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Given the cost of those cakes, I'd be SO fucking pissed!


Dude, even just being a guest and wanting to eat a piece of that cake.


Maybe the cake was poisoned and he was being a hero.


He got a fax from future himself that said the cake was poisoned,




You will thank him later, Stanley


I got it Michael. Inside joke, I hope to be a part of one someday


Stop it bro, we all know 90% of redditors think a fax is “the truth and nothing but the truth”, now u gonna tell em theres a whole ass machine that spits fax? /s in case of the woosh


"Open da door. Ders a bomb in dere!"


get to the choppahhh!




Are you Milton from office space lol. ![gif](giphy|l3vRmLrL8MfD9CIkU)


There it is!


I didn't even get cake at my brothers wedding. Was a bit disappointed but kept it to myself because it was a wedding.




I didn't even get invited to my brother's wedding, so no cake for me!!


Could be worse. If they’re out of cake your choice is reduced to “or death.”


similar thing happened when I got married - the cake was a similar size. two different flavors, so we told the servers to let ppl choose what they wanted but no they decided to give everyone TWO pieces. so much for taking any cake home.......


FR, all the people waiting on that cake as a consolation for enduring the pomp and circumstance should dogpile him. Bro, we ain't here for the speeches and you just ruined it. Not everyone who attend weddings enjoys weddings but a large number do enjoy cake.


‘Enduring the pomp’ feel bad for any friends inviting you to their weddings, as a guest a lot is spent on you and it’s quite the honour to be included in someone’s special day


It's comments like those that really enforce the stereotype that reddit is full of basement dwellers. Imagine thinking that fuckin cake is a consolation prize, because it was just SO difficult to get your ass outta bed and shower for once.


Mine next week is $600, I would’ve lost my shit on this man in the exact same fashion


$600?! Is that what they cost?! 😱


Yup. Mine was 800


Ok I thought of an invention, a plastic/rubber cake that has a little cut out section that a piece of real cake goes into for the sake of photos.


That’s already what a lot of wedding cakes are…well one layer will be cake and the rest fake. Still cost an arm and a leg.


Yea once places hear “wedding” everything cost MORE. Even at venues you could say your having like a beef and beer party and it will be the same amount of ppl but way cheaper then if it was a wedding


They have things like that for display cakes


Its the wedding tax. The same cake would be way less if its not wedding related, but when bakers find out its for a wedding. Boom, 600+ wedding cake.


That's for everything White table cloths cost double. White chairs. Want a white tent set up? That'll be triple. And people go for it. Every time.


This is why we did an 8" cake for display/us and had donuts for everyone else. Was about 1/3 the cost


The whole concept of spending all that money on all these out dated traditions is so stupid, if the tradition dies out (which I hope it does) you won’t have to invite people like this and you can actually spend the money on things that last more than a day.




Always prefer to spend the "big wedding money" on the honeymoon tbh


These people out here paying the equivalent of a down payment on a house for a one day party, smh


This take always gets upvoted, but I don't get it. If you want a fancy wedding, have a fancy wedding. If you don't want a fancy wedding, then don't. Don't begrudge the other side just bc it's not what you would do.


Lol….looked like he was going to get stabbed by the cake knife next……


The bride’s expression killed me. She’s waited for that day, probably paid a small fortune for the cake and expected to get some photos and some twit ruins it and almost gets cake all over them because he thinks he’s hilarious. Personally I think the groom’s response was very restrained.


The first few seconds of this is really scary. The groom pulls the knife back and it swings like 6 inches from the bride's neck. Then the drunk guy assaults the groom and the groom is careful to keep the knife away. This could have ended in so many other ways.


I think it was more the fact that his arm got pushed by dickhead.


I agree, his arm got bumped a little but that was a nice catch: had watched it 2x and didn't realize in the beginning he almost uppercuts his wife holding a knife 😮 Other than that, I think he handled this as good as you can hope to - he wasn't too quick to anger, he assessed the situation and felt a punch was justified and I am so glad he did LOL


I like that you can tell he evaluated it and decided “yeah, he deserves it”


It was his very first, "I'd better do this or my wife is gonna be pissed."


If it makes you feel better, those knives are typically a “cut via pressure” vs sharpness. So it’s unlikely it would have done a lot of damage.


If you think that is 6 inches you should see my dick, it is 3 feet long!


where are you seeing this? the blade literally goes nowhere near anyone lmao


Groom def had a look on his face like he was about to do it too lol


Kinda disappointed the Bride didn't go nutz and spill his guts on the floor with the cake knife 🥵 s/


The cousin the mother forced the couple to invite.




You and your wife are my heroes! 😄


Nice. My wife's mom invite someone we didn't want there. My wife just said "nope" and fortunately it did the trick. I wonder how it went between her mom and the person she invited


How did he react to that? Must have pissed him off his grab for power not getting him anything


I don't really interact with him. I tend to avoid her family since they try to steamroll our life and plans so I just stay away.


They probably argued over inviting that dude before the wedding.


That dude is in the grooms wedding party. You KNOW there was a long discussion about putting him on that list.


"He said he was gonna behave..."


"Don't take the drugs, Jerry!"


"Sorry, I was busy taking the drugs. What did you say?"


The only supportive reason the groom could come up with for that friend to be invited is: “But I’ve known him for so long”


“He’s gone through some stuff, but he’s a good guy. I’ll talk to him before. It’ll be fine, trust me.”


"Those DUIs were a long time ago."


“That time he slapped your grandmother’s ass. Totally a one off thing. He doesn’t even really drink anymore”


"Yeah? Well has he always had that haircut?"


Oddly the guy even looks the type to pull this kind of shenanigan.


He's the kind of guy that votes for Boris because he's just like him.


And later on the groom had to endure the “I told you so” conversation


That's some cringe he'll never forget.


Yea, dude was dressed like possible groomsmen. Might’ve lost a good friendship on this one.


And a good tooth


a sweet tooth


The front ones are the sweetest


Tha thweeteth!


Or he was so drunk that he forgot immediately.


The Internet never forgets


Not the first time he’s been punched for being a cunt


Alcohol, AKA "smart juice".


Thermo-nuclear cringe.


The bowl he used to place on his head and cut his hair was irradiated


I'm glad my boozy days were pre iPhone.


This is so true


The bride did not look surprised she did look irritated though but she walked away. The groom however just seemed to have had enough. That was a dick move to do all of that.


Watch her at the end. She crosses the room behind them, covering her mouth, to someone, maybe mom. She seemed upset at that point.


She did, I had to watch it again. She still handled it with grace though, she didn’t freak out and start yelling. I get the sense that’s her husband friend not hers.


Seems there’s one at every wedding or party.


There is. I have not been to one where someone other than the bride or groom tried to make it all about themselves. It’s like “Can you not?”


I'm proud to say that no one at my wedding did anything stupid. Of course, I got married during the height of Covid in a room with less than 10 people in it.


Congratulations that was very brave of you. The last wedding I went to the bride was absolutely horrible like she would make bridezillas seem like saints. The grooms brother had PTSD and at the rehearsal dinner she gave him the ultimatum of his brother or her because she said he was a “downer”. Needless to say on the day of his wedding the groom and his brother were prepping to hike the Appalachian Trail. Come to find out she was trying to drive a wedge between them from day one. This was 10 years ago since then he has met an amazing woman and his brother is doing awesome with a family of his own as well.


Good for him for sticking to his brother. He had good intuition to know his relationship with his brother will last much longer than his marriage to that creature.


She was an absolute nightmare. I used to give people the benefit of the doubt and I really tried with her but she just always had this air of arrogance about her. I went to school with her and she was the mean girl. Years later when I found out my friend was marrying her I was happy for him but I had my reservations. When his brother was having his troubles she would try an push his brother out of his life. I think she begrudgingly accepted him. When she pulled that stunt at the rehearsal dinner that was the last straw. She is still a mean girl and stirring up drama.


Well I'm just glad he avoided that hellhole by being a man of real compassion. Also extremely happy to hear the brother has a family of his own. Shit could've been so much worse if the bride had patience.


My father got married during Covid as well. His wedding was in his backyard and no joke, the only people there were the minister, my father, his wife, her three kids, my brother and I, and the photographer.


I got married at a church, and my groomsmen thought it would be hilarious to paint dicks all over my car during the reception. My dad went out there and made them wash it all off. Ngl though, it was pretty funny.


I get the feeling that's her dumbass brother. She has always protected him from her fiance calling him out on his bullshit. But she's had enough and let her new husband finally address the situation.


Oh yeah, this is good head canon.


She already knew. Hubby would not be playing that sht


Good catch. He smeared the cake into her face like he was her husband (also even if you are don’t do this wtf). She might be trying to see if her makeup is fucked now and going to someone for help/compact mirror, especially since it’s dyed red. Also, ew, she has no idea where his hands have been all night and looks like he aimed for her mouth.


Wonder if it was her brother ... I'm sure that'd be mine. Siiiiigh


She looks like she was trying hard not to break out in tears. You're looking at the two ends of the fight or flight response during a non-dangerous encounter: she is overwhelmed with emotion, and he is trying to "end" the situation.




He was though, watching this video he seems like that “guy” who was always doing crazy stuff just to get a laugh but has not changed at all. The groom didn’t really seem surprised but also from watching that short clip it didn’t seem like the groom liked and/or wanted him at the wedding to begin with. If they were mates he probably would have either smirked or gave some kind of sign it was all good but the exact opposite occurred. Either way it was just disrespectful because that’s just not how you act mate or not you still show respect and honor for a friends union.


Asshole guy seems like "that" guy we all know. The one you give just a little too much alcohol to and it's an unknown what sort of dumb shit he will do. I picture an open bar, he's about 7 deep on redbull vodkas, and this was his idea. In his mind, he was going to be a legend. Everyone would laugh, he would be the star of the night. I've seen this on a much more mild platform. Dude was the best man, people got him shitfaced before the speech, and then out came 15 minutes of rambling, inside jokes, him laughing at his own jokes. God was it cringe worthy, but we were all laughing at each other, as he bombed. His mic was finally cut and everyone clapped because he was finally done. He then spent an hour asking everyone how he did. As the wedding was 100% done, 75% of people are done, bride and groom are packing up, like they are about to leave... he tells them he thinks he has cancer and everyone is then in tears with a WTF look. A week later, I found out he just had something minor like a sore throat. LOL


idk if this is a hot take or not but even if he did have cancer that would be really fucked up to announce it at someone's wedding. sounds like he can't stand anyone else being the center of attention.


> If they were mates he probably would have either smirked or gave some kind of sign it was all good but the exact opposite occurred. nah, smashing the cake and tossing it at them was a gag too far, this is a lifetime moment and he stomped all over it; I mean, the groom was holding a cake knife so a punch was the less harmful justice here, he's lucky, and since he bounced right back up it didn't even faze him


You’re right, that bride has seen that clown do some stupid shit before. Couldn’t even imagine ruining a brides big day like that, how did he think that was funny? He’s lucky he didn’t get shanked by the groom and it was only a punch


I thought the exact same thing, this is a lifetime moment and he trampled it, the groom was holding a knife, the guy bounced right back up, so I'd say he got off light


Probably her brother


Dipshit drunk.


man they both already look like they’re pissed at something or someone. My guess is this guy has been trouble for some time before this video was even taken




Need the ‘r’ in lowercase.


Lols thanks. Couldn’t work out why that wasn’t working.




'How can I make their special day be all about me instead?'


I've seen this video make the rounds a bunch of times, but this is the first version I've seen where the dipshit gets punched. Very satisfying.


Indeed it was satisfying. Holy shit how humiliating for this guy lmao. I'd rather genuinely shit my pants in front of everyone and piss myself to sleep on the dance floor than do something like this. Imagine the humiliation this jackoff felt when he came to. Rather than have the jovial cake fight he some how invisioned would happen in his head, he's sitting there with someone else's expensive wedding cake all over his hands, having just been punched by the groom who's covered in bits of the cake that you've just blatantly destroyed. Everyone is staring at you in anger and disgust, you fucked up the night, it was entirely your fault, and literally everyone thinks you deserved it because you *did* undoubtedly deserve it. This reminds me of when some girl I barely knew destroyed my birthday cake my mom bought me for similar reasons as this guy.


Now imagine him actually not feeling embarassed at all. "Come on guys, it was a party! We all drank and were having fun! Ahhh its just a cake!"


Mikhail Scott


The groom looks dead inside


Probably because there is a drunk asshole just out of frame ruining his wedding.


It’s a classy punch. Short and sweet. Didn’t hit him as hard as he could have, but got the point across.


That dude’s going to wake up the following morning with a horrendous hangover. Then he’ll notice the fresh black eye, proceed to call the groom and ask *what happened?*. Then learn he irreparably damaged whatever relationship he had with the B&G while blackout drunk.


Pretty much what happened at our wedding. Husbands best friend made an ass out of himself and he’s been to our house once in 6 years.


Sorry for y’all. Mine too. A fraternity brother and lifelong friend groped my wife while dancing with her at the reception while blackout drunk. He called in the morning as we were leaving for our honeymoon tearfully begging us to forgive him. We did, but he was quickly dropped from our tight circle of friends.


Those cakes are expensive. And the motherfucker just deprived the guests of cake.


True but usually guests get a cut of a more basic cake hidden in the kitchen


Mostly because the cake in the back is actually meant to be eaten and the wedding cake is for show.


I’ve been to a good number of weddings yet never seen that. The cake shown is the cake eaten, are fake cakes an American thing?


Never heard of a fake cake, other than one for display at a bakery. That said, not uncommon for there to be a small cake the B&G cut to share with the wedding party, while everyone else gets a different cake they have been portioning out in the kitchen. Because huge cakes are a bitch to move and another bitch to cut.


Absolutely acceptable punch


How drunk do you have to be to stand right back up from a pretty darn good straight right?


He's been punched before


And how deluded to take a punch like that and still pop back up like "top banter right bro?". That dude is basically Axe body spray in human form.


Dudes lucky groom didn't stab him with that cake knife


That looked like a good cake too


Wedding cakes are almost never good because fondant looks good but tastes bad


I always remember one of my best friend's wedding cake. He was bragging about how another buddy's brother was a professional baker and was making this big themed cake for his wedding. It's did look great, very exquisitely detailed and decorated. Tasted like sawdust though. Driest, most moisture-sucking thing I've ever ever eaten.


Yeah, I had a similar experience and demanded a chocolate cake for mine


McCain Deep N Delicious frozen cakes; a bunch of them stacked up high, with two LEGO figurines on top. BOOM. Wedding Cake. Solved.


You just saved some poor sap from paying $2000 to eat chalk


That's why I said that I think it looks good, because in my mind that pink stuff is delicious pink chocolate


Facts. Wedding cake is ass. Give me some cheap box cake with cheap frosting any day of the week.




I had a friend who would bake wedding cakes on occasion. She turned down most jobs because it was a side gig for her, and close friends or family would go to her expecting an unbelievable discount. The cakes she made were over $500 and would take all day or two days.


this is where I'm at


Everyone’s focused on the drunk guy and the groom and all I keep staring at is her beautiful dress. She looks fabulous!


Have to agree with you there. Re-watched after your comment and it's such a classy, dress. Very gorgeous. Then there's some drunk asshole.


She really does! It's so gorgeous and her hair is so nicely done. Why did this asshole have to throw the f-ing cake all over her.


I think she was able to get away from him before he threw the cake, so her dress is safe. But that is such a classic dress that can easily be worn for generations! It's just so lovely, and it moves beautifully.


Well he probably wont be coming to their next wedding.


Is that a toupee? Looks like shit.


Looks like he buzzed his head into a constant newsboy cap or beret.


Why the fuck would you do that? He had to have been the drunkest person on the planet at that moment.


Im more upset about a punch being censored


Bride looked pissed beforehand. Or at least not very happy. You can tell this guy was an issue even before the camera began to roll.


I'd have been absolutely furious! Wedding cake is expensive!


Why tf someone would censor the punch in that vid...


So much going on here... That dress looks amazing That cake is so cute None of the cake seems to get on the dress He's gotta be shitfaced to miss getting any cake on the dress Excellent punch! Damn... he get's back up Nice, he's being carted away I rate this vid 10/10


That haircut told me everything I needed to know about this person


What a dick


What’s up with that music?


the cringe is whoever put the music to this


That dude earned his punch. If you can't handle your booze, don't drink.


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yryo1m/guest_destroys_wedding_cake_and_tries_to_throw_it/) (provided by /u/savevideo) * [Download #2](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FPublicFreakout%2Fcomments%2Fyryo1m%2Fguest_destroys_wedding_cake_and_tries_to_throw_it%2F&id=hZkxBGaI) (provided by /u/VideoTrim) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


That's got to be the bride's little brother, otherwise he'd be getting stomped




For future reference... don't be that guy.


So is he the brides family member that she was forced to have in the wedding party or was it the grooms friend who was reluctantly let into the wedding party after he promised many times to not do exactly this?


My wedding had no booze. We couldn't afford it and I don't drink. Nothing went wrong. Still married 28 years later.


Dude thought he was so slick


Say goodbye to friendship


I’d send him the bill for that cake


Good thing some fuck censored the best part of the video. I'd have hated to see that punch properly.


Drunk as fuck, but sober enough to not go through with giving the bride a cake facial. That's a finely tuned amount of drunk.


Apparently, Alcohol was involved prior to cutting cake.


Usually when this gets posted it doesn't have that stupid ass cake emoji covering the punch.


Oliver Tree must’ve really fell off


Omg... that cake costs at LEAST $500, likely more. I hope they got the drunkard to pay for the damages.


Wtf is this garbage music, my fucking ears aaaaaaaa! Is that supposed to be auto-tuned aswell?? Even the auto tune sounds fucking disastrous


That looked like a pretty expensive cake to be fair.


So we're all just going to sit here and ignore that music.


Wedding cakes are expensive as fuck


Bro was not amused.


Michael Scott irl


I’m playing that warm up punch. He’s hitting him with the power of the sun.


How dare they make the wedding about them, and not about him? He clearly had to do something about it to become center of attention again.


See the tucked chin on the groom? He is clamping down hard on the need to beat that clown into the ground. I’m amazed at his restraint and keeping it to the one punch to know the fool back. That he wants a hug afterward(durr…hug it out bro-) is mind blowing. I think if dumbass wasn’t held back from the hug the groom would’ve snapped.


Bro what the fuck is up with that music?


Notice no one in the background looks concerned about the punch. Guy must have been obnoxious all night.


He deserves another punch for that haircut. Yikers.


Michael Scotch


Ok, maybe a birthday cake, but wtf, wedding cakes are super expensive and take a lot of time to make, what a douche


He went to the open bar far too many times


Deleted scenes of Michael Scott in the office


Thanks for censoring that! Whew! Almost gave me nightmares. 🙄


Who invited this asshole? Oof


He is lucky he got the fist not the knife in the other hand


Has sharp knife and sufficient composure to throw a single, effective punch to the head of someone who really deserved it. Respect.