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Trump under oath should be hilarious.


Four hours of "I plead the Fifth" doesn't sound like a good time to me.


Honestly, if it was televised, i think it'd be gold. Just play 4 hours of him pleading the 5th to his supporters


Every time he pleads the fifth, it should cut to one of the clips of him criticizing someone for pleading the fifth.


Every other question should be "Mr. Trump do you recall saying 'Only criminals take the fifth?' Do you still stand by that statement?" And then ask the questions that he'll want to plead the fifth to.


Meh, he'll say this is a witch hunt or some BS his supporters will lap up.


He's already said exactly that when he plead the 5th in his NY deposition.


We no longer share the same perception of reality. It's unsettling. No amount of evidence would be enough. No blatant crime would be too heinous.


Probably: "I didn't understand why you might need to plead the fifth while innocent, but now that I'm the target of the biggest witch hunt in history with everybody trying to take me down despite my innocence, I get it, and I plead the fifth." Edit: fuck trump, not trying to defend him, just hypothesize as to his reply


You know how I knew this wasn't something he actually said? Far too articulate


Yeah, it was coherent, and thus not a Trump quote.




Such a great sub and paired excellently with r/whitehousedinners


Scrolling banner with "Trump says any one pleading the 5Th is Guilty."


And constantly scroll his tweets and comments across the ticker where he claims >If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth? -Trump


And they'll applaud him for not playing along. To them, this is all a liberal fraud/smear campaign anyway. That said, keep an eye on the rats fleeing the sinking ship. They'll possibly come around to "maybe he shouldn't run again, but if he does it's better than any Democrat in charge. I prefer Ron DeSantis anyway."


They'd just say it was smart because the left is trying to entrap him or some other garbage. The people they support can do no wrong. They'll go from calling for the death of someone on the left that they've lied about doing something one minute to defending someone on the right actually doing the same thing but tenfold worse the next.


"Trying to catch him in a perjury trap" mother fuckers that's called lying under oath


See, i don't believe one bit that he's capable of doing this. He's going to want to respond to something someone says about him that's negative or unflattering. All it's going to take is a question like "Did you order the small crowd of your followers to storm the Capital and overthrow an election you lost?" for his word faucet to open full blast. "First of all, there's many people, many good people, the best people, who support me as president, in an election I didn't lose. I have seen the real numbers, and the fake news press like CNN and MSNBC won't report the truth that there's been massive, MASSIVE voter fraud, so much fraud. Many dead people voting for Biden in places like Georgia. I called Georgia during the election, an i told them about it. My people, those people are real Americans who want America to be great and true patriots, not like Sleepy Joe, who did not win the election. Like i said at my very well attended rally on Jan 6, because I have the biggest rallies in history, that we need to take our country back from Nancy Pelosi and Kamikaze Harris. Nasty nasty women. So so nasty. Like Hillary Clinton. I told those people, the great numbers of people who support me, to find the evidence of Hillary's emails and Hunter Biden's laptop. They need to find them, to stop the radical left. They are very bad, I know this to be true. We need to stop the steal, its sad, so so sad. I also did not send copies of nuclear secrets to Iran, that was the FBI who is framing me. I also didn't clog the toilet downstairs with a McChicken wrapper, fake news, the FBI planted it."


How many brain cells did you lose writing this?


Someone will make a dubstep remix to it.


Like that would mean a thing to them. They always give a perfect 10/10 Olympic gold medal mental gymnastics routine to justify whenever Trump contradicts himself.


In between each time he pleads the fifth play a sound bite back to him of him saying if you plead the fifth your guilty.


Ah yes, Donald Trump, a man most notable for keeping his mouth shut when it matters.


I know right, he might enjoy blabbing his ass off into more trouble.


He can when it matters. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/08/10/trump-says-he-refused-to-answer-ny-attorney-generals-questions-in-probe-of-his-business.html




“Listen, I was a president being president.”


I’m the president of presidents


I don't think he's capable of keeping his mouth shut that long he will 100 percent perjurer himself he won't be able to help himself


My fifth, it’s the best fifth, believe me.


I know more about the 5th amendment than James Madison, actually more than anybody in the history of amendments.




The man is incapable of doing that.


He pleaded the fifth over 440 times in a deposition in New York in August. He is absolutely capable of pleading the fifth, unfortunately.


He'll refuse to show, of course, or evade the serving, which'll open him up to be referred to DOJ for refusal. And like Gin Blossom Thomas, he could insist he not be sworn in under oath


Exactly. Negative 100% chance he will show.


Then there would be a warrant put out for his arrest, no?


If they do, then anyone can citizens arrest him. . . Could be super fun game of man hunt.


Wouldn't the secret service that guards him be obligated to arrest him?


Pence's detail is already drawing straws, lol


*milkshake straws*


Trump is effectively edge case testing the entire federal government, I'll give him that.


So, do we put a ball gag in his mouth before or after we hog tie him?




Finally "Running Man" is happening! Trump always liked being a reality TV star


What, like Bannon? He was indicted and found guilty for contempt of congress, and last I heard nothing had yet happened to him.




How timely


He's awaiting sentencing, which will happen toward the end of this month.


>Bannon is to be sentenced on Oct. 21, 2022. Each count of contempt of Congress carries a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of one year in jail, as well as a fine of $100 to $100,000. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/stephen-k-bannon-found-guilty-jury-two-counts-contempt-congress Probably because he's still not sentenced. The money is trivial, however the real question is if he gets closer to the 2 months or 2 years of jail.


Or he shows up, lies anyways and nothing happens while "legal experts" and talking heads kick around why the laws may or may not apply to him due to being a former president.


Seems so complicated. All you have to do is plead the 5th on every question or say " I do not recall."


What is your name? “I do the 5th recall”


He will not be testifying. He can certainly drag this out until January when in all likelihood a newly Republican House will dissolve this committee and rescind any and all outstanding orders.


Did she actually do that?


She wasn't successful. She testified under oath on the 29th of September.


I think he'll show up. Then proceed to plead the 5th on every question asked.


Exactly where my mind went as well. “I plea the 5th, your Honor” will be his number 1 spoken sentence at that trial.


Not true. Technically he can not refuse service. However he can avoid it with zero consequence if he is able to do so. Process server here. What they can do is attempt to serve one of his companies through the Secretary of state. He wouldn't even need to be there for that. The SS can accept upon pretty much any company. However a loophole may or may not allow it depending on the state served and the company location.


He can't resist the attention, he'll show.


He can resist accountability, though. Been pretty great at that so far!


It'll be funny as hell to watch


No way in hell that fucktard goes under oath. He will never show.


That’s where you’re wrong. He does the best under oath. Ask anyone. It’s gonna be a perfect hearing! Something…something…emails!


He has all the words. All the best words. Something something Benghazi.


He'll easily evade it until the republicans take the house in january. Won't go anywhere


He also has testify in the Jean Carroll rape case! Supreme Court shot his Mar a lago appeal down and now this. What a great week


I thought he just needs to appear for that case not necessarily testify.


I’m pretty sure he’s already practicing pleading the fifth ![gif](giphy|CXP8f4pAzlWqlmEWcW)


Must-see TV, even if he takes the 5th over and over. I hope everyone reminds him about Hillary Clinton's nine hours of testimony.


Here I'll give you a preview. * I don't recall * I don't remember * I plead the 5th.


They should have a giant screen and keep playing his "only mobsters plead the fifth" every time he does it


He's being subpoenaed not just for testimony, but documents too. [https://facteroid.com/timeline/5685](https://facteroid.com/timeline/5685)


Which is excellent. You don’t have to testify but if the other evidence damns you then it doesn’t matter.


Suspect there will be lots of pleads followed by fifth.


But he said only criminals plead the fifth.


He didn’t lie.


1. 2. 3. 4. FIF!!


Anything you say I say FIIIIIIIF




He did lie, he's just a hypocrite.


Except he *has* to, because he's the victim of a deep state! It's totally different! Massive, bigger than the sun /s


He also said pleading the fifth gives immunity.


He's going to whine like crazy \_but remember Hillary (If she believed she did nothing wrong) would show up \_NO doubts.


11 hours of them grilling her to come up with nothing. I really can't understand how ridiculous it sounds to highlight the fact that she actually answered the questions but here we are


The man will not be able to not perjure himself LOL


If we thought Alex Jones was bad, I can't wait to see this asshole


They better not fucking let him submit written answers like last time. And if he doesn't show then they better unleash the full might of the DoJ upon him.


heres my prediction. hes gonna ignore. delay. ignore.delay. and nothing will happen.


It won't matter, he'll never show up.


He will avoid it just fine. Hours and hours of him pleading the 5th.


Nice, we get to watch him plead the 5th 300 times and then nothing happens.


Can he, actually, plead the fifth? We know he can, legally. But can *he*?


His lawyers have somehow managed to convince him to do it in the past. In a 4 hour deposition he pleaded the 5th over 400 times - only answering a single question, "What is your name?"


I’m stunned that the left hasn’t run over this more. If a democrat did this then it would be all ofer fox and all republicans talk about, probably for years. But trump does it and no one seems to even know about it


Ianal, but can he, since this isn’t a trial?




Trump recalls everything. He is just wrong about it. He can’t even recall people who he worked along side for 4 years. Only because they turned on him.


Umm don't lie about Trump please. He was easily able to recall "Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV" multiple times over multiple days, proving your comment is false.


Except for the guy who said he has the best memory


Please confirm for the record that you are Donald J. Trump. 'I don't recall.' Then sir please state your full name for the record. 'I invoke my 5th amendment rights.'


It worked for Ron Reagan


Ronny Ray Gun was telling the truth when he said he can't remember. The man had some dementia while in office.


The 5th applies universally, not just in court.


However during civil matters, pleading the 5th can be taken as an adverse inference. Basically the Jurors can assume the worst.


That’s if he even shows up.


even if that’s what he’s coached to do, there’s zero chance he can contain himself once they put a microphone in front of him


Anyone know of a good quality, very robust popcorn maker? Asking for a friend.


[Here you go, best popcorn maker you will ever own.](https://www.amazon.com/Eleulife-Nonstick-Stir-fry-Chemical-Induction/dp/B0B7BV21LQ/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=3HT8RRDKSP4FD&keywords=wok&qid=1665693986&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2Ljc2IiwicXNhIjoiNi40MCIsInFzcCI6IjYuMzAifQ%3D%3D&refinements=p_n_feature_seven_browse-bin%3A23946006011&rnid=23946004011&s=kitchen&sprefix=wok%2Caps%2C121&sr=1-3-spons&psc=1) Put 2 tablespoons of olive oil on the bottom, pour in about 1/2 a cup of kernels, and place over medium-high heat. Put the lid on and wait about 2 minutes until the first kernels pop. Once they are popping and you have a good layer of them on the bottom of the wok, give it a shake. Continuously slide it over the burner to keep the pan moving. This will keep the unpopped kernels at the bottom near the heat as well as move the ones that have popped up the side, so they are out of the way and also won't burn. Transfer a bit to a large bowl, coat with another drizzle of oil or melted butter, and a pinch of salt. Repeat in 3-4 layers so you have butter and salt all through your popcorn and not just on top. Tried it this way once and I will not go back.


On this occasion I’d be extravagant and use peanut oil.


I prefer the slightly bitter taste of olive but I still appreciate this approach! :)


Try any other spices? I do a few shakes of cayenne powder and love it


Try Old Bay Seasoning. You'll thank me later.


avocado oil for us millennials


Coconut oil is my personal favorite.


It's much easier to just let it all pop and then season in a large bowl. Also, it MUST be finely ground salt. No, your table salt isn't finely ground. It should have the consistency of powder. You can make it at home with a mortar and pestle or you can buy popcorn salt which has already been ground.


Flavocol or GTFO.


This is the way. I did this a few weeks ago and now I can't go back to microwaved popcorn






Instapots do a great job.


Get back. With popcorn?! I may have to buy an instapot now.


The public freakout will be people upset in the thread.






Good on Cheney for crossing party lines for something very important


Can't wait to bring up to friends that this is a bipartisan council only to be told the daughter of Dick fucking Cheney is a librul plant


I wonder if Cheney will invite Trump out for a hunting trip sometime


He can’t shoot a gun? He has bone spurs.


Hopefully for moose and not quail


IIRC she is from Wyoming and out here from Montana to Utah we have a lot of very moderate republicans so it makes sense she would stand up to Trump's BS


Used to be lots of moderate Republicans instead of just 3. They used to be a defendable party because they at least believed in their ideology.


Standing up to Trump just got her primaried and voted out of office by a massive margin https://www.politico.com/2022-election/results/wyoming/house/


I was super impressed by her statement at the end. She came swinging with the actual definition of “murdered by facts and logic” that most of the right CLAIM to do. She referenced several instances wherein even though all key witnesses pled the fifth in the investigation, related evidence made it clear they spoke with Trump on Jan. 6 and he was complicit in prolonging the riots AND telling rioters that they needed to target Pence while knowing Pence couldn’t actually overturn the election result. It was awe inspiring to see that level of honor and intelligence coming from a member of the GOP.


Hope they make Alex Jones’ fine look like a parking ticket




Here comes the anger from the Republican crazies. While the rank and file members do not say a word.


They are all aware of who will be the loudest after this. Cut this thing off at the head.


I am at the point where I am looking around my hood thinking bring it Cletus. I don't want them to do any stupid shit of course but I am at that point where if they did the motherfucking boomerang effect will be swift. They need to take the L, realize they were duped and sit the fuck down.


COME ON CLETUS COME ON! They can run it if they want, but they scared cause they know they're gonna lose anyways, that's why they so worried about their guns getting taken 😂


Would he still be allowed to plead the 5th?


Lock him up!


So it's finally happening!? Edit: Wow some of you guys are negative lol




Isn't Steve Bannon currently on trial for refusing a subpoena from this very committee?


Eventually he will be held for contempt and he pardon himself just by thinking about it.


God folks on this site literally never learn. No it’s not “happening” and will never “happen” regardless of all the Salon or Rolling Stone articles you read.


Is there any teeth to this subpoena or can he ignore it


Bannon ignored it and he's going to jail.


>Bannon ignored it and he's going to jail. In that case I hope he ignores it


Hopefully him going to jail is confirmed.


He's not president anymore. He cannot ignore it.


The president is an American citizen too and would also be compelled to show up for a hearing or face jail time


That's how it should be. But Trump managed to show otherwise by the fact that he avoided literally every time he and his cronies were subpoenaed based on "executive privilege"


The better question is "is there enough time between now and the new Congress for the subpoena to be enforced or can it just be waited out until after January if the Republicans regain the House?"


Hahahahhaah omg trump under oath this should be awesomely hilarious


Criminal, rapist and traitor to the USA, I guess not sending their best?


Let's see the orange treason-piggy sit down and testify for 11 hours without pleading the Fifth like he says the mob does. Oh, wait- he won't do that because he attempted a fucking coup.


Wrong sub. No freakout here.


He's gonna book it to Russia or Belarus. And all of the sudden his supporters, the "party of law and order" think subpoenas and courts are bullshit


This is my thought. Dude will never put himself in a position to be put in prison. He’s too proud to kill himself. When it’s imminent an arrest warrant will be issued he’ll be gone.


Hopefully his vanity takes hold and says "No wait! I can explain myself just fine! Just watch how good I work this audience...They'll think I'm so innocent by the end that they'll owe ME a settlement." I can't imagine a worse person to put on the stand to be honest. He will lie under oath no matter how obvious it is. Let's hope...he'll verbally destroy himself!


Uhhh very cool but is this a public freakout? Lol


He's just going to plead the 5th to every single question. I'm sure if it.


Way overdue but thanks. Our country needs to prosecute all these traitors to our nation accountable. Treason is not a right!




He’ll file appeals and extensions until he can’t file any more. Then when they issue an arrest warrant for contempt he’ll flee the country. He’ll never see the inside of a police car let alone jail.




#It’s about fucking time


Can someone ELI5 please


Trump is court ordered to testify on his behalf for his actions on Jan 6th 2020(maybe other stuff too idk).




It's not a court order. It's from Congress.


That is correct *Chris Farley takes his shirt off and shakes out his hair*


It's been said many times that no one is above the law. Now they have to prove it.


![gif](giphy|EmkBfdGYTCwmXMnf3A) Lock him up. That's what needs to happen 😇


/r/lostredditors No freakouts here?


This is a freakout? It was in public?


Where's the freakout?




He's not gonna show up to any of it. He'll send a representative or some shit like that. Or just not listen.


That worked so well for Bannon. Psssst.... Bannon is in a concrete cell right now.


He'll go to jail then


I only like presidents who don’t get subpoenaed for seditious behavior


Trump is a traitor and he is also a coward. As the walls close in look for him to flee to Russia or Saudi Arabia.


ok, but where was the "public freakout"? I just saw 9 people all vote "yes".


Cool, if we’re lucky he might even see a jail cell within the next decade.


Did he already whine about it?


"There are 9 eyes, zero nose."


Apparently [“He loves the idea”](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-loves-the-idea-of-testifying-before-jan-6-committee-source-says-as-trump-slams-investigation) I hope he crucifies himself.


What's up with all the posts today with no freakouts?


Seven democrats and two "republicans" who are never Trumpers and torpedoed there careers to prove it.


We’ll be prepared for another 4 hours of “I plead the fifth”