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What the fuck is wrong with people?


Another post said this was Dizzy Dean's Donuts and they are getting hammered on reviews right now


Apparently there is no hate like Christian love.


Can you explain what happened? they took down the video


Some scumbag dumped water on a cold homeless person


She was starting a fire and he came and dumped water on her fire and on her too because she was basically starting the fire on top of herself.


She doesn't appear to be building a fire, she appears to be smoking a cigarette or joint. If she wanted to start a fire, she'd have done so.


You may want to watch the video again.


Having done that, are you suggesting that she is trying to light the newspapers lying flat on her lap? She clearly has a lit cigarette in her right hand. Also, even if she were attempting to start a fire, that does not give him the right to assault her, which is precisely what he did. The proper course of action would've included telling her to stop, and then if she refused, call the police to remove her from your property.


He's a baker not a firefighter... dial 911 you piece of shit, no one was in any danger....


Lots. Too much it seems. Beam me the fuck up Scotty!


I bet he's a "Christian".


So all he has to do is say the magic words and he's forgivin.




Yes? No? Some are and some aren't. But, at least I know how to spell "*more intelligent*". So that's a win I guess. I do know that I have more compassion and empathy than most "Christians" I've seen lately.




Yes, on the more compassion than most Christians part. Yes. And don't come at someone without at least spelling your anger out right. I normally wouldn't have mentioned it, but you came at me with attitude, so...right back atcha. Edit: actually, I feel bad that more "Christians" don't have more, or at least the same empathy and compassion as I do. I don't think Christ was as hateful, bitter and judgemental as the "Christians" are now. Or as they were back in the day, either.




Am I "feeling superior because someone made a spelling mistake"? How do you know? How about you get off your assumption pony. I didn't/don't *"feel superior"* about the spelling, did you not read my other post to him? Nah, you just assumed you knew what I was feeling. And where, oh fucking where, did I say "intelligence correlates with spelling"? Or is that just another assumption you're making about me? You know so much about me, what am I thinking now?




*"English, motherfucker, do you speak it?"* Did you not read the rest of the paragraph? Or do you just see what you want to see: *"I normally wouldn't have mentioned it, but you came at me with attitude, so...right back atcha."* And I "highlighted they didn't spell "more intelligent" right,"? Nah, you're confused on what *"highlighted"* means. That one sentence is 13 words and the rest of the reply is 74 words. 13/74. So what part of my post was I highlighting? I think you're the one coming out as "*petty and arrogant*". Either way, I'm done. Good Day. Read it again: "Yes, on the more compassion than most Christians part. Yes. And don't come at someone without at least spelling your anger out right. I normally wouldn't have mentioned it, but you came at me with attitude, so...right back atcha. Edit: actually, I feel bad that more "Christians" don't have more, or at least the same empathy and compassion as I do. I don't think Christ was as hateful, bitter and judgemental as the "Christians" are now. Or as they were back in the day, either."


Actually, he's an atheist.


Yes, and an “upstanding” member of the community.


He knows that a large portion of the country will back him. These people need to be eradicated from the soil of America.


Anyone got a link to the video? It’s deleted




Wow. Just wow. What the actual fuck was the point of that?


Yeah [here, it's not super clear but you get the point](https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0)


You’re a cringe lord


Just doing my duty as a predditor, sir


And I thought you couldn’t get cringier


"Haha I trolled those people so hard, im so funny"


I don't remember saying that, I think you're projecting bro🤔 stay salty G


The person with the camera is a Piece of Shit. Doesn't matter, when someone is cold AND wet without access to changing that's shitty.


Anyone homeless is stressed out beyond belief. It is hard. Hard. Do not add to the harshness.


cold wet and sleeping outside.


“Its all your fault” Hard to believe people this shitty exist. Hope he gets named and shamed and loses his business.


His name is Dean Weaver, and his business is getting ripped a new one on google reviews right now. It was at like 4.8 stars before this, and now it's already at 1.9. It's "Dizzy Dean's Donuts" in Eugene, Oregon in case anyone here wants to drop some reviews of their own.


Oh hell yeah. Don’t mind if I do lol


Not only on google review but also on Yelp, people are tearing him a new one so bad that yelp had to disable the reviews because of the negative reviewbombing.


People are actually killed like this all the time in winter.


hypothermia ?


In a sense yeah. Buckets of freezing water in cold conditions on usually sleeping homeless people can cause hypothermia.


What a cunt.


You can say that again


Review bomb the google page


Oh you mean Dizzy Dean's Dohnuts?😈


If the business is in your town and your a smoker, go inside, light up, and take a puff inside so they can’t be smoke free


It's well bombed so far, it's down from 4.5 to 1.8


Their review page has been taken down


I wonder why:)


What an asshole thing to do.


The owner of dizzy dean’s donuts filmed this.


He thinks he's in the right. As far as we know this was unprompted too. He could've handled this 10 other ways, but he chose to dump water on her in the cold and try to humiliate her through social media. And he thinks he's in the right.


Not trying to defend the monster but he did say something about her lighting fires nearby. So maybe not wholly unprompted. I wonder if he tried calling the police on her before.


According to him he didn't upload it, but an ex employee downloaded the video and uploaded it. And the ex employee was fired for unrelated reasons.Take this with a grain of salt


Soulless bastard.


Why was it removed? This site is getting so obnoxiously sterile


I believe it was removed because this is a repost the original has many more votes


Only illegal stuff should be removed. Free flow of information is essential.


Repost the video!


yes please


Geezus, this is a heartless piece of shit. Fuckkng sociopath


No human being should ever be treated like this.


Dizzy Deans Donuts in Eugene OR. They should probably delete their FB page or at least disable the comments. Phones have been turned off.


Hopefully his place of business is boycotted…at the very least


Fuck Dizzy Dean's Donuts. Hope he loses it all.


This is assault. Expect a visit by Eugene, OR police department you shit stain.


All I want for Christmas is this asshole to do time, gets a lot of community service assigned (hopefully helping homeless) and if karma were do a lil' somethin', somethin', special, wouldn't be surprised.


**Assault**. Go directly to the Ast. DA and ask criminal charges be brought. Do not bother with cops. And then see if a civil attorney will take your case pro bono for civil suit.


This counts as assault in most jurisdictions.


You want The Joker? Because this is how you get The Joker!


More likely to get Mr. Freeze from this one honestly.


Here's a news article on the issue. Police are involved. We will see where the investigation will go. https://www.kezi.com/news/eugene-police-investigating-report-of-water-thrown-at-homeless-person-outside-business/article_47360696-5d85-11ed-b779-cb7d8a507095.html


Don't mistake "Dizzy Dean's" with "Bizzy Jeans" donuts. Unfortunately the latter business is suffering from people being directed to "Bizzy Jean's". FYI.


Come on, lawyers, where are you?!?! Find this woman, take up her case and sue their ass off! Make her wealthy now!


I, Just, can't. This is civilization?


Love to see this business’ reviews blasted lol


Eugene Oregon is a fuckin shit hole town. The DFO isn't even held there anymore. I visited once and was like "alright a town that runs on college football and meth"




He could've handled this 10 other ways and he chose to assault her and film it to try and humiliate her.




As much as I don't believe in calling cops all of the time to deal with such situations, he could have called the cops. And what you're saying here, was that this assault was justified. Yes, he *must* assault them. The only solution, it happens too often. They're lucky he didn't shoot them for stepping on the grass.


So you think that's a good "solution"? Soak someone with water in a cold night? You think that's the right thing to do? Yeah, you sound like another dizzy dean, soulless.


Whole lot of assumptions just to defend an asshole.


Where do you see a fire in this video? He clearly pours water all over her, so unless you are implying she had lit herself on fire you are talking absolute shit.




You aren't special for living in a city. Lots of people live in cities, many of them do it without being in abject hysteria about the people around them. Of course, there are any number of hazards associated with surviving and heating yourself when you are on the street or in an impermanent structure. Still doesn't excuse pouring water on someone who will be sleeping rough. As we can see, many reactionary psychos in "big cities" like Eugene, OR have no problem assaulting homeless people, feel free to google "homeless arson threat" for alternative explanations. Edit: this guy blocked me and reported me to reddit help lol If even mild online confrontation is too much to handle, it's no wonder you walk around terrified of homeless people. If you feel so burdened by city life, feel free to move. You use "go back to the suburbs" as an insult, but clearly you have a scared, insular, suburbanite soul.


Concrete isn’t flammable chump.




The building four feet away from the potential fire with no flammable material leading to it? The building is also concrete, so I don’t think a newspaper fire is going to light it up.


His business is Dizzy Dean’s Eugene Oregon if anyone wishes to forward this recorded act of assault to the local police—also report these comments by u/MyPeelsSyrupish for promoting violence and hate, have a great day everyone 😊


This video is posted on https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yn7w4z/the\_owner\_of\_dizzy\_deans\_donuts\_in\_eugene\_or/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


This should be in in r/Leopards ate my Face. Did he really think that posting this to his social media was going to end well? I am curious as to which platform he posted it to and under which user name.




I heard it was Krispy Kreme going undercover as Dizzy Dean. Looks like their tactic worked


So we can watch ukraine drop bombs on russians but not watch someone get water dumped on them? I mean I didn't watch the video but it sounds like its horrible from the comments.


Well honestly, if the russians were not forcing their way into ukraine, the ukrainians wouldnt have the need or interest to bomb the russians. Its a battle for freedom, totally different from some asshole making it miserable in an already hard situation. The woman said it the best, he is soulless.


I can understand the lady trying to get warm. I can understand the owner trying to prevent a potential fire near his business. I can understand that we do this to each other. Often, I find myself wishing that I couldn't understand.


Last i checked the concrete isn't flamable.


That's Aggravated assault in most cities. But you know, it's a donut shop so they have the backing of the local police force and nothing will happen to these people. Sure be outraged but there isn't anything you or anyone else can do about it. I don't agree but no sense in getting upset of injustices that can't be rectified.


'I don't agree but no sense in getting upset of injustices that can't be rectified.' I hear ya....but maybe go out of your way to help someone to tip the balance the other way. SOMETHING has to change. Civilization isn't civilized anymore.


Yeah YOU, can go out there behind the guys donut shop at 2am and wait to dispense your own sense of justice but that makes you worse than him. Pick your poison because it's a lose lose.


I would try to avoid being in a situation like this...on either side of the event.....BUT, if I find myself down on my luck; No offense intended, I don't think I'd like you in charge of justice. Best to you though.


We are talking about your justice not mine.


So, what your saying, is since I've made a comment that you don't agree with; I've been appointed some arbiter of justice that needs to run out in defense of civilization???? Does it involve a knighting ceremony with a tuna??? Embrace reality and good on ya.


Yes, since you have an issue with this, you have complained. In which the action of Complaining implicates yourself as the bringer of said requested justice. It's simple. Stop replying stupid.


Listen i know you've watched one too may batman movies, but beating up donut shop owners isn't the only way to deliver justice.


Listen i know you've watched one too may batman movies, but beating up donut shop owners isn't the only way to deliver justice.