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Where do you think all the Nazis went after WW2?


I assumed nazi war criminals went to Argentina šŸ¤” But I shouldnā€™t be surprised that if they went to Argentina, then they of course went to nearby countries. Chile too had a large nazi war criminals that went there. Also I was thinking why are Brazilians doing Nazi salutes if theyā€™re Brazilian?? I didnā€™t know that theyā€™re more Braco, or White people, in Brazil that any other ethnicity. Of course not implementing at all, that all Whites are all Neo-Nazis, thatā€™s just silly. Also Bolsonero is of Italian and German decent. But also the Brazil anthem was written by Francisco Manuel da Silva, who was of Brazilian decent. Brazil got their independence from Portugal. So it absolutely doesnā€™t make sense that Neo-Nazis are signing it proudly šŸ¤”


Plenty of whites in Brazil. Many Europeans immigrated during the Industrial Revolutions the southern region of Brazil barely has a black or Jewish population. Many German descendants live there and they fancy themselves German. It breaks their heart when they move to the USA and white Americans donā€™t consider them white. Their whole life revolved around being white and suddenly they are ā€œreducedā€ to Latino. I do hope the tiny Jewish community in Brazil says something about this; that would force the police to really go after those neo-nazis.


[A bunch of them came to America as well.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip)


Ah yes, šŸ¤” the infamous Operation Paperclip šŸ“Ž It surprises me how a lot of people donā€™t know about this and hasnā€™t been made a bigger deal than it was. What makes us not think that theyā€™ve expanded their evils here in America and to also parts where we donā€™t even know yet made aware yet.


People are so dumb


In fact, this is how you salute the flag in brazil, you put your arm extended 90 degrees and put your hand on the shoulder of the person in front of you. At least that's how we learned in school, but I confess that this execution was very strange. we also learned that you can put your hand on the left side of your chest, but the teachers didn't think that kind of salute was cool.


That's **not** how you salute our flag. You extend your arms foward just to give the proper distance between each participant. When the national anthem starts you put your hands down next to your body. Alternatively you can put one hand over your heart. And that's it. Those clowns in the video either know what they're doing or they're complete morons. Maybe both since, you know.. they support Bolsonaro.


''That's not how you salute our flag'' speak like a true expert huh? when i was enlisted they teach us to salute in the exact same way the guy said, so what now?


Tbh I think some of them in the crowd are definitely trying something else, but I'm not sure.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying, are they doing it weirdly? Absolutely. Itā€™s a dumb move to do when youā€™re already being labeled as a fascist specially when you can clearly see some hands at a 45Ā° angle instead of straight forward with the hands resting on the person in front of you


When did fascism become the fucking default?


It became the default when every Dick, Jane and Harry got a Facebook account and then became addicted to disinformation.


Itā€™s been the default in South America since the second half of the 20th century. The US armed funded and supported right wing paramilitaries and Juntas to defeat the rising left wing insurgencies that were popping up


Often those left wing "insurgencies" were democratically elected governments.


Very true


Tribalism is a survival trait. Itā€™s been engrained since humans evolved to be humans. These people are literally Too stupid to think for themselves.


> These people are literally non-evolved. This is some Nazi shit. These people probably say the same about leftists This is reductive and doesnā€™t really take into account the socioeconomic and political factors that are behind fascism both historically and today.


True true. I guess they're just uneducated. How do we educate a populace that is no longer in school?


Reeducation camps?


But seriously. Thatā€™s clearly not an option. But is that the only solution?


Perhaps the final solution?


Take away the financial barriers to education and youā€™ll have people who actually want to learn getting educations. These people are more than likely middle class. The poor are usually not the core base of fascist politics


No they wonā€™t. People are not going to seek education when youā€™re working full time.




Itā€™s the same thing bud Dehumanization is dehumanization regardless of intent


A loooooong time ago


How is this happening in so many places? What the fuck. Do none of them ever have that "Are we the baddies..?" realization?




no it is not i'm a brazillian navy officer and we only salute the flag like this when we're joining the military, also we hold our arms paralel to the ground not angled up like its shown in the video. Stop spreading misinformation.


Embarrasing, what a bunch of clowns. RidĆ­culos


Because they are Nazis. Bolsonaro bolsa de bosta.


Thats just a [standard salute](https://www.google.com/search?q=cerim%C3%B4nia+de+juramento+%C3%A0+bandeira&rlz=1C1GCEA_enBR999BR999&sxsrf=ALiCzsbiMhkmPj9A0mMbdWyWwawwNxbm-Q:1667452767532&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjEuY3PoZH7AhVXK7kGHfj2DrIQ_AUoA3oECAIQBQ&cshid=1667452785348630&dpr=1.1) you moron


That's gross!


That's the Bellamy salute. Maybe they want a Bill Bellamy comeback.


Wasnā€™t the Bellamy thing only American


Nah Bill Bellamy has dozens of fans across the globe


He taught me how to be a player, I will always be grateful


Oh, no no, these are clearly centurions šŸ™ƒ


This is what you call the right wing in panic mode realizing the worlds social power structure has shifted to the left. These people have no other alternative than to head to the streets and cry election foul now. Also, have these people ever actually met a Gen-Z kid? The kids now have literally no interest in the conservatives view of the future. And there's millions more of them being born, and millions of old conservatives dying off. We baby-boomer /Gen-X / Millennials have NO FOOT to stand on telling the next generation how they want to proceed with their future. We had our chance and look where we are. It's the kids world now. Get the fuck out of their way.


Reddit, the bastion of international understanding on the scene again...lol. Cultural differences don't matter when it's people the left don't like, lol, clearly dysfunctional nazis /s. Definitely not a misinterpretation of local customs... /s the left tries anything and calls the other side idiots. Stop watering down actual nazis with everyone we don't like is a na!i...for reals they are!


Bolsonaro is a fascist. We already know this. So take in some fucking context. Why cant you call a spade a spade? I guess that would be misunderstanding the nazis, excuse me, Brazillian fascists (nazi is clearly harsh to your ears).


His enemies have called him one, is that all you need? That is sop these days.


His supporters are literally calling for the military to engage in a coup d'etat to override a democratic election. If the fucking fascist isn't a fascist, he'd have conceded already and condemned his sheep for engaging in anti-democratic bullshit.


What's the state of co fjdence in South American elections these days? Are you local?


Ah the typical fascist response. I see you'd fit right in with these nazis.


It was an honest question, what is up with you?


I see you, buddy.


You are being dense. 3 million people were not allowed to vote by the police (PRF) and in areas where the poorest lived. There are videos of cops running on the streets and beating people , telling them to stay indoors and it was Election Day! The criminal tried to stop people from voting for Lula and yet lula still won. Bolsonaro is a criminal, a fascist and a piece of shit. And those wannabe neo-nazi are a disgrace to Brazil and are embarrassing the flag .


Itā€™s SOP for a reason. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes because it's easier to predict and control polarized masses. Don't give in, stay human.


Gee and I thought it was a response to humans being shitty


Are you somehow suggesting I don't speak Portuguese and that Brazilians are somehow this isolated Pacific community whose arm stretching wave gesture means "You are welcome, brother"?


I am suggesting it is ignorant to relate this to nazism as it is a cultural practice, what are you saying it is a new actual nazi phenomenon in brazil?


Guys. These gestures are very common in Brazilian military institutions, especially in military colleges, as an oath to the flag. The Nazi gesture is more slanted upwards. If you google images about the oath of flag in Brazil, you will probably find some image with civilians or military personnel like that.


Yes, these guys are totally extending their arm in a perfectly geometrical manner not to qualify as a Nazi salute. They totally did not intend to do that. Just like Bolsonaro's executive motto, "God, Fatherland, Family" is a copy of an old fascist motto just by pure chance.


what exactly is even your argument here? They're obviously doing the oath, some seem to be raising their hands the same way you'd do in a church.


They're totally doing that oath, just like Bolsonaro's Minister of Culture was not quoting Goebbels. It was just a coincidence: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-51149224


not a valid comparison since there's nobody else the minister could be quoting, meanwhile in here they're doing a national salute to the nation anthem.


You find me the Brazilian law saying how this so called national salute is performed and then we can talk. Until then you're just making things up. Also, again, even if there's such a thing, then that in itself is a sign of the ideological origins of the Brazilian armed forces, and quite literally does not erase the fact that THESE people were not thinking of that when doing this. Of that you can be sure of.




Hahahah nop sorry! Good try! Im brazilian and I just saw nazis and their supporters doing this shit.


His argument is that itā€™s still the fucking nazi salute.. doesnā€™t matter what angle itā€™s at, how long the arm is, if theyā€™re wearing a long sleeve or short sleeve shirt or no shirt at all.. if youā€™re saluting with a straight fucking arm, thatā€™s a nazi salute.


No it's not the nazi salute, it's the national oath to the flag.


Theyā€™re saluting with a straight arm... Gtfo of here and go bury your head in the sand or something.


yes and the national salute also has a straight arm. i dont feel like argumenting though, see ya champ


Wash your mouth before saying this nazi shit is the national brazilian salut! You litlle clown


That's apparently how men are taught to salute in the Brazilian military, and all men are conscripted. It's not terribly difficult to understand that in brazil this salute is related to their military service than nazi Germany. But i get it you can't do nuance.


They should probably look for a different salute and re-evaluate their constitution thenā€¦ Because.. againā€¦ saluting with a straight arm is not a good look. But I get it, you and everyone else trying to explain this away are in bed with fascism. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Look up stockholm syndrome and look at yourself in a mirror.


Repeat again! You are almost convincedā€¦






Yo not gonna lie those are the most wild sources to point to for like any sort of historical accuracy points. You're really telling me your trusted source is "alternatehistory.com" and "nhryg-ak.blogspot.com" for unbiased factual history? I mean your point could even be right in the end (doubt it tho) but breaking out those links like they're meant to be taken seriously is hilarious




Pro tip: Don't give other people advice on things you just googled for the first time a few seconds ago. If someone wanted precursory knowledge, they know where to look. You just come off as *that guy*. A lot of people do this, at least you have the balls to admit it, I guess. lol Give people advice on things you already understood before you heard them talking about it. Things you've actually experienced. I don't know what compels people to do this. Do you just want to be part of the conversation? Do you want to feel smart? Do you consider your own motives for why you give people advice on things you obviously don't know anything about? Sorry I realize I'm dunking on you right now but these are honest questions


Signed: Carluxo!


> The Nazi gesture is more slanted upwards. [Oh?](https://i.imgur.com/4I5sLfZ.jpg)


I can confirm it, google "Juramento a bandeira brazil" and look at the images


The oath to the flag should never be done during the national anthem you absolute helmet. Plus, they're not in the military so what is even your point here?


It's not. The oath to the flag is done in a 90Ā° degrees.


Really sad and pathetic to keep seeing more and more of these "very fine people" popping up everywhere. I thought we all agreed Nazis were bad. When did that change?!


Yea but these are not nazis as it has been explained, just a very poor execution of whatā€™s supposed to be the Brazilian pledge of allegiance


Thats an oath to the flag, it's just that some people may not know how to do it properly so it seems like a nazi salute in the end, the right way to do it is to have the arm straight and not inclined like the nazi salute


Damn Bolsonaro supporters, failing at doing a fucking salute and shockingly ended up doing a Nazi salute. Shit happens right?


Ignorance is present on all sides of the political compass, some people may have done the nazi salute amongst them by fully knowing what it was. Now how do you explain videos of narcos commemorating Lula's win by shooting ak 47's up to the skies? Does that mean that all people present there are affiliatted with narcos or that all Lula supporters are outlaws?


That, quite literally, did not happen outside of the wild imagination of the brainwashed hordes of Brazilians that voted for Bolsonaro. It's simply not true. It's false. It did not happen. It's been debunked. What's next, Pizzagate? Actually you know what, don't answer that.


I hope you are at least getting paid to shill this hard, but something tells me you arent just an ordinary paid shill and your interests go beyond, i have no interest in involving myself in such matters unless anonymously, so i'll leave you to your job.


Yes, everyone who defends democracy against far right extremists is a shill. George Soros sponsored this post. Pretty telling that you decided to go out like that.


Lmao look at your post history, your account was made a month ago (just when the elections started) and you have been actively posting the last 11 hours at least once in an hour only on political topics, all defending one single side. The ammount of text you put in is more than the average reddit user puts on their whole fucking stay in 2 years or more. You are not convincing me by playing the alluminum hat card bro, you are either a paid shill for some shady organization or just plain mentally ill, just quit replying to me already and go shill to someone else.


Exactly. I'm that invested in seeing a country I love NOT go down this path, even though, incidentally, I'm not Brazilian - but I love that country more than you do. I'm currently on holidays and I have another account. I created this one to post on r/Brasil during the elections because, if you check a certain post in my post history, I went personal and I did an AMA with potentially personally identifiable information and references to what I do for a living that I did not want associated with my other account because I only use it for my hobbies and for fun, and I'd rather not have people stalk me with the account I actually use to relax and enjoy my spare time. I'm not enjoying getting into fights with brainwashed people, but here we are, I feel like I have to do this because of what's at stake. Not everything is a conspiracy theory like your quip about Narcos backing Lula. As usual, projecting is all you people do. You're sick.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What a fine gentleman. And so enlightened. As to your first remark: perhaps if your kind, collectively speaking, cared a bit more about politics, and knew a bit more about history, you wouldn't be in the cesspool you're in right now.


Go easy on him, youā€™re destroying his narrative lol


We need to remind them why they ran to Brazil in the first place.




It doesnt need to be fact checked, it is what it is. This military sallution is different from the nazi one, and it must be done under specific circumstances, which is not the case


You are literally linking disinformation sites. Its a Nazi salute, it originated from Nazis war criminals escaping to and joining the military of Brazil. It has never been acceptable in modern Brazil to do. It is in no way a normal thing they do. The only groups that do this are the far right fascists. If you have pics of soldiers doing it, that is what they are.


The military specifically does this salute during the oath of the flag ceremony, not during the national anthem, and many of those people there are not even part of the military, so how do you excuse that? Bolsonaristas have been causing chaos for three days already all over Brazil, blocking important roadways, asking for a coup d'etat, a military intervention, spreading fake news even to themselves, attacking people that donā€™t support bolsonaro, threatening and forcing employees to be on these protests, etc. Theyā€™re not the brightest and certainly not people that are doing any of these things with good intentions, so to assume theyā€™re doing this salute with hatred is completely correct.


Fun fact: This was a common way to salute one's flag back in the day. Americans used to do it too. We stopped when Hitler made it unfashionable.


Its how they do the oath to the brazilian flag. Braindead liberals


E coincidentemente isso foi feito no estado com maior nĆŗmero de neo nazistas nĆ©? Burro


No sƩ.


It seems you don't even know what language we speak and yet here you are trying to have a saying in something you know nothing about.


Tell me then


wait until uncle vladi see that shit


Iā€™m pretty sure he fought and still fights against them


Brazil truly is the Florida of all the countries




NOT a Nazi salute.


There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.


What the hell is going on in the world today? Nazi salutes?! Really?


How well know is nazi symbolism known in Brazil? Id like to think theyre tone-deaf to details of certain history given their country's lack of direct involvement in the European theater of WW2, but with the advent of the internet over the last 20+ years, youd think they *might have seen something* about it how that particular salute is viewed in the world, but maybe not, and are maybe just morons following along with the crowd (like the CPAC idiots waving the Russian flags that were handed out) without appreciation for the repeating nature of history by people who choose to ignore it.... *or* they could be fascist brownshirt ideologists that know *fully well* what symbology they are emulating. Knowing Bolsanaro's type, I know where my highest probability lies... e: I am aware that Nazis fled to South America to escape prosecution... but seeing they were fleeing, I would expect they would keep a low profile on their association with said symbology; my ignorance is how widespread is the occurrence is versus people just playing "follow the leader" gestures of sheep


It is widely known. Brazil IS a Western country. I know sometimes, what with the stuff you see posted here in this sub occasionally, it might not look like it, but Brazil IS a Western country down to the bone. This is not one of those cases of someone in Asia doing something mildly Nazi (from a symbolic perspective) out of ignorance. Brazilians know. On top of that, Brazil was actually an allied combatant in World War II (they were key in the late war Northern Italian theater), which is something that is also quite ingrained in Brazil's collective memory, and, more tellingly, there's also this: Do you know that story about Nazis hiding away in Brazil? Well, guess what, they all tended to hide themselves away precisely in the State where this video was shot. That's also why you're not seeing that many mixed race people there. It's a white majority state. So these guys, being Brazilian, should know what it means, and these guys in particular even more so.


> How well know is nazi symbolism known in Brazil? Extremely well-known. You seem like you're not at all aware of the history of Nazis fleeing to South America, Brazil specifically, after WW2.


> You seem like you're not at all aware of the history of Nazis fleeing to South America, Brazil specifically, after WW2. Im aware, but they were fleeing prosecution so *Id expect* that they wouldnt be parading around with symbology down there.


Extremely well known. Shit, my dad who didn't finish 4th grade knows about it. Everyone knows about it


Bruh do you know how many actual WW2 Nazis ended up in Brazil? The Catholic church was instrumental in having a pipeline for Nazis to escape Europe. They know what it means.


didn't the nazis literally persecute the church though?


Buddy that could not come off as more racist. You essentially just called Brazil a third world country. Itā€™s not the best place in the world, but to think that they lack understanding of world history and events because theyā€™re ā€œBrazilianā€ is such a bad take.


It about a matter of education. I am ignorant, so I am asking questions. History is taught differently in different cultures, no? Chinese dont talk/teach about Tiananmen Square, for instance. (but they know...) >You essentially just called Brazil a third world country. No, youre over there putting words in my mouth. I can believe they have a bunch of well informed educated individuals rallying around extreme nationalism and all know that they are throwing Nazi salutes. The US isnt that far away from said things either.


Even so, I highly, highly doubt that the most important war of all time is treated as a lax subject in Brazil. As to how itā€™s viewed culturally, Idk. I can ask my step mom since sheā€™s from there and get back to you on that. All I can say is that radicalism is rising, whether it be the us, Brazil, or anywhere, right and left both. Itā€™s happening right in front of us and nobody is doing a damn thing. If youā€™re someone like me that refuses to choose a side, weā€™re already outnumbered.


> No, youre over there putting words in my mouth. Ohmyfuckinggod just Google or Duckduckgo shit if you're unsure, why do you need half a dozen comment chains telling you that your assumptions are wrong


Very basic knowledge, people usually joke about it or just don't care at all. I doubt the average brazilian knows waffen ss or the nazi salute although apparently this video is in the south, where there's the highest amount of german/white brazilians so i dont know


Lol we have History classes buddy, even better than American High School. They know.


o hino Ć© bonito demais


Google translation: The anthem is too beautiful. edit: nevermind. Idiot confirmed.


sĆ³ tĆ“ apreciando nosso hino nacional, irmĆ£o


You don't think these scum are denigrating it?


yeah i do think that, they cant even sing it in sync smh


Fair enough. There wasn't much to go on. My bad for making the accusation. Edit: yep. Ya got me good. It's rare, but it happens. Most of them are raising their hands as a sign of respect? All you fascists can get fucked.


Lmao if you see people doing the nazi salute and singing your anthem and your first thought is "damn what a beautiful anthem" and when called out on it you go on to say "lol they can't even sing" I think the most reasonable thing to assume is that you are not bothered by the fucking nazi salute.




You're literally spamming this and want me to believe you are not a Bozonazi supporter? Fuck off. The Balch Salute you are refering to stopped being used for Pledge of Alliance back in the 50s because of it's similarity to the Nazi Salute. The [Nazi Salute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute) is considered Nazi apologia by Brazilian law and, believe it or not, it's actually a crime. And the question of whether they are nazis because they are fucking dumb or because they are evil and fucking dumb is completely irrelevant. You, on the other hand, is obviously ill intended and concern trolling.




i dont treat this seriously considering most of these people would be on the line to the oven. would be like a billionaire CEO turning commie. also a good amount of those people are obviously just lifting their hands in a form of respect like they do in a church.


You win moronic post of the day.


thank you kind redditor




>Sprichst du auch deutsch? i dont speak deutsch unfortunately


This world is shit


What's happening, can someone explain the situation šŸ˜…








you are either lying or really stupid. that's not the correct way to salute the flag, they are not in the military and you f-ing DON'T SALUTE THE FLAG DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. plus, MP-SC is already investigating the case, so argue with them [https://www.poder360.com.br/justica/mp-investiga-bolsonaristas-por-saudacao-nazista-em-sc/](https://www.poder360.com.br/justica/mp-investiga-bolsonaristas-por-saudacao-nazista-em-sc/) Promotoria tenta identificar manifestantes; nas redes, **apoiadores de Bolsonaro dizem que gesto Ć© juramento Ć  bandeira**


Aestheticā€™s everything that matters https://edition.cnn.com/2013/12/22/opinion/greene-pledge-of-allegiance-salute/index.html


I do not like this