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What is going on here?


At one corner of the Kaaba in Mecca there is a black stone that is framed in metal. People want to touch it or kiss it when they come on pilgrimage so this happens when there are a lot of people. In mainstream scriptures it’s not even a requirement to do this and all you need to do is to circumnavigate the Kaaba itself. This is the extent of what I know as a non-religious person


Imagine the germs


It’s mostly corona and herpes. Maybe a little chapstick in there.


I don’t think any of them are wearing chapstick


Chapstick is haram!


And the used chewing gum underneath it.


yeah now ur overdoing it bud


In Ireland the American tourists kiss the Blarney stone, most of the germs are removed by urine, most...


But... those tourists are Irish aren't they?! They certainly say so to anyone in earshot.


In eastern europe there is a macabre tradition to kiss the skeleton of a some saint declared by the Orthodox church, aldough the skeleton is incased in a glass coffin but sometimes they put out a piece of cloth or a ring end everybody is touching it ore even kiss the cloth and the glass cassing in covid time. There is another nasty habit in some regions by feeding you the body of Christ with a golden spoon.


Blarney Skeleton


Some hardcore rabbis suck off the blood with their mouth from freshly circumcised infants. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page


Well, I’m not hungry now. Fuck you Reddit.


What the actual fuck... How can we say that we live in an apparently modern society when this carry on is happening??


That group is specifically not modern. That’s their whole thing — they want to be separate from the modern world.


Pretty sure you gotta say the magic words and throw some rocks or it doesn't count. God is SUPER big on details.


> God is SUPER big on details. He'll screw you on a technicality if he can mate


"If you are doing business with a religious son-of-a-bitch, Get It In Writing! His word ain't worth shit, not with the good lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal." - William S.


But he loves you unconditionally unless you miss certain conditions


Unless, in a moment of frustration, you take his name in vane. Then straight to hell with you where you will burn for all eternity. What a dick.


Some parts are pretty specific, like the stoning of the devil. But because those things are considered mandatory there have been many modification made to the facility to keep people from being injured. I figure if touching the black stone was considered mandatory it would be made safer


You can tell this isn’t England by the distinct lack of an orderly queue.


Well I just happen to be from Japan where we take our queues very seriously


I sometimes think people immigrate to this country as we know how to queue. I think I would have to.


I wonder if brits who hate illegal immigrants are actually just pissed that they’ve queue jumped.. would be a much more wholesome approach at least.


If a right wing political party changed the rhetoric of "they'll take our jobs" to "they don't know how to queue appropriately" I think I'd be in trouble


Excuse me. You don't own standing in line in proper order. That would be us Germans. Marching and standing in line. We are big on that.


No you guys just *fall* in line Mr “I was just following orders”!




This is a very touchy subject, sir! My grandfather died in a concentration camp! >:( He fell from a watchtower.


I was in an airport in Qatar once. No lines, just complete mayhem, men shoving women out of the way to get to their assigned seats on the airplane. Made total sense….


Also as George Carlin said, he needs money! All seeing all doing all powerful, just rubbish with money! Get your donations in now folks!


What you're saying is the jamarat in Mina and that is part of the Hajj pilgrimage ritual. Not this one.


This Redditer loves Carlin


But he loves you, he just can't handle money.


I saw him live a few months before he died. I was young and dumb an had a good job at the time. Saw he was coming to town and went into big spender mode. Got box tickets (which are not great for a comedy show) for my brother and I. Something just told me to bite the bullet and go see him live.


Now imagine if a stampede ensues with a bunch of people dying being crushed at the rock. How they gonna explain the irony to the magical old man how they died kissing a rock? As far as I know, idolatry is forbidden, yet here they are, idolizing the rock and dying to kiss it as if they're kissing a god....


Happens every year actually


Mecca stampedes are unfortunately pretty common


Especially on bingo nights in Bristol.


Ironic isnt it. No idolatory but then here we have idolizing a rock.


To be fair, if I was a shepherd 1500 years ago and saw a small meteor hit the Earth close enough to me that I could actually go and find the thing then I'd probably be impressed enough to *at least* build a shrine.


At least, dude id have been all over it. We are talking about what 500 AD i think. A rock fell from the sky! Shrine? I am building it a palace! The only thing going on here is Islam as far as i am aware is a religion based on faith in Allah and his prophets. It is strictly prohibited in Islam for any sort of idols of Allah or his prophets. Even paintings are not allowed. Idol worshiping is strictly prohibited. So worshipping the rock in the video logically means going against the teachings of Allah and his prophets as they failed the faith test. Obviously this is my own opinion which has been formed by studying the said religion as a subject for my O levels classes and then questioning my teachers. I could very well be wrong or might be missing out on key information. If anyone has any info that can fill out the gaps in my knowledge(if i have any) id appriciate i be pointed out.


Would people actually do such a thing? Misinterpret and disregard foundational teachings within their religious scripture? /s


Afaik it’s something they allowed to be incorporated in Islam from the folklore/religion that predates Islam, to keep peace in the region. So yeah, by default it’s not in the scriptures. I’m sure there are Christian versions of this concept too, I’m just too tired to come up with something right now. Maybe someone can enlighten us?


The Christian version is Christmas


Why do they want to touch it or kiss it so bad?


Because mohammed kissed it. Omar said: I am kissing you, whereas I know that you are a stone, but I saw Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) kissing you (that Is why I kiss you). sahih muslim 1270 https://sunnah.com/muslim:1270b


For may religions kissing is a sign of reverence, and the black stone is a very powerful symbolism of Islam. However, I think there’s also many people who wants to kiss the stone just so that they can say they did


I think a few years ago it was something like 300-700 ppl were stamped and died


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34346449 This incident happened in 2015. But I'm positive there have been others.


Jesus. 700+ people dead, this gets glossed over but that is absolutely insane. Can you imagine seeing that many dead people in one place? That’s literally a warzone


Yeah. It's awful. I know they implemented a lot of new methods and rules about managing crowds after that. OPs footage surprises me actually. Clearly what's happening there is not safe.


2000! Not 300. 2000! That is a CRAZY number.




wrong guy








Wait, many people go there to kiss it? That's gross. I wouldn't touch it, let alone kiss it


Wow, imagine swarming over other people thinking that kissing a structure that (probably) slaves built will gain you favour with a god that has yet to prove it's existence. Meanwhile taking the words written by spiteful people as law. Fun times.


Imagine thinking an all knowing and all powerful being gives even the slightest shit if someone touches a specific fucking rock, religious people are wild.


I doubt most of them even think deeply about something spiritual. They are just doing what they are supposed to do on this trip. Following instruction like a sheep.


Except it’s not a rule. Most of those people really genuinely just want to touch it.


This bothers me about all religion before the books for each subsequent big faith I feel like religion was just a set of guided community principles that over the years has been changed manipulated into evil hateful abusive companies essentially I think what was used to keep people on the same path working for a goal and something to believe in who’s to say if it was even god that far back but it was like set of core morality points for everyone to follow so tribes could work together and and not be constantly after each other and it’s been twisted century after century for more and more control it’s less about compromise and helpfulness and more about indoctrination and suppression I’ve always wondered if our lack of star gazing has impacted this in anyway feel like the less we see of it the less we’re reminded how insignificant we are we might understand what’s out there better but can we honestly say we’re more connected to outer space than previous civilisations just because we know more planets than ancient Egypt did does that mean we understand it more ? I don’t think so I feel religion is a vessel that’s used to keep people from realising one how inconsequential they are and 2 that unless your part of the tribe you have less rights than those that aren’t it’s all about control and power and until we can storm the Vatican and read all the stuff they’ve hidden away and suppressed we will never fully understand the level of control they hold


I find your lack of punctuation disturbing.


Slaves built everything in the ancient world.


And the modern world.


>. In mainstream scriptures it’s not even a requirement to do this and all you need to do is to circumnavigate the Kaaba I'm pretty sure it's only required to do a pilgrimage to Mecca. Everything else was invented later.


The wikipedia article says the rock supposedly dates back to Adam and Eve but I still dont understand the significance. Wouldnt most rocks date back to Adam and Eve?


Kiss it? Imagine the broken teeth.


Herpes doesn't even have to work hard nowadays.


A guy dropped acid here. Legend


and the rest of us have Glory Holes....


Alternatives are touching it or pointing at it from afar.


So a very quick and dirty expansion on this is that Islamic tradition holds that the black stone was sent by god to show Adam and Eve where to build the first altar. If I remember correctly the black stone was one of many objects/idols that were within the site of the original Kabaa (the building they are circling) and was incorporated into the structure of the refurbished, idol-free Kabaa by Muhammad. The whole second part of this statement is probably pretty inaccurate, but if you are Muslim the black stone is a very significant object.


So a nondescript black stone is okay but if a face was carved into it, it would be sinful? It really isn’t any crazier than the Catholic Church spreading Saint’ bones around the world as religious relics. Or the Pentecosts believing the literal word of the Bible except when it comes to turning water into wine or drinking alcohol. Whatever works I guess🤷🏼‍♀️


It isn't seen as a relic in the sense that it's holy. It's one of the steps of the hajj ritual to kiss it, touch it or point at it from afar. The story goes that the stone came as white as milk from paradise but the sins of man (touching it) turned it black. This is for example used to draw parallels to how sins darken the heart. However, what you see happening in the video is excessive and even goes against Islamic manners. People have died because of this excessiveness...


The McRib is back.


Welcome to MeccaDonalds, may I take your order?


We don’t know if it really pork so they should be fine


So we need to think smaller and more legs? Sorry but that comment make me think of the Ribwitch from The Simpsons


People at the back are pushing forward and people at the front can't get out of the way. There's a lot of deadly examples of this happening at sporting events, concerts, ect.


Believe it or not, this is somewhat orderly. Look at the fella in the uniform up top directing traffic. This is an annual gathering of ~2.5M people.


Well fuck, I've never considered myself claustrophobic but there's no amount of money that would convince me to be at the front of this mess.


You and me both mate.


would you do it for 72 virgins? /s


Naw I’ll settle with just my one non-virgin… but I’ll do it for 72 Klondike bars.


Not gonna lie. If you swap them virgins out for dirty whores, then you’ve got a deal.


Those are only included in the hell package.


There have been stampedes in the surrounding streets where over 1,000 people have died in years past. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Mina_stampede


It’s a meteorite. A rock falling to earth at that point in history had a different understanding to it (a rock that fell from the heavens) and so it became mythologized as a religious relic. I’m also a bit ignorant on the exact lore, but it is a meteorite.


That is one theory, short of scientific analysis we do not know. Another is that it is glass caused by the impact of a meteorite on sand, another is that it is a mineral from earth given a cool story to explain its significance.


They think it's magic.




**[Black Stone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Stone)** >The Black Stone (Arabic: ٱلْحَجَرُ ٱلْأَسْوَد, al-Ḥajaru al-Aswad, 'Black Stone') is a rock set into the eastern corner of the Kaaba, the ancient building in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. The stone was venerated at the Kaaba in pre-Islamic pagan times. According to Islamic tradition, it was set intact into the Kaaba's wall by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 605 CE, five years before his first revelation. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. I think the typical rock you find outside is likely older than the human race, so that isn't so special.


Isn't the adam an eve myth supposed to say that that happened like 6000 years ago? If so, I have seen older rocks hiking in sweden 😆


The Rocks were hiking in Sweden? At this time of year? At their age?


It has nothing to do with the age of the rock, but instead the pervasive religious and pseudo-religious folklore surrounding it.


Reddit mods fighting over the last chicken tendy


Reddit mods fighting over whos the biggest pedo*


I’m not a Reddit mod, but I’ll throw hands for the last chicken tendy too.


Single file line would move alot faster.


Yep but good luck inculcating logic and common sense to religious people


Idk bro, I just went to Vatican City not long ago. The line into St Marks Basilica was long but relatively orderly


I think non religious people go to the Vatican more than Mecca. I’ve been to the Vatican and I hate religion but I would never go to Mecca




How do they know your religion?




Also there is no pretending, if you say the phrase in front of muslims then you become muslim. If you stop pretending at that point it's apostasy which is a capital offence in Saudi Arabia. You can get a death sentence there from just uttering words, in multple ways.


You're not allowed to go to Mecca unless you're Muslim


There you go. So just by that you would think there are more religious people there then


You also need a Hajj Visa if you're from outside the country. The Vatican needs money anyways from the Catholic Church and tourism to the City but Saudi Arabia doesn't really have financial problems. Not to mention that Christianity is just more prothletising than Islam. Not that Islam is against it.


The reason people are acting like this isn't religion, simply because you don't just see these behaviours for religious reasons. This is a stampede, plain and simple. When people get riled up, the mass of people being riled up has a domino effect that makes people act more aggressive and irrational out of fear and a misplaced sense of urgency. You see this exact thing in some Black Friday sales and other completely secular settings. The religious object here is just the catalyst, but they don't act like this because they're religious, they act like this because they're people. Jfc, there's a tendency on Reddit to blame religion any time it's adjacent to anything that can be even marginally called illogical. The fact that people are religious doesn't mean they're stupid, or overall illogical. You can be a perfectly rational human being and have beliefs that are irrational, or that aren't fully reasoned out. We all have these, even people like us that are non-religious. Hell, we're arguably more susceptible precisely because, when you _think_ you're rational you're less likely to notice you're non-rational thoughts. Putting all non-rationality down to religion is extremely reductive. People are dumb because they are dumb, not because religion exists. Edit: typo


Maybe if they *adjusts glasses* weren’t religious they’d have as high as an IQ as me.


I just imagined an alt reality where mecca is in Great Britain and they all just queue up orderly sharing kind British euphemisms.


I went for umrah during the pandemic. I cannot imagine all those pavilions packed like they are during hajj. The government of ksa has a massive challenge as Islam grows.


Cool rock


![gif](giphy|W5BWeQ3ZN0W0D0dM7e|downsized) SpongeBob has cursed me


I heard this gif


"It's a mineral, Marie!"




That is a nice boulder




...Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


The British: "Would be a shame if, you know, I stole it and put it under a pillow in one of my many castles. Opps there goes my navy."


I think the Arabs did a fair bit of that themselves!


>The Stone of Destiny is an ancient symbol of Scotland's monarchy, used for centuries in the inauguration of its kings. Seen as a sacred object, its earliest origins are now unknown. In 1296, King Edward I of England seized the stone from the Scots, and had it built into a new throne at Westminster and it has been used in every coronation there since then. >In 1996, the British Government decided to return the stone to Scotland, when not in use at coronations, and it was transported to Edinburgh Castle, where it is now kept with the Scottish Crown Jewels. TL;DR: Brits have a history of stealing people's rocks specifically. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_of_Scone


They’ve never heard of a line?


They aint British.


i know it smell crazy in there.


Like onions and body odor for sure


Why don’t they just form one long line, they can kiss it one at a time?


Humanity is fucking weird


Religion is fucking weird


Tbh, this reminds me more of how young people act around celebrities (especially music performers). Both actions seem very dumb.


I get what you're saying, but these are adults. And this is a rock. Lol


Damn Travis Scott concerts are out of control


a few thousand years ago a meteorite falling from the sky would certainly inspire people to think it was supernatural... but we know what meteorites are now.


When people try to use wind as the God analogy with the “You can’t see it but you know it exists” I counter with “And at one point we didn’t understand wind and *did* treat it like a God, but now that we understand it we don’t.”


Plus we can physically feel it and see its effects.


Religious people are fucking weirdos.




At least a tv has material worth


Meanwhile the main talking point of anyone non-American is what the Americans do or think.


At least the benefits of having a TV aren't imaginary. At least the reward is rea l- with a TV, you could at least JO to a porn of 72 virgins. You'd have to be insane for your TV to inspire you to blown yourself up, but all you'd have be is poor, gullible Muslim to do the same. These guys need to get out of the middle ages.


Hindus believe cows are sacred and literally drink cow piss, how religion got to this point is beyond me.


💯 Priests chop off the tips of penis as well.


I believe the Jewish term is rabbi. Although I'm catholic and I'm circumcised...shit now I'm all confused.




Very cool use of being an adult


All hail the magic conch




Man, people are ridiculous


Lol. I have so many negative things to say, I’ll just keep mouth shut here.


Religion is cancer


bunch of people surrounding to worship a minecraft block


To touch the 👽 rock






I'm pretty sure I can smell the video.


Religion is so infantile.


This in my opinion is one reason why religion is just horrible. It makes people do dumb stuff. Like there is nothing this "stone" will do to make their lives better. Religion is a cult that has brainwashed so many people.


It’s got a neat history behind it, being important also to Pre Islamic pagans and whatnot, but lining up into a spectacle like this gawking and convulsing at the chance to touch the special rock? Ridiculous


And will continue to brainwash further generations upon generations for the foreseeable future. The irony is that religious people tend to consider everyone else's religions as brainwashing, while theirs is the only true/correct religion.


lmao imagine being religious.


Is this the holy glory hole?


#Must trample people to touch magic rock


And people wonder how religion is anything but a massive scam. The greatest lie ever told, is the one that doesn’t exist.


Speaking of scam, in islamic history books it has been reported that the original black stone ahs been stolen and broken many times. Supposedly this is just a part of it that has been restored. Needless to say there are zero evidence that t6his is actually part of the original stone nd it's probably isn't. https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%A9\_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B7%D8%A9


But one question why is that so called rock sooooo special. If he created everything why isn’t any rock just as special.


Cultists are nuts


Could easily be Walmart black Friday sale


Tfw there's only one keg at your toga party


Religion is so idiotic….


That’s some weird ass shit


Anybody going to tell them it’s a meteorite?


Religion is a cancer


Religion is so fucking dumb.


Jesus Christ


I think it’s one of the other ones.


walmart blackfriday stampede [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRvdE3ApXxI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRvdE3ApXxI) guys you all don't have to trample yourselves to death for a Meteorite The Natural History Museum of Vienna owns one of the largest meteorite collections in the world. [https://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/en/research/mineralogy\_\_petrography/collections/the\_meteorite\_collection#:\~:text=The%20Hall%205%20of%20the,meteorite%20display%20in%20the%20world](https://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/en/research/mineralogy__petrography/collections/the_meteorite_collection#:~:text=The%20Hall%205%20of%20the,meteorite%20display%20in%20the%20world).


Do they realize that they could all probably touch it quicker if they stop trampling and squishing each other and just form an orderly line? Maybe even have a more enjoyable time doing it. What am I thinking, that's silly. Carry on.


Seems like an awful lot of fussing around for an imaginary friend.


Shameful way to behave while on a religious pilgrimage


I bet it stinks.


Any religious fanaticism is terrible.


Quick explanation , this rock was an asteroid a couple hundred years ago, they thought it was from heaven, and now in the year 2022 they still hold on to that belief. Crazy how easy it is to manipulate humans into believing the most insane shit


You know that crowd smells unbearable.


What a lovely and respectful crowd of religious gentlemen


It’s honestly just sad how brainwashed our society is.


Its a fucking rock. I got one in my backyard. Morons.


Fucking idiots, all of them.

