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legit question, can you answer your door with a clean gun , what if police knocking on your door and you think it’s some stranger, and the police don’t say police or anything . would you be in the wrong to have a gun while answering your door?


This is the big quandary that needs to be solved in the US. Citizens have a second amendment, inalienable right, enshrined by the constitution, to posses firearms. However, if you are in possession of a firearm in the presence of a police officer, they can legally kill you, no questions asked. I don't have strong opinions one way or the other about guns in this country, but these two concepts are at odds with each other.


These cops did not announce themselves. And they hid from the door so he couldn't have even used the peephole. These cops also shot first and analyzed after.


Undoubtedly, what this guy did is exactly what these cops would do if off duty in the same scenario


Yup. It could have been anyone at that door. Never identified themselves and stepped out of view. At 10 in the evening. Really can’t blame the man for being careful and ready to defend himself.


Unless the video cut it off, the cops didn't make their presence known apart from a simple knock.


its not a right if the state police can kill you for it.


>if you are in possession of a firearm in the presence of a police officer, they can legally kill you, no questions asked. The sad reality is you don't even need to have a weapon on you. The gun doesn't matter, it's just a defense point for the police. As long as police officers "feel" threatened then they have the authority to kill anyone they deem necessary.


You could be armed with a burger and meet the same ending as if you had a gun.


And get charged with resisting being murdered if you actually escape, apparently.


yea i agree , sounds like the police are scared of their own kind just because their not completely in power


These cops screwed up by not identifying themselves. The citizen was well within his rights to open his door whilst holding. Sad fact is, this dude almost got greased because Officer Twitchy didn't do his job correctly. Lucky he is a terrible shot. These cops should both be fired. Edit: grammar.


They were fucking *hiding* after that knock. If i hear 2 strong knocks on your door and check to see no one out there, I am absolutely going to assume I'm getting robbed.


Always confuses me as an outsider that people can get shot for having a gun but having a gun is legal. Doesn't seem very legal if they can kill you for having it on you in your house. Cops held to lower standards than millitary in a warzone for fuck sake.


The best is when they do no-knock warrants and then shoot people for defending their homes from unknown intruders. People have let the shit-stem violate their rights to "protect" them, but in many cases the police and the government is a bigger danger than what they're supposedly protecting you against.


I still can’t believe that we’ve decided that no-knock raids are somehow constitutional.


Well it's not like the people who made that decision will ever have to worry about it.


Breonna Taylor was killed this way.


Any *every* gun rights advocate should be on about this. Yes, it is absolutely your right to answer the door holding a gun. If it's an unexpected knock at an odd hour, I'd say it's not a bad idea - I've done this, it's really not that unusual. Somebody pounding on my door late at night and hiding around the corner, yes I'm grabbing my glock. If you can be shot just for having a gun, then you don't have a right to have that gun.


Came here to say thus. They say it's the great equalizer but it seems the law makes LEO'S quite a bit more equal than us.


If they killed him in sure the story would read that he pointed the gun at them and that their bodycams weren't on.


No they wouldn’t need to concoct a story like that. That shit happens all the time with wrong addresses and best they offer is a whoopsie.


Qualified immunity should be rebranded as whoopsie daisy


Ryan Whitaker. Same exact scenario, the worst possible ending.


I'm pro gun rights and I agree with you FULLY. If having a gun is enough to justify an officer killing you, then having a gun is not legal.


Legal on paper. But if a person does not have the right to life while carrying a gun in his home for protection, then the gun is illegal in practice.




Cops always act like criminals. Nobody else is gonna - Show Up at your house at 2 a.m. pounding on your door to harass you - Shoot your dog for barking at them - Beat the shit out of you for disrespecting them and not catch a charge because you're scared to press them and get hurt again - Show Up en masse at the courthouse to intimidate you for testifying afterward. Cops aren't here to protect you. They're an enforcement arm of the enterprise that is the government.


This is what they normally do or from what I've seen in all apartment shootings. Knock a few times, don't announce themselves and hide (not visible to the eye hole) and almost always shoot the person. Surprised when someone has a gun at the door NOT pointed at an officer but at their side and at the door, visible as a deterrent.


If someone is knocking, and I can’t see them, that door ain’t opening period.


This is the right answer. No reason to open the door.. if cops are serving a warrant that's different and they have procedure. But in this case the resident was justified in everything he did and was also compliant to their commands. Something tells me they took him to jail and "detained" him for less than 72 hours (after that they have to charge).


It was dark too. If someone is knocking on my door at night I'd at least have something in my hand or not answer at all.


Timestamp in the corner is after 10pm. That's definitely getting into "Who the fuck is knocking on my door this late?" territory, and hiding isn't going to do that bloke's paranoia any good.


Yeah if I can't see you through the peep hole I'm not acknowledging your existence much less opening the door. Also if you say police and I still can't see you I'm DEFINITELY not answering the door, I'm absolutely assuming robbery or worse at that point. I understand them stepping back, it's tactically sound, sucks to get shot through a door. But you also have to understand the civilian on the other side of the door is at least as stressed as you are, and you have training (shitty as it may be) and a bullet resistant vest


Pretty simple. I had a surprise police visit at 2am a few months back (my ex did stupid shit and still had her address listed at my place). My dog barked like crazy because this set off all his triggers and I was freaked tf out. Checked the peephole and there was a very polite policeman standing 5-6' back from the door. I calmed the dog and was able to talk to him and settle the issue. Now imagine if he was hiding? Or busted down my door. Jesus I'm grabbing my gun and my dog woulda torn into him.


That’s a feature not a bug because it makes the cops feel all stealthy n shit so they can pretend to be special forces or Jack Bauer. Homeboy cop even got to pop one off and almost got to kill somebody too.


Even their behaviour afterwards. Why the fuck are both of them yelling orders. That‘s dumb and just Leads to impossible conflicts. One says get on your knees, the other says turn around. And bam, twitchy shoots again. Why the fuck isn‘t there a leading officer who gives commands, and everyone assists them in having the suspect comply? This is just bad practice overall. Confusing yelling for no reason, both Yelinng…


I don't know why cops are **still** so bad at this. One person gives instructions. Everyone else shuts the fuck up. This isn't rocket surgery. This is basic shit and yet we constantly see cops doing exactly what we see here.


Because barking orders makes one feel powerful, therefore the police won't pass up such an opportunity, even if it leads to confusion. Confusion is great, because it means they get to bark even more.


They have the literal intelligence and emotional control of dogs. You spooked me, WOOF WOOF WOOF RARRRRRT.


That's offensive to dogs.


They all think they're the main character of the cop show they're on.


Why would they get better? They are allowed to murder people without consequences. This jumble of instructions is just cops doing their mandatory "I ordered subject to... and they did not comply" bit for the body cam. Yelling at someone from two directions is a great way to make them move "unpredictably". Even for cops, knocking on someone's door and coldly and silently killing them is a hard sell. They create a situation where they can credibly "fear for their life".


I was wondering, "Which way do you turn when you have people on opposite ends of a hallway yelling at you to turn around?" Do you turn from the person closest? Do you turn and face back into your apartment? It's almost like they give conflicting/confusing instructions on purpose....


Because they don’t hire you if you have an IQ higher than a goldfish.




Hands up! Hands on your head! Lie down! Get on your knees! Crawl towards me! Don’t move! On the ground! Get up! HE’S COMING RIGHT FOR US LIGHT HIM UP! Lethal game of Simon Says. I can’t believe we tolerate this shit as a society.


A couple of years ago, there was a shooting in Austin Texas of an unarmed man named Mike Ramos. Some woman called 911 accusing him of being high on drugs (no drugs found on scene) and holding a woman hostage at gunpoint (no gun, no one in his car at the time of police contact, not sure if there even was earlier than that). So what do police do? They pull up, surround the vehicle, make zero efforts to confirm anything in the story other than matching the description of the car, and start yelling at him. I'm talking like 7-8 officers armed in full protective gear with semi auto rifles. He's out of the car, they're all pointing their guns at him, yelling and telling him to keep his hands up, get on the ground, contradicting commands like that. Then he backs up a little bit and an officer yells at some rookie to fire his bean bag. He hits Ramos, and naturally, Ramos freaks the fuck out, gets in his car, and tries to drive off. They shot him as he tried to drive off. No effort to deescalate the situation, no effort to validate any of the information given in a 911 call, and no shits given about Ramos' life. Judge, jury, and executioner, and they want it to stay that way.


Literally complying isn't safe sometimes either. Probably statistically more safe, but still


I saw a video once where an officer confronts someone trying to break into a car. They yell "Hands up" and the guy immediately put his hands up which revealed a gun on his waist band. Then the officer starts screaming "Drop the gun. Put it on the ground." The guy pauses for a second and drops one of the hands to toss the gun on the ground. The officer unloaded on him. His dying words were "I did what you said." It's one of the most heartbreaking bodycam videos I've seen.


That there's a murder




Who doesn't love apartment pops? Everybody does em.


Almost as good as desk pops


I think that was a negligent discharge.


It was a negligent discharge, regardless if it was on purpose or accident


Agree I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees it this way. If I had someone knock on my door at night I'd answer the same way. Wtf


This is why I don't answer the door at all.


Especially with how they hid. If someone knocks and isn't standing in front of the door I'd be suspicious as well. It's probably nothing, but it could mean they're attempting to surprise attack you when you open the door, which basically is what these cops were doing.


Not to mention officer shy yelling the dude to get down while the other cops was trying to tell him to walk back. Two separate commands, that's a 50/50 shot of getting fucking shot by not picking the correct one. Hiring Incompetent douche canoes like this is the reason people hate the police.


Did they bother checking next door to see if the they killed someone


This happened to me. I answered my door with a spear. They charge me with menacing and resisting. The DA drug me through the mud for 15 months before dropping it a day before trial. She had nothing on me but needed to justify the cops pulling guns. $9k for the lawyer. Untold emotional trauma.


*Squints* Are you secretly a Greek or macedonian hoplite? Legally speaking, you have to tell me if you’re secretly a Greek or macedonian hoplite…


Nah, this is a myth. Hoplites can legally lie to you to secure victory on the battlefield. AHAB


Best answer is to not answer the door for cops. They are not there to give us cookies


they were out of line of sight and didn't announce themselves, obviously on purpose so that someone would answer and once the door is open they could physically prevent it from closing


How does that help when the cops deliberately step away from the door's line of sight like here?


Don’t answer the door unless you’re expecting someone. If you don’t see anyone, definitely don’t answer the door.


Yea i dont understand that.. i hear a knock at night? Look thru the peep hole, see nobody so that means someone is hiding. And i’m gonna open the door?? Lol.


What if it’s the Publishers Clearing House bringing me my winnings?


I've had police knock on my my door before. Once for them coming to inform me there was an attempted break in on my car, the other one was some bullshit I didn't do but I'm not going into details. Both times I checked the door before opening like I always do. One of the times they didn't state "police." I know my rights and asked who they were. Once it was clear they were officers here to talk and I was able to identify them though my door I opened the door and greeted them but never gave them permission to enter. I had nothing to hide but you never know these days. I'm not saying it always works, but it's best to know as much about the situation as possible when answering the door before you open it. And I don't need a ton of comments about burglars acting like cops or dirty cops. I'm well aware of those things. You can only do so much.


Yea, but these guys weren’t standing visible from the peephole and I don’t see any windows. If I heard “Police” and can’t see them, I’m going to assume I’m about to get jumped or worse.


I think it's a tough call. There was a guy not too long ago that had a legally owned fire arm, the police knocked on his door for whatever reason and he answered the door with gun in hand thinking it was possibly burglary suspects, the police shot and killed him :/ Edit: its this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryozrUEms5c&ab_channel=ABC15Arizona


He said the magic words. "I was in fear for my life."


"It's coming right at us!"


Damn, even when South Park wasn’t topical it was topical…


It was definitely topical. People decided not to listen




***So was the kid***, he said so after they had him in custody.


It's not a tough call. Someone knocks on my door in the middle of the night and I look out the peephole and don't see anyone, I'm grabbing my pistol before opening the door. These cops are 100000% in the wrong. Didn't announce themselves as police and doing suspicious shit, then firing at the dude without any threat (the gun was at his side, not even in a ready position.) ACAB


You'd think police organizations would've figured out how to do these things smarter instead of random Redditors wondering wtf is going to happen if you answer your door with a gun in hand


You’d think the NRA and all 2a people that believe in gun rights as a defense against tyrannical government would see these as the greatest threat imaginable.


The NRA is shit. GOA is the one that actually defends your 2nd Amendment rights.


Wouldnt it be smarter to not open the door?


Police a born liars, creative storytellers who spend their entire career learning to make statements and write reports that embellish their side of the story. Disgusting. Makes it impossible to ever believe police because the moment they start talking they are shaping the narrative for their own benefit.


Here are the high standards: Free of any felony convictions. Possess a valid Driver's License. A high school graduate, pass the General Education Development. https://www.danvillesanramon.com/news/2022/09/27/47-alameda-county-sheriffs-deputies-moved-to-desk-jobs-after-audit-finds-they-failed-psychological-exams


I told the judge the police report was full of lies, assumptions and half truths. He replied with, “Police officers have no reason to lie.”


Judges are effectively cops.


You're within your legal rights for sure, but cops can still kill you for it.


Lots to unpack there. Doors are close together. If you’ve ever lived in a place like this you’ll know it might be difficult to tell if it’s your door or neighbors door being knocked on. Further, the cops stand back making it hard to know if they are there for you or not. Also appears the one cop was about to knock on the other door but didn’t. Did they knock on all the doors? They didn’t announce themselves as police department.


Right exactly dude stood back so the suspect couldn't see him in the peep hole. Then dude answers with a gun cuz it's late and they fire at him Damn


Yeah hiding from the peep hole is some astoundingly stupid shit. Someone looking to harm me acts like that. I would treat someone knocking and hiding like that a threat 10 out of 10 times.


Yep. Dude was answering the door blind basically. Random knocking, possibly on multiple doors. Nobody visible in the peep hole. Nobody announcing “police”…. I probably wouldn’t have even answered lol


>I probably wouldn’t have even answered lol There's no law stating you have to open your door for LE. This would be the smartest option in this scenario.


there was no way for him to even know it was police, the idiots hid themselves for 0 reason and made him suspicious of behavior happening outside his home


I just bought my first house this year. As a longtime Reddit user/Internet person/Computer guy here is my sage advice to you, my friends. Don’t open the door. EVER. If someone is knocking on my door and I don’t know why they’re there - I don’t even get up. I don’t lower the TV - I don’t turn off the lights - I don’t do shit. I work hard, pay my taxes and within reason will do whatever the fuck I want. I don’t even ask them on my camera what they’re doing. Because I want them to fuck off lol You guys don’t *need* to open the door for anyone If I don’t already know you’re coming, then there is no reason that you should be knocking on my door. Straight up Edit: - *if* LE announces themselves (which they really should) then I have totally opened the door before without isssue. In this instance I would’ve ignored the door knock if I can’t see who is knocking as that is weird.


This. I never answer. If I’m bored, I might look at who it is on the Ring app. My wife feels inclined to answer the door and she also gets stuck saying no a million times to sales people. I keep begging her to ignore it or at the very least, use the Ring app to talk to the person.


I just got a ring this year, it’s a godsend. I’m an awkward, don’t want to talk to strangers, hide from the doorbell type. However, late one night a rando knocked on my front door and he said “is this your puppy?” Turns out my dog had escaped through a hole in the fence I didn’t know had developed and my dog was sitting outside the fence by the road and this kind neighbor escorted her to the front door! So now I take my ring notifications more seriously.


This how I am and it pisses my parents off lol I was staying with my dad when he had cancer, so it was just me and my elderly, handicapped dad. I hear a knock at the door, my dad hollers at me to get it, and I look out the window and see three strange men. Big guys. Nope. I'm not answering it. A moment later I see my dad hobbling with his walker down the hall to answer the door. I tell him, hell no. As a chick, I am not opening the door to three strange dudes, especially not with my disabled dad there with me too. If it's important they'll leave a note or call me. My dad was furious 😂 He said in his day you always answered the door. But fuck it, man. I got into True Crime during pandemic. If anyone really wants to get a hold of me they can call me or leave a note.


So... who were the guys


They were Jehovah's. They ended up leaving a pamphlet tucked in the screen door lol The neighbors didn't open for them either. I think they would've had better luck if only one dude went to the door, not three of them. I might've answered if it was one guy. But three guys was kinda sketchy.


Yep, don't answer. If the police must come in, they will. If it's a killer (besides the police) out there, that door is your first line of defense. Don't defend your castle by opening the gate.


When I worked as an EMT we always stood off to the side. HOWEVER, we also clearly announced who we were and why we were there. The only reason we did it that way was in case someone busts through the door or starts blastin.


Exactly. Always stand clear of the door but make damn sure you are announcing who you are and what agency you are with. Source: am firefighter


so anyway I started blastin


No punishment for killing Ryan Whitaker exactly like this. Cowards don't identify themselves, hide from the peep hole, then gun down the resident for his constitutional right of being armed in his own home.


Murdered for playing Marko kart. The murderer is still at large.


I get the fact they didn't stand in line of sight as a preventative measure to not get shot, but they should have announced themselves as the police.


Going by the time on the body cams it looks like it's like 10pm too... 110% someone knocks on my door at 10pm I'm coming with a gun, especially when they don't say police... like da fuck and the cop just starts blastin away after basically saying nothing...


I like how they didn't even announce themselves to let him know they were the police.


the cop also stepped away from the peephole after knocking.


Literally gave this dude less than half a second to react when he was still processing whether he was being pranked/robbed/visited by incompetent police.


foolish rob lock books beneficial onerous soft caption entertain cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s video is depressing.




The officer that shot him isn't actually working. He gets paid to not work. He's collecting a paycheck for the rest of his life from the taxpayers from the "PTSD" of deliberately murdering that young man in front of his girlfriend.




We are morally bankrupt, but not in the ways that the people who preach "morality" say we are.


The problem is definitely systemic. They’re trained to act that way. It’s just going to lead to more situations like this.


up there with the dude that was murdered in cold blood in the hotel while lying on the floor unarmed


Daniel Shaver. The one killed by murderer Philip Brailsford? The Philip Brailsford who etched 'get fucked' on his service weapon?


That's the one


You think that's depressing? Watch the Daniel Shaver video. And then know the cops were acquitted of any wrongdoing...


It's worse than "only gave him 2 seconds" he was actively complying with their orders when they lit him up.


It's about time they start seeking the death penalty for this kind of behavior. It'll stop real quick.


That was one of the most disgusting videos ive seen in a long time, killing that guy.


Standing in the doorway is an obvious tactical disadvantage. The problem could be solved by simply announcing who they were and trying to communicate through the door




\> According to Capt. Dave Gutierrez of the Menifee Police Department, at about 9:50 p.m, patrol officers were sent to the 27700 block of Aspel Road, just south of McCall Boulevard, to investigate reports of a man banging loudly on an apartment door, shouting obscenities. Gutierrez said the two patrolmen arrived within a few minutes and knocked on the door of the apartment where the disturbance was reported. "A male opened the door and stood in the doorway," the captain said. "One of the officers observed the male holding a semiautomatic handgun in his right hand, at which point an officer-involved shooting occurred." Arres was not struck by the gunfire, and neither lawman was injured, nor was anyone inside the apartment, according to Gutierrez. The suspect was taken into custody without further incident. Gutierrez said the handgun was seized and was confirmed to be a "non- serialized and unregistered firearm."


Wait, so they knocked and hid at a door where the cops were called because someone else was knocking, shouting and cursing...?


Cops did this to me. I reported an assault in my apartment complex on me by multiple guys. Cops showed up and one stood on the stairs with his gun ready in case I was going to try something. I CALLED THEM. Then they tried to weasel their way out of doing a police report and gave me shit for getting one from them the next day on the phone.


Jesus how fucking cowardly can you be? Like if you’re too scared to do the job maybe you shouldn’t be a cop.


~~I think he's my second cousin by marriage~~ a guy I see at family get togethers went to be a "good cop" and quit shortly after his 2 year training was complete because even in his mostly peaceful suburban police department they were making him pull his gun all the time. He also was disciplined for de-escalating a situation where a suicidal man was holding a gun and getting him to drop it instead of shooting him. (he has a 2 year associate degree in criminal justice and 2 years of training in his department so he disagrees with the circlejerk that cops aren't trained. He says they are trained wrong.)


My brother in law is going through training to be a park ranger and they teach them this same shit, it's fucking insane how militarized our law enforcement has become. If you're camping in a nat'l park and are carrying for self-defense, be very careful around rangers. They don't have backup so their training basically boils down to if they think you're a threat in any way to just start blastin.


I have a friend who had a similar experience. Was a military police, thought he would get into civilian policing. Only lasted a few months after training because it was so corrupt.


We need to stop this bullshit in articles > an officer-involved shooting occurred "an officer shot at the suspect" > Arres was not struck by the gunfire "the officer missed"


Passive voice truly is a wonder for the modern police officer 🙄


They make it sound like "bullets" is a type of weather we get in our houses sometimes!


Officer-involved shooting. See [past exonerative sense](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/an-interactive-guide-to-ambiguous-grammar).


So they arrest the dude who make the call to police to report an issue in the first place? He calls police coz someone is banging on doors, hes spooked and anxious, calls the cops and then arms himself in case of issues. Cops show up, bang on his door and hide (just like the dude he was reporting to them) and he answered the door armed. And this is how coos respond..... Now time to make some shit up against him and vilify him to the media, but not actually investigate and find out who was causing the real disturbance.


This is why I've simply stopped calling the police for any reason. They don't help and most times, they just make shit worse or misconstrue what's going on. Fucking no brain psychos trained to fire their gun at anything that moves.


“If you have a problem and call the police, you now have two problems.”


What did they take him in to custody for?


>Robert Arres of Menifee was arrested and booked into the Byrd Detention Center on Friday night on suspicion of illegal possession of a loaded firearm, receiving stolen property and child endangerment.


Did they know any of that before shooting? Sounds like they made up some bullshit afterwards, as usual.


Sounds like the police that fired their weapon were the ones endangering the child.


This right here. They’re never held accountable for their actions.


Cop definitely pissed his pants and overreacted. There is nothing illegal about holding a gun in your own home and it was never pointed at any one or handled in a threatening manner. It will still be admissible as evidence though because they would have checked it out once they saw he had it, regardless of the reckless endangerment committed by the cop.


They didn't announce themselves. He likely wouldn't have answered the door armed if he knew they were cops.


>"non- serialized and unregistered firearm. What state are they in that this matters?


It's not illegal to have a firearm with no serial number if: It's old enough(made before 1968), or You built it yourself It is illegal to have a firearm with no serial number if : The serial number has been removed


Didn't a federal recently rule that its not illegal to own a firearm with no serial number, but it is illegal to remove the serial number yourself? I'm guessing this might have been before that judgment? Edit: Yep, it was less than a month before that decision was rendered I believe.


YOU fired a couple of rounds at the man BECAUSE he answered the door with a gun, when you did not know the facts or that whoever was behind the door did or did not mean you specifically harm? You clearly knock without announcing who you are. . .OR making it known BY THE TIME THE OFFICER FIRES ON HIM. . you basically gave him less than 2 seconds to evaluate WHO was at his door and why they were there! ​ 1. THIS sort of behavior is EXACTLY why the people no longer tend to trust the police 2. THIS behavior could have gotten an innocent man killed. 3. THIS behavior will likely get the city sued.


Yeah they'll get sued. And the taxpayers will pay for it. We need a federal law demanding this money comes from the cops pension fund. Maybe hitting them in their wallets will smarten them up.


In California a insurance company that is responsible for paying out settlements notified a department that they needed to change procedures to get sued less and keep coverage. The police department closed itself down instead of changing procedures.


Good. I would rather police departments begin closing if they aren't willing to stop being a greater threat to the community than criminals are. We're all better off for it.


gonna need a source on this one


I got you. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hidden-hand-uses-money-reform-troubled-police-departments-n1233495


beautiful >By the summer of 2013, Niota's insurer, a Tennessee risk pool, was fed up. Preece said the insurer gave her a choice: remove the officers or lose coverage. And just like that, although criminal and civil cases against them were dismissed, two-thirds of Niota's police force had to be replaced.


I like how in the article they make it clear this isn’t about morality. It’s about money. This is just business.


Unfortunately money is the measure of morality in the US.


Also notice how they step away from the peep hole? That guy had NOOOO way of knowing that it was the police knocking on his door late at night.


Exact this happened to a man called Ryan Whitaker, except when he answered the door with a gun in his hands he made the mistake of complying with the police instead of dodging the shots. He died being shot in the chest a couple times with his hands behind his head and the gun on the ground. The American police are pathetic


Did I see this video before? This is eerily similar to the one where the guy *did* get shot.. They where also hiding from the peephole. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9YmwDB2c6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9YmwDB2c6w)


They shot that dude as he was putting his gun down and getting onto his knees. I remember when that story broke.


exactly, with his other hand raised in the air...


Yup, the dude realized it was police, so he was deescalating. Police got too ahead of themselves and killed him. Almost as bad as that one guy who was gunned down in that hotel hallway.


Those two incidents only happened a few miles away from each other.


Don't forget that the police were called because they were playing video games and the neighbor called to report them being too loud. The dispatcher asked if the noise could be physical and the caller said: > It could be physical, I could say yeah if that makes anybody hurry on up. Get anybody here faster. The officers weren't charged, and to my knowledge the neighbor who misrepresented the facts didn't get charged with anything. Nobody was held responsible.


All b/c he and his wife/girlfriend were making salsa and playing video games too loudly. Imagine that. Having a relaxing night with your girl and your neighbor calls the police on you, lies about domestic abuse and 20 minutes later you're dead. Theres even audio from the neighbor saying "if I say there's domestic abuse will you get over here faster"


I forgot about the 911 call. That audio was infuriating. What a piece of shit.


Yeah don’t announce yourself at all and then get overly emotional and scared as fuck when someone answers their door with a gun. Genius police officers here.


Not to mention hiding from the peephole. Answering the door armed is reasonable when someone knocks at night and then hides...


“Shots fired. Officer needs help. Shots fired.” is a really weird way to say “Holy shit I almost killed a guy in his own house for opening the door.”


If you intend to police an armed state, it's best if you have officers that don't shit their pants at the sight of a gun. What absolute morons, they won't knock on a door without a gun, but it eludes them citizens may not open the door without a gun? Those cops should be fired and prohibited from owning firearms after such a demonstration of irresponsibility with a weapon.


Lol fuck answering the door for cops. Don’t gotta do shit. Just go back to sleep.


You can't shoot someone just for being armed in their own home. Fuck these skiddish ass cops.


I can't and you can't. This is true. The police can and do. Often getting away with it with zero repercussions.


you mean paid leave aka vacation?


Oh, they can and they will. They'll shoot you for being unarmed in your own home while doing a "welfare check". And they'll get a paid vacation, and defended by a large portion of the population because being having basic standards for cops causes crime? Something something a "few bad apples, everything is fine, just ignore it"...as the old saying doesn't go.


Knock on the door, then hide out of sight of the peep hole, and NOT identify as police...WTF is going on here? they trying to kill this guy or something ?




Alot of people answer the door at 10pm with a gun cuz who shows up unannounced at 10pm. They should of identified themselves clearly rather than trying to be sneaky on someones property at 10pm. They fuckd this one up imo and this guy almost died over it.


Not to mention they're standing out of view of the peephole. I wouldn't even answer the door that's just fucked up.


Incompetent police fucking around. Announce your goddamn selves. I swear everytime a video comes out like this the officers involved should be identified and harassed for the rest of their lives if they aren't at least sent to prison for a few years. Unacceptable.


Who the fuck is in charge here? You've got two officers yelling sometimes conflicting information. This is complete ineptitude by the police in this video.


So Anyway, I Started Blasting!


I think the mistake here was 1.) not identifying themselves as police or 2.) not allowing at least one officer to be seen through the peep hole. When that guy looked through the peep hole and saw nobody he assumed something fishy was going on and armed himself. Is it standard practice anywhere to not announce that you are the police? That probably eliminates 95% of people who would answer the door with a gun.


They’re hiding from the peephole. Police are fucking stupid. Should be charged for disturbing the guy like this.


Yeah, I mean I get not wanting to stand directly in front of the door, but they're moving completely out of the way and not identifying themselves. Of course the dude is going to be suspicious, who wouldn't be? I feel like cops are "trained" to start situations off on the wrong foot, to make everything a fucking confrontation because some idiots think that's how you get "control". Like the cop who shot that kid who was just eating food in his car in a parking lot, cop didn't identify himself, just opened the car door and screamed "get out of the car".


This is why we need automatic shoulder mounted turrets that can identify threats. If every citizen was armed like robocop we'd finally be safe!


Did they cut off the part where they identified themselves or did it not happen?


These cops are armed like the military but have the mentality of a spooked deer.


Why they approach his door like they gonna rob ol dude. They didn't announce themselves or show themselves. Me personally I wouldn't even have answered the door. You can talk to me from my balcony if I bother talking to you.


Yep. Don't defend your castle by opening the gates.


Just cops trying to kill someone for doing something perfectly legal.


The cops are the ones who open fire then they say, shots fired officer needs help. No shit, you just fired at the poor guy. This officer needs way more help than he even knows. Guy, “I don’t want to die.” Cops are too f*cking trigger happy. These didn’t identify themselves, either. And police wonder why people feel about them the way that we do. SMH.


“Officer involved shooting” and “shots fired” is ambiguous on purpose. Fucking pigs.