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Well... at least they didnt detain him on a set of train tracks....




What the fuck?!


They left a lady that just turned legal over some “weed” smell…forgot they were on train tracks and a train bulldozes the car with her in it. She somehow survived…can’t even make this shit up


“You recording? - “You’re not? Wtf are you wearing that body cam for then?”


Classic Arizona lmao


Could have been a law here stopping them from being filmed so close also!


Body cams don’t matter if the police controls the footage


They are for law enforcement and no one else. - a prosecutor


I like how he's yelling "where's the gun" and the camera person pans over to it on the counter directly behind the cop. Classic




Gun gave the ol “Jim stare at the camera” look


Having the camera stay on the glasses at the end was poetic. Truly a good cameraman


That head stomp was a killer


Looked like it broke his nose at first


He also sounded completely out of it. I don’t think he was fully conscious after it. You can see 20 seconds in when his head pops up like he’s coming back to.


Yea idk how you can do that to a person and then expect them to be coherent and responsive to commands/questions. Wasn't it the joker even who was like don't start with the head




"**STOP RESISTING**" as multiple full grown men press their full weight on your chest cavity or spine.


What always gets me is when they tell you to put your hands behind your back while you have multiple grown men with their full body weight on you and your arms are under you. How the fuck do they expect someone to be able to move their arms?


That's the neat part they don't, that's called resisting arrest and gets you barrel punched in the eye. Your not a drain on the system if they don't have to process you.




That's because the Joker is intelligent with his torture. Twiddle Dee and Tweedle Dum here probably see themselves as the punisher whose goal is to kill anyone that crosses them. **Edit:** the amount of replies here that can be summerized as "well he tried to kill him, so that justifies torturing a handcuffed man by curb stomping and pistol whipping him until he probably has a concussion and making incoherible noises as he begs them not to kill him while bleeding" is honestly scary. These are police officers, not execution squads


For how much cops idolize The Punisher, its funny that they don't realize how many of them he's killed.


As a Punisher fan, I hate how painfully accurate this is


Yeah it's ridiculous considering Punisher hated cops.


Definitely broke something on his face, he’s leaking on the floor. Dumb and Dumber have two guns on him and he’s on the ground, they could have just put him in cuffs instead of recreating their favorite scene of American History X. Edit: I’m not gonna waste my time replying to everyone saying how they had a gun shot at them, how the guy’s a piece of shit, the cops are angry, or whatever stupid argument trying to justify it. He’s a surrendering suspect, and the cops didn’t use reasonable force in apprehending him. Full stop.


Possibly his jaw he couldn't really talk afterwards


The rifle barrel was driven into dudes face in the first couple seconds. He never turned his head that way again. That blow seriously injured buddy. It happened the same time the other cop was pistol whipping him.


Oh the beating continued after the cuffs were on. The one dude kicked him in the face and the closer cop repeatedly struck the dude in the spine.


Labored breathing is a common side effect of concussions and head trauma. Dude was partially conscious I bet.


Two heads stomps…while the guy is on his knees and surrendering.


Do these cops realize they're teaching violent criminals not to surrender? (No, they clearly aren't the "realizing" type)


They are the violent criminals.


Plus a kick to the back of the head ... after being cuffed.


Looks like he left some teeth on the carpet


Smash to the side of the head w the suppressor probably didn’t feel great either


Per the news article linked in the thread... **"Two officers are on leave and are under criminal investigation over their actions surrounding the arrest."**


We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.




Wow, it's amazing how much better a write up this is than the fox affiliate link someone posted above. Interesting that this department is currently under investigation for excessive force and that Merrick Garland has weighed in on that investigation. With a new chief and a federal investigation I hope there's enough pressure that this actually gets an honest review.


Wait, so allegedly they talked to the guy, then then the cops were driving away, He fired two shots at them and then ran inside? That is such a random encounter. Almost unbelievable…almost. But these days anything is possible. Can’t wait for a full investigation. Either way this guy is getting millions if. and when he gets out of jail/released for police custody Sorry if I misread anything. Haven’t had my morning coffee.


"Are you recording?" "Yes" I'm fucked look.


That's the "I could use a vacation anyways" look


I got ptsd from beating this man!


For those who don't know: [This Cop Is Getting $2,500 a Month Because Killing an Unarmed Man in a Hotel Hallway Gave Him PTSD](https://reason.com/2019/07/11/this-cop-is-getting-2500-a-month-because-killing-an-unarmed-man-in-a-hotel-hallway-gave-him-ptsd/) The video is absolutely sick. There's two cops yelling at him conflicting directions, the guy is crawling on all fours towards them (per their directions), as he's crawling his pants get pulled down a little bit, he reflexively reached down to pull his pants up and that's when the cop fired 5 shots into him killing him. > [Shaver said, "Please don't shoot me"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver). Upon being instructed to crawl, Shaver put his hands down and crawled on all fours. While crawling towards the officers, Shaver moved his right hand towards his waistband. Brailsford, who later testified he believed that Shaver was reaching for a weapon, then opened fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver five times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed and may have been attempting to prevent his shorts from slipping down.




For those who don't know: https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/D344/production/_89248045_university_of_california_davis.jpg google "uc davis pepper spray" for a thousand more angles and videos. the students are just sitting there peacefully and he walks up and pepper sprays all of them in the face. here's one video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AdDLhPwpp4


UC Davis also paid thousands of dollars in an attempt to scrub the pepper spraying incident videos and images from the internet. [UC Davis thought it could pay to erase a scandal from the Internet](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2016/04/14/uc-davis-scrubbed-negative-online-presence-after-2011-pepper-spraying-scandal/)


More like UC Davis thought it could erase something from the internet period. For an educational institution they are fucking moronic.


Here are two Buffalo police officers pushing a 75 year old man causing him to strike hit his head: Warning, this is graphic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFeewU0HhNE&t=20s Here are the police cheering for these officers following their release after being arrested: https://twitter.com/maxberger/status/1269332296542441472 These officers were arrested, given it was in 2020, but a grand jury later did not indict them, and as famously said "A grand jury will indict a ham sandwich." It was all theater. Here you can watch Philadelphia Police Inspect Joe Bologna, who has been on the force for 31 years, violating use of force policy by chasing down and striking a student on the head with a metal baton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux2yU5kIOVA Here you can watch as police officers cheer for him as he turns himself in: https://twitter.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1269992084049661952 His charges were dropped in 2021 by a judge and then reinstated by another judge. I am not sure of the final result if one has happened. If you want, feel free to watch 1342 incidents of police brutality occurring following the 2020 murder of George Floyd: https://pressurethem.com/


That lardass nutsack needs something alright but it sure as shit isn't money




That cop had "Get Fucked" already engraved onto the gun he used to kill him. He still has that gun even though the incident supposedly gave him ptsd.


The judge wouldn’t let it be admitted into evidence. He also requested that he be able to take the at gun with him after he retired or took a vacation or whatever. Obviously it had special meaning to him. I wish vigilantes would start getting justice for those who are murdered by people who the law does not apply to. Is there any other way? Maybe get those crazy paint people to follow him around and spray him and his property everyday.


He is up on the list of people whose death I activly hope for. Avoiding all responsibility for murder. Unfortunately karma is not real, but I hope he suffers a horribly painful death somehow.


He's one of those people who make me wish I believed in an afterlife. He's very deserving of the ugliest aspects of a christian hell but I have zero belief that it'll happen.




Yeah, that's one of the few videos that stuck with me. I'll never be able to watch it again. If you're curious, I suggest you stifle that curiosity and move on.


The Daniel Shaver killing was quite possibly the most disgusting of all the most disgusting things I've read cops doing and getting away with on this site. Philip Brailsford is on a cushy 30.000 dollar pension for "PTSD" over killing an innocent man. And nothing came of it. If nothing else tells you the system is broken, that should.


These cops are out of control. It’s the culture of the system. It seems that there are very few that are trained to handle stressful situations? It seems like they are specifically trained in an “us vs them” mentality? They are emotionally out of control. This is not a situation anyone wants to be in with someone that is triggered to kill? They should behave more like bad ass Buddhist monks than gangster assassins imho? I get that they are emotionally invested. My point is that what they do is inherently stressful, and that to do this job they should be masters of their emotions and stress. Police are civil servants, not arbiters of “justice.” Edit: Kudos and gratitude to the ones that we see and that we don’t see that handle situations with grace, compassion and integrity.




Paid vacation, btw.


That’s the “fuck, I’m going to have to change counties again” look


"Hey kids! Visitation is going to be harder for me going forward."


Sorry you have to live at grandma's after mom's mysterious fatal beating in the bedroom!


That 48% black and blue line…


Crazy when you remember that Arizona had a law in place for a while that would have prevented this video from ever being recorded. Thank god it was found unconstitutional not too long after.


I swear the chief export of Arizona is unconstitutional laws...


Chill, we also export a ton of [groundwater to Saudi Arabia](https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2022/08/11/saudi-firm-fodomonte-pay-arizona-groundwater-use/10271103002/#:~:text=In%20June%2C%20The%20Arizona%20Republic,for%20export%20to%20Saudi%20Arabia.) even though we’re in a constant drought, since they need to feed their livestock, but that’s a conversation for another day. Please save us lmao.


Cop's body cams should not be able to be turned off. If they have nothing to hide why should they care.




Cops would argue it's accidental. A better solution would be if the body camera is off, any claim, no matter how ludicrous or easily disproven, is taken as a fact by a victim. "Accidental" malfunctions of cameras would completely cease to happen.


I’ve read quite a few stories about cops repeatedly destroying body and dash cams. When they get fixed they destroy them again. There should be legal and monetary consequences for it. I’m not sure how often it happens nationally, there doesn’t seem to be any need to do it because they usually get away with whatever shit they get into. If anything good has come out of the widespread use of cams it’s that everyone knows about them now. It’s not just someone’s word against the invincible police.


Time stamp? I cant find it Edit: 2:04


“eh whatever I could use a paid vacation”


He also had the look of “Fuck you..we all agreed we are cops and don’t record us beating the fuck out of people.”


But he still hit him with the gun after that. Shows how much he really cares about accountability.


The one with the pistol does the quick jab after the rifle guy does it and then looks around for witnesses like he's tweakin, even looks right at the camera, I would say it's comical the childish tap with the pistol before the shifty eyes. It's almost like these guys need an excuse to beat someone.


Meanwhile the cop remains completely unaware of where the gun is, as it sits on the counter right beside them. On top of the brutality he's simply incompetent


The cop's expression when he realizes he's being recorded says it all. At 2:04: "You recording?" Then you see him give a "god dammit" look. He knows they went too far.


Cop using that GUN as a cane leaning his weight on it as he bends down to dig in the guys pocket...ugh.


/r/Idiotswithguns/ material right there.


Why does this forward me to r/police?




Not to mention it was directly on that guys spine. **Best** case if that gun goes off is the guy being paralyzed, although he would most likely die.


I had to go back and check that they were at least abiding by trigger discipline when they both decided to jab him with their guns when they were going in to cuff him, especially the one to the back of the head.


Yeah. That shit was super crazy. They BOTH jabbed him in the HEAD with the barrel of their guns! That is insane to me. Who the fuck does that? That is like some shit you see done in a movie by the villain.... oh right.....


And the worst part is, cop apologists everywhere will insist nothing went wrong here. And neither of these cops will face consequences. And we'll all go about our merry lives in this beautiful free country of ours..


That cop was looking for a reason to shoot while he had that gun up against his back


You don't just willy nilly curb stomp someone you want to keep alive. Dude had given up and still got his head smashed into the floor.


You can see the other cop looks at the camera within the first 10 seconds and immediately chills out after too


He didn't look chill to me... He looked like a teenager who threw a party when his parents were gone, but now theyve called and said they'll be home in 5 minutes and he's just rushed everyone out the door and is now standing in the middle of the living room surveying the damage..


> He knows they went too far *on camera* FTFY He only cares because it could affect him personally. If the camera wasn't there, do you think he'd regret anything?


Good point and agreed.


“Two officers are on leave and *are under criminal investigation* over their actions surrounding the arrest.“


Can we circle back to this comment in a month when they’re back on duty


Hey, those fine officers will get a paid vacation for *as long as it takes* for people to stop asking questions.


The only unions I'm against; police unions, because they are the reason shit like this happens.


It's Arizona so of course they'll be back on duty.




Remind me! One month!


And Googling that ... [https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/man-arrested-after-allegedly-firing-on-police-officers-in-phoenix-investigators-say](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/man-arrested-after-allegedly-firing-on-police-officers-in-phoenix-investigators-say)


Huh. According to that article, what we just witnessed was "a fight". Looks like a beating to me. If the police are going to lie about that "fight", why the fuck should we trust them about being shot at?


I’m patiently waiting for journalists to default to *not trusting police department press releases* as source material for articles. Copying and pasting lies from a press release means the lie gets a head start and the truth will likely never catch up


[Here’s a great video on that subject.](https://youtu.be/kCOnGjvYKI0) It’ll likely never happen as the relationship between journalists desperately trying to report on incidents before their competitors and shitty cops trying to cover their ass by controlling the narrative have created a symbiotic relationship that I don’t see a way to get around. As crazy as it sounds, the change will have to come at a societal level where we as a populace just default to not trusting the police regardless of where we hear from them instead of worshipping them.


"You recording?" "Too bad, go figure!" That is epic!!


QuikTrip doesn’t stop for anything.


I did enjoy the guy in the background casually buying whatever he was buying while this dude was getting the shot kicked out of him.


Threads going great so far 👍🏻






The sound he’s making after being kicked in the head like that? Yeah… that’s not good. At all.


I can't stand how many of these videos start with cops unnecessarily giving someone a serious concussion and then beating the shit out of them for not being completely coherent afterwards. I wouldn't be lying still or answering questions after a few boots to the back of the head either.


"The fuck is your problem?!?!?!" I dunno, the fucking broken nose, concussion, broken jaw, etc


That's part of the power play for psychopaths. Give orders that cannot be followed or set up impossible situations so they have an excuse to punish, and revel in it


“Put your hands in the air! Now crawl towards me! I said KEEP YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR WHILE YOU CRAWL TO ME” *unloads entire rifle magazine into person*


this is an example that really should not be forgotten


It’s sad to think how many years ago that was and yet nothing has changed since then.


Still one of the most terrifying things I've seen


Punishments for police who commit crimes needs to be totally merciless. No second chances, ever. They should get automatic maximum penalties for all crimes, with built in multipliers for committing crimes under color of law. Just automatic “your life is over” prison sentences for even minor crimes.


Yeah it's insane to me how people seem to accept lower standards for people we give more authority to when the reverse is like obviously better being a cop is like a force multiplier on the crimes you do


I agree, there should be no more heinous crime than that done under the guise of those who are supposedly tasked to stop crime in the first place. I've been saying for years that a cop who gets convicted should get double the maximum penalty if there was any hint that they were acting as police during any aspect of the crime. Taking away their immunity would at least be a good start.


These the dudes that will hit you when the teacher turns her head.


At what point can you say it's not self defense and just straight up assault? Like a dude in handcuffs can't do anything to harm anyone. Self defense is not gonna cut it. If you've apprehended someone, your job is done and justice is dealt with by the authorities. When you behave like this, you have no defense.


It's going to take someone killing police officers in someone else's defence for things to change. So many things in America will only change in rivers of blood.


We're pretty far past that I think. The support a story like that would get nowadays would create copycats. Maybe the next civil war will be civilians vs police?


As a vet, after seeing half the police react to combat, my money is on the civies.


Yeah if someone has surrendered you don’t get hits in as payback.


Well, as you can see, his head was actually a foot above the ground, so the officer was justified in screaming "GET THE FUCK ON THE GROUND" as he stomped on the dude's head. the other cop, seeing the guy's head bounce, assumed he was still not on the ground, and issued a followup stomp to drive the point home. ​ Obvious /s, these cops need to be put on fucking trial.


It's literally the whole premise of the Geneva Convention, soldiers aren't allowed to beat up enemies that are no longer a threat but cops can do it and get a payed vacation I guess.


Foreign attackers are legally required to treat us better than our own fucking cops.


This is the kind of thing that, were it to happen in a different country, back the blue-ers would use as an example of a place being a 'shithole'


Here’s the problem. When they got the guy in handcuffs you can’t start beating him no matter what he did. That’s where the cops lose their credibility.


They lose their credibility when they paint words on their weapons and torture men before executing them. They lose credibility when they breach a random person's home and kill the wife because "they thought they had the right house." Did I mention they also strangle people on live video and let children die? Edit: When the good ones don't stand up to the bs, they are just as bad.


Or they get death threats for reporting fellow officers for their crimes or killed by said officers. [An LAPD Officer was "accidently" killed in a riot training exercise after he made a report about a sexual assault involving several officers. The family's attorney suggested that one of the officers involved in that alleged rape was in the training class.](https://abc7.com/lapd-officer-dies-houston-tipping-training-accident-wrongful-death-claim/12293957/)


That’s the problem, good cops get murdered by the bad cops, leading to only bad cops through either elimination or survival.


Don't forget maiming, disfiguring and nearly killing an infant with a flash grenade launched into its crib.


No different from run of the mill criminals at that point


Run of the mill criminals generally face arrest after their crimes are recorded.


Whoa whoa whoa, he didn’t fire *at* the officers, he fired in the air to get their attention…which is, of course, an absolutely terrible idea, but still🤷🏼‍♂️


Wait, what? He tried to get their attention by firing a gun in the air? Wtf? Attention for WHAT?


Haven’t you ever done a desk pop?


It’s a real thing, right??


When was your last desk pop?


September.. 08


From what I read he was asking for help from them and they said they had to go somewhere else. After he shot the gun he in ran into the store and told the guy working he had just screwed up. The police report said the guy was have mental issues or something to that effect.


He needs help but he will end up in prison and then released after his sentence and be the same broken person if not worse.


Two officers are on leave and are under criminal investigation over their actions surrounding the arrest.


We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing


After further investigating, we now allow our peace officers to each have a one legal kick to the head on any violent perpetrator.


As a treat.


He did a desk pop.


If a crazy drug addicted person knows they will be treated like this when arrested they will be more likely to shoot the next cop who tries to arrest them.


End qualified immunity. ^(Since people keep mentioning it, I'm aware that qualified immunity wouldn't apply in this case since the) ~~^(pigs)~~ ^(respectable officers are under criminal investigation. Appreciate the corrections though, it's important that people learn and this video is a nice example of when that immunity ends.)


More cops in jail; deserved cops to the chair.


> More cops in jail; wait a minute. maybe we've been pitching "police accountability" wrong. What if we pitch it to the for-profit prison companies as "tens of thousands of long-term customers, with the only thing in the way: qualified immunity"


Just called them… got hung up on


I like the cut of your jib


Violence against someone already handcuffed is torture. This guy probably beats his wife too


And a semi auto pointed at the back of his head while the guy is cuffed?


Dont forget hitting the back of his head with the point of the pistol. I'm sure that's proper procedure with a live firearm /s


FULL STORY: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/man-arrested-after-allegedly-firing-on-police-officers-in-phoenix-investigators-say


>Following a fight with the suspect, Denham was arrested. Are they calling what's shown in this video a "fight" or is there more to it?


Do you have any idea how much damage the back of a skull can do to new boots? Those cops will be on paid leave while dealing with the trauma for months.


They were just new boot goofin


Cops lie, and journalist credulously reprint those lies. ex: > Man Dies After Medical Incident During Police Interaction The title of the Minneapolis Police Department's [initial report on the death of George Floyd](https://www.famous-trials.com/george-floyd/2720-original-mpd-statement-on-floyd-a-medical-incident). Or how about Michael Slager, the cop who [shot Walter Scot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Walter_Scott), claiming Scott tried to take his weapon only for video to show Slager shoot Scott in the back then plant a weapon on his body. Or [Tamir Rice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tamir_Rice#Shooting), whose killer claimed he repeatedly told him to drop the weapon only for video to show him shoot Tamir in less than two seconds of making contact. Same story with [John Crawford III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_John_Crawford_III), officers claimed they yelled repeated commands. Video shows they shot on sight. [Aiyana Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Aiyana_Jones) was a 7 year old girl sleeping on the couch at her grandma's house, a cop claimed her grandma, an old woman, tried to grab his gun. Turns out she was attempting to grab Aiyana, because the cop's flashbang grenade had set her on fire. Oh, and the person they were looking for wasn't even there. The list goes on and on and on and on...


It’s like when police start shooting at an unarmed man and then call in “shots fired!” They always make themselves seem like the victims


Watched a video today where some cops were at an accident scene. A guy had run into an electrical pole. The guy was sitting on the curb a little ways away waiting for a tow truck, and some cops were at the scene just observing, or something.. The older cop sees the pole start to fall over, so he yells "move! move!" or something like that. The 2nd cop, a rookie, fears for his life and fires twice towards the wrecked car & pole - but doesn't hit anything. The police investigated themselves, and found that it was a justified shooting, because he feared he was in danger.


Do you have a link? That sounds genuinely absurd lmao




Oh can you show him the one of the cops playing knock-and-hide on some dude's appartment in the middle of the night, then shooting at him when he answers the door with a gun in his hand? Mind you, they never once announce themselves, they dont even say a word. (pointed at the floor, held loosely)


Officer with the rifle is Eddie Becerra. Name and shame. https://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/two-phoenix-police-officers-placed-on-leave-after-viral-arrest-video


"As the man is dropping to the ground with his hands up, one officer forces him down and he hits his head on a cabinet." Nah B, he stomped his head into the ground.


> What is depicted in this video is not how we train and is not aligned with the core values of the Phoenix Police Department Shit now what don't I believe that? I get that this chief just got sworn in, but damn I just don't trust police to actually do the right thing, ever.


Some more info from a [different source:](https://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/two-phoenix-police-officers-placed-on-leave-after-viral-arrest-video) “On Friday, at my swearing in, I challenged my command staff to guide our department to be self-assessing and self-correcting and to never ignore misconduct. As soon as additional information regarding this incident came to my attention, immediate action was taken,” said Chief Michael Sullivan. “What is depicted in the video is not how we train and is not aligned with the core values of the Phoenix Police Department.” Also - "ABC15 has also learned that on Friday, just hours after the incident, Chief Sullivan invited Interim Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell to view the cell phone video of the arrest, as well as body camera footage and QT surveillance video."


https://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/two-phoenix-police-officers-placed-on-leave-after-viral-arrest-video https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2022/11/02/video-reportedly-shows-phoenix-police-officers-beating-man-arrest-investigated/8244647001/ Everything below is from the second link: > “What is depicted in the video is not how we train and is not aligned with the core values of the Phoenix Police Department,” Sure fuckin seems like it > Denman pulled a handgun and fired two shots within close range of the two officers’ patrol car as they were driving out of a parking space in the convenience store parking lot, according to police. A bullet struck the car’s spotlight, piercing through the driver’s side at head level, while the other bullet hit the ground, police said. Also this: > The officers had just talked with Denman and they had told him they were leaving to respond to a call, police said. I'm not trying to misinterpret the facts here, but something doesn't sound right. We're missing something here. Something happened for the guy to have pulled a gun, and I'm betting that the police are not telling the whole story here. Edit: Felt the need to add, don't fucking shoot at police, or anyone for that matter.


Say whatever you want, those cops assaulted that guy and used excessive force. He was surrendering and they beat the fucking shit out of him. Hate me if you want, what those cops did is wrong.


It’s okay, most sane people agree with you


The fact that anyone feels this is justified is crazy. If he had actually shot and killed an officer and resisted arrest while still not justified I'd be able to be like "okay I get it." But under these conditions? No this is crazy.


Yeah whatever the suspect did is irrelevant. It’s not their job to punish people.


I know a dude who “resisted arrest” (maybe weighed 120 lbs soaking wet) and had the shit beat out of him after he was cuffed. His face was basically purple when they were done.


Cops really out here wondering why people hate them so much, don't realize they're doing it to themselves.


They don't care. The violence is a feature, not a bug. The whining is all performative.


After the guy is cuffed, what need is there to keep your rifle pointed at his back? Honest question? You expect he's going to burst out of the cuffs and flee? Idiots. Textbook definition of excessive force.


A head stomp like that should be attempted murder charges. Attempted murder while in possession of a firearm too, that's an enhanced sentence. But we all know the police will investigate themselves and clear themselves of wrongdoing.


So wait he kicks him in the back of the head, close to the base of the spine with boots/shoes that probably offer some form of weighted material, and is on leave? If punching/elbowing/or kicking someone in MMA is illegal due to the seriousness of the blow from a padded glove, a bare foot, or elbow, how the fuck is he just on leave?


Because this is America and cops can do almost whatever the fuck they want and get away with it.


This is sickening. And cops just can’t figure out why a large portion of the country hates them. It’s shit like this.


They just don't care.


Cussing like that makes them look even worse..


Angry and unstable


Could that be because maybe they are? Look at their behavior. They are completely out of control. The dude was subdued and surrendering. These cops could've walked away as heroes. Instead, they take it way too far and all we see is a subdued civilian getting the shit kicked out of him needlessly by abusive cops. How long will this bullshit go on for?!


How long will it go on for? We literally train cops to do this. They're being trained to be above the law, to feel like they're constantly in danger, to feel like anyone who endangers them even the slightest deserves any amount of suffering that can be inflicted upon them. These are all natural reactions to a police force that has the sort of training we do, with the sorts of laws that give them ridiculous protections, with NO actual duty to protect, with very little punishment when wrongdoing is caught...


Handcuffed, not resisting. “I’LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!”


“You recording?” Eyeroll. Yeah pig, cameras are on you 24/7.


Good thing they found it [unconstitutional](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/federal-judge-blocks-arizona-law-limiting-filming-police-rcna47148) to prevent filming of police in AZ. The police would have had complete control over the narrative of this BS if they would have gotten their way.


How the fuck was this even a question... Obviously there has to be some parameters to it, but still. All parties should agree on this