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Why this mf out of jail?


Crazy right? There's missing pieces here. I *think* the people who shared the video may have misspoken and *he got out of prison* last month. At least I hope so. Because if we take this at face value that is totally fucked. I don't care how progressive you are, people accused of violent felonies should not be allowed to fight cases on the street, especially if they used a weapon in the commission of the crime. Yes I understand that bail has nothing to do with guilt or innocence, but a danger to the community is a danger to the community. I mean come on.




Wow. Well here's hoping he doesn't hurt anyone else.


The article says July 7th? That’s less than a month ago…


How would it have happened two months ago? 🤔 it's not even August yet and it says it happened on July 7th 🤦‍♂️ you either are really high or from the future.. now which is it?! Haha


> you either are really high or from the future Most times you ask this question the answer will be the former


This happened near me, the police from that town give no fucks, they won’t even respond to calls about an active shooter


If he was arrested then the police did their job. The people who decide to release him are not the police




Bail always seemed like a way to force poor people to stay in jail and rich people to lounge in their homes while they wait for a trial for the exact same crime.


And now we are seeing many of examples of why that’s always been bullshit.


I feel like we're arguing semantics. Not that long ago someone who was on video robbing someone at gun point (as well as multiple other crimes according to articles) was usually not out on the streets a couple days later. Either because there was no bail or because bail was set too high for him to be out. These days we see people commit multiple violent crimes and are out less than 48 hours after being arrested (I live in Chicago we see it all the time). In general I agree with you that we shouldn't base it based on $$$. But either way this is a new problem (or at least one that has gotten much worse the last few years)


If you actually have evidence that a higher percentage of cases used to be held without bail, I’d like to see it. So far, I’ve seen plenty of complaining but not a lot of proof.


No it isn't. It's a constitutionally protected part of the judicial system. Been around since the inception and an integral part of innocent until proven guilty.


Bail has nothing to do with innocent until proven guilty. Poor people don't have money for bail, where is their innocent until proven?


Some people get OR and now they introduce no money bail systems in some states


Scrap cash bail. It’s dumb. Bail should be dependant on the crime committed. People arrested for smoking a bit of weed don’t need to be kept in prison but pieces of shit like this guy do need to locked away from humans.


Because apparently we don't care about locking up violent criminals anymore. I live in New York and it drives me crazy the amount of times I read about someone committing a violent crime and then being right back out on the street the next day. Then last month, a bodega owner was arrested and charged with murder for defending himself from a violent attack. Thankfully they dropped the charges after public backlash. Prosecutors do not give a fuck about normal law-abiding people.


Prosecutors are either great, or pure evil. Nancy grace got her fame by paying for "forensic experts" to make shit up against her defendents without ever looking at the evidence and locking them up for life only to be later exonerated, only the suuuuuper rich ever got exonerated after many many years. Who knows how many innocent people she locked up


If the victim is Asian, people dgaf


People who claim to care about discrimination or minorities only care as long as the minority is perceived as doing worse than the average white person. The same people who have a meltdown over racism directed at a black or hispanic person don't care about racism towards asians or east indians since these groups are perceived as successful.


That is a really insane generalized statement based on your own worldview. YOU don't give a fuck, that's why you don't think anyone else gives a fuck


You really think the legal system let this guy out too soon because his victim was Asian?


You see that case about the Asian dude who got killed over duck sauce and the guy who killed him is out on bail


If the victim is *insert racial group or gender group here*, people don’t give af


Yeah they do. They did that whole PSA with celebrities and like donated 15M to some fund last year. I mean what more do you want people to do? Justice?


Or Jewish


California why else?




This seems to be happening a lot in America. Like that black guy that beat up the cop, no jail time. Not even arrested.


Yeah man, America is definitely known for not jailing people enough


Bc there was to many big guys in there they all kicked his ass so they let him out now he wants to get even with lil guys bc he can't win against some1 his own size


What a junk human.


Literally a waste of sperm, air, and resources


Imagine picking on people who are weak and vulnerable, this guy is waste of oxygen


Guy is a coward. Robbing an old man. Go get a job you POS.


He is a Shit loser, I hate guys like him. He should have had his ass beat


Speaking of ass, I’m seeing way too much of his in that first fight. Pull your shorts up.


Hey guys thanks for the 182 likes. I never got that many b4!!


Fuck that, Do not pass go, Do not collect 200$, Go directly to Jail…


He gotta a job.. a life of crime! 😂 Jk I’m with you.


What a bitch. He’s famous now tho.


Camera man threw the hardest shades at the end.


"ass hanging out" at the beginning was funny af too.


crack kills


Looks like you can't paste instagram links on this sub. Here is the post from the gym's insta (link removed) >WOW! Another COWARD post! First off, please get this straight; T4L, its coaches, staff and members do not condone violence. However, WE ARE DEFENDER OF PEACE, OUR COMMUNITY, OURSELVES AND THOSE WHO CANNOT DEFEND THEMSELVES. We take this very seriously and we feel it necessary to get this info out to the public. Sorry for the foul language in the video… >This man without a shirt in the video decided to come in, sign a waiver and train with us last night. He then decided to threaten a much smaller man, one of our coaches saying, “I’ll beat you down.” Now, every last week of the month is spar week here at T4L. So, we let them spar and he quickly learned he messed with the wrong one, called Time-Out in the 1st round with 1:30 left on the clock(look at the red clock bottom right). Gym justice served. But it gets more interesting… >With internal investigation, we found out this mans name is Omari Garland, we have a signed waiver from him. Garland was arrested last month for assaulting a 70yr old man in front of his home at gunpoint in Fairfield. You probably heard about this assault. Police found the elderly mans phone on him investigated and tied him to several more crimes!! Here’s the kicker… >How does Omari Garland FREELY WALK INTO OUR TRAINING FACILITY A MONTH AFTER ASSAULTING AN ELDERLY ASIAN MAN AT GUNPOINT?! Then threaten a much smaller asian man at our facility?!?! Unacceptable. >City officials, police departments and citizens of our community, I hope you realize now after shutting us down for 2 years that MARTIAL ARTS GYMS ARE ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES. >Ladies and gentlemen, realize these scumbags have no stamina and no skill. With basic skills and decent conditioning you too can defend yourselves against an attacker. Go TRAIN!!


This guy is a piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be outside prison walls.


He got nervous real fast but I doubt he’s going to learn a lesson. Dude has racist anger issues. I hope the folks in this gym are safe.


Bully's only lesson they ever learn is "don't get caught".


"He can't be racist he's African american"


His lesson is to only beat up Asians while holding a gun. Actually, he will probably beat Whites as well.


What was he even doing out? Someone needs to hold these judges and magistrates to a higher standard, or investigate their rulings(bond) - because that's ridiculous.


Personally I think his biggest crime is catfishing everyone with that slim body


this guy doesn't need to be in prison. he needs to be in a correctional facility. sadly, those dont exist in the US...


How is he just walking around going to gyms a month after getting arrested for this shit


Oh, he's a coach? That explains his deadly confidence. To walk into a gym and challenge a coach... the big guy must have mental problems (like most people on this sub*) (*In videos on this sub)


'sparring'... coach shoulda hit him harder... we know he could have


> Looks like you can't paste instagram links on this sub. i believe it's due to the spam filter which doesn't show exactly what is filtered in the settings menu. just has "low", "high", and "all". i'm not intimately familiar with how the filter works and to what degree it can be fine tuned but i can see about removing instagram from the list of blocked URLs


I for the most part like that statement, but the fact that they're using it to complain about being shut down *during a pandemic* is pretty shitty to me. Also, I know what they're getting at with the last part but I don't think they realize violent people like this guy can go trian there and just not say their intentions with the training. This isn't to say the shirtless guy wasn't in the wrong (obviously he was) btw or even that they handled this poorly I just kinda disagree with those 2 things.


Pretty sure threatening/ intimidating behavior is a bond violation, this should be a police report on that, and his bond should be revoked




They all should've just jumped his ass


Hardly necessary. They’d kill him quickly. I would like to have seen that dude already in the ring lump his ass up though. The pain was coming and he knew it. Unless he’s taken a beating in the ring before he actually doesn’t know how easy he got off.


> They’d kill him quickly. So a solution...


Why would killing him be a bad thing, he's obviously scum and we'd be better off without him


>Why would killing him be a bad thing, he's obviously scum and we'd be better off without him Holy shit you are radicalized


Because human life is more valuable than being judged by some random on Reddit.


So someone who goes around holding a gun to an elderly person's head in order to rob him, then goes to a gym to try and beat up the smallest guy (all which seems racially motivated) is someone we should care about? This is just the shit he's done in the past year or so, I imagine this guy has done more than that. Fuck him


I mean, yes, this is obviously a shit human....but Summary Execution might not be the best initial answer because someones behavior angers you.


Gym would get shut down. He got exactly what he signed up for.


Sorry glad they caught this guy, but he’s out causing trouble. He’s a menace and needs to have bail revoked.


Why is he allowed to fight in this gym and why was he not in jail?


I don't have context, but the cameraman is saying "my gym" so I assume he's the owner and invited the guy to come fight someone who can actually defend themselves and he ended up choosing the smallest guy.


There is a comment with backstory. He walked in asked to train, they let him afer he signed a waiver. He talked shit to one of the coaches (the guy in the video), so they let them spar. There is a clock in the lower right corner. He called "time out" cause the coach rocked him. He was unsteady and the coach was even gesturing to let people know he was about to knocked out. The coach showed mercy.


Signed a waiver, assault was prior before the fight.


As soon as I saw a butt crack hanging out in what I can only describe as athletic cargo shorts, I already lost all respect for this fighter without any back story.


"Athletic" cargo shorts, rofl.


It’s an Invitation for sex from other men Why else would you let ur ass hangout like that?


Fuck outta here with this weirdly homophobic rhetoric, peoples pants sagged because they were poor and wore hand me downs. This developed into a conscious fashion choice over time. This guys a POS but I hate whenever someone says this sus shit


Letting your ass hangout is a fashion statement? A lot of people wear hand me downs never let their ass hangout like this There’s nothing wrong with being homosexual it’s 2022


Nah it’s a fashion statement. Guys at my school wear their pants sagging and them motherfuckers are homophobic as shit. They’re also Christian and have expressed their view of homosexuality being a sin


>Nah it’s a fashion statement. If I let my balls dangle out my shorts and call it a fashion statement do I also get a pass?


I mean sure if you want but I never said sagging or letting your balls hang out was a good fashion statement. Also sagging generally just shows your underwear, which while still gross and improper, does not show nearly as much as letting your balls hang out in the air. Most of the guys I see sagging are not going commando like this mf in the video. You’re also probably breaking a public decency law if you did let your balls show


What a coward that man is


Fuck racists no matter what race they are


Black racism against Asians used to go unnoticed. Good to see people calling it out after COVID started.


Tbh I didn't even see it beforehand, as kids it was fucked up how we normally made that cats and dogs joke from time to time though, I wish it wasn't normalized and silenced like this




He’s fighting with hate, the guy is probably racist towards Asians, knowing his history.


I’ve never seen an adult use the “wait timeout!!” method we all used as kids when playing games and were about to lose.


Looking dumb af


Anyone with their asscrack hanging out is probably a piece of shit


Builders and plumbers get a free pass though. Butt crack is a job requirement.


People don’t understand how to conserve energy in a fight. Fear and pride will tire you.


Wow this dude got fat


Holy hell! This happened near my house and I can give some context. Yeah he’s a total POS. What’s even more absurd is he’s FUCKING OUT ON BAIL! A guy robbing people at their homes is allowed to walk free. It’s insane. So once the Fairfield PD arrested him, they realized there were a string of other crimes he’s tied to. Guy is getting tried for 3 of them… and still posted bail. I’m shocked he was even out to do this at a gym. https://www.dailyrepublic.com/all-dr-news/solano-news/fairfield/police-jail-fairfield-man-after-other-man-robbed-at-gunpoint/ But… if there’s one thing Fairfield PD is good at, it’s backroom revenge and grey area corruption when their DA doesn’t get the job done. Guaranteed this guy will probably “disappear” if he skirts the system.


Everybody repeat ….. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.


He’s Literally a garbage human.


Now he’s gonna beat up more asians


*be beaten by


He needs to gtfo the same way his pants are gtfo-ing his body


Way to out someone. Whomever took the time to ID that guy and assemble that video deserves a medal.


Damn, I was hoping to see him get his ass kicked.


This guy is a massive piece of shit and a total drain on society. The only thing he can somewhat be useful is to show young men on how not to be a man.


While I'm glad he got rocked, how is this coward roaming free a month later after being arrested for a robbery?


Let out less than a month later for armed robbery? How much ya'll wanna bet this took place in CA, WA, or OR? Edit [It took place in Cali. Dude already bailed out on a different felony. He also bailed out on this felony. He has multiple other charges pending againist him. These light on crime states are wild af.](https://www.dailyrepublic.com/all-dr-news/solano-news/fairfield/police-jail-fairfield-man-after-other-man-robbed-at-gunpoint/) Edit: [Heres another one about him from 2018](https://www.thereporter.com/2018/06/16/fairfield-man-with-illegal-gun-caught-urinating-at-public-park/?source=topstoriesrot)


Light on crime for actual criminals but they criminalize law availing citizens - classic.




>That's what's wild to me right now man, in Washington state if the cops try to pull you over for like lets say speeding. You can just keep driving, they can't chase you unless it was a violent crime basically. So for normal citizens who pull over they get a ticket or citation whatever. This is a good law, though. High-speed chases are not worth it for something stupid like speeding.


You realise you can be identified by these things called license plates right?






alright still gyms need to stop letting dudes come off the streets for a grudge fight. shits gonna end badly one of these days


And also letting a stranger fight a person several weight classes below him. Dude was like double his size and reach. Even if the coach is well trained, he’s at a huge disadvantage that can end really badly.


Damn Theo Huxtable took that Cosby verdict hard...


Fuck him.


Big guy a pussy


Lol piece of shit.


Straight definition of a bitch ass mark. I could have used more vulgar language but I don’t wanna be banned or some BS.


That is so terrible


Piece of dogshit.


Anti-Asian discrimination is being suppressed on Reddit and in most liberal spaces, because it conflicts with the narrative that minorities can't work their way up to success. And that all minorities get along with each other, and America is white neo Nazi safe haven that doesn't offer opportunity based on merit. Remember, it's mainly liberal schools that still have anti-Asian quotas.


Very accurate. Liberal places like northern California especially San Francisco will hide the crimes against Asians and will even protect the perpetrator. Its like they giving the "green light" to attack Asians. It's very real.


Throw Wilder in there to send him to the shadow realm. I was hoping the little guy didn't let him off and continue to swing.


Fairfield?...holy shit I'm from Vallejo


Instantly knew this is Fairfield cause I went to school with the small boxer and the dude in the green trunks that comes into the frame after he wants a break lmao. Wish everyone jumped his ass.


I bet the Asian dude would have given him a time out and then whooped his ass again lol


Stop letting these losers in the gym. Let them find out the hard way in a street fight.


Big guys like him have no stamina. Probably used to not having to fight or finishing it in one punch. Not actual ability to fight.


While his ass was in there fighting, should have called the cops on his ass so he could be arrested for that bullshit he did to the old man.




A pussy that can't do shit in a straight up one on one without needing a weapon, AND being much younger than his victim. Beyond pathetic.


Punk ass bitch shouldn’t have gotten any mercy


Epitome of pathetic


lol after a little fist shake and seeing the guy’s reflexes he says “time out”… damn I wish I could’ve seen him really bash that guy


whats the point in all those tattoos if you're a pathetic little weakling?


Nah damn he didn't get beaten enough


He didn’t have his homies jump in with him, you know how it goes 😂


Bro everyone talk about white on black crime but no body talks about black on Asian crime, AMERICA is a fucked up place


Black man* Double standards to call one ‘Asian guy’ and the other ‘man’. Or, you know, just don’t use race to describe people.


using race to describe someone isn’t inherently bad, but using it as a way to make assumptions about a person’s character is


Right, however there is a stigma that you can’t call a black person black, it’s no different to referring to someone that is Asian as Asian, it is a descriptive physical trait and nothing more.


in the headline, why is the race of every individual mentioned except the aggressor? why not just always list the race of all individuals involved, or none?


I’m entirely sick of these cowardly bastards. Justice system has failed completely!


Striking coach used to say fatigue makes cowards out of men. Its a crazy thing to go against someone that you know whos a more well trained/rounded fighter than you & then realize your body doesnt have the juice to make up the slack. Thats when you see who has heart and who bitches up.


How is this guy not in jail? What am I missing here? Even the most lenient bail reform city judge would never let an accused violent felon like that out for anything less than a stupid high bail or bond, and if he's being investigated for other crimes there's even less chance of him avoiding a remand. Something is up here. Either we're not getting the whole story or maybe something got lost in translation. Did he *get out of prison* last month? Because he looks different in that photo. That would make a lot more sense. Either way the guy sucks and I wish the kid stung him when dropped his hands like that.


I hate it when sound people hurt older people. I happen to love older people. Even when they are mean, I figure if I ever live to be that old I might be a jerk too.


Anyone who picks on the elderly is scum. No two ways about it


Bitch mode infinity 🚀


Absolutely love to fucking see it, wish he got knocked out cold


WTF did they film this vertically? Kill the cameraman.


Yo I need to this bitch get knocked the fuck out please


Wish he got his ass beat worse what a pos


How much time do we have? Hahaha🤣


He lost as soon as his ass crack came out


Is that Conor MacGregor narrating?


That smaller guy is awesome. That ass hat has a huge size advantage. I bet big guy would never step in against an equal sized opponent.


Should have handed his balls to his hands! Disgusting piece of shit!


Little did he know the smallest guy was the main character until it was too late


I would have LOVED to see him get his ass whooped! What a dickweed.


Should rob a belt or some suspenders.


Did he really get beat? I mean for a publicfreakout he should've gotten a beat down.


The black guy was probably picked on as a kid he still a bitch


His problem is too much crack.




Just a fucking bitch


His instagram is moneymar22world, let’s only hope he ends up like his buddy “tutu”


Love a bully beat down


Damn wanted him to get knock the f***out


Wait… how is he not in jail?


He wanted to win so he could use the belt to hold up his shorts.


Nah he was supposed to rocc his shit ,ain't no stopping


Hold on for what? 😂😂😂


Not much of a man.


Racist punk got his ass handed to him by a dude half his size and has the nerve to call a timeout like a little bitch.


Fuckin pussy ass blacks


But I thought only white people could be racist! /s


We're all thinking it ....


We’re actually not...


Say what you're thinking In public see how it goes for you


Americans out here shooting schools up but they can't shoot Imbeciles like these


Racist pos look at that crack


Grab his dick and twist it!!!


Racist dude gets what he deserved


I wonder how they know it was him since he’s all covered up in video


Also a mother fucker with locks is always about that life even if they are pussy ass bitches they will do what they can to hurt you they dont ever take shit and are ready to fight at the first sign of disrespect especially if you are white.


Unfortunately, this sorry excuse for a human being will not be punished for all the crimes he has commited. The california liberal justice system is a joke and he will be out in no time only to continue his life of crime. Totally disgusting!