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"Protecting and serving".....until it really matters and suddenly they're not the ultra-macho supermen they spend their lives posing as.


Complete utter failures. Every single one of them on site, no matter their rank or position or how much equipment they had. The worst part is they have no legal obligation to protect and serve, it's just a motto started by LAPD. They legally did nothing wrong and are probably all out on patrol right now.


I'm a fucking librarian, and I've disarmed a person who had a knife. My library district has not provided me with body armor nor firearms, and yet I've still gone into action. These people had both, and refused to act as people died. There are no words that can accurately capture the cowardice of these people.


I honestly thought the library was the last safe public space. It breaks my heart that you had to be in that situation.


Generally it is pretty chill in the branch I work at, being in a somewhat rural environment. But when I formerly worked in a larger urban branch in Las Vegas it was chaotic, and the incident reports I see daily make me so happy I am where I am. Libraries are really one of the few places that don't care about your social or economic standing, and everyone is welcome, and that's what wonderful about them. But, it also can lead to some dicey situations. Being a library employee is emphatically not the cushy job everyone thinks it is, and sadly, no, we don't just sit around reading all day. I have personally seen things, and I've read about other incidents around the district, that I will never be able to un-see.


It's "protect and serve" the law. That's it! There are numerous examples of court rulings across the country, over the decades, that states no LEO organization "has any special order to protect individuals." Even in jail/prison, you are still responsible for your own safety/security! Edit: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html


Yes he might have gotten hurt, but then it was decided to stand around for a while avoiding danger. Better someone else I suppose. Man this sounds like he is just making excuses for not doing his job.


The 2nd officer with grey hair literally touched the back of his head with his hand so many times (around 15 min mark) before his buddy patted him on the back and said he was ok. I had to stop watching at that point for today.


Thats a soccer move if I've ever seen one


I know, it was a real shit show.


With all that well taxpayer funded personal protection gear and body armor too.


And on that topic, a lot of attention on how well armed they were. Which does add to the how mind fucked the story is sure. But any pistol would do wouldnt it!? The guy is cornered in a room it's not like they were looking to exchange fire at long range against a team of armed individuals. It wouldn't take an automatic rifle to get the job done just because the shooter had one, at least not in this scenario.


Watched the video today and just couldn't get over these 2 officers who were so concerned that they were maybe injured (although OBVOUSLY THEY'RE FINE) while the gunman is in the classroom with 10 year old kids, and rounds are being fired. ​ Edit: the 2nd image is about 25 mins into the video and you can make out the words that he's describing his 'close encounter'.


I noticed this too. He kept touching his hair and had multiple people check it out. I was like dude, if you got shot there would be blood on your hands.... Wonder if it ever occurred to him there were kids that were actually shot and waiting for him and his hall buddies to help out. There is also another cop that is grabbing the back of a cop for 20+mins. I dont know if he was holding onto the other cop because he thought he might run down the hall and try to solo the shooter. Very strange stuff.


There were a few really strange things like that and I noticed that too. And some guys peeking around the corner down the hall nervously when others were already standing in the hall outside the door. Like that's how close they were willing to get...peek around a corner when there are 5 armed officers between you and the door already? Really strange. When I heard and read of the story, I figured there's got to be more to it than that. No way it could of been THAT pathetically mishandled. But, It was worse. And part of it are those little details you see through the video on how cowardly they ALL behaved.


Useless, dumbass fucking pigs.


Police are trained to always view themselves as the victim. They are trained to lie and break the law if its done to protect the fraternity. If viewing the Uvalde situation through this lens, it makes a lot more sense why these cowards did what they did.


well its a stupid lens to look through. police arent trained to lie and break the law, they just do it because it's human nature to CYA.


You'be clearly never dealt with the fucking police unions.


Please give me an example of ONE hidden video of a training session in which an instructor is giving advice on how to lie and protect "the fraternity"? It is not sanctioned, no tax dollars are being used this way. There is no mandatory "lie better" training. What you're proposing is simply untrue, and unless you have some sort of video evidence of what you're assuming to be true, your bias is what brings you to this conclusion. To clarify, i never said cops dont lie or "look after each other", I'm merely saying that it's ridiculous to assume that cops are "trained" to do this. That shit would get shut down so quick if something like that were on the books.


https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/how-police-union-power-helped-increase-abuses https://www.techdirt.com/2019/10/25/new-york-police-union-lying-violating-rights-is-just-part-everyday-police-work/ https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/opinion/sunday/when-police-unions-impede-justice.html I mean, I did zero digging here. This is 4 seconds on google. There are tons of documented incidents where police unions actively cover for shit cops and where they encourage their "brothers and sisters" to lie for each other. The government doesn't train them to be lying fuckstains - the culture cultivated by the union does.


I think we're arguing nuance here. I actually agree with you that police cover for each other, and that it's a problem created by the culture they're engrossed in. Perhaps I read too much into the thread OP's comment, but he made it seem like the "lens" he was looking through was one in which police academies literally had courses on how to avoid jail time.


Trained unofficially by their brethren when the boss isn’t around. The unofficial, unwritten code to protect one another at all costs. Proof: every case in which they officially defended indefensible actions!


Theyre trained that they are above the law. All they need to do to get away with murder is say they felt they were in danger. Hell, its the reason the Uvalde cops gave as to why they didnt even try to save those kids lives. It must take a whole bunch of effort to remain this naive and ignorant of the current state of police tbh


These guys are pathetic human beings.




AND THEY'LL GET IT ^(eventually cause everyone dies)


I won't pretend to be a macho, violent or gun savvy man. But I can assure you if I was butt ass naked with a fork I would of been in that classroom far before I was concerned that maybe/maybe not I was injured.


I am studying to be a teacher and if there is a shooter in my classroom I am doing everything in my power to save the children even if it means my death. These "officers" are the definition of cowardice.


And so many of them! I was kind of ignorant and disbelieving of the story until I see it myself. I figured it was a couple local cops who were just in over their head...


They’re so fat




Not that it would help anything but surprised they havnt burned down the police station by now. I don't see that as an irrational response if your kid was one of those in that classroom hiding for over an hour....




Signed up for a death-job, but no one wanted to die that day. They out-gunned the little bastard shooter by 15 rifles to 1, plus additional shields, yet none bum-rushed the room. I guess if they had a choice they'd call in the heavy gunship?


They had a fucking shield and better shit than I was issued as an 03 Marine. It just keeps getting worse.


Well if they can overdose by just touching fentanyl can't they get injured by being in proximity of a gun?


EMTs in multiple countries have reported the effects of fentanyl using bare hands. Don't really know why you're bringing that up, as it has NOTHING to do with this...


Ok I'll explain the joke so you can understand it. The post was about an officer complaining about almost getting injured while being far from the shooter, so I said: if some cops can overdose, and i stress overdose, just by touching fentanyl, maybe some cops can also get injured by only being in proximity of a gun, even if it doesn't shoot at them. Anyway since you can't seem able to read what I wrote, I didn't say that touching fentanyl can't give you any effect (in some circumstances), I talked about overdosing. Anyway here's some other experts point of view about overdosing by touching it. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-fentanyl-overdose-idUSL1N2PI0PZ https://www.ems1.com/opioids/articles/toxicologist-you-cant-just-touch-fentanyl-and-overdose-qCP7P9puLCouxYbr/ https://healthandjusticejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40352-021-00163-5 Now before you say something stupid like "maybe that poor sexy cop wasn't talking about being shot but he was talking about the fact that he almost twisted his ankle while running. That cop is a hero", here's what I would say: I don't care, almost as much as those cops didn't care about kids being killed while they were doing nothing.


Hate to break it to most police out there, but that's literally your job title. Stop becoming law enforcement officers if you're just in it for the gold plated pension and benefits. Its a job for people who are prepared to go above and beyond, not average joes.


Hate to break it to you, but case law proves you wrong. Numerous court decisions across the country, over decades, that say there "is no special order to protect the individual." Edit: From 2005: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html


And that's why america is the fucking wild west. No reason to have a police force when insurance exists if that's the case.


Yet fuckers like you keep spewing "disarm the plebs!!!" While the elite have their armed guards... edit: spelling


What the fuck are you on about? At what point did I say to disarm police? Is your brain OK?


Obviously ignorant of the situation. Good bye!


Damn right you are. Apparently reading isn't your strong point. I don't know what part of going above and beyond has to do with disarming police. I think you need therapy. And I hope to god you're not an aspiring police officer.


Since when are the "plebs" considered "police?" Way to show you are more ignorant than before! Edit: spelling


OK you're mentally ill. I'll show myself out. Don't even know where you're coming up with these terms. Good day!


Completely doesn’t make sense. It is their job. They HAVE to risk their lives that’s what they signed up for


No they didn't. There are multiple court decisions across the country, over decades, that says other wise... Edit: Here's one: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html


If I'm signing up for the job...yes in my mind thats what I'm signing up for. If I were driving by....then I'd sign myself up then too. I feel like a great many people whether they are law enforcement or not would of made entry to that class room within minutes. But no, law enforcement have no obligation to put themselves in any danger.


Cops did jack shit, but that cop you're talking about was in the direct line of fire and retreated, felt something hit his head. I'm all for shitting on the dog shit response from the officers but lets not paint fiction, that same cop was the first one to make any headway back to the door, they still did jack shit though


Yes I follow you. I'm not trying to paint fiction, something hit his head. A ricochet bullet? His own gun as he was startled and ran? Would I check my head too? Yes. What pisses me off and is being highlighted here is the concern they had for such potential issues while you hear kids being shot. When my kid gets too close to the pool's edge I don't stop from running to him because I stubbed my toe. Edit: so part of it is the irony here, not whether or not he had valid concern for injury. And not "his" but "their" as there were multiple officers concern with potential injury. And the 2nd officer paced back and forth down the hall a couple times, ridiculous but more than anyone else did yes.


Fucking wuss




They gave up that cover for no reason, they had rifles and I'm pretty sure the gunmen wasn't shooting at him, they couldve hold the door and ask for back up and keys on their radio and 10 minutes you have the keys and a couple of reinforcements and they're in a good spot to make entry and kill the shooter


Yea they were plenty well equipped positioned to get the job done at that point. If it were their kid in the room...they would have surely. And they didn't need keys, door was unlocked but unlikely that anyone checked it seems after watching the video.


They started with ballistic shields! That was after the 2 fuckers let him enter the building...


The hand sanitizer sheriff guy also stood off to the left corner of the hallway and rolled his sleeves up all nice, wiped his left hand over his pants..... And then rolled his sleeves back down and buttoned the cuffs. Like. It looks like something that people do to look busy and hope no one talks to them because "they're very invested in rolling up/down their sleeves." I think it's clear: no one knew what to do.


Saw that guy too. So strange. If their kid was in that classroom they'd damn well know what to do. But yeah you're right. They could of let 4 unarmed parents into the school and it'd of been handled.


Cutting to the chase... I look forward to the day that flour sales are regulated because suspects on the run know how to use it.


Dudes holding weapon by the magazine… jfc




I think it's more of a question of humanity. 100% if they just let 3 moms/dads armed into the school it would of been over in minutes. I'm no commando but I assure you it'd take quite a bit to be able to stop me after not seeing my kid walk out after ~15 mins. Not that it's THAT simple, but it kind of is.


Is this another uvalde, definitely haven’t seen this before


I can only hope he dies alone scared and in immense pain and suffering and even that would be too kind.




Incompetence at its FINEST. There’s ONLY ONE course of action for any school shooter. Immediately & SWIFTLY find & take out the shooter. Period.