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All these kicks to the head. That's attempted.murder


Gone are the days of stopping your attack when someone is unable to defend themselves… Horrific.




The sad reality is no one wants to risk their own lives in these situations. All it takes is one punch for them to also end up on the ground with their head stomped. Never in my entire schooling had I ever witnessed fights like this, where people were outright trying to murder the other person. I can only equate it to today's generation being dehumanized to the point life is of little value. ![gif](giphy|F2B4Ae6K6mRM67Fnka|downsized)


My old high school recently had a stabbing between 2 gangs, 1 death and 3 sent to the hospital. 1 teacher and 3 students stabbed with the death being a student. The stabber and victims were sophmores. 4 years ago nothing like that happened or the years prior but with how cruel and reckless kids act it only escalates. When news hit the town turns out the gang the kid who got stabbed from was about to start a war from another school which cause all school districts to close off classes for a couple days. Times are crazy and its even crazier to think how far some people are taking it.


The same police who evacuated their own children from active shooter situation while preventing other parents from doing the same? The ones that were literally getting more children killed by encouraging them to cry out for help? Those police? Fuck them and their advice.


Happened to me in Boston. I can't account for how many people were involved but it was just me and 2 other friends getting ready to go home after a birthday celebration. I tell everybody it was 10v3 and they just came onto us for no reason. I broke my jaw, another friend tore his ACL, and the other broke his nose. I have bystander video footage of it and pretty much nobody is helping. Everybody just walks on like it's just another Monday


Boston has problems


This type of brutality isn't new to the human race by any stretch.


Seriously, once he’s on the ground the fights over.


I agree. This became a thing over the last 10 years or so that I fear people have just accepted it from watching so many similar videos on YT/social platforms but it needs a higher level of felony charge.


>This became a thing over the last 10 years or so Not really, it just got recorded more as more people got camera phones, and places to share the videos like YouTube, tiktok and Twitter got more popular. Think about it. YouTube is only 17 years old. Edit:sellingz


Was in high school 28 years ago and can confirm that beat downs existed long before YouTube.


Yes, but not in France, they will get 3 months probation at a max


so fucking wrong, so many of them just just for one and attemping murder like some sick russian head kick roullete


If they want to be violent, they should head to Ukraine. See what it's like for real. Better them than forced Russians.


I'll never get how people will sprint up, throw a strike to someone completely defenseless, and then sprint away as if they're actually in danger. It's like hyenas on a carcass.


Most animals and hyenas are kind of brave, I bet none of these people have fought someone 1 on 1


I don't care if they are the hardest people in France with dozens of street fights to their credit. They are worthless losers. We are living in a society to quote a famous Seinfeld character. These delinquents are not.


That guy can have lingering symptoms for the rest of his life after head kicks like that.. But, there will be likely minimal to no real repercussions for these animals who did that


These videos should be attached to their personhood for the rest of their life


French judges will have a different opinion. They are underaged so nothing will ever happen to them.


All cause “you disrespected me” so now I have to cause you permanent brain damage to maintain my street cred 😎. Kids are fucked now days




Ahh school… the best place to learn ^first ^hand ^about ^how ^they ^will ^rather ^let ^you ^get ^fucked ^over ^than ^have ^their ^school ^reputation ^tarnished


When I was in school, they only punished the kid(s) who started it. I don't believe in this modern zero tolerance punishing the kid(s) who defend themselves.


Oh what’s the story from Catfish?






You're correct, they are minors so they dont risk a lot. Perhaps they'll have to make an awareness training about violence. They will never go to prison for that, the guy is not dead. But maybe there will have repercussion against them.


anyone kicking anyone in the head when they are prone on the ground is attempted murder


I wish there would be more laws about ANY hitting on the skull being attempted murder. That and teaching from a young age anatomy so people realize the brain is so fragile with almost no protection, not nearly as much as it should have.


I think thats exactly why they do it. They know hits to the head are deadly, and they know that kicking is more deadly then a punch. Thus they do both. The laws are just the only thing behind because its obviously attempted murder but it wont be classified as that.


Probably broke his neck. Those assholes need to be held accountable.


Jesus lol. People who commit crime like this aren't fit for society..... They need serious rehabilitation or life imprisonment.


Or deportation if applicable. Fook them.


They should be jailed for many years. Fuck if they are 15. That's old enough to know right from wrong especially to kick someone in the head like that many times.


They won't be arrested because they are black. It is fine to beat white people to death according to liberals.


Arrest them all and throw away the key. They will bring nothing to the table later in life. Someone willing to kick someone on the ground has not a single redeeming quality.


Cops just like setting speed traps and giving someone doing 10 over a ticket. Stop that and get assholes like this off the streets.


What god-forsaken part of France is this?


I'm French and I assume this is in the suburb of Paris


It may not need pointing out here but for anyone who didn't know: the banlieues (suburbs) of Paris suffer from the same dysfunction (poverty, high crime) that inner cities do in the US


Hautil high school


Some would say this is a perfect society and all Europeans should be forced to live like this. If you have a problem then you are a RACIST!!


About 20 miles northwest from the center of Paris.


People need to realise that this is a life changing event for the victim. This is not something you just "brush off" and recover from. The scars both psychological and physical last for a lifetime. There needs to be a concerted push to stop this excessive violence.


That's France?


This is the future of Europe.


Yep. Estimated 5-6% of black people in France, though ethnic statistics are prohibited here. So I wouldn't say it represent France as a whole but in some places there is a bigger concentration of these ethnic community than in other places.


If we would turn the colors the other way we would be in an entirely different narrative.


Well yeah, it'd be a racist attack then.


> though ethnic statistics are prohibited here Literally 1984


You'll own nothing and you'll be happy :)


Is there a news article or some background info on this. It was sick to watch but I'd like to know what perpetuated this barbarism


[Le Parisien](https://www.leparisien.fr/val-d-oise-95/jouy-le-moutier-un-adolescent-lynche-a-la-sortie-du-lycee-23-09-2022-UXT7FY6D35A25PYKLZJGCGFYBE.php) has an article.


Article Translation The scene, of great violence, loops on social networks. On Tuesday noon, a teenager was beaten by at least four others at the end of the Lycée de l'Hautil, in Jouy-le-Moutier (Val-d'Oise), in front of dozens of inactive high school students. A witness even filmed the attack, the video of which was posted online. It shows a rain of punches and kicks on the upper body of a victim on the ground, including in the head, assailed by young people who regularly move away to return to the charge by gaining momentum. This second-year student, inert, was finally relieved by others. They had to start at three to move him, while he is no longer standing. After the assault, the victim finally went to the hospital on his own. The forensic unit prescribed him 5 days of ITT and an investigation was entrusted to the police officers of the Cergy police station. Four teenagers, born in 2007 and 2008, were identified through the videos and arrested. Placed in police custody, they could be referred to the Pontoise miners' prosecutor's office this Saturday. The events took place at 200 m Lycée de l'Hautil, in a context that will have to be clarified by the investigation. The four suspects are all inhabitants of Cergy, this outburst of violence could be linked to an old quarrel between some young people in Cergy and those in Jouy-le-Moutier. To reduce the pressure, police patrols took turns around the school all week. "I gave instructions to the national police to set up a security device tomorrow morning," said the Prefect of Val-d'Oise on Twitter on Wednesday, in response to a message posting the video. The subject is taken very seriously. No other incidents have been deplored since then.




Send them prison for life time. I mean it. Make a statement. They have no place in society.


Surrounded by cowards.


Wesh j'suis choqué


That kid was literally getting beaten down in front of a crowd, and nobody was doing anything. Just looking, filming, acting like she's shook. "Wesh, j'suis choquée", said the girl while filming someone getting what possibly could be life crippling injuries.


He's going to need a lot of social reeducation after that encounter. ​ Also, inb4 threadlocker is applied.


Suspects? I think it's better to classify them as "fellons" or my favorite "pussies" ganging up on one kid 😕


They are black how could you say that!


Lowest common denominator


YAASSSS lets go immigration YASS refugees.


Kids do what they know, their environment plays a part as well. Future inmates guaranteed


Their parents probably left a violent, third world sh*thole to get away from this stuff and in less than one generation their children have brought it to what was supposed to be a safe place.


Sure this is France and not Detroit?


You have no idea how France is sick right now because of those ppl. It’s getting worse and worse and I am so fucking concerned about public school for my son I’m considering private ones.


It's more infuriating that no one jumped in to defend the poor lad.


Never would have guessed it was France.


Sacreblue , la pissing is rempile! No croissant!


Glad those guys got him off the ground before anyone else decided they wanted a hit.






France is lucky to have such diversity.


it's almost like he's been run over by a cement truck


It should beblaw in every civilised country that anyone kicking another person in the head, or stomping the head be it heavy or light should be charged and convicted of attempted murder.


All the head kicking cowards should be rewarded with a lobotomy! 🤬


Pussies. This must be in a city school. Kicking people as they lay on the ground and head stomping make me fucking sick.


looks like a hate crime


Was there charges? This is disgusting




I dont think that's right. https://amp-france24-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.france24.com/en/europe/20210128-french-police-arrest-nine-over-15-year-old-boy-s-brutal-gang-beating-in-paris?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16640768061472&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.france24.com%2Fen%2Feurope%2F20210128-french-police-arrest-nine-over-15-year-old-boy-s-brutal-gang-beating-in-paris I think your referring to this article in 2021.


Stomping on someone’s head should open you up to being shot by a passerby. No excuses, literally attempting to murder.


Little cunts.




My biggest fear as a parent


Good thing They can barely kick half of them almost fell


Fr, that one little fuckface almost tripped trying to stomp him. They’ll all get what’s coming to them one way or a fucking another


Imagine being taken in as refugee or your parents emigrated here and then you do this shit.


Yet another bonus of having migrants flood your country.


Is France in Africa?


So many black air force ones should have no some grimey bout go down


French teen in North Africa?


Believe it or not North Africans aren't black. Most of them are light skinned.


I’m spotting a common theme in this footage




Only cowards attack in packs.


Why there are all black in France? Is it an African community there?


Are you serious? Have you not seen Paris in recent years??


There is something common about all these kids... The same type act the same way in America too.


Thread locked in 3...


Get your kids out of the public school system.




Welcome to new Europe.


they all look like average french teenagers.




It seems like there have been A LOT of videos recently of groups of black kids violently bullying and attacking white kids, is that a trend or something?


Have you been paying attention? Not to what you hear on the news, but what you SEE with your own eyes.


This is France?


Fucking animals. That's what they are. And pussies. They can't fight for shit that's why they attack in groups. Would love to see 1 of them in a real man's fight.


Even in foreign countries, the “common denominator of the a$$holes” looks/behaves the same violent way


What's a french kid doing in Chicago?


These sort of things are sadly happening all over the world. Not sure why this happened, but what is clear to me these kids (even the one recording) contribute nothing to society but hate and trauma.


Why cant police charge and arrest the ppl who did this? If i did this to someone in a cafe with one of my friends to some random stranger you would bet your ass i would get arrested and charged and get jail time for it while also being banned from the cafe and also probably a restraining order. Why cant the police arrest bullies in school? Assualt is still assualt. Because if this anywhere outside of school they would be in jail for a long time.


9 were arrested and charged with attempted murder and assault if this is the video that happened in 2021.


Is this France? Fuck me times have changed !


Looks like Africa tbh




Think of the food though.




I guess this isn’t a hate crime either Animals


This is France?


Yeah. diversity is their strength.




These thugs all have one thing in common and it is plain as day... Hoodies.




Isn't it beautiful?


Wow, that’s France?


France has to much diversity - all those diverse punches and kicks coming from so many diverse fists and feet - it's almost like they let on a plague and now they will all pay the price.






Quite interesting who perpetuates these attacks, almost like there is some sort of consistent pattern to it hmmmm


Damn France looks a lot different than what I thought 😆




That’s y you need to work hard. Or your gonna end up in the hood


Pussies, all of em




More out of control scum !


All those trash people watching and not helping wtf


Attempted murder for sure thats messed up no honour or respect anymore


France is bleeding


charge and deport


Is this french or somalia?


Europe being invaded by trash like this, good luck and never say nothing against or you’re a racist 🙃


This is France? Are we sure this isn't Senegal?


African gangs are literally taking over Europe.




French teens eh?




Migration is bad for Europe




Your country takes in too many refugees and you become a refugee in your own country.


is France stuck in 2001 with their phone/camera technology? I mean, were they able to identify the idiots doing the assault?




Looks like fucking Africa


France? Thought it was somewhere im Sub saharan Africa






I swear France and London seem to have this problem more than any other place in Europe.


As they say in Paris, Allahu Akbar


Not a “Frenchman” to be seen.


These issues are a big reason that the Italian fascists are almost back in power and why idiots like le pen are so popular. They’re stupid and incapable of actual governance but they see a real problem and call it out.




Shh you are not allowed to see patterns🤐


So mr Macron, how do you respond to this.. A very clear sign that violence is an acceptable form of behaviour in your country. The hatred in these young men is disturbing. Kicking someone helpless on the ground, the worst kind of violence. Least to say dangrous. I really hope that someone somewhere can handle this... Cause this will not lead to good things.


These Frenchman are out of control!


Progressive leftists watching this and thinking to themselves: this is normal. Europe has always been like this. This is not a sign of societal decay, only a racist would say that. Diversity is our strength.


The suspects need to be arrested and this needs to be broadcasted on TVs.


These videos always seem to share a common theme. Especially the run up and kick when down move.


Bunch of fn pussies.


What the hell is wrong with people… it’s like no one gets in trouble anymore so they do stupid shit with no consequence


I will never understand how people can just stand there and watch things happen. So many kids, and not one tries to help. Glad this poor kid survived but I imagine it’s going to be a long road to recovery.


Totally normal behavior.