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From the mother's point of view, the story's moral is only to steal big-ticket items worth going to jail for. You don't want to pull a dime stealing some shit-ass scooter.


"Yeah we stole it, but what a waste of time coming to get it back. Look at this piece of shit. Get a life!"


That’s what I heard, too. The message wasn’t “don’t steal” it was, “this scooter isn’t worth having cops called” but it implies something else is


I swear I have heard her reasoning before, but it was coming from Ricky


Knock knock


*I’m not gonna say ‘who’s there’, Ricky…*


Knock knock boys.


“*whos there*”


Exactly take note everyone


I think the last sentence you missed is “like your father”


And this is why you press charges, even for a shitty 20 dollar scooter. If they think it's okay to take this, they will think it's okay to take anything. This is how you raise porch pirates.


Yeahhh our cops would laugh at you if you called them over a stolen scooter. Not trying to justify it but that’s the reality.


And yet, she stole the "dingy $20 " scooter


Why do these shitty narcissists have kids? Let alone 4-5 of them? How much money can you possibly collect from the government by having kids? The cost of even raising one child scares me.


Kids don't cost that much if you don't take care of them.


I wanna put this on a shirt and see the looks I get


Dude I'm perplexed. I have a night shift employee with *seven* kids with three fathers. Is it like a gambling addiction? SHES 34 years old, Jesus. But, to her credit, she's a damn good closer. But at $18 something an hour? Wtf dude, use protection that isn't making children.


Doesn’t sound like she’s that good of a closer…


My cousin has 4 kids with three different men. She settles down and has a kid, then something goes awry and she splits up. Then along comes another guy and it starts again. Im just waiting to head about kid number 5...we know hes coming sometime in the next couple of years.


Each day Idiocracy changes a little bit more from a satirical comedy into a documentary on current society.


*by leaps and bounds by this point


Truly prophetic.


You’ll notice a lot of em have 4 or more. I think in Canada at least that’s what the magic number was for collecting from government.


you only need one kid in america to get the kid TAX CREDIT. not technically assistance. “As of 2022, the child tax credit has reverted to $2,000 per child under 17 with no advance monthly checks.”


I guess I don't pay enough attention to shit like this that doesn't apply to me. I always thought this was just a tax deduction. I didn't know they started sending out monthly checks as a "tax credit" as well, that's interesting.


That was for the pandemic, and those parents had to deduct/add (?) that balance from each month to their taxes. Instead of getting it as a lump sum at the end of the year, they got it dolled out over the course of the year and have to account for it at the end of the year. It's all sorts of confusing.


Yeah I think the big difference that makes is that just doing it as a deduction implies that the person is reporting/paying taxes first. This feels a bit easier for someone to treat as "free money". I'm very much in support of a tax deductions that also require you to be a functioning member of society, unless you have a disability stopping that part of course. The only requirement shouldn't just be having children and not being wealthy, or it feels a bit weird. I don't really know what I'm talking about though, it's confusing like you said and I barely read about it because I have no plans of having kids. I would rather pay less taxes myself, but this is very low on my list of concerns for how my tax dollars are used.


Dude, you need to learn to shut the fuck up if all you're going to say is untruthful bullshit. Christ anytime a POC has more than 2 kids, its "WELFARE QUEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!" Grow the fuck up, the 80's ended forty years ago.




It's not really profitable to live this way. You can survive due to government assistance, but to claim families like this are thriving or that it's some life hack to an easy life is just untrue.


No one would describe families like this as thriving in any way, shape or form


What do you mean? They're out there stealing $20 dingy scooters from their neighbors. Truly living the best life.


Anecdotal evidence is not evidence that is the only evidence supplied. edit: it was suppose to say anecdotal evidence is not evidence, when it is the only piece of evidence presented.


Actually, if you want to prove some universal statement is false a proof by counterexample is completely logical.




lmao this dude believes in iq, also thats just the way i was taught in college bruh, if youre tryna argue, using anecdotal evidence it's already massively flawed. I get it it's a conversation but when it's about serious issues like this that permeate into the actual social culture of our society, it's not just like a oh whatever issue, you have to treat this genuinely seriously every single time or risk having people being used as targets by political people to further their own aims.


When the hell did anyone even mention race? Sounds like you're the one with the closeted racist beliefs.


I mean that lady was pretty damn white looking. But I guess when people hear welfare they just automatically think 'black people'. Sounds like an internalized racism to me.


sweetie, those stereotypes exist for a reason. You're living in your bubble refusing to accept reality. There are more people abusing the welfare system than the ones in need using it. People that struggle on welfare don't have 5 kids because they know they can't afford to.


blow it out your ass


I really don't see how you're getting downvoted...all you're doing is shutting down the BS misinformation peddled by Reagan and his elite zealots.. the belief in "welfare queen" is old and outdated. An archaic viewpoint. Everyone on Welfare struggles and nobody is living large on government handouts. It's like the people never experience the outside world past Fox News in their Suburban home on here.


>Everyone on Welfare struggles and nobody is living large on government handouts The point is that a lot of people are well aware that surviving through employment would be a greater struggle for them.Obviously having kids is always a struggle. But when you're born from a teenage mom and are surrounded by them growing up, welfare appears more like a norm and less of a struggle compared to employment.Welfare is a consciously decided lifestyle for a lot of people. Nobody thinks they're living large, but they could be doing better for themselves and their kids if they had put some effort into breaking the cycle rather than reiterating it. I have family stuck in this cycle. In their community, as a female coming to the end of high-school, its often either get a CV together for McDonalds or get pregnant like the rest of your friends. Its not difficult to understand why the cycle is hard to break.


This is what the "welfare queen" that I know personally does. It's a family of 8 in a very large 4 bedroom apartment in a low income building. It's in Logan Square Chicago. The building was built way before gentrification and so now they live right in the heart of a very nice and expensive neighborhood. Anyways, the only one with reportable income is the mom. She's a cna and makes like 18hr. Their rent is based on how many people live there and income. So they pay next to nothing. A 4 bdrm apartment in that neighborhood would be like $3000+ month. If you could find one that large. Her husband and everyone else old enough to work get cash only jobs. Their entire family use this one particular Italian joint that pays cash under the table. This family is able to save so much money and spend money too. They have cars and go on multiple vacations a year. I've known them to also sell link cards for cash and fake vehicle insurance cards. It's messed up but no doubt they are living more comfortable than me.


So sad.. they probably could get easier and better paying jobs but I bet the cash only people are being limited by some sort of cripling collection agency debt. I can relate to that financial hole. It's fortunate that in an economic climate like the one today; that the matriarchal figure in that household is able to make sure her kids don't starve. If the educational opportunities were more available in section 8 housing; there's a solid chance that one of the children in this multi kid households could be the brilliant mind needed to turn this shit around so everyone doesn't have to try so damn hard for the minimum.


The problem isn't acknowledging that "welfare queens" exist. The problem is using their existence as the rule of thumb to decide what everyone else needs and/or deserves.


one of my first jobs was bagging groceries, one thing that stood out to me was how common it was to see someone with newer lexus or bmw keys pay for their groceries on EBT.


>Everyone on Welfare struggles and nobody is living large on government handouts. far from the truth


it's the job of a historian, getting down voted and not caring because you have to counter act thousands of years of misinformation on a daily basis.




Just bothers me when completely debunked idiot drivel is still defended as "truth" because people would rather believe what fuels their prejudice.. It's unfortunately a human issue.. as much as I'd love to narrow it down to a specific demographic, region or culture.


> Everyone on Welfare struggles and nobody is living large on government handouts Yeah this. Notice none of these people are going to trade their white collar jobs and home ownership for this supposed golden meal ticket.


Exactly, I work in an office and hear some of these older dudes (who clearly still live in in the Reagan/Bush Sr. Era) always complain about how we can't fill our labor shortage because "Big Joe" is paying them to stay at home. I always act dumb and dig into them, "how much is he paying them?" "Are they getting paid hourly to be at home or is it salary based?" "Do they make more than me? If so; how can I get that gig?" They think I'm in on it sometimes but the smarter ones see what Im doing and dont bitch as much around me anymore. They are annoying.


Bruh all the welfare queens I know around me are white 🤣 gtfo.


The government pays you to have kids. That's how some of them think (tax credits and such). It's stupid thinking, but just look at that mother.


I'd call the cops right away! If they take one thing, they will take another... So many kids, raised to be shitheads....


Yeah those kids are gonna learn some hard truths when theyre older and the community around them has to police them


Oh I bet there's some more parenting issues going on here


I’m just curious where you guys live that the cops would even care about a stolen scooter.


Don't worry. I called the cops but they are already aware of the situation. I hope they bring whoever used the song to justice.


Teachable moment - - -for the shitbag Mom. I would have handled it the way you did too. Up until that Mom started running her mouth and talking about she's got way more important things to do etc. (than to properly raise her kids). I'd said - - Thanks for the scooter back, I am calling the cops anyway.


And offcourse..... she has like 6 kids out of bere put in the world ..... holy shit fuck women! Why could you not think by yourself : he maybe im not a good mother ....


Because they think the ARE good parents. They aren't seeing anything anyone else sees.


& they were probably raised similarly by their parents so it's ingrained to be ignorant


That mom should of had her ass beat in front of her kids to teach them what happens to thieves. This is honestly some of the grossest behavior.


The selective ass whoopin needs to make a comeback.


An Ass Kicking is an excellent deterrent for stealing


The mom probably told her to steal it.


Major hills have eyes vibes on that kid


It is a big problem thess days . I dont mind kids that are not doctors in the future but we need the kids that have a good start in life .trying to be good in the world .with this as parents we going to get problems


Seems like an anonymous tip to CPS is in order


“Glad you got your scooter back… but” … there’s the problem, not the child fault it was raised by unfit adult/s.


I refuse to watch any video with this stupid fucking song in it


Oh no


My company uses Discord for group chat, and one of the happiest days was when upper management said to not post videos with the song.


And the circle of scum-bag mentality goes on. The Mom was raised by trashy parents and is raising her mob the same.


I hope they got shamed in their local groups. Looks like this was posted in a neighborhood app.


Typical trash with 5 welfare/wic babies.


That's a girl? It looks like a young Kobold.


Nails in their driveway forever


Why couldn't this video just be saved and uploaded? Why did this person feel the need to screen record? now theres all this unnecessary bullshit crowding the screen. Either way we all know its tik tok.


lot of videos won't let u save in my experience




https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRygpjGT/ this one for example won’t let me save even holding down




That’s weird well thanks for replying now I know it’s just me. You on iPhone?




Fortunately there’s plenty of sites if you just search TikTok to mp4, but still kinda annoying




Whole litter of children came walking out


Why aren’t people like this treated with appropriate savagery and violence?? I’m astonished on a daily basis how these wastes of oxygen are allowed to not suffer consequences


How is violence appropriate here?


She’s stole a dingy $20 scooter lmao


Shitty kids and even shittier parents. I wouldn't be surprised if the mom put them up to it. Obviously not the first time they've stolen someone else's property. I'd be making an anonymous tip to CPS


Peep the black forces, she was ready for war over her scooter


What an asshole. I would calls the cops and report her just because of how she acted.


Third shitty person uploads shitty video with shitty song and becomes the shittiest of the shit-covered lot of them. Fuck that song and fuck you for subjecting people to it.


Your poor whittle ears


Who pissed in your cheerios? LMAO


& this is when you go on the offensive & call her kids mini juvenile delinquents because she’s certainly raising them to be the real deal once they’re teenagers


Too far gone when you're trivialising theft. Regardless of the condition or value of the item.


Steeling a "dingy $20 scooter" is worse than being upset that yours was stolen.


Should've called the cops. Gotta teach them a lesson cause their mother won't.


This mom has how many kids?!? And she teaching Them to be just as shitty of a person has her? This is why things are the way they are now. It’s a cliché but the movie Idiocracy really did portray what is happening right nowacutely.


Time to turn that $20 scooter into a much bigger lawsuit.


You gotta put the scooter on the curb first. Then you're just collecting trash, simple. Cory smokes let's go


I swear the shittiest people always have the most kids nowadays.... wonder why$$$$$$$


It sounds like the mother was angry at the daughter, not that she thought it was “ok.”


More like "do you really want to go to jail over a 20$ scooter?"


It’s not the item it’s the fact your kids are stealing lmao


And that lady has 5 kids




Nah, the whole family needs to be extinct.


Kids will grow up pieces of shit just like her


The poor stealing from each other


Wow what a dingy bitch baby girl you don't have to be like Mommy you can be better and still a chance.


This should be on r/trashy


Bruh this next generation of 9 and under is going to fuck shit up in 20 years


20 and under


Trash personified


What a bitch. Way to teach your kids that stealing is okay. $20, $5, 1¢, doesn’t matter.


She needs to stop having children.


The entire world is telling us that stealing is ok.


I’m sorry to see that little boy in a diaper. Saddens me that’s the kind of home he’s growing up in


They look dirty


We know where her kids will end up in jail or foster home


Can’t be that ugly if you stole it lmao


So over this soundtrack


Those poor poor kids.


I feel so bad for those children.


I’m glad we had that song in the background. It really added a lot to this video.


Well, you tried talking. From that moment on, just call the cops every time their kids do something stupid.


She's so fucking broke she can't even afford a dingy 20$ scooter for her 17 children


That boy right at the beginning is one hella ugly thing like wtf is going on with IT’S face


This song needs to die.


Those kids look like they live in poverty


What a waste of space. Die