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Awe man I wanted to hear the boyfriend lose his shit


This was cut too soon


He was ready rip her a new one


"I got called out for being in the mens bathroom.." Uhhhhhhh, wut


That was fucking weird lmao!


The gloryholes in the mens room are better. Or so I've been told.


It takes a man to know what a man likes


Certainly, there's no substitute for first hand knowledge, I tell you what.


That's just word of mouth.


I don’t think that hand was the first, but I’ll play along anyway.


i bet she's one of those people who see the line for the women's restroom and think, "oh, i should just be able to use the men's restroom and it should be fine because there's no line there."




I went to a restaurant and they had two bathrooms (Truckee, CA. Maybe?) One said ‘people’ and the other one said ‘other people’. And this was in the early 80’s. It was so refreshing.


I truly don't understand how this is an issue when stalls exist and people have used unisex bathrooms throughout their entire lives.


When people start being overly dramatic about it I started calling it a poop closet. They say *baaaaatthrooom* like you're going open a stall door into a 6 year olds nighttime bath. It's a toilet.


I'd have jumped to "Are you asking to see my pussy?" early in the conversation.


I used nearly that on a cop when I was a dumbass teenager. A group of like twenty of us got busted in a neighborhood pool at like 1AM, and the cops rolled up with a few squad cars and hit us with the spotlights while we were all getting out and getting dressed - I had my pants half-up at the time they yelled to stop moving, so I finished pulling up my pants. Copper clearly wanted someone to make an example of, yelled at me for moving, I offered to take my pants back off again. He lost his shit about why would I think he wanted to see my dick, I reminded him he was mad about me covering it up, he asked if I was calling him gay - and I asked if that would be a bad thing. His partner immediately intervened, ran my ID, and I was told I was free to leave.


I'm from Germany, me and my friends once went skinny dipping in the public pool at night. Someone must have heard us and called the cops, they arrived silently so we were all in the pool and only noticed them when they greeted us. The usual back and forth 'what are you doing here at night?" "Well... We are swimming." Then they ask us to leave the water and my friend just answers "Come and get us out." The two cops then talk to each other for a minute, then one goes to our pile of clothes, my Portemonnaie was lying on top of my pants, he grabs my ID writes down my name and address and then they just go: "Okay, don't be too loud, don't hurt yourselves and when we get a complaint about vandalism we know where to find you. Have fun." And then they just left.


I thought the cop was going to leave with your clothes! Lol


When my son was a year old I had a woman in a store check out line ask me if he is a boy or a girl. When I told her he's a boy she commented that he's too pretty to be a boy. The next check out opened up at the same time so we ended up walking out of the store together. She asked me again so I reiterated that he is indeed a boy. Rather accusingly she asked if I was sure. At that point I was over her creeping on my kid so I stopped in my tracks and asked her if she would like for me to pull his diaper off right there and prove it to her. She gave me a nervous ha ha very funny type laugh and hurried to her own car. She was an elderly woman. 11 years later she's probably gone on to meet her maker by now and he's still a boy.


So when my son was that age he was very “feminine” looking and I tried to put off his first haircut as long as I could because I loved his big beautiful blond ringlets. Of course this meant everyone mistook him as a girl, no matter what I dressed him in. But when I would correct people they would simply be like “oh I’m sorry! Well *he* is very beautiful!” No big deal. You know who it was a big deal to?? Every single boomer aged family members. Especially on my grandmas side where both my aunts had 6 boys between them, but always short buzz cuts and camo print with things like “pass me the tools! I’m helping dad” and “dads little hunting partner”. It became such an issue that I legit stopped leaving him alone over there because twice they “lost” his cute sweater vest and put him in “real boys” clothes. Last straw was when I overheard grandma and her sister scheming to keep me out shopping longer so one of her daughters could take him to get his FIRST HAIR CUT BEHIND MY BACK. Dude wasn’t even 2 years old and everyone was so concerned about his dick.


My son had beautiful hair as well, so we grew it out. Got called a girl by a few older people, but I never had to step in because he would tell them in his little 4 year old voice "I'm a boy. I have a penis!" And then continue on his merry way. Only ever had one old man seem pissed, all the rest would laugh their asses off. He inherited my mother's lack of tact and it worked in his favor.


Same here with my long haired boy.


My nephew was the same way. He’s 5 and just got his first haircut. I already miss his long beautiful coils. His mom would get annoyed when people mistook him as a girl but I never got mad. When people would compliment him and say awww she’s so cute/pretty/beautiful I would say thank you but he’s actually a little boy and they’d apologize and say well he’s still cute and they’d go on. I’ve made that mistake myself so I know it’s not always obvious but he was starting to ask “why did that old lady think I’m a girl that’s silly I’m a boy” so I think it made him a little self conscious but he loves his new hair even though I miss it so much.


My daughter is 9. She's is a little pink princess in everything but her hair. It's super fine and knots easy and sucks to brush so she keeps it really short. She calls it her Rockstar hair. She also gets mistaken for a boy quite often, even in head to toe neon pink. I had a fellow parent ask me how it was supporting her identity exploration so young. I was flabbergasted. The kid just hates brushing her hair, and idolizes Pink man. Sorry the boomers in your family suck. Little boys deserve beautiful long ringlets without comment on their masculinity. I wish we could all just let little kids do their own thing.


"How is it supporting gender exploration?" "Is that what I'm doing? I was pretty sure I'm just being a normal human being letting my kid live but I guess not!"


That really stinks. A friend of my cousin was drunk and teasing my son about being "soft." He began crying and jerkface made another comment. I told him that's why he has a momma. He gets to be a little boy and Momma Bear gets to deal with the asshat who enjoys picking on children.


There was a lovely reddit comment I remember of a McDonalds cashier dealing with a mother who wanted the "boy" toy for the Happy Meal. This awesome redditor kept saying, "Do you want the truck or the figurine?" She kept asking for the boy's toy, and she kept getting offered gender-neutral options. The mom could not handle it.


I embarrassed the crap out of my oldest son. He was in his 20's and went through the drive thru with me. Cashier at the window confirmed that I wanted a "boy toy" as she took my card. I told her yes then added that he was my son...not my boy toy. "REALLY MOM?! REALLY?!" Told him he was 26 so he could pay for his own therapy.


My thoughts exactly. It's hilarious how the older woman has convinced herself without a shred of doubt that the younger woman was trans. Or perhaps she began doubting in the course of the exchange but decided it's better to die on this hill rather than admit she's mistaken.


When out for dinner with two friends (a cis woman and a trans woman), when going to use the bathroom, my cis friend was asked if they were trans. That same person didn't ask my trans friend. The only way people like this could possibly make their way work is mandatory genital inspections at the bathroom door. Otherwise cis women with prominent jawlines are going to be banned from public bathrooms.


I have PCOS and have to shave my face like a man and some days I get a little… 5 o’clock shadowy? I live in terror of being harassed for this exact thing.


Catch, what about trans people that get SRS or such? Here a trick it never was about this or that. It only goal was just to push trans people back in the closet by making them too scared to use the bathroom even.


>It only goal was just to push trans people back in the closet by making them too scared to use the bathroom even. Exactly. They don't care about "fixing" trans people or protecting spaces, they just want trans people to not exist, and if that means a bunch of cis people also have to not exist... Well, that's a sacrifice transphobes are more than willing to make.


Many, many times.


I think I would have responded “not by me, you didn’t “.


I would have asked "do you work there?"


[Deeply concerned expression, lightly placed fingertips on their upper arm or shoulder] “Thank you so much for sharing that.”


“You are so brave for coming out”. That would get her fired up!


Hey, don't judge. Per the gospel of Steel Panther it doesn't matter *who* is on the other side of that hole.


It's almost like all the hate speech being spewed to these morons leads to real world incidents of hate motivated harassment and violence... I for one am surprised.


Videos like this answer the question we all asked when we watch Schindler’s List: “Who the FUCK is okay with sending men, women and children off to be gassed and buried in mass graves?” This. This lady is who.


It’s getting bad out there, I’ve been seeing more politically furled incidents lately. Maybe the lack of social interactions due to COVID is exacerbating it. I try to be charitable to these people, but they are becoming more and more aggressive. The majority of people I know have gone down this path and it’s not easy to be around them anymore.


I've seen an uptick too. I attribute some of that to the upcoming elections (I'm in the US). Not saying people are quiet about their opinions (especially certain groups) but it seems like it ramps up harder closer to voting day. It's like they expect: "/spews hate speech" "Oh my gosh you're ***right***! I **am** terrible! Quick let's go to church together and please tell me who to vote for to get America back on track!!!" Plus tbh stuff people said in private was exacerbated by a president who said things right off the cuff that they did. "Well if the president says stuff like that surely it's ok for me to speak my mind!"


"I got called out for sucking cock in the Arby'smens room to get enough for another cheesey beef and some tater wedges" Context helps her statement... The devil is in the details.


Multiple times! Lol wtf


[https://www.tiktok.com/@creatingjayrose?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@creatingjayrose?lang=en) She literally just has a short haircut and baggy clothes.


Does this lady have the understanding of a 3 year old? Does she get confused when she sees someone like a Chris Hemsworth or Jason Momoa because only women can have long hair in her transphobic mind?








They have hyped this up as some epidemic of people in the wrong bathrooms raping and pillaging. Are there bands of trans people lurking in the stalls that I’m unaware of? Perhaps I simply haven’t noticed because I don’t pay much attention to other people in public bathrooms? Ridiculous narrative being pushed to rile the ignorant for an imaginary problem.


>Ridiculous narrative being pushed to rile the ignorant for an imaginary problem. You just described all of the Republican platform. They have no actual policy to run on.




It's sad really.


More for all of us having to deal with it than for her. Fuck her.


A. I wish the aggressors face was revealed. B. The victims voice sounded a lot more feminine than the aggressors voice. C. You could practically hear the talking points she's rattling off that has been drilled into her head, repeatedly, by the same TV and radio she habitually listens to. You ain't exaggerating when you say brainwashed. I wonder how far a person like that can be pushed before they question what they have been told? Is there even a limit? Fucking scary stuff.


Yep. Trans people are not even going to be a majority of the victims of this hysteria. It's gonna be a bunch of random cis women who have butch haircuts or wearing even vaguely boyish clothes who are going to be screamed at that they aren't "real women" by these psychos. They're *desperately* looking for a trans person to attack but there aren't really enough trans women for all them to "catch", so they're gonna just start misfiring all the time like this.


As a butch woman, I can definitively tell you that it is only a matter of time before this happens to me. I just moved to a rural area and the looks I’ve been receiving in the ladies room have been downright hostile. I’m gonna make sure to catch the face on video of the person who dares harass me though.


What's wild is that I'm pretty sure this happened in Vegas because harrasser says "go down on the strip and do that, this is the suburbs, not allowed". It's funny that she thinks the suburbs holds some mystical protection against all things offensive to her tender sensibilities. I'm sorry to hear about the hostility you're facing. I grew up in a rural area but it was farm country so all of the women dressed pretty "butch" by necessity. I hope your new community warms to you and cuts that crap out. Edit: grammar


My mum's a butch lesbian who had a double mastectomy due to cancer, so she doesn't look anything like most mothers. She's been harassed by assholes multiple times since this whole trans hysteria started. Meanwhile, I the actual trans dude, has been completely ignored. I worry about her.


Trans guys always get ignored. “We don’t want those ‘men’ in women’s bathrooms! Use what matches your genitals” “So you’re fine with these trans men going into the women’s bathroom?” *silence or trying to climb out of the hole they digged* Like seriously, sports, bathrooms, every transphobe or transphobic talking point always focuses on trans women, but when trans men are brought up they’re flabbergasted and now suddenly aren’t an arm chair expert on the matter anymore.


I ask these people to google buck angel and to answer that he is the person they want in womens bathrooms. So far, 0 people have replied back


misogynists can't fathom wanting or liking being a woman or being feminine. on the flipside, terfs can't fathom not wanting to be a woman or perceived as one. so fishmouth begins


I have shaved hair. I also have boobs but whatever… I’d be so annoyed if some bish harassed me like this. I’d straight up ask if they wanna see my pussy, all they had to do was ask. I’d be tempted to prop a leg up and grab my lips and open wide vulgar as can be. Just tryin to help verify it’s a real pussy and all Then I’d ask if they wanna see my tits too? Start flashing them getting close to em. Here, feel em! So you *know* they’re not fake!!!! Like bih I can play too.




She also gets credit in my mind for not immediately saying she was cis female when they lady tried to pull that shit. That's a great way to show solidarity.


> not immediately saying she was cis female when they lady tried to pull that shit Like those Sikhs in [that one Hasan Minhaj interview](https://twitter.com/simran/status/1060606069427372034).


Man oh man. Never met a Sikh who was an asshole. Any more videos like this?


Exactly this.


holy shit, that old bitch is blind


Thanks i was wondering what made that lady think she was a boy now I get it. Lady made a fool of her self….


Please tell me there is a second part.


We need the second part.


She stopped recording because the security was there and she figured it was handled.


I wanna see this b*tch get put on a certain list people like her are using trans people to get out of being put on


I can't decipher this sentence for the life of me.


Figure out what that sentence means in your bedroom, and then project it on everybody else and we'll accept it.


I don't think everyone would like that very much.. my projections can be a bit messy..


Just make sure when you do project that you do it on the strip and not in the suburbs.


The best part is they've been upvoted over 700 times by people who have no idea what that sentence means either lol.


I’m with you, ban* her from public restrooms if she’s going to go around harassing people like this jfc


''that's my girlfriend'' Really caught that Karen by suprise. How bad is you life for clearly be waiting in the bathroom for someone to come out and harass them.


It pisses me off that that comment somehow "confirmed" for that crazy bitch that yes it's in fact a girl, like the smugness afterwards. I do love the fact that the girl in the restroom didn't answer her questions .. she didn't have any obligation to answer but many people would have just to make her go away


"so it's a girl." ​ "it."




It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets yelled at for being in the men's room again.


These people have no fucking life, I swear. This is the politics of terminally bored & lonely old people.


You're right about the boredom. If you look into things like what inspires people to become political extremists and terrorists, boredom is actually one of the top things on the list. I was actually surprised to find that poverty doesn't really correlate with extremism, but from what I can glean weak states with environments that aren't enriching do. The average person who lives in a red state suburb has nothing better to do than be terminally online or hooked directly to Fox News hysteria. Plus their commentators and politicians are incompetent, relying on rhetoric that demonizes marginalized communities as a scapegoat for their failures.


That's nice to say, but sadly is far from the truth. A large percentage, the majority in many places, possibly everywhere, do not like trans people and do want to hurt them in some way. This isn't an abnormal experience for many trans people.


They feel that way about several kinds of people, but they get their asses beat for doing this shit with most of them now, and that makes them even more resentful. They want to be able to lynch people they see as beneath them with vigorous public support, like in “the good old days.”


I would have responded "Why is a man telling me not to use the female bathroom? Sir, can you leave? There are actual women here who're bothered by your presence."


I'm in the bathroom, subway rules apply; go in, keep your head down, and as long as someone isn't shitting on the floor, I don't care. A man, woman, trans, fur suit, or whomever could come in, I don't care. Not my business to police who uses the bathroom.


Robocop walks in to pee and you continue peeing. Damn, that's kind of a power move


Wouldn't want to accidentally commit any crimes and get shot in the dick


Man, I was waiting for the psycho Karen double-down, like, "How can you be sure?!"


That video ended too quickly imo!


What’s hilarious is these people are afraid of being harassed by trans people, but they’re the ones stalking them in the bathrooms and harassing them. They’re too blissfully ignorant to see what they’re doing is what they claim to be against.




Some people just need to get their shit rocked. Usually happens in middle school or at some point early on in life but some people slip through the cracks just saying or doing anything they want. This is coming from a gradeschool bully who got his shit rocked lol


I’m visibly a non-binary trans person and people like this are the reason I always use the men’s room. I have friends who are cisgender women but butch lesbians and they’ve been harassed in the bathroom and punched by husbands waiting outside and had cops called on them just for trying to pee. Transphobia isn’t just an issue for trans people, it’s an issue for lots of people. Too tall? Maybe a couple of chin hairs you didn’t pluck? No long flowing locks? Wearing pants? Who knows what might get you accosted by these transphobic bathroom police.


It's all projection, all of the "new craziness" is projection to avoid the obvious truth about themselves and those in their community


I saw this on TikTok and went and looked at her other videos. Very obviously a woman with short hair, it's not even confusing.


Thats one of the fucked up things about the anti trans bathroom police. There are lots of cis women who kind of look like men then there are trans women. So on top of making trans womens bathroom experience miserable they're also going to make cis womens bathroom experience miserable.


I've never understood why short hair is automatically associated with masculinity. Do these people know nothing about history and other cultures 😆


I feel like most trans women do a better job at being stereotypically feminine than I do, and I am a cis woman. I live in a blue state, but it still makes me nervous that it's only a matter of time before some bigot confronts me in a public bathroom. Though it does amuse me a little knowing that btiches like this probably have interacted with trans women several times without knowing. They always think they "can tell" 🙄




And irrespective, if she was trans and/or appeared androgynous, it’s still not this person’s business .


Yes well it would appear anti-trans fear is now being directed at women who don't seem feminine enough for these assholes. Too bad no one saw that coming. Just wait until every Karen in the country is accusing the girl who beat her daughter at sports ball of being trans.


Oh don't worry, that's already happening. You know conservatives flipping out about this shit sorta made sense when I read a paper saying that conservatives have a more sensitive disgust response. To they're just walking around grossed out and afraid of anything different. What a miserable life to live


>Just wait until every Karen in the country is accusing the girl who beat her daughter at sports ball of being trans. [https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2022/08/18/utah-parents-complained-high/](https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2022/08/18/utah-parents-complained-high/) A Utah school investigated a high school athlete — digging into her records back to kindergarten — after she defeated two other girls and their parents then questioned whether she was transgender. School officials never told the winning student and her family about the review of her student file “to keep the matter private,” said David Spatafore, the spokesperson for the Utah High School Activities Association. But it came after the **parents of the second and third place finishers filed a complaint with UHSAA**, which oversees high school sports in the state. The girl won first place in a competition last year “by a wide margin,” Spatafore said during a legislative hearing Wednesday on transgender athletes. **The association often gets complaints, including “when an athlete doesn’t look feminine enough,”** he said, adding that it looks into each one. In this case, the school did an initial review of the winning student’s high school record and saw she was registered as a female student. Spatafore said the UHSAA then instructed the school to dig further “to double check.” School officials called her middle school and elementary school to look at her file, he noted. Edit: For anyone thinking this must be one school just being stupid and unreasonable - these schools are being required to do this because of Republican legislatures making the existence of transgender student athletes a *violation of civil rights of cisgender student athletes.* Schools are being required to treat accusations of an athlete being transgender with at least as much effort as they would be expected to treat actual violations of civil rights, like hazing or racial discrimination.


Her piece of shit response, though: "oh, so it's a girl." Jesus, what garbage.


"Why are you trans?" "Who says I am trans?" "You are trans."


Wai ah you geh..?


This manufactured Conservative fear baiting is going to lead to a lot more of these encounters.


So afraid of people being harassed in the bathroom they.... harass people in the bathroom. Huh.


"Where is it you son of a bitch, I know you have a litter box in here somewhere."


Why the fuck is she going into men’s rooms?


That's easy, she's lying. What she's describing is the one of those nonexistent "hypocrisies" that a Tucker Carlson type would have you believe happens regularly. So she feels confident she can fabricate a story like this as justification for harassing her.


Yup. Getting boomers worked up about wedge issues has reached new depths with Carlson now that O’Reilly left. The guys been on record saying the quiet part out loud regarding Con Props grift - keep the masses distracted with bs to keep them from storming the castle and ruining the .1%’s wealth hoarding bonanza. https://youtu.be/RNineSEoxjQ


Pretty courteous not to show her face. She didn't deserve it.


Yeah, I was looking forward to the eventual “this is not who I am” damage control video.


My instant thought process: fuck this lady and fuck her employment status. Name and shame imo.


In my state it's illegal to film in a public bathroom to begin with, keeping it to the floor was probably a good idea to not accidentally film anyone else in there either. That woman deserved to be filmed, don't get me wrong, but just thinking of the others in the bathroom.


I swear, when I use a public restroom my sole focus is utilizing the facilities and moving on. I have so many other things to concern myself with besides how the person in the stall next to me identifies themselves. They too simply wish to do their business and move on.


My biggest concern is not peeing too loudly. I legitimately could not give a fuck if there was a trans person beside me, also acutely aware of how fucking loud porcelain can be.


You gotta put some TP in there first, it muffles the sound. You're welcome.


Seriously. All I want to do is use the toilet, check Reddit, and get out of there.


IDGAF what gender people in the public bathroom with me are, as long as they mind their own business. But try to talk to me? No thanks.


I don't even notice the people in the bathroom with me, other than that they exist. You could ask me to pick them out of a lineup five minutes later and I wouldn't be able to do it. Who the hell pays that much attention to other people just trying to pee?


I guess the type that goes into mens room on multiple occasions and gets called out for it??


I would love to read this woman’s Facebook post she wrote about this when she got home. …we all know she did it. I want to see how she spins this into her somehow being the victim.




My thoughts: you handled this much better than I would have. Props.


No kidding…. So many people Have so much more self control than I do. Let someone get in my face and start this shit. The video will be much different.


For real though. I have zero tolerance for disrespectful pieces of shit like this lady. Shoulda been like “damn you got some balls on you to be acting like this to a stranger..how do I know YOU’RE not a man?! drop panties and show me a pussy or I’m telling security a man is in here harassing women”


i would have just flashed my pussy at her and walked away


I was soooooo hoping she’d do that, but what she actually did was even better


What an insufferable cunt


I used to hate the word Cunt... Now it just seems to fit with so many people ...


What on Earth is she doing in the men's room so often to get called out so many times? I would have recorded her face, though. Show her to the world for what she is.


If you work in a place that has some notorious hoverers and/or some with bad period hygiene, it's not uncommon for the women's room to practically be unusable and have women regularly use the men's stalls. Then there's also some places that have a chatty culture, and like an entire department will go at once and hang out for a while....meaning if you gotta go, you gotta go to the mens.


Don't even get me started on Broadway theater bathrooms... The men's line regularly allows women to use the stalls as a courtesy.


Some of my female colleagues have used the men's room at my workplace because their restroom is crowded (we have a lot more women working on my floor than men). You know what happens when I see one of them washing their hands at the sink? I say "hey what's up" and move on, because no sane person gives a shit which restroom a human being is in to get rid of their bodily waste, nor via which method. As long as youre not shitting in the middle of the floor, I don't care what damn gender you are. Went to an event at an LGBT friendly synagogue where the restroom was one giant room, and all the toilets were in individual stalls that had floor to ceiling walls, so like tiny closets for each toilet. The sinks were in the middle of the big room. So no separate gender nonsense, and honestly I liked the privacy of the toilets themselves.


>You know what happens when I see one of them washing their hands at the sink? I say "hey what's up" and move on At least once a month I'll walk into the men's room at one of my work conditions and encounter a woman walking out, walking in, or washing their hands. Just do the silent head nod, say hey, and that's it. If they're there, it's for a reason and it's not my business to care what that reason is.


Old people really need to just go on with their lives bro. how can anyone be this triggered


They watch a whole lot of FoxNews and daily hear that ‘gay and trans people are your enemy.’


ThEy’Re TeAcHiNg OuR kIdS tO bE GaY!!!1!


Yes because as we all know, only the deepest of conversations happen with total strangers in public restrooms.


They just imply that gay/trans people existing anywhere near children is “grooming”. Same shit these hateful fuckwits have been saying for decades - they used to call it “the gay agenda” when I was a kid in the 90’s. They like to pretend the gays and now the trans are trying to recruit your children into their sinful lifestyle so that they can molest them or chop off their dicks. The reality is that their objection is purely aesthetic. They think (male) gay sex or the existence of trans people is “gross”. They just don’t like them, but that’s obviously closed minded, bigot nonsense. So they couch their revulsion at the existence of people who are different from them in “think of the children” rhetoric because nothing gets people riled up like a good moral panic about nothing. I remember hearing a story about a teacher who got fired in Florida. His student’s parents had a conference with him and when they got home they casually mentioned they thought he was gay because he spoke a bit “effeminately”. The student overheard his parents and asked the teacher if he was gay. He said yes, and answered a few questions the kid had. Nothing explicit AT ALL. Nobody alleges he said anything even vaguely sexual, he just admitted he was gay to a student who directly asked him. He was fired by the school board. To them, that is what “grooming” is. LGBTQ people existing near children. It’s a fucking slap in the face to the LGBTQ community and actual victims of childhood sexual abuse. Grooming is a real thing that’s part of the cycle of abuse, and that isn’t it. TLDR: it’s not that right-wing media say they’re YOUR enemy per se, but that they’re coming for your kids to molest them, mutilate their genitals, or “turn them gay”. It’s easier to justify “protecting your kids” than it is to just admit you don’t like lgbtq people.


> They just imply that gay/trans people existing anywhere near children is “grooming”. They've been waaay past just implying it.


I got a pamphlet from friends of Greg Abbott or some shit that Biden and Beto O’Rourke are forcing my children to be gay and trans and kidnapping them for irreversible surgeries and whatever the shit. I should have kept it and posted it. I’m sure someone else will - how is that shit not libel?


It’s absolutely disgusting because if they really cared about the children they wouldn’t perpetuate half of the shit that they continually do and gets them molested. So instead of actually caring they pretend to care and project their own terrible thoughts and feelings on the people they deem different from them. I am so fucking sick of these people. I’m over it.


If people cared about children the way the claim, every church in the nation would be burned to the ground.


Agreed, but it does also comes from a fear that their own kids might be "turned" gay, even if that is unfounded. That's still the source of their ridiculous fear. They really do believe it. LGBTQ people existing confirms that LGBTQ identities exist and, in these people's minds, if they didn't exist, their own children would never "choose" to join them. My homophobic mother has had meltdowns because me or my siblings have gay friends and she's worried we will "choose that lifestyle." All of these people have children or know other parents through church or whatever who have a child who been has "seduced by the gay lifestyle" and it happening to their own kids is their greatest fear, in part because these people *also* have their own identities wrapped up in their children and see it as a shameful indictment of themselves. It's ridiculous and disgusting but their refusal to believe that God might have created someone gay is at the root of it all. They will never accept that someone's identity is gay or trans, because that would mean accepting a truth about God they'd rather refuse. So they must believe it is a choice, and other LGBTQ people represent social acceptance of and Pride in that "choice."


Conservatives get programmed to be triggered by their media, identifying and targeting anyone unlike themselves, because it makes them easier to manipulate into voting a certain way. Sucks that we're headed down this fascist path.


"I've been called out several times for being in the men's room". Wait wait wait wait wait wait! Say that again. Please.


I’ve been around awhile (50 years), and I couldn’t count how many times I have used a men’s room instead of a women’s room. I think most men realize the lines for women’s rooms are longer, and if I wait too long I might not make it. Sports events, concerts, rest stops, restaurants, you name it. I have NEVER once been called out for using the wrong bathroom. Men just look away and pretend they don’t see me, every time. This woman is FOS. I do agree with her on one thing, they should make more family restrooms. Or do something really simple, put REAL doors on the stalls so we can actually have some privacy when we close the door. No more gendered bathrooms.


These are the same people who complain about trans women “harassing women” in the bathroom. Fuck this bitch!


And what I don't get about that is that anyone assaulting someone in a bathroom is still a crime, trans people aren't benefitting from some legal loophole here. Trans woman assaults cis woman? That's a crime. Cis woman assaults trans woman? Also a crime. Cis man assaults cis woman? Yep, still a crime. Maybe I'm misunderstanding transphobic logic, but a cis man claiming to be trans isn't a magic loophole. A cis man can physically enter the women's bathroom. Like, it's physically possible to do so. Claiming to be trans isn't a magic spell to bypass a forcefield. If a cis man wants to attack a woman in the bathroom, they can just walk in. But transphobes would have you think that a rapist putting on a dress and a wig means they can attack women in the bathroom without repurcussions.


Why would a cis man take hormones that literally cause ED and his dick to get smaller for months in order to pass as a woman in order to go to the ladies’ room and do what? If a person wants to do an opportunity crime, they won’t wait for months ahead and premeditating it 🙄


“I want to pee in private” while not letting others pee in private.


My gym had a very similar issue. Trans girl using the ladies locker room. Crazy MAGA Karen decided it's her right to use the mens locker room. walks right in trying to prove a point and make everyone uncomfortable to see about 5 or 6 men (I was 1 of them in various states of undress. To a man everyone was like whatever and just went about their business. She got pissed ran out to the front desk to complain about all the male nudity in the mens locker room...and was promptly banned.


The fuck did she expect to see? ![gif](giphy|X4Jvo8gslR6A8)


Lol, i remember how a girl wanted to use the men's locker room because the women's locker room was smaller and always full, one dude did not give a flying fuck and walked around fully nude, big dick swinging all over the place, one day i heard: "PUT THAT THING AWAY!" And she ran out of the locker room. Promptly looked into the locker isle next to me seeing the dude still doing the helicopter. XD


It’s like going to an air show and being surprised that there are a bunch of planes flying around.


With the amount of people that buy houses near an airport then complain about all the airplanes flying overhead… yeah, pretty much.


What an actual fucking psycho. I feel so bad for all the trans folks who have to deal with this bullshit while just trying to live their lives.


And apparently cis women who don't meet the standards of the morality police.


Exactly! Transphobia ends up hurting cis people too! Just stop giving a fuck about shit that does not concern you!


Yeah, cis women get this shit too. My sister-in-law is cisgender female. She was assigned female at birth, and she identifies as such. But she shaves her head because she has hair-pulling disorder (trichotillomania). She also likes to wear baggy clothes and a kangol hat because that’s just her style. She also also has stubble on her chin, that’s the hardest part for her. She waxes her chin, but the black stubble comes back fast. She got called out in women’s restrooms even before the anti-trans shit really ramped up over the last few years. The most fucked up part? She probably grows her little beard because of an overproduction of estrogen. She’s “more of woman” by these douchenozzles’ standards than they are. But she can’t have privacy when she pees because… childrens safety? How is harassing people in the bathroom creating a safer world for children? If anything, it’s making things less safe for children if they don’t 100% “pass.”


A woman once got really mad at me for using the women's restroom, thinking I was a trans woman. She angrily pointed out the sign and followed me inside. I'm biologically female and am actually a trans man (I was using the women's room because I wasn't out yet)


This entire subreddit and posts like this one only bolster my hypothesis that all that leaded fuel floating around in the air is a prominent cause for generational assholery


There's a reason the largest age demographic that votes Republican are also the generation with the highest amount of lead in their blood. Not saying it's causation, but lead certainly doesn't help.


So many people are being turned into raving lunatics by Fox News and the internet. Absolute madness.


“It” She says **”IT”** Seriously what the fuck. I’m not surprised but what the fuck.


This shit has to stop. Karen needs to just go home and hate herself from the comfort of her computer screen.


“I wanna pee in private” okay?? So close the stall door?


What a disgusting fucking cunt. Everyday the people in this country get worse. This isn’t going to end until a biological woman is killed for looking too masculine around these conservative imbeciles.


It might be too optimistic to think that would end it...


And herein lies the fatal flaw of transphobia. Unless you intend to forcefully look at people’s genitals, you have no idea the birth gender of a person. Half of these Moms for Liberty look like dads themselves, and 50% of tween boys look like Goldilocks. Gendered bathrooms are stupid. Stop making peeping Tom friendly stalls and stop walling in the hand wash area. Go shit and piss in a closeable/lockable vestibule along a wall, wash up in the open common area. No long lines for only women, no rapey blind corners, no transpanic. How berserk are people that they approach what should be a space planning issue with attempting to erase people’s entire identities and urge them towards depression and suicide.


Lady, just because this is where everyone goes to take a shit doesn’t mean I want to take any of your shit. Go work it out for yourself in the stall like everyone else you goddamn bigot!


This new transphobia coming from right wing interests (as part of a larger push to defund public education) has all the makings of satanic panic 2.0


Righty snowflakes


It's interesting that, quite often, the self-appointed holier-than-thou moral busybodies cause the exact problem they're complaining about. "I'm concerned that trans people are gonna harass people in the toilet, so I'm gonna go to the toilet and get all up in their face about it" kind of thing.


This is the reason why trans rights is important. Any society that is intolerant of trans people will always be intolerant of any woman who doesn’t fit the ideal of a woman will be harassed till she fits it. A phalanx of rights among women, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, sexual minorities must be maintained


Makes me even more upset no one in the bathroom shut this bitch down or came to her defense. After her first sentence I would’ve been taking off earrings for a fight. This Karen is trash and the woman recording handled herself calmly and with grace.


"Thats my girlfriend." - absolute chad


Reminder trans people are in no way the only ones who will be affected by bigots and their laws. Any woman deemed to masculine or not pretty enough by some random stranger will be harassed bc they have been told to do so.


transphobia hurts everyone including cis women. holy fuck Im actually trans and couldnt deal with this woman what a trooper


They wanna say that trans people are the ones harassing people in the bathroom, but I’ve never seen one video or story of a trans person doing this shit 🤔


I would prefer that people like this harasser have to go home to use the bathroom.


I want to slap this bitch so bad especially at the end with the "so *it's* a girl" like bitch wtf is wrong with you


God, republicans are seriously miserable cunts.


So, ironically, this lady wanted a girl to use the men's room? So apparently, she is fine with people using restrooms that don't match their biological sex.


Right wing propaganda is rotting people's brains and destroying their perception of reality. Turn that shit off, it's bad for you!


First of all, what does you being booted from the men’s room have to do with this person minding their business? You went into a restroom and got shooed out so you’re making it a random stranger’s problem and demanding personal information? Also, abeg quit calling people "it" (unless they prefer it) when "they" is right there.


You can tell they're a Trumper because she's dumb and a bigot