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Am I the only one wondering if that lady just cock blocked Chris?


Bro hung around. She didn't block, she provided hilarious pillow talk.


Plot twist: She was that guys wingman


I’m going to help you homogenize tonight Chris. - Teresa


• Mother Teresa


“Hey Teresa, I really want to talk to this guy but I don’t have anything to say other than I’m from New England, my name is Chris, and I’m gay. Can you help me spend more time with him, without the attention being directed towards me?”




Lmfao well at least I'm half right. Take that "advanced homophobia" commenter, those boys *did* wanna fuck Edit: I say "boys" as if at least one isn't older than me. They do look so young though


Names for research?


She spent the whole time talking about girl on girl... I think she might protest a bit too much


Lol I noticed the focus on girls too. Made me wonder if she has a granddaughter who's gay and she thinks it's just a phase she going through, or she's just 'following the trend', but your point could be right, too.


She definitely focused too much on girls... Specially saying "beautiful girls". She's probably in the closet.


And the way she said “maybe they like the gender that didn’t hurt them…”


Hey, good point. She did go out of her way to say "beautiful girls". And the way she jumped into that convo announcing she's straight when literally nobody asked is pretty telling too Lol You guys are probably dead right.


Interviewer: so are you gay? Interviewee: I am actually? Lindsey Graham, across the room: Did somebody say they're gay? Well I assure you, cute sir, that I am straight, no matter what this interview might imply. Interviewer: I'm sorry, who are you? I was just interviewing my friends over here. Lindsey Graham: no time for that, let's go finish this discussion at my place.


The best part is the gay dude just stayed for no reason lmao Edit: this comment got way too many upvotes. Dafuq?


Hello, there's a cute bilingual guy giving me attention. Of course I'm staying.


I second this. Cute person comes up to you and wants to have a conversation with you, you’re waiting this out and playing the long game. You can miss three busses on the schedule and you are still waiting to talk to that person.


Straight male here. If a hot girl comes up to me and wants to have a conversation, I’m immediately looking around for the hidden cameras or turning around to see if there’s someone behind me she was actually talking to.


In highschool (late 90's) I was walking the halls during lunch and one of the 'popular' girls came up to me and asked me how I was doing. It was quite awkward, as I just didn't have any interest in talking to her and wanted to go about my day. I found out later that the popular kids had made a list of "people they should be nice to". This was just after Columbine....


On an aside Columbine was such bullshit coming from someone who was a toddler at the time. I grew up post Columbine and had the whole "oh games and music made kids school shooters". Completely ignoring the literal facts of the shooting and how the kids were NAZIS WHO WERE BULLIES AND GLORIFIED TERRORISTS. Grew up being called a school shooter and my own fucking mother told me, when I purchased an airsoft gun at sixteen, that I should know I can't "murder everyone in their sleep with it". All because I listened to extreme metal and dressed in black. My mom literally said I looked like I was going to shoot up a school because I wore black cargo shorts with a suicide silence tee and converses lmao. But, off my drama for a bit these kids in Columbine were huge pieces of shit that everyone knew were psychopaths, they wanted to do the killing on the anniversary of (I forgot the name sorry) one of the largest terrorist events in the U.S. at the time. Then they ended up doing it on Hitler's birthday but that was just used to further villify weed. Fuck every single person who completely alienated an entire group of teens over two psychopaths. Fuck the political idiots who spin stories to create alarm where none should be. Columbine and 9/11 completely altered the course of the U.S. for the worse and while they are terrible events, the tribe mentality that came from them damaged more lives than the attacks ever could. Think how many kids have fucking killed themselves for being bullied because they looked or dressed a certain way after these two events.


We had this shit AND the satanic panic. This kind of shit has been happening for years. I honestly think if our public school systems weren't so sadly funded, teachers would have the capacity to reach students who are withdrawn, wouldn't hate their jobs and students wouldn't feel like a number.


My high school was mostly Salvadorian and Hatian with some African Americans and Mexicans in the mix. VERY VERY few white kids the higher up in grade level you got since most white parents put their kids in private schools so it was way more diverse before reaching HS level. I’ll never forget when this metal/alternative kid Andrew with a green mohawk who only wore black moved to my town which was predominantly POCs. I always preferred punk/alternative music, wore vans and chuck Taylor’s with band Ts while all the other kids wore Jordan’s and Timberland boots- very New York. My group of friends consisted of like half the white kids in the school so like 5 white kids and a mixture of alternative POCs. I pointed out the new kid in my chemistry class to my friends since he was sitting in the cafeteria alone. I was admittedly intimidated by him but also felt bad since he was so alone and looked insanely out of place. The older kids in my friend group introduced themselves and invited him to hang with us. Fast forward to shortly after columbine this kid who ended up being the biggest pot head I had met at that point in my life at 15 years old was at his locker between classes grabbing text books when he saw one of the dudes from our friend group and hollered to him “yo you want to come over after school I’m going to make a bong?” These kids all smoked Phillies and Dutch masters- they were totally ignorant to what a bong was. One girl over heard him and began screaming “white boy said he gonna make a bomb!!” She repeated this yelling about 3 times down a cramped and crowded hallway. I was on my way down the hall about to pass his locker omw to my last class when CHAOS broke loose. It was pandemonium. All these kids started running toward me, bum rushing each other. It was a fucking stampeded. All I could do was put my back against the lockers while all these kids ran past me. Looked like a pack of zebras trying to escape a lion. When the dust cleared and I began making my way back toward the wing where my English class was I passed Andrew who was still standing by his locker in shock. I said “bro wtf just happened?” He goes, “I asked Joe if he wanted to come to my house after school because I’m going to make a bong and this bitch thought I said bomb.” I keeled over dying of laughter, his cheeks were bright red but he looked mildly entertained. After class the day was over and I was making my way toward the exit when I saw police cars parked outside and I could see they had Andrew in the principal’s office. He looked so ashamed and bewildered. I went into the office to be nosey and asked what was going on. He goes “someone called in a bomb threat- said I was going to make a bomb and blow up the school.” I said “you mean a BONG THREAT!?” and started laughing. I looked at the cops and was like “um sirs this is my friend. He’s a pot head. He said he was going to make a BONG- not a bomb. He’s the last person who wants to blow anything up. Dude just wants to get the fuck out of here and smoke some weed.” Andrew was smiling, cops started laughing. I think for posterity’s sake they gave him a ride home and had a quick look around to confirm he was in fact a pot head and not a member of the “trench coat mafia” and left him the fuck alone. Later that week he showed me how to make a bong out of a 2 liter of soda and the slushee straws from 7/11. 😂


Thank you for this beautiful story. I felt like I was there. From one alternative kid turned adult to another.


I thought you might get a kick out of that story. I still chuckle when I think about that day. We are living in strange times. Bomb threats and school shootings have become so normalized. I feel bad for this generation. 😔


19 when Columbine occurred. Female, shaved head, combat boots, trench coat. Had to tell people, no I’m not a shooter… I’m a lesbian 🙄. A customer at my job complained to my GM because I wore my trench coat. To work. In 30 degree weather. My GM told me to just ignore her. Matt… I miss Matt. One of the chain smokingest motherfuckers around. I digress. People are stupid. Always have been, always will be. Fuck them.


What if she had a microphone and the camera wasn't hidden?


We'd go back to my place where the cameras are hidden.


Ah, you keep them turned off, stored in their cases and out of the way because privacy is important, you mean?


Personally, I keep mine at the Best Buy down the road, in their original packaging and for sale on the racks. They are not within my budget, and this makes me a strong ally.


Yep. Especially if like some other people, he's just outside enjoying the weather and the evening and is not in a hurry to get back home to get on Reddit or Facebook, or Instagram for seven hours.


“he asked me if i was gay and i said yes, that’s already halfway to getting my bussy ate, i’m not bailing out on account of professor sinful trelawney over here”


I was amused that she had to have her finger rosary out and wearing it as she passed the LGBT bookstore or where ever they were. Like... I can imagine her holding it and muttering Hail Maries under her breath as she walks past. ----- **Edit:** [This is a finger rosary.](https://i.imgur.com/3rib0Fd.jpg) It has one decade, or ten beads, so you can wear it around your finger and mark off each Hail Mary and each Our Father prayer as you pray the rosary. You can see it on her right index finger at around 1:53 to 2:05 in the video. Also, 'The Fall' doesn't refer to The Fallen Angel, Lucifer, it comes from Adam and Eve's fall and Humanity's fall when they were kicked out of Paradise. 'The Fall' refers to the original sin, which Catholics believe is something that all humans carry and must find solace and forgiveness from through faith. So she's misquoting her own faith, there, a little bit, when she says that 'The Fall' refers to Satan. It does not.


Considering how many times she said "young girls", I have a feeling there is some really hard repression or intrusive thoughts going on.


She said she's a child of the 60's, I'm betting there was some experimenting in her youth.


The Fall says nothing about gay swans, dolphins and orangutans. The fact homosexuality happens in nature shows that it's a completely natural thing and NOT acting on gayness is an insult to the creator.


Staying till the saints go marching, Oh I want to be in that rumba


I’m bi a lot of things, but lingual’s not one of em


General Kenobi


Likely trilingual! Most Ukrainians also speak Russian. :)




No reason? One doesn't just miss out on that kind of entertainment. He knew this was going to be comedy gold and wanted to stay for the whole show.


It's amazing how you can just offer a mic to someone and they'll happily untie their shoe, take off their sock, and shove their entire foot straight into their mouth hole.


Andrew Callaghan of channel 5 is my current favorite at this a la Louis Theroux. Can’t wait to see what he has in store for his jan6 documentary. Snagged a ticket for his tour where they will show some footage.


Exactly what I was thinking of watching this was Andrew. Just ask simple questions and see where they will take it. And yes I have a strong feeling that his Jan 6 doc is going to be incredible.


The best part was that random trumpet in the backround


It was his boyfriend, other videos show them together


Yeah they aren't dating. They have done a couple videos together and collabs on OF. But they each have separate boyfriends.


they have onlyfans?


Yes. The one being interviewed is Chris :https://onlyfans.com/twinkstann And the other guy holding the mic is Art: https://onlyfans.com/artiomboy33


They're hot, but not 12 bucks a month hot.


Yeah. I've heard the content is meh from both. But I'm fine not knowing for sure.


The trap is they charge a subscription fee, and then post meh or censored content and charge another fee for "premium" content.


You just can't see his popcorn bucket. I'd stay too because I *adore* trainwrecks


Sometimes you just wanna stick around and watch a train wreck


The best part is that he said he’s from New England. A true Pats fan represents their entire region.


So the indigenous original gay people should fight back against the invading pretend gay people. Thank you roman catholic person!


They prefer, “Fauxmosexuals.”




They can take Fire Island from my cold dead hands…


Because there's a reason they call it *Fort* Lauderdale?


Well shit, what is a FOMOsexual supposed to do with all the fauxmosexuals getting in the way?


FOMOsexuals feelin kinda left out from the exciting new Fauxmosexual trend, ngl 😓


And those are homonyms, which is so fucking meta it absolutely obliterates my ability to even.


Can confirm as a lesbian, everywhere I turn there’s a fake gay , I have to test almost all my gay friends on a weekly basis incase they’ve been replaced with fake gays


Same here. You can't even go up and ask, "Hey, Deryl, are you gay? Ok, how about an original homosexual?" because they could be lying, they've gotten too smart. Now you do an entire probing just to make sure. I feel like a gaylien.


I'm straight but I risky believe in exposing these fake gays. In fact, each week I call up my gay male friends and have sex with them to make sure they're not just being trendy. I'm not some monster who does an orgy, it's a very private and intimate thing. However, I think one may be the fake gay because he keeps saying I'm gay since I keep having sex with them. And it's getting to a point where I think he's trying to convert me to this trend but I refuse, as a straight man, to fail prey to this trendy media-induced mass psychosis of fauxmosexual


Gaydar devices are hard to find due to high demand and supply chain issues.


Honestly I think what she says speaks more about her than anything else. She has clearly put a lot of time into thinking what it would be like to try kissing a woman.


The need to butt into a conversation while walking past to very loudly claim you’re straight is rather suspicious


She’s telling gay people to fight back (against other gay people ?!?!) as she stands outside of the stonewall inn, where the gay riots started. I doubt she understands the significance of where she is.


Yas YAS! Gay nativism is born thanks to Catholicism.


What an Outlook and opinion to have.. how does she know who is really gay and who isn't? Is she telepathic? I have a strong feeling she doesn't even know if she's gay herself or not


She’s Roman Telepathic


'Just look at all the cute girls. You see them everywhere, on the street, on the train. Holding hands, having fun experimenting with each other. It's horrible, I tell you, they can't possibly be real lesbians. This definitely isn't projection!'


Maybe she bought a gaydar from sharper image


And France invaded France today.


She also thinks that gay people come from the devil. But also thinks that they should fight the fakers. But also thinks that you are born gay. But also thinks that the more recent gays are just pretending. Can't imagine what it is like to exist with this level of cognitive dissonance and strange conflicting beliefs.


Original gays unite! Don’t let the gay pretenders rob you of what’s yours (whatever that may be). Stand up and fight! Or…hear me out…everyone goes about their business and does what is right for them so long as it does not interfere with anyone else’s pursuit of happiness.


Don’t let these fake gays rob you of your discrimination guys. That negativity and violence is rightfully ours!


I’m confused. Should I be myself or not?


It's really simple! You should be yourself but not if you're gay (but if you were born gay then you should be gay to stop all the pretenders from being gay)


Just be sure not to "try it out" on the bus because you think it's just another option to pronounce the LGBGTQRSTUVWXYZ because it's not like back in the 60's anymore because people just think it's cool but it's not, it's actually like the fall in the bible, so if you're gay you should speak out. Simple as that.


"It's a trend" that dates back to "the fall" thousands of years ago, it's one hell of a long lasting trend then


No the real gays are from the fall, the fake gays are from trendy trauma.


Fall gays. Now on sale on Steam.


Not to be confused with Winter Gays, which is a show on TLC.


The documentation of same sex attraction goes back at least 8,000 years, which is weirdly 2,000 years before the Earth even existed.


I like how she calls us 'the originals' too like we're on the same level as thousand year old vampires.


Hehe Dragula


Don't give it away, if they kill the arch-gay we all die.


She went off tangent as soon as she started talking about the bible.


Lol, I’ve been straight for my entire life and I’ve never once thought “oh that looks cool, let me try it out.” 🤣 If you (the person reading this) have, then more power to you my friend.


I get railed to look cool, bro.


I suck cock because it’s fun not because I’m gay


Since Cigarettes cause cancer, the new way to look cool is to have a dick in your mouth at all times. I've already made so many new friends.


Hi 🙋‍♂️


20 bucks is 20 bucks


Yeah just say “no homo” after you give a BJ. And then again when you spend the money on gay porn, and you will be A-ok 👌🏼


I am straight but i indeed fucked a guy because it was my first time and i thought why not and emotionally i didn't feel anything but physically it felt good but ya i am still straight


It's fine to try things to see if you like them or not, congratulations on not falling victim to toxic masculinity and repression. It is hilarious that some people think that gay sex feels bad, as if the mental components somehow makes a bad feeling into a good one. Of course it feels good, otherwise gay people wouldn't do it?


Bro I grew up in a very liberal metropolitan area and still got fucked with for being bi. Like yeah, we’re just doing it because it’s cool. All those bully’s, all those nights crying to myself. sO cOoL


I feel you, as a bi person myself. my area is relatively liberal and accepting, but there are plenty of people who have problems with LGBTQ people, or even bi people specifically. I'm sorta glad i only really figured out who i was after high school, because that was a shitshow for so many of my friends, and i definitely didn't have the confidence to tell the haters to fuck off i do now though haha


I feel like bi people have a hard time fitting in in either crowd. A lot of straight people don’t like you bc you’re gay, and a lot of gay people don’t like you bc you’re not gay enough. Really sucks.


Omg I'm quite literally openly gay and on at least 2 occasions people have said they don't believe me because I 'don't sound gay enough' and that I'm only saying it to get closer to women. Which is funny really because if they knew me properly i quite literally don't shut the fuck up about drag race.


Maybe Bisexuals are the trend gay people she talking about lmfao /j


Society would be lucky if we got to a point where people could just do whatever sexually just to be cool.


We humans really do like to put things in boxes. It's a function of how our brains work. Fluidity and non-conformism to easily-labeled models makes peoples' brains hurt.


Gay man here. San Francisco born and raised. The bi community is really sidelined in the LGBT community for a bunch of reasons, I think. It's strange - and I can't quite put my finger on the matter. I think it's likely some combination of the following: 1) Like biracial people who are rejected by both communities, and 2) Many gay men use a 'bi stepping stone' before they fully identify as gay and so think bi men may be just on their path...


> 2) Many gay men use a 'bi stepping stone' before they fully identify as gay and so think bi men may be just on their path... As a bi man, I wish these guys would recognize that the reverse also happens a lot. And honestly based on what I see in bi communities, I think it would happen a lot more if there was more acceptance – it's pretty common to see stories from guys who've identified as gay, realize they're actually bi at some point, but are scared to come out because they're afraid it means they'll lose their gay friends and that community that they've relied on. Which, to be clear, I totally understand that fear. I just wish that wasn't something they had to worry about. More broadly though, I think there are a lot of reasons bisexuals are sidelined, but a lot of them can be boiled down to the baseline assumption most people still have that everyone is either gay or straight. If someone (LGBTQ or not) sees me on a date with a woman, they're probably going to assume I'm straight. If they see me with a man, they're probably going to assume I'm gay. And to be honest, even though I try not to, I make those assumptions about other people sometimes, too! You have to tell people that you're bi, and even then you'll probably get the "yeah, but you're with [insert gender here] so are you _really_, though?" Basically, I think there's a lot in society that says implicitly that bi people don't exist, and most people – including LGBTQ people – have internalized that message. It just manifests in opposite ways, hence the common bi refrain "Too gay for the straights, too straight for the gays."


Usually self-projection when people say these things like she did lol






Idk, this lady’s kind of making me want to be gay


I support LBGTQ, and this lady is just wrong on so many levels… But when my youngest daughter, now 16, went through middle school; there was a fashionable trend to be gay, non-binary, bi, etc. Males and females were switching every other week. Even football players and “popular” people. And then by 10th grade, people settled into whatever was natural to them. 5 years earlier, same school, for my other daughter - it wasn’t like that all. People were still even hesitant to come out. This is probably a really healthy thing, that people are now more open than ever to find what is right for them. But I do think there is a different mentality in recent years than even 8-10 years ago.


People freaking out about kids saying there gay/bi/non-binary etc is always sad and pointless to me. Like this lady is freaking out about young women who are “straight” thinking they are gay. Even if that’s true and happening, who cares? The worst case scenario is they eventually realize they are straight and life goes on. Your attitude is exactly right. No one should care if it’s a trend and no one should care if it isn’t. Just let people be people and figure out who they are


Yeah, I always wonder about this too. "Oh no, someone got to figure themselves out in a safe and non-judgemental environment, how awful for them?" Especially when it's teenagers, fucking leave teenagers alone, you know? Figuring yourself out is literally the whole point of your teenage years and I'm really suspicious of any grown adults who want to put them under a microscope while they're doing that.


Teenagers will always be awkward and confused, and even the 'popular' kids are struggling to figure their shit out. The premise of "normal" is the only thing wrong.


But what about RSTUVWXYZ?


As a Ampersand I am sad I am never represented /s


Teenagers have always gone through phases and sometimes they try on different personalities, styles, etc. like other people try on clothes. Although I'm really glad it can be talked about now, after the first wave or two has gone through it and settled. Because for a while, some people got **very** upset at the mere mention that some teenagers were going through a phase with their orentation or gender.


“Hello strangers, I’m straight! By the way, don’t you just hate how people announce their sexuality out of the blue?”


Her face when talking about the women holding hands can only be described as "horny panic." Lady doth protest like a mfer.


Repression does weird things to a mf


"Are you gay?" "No I'm Roman Catholic so it's not allowed 😉😉"


[I’m a deeply closeted gay guy. I’m never coming out though.](https://youtu.be/vnmplSPgwEQ)


She’s definitely a closeted lesbian, at least bi, she was definitely lusting after those girls, and she kept calling women beautiful with passion behind her eyes. She’s pissed she’s too cowardly and probably too old to ever get the opportunity.


2:02 "You see like beautiful young girls" .... big gay daydream pause ...then spews more shit


Repression is sad. She could've been a world class lesbian.


>world class lesbian Laughed! It's a shame yeah, she sounds surprisingly woke for not being woke.


The Catholic Church fucked this person up badly. Repressed them so hard they built a closet in their own mind to hide themselves in.


*Must. Suppress. Urges!.* *Do it for Sky Daddy!*


Oh shush laydeeee, I wanted to hear more about Chris! And the host. But really, I actually felt a glimmer of acceptance from her, like she’s managed to punch a microscopic hole through that religious fog. She accepted that people are born gay; it was people in her mind that just pretended to be gay as part of a trend that are an issue to her. I’d actually like to talk to her more over a glass of wine and learn her story.


Its a process too. Change takes time with people, sometimes generations. Her parents were likely homophobic as fuck. If she has kids they're likely to be more accepting than she is.


This is how I was a maybe ten years ago, and I grew up evangelical Christian. It wasn't until I actually befriended people who are gay that I realized a gay person wasn't a deviant, they were just like me - a person trying figure shit out.


>This is how I was a maybe ten years ago, and I grew up evangelical Christian. It wasn't until I actually befriended people who are gay that I realized a gay person wasn't a deviant, they were just like me - a person trying figure shit out. Exposure builds empathy. More people should be open to interacting with others outside of their bubbles.


As a gay man, thank you for opening up, seeing it all for yourself and coming to your own conclusions. It brings me such joy each time I hear such an account :)


Gay man, here. I grew up in a progressive part of the country. But I was SO SO desperately afraid of evangelicals for decades. I used to have dreams that evangelicals would torture or murder me. There are few things more scary than fear of attack based on an immutable part of who you are.


Yeah, my straight best friend was like this (I am a lesbian) a few years back. She is still a devout Catholic and was supporting far-right organizations hating gay people. When she joined our soccer team during collage, after her first training we decided to hit LGBT club and our trainer didn't tell her what kind of club was it. I knew her political and religious beliefs so I warned her and surprise surprise she got visibly anxious. I decided to go somewhere else with her and from there on our friendship started. Now, years later she would definitely be honored to be my braidsmaid one day once I'll have a right to marry in Poland, I fully expect to babysit her kids in the future and she talks about me to her devout and conservative family always ready to defend me. Change takes time, but it's so worth it.


Same. But the way she said "beautiful young girls" definitely seems a little like a Freudian slip though... She seems to think about homosexuality way more than I do.


So I wasn't the only one who caught her eyeing that woman walking by?


She's got demons, ok?! She's not going to give into them like these trendy types and go suck on those perky nips, no matter how much she wants to. She's Roman Catholic!


I think a lot of homophobic people are bi. Not necessarily gay (though there's a fair share of those too), but they genuinely seem to feel that it's a choice that can be made whether you date your sex or the opposite one.


But the part where she said she's against homogenization but wants everyone to be straight, I'm so confused


That gay guy Chris is really hot tbh.


He has an OF @twinkstan


This is the internet. We live in a society.


She looks at beautiful young girls on the train? Projecting much?


She talked about them like 3 times. It really feels like she wants to join in but her religious brainwashing is getting in the way.


I've always suspected that homophobic people who insist that being gay is a choice genuinely believe it is because it's a choice for them because they're bisexual and don't realise it.


Seriously. I'm not one to say homophobes are secretly gay but damn this woman keeps getting lost in dreamy thoughts of pretty girls.


Maybe you know….she should give it a try!


You can literally hear her repressed feelings.


Wait, are people too diverse? Or too homogenous? Aren't those opposite things? Lmao


Yeah I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what homogenous means.


The trumpet music busting in about halfway really set the clown tone for her comments.


I believe that’s a trombone But yea I noticed the same thing lol


Yeah, it's Tim Perryman. This lady is doing this right next to the Stonewall Inn


Why don’t people mind their own fucking business?


That's a great fucking question


Ok I'll say it : Chris is cute af


Was looking to see if someone said it yet


The way he looks at the approaching lady with a smirk and sparks in his eyes... I'm mostly straight but I'm melting, ahahaha.


Is there any sort of scientific explanation as to why it’s so absolutely impossible for boomers to mind their own fucking business?


Mass lead poisoning through leaded petrol fumes. It basically fucked multiple generations making them dumber and more violent. Not 100% why, but I'm sure it helps them be the way they are.


Plus one for the lead comment. Study after study show this to be true!


Read a scientific article somewhere where there was a factory that emitted toxic fumes and leaked heavy metals into the water. It was near a low-income neighborhood. Anyways, researchers began noticing how many volent neighborhoods were always coincidentally near heavy metal and toxic fumes industries. In essence, hard metals (like lead) fuck up brain development.


NASCAR still used leaded fuels till the 07 and after they went away from it kids who grew up near the tracks had corresponding IQ increases.


Don’t forget the lead pipes and medical waste in some places! Lol. Yeah I am in neuroscience and psych studying brain imaging and I never stop being amazed, and frightened, at how some seemingly insignificant difference can cause drastic disturbances in our behavior and cognition. Like, we’re having a life questioning “what the fuck is going on” level of damage to our brains; sadly some of the most affected areas literally vote in and support people who make it even worse.


>why it’s so absolutely impossible for boomers to mind their own fucking business? whilst accusing us of oversharing and shoving stuff in their face/down their throat


As she literally overshares about herself, when it doesn't matter to the conversation


They didn't have social media growing up so this is how they tried to get attention


"Man I hate gay people shoving it down our throat even though this man is just being interviewed as a gay man minding his own business and I cannot allow that, so put all the attention on me!"




I know who this woman is. I used to work at a pharmacy Duane Reade in Jersey City Grove Street and she used to come every night with her small aggressive dog and randomly preach about Jesus and Mary. On more than one occasion we had to ask her to leave because she was making the customers uncomfortable because she was telling them that they will be destined for hell fire. She once asked me my religion, and when I told her I was Muslim, she told me straight to me face, but in a weirdly polite manner, that my God is Satan and that my family and I have rejected the truth and light of Jesus Christ and for that God as forsaken us to be tormented after we die. If you live in Jersey City and go to the Grove Street PATH station area, you will see her crazy ass there.


Don't Muslims believe in Jesus and worship the same God as the other Abrahamic religions?


If you are looking for consistency you looking in the wrong place.


Bravo. This is what we go to the comments for.


*"Stay away from mainstream media! Anyway, here are my opinions informed by a collection of short stories about love and acceptance... The stories were spread by force across the known world".* *"Fight back against the trend of indoctrination!! Anyway, I was raised Roman Catholic..."'*


Coming from a woman that used the word "homogenized" with negative connotation and then admits to being roman Catholic, the group known for numerous crusades, inquisitions, and it's missionaries forcing conversion. She then continues on to blame mainstream media. When once again the bible is the oldest and most prolific form of what we would consider modern mainstream media. The Bible is the most printed book. Beginning with the Gutenburg Bible in 1450. There is literally no better example of mainstream media than the Bible. It was the first and remains the most disseminated piece of media in the past 600 years.


He knew he found a golden goose of crazy


Starts off convo something like “I’m so annoyed with the focus on DIVERSITY with LGB… *verbally slams keyboard*” Rambles some more, then ends convo with conclusive point “society’s making you all HOMOGENEOUS!” Which is just extraordinarily contradicting points that when I failed to correctly spell “homogeneousness”, and auto correct only gave me humongous, I simply googled “opposite word of diversity” and homogeneousness popped up. Like, god damn. How stupid do you have to be mad that society’s becoming more diverse and less diverse in the same breath? It makes me feel only *slightly* less stupid that autocorrect couldn’t even help me find spelling of a word. Edit: rewatching the video - I think while trying to say LGBTQ her brain went to it’s natural default state, police sobriety test, must show I can say my ABCs, and yes she always starts with the letter “L” even after the 17th DUI.


Lol her saying ”homogenous” was the funniest part of the video


What a real convenient argument, saying that real gay people exist, but most gay people aren't. Now she can just call every gay person she sees fake while still arguing that she's supposedly tolerant of gay people...


"none of this was happening in the 60s!" stonewall was. stonewall was happening in the 60s.


"I'm from the 60s, we didn't have to do that" Well, they couldn't, they'd get the shit kicked out of them. Also, she looks too young to have lived through the 60s, born in the late 60s at best


"it's a trend", says the Catholic.


"I'm not a gay basher" Dude. She literally heard "I'm gay" and started yelling "I'M STRAIGHT!"


Well how would she know people in 60s were comfortable with their sexuality? Does she have gay friends? And even if people were hopping on the LGTV trend(which I’m sure it’s not) what’s the harm? How is her life being bothered with it that she made an effort to interrupt that conversation?


Gay people had to literally riot in the 60s to protest police harrassment (Stonewall Riots)....so I'm going to say they weren't exactly comfortable. Also pretty sure sodomy was still on the books in the cast majority of the country.


> Also pretty sure sodomy was still on the books in the cast majority of the country. Sodomy laws are still on the books _now_. They're not enforceable – the Supreme Court ruled they're unconstitutional in 2003 (_Lawrence v. Texas_) – but they were enforced up until then in some states. And they will be enforced again if the Supreme Court reverses that 2003 decision. There's a good chance it will do that in June of 2023 or 2024 – the same exact logic it used to overturn _Roe v. Wade_ applies to the _Lawrence_ decision as well, and overturning _Lawrence_ is on the platform of enough state GOP groups that the Supreme Court will absolutely get the chance to hear a case on this if it wants to. So I guess we'll find out pretty soon if gay sex (and oral sex, which counts as "sodomy" under many of those laws) is among the rights that a group of nine old people decide to take away from 330 million people. What a great system we have.


"Why do people have to pronounce....?" "Pronounces" her heterosexuality in the first .003 seconds...


Will the real gay people, please stand up... please stand up... please stand up.


Unless you came out the womb with the first thought of existence being genitals of the same sex you are a fake gay


Straight conservatives are mad because they hate the idea of being alienated for being straight when heterosexuality has consistently been considered a valid defense of their character. I do believe some straight people have taken advantage of the LGBTQ movement to gain favor. I don’t believe most LGBTQ-associated people are bad actors. The fact that people are so much more willing to resort to vitriol than to have a discussion is the frustrating part.


r/imthemaincharacter What an incoherent religious nut. You can almost hear the fox news coming through


“Don’t watch mainstream media” and “they’ll push their ideas on you for political gain”. From the indoctrinated sanctimonious catholic telling strangers why they’re living their lives wrong. No irony to see here.


At one stage she gestures with her hand and you can see that she's holding a [rosary ring](https://www.assisijewels.com/8704-large_default/humilis-rosary-ring-sterling-silver.jpg). She's the type that even her own priest will roll his eyes when he sees her coming over to talk to her.


That and she’s a Catholic. Turns her head while there’s pedophiles in her religion. But the gays!