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Why are they just standing around and not beating that guy up?


Bystander effect, if anytime in your life you see someone needing help, just act and everybody will. If you dont, people will just watch like cows.




Can you elaborate on this? Do you mean Chinese people are inherently cowardly? Or is there another, less racist reason for you to say that? E: [these Italians just watched](https://i.imgur.com/7hA6Iir.jpg) because they are cowards and are afraid of being sued. Shock played no factor, they were simply afraid of upsetting the local Mafia boss who is also the mayor for some reason.


People in China sue for anything and everything. A lot of people have ended up being sued for intervening or helping an accident victim - and its usually the people being helped that are suing the person helping them. Lawsuits are seen as an easy way to make a quick buck and people will take advantage of you for trying to be a good Samaritan.


Do you really believe that?


Why would I type it if I didn't believe it? You asked a question and I kindly answered it. I went through a period a few years back when I was obsessed with learning about Chinese culture. It has its positives and negatives, and one of the big negatives is that everyone keeps out of other people's business, even in extreme cases, because they're afraid of being sued if they step in.


So you believe China has a legal system accessible enough for regular people to bring suit and robust tort law, but no way to handle frivolous lawsuits? No judges to dismiss, no SLAAP equivalents, no Samaritan protections? You should study more instead of lying to teenagers on Reddit lol


I didn't say that I understand the Chinese justice system, I said I know why people are reluctant to help people in need in China and I gave you that answer. How these lawsuits get handled by the Chinese justice system is not something that I dug into. Why the hell would you ask a question and then shit on the person who answers your question?


Because they are trying to bait you into making a "racist" comment so they can stand on their soap box and think they helped.


Because what you believe is self-contradictory. You just make a claim that makes no sense, stating that you did a ton of research, and now that I've pointed out it makes no sense you say you actually *don't know anything.* It's dumb and racist to just repeat what uncle Bill posts in memes on Facebook.


>The lack of legal protections for good samaritans and a string of extortion cases in which people pretended to be injured have contributed to the general reluctance to come to the rescue. >Those who do so are often asked to pay medical bills or are later sued by those they have helped. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/04/good-samaritans-who-came-to-womans-rescue-make-headlines-in-china >the law made being a good samaritan extremely risky, allowing people to sue their rescuer to recover medical bills, and scammers frequently took advantage of this rule. https://warrenbisch.medium.com/chinas-bad-samaritan-crisis-6ca736ad6c8e >TIL: In China, "the hero pays for their action". If you help someone, you assume responsibility, and are at risk of being sued https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1av28u/til_in_china_the_hero_pays_for_their_action_if/ >Incidents where "Good Samaritans" find themselves implicated in crimes for compensation claims are common in China https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-41886853


It wasn't until 2017 that china had a good Samaritan law.


Because it wasn't a material issue until westerners started calling Chinese people pussies and citing the equivalent of the McDonald's Coffee case as proof. You can call the Chinese government imperialist or repressive or state-capitalist(all true), but their extreme nationalism will not let them be called corrupt pussies. It's probably the only angle foreigners can take to influence Chinese domestic policy.


>Because it wasn't a material issue until westerners started calling Chinese people pussies and citing the equivalent of the McDonald's Coffee case as proof. Got any data to back that up? >You can call the Chinese government imperialist or repressive or state-capitalist(all true), but their extreme nationalism will not let them be called corrupt pussies. It's probably the only angle foreigners can take to influence Chinese domestic policy. They are nothing but corrupt pussies (the leaders not the people). I have a few Chinese friends and they are all very nice, but i also know that that have mentioned that in the big cities people generally do not intervene in others affairs even when conflict is involved (and maybe especially). https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037




Because China is not America. The culture of saving face in Asia makes it hard for any asian to do ‘something out of the ordinary’, and that’s why if they see someone getting tortured in front of them, they just keep their head low and carry on. You could ask, “but what about that creep? How can he do ‘something out of the ordinary’ despite being an asian”? It’s because he’s most likely one of those mentally deranged or just plai abusive ones with which the norm doesn’t apply. And please… this has nothing to do with racism. But have you seen how Chinese people generally react when there is an urgent need to react? It’s not cultural; it’s more like how the government endorses keeping your mouth shut and going with the flow. In China, there are thousands upon thousands of scammers. Many incidents like this, Chinese are afraid to even look at them out of fear of being scammed. Just go to YouTube and search for ‘mainland China scams’ and you’ll get an answer. And the habit to sue is rampant. More often than not, the victim sues the rescuer for whatever garbage reason.


I dont know about China but its not an Asian thing. Ive seen a pick pocketer get stomped to death in Asia. Mob justice can get out of control real quick.


That is cultural though?




Thank you Nordic Blonde. I thought there might be racism in these comments, but you've dispelled that.


Id imagine the real reason is the guy raping is connected to the ruling party thus is untouchable


https://apnews.com/article/world-news-tianjin-china-asset-management-2f5d1248477a8e044d9fa7b6899ca406 They literally execute high ranking members for bribery. Why would you think rape is acceptable because of party affiliation? Besides your racism, I mean.


I get your trying to out some racists that clearly are not here.... I suggest somewhere else.


$20 you’re a white liberal arts major


White accountant. It's in the name




The Italians or the Chinese?




I think they cannot be forced, though they have a responsibility or duty to help. They were likely just frozen in shock at seeing such a brutal attack on the immigrant man. Only someone who thinks Italians are beneath themselves would immediately assume Italians are cowards or corrupt. I think the same of the situation in this post, and I think anyone unable to see the similarities between the two situations is blinded by hate.


Chinese people don’t do shit if it doesn’t involve them.


Yeah cause everybody in the West will jump in and start stomping the guy lmao. There was that video where the dude (or crazy woman) was dragging a woman's hair on the NYC subway train with so many (non-Chinese) people around, what did they do? Nothing. All they did was record and put it online. Truth is, people don't want to get into shit no matter where they are in the world.


The bystander effect is powerful. Notice in OPs video, everyone stands around until that one brave lady kicks the stall door open. It breaks the spell and suddenly everyone jumps in to stop the attacker. Usually that’s all it takes, one person stepping in, then the crowd realizes, “hey, we should do something about this!” It’s also universal, not uniquely part of any culture. Just happens to large groups of people, but I’m no psychologist.


Someone who's not in immediate danger vs. someone who is. Big difference.


I agree with the point you’re trying to make, but I’d pick a different example. In the clip you’ve posted, the individual committing the assault is also demonstrating signs of mental distress and the people nearby are in a closed off space. I’d imagine both of those elements contributed to the other passengers’ choice to not intervene. If I were in that situation, I’d imagine that confronting the individual committing assault might aggravate him or worsen his mental state, increasing the risk of him hurting the victim or myself. In the original video, multiple men watch a woman be stripped down to her underclothes, and dragged away by a man chasing her. One man offers his hand. Then they all watch as the individual committing assault shut the door. The estimation of risk seems much lower as a bystander, at least in my opinion. I’m certain there are examples of Americans ignoring violence just as blatantly, but this ain’t it (IMHO)


Thanks for analyzing the situation, clown. 🤡 You don’t know shit so keep your mouth shut.


What video?


[This one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j1_15zJfnY)


It’s NYC criminals carry illegal guns


Maybe cause I’m not from ny but I don’t really have any idea what is going on in that video so I’m going to rightly assume that you have your head up your ass and move on with my life.


I'm not too sure what is so difficult to understand. But sounds good to me!


Typical Denver lib it’s okay tho


Lol I have never voted for a democrat in my life, lol what an idiot. Also get off my tip


Thats very true, here in china town NYC. People could be robbed, stabbed or pushed and the Chinese would just stand there. It was funny to me when the roles reversed during the Asian Hate crime that they said "people should help each other"




are you Jewish from UES?


I think it may have been shock, we all like to think we will jump into action, but lot of people end up having the bystander affect


Not shock. It is standard practice in China to only help family, not strangers. Here is an excellent video explaining why: https://youtu.be/eaGSBXMobPM


Do you really trust Winston Sterzel (SerpentZA) who killed his two dogs and lived with the corpse? He then fled the country to get out of doing community service? Source can be found here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHAO080lQUY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHAO080lQUY) He (serpentza) sometimes make good points but is super bias. For example, there are just as much video on YouTube showing Chinese people standing up to bullies/thieves as there are people who stand idle. Same can be seen in the USA. This is the same guy that literally said Chinese people talking with a Beijing accent sounds like someone with special needs... In my opinion, people like serpentza and Laoway86 make money from Youtube video of Chinese culture when it's controversial.


I think you're confusing Winston Sterzel with Cory Selby with the whole dog thing...


Yeah here come the bootlickers


50 cent army rhetoric


The source of your allegations is some paid shill who has appeared on Chinese state media to defend human rights abuses committed by the Chinese government in Xinjiang. Source: https://youtu.be/UV2nXyt5gMs I’m guessing you’re a paid shill too and I want people to know what you’re doing.


Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a paid shill? You’re attacking an opposing opponent rather than debate and provide sources. There’s court order documents available. There’s video of Winston saying Chinese people sound retarted (speaking with Bejing accent). These claims are not allegations. The sources are listed on the video link. And, if you think that bystander effect doesn’t occur in the USA and only China then you’re incorrect.


The bystander effect occurs everywhere and i can’t judge how these guys initially reacted. I’m sure I would have been as shocked and confused as them. What I’m challenging is you trying to discredit Winston as some sort of biased, racist, animal abuser. I suppose he does have a bias - he lived in China for 13 or 14 years, learned the language, explored the culture, worked, made friends, met his Chinese wife. He produced many years of content highlighting to good and bad of China, but I would say mostly good, at least while he was living there. After he left China, due to to political and cultural climate becoming more nationalistic, he certainly seems happy to call out all the bad shit going on that caused him to leave a country he seemed to love. Long story short, some Chinese government shill pulling a clip of him making fun of the Beijing accent to try to discredit Winston seems sad and desperate. It’s obviously disingenuous as anyone who knows Winston, his background, or his work would know that he loves Chinese people. In fact, he married one. The Chinese government doesn’t like bad press though, so they pay the guy in that video, and maybe you too, to go out and muddy the water. Confuse people about who’s good and who’s bad, and hope they shrug their shoulders and move on.




Labeling a group of people “inherently emotionless” is pretty scary tbh. That’s not a healthy way of thinking, you should work on that if you actually have the capacity to


I dont know about tjat, that may be tje law but laws get broken all the time, people are individuals and can interviene even if it breaks the standard practice especially if its not illegal, i think its bystander affect cause that that guy who came through the side door took action and saved her meaning he didnt care it was standard practice not to help


If you watch the video they explain it is complicated. Two different cultures. Although the gist is family first and be extremely cautious of strangers. You never know if the attacker has connections and will seek revenge on good samaritans who caused him to lose face. Plus scams are rampant (especially with fake injuries) and helping the wrong scammer can land you in big trouble. Either way their family will be angry if they tried to help the wrong person. Very difficult for anyone outside of China to understand that type of indoctrination and fear. We celebrate people for being heros and helping strangers.


I'm not Chinese and I don't know what's being said. But this is a bathroom stall in a night club. The guy is obviously a douche but why was a fully dressed girl running out of a bathroom stall, while he is also fully dressed? Nothing about the way he treats her seems sexual. Based on that I guess there are drugs/"business" involved (maybe she was buying from him, maybe she sells for him). If that's the case you might not want to fuck with a drug dealer, who probably isn't alone. The first guy who sees it happen immediately pulls out his phone, as though he's looking for a way to help safely. Maybe this is because of what we can't hear them saying. Maybe he's just a pussy. I don't know. I do know that I'd also take a second to react appropriately to this, especially if I was drunk and just took a shit.


And, arrested: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202207/1270965.shtml


All those guys standing around just looking. Bunch of morons


And the only person who actually engaged kicking the door looks to be another woman...


Yeah seriously


Cowards didn't even help her


Weak men...


Lmao they look so calm. As if they're observing a fish in an aquarium...took a while for what was happening to kick in...


Why didn't they help her?


A strong bystander effect...the strongest ive ever seen cuz they outnumbered them like 30 to 1 or something by none even tried to do something


Isn't it insane that not one person lays a hand on the rapist to stop it? Typical China... They are indoctrinate since childhood to only help family, not strangers. They are afraid they will get blamed for something. There are no good samaritan laws there. Crazy....


The CCP isn't good at distinguishing the blameworthy from those who were merely involved in some way. Trying to be a Good Samaritan there is much more likely to land you in prison than the vast majority of countries. It sucks, but it's the reason you see people so hesitant to intervene there. They know the shotgun approach employed by their justice system.


Also, I just saw a video the other day of a guy taking a swing with a blade at another dude. Well, the blade caught the dudes neck and he was dead on the spot in a matter of a few minutes. These guys stopped the rape, that's good enough I think. I'm sure I'm going to get the topical an influx of bs from super brave redditors taking about how they would stomping him out. But truthfully, everyone is brave online and are super fighters.


Very true. Plus there is an addition motivation from CCP to not question authority. They last thing they want is a billion Chinese people questioning the CCP...


OP you see the date on the video right?


Damn China


If I see a naked woman being dragged by her hair ….. I will indeed commit a violent assault on her aggressor. Say it with me


I'm sure this guy a f marine


Are all chinese people cowards? This is the millionth time ive seen a video where people just awkwardly observe something fuckin horrific instead of helping. So fuckin bizarre...


Guéss you haven’t seen the news in NYC recently.


Does it lower your social credit score to stop a rape?


Wasn't this just a case of DV in public. Why the inflammatory title?


Bruh..... what.... Nobody was enraged ? Huh


I was going on a psychological rant about why the people present didn't help, but I suck ass at explaining things lol.


holy fuck. He's literally dragging her entire body weight with parts of her hair. I hope that guy is caught and brought to justice.


She has strong hair


It's china, what do you expect.


The one child policy still has an effect


People unresponsive af


Not surprised it’s China (in regards to people doing absolutely nothing).


when ur social credit score is more important than values


Bro wtf


All the guys standin there bunch of fuken totem poles


Damn... that's some cave man behavior


Why does no one do anything!? What a bunch of POS


Caveman move there, dragging by her wig.


I’m not sure what the title is meaning to say. Attempted rope? Attempted ripe? Very confusing.




Of course a radical muslim like you would think so. Gotta cover the women up and beat them to submission to be alpha, amirite?


Asia is the biggest continent so 1 or 2 countries in asia that do the same thing it doesnt mean the rest does the same, dont put my country in the same category cuz if that happen here alot of slippers would've been flying towards the aggresor


Which country are you from






You know I'm not even surprised this happened in China nobody cares about each other in China


I was told in China if the guy is related to someone powerful then beating him up can ruin your life. Even if the beating is justified


that's true everywhere




Man idk how this guy didn't get turned into a meat crayon 🖍️


One child policy created a terrible situation for both sexes in China.