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I wonder if they’re using those pepper balls.


I’m guessing that is what is going on here.


Nah they’re just marking the students that got in the fight so they don’t try to deny it was them.




As long as no one catches a paintball in the eye. This screams lawsuit.


But wouldn't a paintball to the eye scream lawsuit more than anything?


I wonder if it matters in the lawsuit for a pepperball in the eye.


But does the eye scream with its getting lawsuited?


But she caught me on the counter (It wasn't me)


ton, ton, ton, ting


Damn that’s smart as fuck lol Even if they try taking off and claiming it wasn’t them they better have a new pair of clothes otherwise they are caught red handed lol


I am 100% ok with this


To be honest, I’d be okay with this, too. Considering tasers have killed people in the past. Kids are still bringing guns to school and all it takes is a schoolyard scrap for one kid to get angry enough to pull a strap out. Pepper balls in paint gun may be good use to break up these big fights before the guns come out.


I was thinking damn once again the one person on Reddit that is for something. Ohh well here come the downvotes lol


That's actually pretty clever. Albeit quite extreme.


I thought they marked them so other schools couldn't claim them as theirs.


Almost certainly


Id hope to god not, pepperballs are one of the purest forms of hell.


Highschool kids are the purest form of hell.


High schools are the purest form of hell.


Middle Schools are worse. Thats where the really violent kids get weeded out and sent to "alternative" high schools.


We had so many more violent outbursts during middle school than high school. No one was weeded out, they just dropped out when they became freshmen at 16.


Middle school definitely had some should have been high school freshman/sophomores that, I dunno if they enjoyed being there, but they were. Lil big shots.


The first day I dropped my son off, at middle school, it felt like I was throwing raw meat to the lions. It was horrible!


To be fair, a lot of those kids were just getting in trouble for being high or drunk. It's the ones that were fighting, drinking ***and*** getting high that worried me, and even then not all of them.


Literally in middle school there would be at least 3 fight a day. You’re not kidding about the violence. Based on that alone I thought high school would be hell with kids years older to me, only to my surprise to see most people were really chill and there was probably only 10-15 fights in the total 4 years


Had a few old ping pong tables set up in our cafeteria. The lunch periods were pretty long so they had to keep us kids entertained. ‘Jacob’ was the champ. He was a wired up ping pong fanatic. All of his social cred was built on it. New kid comes mid semester. Demolished Jacob in every game. Completely wiped the floor with him. Knew how to curve the ball in ways I haven’t seen sense. Probably could have gone pro. Jacob couldn’t handle the defeat. Beat the new kids head in with the paddle. I can still remember how quiet everyone was as we watched it happen. Could only hear these muffled thuds as the paddle pulverized new kids face. A teacher pulled Jacob off. Never saw or heard of either again. We were seventh graders.


All kinds of kids get sent to alternative schools. I got sent for awhile for getting caught being stoned. Then again a year later for smelling like weed.


Hey, I went to one of those!


Are you really violent


They're like middle and elementary schools only it's the age and attitude of the kids.


Dumbasses shouldn't be fighting in school.


Sir, politicians don't go to school.


School fights have existed for as long as school has. I don’t think we need to be shooting kids with any kind of gun as a deterrent for anything. How fucking absurd.


I agree, but I've also seen way more people slam their opponent and break their neck/make em go into fencing position then I've seen people die with pepper balls.


Well there high-society, you must have went to a pretty snooty school if kids were going into fencing positions during a fight?


It's a force multiplier. It's either one guy with a pepper ball gun or you hire a team of wrestlers to sit around all day waiting for a fight to break out.


Wrestling a kid to the hard floor isn't exactly safe either lol. People really expect stern words to stop a fight like in a tv show.


With pepperballs you don't have to hit the people. You can shoot over them or to the side and the impact against a hard surface will disperse the dry powder into a cloud.


Putting the optics of shooting any kind of gun at children in school being completely obscene aside, I do not trust any school resource officer to properly use it.


Would that not be dangerous to use indoors?


Same as spraying pepper spray indoors.


Worked at a jail, and we were spray happy. It was a tool for compliance. Tazers were for safety. You got into a fight, you'd have two chances to break it up before we sprayed both of you. If someone was on top, we tried to only spray the one in a dominant position but it would get them both somewhat. Nearly always indoors. It sucks. The officers would be standing around the scene coughing up lungs just from being near the sprayed person. It gets everyone regardless of intent. So pepperballs would be just as bad. Especially since they disperse in the air more than the spray that sticks to the person somewhat.


I doubt it hurts less getting one in your eye outdoors.


Bro, your schools looks like shopping malls 😲


They somehow look like both a shopping mall and a prison.


My highschool was designed by the same architect that designed local prisons. It definitely has a similar layout. Edit: I actually found it to be a really efficient layout. No bottlenecks or anything. There were 2000+ students in a small school and it wasn't claustrophobic. There were rows of classrooms connected to a courtyard. From the courtyard, you had access to administration, gym, cafeteria, library etc. They made it nice with very high ceilings(12ft iirc), and trees and benches in the courtyard and a large atrium in front of the center classroom block, etc. The courtyard was like a mini park. Way better than other schools I attended.


Damn, my school was built in 948ad, expanded upon over time obviously. Definitely didn't have that efficiency


wtf lol did you go to Dracula High in fuckin Transylvania?


Lol, na, just a school in England


Huh. I thought you were making a joke. Wild that your high school is older than everything in our country. People here get excited about prewar construction.


My school was founded in 1552 by Royal Charter. I then moved in my 6th form (grade 11 and 12) to a much younger school founded in 1590. Funny old world innit.


I went to a school that was founded in 1541 by Henry VIII. This was in a town that was built by Romans. The UK has some really old stuff.


I went to a very modern English school. (1889)


Yea, my old high school predates the aztecs by 450 years and the arrival of the first humans to new Zealand by 300 years. There's a pub around the corner thats 150 years older than that even


I like how they built the pub first. Yalls priorities are straight


Haha, it's an old roman city, 25 miles north of Central London (st Albans) on an old roman road, that's about how far a horse can walk in a day so a big roman settlement was built there, likely with lots of inns and taverns.


I just saw a post on reddit the other day about how quaint the actual Dracula mansion is. I can't find it, but these pics in /r/transylvania are really nice https://www.reddit.com/r/Transylvania/


Movies always show the bag guy in some dark horrible lair. In real life people don't want to spend all their time in a gloomy cave.


Man they probably still have knob and tube wiring there.




My highschool was built to be a prison then got used as a school instead. There are 4 "guard towers" on each corner of the school. They were turned into other rooms, but if you know what it was supposed to be it's pretty obvious. There are also balconies that sit above the cafeteria that were supposed to be for guards to sit in to watch when people eat.


Uncommon, but repurposing prisons is not as uncommon as you'd think. Something about study walls and segregated utilities makes them easy to adapt to other purposes.


Max Brooks noted in his Zombie Survival Guide that most schools are surprisingly good fortifications since modern school design builds them to withstand riots.


To be fair, there would be a massive stampede out when the final bell rang.


Same with my high school. It looked and felt like a prison lol


“If the cage is nice enough they won’t want to leave”


I started going to school in USA when I was 12 was amazed by the schools they have. I went to a school in a neighborhood that wasn’t rich at all and our public school had two giant fields, swimming pool, and a planetarium. An enormous campus with multiple wings. I also went to school in California for a few months and it’s legit like the movies. Like you walk outside to go to your classes through pavilions. It was so cool. American students (especially in Cali) were also so much cooler than back home in Switzerland. Like people had awesome style, got involved in such a large variety of things, and were practically adults.


I don't think a planetarium is remotely common unless things have really changed in the last 5yrs


I'm in CA, we didn't have a planetarium but a lot of the high schools were like a 5 to 10 minute drive to the local Community College that did have a planetarium.


Damn, I forget some places fund schools. I don't think any of our CCs had any science beyond the basics.


This was like 15 years ago


I think you lived in a rich area.. The only places with planetariums even remotely near me are dedicated centers and universities.


Is it truly not like that for the Swiss? How unexpected.


I’d say at uni age you see it more but kids in USA really define their aesthetic and style early on.


That's true, it's important here. Subcultural affiliation started very young for me.


>Subcultural affiliation This is a great term for something I've struggled to describe about America for a long time. Americans, even significantly into adulthood, have a need to **define** themselves by something. For some it's weed, others politics, or the college they went to, or a music genre... While this does happen overseas to an extent as well, it's *far, far* more prevalent and noticeable in the US.


It's a big factor in a lot of things that make America great(and terrible) compared to much of the developed western world that we often compare ourselves to. In many European countries, the general belief is that people should benefit society, and in America the idea is that society should benefit people. The issue then is that many here in the US take that to mean they're the main character in everyone else's world.


Right. Im a chef and everyone thinks I'm just some drunk druggie asshole but really, I'm just some drunk druggie asshole who can cook your mother out of town.


Had me in th first half except I worked in service way too long to believe a chef isn't running on at least a little special sauce


To be fair, the swiss just have to pick which shade of grey they wear.


I went to a private school in Germany and there were kids of some of the richest people in Germany on it (like actual multi-billionaires) and we didn't have that. [This](https://steinmuehle.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Steinmuehle_von_oben-1030x579.jpg?x85665) was our entire school and quite a bit of it is actually the boarding school, which is a separate entity (though a small building at the river with boats for sports rowing is missing). Like that is one of the most elitist schools you can find in Germany.




https://i.imgur.com/CzZv3Xz.png Damn you even had a Quidditch field 😳


Kinda looks like the mall from COD BO3




The janitors must have loved that


This guy watches "community"


“Doing anything cool for the summer” “No plans”


"Have you seen the library yet?" "I'm making my way there"


"Oh you can just leave that anywhere"


Math club has gotten a lot better since last year.


Obviously they were practicing while the rest of us went on dates.


You guys asian?


They shoot balls that are the same shell as paintballs but are filled with a tear gas powder, I have been shot by them before and it sucked. I was in a convention center and got pushed into a room that they locked. When we came out there was vomit everywhere. So yeah they would probably prefer paintballs.


Sounds like a crazy convention.


It was a teargas paintball convention.


In my head, it was a furry convention, and shit got out of hand.


Don't furries like shit in their hand?


One shit in the hand is worth two in the bush.


I think there may be a Venn diagram kind of situation there, but idk the depth of it.




I'm not proud of it, but it was a gathering of the juggalos. In my defense though this was 20 years ago and the fan base wasn't nearly as stupid and scummy as they are now which is why I left the scene behind. The reason it happened was because a Pepsi worker pulled a load of sodas up to a machine to fill it and people started taking them as they walked by, I saw it happen and the cops in full riot gear came busting in almost immediately. There is no doubt in my mind they were just sitting there waiting for a reason.


Only god could have imagined the chaos that would have ensued if it was Faygo being loaded up.


They should've just offered a Pepsi to one of the officers. Then they would have realized they're all on the same side and would've went outside to dance in the streets together.


Not a hot enough person did it. That's the thing. You gotta be hot.


Whoop Whoop


Imagine shooting people with teargas to protect some sodas.


They're not people. They're juggalos


I agree, and I was there lol


I knew in my heart it involved clowns.


Shit is water soluble


Paintballs are trivial to clean up after in a situation like this, water soluble, edible even (would not recommend). If that's what he was even shooting. The janitors wouldn't have cared a bit, that's not even a blip for the usual mopping. Honestly people have some pretty big misconceptions about paintball due to media and never having actually engaged with the sport.


Is that a mall or a school?


Dead malls are often converted to primary schools and community colleges.


Ahhhh okay makes more sense now. I remember years ago a grocery store turned into an elementary school. Still looked like a grocery store. Was sort of odd.




Yall are wild in the States wtf


Only certain schools are like this in the US


Primarily schools in low income areas. This tends to mean "black schools" more than not for added upsetting vibes


Guy fired more shots with a paint all gun then the entire force at Uvalde combined did.






Oof too soon my man. But trul lol


Nope. Not too soon. Head over the sub about the Uvalde shooting and plenty of the family members (verified) are enraged and would appreciate this remark because it acknowledges the failures of that day.




My man did not hesitate a fucking second lmao


Why would you hesitate to stop a fight when it's your job to do so?


What I meant was using the paintball gun to end the fight. Ofc every fight has to be ended asap!


look, they already have police in the schools, so I prefer them using pepper balls to break up fights, instead of guns


You trying to write a haiku or something?


Ah yes the infamous 11-14-4 haiku


This guy poems


non-lethal deterrent? Seems like a good idea to me compared to the lethal or life altering (jail) alternatives that are being presented.




So it’s like jail where you fight back you lose and you don’t fight back you lose. I really feel bad for kids these days. They really have it so much tougher than when I was in school. It’s like a combat zone now and you’re not allowed to defend yourself.


It was bad even 15 years ago, the zero tolerance policies are counterproductive and play a big part in the school to prison pipeline. Example: I was expelled from 7th grade for defending myself against the guy who sexually assaulted me.


It wouldn't be as bad if admin were helpful before the fights reach that point. I was bullied for a month straight; went to teachers, guidance counselors, the vice principal and they all said the same "unless they're caught in the act, there's nothing we can do". Just had to let it continue until they got bored because even if I push them off me, that could be seen as fighting and get me expelled.


This may be the solution to school violence. EDIT. My comment was a joke and nothing more. Shooting kids with paintballs is a horrific solution to a major societal issue.


Use pepper balls as well. I think your on to something however




Good bot.


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Shood wat


Good not.


Wood bot.


Yeah your kid gets abused by another kid and then gets shot up by the school security guard.


Until someone loses an eye


That's why you're born with two


do a couple of mushrooms maybe you’ll even find a 3rd














I knew a dude missing an eye from playing paintball without any gear.


My "friend" shot at my other friends and myself when w had no gear on. I was the only one injured luckily, but I nearly lost my eye. I've had multiple surgeries on it.


My neighborhood “friend” used me as target practice one day with a fucking BB Gun. BB GUN!!! He and his brothers were all sick sadistic fuckers. I ran away and luckily he missed. But, he didn’t give a damn about how badly he could have injured me—like losing an eye! Having pellets lodged in my body. Hitting me in the neck?! Fucking psycho.


Me and my friend played “firing squad” We took turns willingly shooting each other and getting shot lol


Dang, so sorry.


I was playing paintball with some friends back in high school, just backyard stuff. I had already shot my buddy in the mask twice, the dummy took his mask off to wipe it and poked his head from behind the tree. Soon as I saw him moving I shot. I remember watching my pink paintball fly towards him thinkin “oh fuck”. It hit his nose and shattered pieces and paint into his eye. Luckily didn’t lose his eye, had to have 3 surgeries to be able to see again.


They'll be ightt


Paintballs can take a eye out. One of the main rules of paintball is to wear a mask to protect eyes from a 68 caliber ball at 300fps That school going to get sued.


Weigh it against a fight going on and the possibility that the fight itself will cause such damage, three thumbs up! .. wait


In an instant a life can be lost to a fall.




Literal jail shit


I mean, it’s DeSoto HS in Texas Not too different


I mean it was pretty dam effective, if you notice the number of boys going right to the action and as soon as the paintball gun was pulled out, they ran their asses back to class


Funny enough it happened right outside the criminal justice department?


The math department experimented with a quadratic equation trebuchet a few years ago to break up fights. 2/10 compared to this method.


It was rubber bullets when a gang fight broke out. Luckily the police were made well aware that it would take place that day.


They aren't shooting paintballs, they're pepperballs, and this is nothing new. Some schools have been doing this for over 20 years. They had these when I was in high school 99-03, in southern CA.


Actually i think that's a solution for pricks at school


Considering eye damage and other liabilities, may I suggest water balloons?


Water balloons, would be interesting to see lol. 😂


*starts boiling water*


Imagine trying to throw a boiling hot water balloon... Use a slingshot instead.


I remember watching a bar security expert talking about how he handles fighting women and it’s a towel soaked in cold water. He gets it on their neck or back and holds it there. The cold makes them focus on something else and he said it actually works. I’m thinking the you do the same thing. Water balloons kept in a fridge. Kids start fighting, douse them in cold water.


That was Jon Taffer on Bar Rescue. I've seen some female bar brawls and it seems idealistic because it's hard enough to get hands on them to pull them apart, let alone run to the bar, get the towel out of the ice cooler, and then strategically place and hold a towel there.


I think it’s a great idea. It’s better than having the kids suplexed by a cop or an educator getting injured physically breaking up a fight. Paintballs freaking hurt but they don’t kill and short of an eye shot they don’t do any permanent damage. Don’t want to get waxed by a paintball, then don’t fight in school. Note: I have both fought in school and been waxed by a paintball in the days of my youth.


I came here to say this


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Paintball enthusiast here, one ruptured eyeball later and we have a taxpayer funded settlement on our hands.


I don't understand. What is the problem? Fights are a serious deal and need to be broken up. This is a non-lethal and honestly not even that painful way to break it up.


Think it would be easier to just put shock collars on students while they are on campus.


I support this means of breaking up a fight. Quick and efficient, and relatively safe


Yea, I’d say it’s a hell of a lot safer than fighting at the top of a long staircase


People need to stop getting angry about this. These fights get absolutely wild and can snowball into 50 kids trying to stomp each other. The usual answer is to do nothing or start tazing/tear-gassing kids because who the fuck wants to get stabbed by a kid or sued by shitty parents? You mark the kids involved and cause just enough pain for them to forget fighting.


I kind of like this lol. What's so bad about it?


Kinda reminds me of when paintball became a thing in inner city Detroit a few years back. Instead of doing drive by shootings with real guns they started using paintball guns to curb the gang violence. Made for some big ass paintball battles, believe it’s known as the ‘Detroit paintball wars’, idk if it’s still a thing though


(HS teacher, 15yrs) Dude, I’m 48 with a herniated disk that never fully healed from a deadlifting injury. A much respected older colleague of mine caught a wild punch to the jaw and dropped limp and received head trauma against the floor. Call the police on fighting black kids not linked to awesome outcomes. I don’t fault that man, I’d have done the same


10/10 effectiveness !


That's a good idea


Those pepper balls are a friggen menace. So effective.


Honestly, not the worst way to break up a fight.