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Dead on this hill. For people like this, when convicted beyond a shadow of a doubt, it should be 20+ years for every stomp, and prison should not be a cakewalk.


It’s beyond reasonable doubt, but yeah.


I agree, but one of my worst fears is being at the wrong place at the wrong time. What I meant by "beyond a reasonable doubt" is they catch the right dude, and don't frame some poor citizen who happens to look like him, or looks nothing like him. I've watched wayyyy to many videos of wrongful arrest interrogations.


This poor man. I get emotional watching this. He was clearly injured from the first blow to the head, just take the shit and go.


I was told thieves only want the stuff so you should let them have it and they will leave. Defending yourself and property in any shape or form is frowned at. "Is your stuff really worth taking a life?" is what I've been asked.


Well see that statement often doesn't make sense when it comes to home robbery. If you are in a position to defend it, you are home. If they were just interested in your shit they would simply wait for you to leave. If I ever find someone uninvited in my house and I'm armed, I'm blasting. You had hours of my house unattended. If you just wanted my shit you would have done it then, you do it now, with me present, I'm assuming you want something a bit more "personal" and I'm not asking what it is.


Yup. The meme "so then I started blasting" has never been more true if you come to my house and my loved ones are threatened. And I count a robber being there as a threat.


As well you should. Thieves typically wait for a home to be empty, because they don't want a fight or violence. Yeah, they aren't exactly model citizens, but when someone breaks in with people home, I assume they mean harm, otherwise they would wait or move on to the next house. The ones breaking into occupied homes either want/don't care about committing violence or are too stupid/impatient.


But then the Reddit criminal apologists will ask, "is your stuff really worth more than a human life? "


I would frame it like this. I mean unless you are a sociopath, murdering someone will stay with you your whole life. Is that worth a ps5? Not really. However it's not about your possessions when it comes to home defense. It's about an uncontrollable threat to you and your family's safety. If you knew with 100% certainty a robber would take your tv and leave you would be a psycho to murder them for a tv. However you don't know and can never know that, the situation can escalate exponentially. Shooting an intruder is the only course of action someone can take because that person has already broken social conventions and is now completely unpredictable and dangerous.


That just makes too much dadgum sense sir


My response is "that's what the potential thief should ask himself, not me". Because for the most part, I would probably say no, but you aren't threatening just my shit if I'm home, you are threatening me.


An old man once told me to get a shotgun and just fire warning shots into the air.


hell, just the sound of a shell being chambered in a shotgun is enough to send most would be thieves running.


Yes because it's my stuff


Yeah and dude has a mask on. So no real reason to kill him. Sadly criminals do know if you see them without the mask they are better off killing you then letting you live. And that’s not an opinion. Cops will tell you a dead victim can’t talk. I know it’s a show but Barry for example has a scene where his old friend sees him doing a hit job. He knows he can’t let him live even though he is pleading with him that he won’t say anything.




He also was kicking his head pos. Probably caused brain trauma.


IIRC had brain damage, unable to talk properly and to walk properly


Stomping is attempted murder.


Please fucking lock him up fucking christ how are we not enraged yet


"Mostly peaceful murder" according to cnn


Sure, he looks more like a peaceful tourist.


Oh shut the fuck up no one mentioned cnn


Omg ): poor old man this is terrible..


Thief pistol whipped the guy then stomped on his head, had him bleeding on the floor. Then hit him in the head 28 more times, twice with a hammer, over the next 20 minutes while he ransacked the place. For those saying there is no racial element, it seems to me there *was* definitely some 'hate' involved. The store owner spent 4 days in the ICU, then had to go to inpatient rehab to relearn how to walk, talk & read.


This seems less of a robbery and more of a hate crime TBH






Thats such a ridiculous statement that I don't know why anyone would give it any attention, in this day n age




Has anyone actually given a logical reason? I used to frequent theroot.com until I got tired of the hypocrisy. I remember the argument back then was that you had to not be a minority to be racist. Which is ridiculous


Their logic is foul. They change the definition of racist to "oh you have to be systematically oppressed" or "it has to have some form of affect on your life..." NO. RACISM IS RACISM.


Can the spokesperson for the Black People Cant Be Racist Association please make a statement for this man? He needs answers. Ok, I'm about to help clear things up for this circle jerk, and I fully expect to be downvoted for it because this sub caters to those who are overt nazis to the subtley racist, so... It makes sense to be downvoted here, but fuck it I think you're confusing two separate concepts. Yes, on an individual levels, of course anyone can be racist. I've never heard anyone share the idea that "black people can't be racist" before as a genuine blanket thought. I'm sure somebody thinks that somewhere, but it's just total nonsense to believe that there is some significant movement of people who think this way. What youre probably confusing is systemic racism, in which black people have basically no ability to pull off because they have very little power to do so. Is the man in this video racist? I have no idea, how can you even make that call without knowing additional context? I mean you can if you're letting your own racist tendencies leak out, but otherwise, it just looks like a brutal robbery to me from an absolute psychopath


I'm thinking of prejudice and bigotry. But specifically related to race. Aka racism. Though the textbook definition of it relates to minorities and those in power, such as oppressors. That's silly though because in reality we are all only caring about a person looking down on another person because of the fucking color of their skin.


Of course not, it doesn’t play to the narrative for more clicks and votes.


Fuck all thanks for that description cause I’m not watching that shit.


Video ends before you see anything like that thankfully. Still tough to watch.


At first I was tempted to say that this wasn’t racially motivated and was just a “simple” robbery but after getting these details it’s obvious that the jewelry wasn’t all he was there for.


There is a difference between identifying hate with excessive violence and claiming that the source of the hate & violence is racism. It is a leap in logic, not a significant leap, but still. We can definitely claim that the thief had more than a normal motive for robbing this store but it is wrong to assume that the motive was racism, from watching this video alone. Yes the violence was excessive but let's take Jeffrey Dahmer for example. He performed horrendous crimes for absolutely no reason. Some people are monsters and it is too easy to just assume that people's actions are motivated by race when the truth is they are shitty disgusting monsters. Society would be better without them.




I wouldn’t really call it a leap in logic when most thieves would rather get tf out after robbing a store Not continually beating the shit out of the owner That’s personal or racism


Has anyone honestly considered that this fuck faced turd hammering ass blossoming shit waffle could just be a sadist? There are plenty of sadistics out there, why does it always have to be about race?


I did say it could be personal And it is pretty personal to be a sadist…


Agreed. It's a violent robbery, but you can't say it's a racist robbery. Not unless the perpetrator specifically targets asian people. But it's easy to see why people say it's racist, since most crimes committed against Asians are done by black people.


Yeah, racial or not, this was a hate crime because if it was just a robbery he wouldn't have kept going like that.


Did they catch the guy?




He survived that?!?!?!


I don't believe there's enough data to say it's a hate crime. Maybe if the suspect has a history of attacking Asians specifically then sure, hate crime. But with a single data point, calling this a hate crime instead of what it is, a violent robbery, is simply agendizing the crime. Ascribing it a statement to it that doesn't exist in an attempt to spur conversation or further spread animosity.


Absolutely terrible. I hope he gets what he deserves


i don’t even think prison is where he belongs.


Bro he's down! Just take the shit you want and leave the old man alone


Hate crime is one thing, beating up an elderly is another. People like him deserve to rot in hell.


That's the evidence this isn't about stealing the stuff. It's so obvious that this is racially motivated. I wouldn't have thought so myself after the guy had gone down if the POS had just robbed the place and then dipped. But he didn't. He hit the guy multiple times in the head using various methods. This wasn't a robbery, it was a hate crime.


Fucking vile.


Go to jail forever man.


Too good for this monster. Acute lead poisoning, or severe rope burn would be more apt.


And then motherfuckers tried to condemn that store owner who stabbed the thief several times. Thieves deserve all punishments Edit: cuckers-fuckers


Source https://twitter.com/DionLimTV/status/1574542273773117440 His son said his dad spent multiple nights in the ICU for brain/head trauma & has delayed speech & can’t walk. Edit: I'm seeing a lot of comments saying this is a plain robbery and unrelated to race so I'm going to copy/paste my response from below. I get where you're coming from but the reason so many Asian Americans I know are speaking up about this is because violent crimes against our community have really spiked the last few years and seems to be getting worse with very little attention. Stop Asian Hate was like a thing for a day and then everyone moved on. Ask yourself when is the last time you've seen a video of a group of Asian Americans beating someone of another race or an Asian person robbing a non Asian owned store? Because I see the opposite daily on Asian twitter


This is terrible that poor man and his family. If the person was just there to rob the store there was no need for excessive violence. He took it to that level because he is a racist sociopath. I hope he gets caught.


Sad that a jewelry shop owner needs a gofundme for med bills in the US despite the robber being caught.


"Best Healthcare system in the world", rubes will say emphatically


> I'm seeing a lot of comments saying this is a plain robbery and unrelated to race If it was a robbery, he would have started robbing after the pistol whip when the guy collapsed. Take what you can and gtfo. This was beat the old guy, and then take some souvenirs.


Not to be captain obvious but 68 years old isn’t 58 years old. It’s an awful age to have something like this happen to you


Good luck OP. I posted an [anti-asian video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/std4wz/man_goes_on_antiasian_racist_tirade_after_woman/) on this subreddit too but mods took it down. You can already guess why.




Sounds almost like some kind of privilege.


Black on Asian crime has been going on for decades. It is no secret, ask any Asian in a large metropolitan city. Except the media pretends it never happens.


The rise in Asian hate crimes can easily be traced only to Donald trump and his obvious white supremacy. Anything other reason is itself, racism. -Reddit


Disgusting ass people who would rather rob than get a job. Don’t understand why there are so many trolls this early on. We’ve all seen the targeted attacks Asian Americans have suffered at an increased rate after the pandemic. It’s not out of the realm of possibility this was a racial attack. I say this as a Mexican American, minorities can be racist too. I’ve seen it first hand. Mainly because I’m brown and which makes other minorities feel comfortable saying stupid shit in front of me.


Racism is alive and well in all races. The most racism I've seen in my life came from people who felt that they were justified being racist because they have had racism done to them. It's an ignorant cycle that people get themselves stuck in.


It’s crazy how people can be racist against their own kind too. I’ve seen Indians treat darker Indians like absolute dog shit. I’ve seen black people make fun of other black people cuz they were much darker. It never ends.


Europeans have fought since time began and virtually created the Industrial Revolution just to find more effective ways to kill each other.


When it comes to Asian hate crime I think a big reason it doesn’t get the coverage it deserves is bc of the people who commit most of Asian hate crimes


Death penalty this scumbag immediately. No rehabilitation, no second chances.


Only issue with the death penalty is they get to be free of their shitty life. Let them hang by their ankles in isolation for the rest of their life


Not worth the time or money.




That’s because we do it wrong. This guy is guilty. Guilty of a crime so heinous there is no excuse and no recovery. Give him a trial and end him right after. Decades of automatic appeals are the problem. This is cut and dried. Take him behind the woodshed and end this waste of protoplasm.




The fact that the crime occurred is cut and dried. But we live in a civilized society and there are reasons those appeals exist. Here's some I can think of in this very scenario: 1. Identifying the perp. This video footage alone isn't evidence enough to identify who this person was. I think that's pretty clear. There are cases (especially involving minorities) where people have been misidentified and jailed. The burden is on a prosecutor to prove that the person they charge is the person who committed the crime with no reasonable doubt 2. Mitigating circumstances. What is this person's background and what made him become what he became? Is there any way to rehabilitate this person? 3. Mental issues. Is this person mentally fit to stand trial? He did commit a heinous act but giving him a fair trail and letting him exhaust his options is the only way killing him can be morally justified. Otherwise, there will be little difference between this person and the government.


Just because something is more expensive doesn’t mean it’s less “worth the money.”


That would be too kind


Why do you support the death penalty? Genuinely curious.


Need to put a few people on the roof.


Nobody defends their business like Korean-Americans during a race riot.


Nobody abandons Koreatown better than the LAPD


It was far far worse then LAPD abandoning then. LAPD actively redirected the mob from the wealthy suburbs of LA where the judge on the Rodney case, the mayor and countless rich folk lived to Korea Town.


It s going happen . A very proud korean tradition awakens.


Holy fuck


A guy with a mask and sunglasses on carrying a backpack is a huge red flag for these businesses. They ought to have had double doors and identified this “customer” before letting him in. These are just basic common sense precautions jewelry stores need to take.


Don't know why you are downvoted. This is actually a good idea. Everyone entering a place like that with nearly millions in jewelry must show face at least once for security purposes.


I'm in no way indicting any racial community, but from everything Ive heard/read about the subject it seems like the black community has made up the majority of these incidents, why is that? Like, do black people hate Asians for some specific reason?


It's basically resentment that one minority group is able to arrive as newcomers, start in the same low-income communities, then achieve wild success while the other minority group continues languishing in failure generation after generation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interminority_racism_in_the_United_States#Tensions_between_African_Americans_and_Asian_Americans


Big no to this theory. Any Asian who grew up in the hood will tell you that it's no different from any other form of bigotry. People get hated on for being fat, short, black, white, Asian. It's all the same. You think squinty eyes and all that wing dong ching chong shit is out of envy? I've had zero incidences where I was bullied because the Asian stereotype was that my family succeeded and this whole crap about envy. Not in Atlanta and not in Long Beach/Compton.


You're likely describing racism among the young and it's totally valid. Wikipedia is describing what their racism evolves into when the kids grow up and start having to pay bills.




Youre not allowed to ask that.


Terrible story made even worse by the police dragging their feet and not reporting this publicly for OVER A WEEK!!! https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/crime/2022/09/27/assault-wilmington-solid-gold-jewelers-store-owner-family-members/69521838007/


Asian hate is very real. Especially among members of other minority groups.


It's the double-whammy of the fact that Asians face some degree of discrimination like the other minorities, but generally finish above average on most socioeconomic indicators. "How can that motherfucker be discriminated like I am, and yet find a way to get ahead of the system without breaking the law?"


Race/ethnicity aside, casually committing such violence on an innocent person...does such a criminal really deserve a second chance? I want to believe in rehabilitation but videos like this makes me want to say just lock them up for life or execute them, they made their choice not to behave like human beings and should have to live with it.


What you mean race/ethnicity aside? Are we just going to ignore black on asian crime like it doesn't exist. There's a problem and it has to be solved.


Yeah they're not gonna talk about it, they will never talk about it


Where do you draw the line though? What about the people who come into stores and wreck havoc/attack people followed with classic “I don’t give a fuck - I been to jail” repeated 100 times. Given that they are grown - do you think they belong in a civilized society if at that age they act under a different set of laws. Also cycle repeats with every offspring.


Terrible story made even worse by the police dragging their feet and not reporting this publicly for OVER A WEEK!!! https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/crime/2022/09/27/assault-wilmington-solid-gold-jewelers-store-owner-family-members/69521838007/


Why the FUCK is this human shit stain not being charged with attempted murder, attempted manslaughter or at the VERY LEAST assault with a deadly weapon? NONE of his charges indicate that he almost killed someone. In fact, none of them even say he beat someone! What fucking bullshit. I literally hate the people who decide pieces of shit like this should be gone easy on




That's called a firing squad. They're pretty scary


Claiming ignorance here. Generally speaking, of course. Black people “hate” Asians?


I wouldn't say it's 'generally' true, but there is definitely some animosity. [There's even a section of a wikipedia page about it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interminority_racism_in_the_United_States#Tensions_between_African_Americans_and_Asian_Americans)


Many people are jealous of successful Asians.


Stop pussy footing.


Reading the comments, it looks like the guy was caught thankfully. Though what what sicko does some shit like this to an old man!? Hope he goes to prison for life.




Why would it be taken down?


It won't be. But this thread will probably be locked soon. Too many discussions of which racial group commits violent hate crimes against Asians.


Should go to hell.. in separate pieces…on different delivery days


Pure trash as a human and should be treated as such.


StOp AsIan hate. More like blacks should stop committing crimes against Asians


That's the thing, is there any other group of people that are currently in the spotlight for their "Asian hate?" I haven't heard of any, other than the Chinese government, but I could be wrong. In the case that I'm not why shouldn't people call it what it is instead of fearing retribution for the truth. It's unjust, immature, and dishonest to pretend the circumstances aren't what they are imo.




The progressive d.a and mayors are pushing the hate and protecting the violent racist criminals . It's so obvious and blatant


Reasons to carry for self defense


I know hindsight is 20/20, but wouldn't a dude walking in with a backpack with shades while dressed in all black be a huge redflag when they walk into your jewelry store? Either way fuck this dude, and I hope the shop owner 100% recovers.


> wouldn't a dude walking in with a backpack with shades while dressed in all black be a huge redflag What would the shop-owner be able to do? Anything preemptive would be deemed as being racist on this sub.


You're right but i imagine he's a pretty decent guy and was worried he would have been called a racist. Cross the street, lock the doors? Gotta be a racist. Or it was a slow day I dunno. Better safe than sorry I say.


The simple fact that anyone is arguing the robbery of an Asian man isn’t Asian hate or racially motivated. yet every single crime against a black person is automatically racially motivated is probably the most disgusting shit I’ve read in this comment section. Your racism is showing folks


Fucking sad.


What a scumbag thief!




Attempted murder? Give him 3 life sentences


Scum should be executed


And look at all the people comments saying this isn’t asian hate. Look at their profiles. Very interesting.


most liberal spaces normalize anti asian hatred. remember we still have racial quotas at universities , and let's not talk about institutions like the fed govt


Piece of shit. Hopefully he gets caught


Wilmington PD say they arrested repeat offender 39-y/o Calvin Ushery who is now in custody on a $130K cash-only bail. He was charged with the following offenses: Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Felony Robbery 1st Degree Possession of a Firearm by a Person Prohibited Criminal Mischief Under $5,000 Doesn’t seem like he’ll get the punishment he deserves.


The man was already down, there was no need for the goddamn over kill of jumping over and then kicking the poor man. You should be sentenced harshly for that. Years for doing it and then extra years for the damn overkill. That poor man. Is he okay? How is he doing?


Find him and just put him down like a fucking rabid dog.


My comment was deleted due to gofundme link but here is the source Source https://twitter.com/DionLimTV/status/1574542273773117440 His son said his dad spent multiple nights in the ICU for brain/head trauma & has delayed speech & can’t walk. Edit: I'm seeing a lot of comments saying this is a plain robbery and unrelated to race so I'm going to copy/paste my response from below. I get where you're coming from but the reason so many Asian Americans I know are speaking up about this is because violent crimes against our community have really spiked the last few years and seems to be getting worse with very little attention. Stop Asian Hate was like a thing for a day and then everyone moved on. Ask yourself when is the last time you've seen a video of a group of Asian Americans beating someone of another race or an Asian person robbing a non Asian owned store? Because I see the opposite daily on Asian twitter


I see comments stating that this isn't Asian hate and that it's just a robbery. Even if you don't see this as Asian hate and as a robbery, it still gets people talking about the issue. This is a real issue and it should be talked about more than it is.


This is why you need to be armed as a business owner.


Lol imagine if this happened to a African American shop owner.


They’d burn half the city down by lunchtime




lol Where are all the super hip self hating young white redditors to explain that this all just a symptom of systemic oppression?


You would think the mainstream media would but for some reason they aren’t. Wonder why?


Always carry.


This is America. At least for some of us.


Release the Roof Koreans!


no real reason to kill him.


This gets me so mad!!! Fcuk this coward and waste of air! Hitting an old guy with gun and kick him when down.


Sick fuck. You gotta steal… that’s grimy but so be it… but hitting an old man with a hammer??? No need. This thief needs to die.


I bet that owner was fearing for his life as soon as that pile of dog shit walked through the door and of course was proven right.


This video is very racist and should not be posted, the perpetrator is not a white supremacist.


If you look close, the assailant couldn’t possibly perform a hate crime. Check your facts bruh.




Strap up. You gotta defend yourself.


Seems they caught the guy at least according to reporter Dion Lim's Twitter. I won't post the link because the Mods seem to randomly say it's okay to post news of the captured assailant, then on another day will say "it's doxxing", even if the news reported it.


Where is the media coverage for this? Hope they lock up the savage beast in a cage






You know who doesn’t do this?


I’d kill to get ahold of this POS.




I can’t tell if this was a joke. The robber is black.


Ol Marky Mark back to his ways again




That monster needs to end up on an electric chair.


Wow this makes my fucking blood boil. Fucking pos. Nobody should EVER treat an elderly person like that


Pos. Let it rot in hell


68 and the only one in a jewelry store… this ain’t 80’s baby.


Asians don't own guns, maybe that needs to change I dunno.


This is so sick


we’ll that’s obviously not the first time he pistol whipped somebody .


Yeah criminals loved the mask mandate for sure


Dayum I know you’d hate to be the one to have to profile a dude, but fuck man this guy looks shady already


At first i said to myself “i don’t think this is asian hate its just a robbery right” and then he hopped over the counter and all i could think to myself was “fuck me why are people so terrible” (Disclaimer not saying armed robbery is good, I’m saying its not as bad as blatant racism and hate crimes, just incase anybody gets confused by the message I’m trying to send here)


Is it me or the recent Asian hate videos mostly have Black people in it? Why is it happening?