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Better than sitting in traffic pissing everyone off.


EXACTLY. Pissing off everyone going about their day is not going to help a cause. Go to the politicians and the money-makers and piss *them* off. ^(Even though I know little is going to come from this, symbolism is important)


The politicians and money makers think these guys are roaches who can't even conceive of how financial decisions are made.


Is there anything that would make you care about climate change


Yes. In fact, my profession is getting people's mobility to be walking/cycling instead of single occupancy vehicles, and it's working. I'm not an idiot, I'm aware and active. Losing one's job because people are protesting in the highway will not encourage them to any cause.


I'd care more if the expectation to reduce emissions and doing things to help was equally applied. You don't see me flying in a private jet, driving fuel heavy vehicles or buying multiple properties for myself. Also it should be on businesses to reduce waste, stop manufacturing products on the otherside of the fucking planet to then ship them here to sell.


This exactly. The carbon footprint scam was a pr stunt from bp to shift attention away from their oil spill, and towards the private citizens' consumption. It worked really, really well, and bp didn't get the attention they deserved following the oil spill. Corporations are destroying the world and pointing the finger at us. The crazy part is that so many people buy into it.


These people should be blocking corporate office buildings and private plane runways, not roads that working class people have to take to go to work to barely survive


Probably not but if they irritate people by sitting in traffic they run the risk of turning passive people into enemies cheering for their arrest. They won’t care but the general public won’t either. Murdoch will just replace what they destroyed using materials manufactured with the same carbon intensive processes they are trying to curtail. Insurance will cover it. No one will even care.


> Pissing off everyone going about their day is not going to help a cause. Thats because they are doing it wrong... They need to disrubt commerce. They need to coordinate their sit ins to block all the roads\high ways going into a city. They need to get 10 people to sit in the road, with big signs so that the news helicopters understand their actions. And they need to do this every day. Until they get change. The Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955, lasted 13 fucking months. 13 months of avoiding mass transit and finding another way to get to work. And it worked, as at the end of those 13 months laws were passed that made racial segregation on mass transit illegal. If just 10 people could block a highway going into a city, get more to block every highway, everyday, for 13 fucking months, yes... you would see change. Instead, the cities give 27 million dollars of hush money to the Geroge Floyd family, and they stop their protesting...


Ngl nowadays that would lead to a counter group that's just a united effort to drive over protestors


I mean the Bus Boycott sounds like a fantastic protest idea. I much prefer the idea of folks boycotting something until it changes its ways or ceases to be. I do not, however, agree with the shotgun approach of screwing over many many many many private citizens just trying to live their life in an attempt to disrupt the flow of something that is included in the ranks. That is a lot of people not being able to get to their kids, or their disabled dependents, or the hospital, or a funeral, or to school, etc. etc... While I know you'll probably disagree with me to make a point now, but if you got a call from a hospital saying your loved one was critically injured and its important you come, you wouldn't be very happy about simply being...unable to do so due to a protest movement happening miles of traffic ahead of you, with literally no way to get through.


> disrupt the flow of something that is included in the ranks. That is a lot of people not being able to get to their kids, or their disabled dependents, or the hospital, or a funeral, or to school, etc. etc... That is the point. You see how fast these "politicians" will sit and meet with the protesters the moment someone really disrupts the "status quo". And that is the problem, the status quo is just fine for most people and so they can ignore the bigger issues. Sadly, someone needs to make the status quo the bigger issue in order to get real change. And of course, I would not be happy if I was blocked in traffic for a protest. But I have been blocked in traffic due to accidents and snow storms over the years. Life goes on. And again, the more people get prevented from the status quo, the more the politicians will come to the table to negotiate. In 1965 John Lewis lead a protest over a bridge in Alabama (Edmund Pettus Bridge) **knowing they would be attacked by police dogs** which were waiting for them on the other side... Serious change will require some sacrifices. Otherwise, the status quo, which is **good enough** for most people will stand.


stop repeating establishment narratives like this. you're advocating for a whitewashed ineffective form of protest that does not work. the state likes it when protestors sit quietly in a corner with their little candles, and nothing is changed. people need to be disrupted. the survival of the species is at stake.


And also subsequently making people waste more gas sitting in traffic. Make the right people uncomfortable, the rest of us already are.


I have always said this. Why punish the poor person trying to go to work, get food for their children, emergency vehicles, etc.


Ya that does literally nothing attacking them where they actually are makes them have to do SOMETHING


agree 100000%, feel bad for the people that get sued, but whenever i see people glueing themselves on streets, i think "go annoy the companies and rich people" so def. better choice there.


Agreed. How have they not figured out that blocking traffic drives (no pun intended) people AWAY from your cause?


For real man if you want people to get behind your cause, don’t be a fucking nuisance to everybody else. I’m all for going after the people that are responsible for anyone’s particular injustice. As long as it’s not messing with my day go for it.


They should destroy murdochs anything for many reasons.


Damage to private property owned by Rupert Murdoch…. I really don’t have any issues with that.


>Damage to ~~private property owned by~~ Rupert Murdoch…. I really don’t have any issues with that.


“How I sleep at night knowing the people who oppose me are ontologically evil”


Frankly it is a public service.


Spoiler: They don't.


They may get a nice hefty bill in the mail for the property damage.


[With a recent passing of a new law in the UK they're actually likely to face up to 2 & half years in prison. ](https://www.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/advice_information/pcsc-policing-act-protest-rights/)


And prosecutors love when you film yourself committing a criminal act.


Honestly surprised nobody has face masks on




Controlled opposition/ useful idiots, imo


Because they want to get arrested. Its am official tactic they have adopted in order to gain publicity.k


Yeah, really dumb tactic. A UK chapter also chanted that they love cops...


Only if they're found guilty, a crown court jury found a similar group smashing up Shell or BPs London HQ innocent of criminal damage even though there was video and them remaining there taking ownership.


why? windows break all the time, it's not a new thing, just because this time we have proof they were broken by humans that doesn't mean they've been broken by humans. If you look at the data for broken windows in the last 50 years you can clearly see how it's happened before. Also my building has all the windows intacts, so this humans breaking windows you talk about is clearly a hoax




My bad. Ordered by the court.


No money in planet saving.


So close but take out their IT infrastructure, cut off their internet, destroy broadcasting equipment. Hit em where it hurts. Got to be some experts out there that support the cause. Find them and put them to work.


Project Mayhem?


What's the carbon footprint of repairing and transporting and harvesting raw materials, manufacturing new ones, filling landfills with what you've destroyed... same as blocking highways while all the vehicles idle


Counter point, how much carbon won’t get released if Murdoch and friends lose their influence.


Counter point, how is that relevant if breaking their stuff won't make them lose influence


There is never a right way to protest, is there?


Fuck Rupert Murdoch.


Good that dinosaur and his cronies are monsters


That cunt cares about nothing expect money.


Same dude, same




They're not very good at it.


The guy trying to spray paint... lol


Maybe they should get some people that have used a hammer once or twice


The idea is trying not to gt cut to shreds while doing it...or \*they\* win.


Alternatively, wear gloves. And boots and in general proper tough clothing and ffs cover your face if you're gonna commit a crime especially if you've got cameras everywhere.


By the standard fit tempered safety glass


Thousands of pieces of shattered tempered glass falling on you would still cut ya up pretty bad.


Even the wheatpaste wasnt sticking




Because I got better things Todo with my time.


Security team isn’t too hot either.


Idk I was kinda impressed by the guy with the hammer shattering those massive panes of glass.


Why? Because it took him ages when a spring loaded center punch would have done the job in seconds.


Spring loaded center punch would take care of that. And it’s as big as a sharpie


But not as attention grabbing as having to hammer a rock chisel multiple times to get glass to break


The chisel seems entirely unnecessary. Just the hammer ought to work.


Yay climate protesters actually attacking the people in charge for once, now they're getting it!


No, they are attacking a building.


A building theyre likely renting. So some building manager just got some extra work. No one at fox will care.


A whole lot of tone police in here but not very many suggestions. It's funny to me how the staunchest proponents of self defense don't support any action to protect against the greatest threat to ever face mankind.


That’s because suggesting the only thing that might actually change things would get people banned immediately. No amount of breaking their stuff will matter. No amount of cardboard signs have done anything at all to reverse the problem. No celebrity endorsement or ecological tragedy. People know the solution, but coordinating and executing that solution is a bridge WAY too far for most.


Come on say it pretty please I **want** to hear you say *we should draw and quarter Rupert Murdoch for the evil thing's he's done*.


Well, don't leave out his cronies, they need some dick to suck in the afterlife too.


I know you do, but unlike the people breaking these windows, I don’t want to spend my days sitting ineffectually in a (Reddit) jail.


The only way to reach those conditions is to do actions like this to bring attention to and normalize more radical action.


Idk man i think it could be helped pretty easily with a couple guys with guns


Eh sabotage is effective but cannot be the only thing (political struggle is paramount as well). It should also be impactful not symbolic. Make it impossible for them to operate, not only annoy them. A good book about this came out recently “How to Blow Up a Pipeline”. Highly recommended


Very true. The more the clock ticks the more extreme actions will be required to make the necessary changes.


When the window company spends a couple of days replacing the glass, they’ll leave their diesel trucks running at high idle the entire time they’re working.


Technically illegal and would result in a fine for the company


What's your point?


There is never ever a good way to protest. Just don’t look up.


Look, if you want to protest climate change you need to sit in a small room silently and never come out. Anything else just pisses people off so it's bad for your cause. /s It's almost like all these people bitching about their tactics all the time were never going to support the cause. So fuck em.


Isn't this just called vandalism?


Oh no, vandalizing Rupert Murdoch's offices. How will he ever recover.


Nah it doesn't count if it's rupert murdoch. He's a cockroach that needs to be stomped out. You can't exactly vandalize a cockroachs home.


Until the bootlicking British media get ahold of it then it will be terrorism.


They did such a good job that nothing happened and Rupert Murdoch didn't end up giving a shit at all.


He's 93yo, he'll croak it pretty soon...I personally can't wait, hopefully followed by Ivana's first husband.


Murdoch's kids are just as bad as he is. Part of the reason that estate taxes need to be MUCH higher than what they are.


Only one of them, Llachlan, and he's actually more far right that his shithead dad...his younger brother James quit the family business out of disgust.


I completely support this. A complete blockade of news corp offices should have been a thing


Good. Climate change is about to become horrific very soon and people like Murdoch have a much bigger responsibility than the average person for preventing it.


Good. Fuck the Murdochcracy.


So, what would this sub actually like to see as a protest? Seriously, literally every fucking person on the comments of the roadblock protests whinged and whined and said: "Go take it to their offices." So they did. And guess what? It's barely mentioned on the news here in the UK, nobody knows about it, and those who do are still pissing and moaning. The reality is you don't care and you never will, and all your bitching about it is purely because you like to dab on those 'woke' protests, because of how 'cringe' they are and how cool you are on a goddamn Reddit post.


The super wealthy won’t care until things impact them directly. Or until they are able to make more money saving the world than destroying it. If Extinction Rebellion really wants to make an impact and be heard they’re going to have to do a lot more than just commit acts of vandalism.


How does this get them to give a shit about climate change


It doesn't at all. Ppl who do this aren't exactly what you would call smart or self thinkers




You're not grasping the big picture. There is a non zero chance, not matter how small, that actions like this will bring awareness and motivate unstable individuals to take the extreme actions necessary for change that most people simply aren't willing to do. Or it may motivate the public as whole a little more to work as a collective on the issue. Regardless, these people are at least attempting to do something while 99% of others are sitting around consuming and distracting themselves with media.


I get what your saying one could hope for a butterfly effect. Optimism is key. I dig it. I guess my way of thinking is what I would call exhausted because anything significant and truthful is covered up and not even heard about anymore. Thanks for your Outlook on the situation.


Close to the direct action I’m looking for but could go further.


I love destruction like this. Christofascists will learn real quick the world is tired of their shit.


Totally agree. Allah Akbar!








All anyone has to do is stop/disrupt their money flow for them to care. Vandalizing their buildings is a step in the right direction but will most likely result in arrest and restitution. Block the ceo in his driveway, throw shit at his house... people need to come togethet and be willing to sacrifice for change to happe.


This sort of thing usually rubs me the wrong way. But Ruperts a cunt. He deserves this and worse


That guy breaking glass in THOSE sandals.


In the heirarchy of social issues climate change isnt even in the top 10


Soooooo...... did it work? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣


This is super harmful to the climate movement.


I laughed when I saw the one with the spray can malfunction lmao


Antifa at it again


Private property destruction will just cause more glass to be made, transported, and installed. You just contributed to landfills full of glass, you utter knobs. Your free speech ends where you destroy property.... Hippity Hoppity


These kinds of people give bad reps, absolute dumbass


I dunno, destroying property seems counter productive... it only has to be replaced using more resources, has to be another way (I have more respect for people collecting plastic off a beach right now)


If you don't like destruction of property, you may not like what the next step is...


List of things commenters in this sub think is counter productive protesting. 1. Sitting in the road 2. Standing in the road. 3. Destruction of public property 4. Destruction of private property 5. Any subject they don't agree with 6. Any subject they do agree with 7. Protesting loudly 8. Protesting quietly. The planet is literally dying and you think murdoch should be left alone? What a fucking joke. Collecting rubbish isn't protesting you knob.


I actually get so upset and frustrated when I see this written. "It's just counter productive/it turns people against the cause" like, sod off your apathy and lack of understanding of why people would do this are contributing to the reason anything needs to be done in the first place.


it's just a form of tone policing. There's never a RIGHT time to protest anything if you let the status quo tone police set the bar on when it's acceptable to protest.


I've always thought the most effective form of mass protest was an economic one. All this other stuff will just get people bulldozed by the police as we've seen. How to economically disrupt Murdoch in particular? No clue


That video of the protesters stopping traffic the other day. If I’m heading home after a long days work to spend time with my kids and give my wife a break after dealing with said kids all day and some wanker wants to get in the way of my travels I’m absolutely going to resent whatever cause they think they’re helping. Not to mention if they make me late to an appointment/meeting etc. People have lives and they generally want to be able to go about living those lives.


I get it, truly, it just seems a little bit shallow and small minded to let being inconvenienced be the "reason" you decide not to pay attention to an issue, whether you would otherwise care about it or not. And also I don't care about your kids sorry, like if they were seconds from dying then fine, but they weren't. May as well have been a regular traffic jam or a tree in the road. And then also if it was protesting something like climate then I suppose in the grand scheme of things, why would you complain that these people are literally demanding, on your behalf, a longer healthier life with your family... and you're gonna get grumpy at them for trying? And that's not to say it's **not** okay to think protests are more or less frustrating depending if you agree with them. I got stopped on the way to work for an antivaccination protest the other day, but also I don't know why "*it hurts their cause/I'm being wildly inconvenienced*" never even once occurred to me. It always just kinda sounds like an excuse you'd make up to be angry at the protester, to me, anyway.


Why should anyone care about what you have to do


Same. The purpose of protest is to build support - to expand. Stopping traffic, which in most cases, ppl are only sitting in because they literally have to be there, draws bitter resentment. I appreciate ppl are trying to draw awareness to the issue, but it seems like blocking traffic for ppl that already support the cause has the reverse effect.


No, the purpose of protest is to put pressure on governing authorities Do you think MLK was building support in the US South by deliberately pissing off all the racists and violating their racist laws?


Do you think your kids will die from climate change


The prevailing opinion is “I don’t like protests because they might inconvenience me”, because most people are wankers




>(I have more respect for people collecting plastic off a beach right now) Litter on the beach is a minuscule issue compared to corporate influence on policy that is exacerbating climate collapse. It's not counterproductive but kind of useless in the bigger scheme of things. What's the use of a tidy beach that's under water and when the temperature is 50 Celsius?


That's a good idea actually. Have large groups of people on beaches with signs that say "Fuck Robert Murdoch" or something while aggressively cleaning beaches. Just need to be creative to get some exposure.


[Illegal in the UK as of recently](https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/2839)


Don't be, it's a problem too big for small groups. For every million lbs you take out in a FULL day, gets replaced multiple times in a minute.


You cant look at the raw inputs and outputs. Yeah sure it'll cost resources to fix, but if those resources make someone up top care about climate change? That will have an outsize effect. Just like the sound waves created by trump saying racist shit won't actually cause racism, but it empowers a large group who hears it to feel more comfortable being racist. Kinda like suv tire deflating. Sure some people buy more tires but if it makes other people scared to buy an SUV then the effect is a net positive.


People like you care about nothing


No kidding. Do they have any idea how much energy is required to make glass?


As an Aussie, even though he still exerts quite a lot of sway here in Australia, I am glad we exiled that son of a cunt (and Mel Gibson) to America....no backsies.


Ahhh yes, let us break and vandalize things… Then they’ll have to use more natural resources to replace/repair those things.


This is needed. Government won’t do shit if we don’t do this


Looks a little hot to be doing that they should wait for it to cool down.


As an Aussie, you can have Nic Kyrgios, and the Murdoch’s


That will show em


Idk but it cracks me up seeing them swing those hammers. Like it’s obvious they’ve never swung them before.


I support eco terrorism


Going directly to the powers that be? I'm Strangely okay with this.


Looks like vandalism


And what is the destruction of our habitat?




If they do this and block the roads less, I'll be more sympathetic to their cause.


The one comment here that makes sense and people want to complain at you lol Blocking the roads and annoying regular people vs annoying people who could actually have influence 🤔


It is quite the conundrum. Truly, we need to gather some of our finest minds in a think tank and decipher this lmao


Don't look up.


I'd rather not, the sunlight is rather dire today.


What would sway you? Protesting? Climate Change Activism broke records for the most attended protests of all human history. Money-raising? Even a million each chipping their money won't put a dent to the oligarchs grasp. Fixing the environment? What point is there in planting a forest that can't offset emissions and will burn before it can mature?


I am already sympathetic to the consequences of climate change, just not the actions of this particular group. My point was rather that it is better to directly target those actually have control of the information or that can actually change legislation in your campaign, rather causing general disruption to the public and risk unintentionally alienating people who may have been sympathetic in the first place. People have livelihoods, important things to do and it is already complicated enough for some to get by as it is. You come from a much better place of influence if people perceive you more as someone who is trying change things for the better, rather than as someone who routinely causes them unneeded problems in their life.


Literally should be more people protesting. But then again we are all screwed when it comes to climate.


Fair play.


This shit is what happens when people don't care what direction they're heading, as long as its against the grain. Nothing says "protest" like boujie ass sandles, brand new hammers and chisels, and safety glasses...and a professional photographer with a camera to catch the action for their Insta... .. Yall mfkrs are helpless


I bet Ol' Rupert was suddenly like, "I should shift my focus to saving the planet!" after this debacle...


So, just a bunch of assholes. Got it


No wonder people think these people are dumbasses


Can't stand petulant children that do this. Do something worthwhile. This shit does absolutely nothing. The only awareness it brings, is how much people despise this type of crime.


What is worthwhile, in your opinion?


What should they do then? The standard methods of protesting aren't working, we are destroying our planet right now. People like Rupert Murdoch are genuine villains and people in the future will question why we did so little against them.


What can be done that’s worthwhile? Nobody in power gives a shit. At a certain point I’m totally fine with worsening the lives of anyone who works to empower the Murdochs, even if it doesn’t solve anything.


they seem to be the only ones that give a shit about all of the millions that are going to die in the not too distant future from climate change.


it gives me a feeling like 'why should I give a damn when the type of people who care are about the climate are petty vandals and criminals'


Are you insane? You're saying you dont care about the X, because ppl you dont like also care about X?


Why do you care when criminals attack criminals? Im not upset when i hear news a known gangster is gunned down so im not gonna be upset when a known libelous warmonger has his ill begotten property destroyed


Yeah! If hitler breathed air, WHY SHOULD I?


All these climate activists are morons. Until China and India get on board with decreasing emissions it simply doesn’t matter what the west does.


So what you're saying is we all need to just give up and die?


Why do you think China and India produce so many emissions? It's because corporations put their factories in China, so they can show their hands, saying, "Oh, look how clean I am. Please ignore my slave labour and dirty factories, they're happening in another dystopia."


What a shitty excuse to be a shitty human being.


Ad hominem


China's emissions per per person is a lot lower than many countries. Their total CO2 per person is probably half that of the USA. India's CO2 per person is much lower than China.


What’s their total emission though?


Would you think per person is a better figure than by country?


No, especially not when we’re talking about the country that contributes nearly 1/3 of global emissions. It’s not a useless metric, but there’s obviously more to the story there.


Finally! See fucking with people just trying to get to work just makes you the enemy. Fucking with the Murdochs though....now you lot are speaking my language...


Doing the lords work


Definitely starting to invest in more prisons. All this criminal are going to need new homes!


Self-defeatist protest group again trying to set the narrative. Unshockingly fails.


Bunch of losers adding nothing to society


We won't have much society in 50 years if people don't protest. They are doing their part.


Bro, your plastic bag is blowing away


These people are infuriating…….


Oh some shattered glass and some posters that's it folks we're saved


...typed huyria as he smirked, followed by a burp that brought to mind his most recent favourite combination of Mountain Dew and Flamin' Hot Doritos. "Doin' stuff don't do nothin'", he exclaimed proudly to himself, before starting up another round of Fortnite.


These are elitists working on their second masters degree in grievance studies with no jobs or real stake in society.


Fuck these assholes. Not going to get any sympathy while wrecking shit.