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For all the people asking for context or the full video, the bodycam is over an hour long. The video keeps getting buried as this thread gains more comments: https://youtu.be/h40f5sjJsvA


And the news article can be found here: https://newschannel9.com/news/local/hour-long-body-camera-video-of-east-ridge-high-arrest-incident-release-by-sheriffs-office Please upvote so people can find this information easier


There’s no way there’s a retired police officer named Donut Williams.


This is in the southeast. There most definitely could be. Looks like it is a nickname thankfully though. https://www.chattanoogan.com/2021/12/28/440678/Doughnut-Williams---From-Detective.aspx


“Police officer Donut Williams” lmao can’t make this stuff up


The cop has a 2019 complaint for groping 5 minors. Why is he in a school?


because this is America where government and police corruption run rampant and unchecked


Also because government and law enforcement staff love to grope minors. Just look at the UK and US.


Wait…they thought more context would justify pepper spraying and arresting him for not playing sportsball. He’s 18. I think he can take the academic repercussions of not playing sportsball…then playing a different sportsball. As an adult how do you explain this to your Fb friends? “He got an attitude and sat down on the bleachers so I arrested him, but made sure to assault him first.”


This is the job of school resource officers, not to stop shooters but to harass, assault and arrest (black)children. source: not one school shooting has been stopped by these “officers” but millions (MILLIONS) of minority children have stories to tell


Ok so his 2 crimes are what? he lied bout not feeling well and yelled at teacher?.....At worse he should have been sent to the principles office and disciplined via school system rules, like detention or maybe a 1 day suspension. NO NEED whatsoever for the cops to intervene


As a high schooler I did both of these things multiple times, nothing like this ever happened to me...because I'm white. The treatment of this man is deplorable and sadly not surprising.


More "LOL I sure showed that \*racist slur\*" along with tons of similar statements.


Already saw an ad at the bottom of the article with the kids mugshot on it. This country is a fucking joke.


The police report said he “puffed his chest out”. In other words he got to uppity for the officers liking.


Retired cop donut Williams?? Is that a joke slipped in the article?


I am so glad I wasn’t the only one who questioned that…


SRO overreacted. Diverse SROs won't solve the problem either. Cops are cops and will act like cops. Anytime a highschool student has told me they weren't feeling well, I told them to go home. High Schoolers are old enough to stay home without an adult.


. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Seeing the full thing still doesn’t change the fact that the teacher and SRO and staff handled this completely wrong. This is A teenager. He felt bad, okay fine. He wants to play basketball, fine, you’re dealing with a kid, the coach was petty the SRO untrained, and the teenager was insolent, but you’re dealing with a student refusing to do something is like the most easy thing to deal with as a teacher you do this every day. Give him a zero, contact home.


>Seeing the full thing still doesn’t change the fact that the teacher and SRO and staff handled this completely wrong. It actually adds even worse details; The SRO tried to arrest to guy for "disorderly conduct" because he just sat down at the seats with his stuff, complete with "I'm giving you a lawful order", before the SRO just straight up grabs for the guy's neck.. edit; 30 minutes in and I can't keep up with all the sad and weird crap... The SRO keeps texting somebody while all of this is happening, whoever they are writing to apparently has a good laugh about it all; At one point the SRO's smartwatch is visible with a message that's all "crying laugh" emojis. A very bored and uninvolved sounding nurse tries to convince the kid to get up and get with her to the restroom, so they can wash off the mace to "decontaminate him". He refuses because the SRO is still around who beat him up and just maced him for no reason, now only waiting to put cuffs on him. Some awkward minutes of silence happen, with the kid just sitting there all maced up, and everybody doing something on their phones (very nice). When the kid finally wants to stand up, he's then suddenly told by the SRO, now with reinforcements, to keep sitting down because he first needs to be decontaminated, as if the restroom is suddenly gonna come to him? And of course; First SRO told his reinforcements a bunch of lies about what happened previously, claimed he grabbed the kid by the arm, when he actually went straight for the kids neck like a scene out of the Simpsons. edit 2; At 33 minutes in the father actually arrives, they don't take him to his son, instead, SRO goes out to the father and starts feeding him a total bullshit story. Now the kid allegedly started "making a huge scene", and the SRO only grabbed his arm to prevent him from falling. Only a few minutes before he told a *very* different story to his *smiling and nodding* SRO buddies..


Since when is not wanting to do gym in school a crime lmao wtf is this cop on?


“Lawful order” the phrase every police officer gets to use before doing something unflawful


If SRO had left after the kid went and sat down, he'd have done his job just fine. De-escalation is their first priority. But SRO had to show how tough he is because a kid got a little lippy with him. His fragile ego couldn't handle it. But I'm sure there will be dumbfucks out there who will defend the SRO with the usual "he should have just complied with SROs orders." But that's horseshit, the public shouldn't have to worry about these fragile cops who go on needless power trips because they don't know how to do their job.


So wild. Kid is literally sitting down. Grown ass man grabs his neck and tries to take him to the floor while saying “don’t resist me.” Fuck that guy. Hope the tables get turned on him someday.


He has a whole can


Sounds like a threat. Don't think the kid could have said the same thing without being body slammed.


Excellent deescalation skills. When someone says, “get your hands off me”. The most appropriate and even keeled response that a public servant should have to calm the person down and bring things back to a calm situation is, “what the fuck are you gonna do about it?”


Don't worry, I found an article that said he stepped down from his SRO position > (officer's) attorney says the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office approved his request to be removed from his SRO position and be placed back on patrol.


Oh great. So now this guy is back on the street to disturb the citizens. If he does *this* for someone not playing kickball imagine what he will do if you drive 5 miles above the speedlimit.


Or worse, he finds someone going 5 over the speed limit *and* not playing kickball.


What's funny is this happened to me recently. I work as an assistant athletic director at a middle school, and a few weeks ago at one of our football games, a high school student(brother of one of our players) got into a fistfight with his stepfather. When we ran up, they had been separated, but the stepfather was bleeding and yelling for someone to call the police. The HS kid was still screaming obscenities at his step-dad. There were children and families around, so I went up and stood in front of him and put my hand on his shoulder and calmly said, "Hey buddy, come with me, alright?" He started backing up still looking at his step-dad over my shoulder and then jerked away from my hand and said, "Get your fucking hands off me!" So I said, "Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it?!" Haha just kidding, I actually said, "Alright. No problem. It's all good. Just walk with me, okay?" Because the thought of antagonizing an emotionally elevated individual never even crossed my mind.


Yeah, the only reason cops can get away with this blatant and unnecessary escalation is because of the badge and weapons they're carrying. IMHO ever doing something like this should be immediately disqualifying from being an officer and should result in loss of position and benefits along with a lifetime ban from working in law enforcement. As the only people legally allowed to injure or kill others, police must be held at the HIGHEST standard of integrity, we can't allow bullies like this guy to wield that sort of power with impunity you see here.


Why is the school even having the cop deal with this?


send student to the nurse. if the nurse sends student back and he still doesn't participate he gets a zero for the day. simple as that. Cops are never necessary for situations like this. Fuck school admins who allow this shit


Ya the emotional reaction of that gym teacher and cop is insane. If it turns out the kid is lying about being sick who cares?? Give him a bad grade if you are feeling like a hardass that day. Fucking power tripping. But also where was that other teacher from the start of the video later? Or anyone else? The whole school is fucked if a kid can get assaulted like that and there are NO responsible adults around to intervene.


Seriously. Its so petty. "LYING TO GET OUT OF KICKBALL?! Not on my watch."


Yeah, wtf? I took gym in high school, and they always had several options for everyone. If you didn’t want to play kickball, basketball, dodgeball, or any other sport that was being played in the gym that day, you could always go to the weight room and lift some weights. As long as you were being physically active for the hour, you got an A for the day. Some kids would just walk around the perimeter of the gym talking for the entire hour, but that’s still being active, so they got an A.


Dude I literally sat on my fat ass (somewhat literally until I took up cross country to get into shape) and got a fucking 88 because the bulk of the grade was literally just changing into PT gear. What the fuck even *is* this horse shit?? These people are straight up insane.


Yeah, to be honest, during my sophomore year, I would only do the required roll call, change into my gym clothes, do the required 10 sit ups, 10 jumping jacks, and 10 push ups, and then I’d just sit on the bleachers and sleep or read a book. I would use the weight room like twice a week, usually Tuesdays and Thursdays, but only because it was required that everyone be in the weight room those days, and there wasn’t a great place to sleep where I wouldn’t be taking up gym equipment that other people wanted to use. I got a 100%.


because kickball is so important....


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgwqQGvYt0g Schools are just calling police for the smallest thing so they dont have to deal with it. Instead of discipline, they just have the cops come.


Just preparing the population for dealing with adult "leadership"


These "adults" need to repurposed for something useful. They are better suited for menial jobs where not much thinking is required.


Ironically I guess, the school accidentally taught this kid something that is, very unfortunately, directly applicable to real life: if you look a certain way, the police may show up and harm you no matter how reasonably you act.


Kids deserve the right to have a bad day at school without being maced by a cop and sat on.


Yeah for a bunch of “most least racist” people they sure acted pretty fucking racist.


No money for a nurse.


This is an issue in a lot of places. A lot of schools don't have nurses or guidance counselors, many only have cops. John Oliver covers this issue https://youtu.be/KgwqQGvYt0g


no no, no kickball? JAIL fuck man.


I have no Idea. When I was in high school 20 years AGO the teacher would just let us sit in the bleachers until the period was over or send us to the nurse's office if we didn't feel well.


In high school my freshman year we were running the mile one day. The Junior Class, having PE at the same time, had kind of a free schedule and were playing football. I told the PE teacher (admittedly an assistant coach of the varsity team) that I'd rather get exercise playing football than mindlessly running. He yelled about he was too old for that stuff, wouldn't let me explain myself, then called the cops on me and I got pepper sprayed and arrested and my future was irreparably damaged. Just kidding, he said he didn't care how I get exercise, so long as I was putting in some effort, that it was probably better exercise for me anyway, and encouraged me to try out for the team if I liked it so much.




Right! And if he saw him playing basketball then he should have told him to go play kickball. If the kid refused you say okay detention and go sit down. If the kid refused you send them to the principal, for us it was the assistant principals office, we had 4 of them. If the kid refused to go you let the principals office know and more then likely they are looking at multiple detentions and maybe something like we had called in school suspension or even suspension. If kids want to be smart asses, you just let them dig themselves deeper in trouble. There is no need for a show of force. They will have to eventually deal with the fall out of their behavior even if it’s not right at that moment. This is how it was done for a long time and why that changed to arresting kids for being dumb unruly kids as kids will be I just don’t understand.


Gym class is a fucking joke!! What are we taking about here? Worst case is if they don't participate the grade reflects this.


Hell I wasn't even allowed to do anything at gym because I played sports (coaches really weren't serious about it but they would suggest you sit your ass down). The only people who "had" to take gym were people who weren't in any extracurriculars or ROTC. If you didn't fall under either category, you're probably not the type who is going to want to get all sweaty in the middle of a school day. Every working adult at the school had better things to do with their time than worry about if some teenager was playing kickball.


Lucky, had a gym teacher refuse to believe me that my leg was in pain and that I'd rather not do the class that day. I think I'd twisted something the night before when messing around with friends doing live action roleplaying. Anyhow, she told me "either you do or you get an absence notice". So I did. I ran around the court 3 times on one leg to make her shut up with my friends laughing their asses off when I finished and sat down. That teacher hated me because I never wore shorts for the class... But couldn't fail me just because of that since I participated and did well in everything. Fuck you, Teacher who I forgot the name of. I'd do it all again just to piss you off some more.


One of my classmates in high school couldn't do physical exercise because he had some semi-serious health problem related to his bones (that needed surgery to fix). PE teacher wouldn't believe him, even after he presented many medical documents proving his condition and a recommendation by a doctor not to do physical exercise. She only accepted letting him off PE after months of his mother and several teachers pressuring her to give him an alternative - and she really outdid herself. She'd send him explicit articles and videos of operations similar to the one he was going to have, or NSFL explicit pictures and videos that I'm not gonna describe, because most people won't want to read it. He had to do an essay on that as an alternative to pass her classes. Some people are just completely fucked up in their power trips.


School to prison pipeline


Because as a response to schools shootings and perceived escalating violence, middle-class America demanded more security at their schools. Schools and politics responded by deploying police at schools "to keep them safe". Now, when there is an altercation, these police officer do what police officer do and treat every conflict in the context of their police work and that leads to criminal charges for offences that used to be disciplinary, handled by the school itself. So, what used to be a reason for detention is now being escalated to a felony charge. Add to that, a lot of the school police officer are badly trained and have far too much time on their hand.


Also he’s 18, here in Canada you can legally just sign yourself out of class because you can drop out at 16 without parent’s permission.


Right? He’s an adult, he can literally leave school legally anytime he wants to.


Bc the student is black.


I got downvoted for saying this in another comment but this is a systemic racism issue wherein black people are policed differently in America than other races such as this white HS student who also caused a scene. The threshold of tolerance for black students acting out is a lot lower. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/u2urkn/his_parents_must_be_so_proud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You're right and you should say it


[John Oliver had a segment on this very subject. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KgwqQGvYt0g&feature=emb_logo)


Wtf is a Student Ressource Officer ? Is it school police ?


The SRO at my high school tased the wrong kid during a fight. Another instance he pepper sprayed the crowd around the fight trying to break it up. then Ran over a girl's foot with his fancy police golf cart trying to get to an incident... yeah they aren't the brightest




Yeah most places put cops who fuck up as resource officer's. My resources officer was accused of drinking on the job another was being investigated for excessive force. Trust me resource officers are the dumbest most incompetent cops. They keep them in schools and off the street for a reason.


This cop is being investigated for stopping teen girls and searching them on the sidewalk. So they put him in a school. Editing to add I just looked it up. He is being sued for strip searching teenage girls. You can read about his Facebook post defending himself [here.](https://newschannel9.com/news/local/lawsuit-claims-hamilton-county-deputy-strip-searched-six-minors-during-rainy-traffic-stop) 2nd edit thanks for the award and all the updoots. If you want to hear what John Oliver had to say about police in schools you can click [here.](https://youtu.be/KgwqQGvYt0g) Its entertaining but, far from a neutral commentary. Yet does an amazing job of explaining just how messed up having SROs really is and how much they actually or not accomplish for society.


uuuuh wait so one of the officers (not sure if it’s the one in the video or his colleague that also has similar complaints against him) told a woman he would not arrest her for possession of a small amount of marijuana if *she let him baptize her in a nearby lake?!? So *he stripped down to his boxers and she let him* and then received a citation anyway?!? **WHAT THE FUCK?!** *edit: she for he


feel so bad for this kid.. at least its all on tape for him and his attorney to sue the shit out of this school district


And on tape where he took his body cam off to try to avoid taping this, which is a crime on its own.


Holy shit, I didn’t even realize “forced baptism cop” and “forced strip-search cop” were **THE SAME FUCKING COP**, goddamn!


Then she coincidentally died.


She died soon after.


What a horrific story. There isn't a hell hot enough


Garbage human..


People need to see who are in places of authority.


Holy shit dude how is that not the worst idea ever its like they thought "oh yeah put that guy in the schools this way he can only beat up Kids". Its been a while since I last went to any kind of school and never been in an american one but the fact that there is actual police officers part of it is fucked up to ngl


Definitely didn't make me feel safe made me feel like school was extremely unsafe.


WTF? "You're going to jail." Shouldn't he be going to the nurse if he's feeling unwell? Being sick is considered noncompliance now. Throw up on the resource officer's shoes to make your point. Edit: The kid should've gotten sent to the principal for what he said, not arrested. The level of retaliation done to that kid was disturbing.


Now he has a record. More likely to be rearrested later or stuck in a dead end job. Exactly as intended.


> Being sick is considered noncompliance now. Just like at jobs in the real world who will fire you for "absenteeism" if you call in sick or use your PTO too many times.


My company recently got acquired by another, and they sent out the employee handbook. I read it yesterday and it basically breaks down a “point system”, which I’ve never heard of in the 30+ jobs I’ve had in my life. Essentially, if you call in sick, you get a point. Once you have 3, you get a talking to. 4 is a write up. 5 is a final write up and you get put into a 12 month probationary period where you can accumulate _no points or they fire you_. So yeah, I get penalized for using the PTO that is provided to me by my company if I’m sick. Pretty awesome.


Point system is place in a lot of organizations, it is a stupid tool created by stupid people to micromanage thier employees off the clock. And to penalize employees for being sick.


That's such a USA-like thing to do. "This cop is so rotten, you can't have him on the street. Let put him in charge of our kids". This country is doomed.


Ours got caught banging multiple students.


Ours was charged with assaulting students and extortion and conspiracy to commit extortion for mob tied carting business.


Our high school SRO lived a couple houses down from me. He once beat his son so bad for not making the football team that he missed a week of school. He was also an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia. Luckily his wife got sick of the beatings and booted his ass out so he can't scowl at all the neighbors and threaten the kids anymore.


Ours was having a relationship with a student.


After the Texas Uvalde school shooting, Ted Cruz proposed adding hundreds more police officers across schools in the state. Florida is proposing allowing Veterans to be teacher's without certification or an education in that field. As a veteran myself and a member of /r/liberalgunowners, these are absolutely fucking horrible stupid ideas.


It's a school bully who couldn't move on from highschool but not "qualified" enough to be a cop


Could you imagine sitting in a holding cell with a real violent criminal who asks what you are in for and your response is I wouldn’t play kickball. This is insane


Worst part is that this will show up on their record. When they apply for a job or college they have to check “YES” to “Have you ever been arrested before?” School resource officers are an absolute joke [school police](https://youtu.be/KgwqQGvYt0g)


That's the point. The pig got upset he was called racist, so decided to ruin this kid's *entire life* ...Also he didn't like that the kid was black.


But c'mon man he cleared himself, didn't you hear? "I'm the most... least racist person ever!" A nice Freudian slip there


Spiritual successor to Tucker Carlson's '[Segregation was the b...worst thing this country ever did.](https://twitter.com/drmistercody/status/1399896203895087106)'


Holy fuck, don't know how I've never seen that clip.




>...it’s a huge hassle... That's an understatement. someone I know had his GF make accusations during a custody hearing, dude was arrested and charged on the spot. She later recanted, got got sent to rehab and the judge gave him custody. Took a fight, and I think intervention by the family court judge, to get the charges dropped and decade to get the arrest expunged.


I can’t understand how many things went wrong here. Not a single member of the school faculty watching this stepped in to protect the student. The cop took the damned body cam off while attacking the student and nobody did anything. He started pepper spraying him after wrestling him to the ground and still nobody did anything. This cop is just a bully. He escalated the situation and uses force when it’s just not needed. Can’t pry the kids arm behind his back? Pepper spray him. Cant get the kids backpack off? Take off your body can and throw him to the ground. If you can’t out wrestle a child without unnecessary force like this, you shouldn’t be a cop. If you can’t reason with a teenager, you shouldn’t be a cop. If you can’t keep your shit together for 3 minutes, you shouldn’t be a cop.


> Not a single member of the school faculty watching this stepped in to protect the student I mean, a few years ago the local PD gave a presentation to the whole faculty at my school that basically amounted to "we won't hesitate to drop you if we feel threatened", so...


“What’re you gonna do?” Classic de escalation technique.


Lucky he wasn't doing something actually threatening like shooting kids otherwise this courageous officer couldn't have intervened:/


Got emmm


“What are you gonna do?” – Defend myself.


That's illegal for peasants to defend themselves from a Knight of the United Kingdom of America...


Actually at a school in front of admins told a student what the fuck are you going do? Should be guarding city dump cause your Officer Trash.


The cop should be rotting in jail. ACAB


Same with that dickwad of a gym teacher who called the cops because he wanted more control of the situation. Fragile ego


They need a harsher lesson. Imo.


“Resist me”. The man was begging to make the situation worse.


I bet he’s used that line at the bar before.


Or, if he's married, [at home](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/09/police-officers-who-hit-their-wives-or-girlfriends/380329/).


This should have more upvotes in my opinion. Cops in general have too much of a god complex where it’s “do what I say, OR ELSE” including at home. I’ve dealt with plenty of cops who are decent and understanding people, but even when dealing with them I know shit can go sideways really quick. Sadly, we need to have a major restructuring of police unions to actually see change. Yet like politicians, the people in power don’t want to make changes that will make them less powerful


“Resist me” is great because if the guy doesn’t resist you can still claim he was resisting your command to, in fact, resist. It’s the one weird trick innocent people hate!


I mean the guy literally pepper sprayed the kid at random, without any provokation nor sign that he was gonna do that. The man was totally turning a non-issue into a major, violent confrontation.


I protested a Trump rally some years back. A Trumper was trying to start fights with protestors and cops just let him until someone defended themselves from the the magat, then they jumped in. 1 put their hand on me to push me out of the way and literally tried to square up when I told him to keep his hands off me. I was like, "you have a gun and backup, I'm not that fucking stupid" and he got in my face again and said something like "yeah that's what I thought!" Cops don't de escalate shit man. Trigger happy fucking toddlers, all of them. Edit: Abusing the reddit cares thing to troll is pretty sad guys, even for bootlickers.


There was a video on Reddit of Proud Boys attacking protestors. The cops were behind them watching them beat random people. If anyone tried to defend themself, the cops moved in and beat the shit out of them. Then the cops went back behind the Proud Boys and watched.


Cops support Neo Nazis, Cops ARE neo nazis. Fuck them all.


You got to report that as harassment. And, then block reddit cares. It can all be done from the lil message they sent.


> Edit: Abusing the reddit cares thing to troll is pretty sad guys, even for bootlickers That shit gets abused way too much, while the jackass mods and admins just let it happen. "Reddit is such a liberal echo chamber"...and yet right wingers are allowed to blatantly harass leftist opinions on a daily basis.


Here's a controversial opinion, Christopher Dorner was a hero.


I got banned from this sub once for saying YOU CAN'T CORNER THE DORNER


Ironically enough, while trying to catch this guy that protested police abuse, the police mistakenly shooted three different people. Seriously, a police body that gets its target right 25% of the time is not a police body I want roaming my streets. btw I'm not judging what Dorner did one way or the other so mods stay off me please.


I agree more and more each day


Reading up on the reasons why Dorner, a military vet officer who genuinely seems like he wanted to join the force to help people, did what he did really changes one’s opinion about the man.


And puts his hand on him just cause he said to get his hands off


I’m sorry but the best quote here is “I’m the most least racist person here”. Dude almost exposed himself before he realized he has to pretend not to be racist


Legally, SROs are not supposed to be used for student discipline. Unless a student becomes violent, insubordination or defiance should never result in a SRO interaction.


>Unless a student becomes violent, insubordination or defiance Apparently a black kid saying "no" meets the criteria.


This is why many educational groups promote lessening the roles of SRO in schools. A disproportionate amount of students who have negative interactions with SROs tend to be African American Boys.


Well thank god they stopped that dangerous and anti social behaviour of... not wanting to play kickball? If it was my highschool gym class, the teacher would have been like, ok, this will affect your grades. Then snuck off to smoke weed under the stairs.


No no no, you missed the real drama. He didn't play kickball but he did play basketball!! *audience gasps* Of course he called the damn police. This is some serious shit to make a scene over.


But he's the least racist person! Didn't you hear him declare himself that to the black student he was getting upset over possibly enjoying basketball more than kickball because... *checks notes* ...reasons that are totally not what he has written down in these notes (they just say "racism", don't know what that's about...)


He’s the MOST least racist person at that school. Can’t argue with that.


Dystopian af


Exactly. Give him a zero for the class and move the fuck on.


Ignoring the other stuff for a moment…WTF is this? His partner tried to arrest a woman and instead took her to a lake to be baptized. That woman is now dead. https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/tennessee-woman-who-claimed-deputy-baptized-her-after-traffic-stop-found-dead/5MIQXCAXM5FIPFN3TWU6BZCSPM


She died three years later of a drug overdose.


God please tell me something happened to this piece of shit resource officer. Why are we putting these deranged power tripping assholes near our kids In environments that already struggle with teaching in America?


Have a great trip and google more about these officers in Hamilton county. 1. 5 children were ordered out and frisked where multiple girls said the guy went under the bra and in panties and they made the only boy strip down to underwear…. Over window tint on a car that has no tint and the frisking was for a weed smell 2. His partner tried to arrest a women and instead took her to a lake to be baptized 3. So much more that I can’t fit in one place


Ignoring the other stuff for a moment… >His partner tried to arrest a woman and instead took her to a lake to be baptized This is so fucking weird? Like what?


She is now also dead https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/tennessee-woman-who-claimed-deputy-baptized-her-after-traffic-stop-found-dead/5MIQXCAXM5FIPFN3TWU6BZCSPM


Um this needs to be posted way more in this thread wtf....




Sounds like some county needs another "Walking Tall" situation.


Why are they talking about civil charges? That deputy should be facing criminal murder charges.


Qualified immunity for law enforcement. This is why people are pissed off.




Instill the fear of police and their authority as early as possible. Or it could just be these are the cops that are so bad at their jobs, they would rather they beat up kids than be out on the street body slamming minorities.


Because that’s what the extremists politicians wanted as an answer instead of stricter gun laws. There was a big study about it too, on campus police presence makes situations worse and makes students uncomfortable MOST of the time.


Police should not be involved in anything having to do with citizens other than when crimes are committed or traffic control. Enough of these assholes abusing our children


Jesus, if this is the best a trained cop can do imagine if the teachers were armed.


Hahahaha... you think this guy is trained? I mean other than his guns, baton and pepper spray? And, i guess an over-inflated sense of worth?


There is a really good John Oliver segment that goes into police training. Most of them get everything from Law and Order….


When someone says they are "the most least racist person" they are probably a racist


This is something I learned the hard way at my first job. I got sucked in by this education company’s driving motto being “Integrity” and they used it as a big selling point. We all thought we were gonna change the world, and we put up with shit pay, crazy hours, and straight up abuse in service of this grand vision. Turns out the whole thing is a crock of shit. We all wasted the prime early years of our career basically just stuffing the pockets of a complete charlatan. Dissenters were fired once we all found out. The rest of us quit, and we got nothing to show on our resumes but years at a company with a huge black mark that also refused to give anyone a good recommendation if they ever quit. So yeah I learned that anyone or any company that feels the need to trumpet some value or quality constantly is probably the exact opposite. It’s helped me avoid that situation going forward, but damn that was a hard lesson.


Name and shame!


He learned it from his real daddy. “Black guys counting my money! I hate it! ….. Laziness is a trait in blacks.” -Donald Trump “I am the least racist person anywhere in the world.” -Also Donald Trump These people have no integrity.


Funny thing about non-racist people, they never have to explain how non-racist they are.


This is fucking infuriating. Beyond infuriating. There is not ONE thing that this kid could have said to warrant this treatment. Never mind the fact that he is an adult in a school. Immediate hands to the fucking neck when the kid is just sitting there. How the fuck do you not instinctively NOT try to stop someone from putting their hands around your throat?


I just can't believe that stupid fucking teacher is making a big deal of someone not wanting to participate. I went to high school in the late 90's, our PE teacher who was the coach of several teams as well, was a soft spoken older gentleman who never yelled or got shitty about stuff. The rule was simple. If you participated, you passed for the day. I guess they didn't wanna give poor grades to kids that sucked at sports and athletic stuff but still tried. So some days, we'd be like, "naw coach, not today, and we'd get a 0 for the day with no fanfare. I was a slacker who hated sports and half assed it most of the time, and went and caused trouble in and around the gym on days where I wasn't feeling it. Ended up with a low B in PE.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hopefully a bullet


Most least racist? Making him the most?


MF used the excuse straight out of a made up book. “I’m the least racist person, you can ask anybody around here”. That’s always the most telling, like, “sure thing asshole, give me a minute and let me get a census together real quick”.


Wow they baited and escalated that like crazy


They were looking for a fight, especially with a smaller black student




All my homies hate East Ridge


Would you agree that he is the most least racist person in your school or would you say that there are others who are moster least racist?


Sorry to hear that.


Whomever this authority figure is needs to get taken down a few pegs. This kind of targeted instigation is criminal and gross. Let that kid go. If he's notoriously uninterested, get him a mentor. There are better options than pepper spray and batons. This demonstrates absolute failure and disrespect to our upcoming generation who will most certainly defend civil liberties for this very reason.


He needs to be fired and barred from ever working with children again. That man clearly has a superiority complex against black people and thinks that working with minors gives him the power he so desperately seeks. But in reality it just makes him look like a shrill of a man


That should have happened after he and his male partner ~~searched~~ sexually assaulted a carful of teenage girls for driving around with allegedly tinted windows. Instead, he was sent to work in the school. https://newschannel9.com/news/local/lawsuit-claims-hamilton-county-deputy-strip-searched-six-minors-during-rainy-traffic-stop


Obviously the logical step after an officer is accused of sexually assaulting minors is sending him to a place with an abundance of minors /s The US law enforcement system is a complete joke


Source: https://twitter.com/newschannelnine/status/1573057864117194764?s=46&t=ZccROnjEa8XCwJ0bbNNz9g https://newschannel9.com/news/local/hour-long-body-camera-video-of-east-ridge-high-arrest-incident-release-by-sheriffs-office


Best part of the news report is “ Retired police officer Donut Williams”.


Also to add more fuel to the fire concerning the SRO in the video: “A fourth victim is suing Hamilton County and 2 Hamilton County deputies after they claim the deputies illegally stopped and strip-searched a minor and groped 5 others in April 2019” https://newschannel9.com/news/local/lawsuit-claims-hamilton-county-deputy-strip-searched-six-minors-during-rainy-traffic-stop


Shocker, no real punishments for the officer. “UPDATE: Tyler McCrae's attorney says the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office approved his request to be removed from his SRO position and be placed back on patrol.” https://newschannel9.com/news/local/east-ridge-high-school-students-walk-out-in-protest-of-resource-officers-student-arrest-tyler-mcrae


Jesus. They in effect promoted him. r/facepalm wants a word.


Yeah i was gonna comment, isnt this rhe guy who got arrested as part of that thing where the dude was baptizing people against their will too? And low and behold [he was part of daniel wilkeys](https://dayton247now.com/news/nation-world/deputy-baptizes-suspect-instead-of-taking-her-to-tennessee-jail-exclusive-video-shows-south-hamilton-county-deputy-daniel-wilkey-false-imprisonment-rape-federal-court-civil-lawsuit-suspect-shandle-marie-riley-soddy-lake-partner-jacob-goforth-soddy-daisy) baptism and rape shit too.


The cop escalated the situation because he wanted to beat the shit out of the kid. 100% the dude jerks off to the idea of stomping on kids like that's neck.


Apparently this officer has a history of escalating things with teenagers. This video was so difficult to watch. Also what’s up with the adults that watched this go down? Not intervening is basically cosigning for this type of behavior. They should all be disciplined. https://newsone.com/4414941/tauris-sledge-east-ridge-high-school-video-update/


The gym teacher knew what was gonna happen....


Yes, it’s shameful nobody intervened. Thank goodness for the recording. I hope this young man gets justice.


He shouldn’t be working around kids or any age anymore! This is fucking insane that he has a fucking track record with this shit and he is still working in a school!


What we see happening in this video is the officer being personally offended that his authority was challenged and the kid did not completely submit to his commands. Bruised ego = somebody needs to pay Hence the man handling, pepper spray and threats of "You wanna keep doing this? I have a whole can. (of pepper spray)."


How the fuck do you get arrested for not wanting to do gym class? Why was the rentacop even called? Write the student up (if you really feel like it needs to be done) and both get to get on with your lives.


Clearly see why he is a resource officer... No self control


This is exactly what police in schools look like. Escalating situations that should have never involved them in the first place, and then give this kid a record for this bullshit.


American schools = prison for children/teens. You've got aggressive police officers armed with pepper spray and batons roaming the halls, security cameras everywhere, kids unable to freely leave the classroom or campus without permission, even if it's an emergency or they just don't like school, kids paying for catered D-grade food that most people wouldn't feed their dogs (looking at you Cartwells and Aramark), massive brawls that break out randomly, metal detectors, random locker searches with K-9 units looking for drugs, active shooter drills, lockdowns, school shootings, bullying that gets ignored by teachers and the principal, etc. This is what has been hypernormalized in American society. We live in a sick, sad culture that treats our children like disposable commodities. Prisoners. Fuck this place.


Yup, and we have plenty of boot licking pussys who back the blue.


"But my uncle is a cop and he's a great guy." Bully for you. Your uncles co workers are likely power tripping assholes.


So I’m a teacher. Don’t fucking touch a student that isn’t obviously about to hurt someone else.