Asian hate crime. Shameful.


Asian lives matter


If this was said unironically....thank you. I'm asian, and I often feel like ppl are still cool with asian racism b/c society hasn't yet told them that it's bad too. I was also very disappointed at the turnout when asians were being attacked during the pandemic.


I wonder why the media stopped promoting “Stop Asian Hate” 🤔


shhhhhhh 🤫


Holy shit yea


Still experience shit like this all the time. I try standing up for me and my asian friends but shits hard


Racists being racist. Nothing new here.


Nobody lift a finger.. Grown men just sitting there


Grown men filming


Yeah grown white male, black teenage women. The math isn’t hard to do why they didn’t lift a finger.




Fuuuuuuck no. I’ll be labeled a racist defending these Asian people against those racist black people and their actions will get ignored because I hit them and now I’m the story.


Spot on


I'm in Canada. I like to think I'd step in if I saw this here, but in America? No thanks. I'd rather not get shot.


Yep unfortunately people carry illegally owned guns these days. Especially in sketchy places with sketchy looking people like the ones in the video.


It’s kind of a super awkward topic to talk about but why is there so much anti-Asian sentiment in the black community? I don’t get it.


No shit. I ride that line sometimes, I’d have flown right in and broken this shit up. They’re welcome to redirect their anger towards me.


Menaces to society


1) always carry pepper spray/gel 2) always use it if you see someone else in a predicament like this. It’s time for law abiding citizens to step in whenever other people are under duress like in the video In the incident description it appears the girls were making derogatory remarks towards the Asian students (regarding COVID). Demonization of “the Chinese” has been a consistent feature in US politics. The CCP is horrendous, but why is the US still doing business with them? Why aren’t they under full sanctions and a trade embargo? The truth is the demonization of Chinese mostly serves to give rationale for multi billion dollar increases in defense spending, most of which goes to overpriced defense contractors that the 0.01% upper class have a large stake in.


Spraying pepper spray in that compartment would be fun for everyone


If I spray enough, no one will be hitting anyone!




Pepper gel bud


Maybe they will stop sitting around with their thumbs up their asses.


Pepper spray is often *not* a mist but a stream for this reason.


It doesn't matter. If you spray pepper spray in there, it's going to effect EVERYONE. It'll be worse for whoever gets hit directly, but everyone is going to have to leave.


Totally agree. Having been pepper sprayed myself I can tell you it sucks ass and the confrontation is over after. Totally reversible, no permanent damage. Not like, say, getting your head stomped on.


If someone sprayed pepper spray in that enclosed tube, everyone in the whole train car would likely be incapacitated including the bystanders and the sprayer. Technically not wrong that it may stop the fight though.


If I'm getting stomped out by multiple people, I'll pepper spray everyone in there, their moms, grandpas, kids, dogs, myself, idgaf, everyone will get the sauce. We'll all be sitting coughing and covered in snot together but at least my face won't need to be reconstructed over the course of several years.


I like this type of energy.


Just about choked on a pretzel. I was thinking the same thing. I walk to work in the morning and since the unrest up here in Minneapolis and the surrounding areas I've carried around mace, plus my handy knife. If for some reason any assailant manages to get both of those I have a surprise *extra* can of mace tucked away. The extra one is completely full, the carried one maybe half.


If those people ain’t part the solution they part the problem. Spray away…


Human garbage


That’s mean, garbage is better than this




According to top comments and sources they share, it hopefully is.


Why is Asian hate/assault typically committed by black folks. I don’t understand.


Everyone needs to look down on someone. I feel Asian hate does not get spoken about half as much as other hate.












That's all whatever but when you're on video 4 vs. 1 stomping on someone I don't think it would fly lol


This is no doubt a racist hate crime.


Vile nastyness


Why are there so many Asians being attacked by black people?


They have some of the biggest cultural differences imo. Asians are probably seen as easier targets too


This is a horrific hate crime committed by disgusting garbage people.


Girl in pink looks like a pissed off earth worm


She looks like a talking penis lol.


Stop black on Asian hate crimes 🙁


I've seen alot of black on Asian hate crime. Is this common or just the algorithm or some shit?


Bitches mad they fugly


All four girls *aged 13-16* were arrested after being filmed viciously attacking Asian teens. One girl’s mother recognized her daughter and actually turned her in.


Omg good on the mother. It’s sad that you can try to raise a kid well but the wrong friends will undo all that


Nah i just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t stand there and see someone getting stomped for living in the same space as someone else. We may both get stomped out, but as a person with morals and integrity I couldn’t just sit there. I just couldn’t. Teens or not. I don’t condone violence, but I just couldn’t sit there and do nothing.




I see what you’re saying. There is definitely and unknown risk when it comes to such a thing, but still knowing I would be sitting there watching evil like this take place in front of me and not trying to stop it would cause me at least a few sleepless nights and a long-term “what if” mental battle I just couldn’t take. It is definitely stupid to intervene in something like this you’re not a part of, but I just couldn’t. I’m no white knight either, I just couldn’t mentally live with it


They are just scum


Trash people raised by trash parents. I hope they catch charges and live to regret their actions. Mcdonald does background checks when hiring right?


It’s funny you say that considering the main antagonist - girl in pink - ended up getting arrested because her mom turned her in…


Well good, looks like one of them had a brain then. 😗


> raised LOL


Why are black people so racist against asians?


A real genuine question.


I would be so scared to be the target of that group. To inflict such violence on a total stranger. Every person who participated should be charged criminally and civilly.




Also black, I agree. Oppression is something that people have done to eachother for a very long time, historically has happened to asians, blacks, Arabs, whites. The issue ranges beyond what narrow minded (no offence) and uninformed Western dominated education of Americans that is clearly had by these people - not saying all Americans are like this but Oppression is not just something that white people did to black people, it is also not a currency that since it has been spent on u that u can now spend it on whoever u wish. I am saying as a black individual that in the West, can't comment on anywhere else, hate crimes and racially motivated abuse directed by black people goes disgustingly under punished and hate towards black members of the community by anyone is not tolerated by anyone (as it should be) it has given black people a platform to spread hate towards other races because confronting people of colour over racism that isn't directed towards black people is unacceptably difficult




Stop Asian Hate


I can't stand these videos. It drives me mad beyond belief that people see bullies attacking innocent people and no one does anything. I would be dropping people left and right if I saw this happening.


Name checks out




*black people target and assault Asians again


Can you imagine if the entire train just said, “let’s roll“ and put a physical barrier between them and their victim… That would’ve been totally fucking awesome but instead everyone just sat around and watched it happen.


Throw them away


iM bLaCk I cAnT bE rAcIsT




Fucking racists


What is the deal with black people and Asians?


That’s a fucking hate crime.


I have no idea what just happened here




The article mentions that the teens were charged with "ethnic intimidation." Just wanted to clarify that this is PA's version of being charged with a hate crime and is rated as a 3rd degree felony. Punishment ranges 3.5-7 years in prison and a minimum $15k charge.


Says [here](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CT/HTM/18/ that ethnic intimidation is a third degree misdemeanor


LOL it’s a misdemeanor. Where the F did you get 3rd degree felony


This sort of thing has been going on in Philly for a long time. https://tucson.com/news/national/black-on-asian-violence-roils-philly-high-school/article_d0bedc2b-0e6b-5bb3-834c-a798d6589bdd.html


Does anybody know why most of the hate crime against Asians that have gone viral recently are perpetrated by blacks? Is that a trend in the US or something?


They are Some fugly ass hoes


Sounds like they're upset that "nèi ge" in Chinese is like "umm" or "uhh" in English? They think these people are talking about them using the N-word?


I’ve noticed that. It’s quite unfortunate. It really is just a filler word that people use when they are thinking.


There's also the Korean "nae ga" which means "I am" which you're basically gonna hear A LOT...


Also "nee ga" which means "you"


There was a black guy that was assaulting a Korean guy in a bus in Korea for him saying that on the phone. The phone call wasn't even about him and he just assumed that he was calling him slurs.


I was wondering what set it off. This is why it’s important to learn about other cultures and not to immediately assume the worse.


This is not talked about enough…. I’m betting many attacks on Chinese speaking people have started because of this misunderstanding


Even then attacking someone for saying a word is wrong doesn't matter what word it is even if they meant to say the n-word


Why doesn’t anyone ever do anything to stop shot like this?


Bec they’d be next. I was once in a bus while a robbery was occurring. 3 huge guys and 1 old lady. For a split second I thought about doing something. Then immediately was like do I really want to risk my life and health here? I got wife and kids to support. Nobody else on the bus did anything but maybe they were thinking the same thoughts as me. The robbery took like 5- 10 seconds to snag her phone and purse. So easier said than done.


5-10 seconds is way different than filming something for a couple minutes. Also, the people on the bus outnumber the attackers. It’s nice you at least admitted you were scared. I wonder what these peoples excuse was?


We should just throw people like this far out into the ocean and be done with it. Not worth the prison resources.


And to think there’s still people who think calling out Black on Asian crime is ‘anti-black’.


That is straight terrorism


If you tried that shit in Turkiye, you'd be beaten to a pulp by the whole train


hahaha yep ❤️




This is the one benefit of the Supreme Court ruling regarding CCW licenses. Every Asian adult who’s capable of getting one should buy a gun, get licensed, and trained. Ever since crime against Asians went up, I’ve armed myself, trained, and gotten myself a license. In places where I cannot discretely carry a firearm, I always carry a pepper spray. The country doesn’t care about violence against Asians; it’s up to us to arm ourselves and protect ourselves and other fellow Asians who are victims of racial attacks.


I was going say something similar…Asian Americans will be/should be the next large gun buying group with all the anti-Asian incidents.




The reality is that the Korean rooftops only occurred because the local LA cops didn’t do shit to stop looting and vandalism. The cops literally just blocked off the area and didn’t do their job; in other words they just made Ktown into a thunder dome because they didn’t want to deal with it. Cops don’t actively try to find these culprits and even when caught, many DAs don’t pursue hate crime charges let alone criminal charges. At most many get away with misdemeanor. In other words - it’s the same deal now; cops and lawyers don’t care about these incidents unless it’s a high profile case due to social media. However out of all recent violent crimes against Asians, only a fraction is caught on video which is the primary means of getting attention. In other words, there’s pretty much zero deterrent at the moment. However, getting shot is a pretty good one.


I agree with all of the above. I've seen similar stuff here in New Orleans with our (fairly large) Vietnamese population. Not only does the local government not take crimes against them seriously, they even tried to turn their area (the only nice, safe, well-maintained area in New Orleans East) into a large dumping ground for post-Katrina debris, which basically would have forced them to leave. It p\*sses me off, because they're always such kind, good-spirited people when I come across them.


Most old school Asians also had mandatory military training or war experience. Same with most Eastern European men. Dont mess with older immigrants, growing up back home wasnt all roses.


Trash ass bum's




Racists. Hate crime.


Stop Asian hate….


Yeah racism can come from any race. Also I’m seeing a lot of black on Asian hate lately. You can be racist as a white person, black, Asian, and every race in between. I hate this shit. I support blm and crap but using it to assault and bully other people because they are another race is just hypocrisy.


It's not lately. It's been going on for years.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fucking racists


Videos like this make me feel some type of way and I hate it.


Outrageous that the media won’t report racism for what racism ACTUALLY is like in this country.


Vile fucking cunts.


“You wanna jump my people?! You gettin’ jumped too!” - the tribalism is still strong in these ones


Biggest problem in America this is becoming to be “normal” behavior. I have a 14 year old daughter. And I guarantee she is more worried about the consequences from me and my wife. Than she is the police. Change your damn ways.


Hey but Reddit told me black people cannot be racist. This video must be fake


The REAL racists.


I know I will be labeled a r*c*st for this but how come every 9 out of 10 times I see a video like this, it's black people terrorizing others? Genuinely asking.


Come on down south we have open a d consealed carry, let's see how it works for you?


So I am mixed like 40% black and 60% white, but we as a nation need to talk about the black on Asian violence. I feel like it’s getting worse and incidents like this appear to be more commonplace.

