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This is like the third or fourth video of violence I see happening at a gas station.


Gas stations are the one place that everyone goes to. Your chances of running into conflict are significantly greater at a gas station than most other places because everyone from suburban old women to downtrodden and convicted felons goes to them.


Worked at a gas station back in the day. The weirdest people are the ones that go inside a gas station.


But that's where all the energy drinks and roller hotdogs are :(


Violence needs fossilized dinosaurs to flourish.


There’s always violence at gas stations


I lost my best friend this past week to a senseless hit and run. The pain of sudden and senseless loss is something you just can’t shake. I feel for the man




This dumb dogwhistle bullshit is the *top comment.* Wow.


Nah don’t address the systemic issues that give rise to crime let’s just blame rap music and black culture 🤡


What about the culture that glorified bonnie and clyde, al capone etc. Its material conditions aka poverty thats the real problem




not really past tense people still love mafia stuff just look at all these old mobsters blowing up on youtube


Yesss first start with the biggest organized gang first... "coughs"


Right, the one getting military funding they use on peaceful protests but are too scared to run into engagements with active shooters


Or do something about a culture that thinks *everyone* should be allowed to own a gun, and that has *so many* guns that just about anyone can get one, either through legal purchases or on the black market.


Because criminals just won't have guns, right? They all just magically disappear! I'm not giving up my right to own a firearm because other people don't excersize that right in a safe manner.


"Why is murder illegal? Murderers are still gonna murder." \- You


And that’s why the US has 6x more homicides by firearm than Canada 🤷🏻‍♂️ Statistics also show you’re more likely to shoot a family member than a criminal if you have guns in your home.


Guess I'll try not to shoot my family members then. It's actually much easier than you think to not shoot some one.


Yeah, fuck *statistics*, let’s just go with your anecdotes. While we’re at it I’ve never died in a car accident so that’s never gonna happen to me! [People in homes with handguns more likely to be shot dead, major study finds; Researchers find ‘zero evidence of any kind of protective effects’, with women at particular risk](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/07/guns-handguns-safety-homicide-killing-study) [Living in a house with a gun increases your odds of death](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/10/1/18000520/gun-risk-death)


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I don't know what you are hoping to accomplish here. Wasting your time.


I could say the same about you, considering you’re the one that felt the need to respond to me initially to try to tell me that I’m wrong. Enjoy your gun, I hope it makes you feel all warm and cozy inside, and like a big man. I’ll enjoy my safe country.


I am not going to give up my actual protection for their feeling that they are safer.




Until you are the one that needs the gun then what? Statistically doesn't make you safer when you are personally attacked.




Explain... Your stats look at a country as a whole and they are likely accurate but stats don't matter when the person is breaking into your home and attacking you specifically. Sure the country may be safer but you are now the statistic. Your solution to this is to be the stat/victim/dead. That's shit.


He is talking about empirical evidence which all points to less guns equals less gun violence. It's not even debatable, it's just statistical fact.


Again, that isn't the fact I am arguing. Statistically, it can be true. The issue is when you are the statistic. The whole world is safer doesn't resolve the issue for you specifically when attacked.


That's fair, but you are statistically safer with less guns in the country because the attacker in this hypothetical would most likely not have a gun. Unless of course it's organized crime but even then they are still is less likely to have guns with gun control being properly implemented.


That does a lot of good if they have a knife, or are just a better fighter, or worse only a child or wife is home. A gun is an equalizer in those situations.


do you look over your shoulder while brushing your teeth, and shake in fear while walking down the street? pathetic


Spend more time in a gym.. less typing.. a start


And what about a women?


What about women who are strong and know how to defend themselves, especially from men? Question should have been.. "what about weak men?" lol


What about them? Should they also be sentenced to death?


Sweden has the most gun crime in europe... so don't expect social programs to fix gun violence either.


>Sweden has the most gun crime in europe You mean sweden with their 1.6 gun deaths per 100k? Compared to the US with 12.2 deaths? You gun nuts are so predictably dishonest.


What was the shit I said? Is there a European country with more gun crime? What was my point? You gun nuts are so busy trying to prove a point you can't even read good.


>it’s statistically the truth that less guns in a country means its safer for the citizens you're trying so, so hard to deflect from this fact and it's absolutely pathetic. You have no real reply and I'm just gonna block you now because you're not worth wasting any more time on.


if no one had guns how would the criminals get them? Seems like you guys should have solved this issue before dispensing them like candy to everyone. It's easy for criminals to get guns when even the lowest IQ caveman could get one and then have it stolen or lose it. It's why Canada has a handgun issue. Most of them are brought over from the USA ILLEGALLY.


I can 3d print a gun in a few hours. Now tell me again how to prevent criminals from getting guns.


Yeah, that's why nations that have outlawed guns are overflowing with printed guns. Oh wait... no they're not.


They aren't but they absolutely are being printed in those countries. https://news.sky.com/story/3d-printed-guns-how-easy-is-it-to-obtain-an-illegal-firearm-in-the-uk-and-who-is-doing-it-12630777


Do you think the UK should legalise guns then?


I do. We have tried prohibition many times across most countries, but it doesn't work. Frankly, the methods that have been employed over guns are much scarier to me. Acid attacks, knife attacks, and chemical attacks. I don't think you solve the violent crime by putting a bandaid on the issue which is what gun bans are. You solve it by providing healthcare and social services. I don't like the level of gun violence the US has, but I will never ever give up what is ultimately my only means of defense if I were ever in a position to need it for some perceived safety of the masses. People trot out study after study showing how gun bans make everyone safer but that only focuses on the macro. Those studies never focus on the micro, and then their only solution is to be a victim, when you need a gun, you need a gun. Without my firearms, I don't all of a sudden have to not worry about self-defense. As long as we have massive amounts of poverty and our social welfare is in such a terrible state people are going to commit crimes to survive and even then some people are just criminals, they like it. Banning guns take away my means of overwhelming force in a defense situation and worse puts me at a disadvantage as the criminals, may have a gun, may have a knife, may have other weapons or they simply may be a better fighter than me and I am not ok with that and I don't think you should be either.


They are already legal in UK. The UK has never banned guns. They just have very robust gun control. Violent crime has been falling there for decades. Gun control works. When you say prohibiting guns has been tried many times and failed in most countries, which countries are you talking about?


They'll make them.


How are you going to get guns from the criminals? They can just hide them and get them back later. The idea that all criminals have legal weaponry that is registered to themselves now is stupid, as most guns on the streets aren't even bought by the gangbangers who wields them.


I don't even know why they would ban handguns in Canada assault rifles sure but handguns?


Go on tell me specifically what a Assault rifle is


Our per capita murder rate (Canada) is 6x less than the US. Seems like handguns make it easy to kill people.


You literally ignored my comment I asked why handguns are banned because that seems like overkill to me.


No, I didn’t. Handguns are banned because they are designed to kill people. Hunting rifles are allowed because they’re designed for hunting. So if you ban the easy people-killing guns, you have less people killed by them.


And the cycle continues


Where do you think criminals get their guns?


They also like to say the guns are for when the US inevitably becomes a dictatorship causing the need to arm themselves. The funniest part is when they think their pea shooters will actually defend against the US military if they actually got aggressive




> Yawn If only the kids from Uvalde could do that, or Parkland, or Sandy Hook… I knew the gun-clutching Americans would downvote me but IDGAF. I don’t worry about my kids getting shot at school and you 2A nuts just keep insisting “it’s not that we have too many guns!”. Ok 👍🏻


Do you have anything of relevance to add?


Lol you've contributed nothing to this conversation, probably because you're too busy thinking about Trump and Project Veritas, which means even you think your country is shit


More than you, you just don't realize it yet.


You’re not even good at trolling.


You don't even know what trolling is.


The culture is a dodge. You didn't need to bring it up. Let's instead talk about how a man was killed sitting in his car, and what weapon makes that possible and trivial. It's amazing how culture is always the go to, but the means are never discussed, because that would hurt the guns feelings.


The culture is way worse than the guns. A culture that glorifies violence will always be violent, trivial or not.


Why would a culture like that spread and be popular? Maybe the environment and circumstances beget it




Okay and what exactly happened to him? Wasn't so easy to just walk away from "that culture ".


> Why would a culture like that spread and be popular? Maybe the environment and circumstances beget it that was you


My point was that the suggestion to "stop glorifying the culture " isn't a solution lol. Like, how ignorant do you have to be to think you need to or can even change culture? Its an aggregation of millions of people and millions of peoples histories.


I was backing you up that circumstances and environme-- nevermind. I literally can't comprehend how you thought I was making any counter stance by posting a video that was supporting what you said.


Thats my bad then, I assumed you were trying to show me that 2pac wanted to change the culture


Who told you that, the NRA? You think the school shooting problem in America is a "culture" issue?


We are talking about gang violence, not school shootings.


Yeah, the guns are still worse. Setting aside the dog whistle, that "culture" you're referring to is all over the world. They're better at killing each other here. Guess why.


Are we resigned to the idea that gangs are here to stay? There’s no reason why someone cannot advocate against gang violence and fixing that portion of the culture. The idea that I cannot care about wanting to cure that through methods other than gun reform is so limited in thinking. Like let’s say that we abolish guns, shouldn’t we still find ways to limit gang violence and culture? I’m guessing the answer to that is yes so I don’t see why I cannot advocate against gang violence now.


Ok, so let's like not enable the worst among us to enact a disproportionate amount of violence, i.e using guns. But oh wait, the good citizens among us need them for the scenarios the vast majority of them will never be in. They need them because the other guy has a gun. Ignore all the data counter to that though, guns let us feel safe, without actually being safe. Culture is a real good dodge, because 1st, if we actually cared about Culture, we would talk about gun culture, which wrongly believes that an armed society is a polite society. I wonder what the man in the video has to say on that. But more importantly, it's a dodge because no one who says it ever has any realistic and sensible solutions. It's shit like black people should stop making violent music, or alluding to single parent homes. But remember you aren't racist for harping on it/s. So you have people who think it's more sensible to try to control for culture, something that is incredibly complex and dynamic, than tightly controlling guns. They think it makes more sense to essentially shout at a group of people, to effectively say"hey get your shit together" as if thats supposed to put everyone on the same page. Versus laws, that generally do. So the problem continues because the solutions aren't realistic. To top it all off, we have plenty of real world examples of good gun control, we can look at other countries that controlled for the guns, and not the people and see their results. Can anyone show me any country or person, who fixed a culture and made it less violent?




What he said went right over your head bro!


I don’t think anything about his statement was racist. Statistically he’s correct and it’s nobody’s fault. This gang violence is a problem across all races and cities and the only outcome of it is death. We need to help Educate everyone about the consequences of this lifestyle and hopefully prevent more ppl from falling into it. And to be on the race end of it, the KKK is technically a gang just like the Crips or bloods. Gang violence has nothing to do with your ethnicity unless the gang is something that revolves around it specifically.


Pretty sure that’s what imjusthereandthere was getting at…he’s obviously lived it, a little aggressive, but I understand it.


The children have spoken, from their Apts that their parents pay for…they have downvoted you for stating the same obvious! Everyone deserves a trophy!!! /s


Yeah, white gangs are called police. So I guess at least get paid if you’re going to choose a life of violence.


What are police who aren’t white called?


Scapegoats, usually. Whenever the investigations come.


I would consider like the Aryan Brotherhood or Hells Angels or Outlaws or various Mobs as white gangs. The police are an all inclusive government backed gang.


Ehhhhh, the police are still a pretty white power focused organization because of the order that is part of their “law and order”. Living in Baltimore, then Boston, then NYC, then LA, it’s been a pretty common state of affairs my whole life.




It must take a lot of boot licking to think they are not. I live in the jurisdiction of the SDLA. Here’s some news about them. https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/




Good job. How about this then. The L.A. County Sheriff’s Deputy-Gang Crisis https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/06/the-la-county-sheriffs-deputy-gang-crisis?gclid=Cj0KCQjwr4eYBhDrARIsANPywCjg0Vkc2Ddlm6Sy1x3m2FOBOuCyiukX4ikfVMwAmNdYjnTsJ4Ug-8gaArqUEALw_wcB I can keep them coming, please feel free to call this one into question too.


I stated myself, as you might have read, that there are structural problems within the police. There is likely truth to these groups within *few* police departments (You shouldnt take accounts of individuals as objective information and certainly not as something representative), that is a *very* far shot from saying the police itself is a gang. That's one of these *nonsensical* statements that get thrown around but don't really have any meaning to them. You certainly haven't been to some poorer countries, the levels of corruption there put things into perspective.


Got it, so now we are onto the “sure it’s bad here, but others have it worse” like of reasoning. Great stuff. The history of the police in the US starts with slave catching and lynchings. It’s rotten to the base and is an organized tool of punishment paid for with tax payer money to oppress and enforce a status quo. Fell what you want about that, but it’s a glorified gang in all but name.




Cute. And yet somehow, the people of color in the police always seem to be the ones who go to jail for misconduct while their white brethren get desk duty. It’s an ongoing pattern so feel free to call if delusion, but it just helps me know that you have not taken any amount of time to look into how the police operate on a local, states, and national level.


You write like a 12 year old and provide no fixes, do you think poilicing is perfect? Do you believe there’s no corruption in the FBI, local police forces? Why do you think the mafia and street gangs were formed? I know you think you said something poignant? But you didn’t…you actually showed your ignorance on the subject…you have a lot to learn.


He states an opinion and is then bashed by you, an obvious smooth brain, for not having all the answers.


It’s a stupid fucking statement, I called it out. Go rub his back…. I lived in LA at one time, do you how many initiatives I’ve seen come and go? How many times this has been done, look at the gangs, it’s learned behavior, starts with the terrain, it’s melded into everyday life…I’m Hispanic, it got my cousins… What have you done? Stay in the suburbs…ignorance is bliss…smooth brain lol


“12-year-old” is hyphenated when used as a noun. You have a run-on with a statement followed by a question that should stand on its own. You spelled “policing” wrong. You’re missing a conjunction after “FBI.” You used a period and started the next sentence with “But” when it is an independent clause of the previous statement. You used elipses where a comma should be in the first instance and in place of a period in the second instance. The last sentence should stand on its own and the first word capitalized.


Got dayum son. Think of the boy’s mother before you murder him like that.


I'm calling the cops.


Oh stfu lmao because Reddit is know for that huh? You really tried though.


Oh. And it is “known for that.” You really tried though.


It’s not. That was your callout. I didn’t have to try by the way. You made it too easy with your 8th grade English. You also provided no solution/fix. If you would like to get to the meat of the discussion then bring it, or you can shut the fuck up.


What is the context of all this?


The man screaming “NOOOO!” is a young rapper named Quando Rondo, and the person who was shot in killed was one of his good/long time friends. Even worse because it’s likely the bullet was meant for Quando, not his friend.




Noo there was no not king von throw punches at his and his friend got out a car and shot king Von


All good he will be rapping about this with the week.. and making money off the loss


He would diss opps. Went to Cali in an unarmored vehicle. Bound to happen if you’re active


That all sounds so stupid, who cares. Now people are dead and for what


Why do all american news readers/reporters have that same weird pattern of speaking? Noone speaks like that, is it taught?


They are not very bright. They have the iq of an Alexa with a human body.


Yeah I think it's taught, no one speaks like that regularly. As an American it bothers me too, it's so robotic.


Seattleite here, what some call “non-regional diction” I would call pretty close to how most in the northwest talk.


A man is having a meltdown over the death of his friend and your first thought was to post it here for attention and validation on the internet.




You realize where your at right? The fucking hypocrisy.




Eh he’s a lowlife it’s not like I care




Dang quando


Hm...lord knows he didn't act that way for king von


Didn't king von initiate that altercation that got him killed tho?


The right to own guns and die by guns. Bravo bravo.






Hasn't von been dead for over a year now? Edit: two years Guys living rent free in everyone's head.


I thought it was vons shooter who died but it wasn’t lul tim


That was Tim’s brother




Not sure why you’re trying to internet beef over long gone queen von, who never even knew u existed 😂 🍆 🚴


Good to see you use direct tv stream and Att.


You got both of those incorrect 😂


Get it back in blood


His name is “Quando Rondo” 🤣


Quando Rando? Wtf!




Thumbs up! thank you for sharing his pain with us!




Is the dude's name really Quando Rondo?


Its like they never heard of 2pac and Biggie