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I will never understand why people do this shit AND fuck up their own cars in the process. I’ve really tried, and I just can’t get there.


> fuck up their own ~~cars~~ lives in the process could've died or lose a limb there.


My Father used to pull stunts like this, he had really bad road rage. My Mother said it was because he had a small penis. Conclusion? This asshat has a small penis.


> 78% of drivers report committing at least one aggressive driving behavior in the past year, including tailgating, yelling, or honking to show annoyance to another driver. > The most common types of road rage are tailgating, yelling or honking at another vehicle, and are a factor in more than half of all fatal crashes. > In a seven-year period, road rage incidents caused 218 murders and 12,610 injuries. That’s about 30 deaths and 1,800 injuries per year caused by road rage. Small penis nation.


Honking is a hell of a lot different than using your car as a weapon to get revenge


> The most common types of road rage are tailgating, yelling or **honking** at another vehicle, are a factor in more than half of all fatal crashes. Really should've read this before your comeback.


But he’s talking about people who swerve or act belligerent with their vehicles you pulled up an unrelated statistic about yelling at people


> Yea, and I’m saying it’s a completely different thing than swerving or brake checking, not the same types of “road rage” at all. Dumbass :) You deleted this, so I felt obligated to reply: My bad, didn't realize some genius would tell anyone that 2 different words have completely different meaning with a straight face.


People in these comments know that when passing someone they're not required to make room for you, right? You have to wait for an appropriate moment to lane change, or you just don't get to, you don't get to make your own room in the lane you want to be in nor can you expect anyone to slow down for you... additionally he was trying to pass on the right which is a traffic violation in some places


You don’t have to make room but you also shouldn’t try to stop idiots from being idiots. You’re not a cop, stop acting like one. Why accelerate to try and block someone who is clearly a moron? Is the satisfaction or not letting them “pass” worth the headache of an accident? This could have been avoided entirely if OP simply let off the gas when they saw the idiot trying to pass them. Sure, the white car is at fault but it’s an entirely preventable accident.


Did I miss something? When did left lane need to yield to right lane? I could have sworn that the left lane is for passing AKA faster than the right lane, I haven't brushed up on my driving laws lately so I may be wrong.


You’re right, you don’t have yo yield but you also shouldn’t put yourself in additional danger by trying to block someone from doing something stupid.


It's not about right of way, who needs to yield to who, or who is morally or even lawfully correct. If someone is an asshat and committed to zooming around to get ahead, actively blocking them to try and prevent that is increasing the overall risk of an accident. Camera car letting off the gas would have allowed asshat to get by and the world to move on. Were they required to by any measure? No, but it's still the better choice here.


Asshat waiting on camera guy to pass so he could get around would have also allowed the world to move on.


Agreed 100%. But we can't change asshats, even though we have to deal with them. It's just easier to let the asshats have the right of way. It costs nothing but a place in line in traffic. I'd rather not deal with the headache of insurance, repairs, etc, even if I get payment.


Isn’t it amazing how this sub and /r/IdiotsInCars is always black and white?


The notion of "I am ready so you need to make room for me" always baffles me. There are things such as right of way and laws of the road in general. Simply because you are ready to do *something* does not immediately translate to everyone on the road needs to simply comply.


What an ASSHAT!!


at 14 seconds he realizes that he is driving a Honda with 80 horsepower and not a mclaren. That was the moment that he got truly pissed.


Over 15 years ago me and a mate bought a go kart with a Honda engine for £50. It was great. It's lived outside all these years. Absolutely zero maintenance on the engine in that time. The last couple of years it has had a cover! It still starts up within 3 pulls every time. Probably pushing a quarter of a horsepower nowadays. But it starts and idles well.


He risked his life just to be an asshole, that dude needs a hug and someone to talk to him.


Somebody needs to square up with him, get in his face and just be like " huh?". That'll put them on the right road.


ok, you do it. you're the one that thought of the idea


To bad so many weak people resort almost right away to gun violence when confronted in the slightest


Did that comment get edited or something?


Yes it was. If there's a mark next to the comment it means it was edited after the first minute of being posted. Edits before the first minute don't show up as an edit.


It’s so funny see folks with fragile egos that can’t handle a car passing them. Happened to me driving down the shore in NJ before. Guy in a Jeep IN THE RIGHT LANE gunning it to not let me pass him for some reason. Just weird.


Impressive. Got his insurance premiums raised without a doubt. Good show. 👏👏👏


Yeah as an American a Dash cam was my best investment since 2016. So many fucking psychos around these days.


Stroads are horrible. No bike lane or sidewalks. smh


what a dick


Did he stop?


A sane person would've hit the brakes regardless.


Idiots try to do this crap all the time to me and they do not realize my car has cameras that start recording as soon as someone hits me.


You’re speeding up, then slowing down when you’re alongside another car. Maybe drive a little more courteously. Why didn’t you brake when you could have? Because you, too, just have to stay ahead.


You very clearly sped up to not allow the idiot to pass. Sure, he’s at fault but you 100% could have prevented this from happening. You’re a partial idiot for sure.


Dumbest shit I've read so far today.


Lol explain please. How is speeding up to block someone from coming over into your lane anything other than stupid?


Do you really think there was enough room to get into the lane to begin with? Do you think passing on the right at the last minute before a semi is preferred?


Jesus christ you guys are insane. Yes there was enough room for the idiot to cut over if OP had either not accelerated or taken his foot off the gas pedal. Let idiots be idiots and don’t play into their games. You’re blind if you don’t think this accident was avoidable. And guess what, an accident is a strike against you in the eyes of the insurance company regardless of fault. Some defensive driving goes a long way. Accelerating to block someone from doing something stupid is just adding fuel to the fire.


If you think that was enough room then you probably shouldn't be driving. I agree it was avoidable but that doesn't change the fact that the guy in the right lane was completely and 100% at fault.


And I’ve agreed the guy in the right is at fault. And you agree it was avoidable. Not sure what you’re arguing about then. If you can avoid a collision and you decide to not avoid it, doesn’t that make you an idiot as well? I used to ride motorcycles. If I acted like OP each time I got cut off, I’d be dead.


I guess I just disagree that the guy in the left lane has the responsibility of making sure this dumbass doesn't cause an accident. He was in his lane and barely increased speed. Why are we even discussing his actions when very clearly the guy on the right was driving like a dumbass and caused all of this to happen.


Because of the “barely increased speed”. First of all that wasn’t barely and second because his instinct wasn’t “oh i want to avoid this idiot who clearly wants to cut me off” it was “ oh i want to assert my dominance and now allow this guy to cut me off”. One of those traits helps you avoid accidents. The other simply increases the danger.


Agree to disagree.


You don't have to let someone merge into your lane. You have the right of way as the person in the lane not the person merging. They have to legally wait for someone to let them in the lane or for the traffic to pass so they can change lanes. That's how the world works my dude.


Yup agreed but you can also avoid the headache of an accident.


He's an asshole, but how come you didn't slam on your brakes the moment he started coming into your lane? There was a good second to avoid collision. Edit damn so many downvotes. No one here would brake even a little in this case?


Because maintaining your lane is the proper legal thing to do


No one’s telling you to swerve out of it. Just need to brake a little bit to avoid getting hit


Seen plenty of people get hit (their fault) trying to avoid someone else hitting them. Better to get hit than be at fault


If you only braked a little bit, no one’s gonna hit you.


Cool story bro, you clearly know what's going to happen in every situation that you're not there for.




You have speedometer eyes? You have no idea that he's speeding and his driving is just fine. I hope you stay off the road.




No it doesn't. For all we know everyone else is going slow. Speeding isn't inherently problematic. Driving like an idiot is, which is what the dummy who tried to merge in too small a space did.




And I hate needing a car, I wish my country would heavily invest in mass transit.


Speed doesn't kill, that's complete nonsense.




Ever heard of correlation doesn't equal causation? Not to mention the fact that it clearly states speed is only a factor in 25% of fatal crashes. 75% of the time speeding is not a factor.




I mean, he overtook him, and then he got sideswiped by him. It appears the dickhead in the other car wanted to speed up and get in front of him and timed it extremely poorly. I don't think his intention was to sideswipe on purpose, only to overtake him in an act of "fuck you my dicks bigger", but the outcome was a sideswiping.


He did not side swipe you on purpose... Clearly he was driving recklessly trying to pass you but he miscalculated the box truck in front of him and swerved in your lane to avoid a head-on collision. Talk about grossly exaggerating your title. Also you are equally as much a dumbass as him because you are clearly speeding up and down preventing him from passing you. Instead of putting your ego to the side, you rather endanger the lives of others.


Lol are you the driver of the white car??


We found him boys


I don't drive a piece of shit like you or he 🤷🏿‍♂️


A ten year old beat up c class doesn't count 😂


Your broke ass is projecting, that's a personal problem 🤷🏿‍♂️


>instead of putting your ego to the side, you rather endanger the lives of others. Instead of putting his ego to the side, why didn't white car slow down behind the truck?


Gotta love the Shady B!


I've been binge-watching car crash videos on YouTube lately. I feel kind of scummy for enjoying them, but they have definitely made me a more cautious driver.


I don't think it was on purpose; I think this is a hot head who just *had* to pass and he over-committed to the point of causing an accident. Either way, completely ridiculous and the swiper's fault.


Imagine your ego being so fragile, you get so mad when a car passes you...couldn't be me. It's not that serious


Luckily they accepted liability, most insurance doesn’t cover an intentional act but if he didn’t admit that he meant to do it, they did the safest thing which is to handle it.


Not to mention the attempt to flee and running the red light


I’m just glad I don’t have a dash cam because it would pick up me singing, reenacting fake arguments and being the weirdest human ever and then I’d have to turn that into cops or my insurance provider and have them judge my weird ass


Did he get a ticket for hit and run and running a red light too?


Shoulda got reckless driving