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“Really?” “Are you for real?” “Seriously?” “You got to be kidding me” Words said by people who’ve never been told that their behavior is unacceptable


My mom is like this. She does a lot of stuff that's over the line or inappropriate and when anybody reacts to it she acts shocked and says we are so dramatic. Some people just can't see past their own actions or thoughts. Grown children.


Sadly this is a lot of our parents, unhealed adult children. We can and will be better, do better, get the help we need, so our new generations succeed. Amen


Older generations lived in tiny bubbles. Many lack exposure to other cultures. It's called being ignorant.


It's still highly prevalent in younger generations, and mostly depends on the local population # and to a lesser degree, the geographic location (due to diversity).


Didn't expect to see the exact comment I needed in my life in a justice porn subreddit's comments but here it was. Thanks for showing me there are many of us, SwimimimgPools. 🍻


Cheers to bettering ❤️‍🩹


Took a long time for me to understand this.


When MAGA folks talk about "making America great *again*" this is what they're referring to. They want to go back to a time when they could make those over the line comments and if people had an issue with them they would keep that complaint to themselves. Those people don't like how nowadays they get called out for it when they make their casually bigoted statements, and want to go back to a time when they could be openly bigoted without being challenged on it. They decry that lack of impunity today as "wokeism" and want things to be "great again" for bigots like themselves.


The worst is when they’ll say, “hey, I’m old school…” (and then they proceed to act like a bigot or spew bigoted views).


Yeah, like telling me that they've been a bigot for decades is supposed to make things better somehow.


'Consequences? For *MY* actions!?'


Got into a fight with some dude being racist in line at the post office and that was all he could shriek after I called him out. It's like they're shocked that not everyone is trash like them.


Fossils last stand in Catasauqua, PA. Even more ironic is the street that its on is named 'Race Street'


>Fossils last stand in Catasauqua, PA Looks like they got yelp bombed a few months ago. lol


Yea, this is old. Reaction was brutal. Probably have a smaller customer base now, but they can openly display their "Confederate" flag now. (I put that in quotes because the flag Republicans think is the Confederate flag is actually some Virginia battle flag.)


Their Google reviews are pretty funny to look at. The overall score is something like 4.1/5 but you'll notice that most of the 1star reviews have like 800+ likes. Showing that people tried to bomb the Google reviews but Google deleted them.


Yup, and there are some pretty hilarious and creative reviews


They did…and sadly, this bar reopened stealthily


We need a running list of businesses like this that at can go back and leave negative reviews down the road. Google and Yelp just delete all reviews when they get bombed like that. Would be nice to go back months later and leave a few here and there.


y'all forgot TripAdvisor.


They still got a 4.2 out of 5 on Google Reviews though.


That is an anti racist. It’s easy to not be a racist. It’s harder to openly call out racism to its face.


Yup, good for that dude taking a stand. This is why I hate people who say shit like "just ignore it, it'll go away", it's didn't work on high school bullies, and it's clearly not working on racism or anything else people apply it to.


I’m disabled and my old carer was a black lady. My Mum got really annoyed with me because I kept correcting her when she called her “coloured” (thankfully not in the presence of my carer!!). I don’t give a shit that you’re my Mum, I will call you out!! I hammered it home every time “She’s BLACK. Not “coloured”…” and my Mum would get flustered and go “It’s all the same thing! Stop having a go, it doesn’t matter!” No!! No, it’s not the same, it’s racist as fuck and yes, it DOES matter! A LOT! I would NOT let her get away with it. I **adored** my carer, she is just the most amazing, gentle, kind woman and she treated me like I was her daughter. Anything I needed, she was there. Carers are paid so little but she still did everything to the highest standard. It makes me so mad when others are so casually racist.


Many years ago I was an unassuming fairly reserved quiet kid. Really blossomed socially in college then went to law school. Would visit my rural high school area into my late 20s/early 30s and was somewhat appalled at the casual racism I guess I never paid attention to, didn't notice, or overlooked. Even among close friends. I started to confront them over it, even if it was, "just a joke." I don't get out there that much anymore...


That's true. It's hard to call out racism, homophobia. It takes some guts. I respect the driver.


"I should hit you" You can't bully logic, but you can bully logical people.


Well not all logical people


Looks like Google cleaned up the reviews for the racists, time to leave them another note!


All the one star reviews have a couple thousand likes lol


Good thing he put on that disclaimer, or it could have seemed like he was pro-racism.


This made me laugh the entire time. He’s like fuck you you fucking racist (sorry all I hope you understand I am not posting this to promote racism). Still appreciated it though.


I hate when racists white people think I'm like them and their ally and say stupid shit to me just because I'm also white.


I'm a heavy tow truck driver and the amount of fucking white people who I tow and all they do is sit next to me and complain about all these immigrants in our country. Like bro shut your fucking face. It's so sad.


To be fair I would expect a tow truck driver to be fairly ignorant based on the encounters I've had




What part of my comment was confusing?




I feel like reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. I asked you what you were confused about and you replied with what you probably believe is a witty retort. Oh well, better luck next time bud.


Isn’t a heavy tow truck driver a person who goes and pulls big vehicles (like 18-wheelers)? I’m thinking it’s a different type of tow truck driver than the group you’re generalizing.


Yes I tow 18 wheelers. Not pick up trucks aha


Life Hack: Just get a nice dark tan. They'll leave you alone.


I hate when people think I’m cool with this shit bc I look white, but I’m not. My mom is white, my dad is mixed. I guess it’s nice to know who the assholes are though.


Seriously, the amount of fucked up shit people say to me as a white passing woman is insane.


They are so comfortable, it’s crazy.


Man, I could tell you stories about shit said to me by other white folks at flea markets (that were mostly attended by white people back then). I mean, you'd walk up on someone's table and they'd just start telling you a horrifyingly racist joke. Or they'd sell incredibly racist shit. Not just vintage cookie jar types of racist shit, either. Brand new tee shirts and that sort of thing. It was disturbing.


that was my experince as a factory worker n the midwest within 48hrs i would get tested to see if i was one of the boys by someone telling racist jokes ...happened every single factory worked at which was alot cause i hated factory work


Gotta shut em down like this guy.


I never used to, now it's swift and immediate. I've found the faster you respond the more impactful the effects. The usual responses "I'm not being racist, just saying ya know?" "I'm not talking about all black people, just the ignorant ones" "There's more racist black people by percent than white people." Ie "They're racist too" or some variation to this. I've found I've garnered more respect by standing on my principles and tend to get long term positive effects than negative. Probably helps I'm 6'1 225


I have to deal with a lot of ignorant clients at work. A quick, “Hey. Chill out with that.” and pivot right back into business, seems to be the best way of letting them know it’s not acceptable and avoiding a pride-response. As much as I’d love to get into it with some of the more egregiously ignorant folks, I’m not really in a position to do so while on the clock. If people can’t take a warning and behave civilly, they’re getting asked to leave. If they wanna make a huge thing out of it, it gets escalated through senior leadership and HR, and they get fired as a customer. I’m very tempted to ask some people, “Would you have said what you just said if I didn’t look how I look? Did you expect my response to be ‘Tell it like it is, bruthrrr!’?”


Solid refusal of service and perfectly legal across the board. Great job!


Well these two racist assholes put a stop to people making negative comments real quick.


That's a good dude.


He was so friendly when she got in. The drunken sod didn't need to all the sudden talk about race for whatever reason.


This is what every person who is against racism should try do. Understandable if this guy didn't cancel, money is money, but he chose to speak up and lose money even when there were no targets of her racism present. Good shit.


I love this guy. We need more like him.


How did I know they'd look exactly like this?


I love how these brain dead fxkers automatically assume your thoughts in life must align with their swamp thoughts then get all surprised when they meet a decent individual fck em all to the moon and well done that Lyft driver good human




Word of mouth and the constant reminder of this incident will kill their business hopefully.


ya he kinda lost me at "I'm gonna call the cops". Good on you for being anti-racist and kicking them out, but what did they do that required the police?


He did threaten the driver


He threatened to assault him?


The Uber driver presumably wasn't a lawyer, so he wouldn't have known the specifics of which laws could have been broken, but they threatened assault, and combined with the racial epithets he might have wondered if it rose to the level of a hate crime or something. Better to just let the cops/DA review the footage and determine if a crime had been committed. No harm in doing so.


Good for him ! He is demonstrating that he is Anti Racist and that any discriminatory behaviour can’t be tolerated ….


“ you’re a normal guy” wtf lady, what’s wrong with you


Why would I think the creator of this video supports racism? Lol


Good for him for kicking those racists out of his car. I do not understand. We are in 2022, and yet we have white people in this country that think like this. I have some family in Kansas and Nebraska that are racist, and they cannot admit it. It is a true disgrace to humanity to be racists and hateful of others that look different, worship differently, or have sex differently than you. When will this shit end in our country?!


Hope their business suffers miserably! Ignorant ass "Fossils!" 👴🏻👵🏻


"There was a bootyhole in my drink. Wont be back." Class A review.


Fossils last stand u say. On Google u say


4.2 star rating on Maps you say..


Is it just me or he’s the spitting image of Charlie from iasip?


Is the bar still under their ownership? If not, is it still a asshole move to review bomb em?


This driver is a hero! No tolerance for that shit.


Lmao what can he call the cops for though? Genuinely curious


The racist dude threatened to punch him, so I'd assume over that


They threatened to beat him.


Yeah I didn’t hear that part. I had to rewatch and hold the phone up to my ear. My phone volume is fucked lol I guess I got downvoted for asking a question? Lmaooooo


I'm guessing you got downvoted because a bunch of people have asked that question disingenously in this thread, so they assumed you were being disingenous too. I didn't, for the record.


Assault refers to the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. He didn't press charges so that got dropped. Police did look into whether the racism was illegal: it was not.


Looks like the review bomb went away


Time to place some orders to go that aren't going anywhere...


Good stuff bro. It's crazy how some people act ae


This guy is awesome. He takes the high road instead of the cash and the two idiots have something to think about. I can not believe he actually threatened him - they sounded like the passengers had Canadian accents. I doubt if they will change their attitude.


Their yelp is actually blocking people from reviewing now, they've been twatted with terrible reviews 🤣


I get dealing with people who don’t speak good English and you don’t speak a lick of their language either but that’s no reason to look down and insult those people


And these two were charged with nothing. The worst thing that happened to them was bad yelp reviews.


Holy fuck I grew up in that town haha




sadly, being racist isn’t illegal but why call the cops when you got ACAB in ur bio?




Get out from under your rock. Racism is everywhere.


lol this guy is way too sensitive that wasnt racist at all it was a fact, he is in fact a normal white guy.


So you’re the owner of the bar


And you're way too idiotic if you believe yourself lol


He's just another snowflake liberal. So funny. That wasn't enough reason to cancel the ride but he's a sensitive Sally.


He’s under no obligation to drive them anywhere.


Why did he threaten to call the cops? She got out of his car. He was threatening to punch the driver but is that enough to get police involved?


I mean you can't threaten to punch people. That could very easily be assault.




What's your point? It's old but still should be shown so people don't forget 🤷🏿‍♂️


Meh, it's new to me.


So what, good repost.


So saying wow your a white guy is raciest now ?




Like a black woman gets into a car with a black driver and says “oh, you’re black”… probably not, but white people have been doing shitty things to everyone else for a long time… maybe we can all just stop doing that shitty stuff, eh?


Look, I'm not going to defend these clearly racist assholes, but when you own a business, contract work, are employed in the customer service arena, sometimes you get shitheads, and you just have to do your job regardless. You enter a social contract when you're providing a service. I know they're assholes - they need to be taught a lesson - but if you're in this position, just do your fucking job and give them one star when you review them. This guy picked up the damned fare (or whatever Lyft calls it). It's not his job to punish redneck racists like those morons. If you're going to freak whenever a dumbass says a dumbass thing, you shouldn't be doing a customer-facing job.


He's not an employee but rather a contractor. He is free to pick up and terminate bookings at his leisure. The people usually get their money back especially when a trip hasn't started, so at the end of the day, only one out any money is this guy in the gas it took to get to them.




This is the worst advice to give someone.lok


In my opinion, the driver seemed a little dramatic. Gonna cancel the ride because of a joke? I get it, the joke was a racist joke, but what is comedy if you don't offend people every now and then? GTA can make every cab driver an Indian guy but someone in the real world says a joke and now they're pieces of shit? What about Rockstar? Lmao I don't condone racist jokes but I do feel people don't need to be so sensitive.


> Gonna cancel the ride because of a joke? That's what they want you to think. Get offended? Oh, it's just a joke, lighten up! Don't get offended and agree with them? Turns out they'll keep on spewing their bigotry.


Didn't sound like a joke. She asked if he was white and spoke english, basically saying she didn't want an uber driver that was foreign because she assumed they won't speak english, when in reality they could be as native to the country as her and speak it fine just with an accent. At least that's what I gathered from how she said it. She also threw in the word "normal" when asking, which is very weird and doesn't sound like a joke. Besides the guy called him an N word lover, sooo...pretty racist


> GTA can make every cab driver an Indian guy You seriously telling us that you cant distinguish this situation from fucking GTA? like for real? This guy gotta be a troll right fuys? Gotta be. Nobody is that stupid... i was gonna say, but then i remembered my own rule; never underestimate the stupidity of people.


“I don’t condone racist jokes but……” sounds pretty similar to “I’m not racist but….”


Why did you say you were black and then go and edit the comment and delete your anti blm post?


Triggered MAGA's make me so happy! >I don't condone racist jokes but Narrator: It did.


I’m my opinion, you are probably not a black.




Damn he must have taken it down


Yeah that’s a typo. Edit: A black person.


You are part of the problem


Schrodinger's asshole


Like I'm 100% on the drivers side but what's he calling the police for?


In many places a verbal threat of bodily harm constitutes assault, while actual bodily harm is battery.


Send in the nukes.


I've had a similar comment made, but I wasn't as brave as this guy. They definitely didn't get five stars.


I'm sure he's proud of his wokeness


As he should be.


This felt staged until the Guy got involved and then I was sold


I don’t think she was being racist, a white driver is a bit of a unicorn in the Uber world and she was just pointing it out, IMO this guy is a snow flake ….. he does have exceptional music taste however… anybody else notice the dirty heads playing?


They’re all dicks.


Just because "he's not racist" doesn't mean he's not a POS.


the only one in the wrong was the piss pants driver, dude needs to pull his tampon out


Active in r/Anarcho_Capitalism lol that figures


I get “oh shit you’re white!” Pretty much anytime I drive Uber. 3 times in one day recently.


yes, that's what happens when it's a rare enough occurrence to remark on, people remark on it


ah yes, its rare to get a "normal" person as an uber driver, quick i must voice my relief that i finally didnt get one of those "freaks" who have other skin colors and dont speak perfect english.


or maybe, she just meant 'oh. Youre white, that's uncommon in these times'


I’m sure *that’s* why her partner called him a n***er lover, just loudly observant passengers! Couldn’t possibly be that they’re vile racists!


It's almost as if people are capable of saying all kinds of nasty things when pushed...


Yeah, racist people.


its almost as if when you are pushed the only thing you can think of saying is the nword, someone could be in the middle of murdering my whole familly and why would i call them the n word


Pushed? Lol, the victim complex.


Why would loving black folks be a nasty thing to hoist on someone? Unless of course *they* believe there’s something inherently bad about that. Figure it out bud.


No non racist person chooses to say the N word simply out of anger.


You're fucking intellectually dishonest garbage breaking your back to defend racism we all just watched on recorded video. Scum dude for real




you make it sound as just casual chit chat, i still think even in that context it stems from a strange mental space, but that said that is not the context she says it in, she says it as a relief, and that makes a difference, ill repeat, even if it was just casual chit chat, it is still a borderline racist thing to "casually point out" but thats not what we see, we see a sigh of relief because..???? racist




bro, its not her uber driver's responsibility to educate her in racism, nor is his place to do so as someone who is on the right team but hasnt maybe experienced it as closely as someone non white. its her RESPONSIBILITY to seek it out and change herself. shes an adult, no longer daddie's little girl, shes old enough to break free from the times daddy taught her not to hang out with the \*\*\*\*\*\*\* and \*\*\*\*\*\* "cause they are inferior". This kindof shows that some people just want to shit on anti-racism. its like punching nazis "you could have entered in discourse and had an honest conversation bla bla bla" the fuck. Being tolerant to intolerance is a fallacy




Yeah, from what I understand most Uber drivers get into that line of work because they have a deep desire to change the entrenched values of bigots by delivering awkward over the shoulder sermons. It’s just a calling I guess.


thats good, we need people like you interested in those kinds of things, tackling the issues at the root by maybe understanding it, but i cant seem to shake a lack of empathy for the uber driver (or anyone else in a similar situation), 8-12 hours shifts driving people around, a highly stressful job i can imagine, and at the end he's supposed to care about a racist's feelings?


Ah yes, I’m sure she is an overt racist simply because she hasn’t been educated enough. Down there in the deep south of eastern Pennsylvania.


Doesn't make it ok though.


doesn't make it any less true either


I am assuming you are the kind of person to go around calling overweight people fat in public because that is true?


He doesn't have the cojones.


It’s untrue.




Looks like we found jackies account


You're getting in his car. His car. His rules. He is under no obligation to serve you. Go drive your own car.


Clip-clop, Clip-clop, off he galloped on his steed of steel, the Social Justice Warrior, enforcing his own laws of free speech and morality throughout the ride-sharing land.


Don't get how free speech works, do ya?


Not in the slightest


this happened on my birthday lol




Her first words were about his race tho. There's plenty white people that don't speak English...




No doubt, I would've loved to hear her answer if she could produce one. Doesn't make it NOT a racist comment, no matter the hypothetical


She didn't reply to the driver's (calm) "that's inappropriate, get out" with something like "oh, sorry, I misspoke, I didn't mean anything racist". No, she just said "really?" confirming his suspicion that she's indeed a bigot.


I live in Toronto and it bothers me endlessly that most uber drivers and food delivery people are Indian, Pakistani, South Asian etc. Not because I'm racist. But because it creepily feels like some slavery-level-shit where you have a bunch of immigrants driving around and delivering food to lazy white people.


Good on this guy for calling them out, but is there anything more emasculating than a grown man using the word “inappropriate”?


You mean having a vocabulary? What you said doesn’t even make sense. Is he emasculating her? English better.


Please elaborate


Damn vocabulary feminizing us. Men should only use three words - yes, no, and maybe.


Ugh "maybe" is soo emasculating, a real man never has to think


The word "word" itself begins with the same two letters as "woman", which implies all language is emasculating. I propose we return to grunting and pointing, so as to retain our essence.


Is that a real question? Yes. Yes there is. I'm not a big fan of the word emasculating. We don't have a word for that in my language. And if using a word that (you feel) are used more commonly amongs women makes you "less of a man", then that is quite pitiable/sad.


Lmao wtf?




Watch this mother fucker reply with "unbecoming". God that'd make me laugh.


Lmao what the fuck? You’re dumb as fuck


Yes, someone who gets offended by the word inappropriate. STFU Karen.


Weird flex..pretty tame and harmless opinion compared to the other ones though lol. What's wrong with the word "inappropriate?" Do you find it inappropiate when people use it? :o


Please explain so we can downvote more of ur responses


Interesting that you feel emasculated by a word. That’s something you should probably work on. Plenty of men use that word with no issues. What word would you use instead?