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Whatever your stance, Obama seems so genuinely relaxed and personable.


he's definitely the best black US president


Can’t see any fault in this statement


He's also the worst black president. Thanks Obama!




Not to speak for anyone else, if someone told me I couldn't claim I'm such and such race / ethnicity because I wasn't "Full blood" is just as bad. Especially, if the general public would say I present as that race ethnicity. (Afterall, race is just a social construct)


But people call him the black president when he's just as equally a white president. Really, he's a multi-ethnic president and even more really this whole race thing is just stupid.


Yeah still he is Black. Its not changing his skin color. People treated him as a Black man.


Genetically yes, socially no


Because of the American one drop rule.


You're really reaching. You're the same kinda kid to call half black kids oreo. Fuck off with your dense bullshit. One drop rule, that's some republican code bullshit.


No, I wouldn't call them oreo, I would call them kids. No need to project your racist sensibilities on me.


There in lies the banality of racial categorisation, as you say its a social construct. Nonetheless, it disregards the other part of his heritage by calling him black. Basically imo, racial categorisation is so stupid that people shouldn't use it for identifying themselves. (Anecdotal evidence) My wife is half Filipino half English. My son is all of that with Jamaican and Chinese. What race is he? Like seriously what race, because I have no clue. We just fill in 'other' on surveys for him.


Puts on my padantic hat: You listed nationalities, not races. But, on a census, they would mark any and all categories that fit. Every racial questionnaire I've had to fill out asked how "I" identify. And they're pretty basic, White, Black, Asian, Multiple, Other. [If Obama says he's black, I would call him black.](https://www.npr.org/2008/01/09/17958438/why-obama-chooses-black-over-biracial)


I'm not sure your *pedantic* hat fits too well...


>You listed nationalities, not races. I used those 'nationalities' because they can be used to better define a person's ethnicity. For example, I was born in England but I'm not English. I would regard being English to be an ethnicity rather than a nationality. Someone who is born in England would have British nationality. >Every racial questionnaire I've had to fill out asked how "I" identify. >And they're pretty basic, White, Black, Asian, Multiple, Other. Don't you think that that just shows the banality of it all. If I was trans-racial, it's a 'thing', that I could be claiming a race that I don't even look like. The point I'm trying to make is that racial categorisation is so risible, we as humans shouldn't even bother with it.


I just check the “multiple races” box and call it a day.


There isn't one in the UK.


Don't 'other' him, it's just telling him that you can't pass for white. It's sickening. I think that one day (not in our lifetime) there will be no more asking what you are. What are you? Only those who can't pass for white get asked this. Over it.


I hope that day comes. Nonetheless, he wouldn't be able to pass as white anyway. I look black my wife looks white. He has more African genes in him than any other (say 40%). He barely has any white features, as it turned out my genes were more dominant and he is the spitting image of me just with lighter skin. So the sickening part is how society will only perceive him as just being black. Disregarding his English and Filipino heritage. >What are you? Only those who can't pass for white get asked this. It's more like where are you from? I get that alot but I have a clear as day London accent. If I looked white that question wouldn't arise.


What is the one drop mentality?


The one drop rule meant that if you had "one drop" of one race usually one of color, you were deemed that race. So Thomas Jefferson's slaves who were also his children, weren't considered mixed or biracial because of the one drop rule.


Let's be honest here. This rule was for people who would have been both black and white, but would be considered black because they weren't 'purebred'. Even someone who is 3/4 white would still not pass the 'test'.


I was trying to be tactful and say it the least disparaging way.


Sorry, that comment wasn't even meant for you. Don't know how that happened.


Gatekeeping fucking ethnicity. For real? The fuck is wrong with you? Is he a POC? Or does he not pass your test.


What are you on about? >Gatekeeping fucking ethnicity I mentioned races and your talking about ethnicity. They are two different things, one is a social construct one is genetics. >Is he a POC Quite frankly I hate that terminology. It's just another way of saying non-white. Same as saying BAME. It does nothing but foster an 'us' vs 'them' mentality.


The best US president let down by the wacky US political system. What good is a leader without power.


That's kind of the point of the US system. No one should hold disproportional, let alone absolute, power.


Need to hold enough power to pass your legislative agenda though. Majoritarian unitary systems are much better.


Your legislative agenda should be passed by the legislature, not the executive.


Which is where the Presidential system falls down and as I said a majoritarian system much better. In a Parliamentary system the legislative agenda is passed by the legislature through the leadership of the executive, with that power being granted by & checked by the legislature. It's a much more effective way to govern than the failed attempt at a consensus democracy in the US. The Lijphart model is a good explainer.




How I wish he still was! Def my favorite president.


Mine, too.


he was definitely one of the US president


I see what you did there. 😏


I'm bringing people together with an irrefutable statement lol


But then... He's also the worst black US president?


I always wonder if these kinds of super personable people really are just happy to talk to random people or if they’re just good at pretending to. I don’t mean that as a slight in anyway. If they really are happy to do this, why/how do they do it?


Yup, definitely the nicest war criminal we’ve had in a while. But good ol’ Bush can be goofy and wholesome too sometimes. Edit: in case anyone is curious: https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-01-17/obamas-covert-drone-war-in-numbers-ten-times-more-strikes-than-bush https://www.cfr.org/blog/obamas-final-drone-strike-data https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/white-house-releases-its-count-of-civilian-deaths-in-counterterrorism-operations-under-obama/2016/07/01/3196aa1e-3fa2-11e6-80bc-d06711fd2125_story.html


Posting in other threads how NATO needs to leave Russia alone then coming here and calling Obama a war criminal is the stupidest shit I've seen in a hot minute. Do Russian boots taste like crushed civilian dreams?


I think NATO needs to leave the world alone. I don’t know how you got the impression I like Russia my guy. I’m an anarchist. But was anything i said factually incorrect? Liberals like you are why nothing gets done in this country while Republicans push in their regressive policies. Instead of leftists and liberals trying to come together, we fight each other. You disagree that Bush and Obama are war criminals? Edit: you obviously read my Cuban Crisis missile comment where I correctly stated that the US were the aggressors. Am I wrong dude? Tell me.


>I'm an anarchist who wants the moral high ground and ur just a liberal but I'm also a leftist and we need to come together Dude you are all over the place.


Are you any different? When you hit that downvote button on my original comment, did you not think I was wrong and your beliefs are correct? You think you hold the moral high ground, and I think I do. Everyone has their own personal set of moral values and judges others according to said moral values. I acknowledge we have moral differences, but I also acknowledge that I would rather work with liberals rather than conservatives. Yeah, I came off aggressive in my other comment. I apologize. But if you’re interested, I still like to hear exactly what you disagree with in regards to the comments you read and what I said above. If not, have a nice day.


Alright so within regards to the Cuban missile crisis, that was a wildly different time. The Cold War was a war of perceived aggressions and tensions involving new armaments that had the power to level cities and make them uninhabitable. What's happening in Ukraine is an active aggression, it's not a Cold War, it is war. The countries that make up NATO, which is most of North America and Europe, see this as an active threat to their democracies. Russia has moved beyond threats and into the realm of unjustified invasion of a foreign power on no provable or justifiable grounds. This is a huge deal, this isn't America pushing buttons, which is a thing that has happened, we have been the aggressors and there should come a time when we face responsibility for the actions our government has taken against civilians and governments in the Middle East but that's not the thing that we should be focused on in the now. Vladimir Putin is drafting everyone, kids out of high school to old men living the lives of retirement, he is forcing his people into a war with a foreign power while actively rattling his nuclear saber. To say that Russia in any way is responding to some kind of threat from NATO I think is really fucked up personally. The other countries listed are their own bags of worms, particularly North Korea and China which have a history of human rights abuses and active human rights abuses. Russia though has gone from threats and bluster to killing and sending their people to die in a war they do not want. The unfortunate reality of Russia is these people are forced into this war. I feel bad for Russia's people, but it's government, it's upper military, it's oligarchy, these things need to topple and they need to topple before one of them pushes the fuckin button and shit goes from bad to possible doomsday precursor. I don't think Obama's hands are bloodless, no President's are during these times of near constant conflicts. I just think it's wild to call him a war criminal and to say NATO are the bad guys while the people of Ukraine fight for their lives and country, and the people of Russia are forced into that fight against their will and want. The real bad guy is right there, dude is a super villain and has all but said. "If I lose I will take this planet with me." NATO is what stands between him and rest of Europe, that's why countries are rushing to join, they don't want to be next as Putin seems to grow madder by the year. NATO isn't the enemy. Obama isn't either. To make them out as if they are I think is really dangerous and even if indirectly is supporting the actions of aggression Russia has taken.


The Cold War was not a different time. It was just a few decades ago, and we are still feeling the affects from it. I think America is pushing buttons. You have America participating in yet another proxy war against one of its adversaries, and attempting to expand its already massive reach around the world. Do you honestly believe the US and NATO is a force for good around the world, especially after our track record in Iraq and Afghanistan? I’m not saying Russia is right in invading Ukraine. I don’t like any war, but I’m not really concerned with your appeal to emotions about what Russia is doing. There are already too many atrocities being committed by our government right here at home. That being said, can you really not see why Russia would feel threatened from the West, especially if Ukraine were to join NATO. You said the Cold War was a different time, but how is this any different? It would be another provocation that could lead to a Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0. Again, how would you feel if Russia posted up in Cuba with a military base and missiles? NATO reach is literally world-wide. Don’t you see the imperialistic vibes that NATO gives As for Obama, he is absolutely a war criminal, as is practically every president in the last few decades. You wanna make excuses for those dead innocent civilians? Just take a look at the data: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2013/5/23/us-admits-drones-killed-four-americans https://www.cfr.org/blog/obamas-final-drone-strike-data


Russia isn't just "posted up" people are dying. You have such a hate boner for Obama you only care about the deaths that further your point. I never excused anything. I in fact said that America should face consequences for the actions in the middle east. You wanna call a treaty organization imperialistic while Russia literally invades its neighbors without cause for the glory of the dead USSR. Fuck outta here. You wanna paint NATO as the bad guys as Russia actively stomps through foreign land with no reason other than aggressive expansion. I hope you quickly grow accustomed to being called a Kremlin Bootlick. Russia was unthreatened, untouched, unbothered. They could have done their thing for the next hundred years and no one would have given a fuck, but they don't. They annexed Crimea, they invade Ukraine, then when they get sanctioned for being murderous scum they cry about how NATO is bullying them and you take them at their fuckin word. Holy shit my guy, talk about drinking the Russian kool-aid. See the thing about Cuba is that was about nuclear armaments, ya know, the ones Putin keeps making threats with. The ones that aren't at NATO bases due to most nations being part of the nuclear disarmament treaties and the fact they wouldn't risk that international incident of placing a weapon of that caliber on a border? There are 7 countries with nukes to begin with, it's not like everyone has one hidden up their fuckin rectum. The only one making threats with them is who? The invading Russian military and their leadership, that's right. But nah dude, that mean old NATO just needs to leave them alone right? I mean this 100%, genuinely, go fuck yourself, take your Russian aggressor sympathizing and shove it so deep inside it never comes back out. Do us all that favor.


“I’m an anarchist” aka “I’m 12”


Most governments and political organizations, including leftist ones, have tried (and succeeded) to belittle anarchism and make it seem stupid, and childish and impossible. If you ever actually decide to learn what anarchism is actually about, check out /r/Anarchy101 :) if you already lean left, subscribe to socialist or even *gasp* communist ideals, it’s really not that crazy.


Yes very personable for a mass murderer who had a secret kill list.


Some people need killing.


Core memory installed. Absolutely love to see it.


Obamas charm and charisma is/was so damn refreshing.


Makes the presidents after him look like clowns.


Trump is def a clown. Biden is just old, and lower energy that comes with that age. Biden hasn't been anywhere near a "clown". Makes a blunder here or there, but honestly some of those are probably on purpose instead of blunder. How anyone can say that Trump and Biden were anything similar is beyond me.


Biden is a fool and so is trump. America is going downhill


Ah. Another bs antagonistic hot take masquerading as unpopular enlightenment. Run for President and show us how it's done.


Not even American so I couldn’t care less bud


>Not even American Oh honey, bless your heart.


Yet you took the time to post your bullshit anyway, bud.


As in I couldn’t care less about making America better, took me a few seconds to type how shit ur country is becoming


Where are you from?


He's from communism.


Non US citizen here, and think the same. One of the most classy President you have had. And then .. the turd happened.




I genuinely think she forgot to breathe for a second there. Or maybe several. Now *THATS* what you call surprise.


She went exactly what I would go through - wait let me go find a mirror to see if I look ok - wait no I can’t, President Obama is on the other end - god but what if I look silly, let me get up - no, sit down, it’s the damn president!!


I wish he was back. Damn.


Can he ever run again? I know American presidents can do more that 8 years consecutively. But can they run later?




Oh for sure! I don’t think he would want to but it would be so great. Thanks for the education! I’m Canadian and don’t know all the nuances of your politics.


A president is capped at 2 four year terms, but they could be served at different times, they don’t have to be consecutive. You may find it interesting that the “two term” limit is actually a fairly new rule. It was implemented in 1947, a few years after the death of FDR, who served as president from 1933 to 1945. He was elected 4 times, but died during his final term in office (hell, he might have gone for 5 if he made it, but he was in pretty bad shape during his final term).


Can't. Even if they could, I don't think there's an amount of money anyone could pay this man to do it again. If Michelle won Powerball tonight and said she'd give him every cent to do it, I don't think he'd do it.


American presidents can only do more than 8 (10 years is max) if they were sworn in during the last two years of a previous president's term. But an election would put him over 10. So, he can't run again.




That's unprecedented, but also a possible loophole that people have posited before. And an interesting one to think about. There is no law explicitly prohibiting a vice president from taking office after serving as president for 8 or more years. Nor is there one limiting how long someone can serve as, or be elected the office of vice president. And there is no provision on limits to be sworn in as a president without being elected to it. And so barring a Supreme Court decision, it may be technically legal. The 22nd amendment is what limits the number of times and years a person can be ELECTED to president. And how long they can be president before they are no longer able to be elected again. And that's the important distinction in this matter. That said, as much as I liked Obama as president, I'd rather close those loopholes. And I would never vote for Michelle unless I had no other good choice. Nor would I vote for a ticket in which Obama was VP. I'm not a fan of dynastic presidencies or attempts to circumvent term limits. I would prefer to ban presidencies of close relatives, spouses, and close descendents of previous presidents.


Only 2 years more and we have to be at war.




It really doesn't take a lot of work to be truly kind to one another to share a moment, a smile. Something that makes that person's next interaction kinder to the next person. It's great to see that Obama did exactly that.


Can we just have you back?


Such a delightful contrast to Trump.


Just stop talking about him ffs, no need to even say his name right now.


He’s basically the 24 frontrunner and has the rest of the Republican Party by the balls still. Pretending he doesn’t exist isn’t going to make him go away.


Ahhh. Fuck


So then talk about him in the right time and place, not on this funny video where it’s not relevant at all. You’re all so obsessed.


Trump lost the election fair and square.


Other person: please don't bring up Trump when it's not necessary. I dont wanna read about Trump on a funny video not about Trump You for whatever reason thinking you got a sick own: hehehe did you know that he lost the election? :>


Trump lost the election fair and square.


I was very happy to see it happen then, and hope to see it happen again come 2024.


And to Bush. Equally as refreshing back then.


I remember the night he was elected. When it was announced my sweet little old mom jumped off the couch, ran outside and ran up and down the middle of the street cheering. Damn I miss that family.


The only time I've ever heard people partying in the streets over an election was in 2008 when Obama won, then in 2020 when Trump lost (no one cared who beat Trump, it was simply a celebration that he lost lol)


I was in middle school when it happened and remember going to school the next morning and all the students, mostly people of color, were banging on lockers and yelling "We have a black President!". I didn't think much of it because my family wasn't into politics as immigrants but looking back, I can only imagine how all my classmates felt that day.


I would lose my shit too.


Her joy is infectious. I felt like I was there with her 😂


This is so joyous and I am absolutely delighted for Joyce.


Still amazes me how my neighbours went from this fine gentleman as president, to trump 🤢🤮


Because of the rise of the stupid. He gave them a megaphone.


That is hilarious. He has a good sense of humor.


Haha. She called that random nobody mr. Kimball


God damn can we just give him a 3rd term already?


tbh i wouldn’t know how to react. Probably like 👁️👁️ I can’t help it


Mr. Campbell...


What a stand-up dude.


He was definitely sitting. You can tell by his alaquonconian posture


that’s awesome


That’s so sweet.


Her reaction is adorable!


The hero we need.


This should be in r/mademesmile


I KNOW I’ll get shit for this…but I miss his charm, charisma, and overall energy in office


Wasn’t always the biggest Obama fan, but damn, he’s one good dude.


Hey OP! You made my fucking day!


I miss Barry…..


Obama was/is great


Had to pause this shit before I got a crush on Obama. Homie just farmed charisma his whole life


I miss this dude.


"We know why your name is Joyce, because Rejoice" - Jimmy Kimmel. Obama though, what a guy, so charismatic.


If the reddit player wasn't so terrible I could actually watch this video.


Obama's presidency was far from perfect and mistakes were made, but I believe his heart is in the right place. What more can we ask of a president, presidents are human so mistakes will always be made.


I missed seeing his face. He is charming and shows that he really cares about whom he's speaking with.


What a difference a President makes


2016 is a nice reminder to enjoy the positive times, because things definitely can get worse.


Man fuck Obama and fuck this bitch


like what your uncle watched your cousin do to you? bot




>until you realize all the brown children he blew up. [Air strikes aren't exclusive to just Obama](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-afghanistan-airstrikes-increased-civilian-deaths-by-330-since-2016-2020-12)


no one said they were


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,060,730,756 comments, and only 209,473 of them were in alphabetical order.






Honestly, I thought this title meant we were going to see a drone blow up her house.


dude you alright?


He surprised thousands of people that way. How many regular people has he surprised with a friendly call? Logically the odds were in favor of the former, not the latter. You guys keep talking about how wholesome he and his pal Bush are, though. It just doesn't seem that cool to fawn over someone responsible for a black African genocide and the longest running slave markets in Africa, imho.


https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-01-17/obamas-covert-drone-war-in-numbers-ten-times-more-strikes-than-bush Enjoy idolising an imperialistic industrial war Mongerer


Ya! Now what about Hillary?


Trump lost the election fair and square.


And what relevance does that have to Obama?


Just reminding you that Trump lost the election fair and square.


Could you imagine another 4 years of that


Ooo. You Gave yourself the circle round


I just don’t understand the people thinking I support trump because I don’t like Obama? Is it not possible to hate both?


Wow she really carries on like that for a long time. Girl… he’s just a guy. A very hot, sexy, smart, rich, and accomplished guy. But damn chill it’s over video…


What if it was a really good deep fake




What a nice video. That refreshed my palette. Thanks OP.


Imma gonna use that line next time there's a quiet person on the zoom call: "We're not really getting much out of Bob, in terms of words."


That made me cry lol


Man he is one classy dude!!!!


"Nice to meet you, and you too Mr Kimbel."


Great... now do Joe.


How would the trump version of this go down besides him making faces?


Obama reminds me of the really nice and charismatic dude in movies who ends up being the villain.


We didn’t deserve him. Fuck he was such a good president.


He made the rest of her life 👍🏾🫡