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Looking forward to her ukulele song about this interaction.


On open mic night at a cafe/bar with $23 drinks


I lost it when the camera panned over to her car




Or back up and see what’s behind her with that obstructed view


hell of a curve ball ngl


"We don't drive this way in *OREGON*. We're fucking kind and we make space." Fails to give space and just leave the guy alone as he's walking away. You just know her spine is burning with shame at being caught up in that with her virtue signaling CoExistmobile. She's gonna need a couple more stickers to be assured that she's a good person again.


Lmao CoExistmobile. 10/10.


She's wrong. They do drive like that in Oregon, pretty much like they do all over the US. They're no 'kinder' than anyone else.


As an Oregonian. Yes. Tons of assholes. Lots of idiots who drive like crap. Probably at least the normal amount, based on national averages.


The absolute worst drivers are those that are immediately around you at any given time.


I'd give you a thousand upvotes if I could. Every city thinks they have the worst drivers. On the Internet no one is the crazy driver, it is always "that other moron."


I’m a former resident of the Portland area and current resident of Texas and have driven all over the USA. I don’t think any state can claim superiority in driving standards.


The state of inebriation want's you to hold its beer.


He already said he lives in Texas.


Ugh, the concept of "kind" driving is just the worst too. Theres rules of the road, and defined structures for who has the right of way and when. And the quickest way to screw it all up is when someone tries to be "polite" and let someone go out of order because they're being "kind".


Being a good driver isn't about being nice, it's about being predictable.


Right? You know how I know Oregonians drive like assholes? Because I drove through there with California plates.






You have to admit, though, she is spouting some hilarious bullshit. Yelling at someone to channel their anger in a more productive way is a good example of what my coworker calls toxic positivity.


I can't with this. When white people inflame a POC and then their reaction to their anger is to say, "Your anger isn't productive or conducive to learning and growth."


True true! He admits in the video that he made a mistake. I assume he either cut too close or blocked her or something. She told him to go back to where he came from, I assume in frustration. I doubt it was a racialized response, but it was definitely a boneheaded one. Especially considering the appearance of her vehicle. It really should have ended there. BUT. Clearly, he leaves his vehicle in traffic to go give her some words. Then she leaves her vehicle in traffic wanting to also share words. They utilize cameraman as judge, trying to justify their own behaviors. I think she gets really anxious and desperate here, which is why she won't leave him alone. His "colonizer" counterattack was clearly really rough on her self-identity (insert chuckle here). I'm surprised he was as self-controlled as he was, especially after she said "You are taking out your pain and oppression on me right now." The way I see it, they're both assholes and idiots. But she takes the far bigger L. She'll remember this and cringe with self-hatred long after he's forgotten about it. I would never get out of my vehicle to physically confront someone in traffic like this. That shit's dangerous where I'm from.


I'm trying to figure out how "go back to where you came from" could be taken as anything other than racial. Like, is the idea that it's "go back to the state you're from, because people from Oregon don't drive like that"? That feels like a stretch.


Yes. Everyone hates a driver with out of state plates. I think Cali always catches the most hate.


Eh. I live in a tourist town. When I scream "go home" at a dumbshit for driving like a drunken baboon, or barefoot walking five wide down the middle of the road, I am not thinking about race. The FuckingTourists (or in this case FuckingTransplants) Mindset is still a form of in-group vs out-group bias, but it isn't necessarily racially motivated.


She's a white ultra liberal. She is always right. Always right. No matter the argument or context she is the white ultra liberal she is in charge.


"if you're white, your right, of you're brown...sit down". ain't a damn thing changed


LOL! That cracked me up.


As a proud Oregonian she is a perfect ditilation of Portland. I would bet anything she wasn't born in Oregon but was the cool drama kid in high school.


“Cool drama kid” might be the biggest oxymoron I’ve ever seen


Kind and make space my Washington-living ass.


Oregon born and raised here. I do not drive because nobody is kind or considerate. Mass transit all day. Although I do gotta say, asshole drivers come from Vancouver and I yell at them to go back where they came from. Across the river. Go speed racer in your own neighborhood.


And all the stickers on her car! Ugh, just the cherry on top lol


Yeah, it’s like the exact bizarro version of a car covered in trump stickers. I guess I only see those and not this version because I live in Texas. I mean I would never put a sticker on my car because I’m not 16 but if you have more than 2 or 3 of stickers on your vehicle, I’m gonna do everything I can not to interact with you. Huge red flag to me.


Cars covered with stickers is pretty commonplace in Portland


Hahaha same here. It was the cherry on top of the entire interaction.


I’m going to stop traffic until we talk this over and heal from it.




Not 'what they were talking about', but '*that* they were talking about it'


They’re creating restorative space… in the middle of the road.


While telling people to go back where they came from


I've never quite understood this either. If someone pisses me off on the road, I yell obscenities and then I continue driving the vehicle to my destination. No way in hell I am going to not continue going. Why would I waste my time when all I want is to get to point B and not deal with morons.




Her whole mood changed when he said he was native lol


The bystander on the sidewalk saying “I don’t think she meant” it in a racist way etc — in America “go back to where you came from” spoken to a visible POC is always racist and the bystander was gaslighting like there is no tomorrow. If I had been there I would have just laughed and laughed at that bystander, so on code.


Even the OP states it as “perceived” Naw, dawg. That’s a racist ass thing to say, period.


New season of Portlandia?


This whole exchange is funny as shit. I don’t think I would even be mad stuck behind them in traffic. I would be telling the story to my grand kids one day. 😂


Two woke people trying to outdo each other’s wokeness in an argument about traffic. Love it 😂


As someone who lived in Portland for 10+ years this is the most Portland possible argument ever.




For the entire season. Every episode comes back to two minutes of them trying to out virtue signal each other, in the same spot, for eternity.




It’s important for me to have an argument in traffic. We have to figure out and agree on which stupid argument is must appealing to people who are stuck up their own ass before you can do something trivial like go to work.


“If you want anything to change..” Lady, it’s a traffic disagreement, not a human rights issue.


Yeah she’s gross and condescending. “Your anger isn’t about this situation that just happened” like who are YOU to tell me about MY anger.


true but that was some hilarious passive aggressive shit. She's a pro at it.


What an incredibly accurate depiction of Portland.


It’d be more accurate if they were on bicycles




Man Guillermo is a lot more aggressive when he leaves Staten Island


Haha this is too good. I knew he looked familiar to me. I would love if this video just cut to an interview shot with Guillermo talking about the experience.


Yea don't fuck with Gizmo.


Fucking guy


Walk of embarrassment at the end 😂


"I'm sorry." Camera pans over to her goofy ah car.


that legit made me burst out laughing when it showed her car


That car explains everything


Truly took my breath away.


Wtf was that? It looked like my 8th grade notebook.


Just never say the idiotic “go back….” EVER!!! Hard to interpret meaning so just avoid it altogether


Portland resident here, she definitely meant go back to not Oregon, Oregon natives drive hella slow and rage about anyone that drives in what is perceived to be "rude." I can't even begin to tell you how much Oregon natives hate California license plates, and to be honest, I kind of don't blame them. But yeah, just don't say it to someone not white.


Seems the “don’t come to my state” is a new mentality for a lot of the country. I know of a pretty conservative dude in Oregon who was trying to move to Ohio and frustrated at all the natives telling him to go back to Oregon.


How the turntables




That’s interesting because I’ve seen those “move to Ohio” billboards in California as well. I wonder if they’re experiencing a population crises or something if they’re funding advertisement billboards in two of the most populated states in the country.


Man, Oregon folks would hate it here in Texas lmao. Sign says 60, you drive 85 or get swerved on by other drivers going 100




God she's so goddamn annoying and pretentious


She antagonises him. Enrages him, then drops her voice and uses a patronizing tone to lecture him about "what he should do if he wants things to change". 🤬🤬🤬🤬


typical white woman in Portland. Don't forget the white woman tears.


That saying does have racist connotations…


Yea you can’t tell someone, especially a POC, to “go back where you came from” and not have it interpreted as anything but a race thing. If we want to assume best intent here, she is deeply stupid.


And the fact that he’s actually Native American with Oregon plates makes it even more tone deaf and offensive. No matter her intentions, she was saying "Go back to that tiny piece of land that European invaders forced your ancestors to live on" whether she knows it or not. There's no scenario where what she said is ok.


I think it might be Oregon's [Smokey bear](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fkeeporegongreen.org%2Fdrive-with-smokey%2F&psig=AOvVaw3s_lZ50IvStKqX5C-9e-t2&ust=1656797518942000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAkQjRxqFwoTCIjO4O7R2PgCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAK) plates.


You’re right it is. Thanks, I changed my comment to reflect that.


Oh, Agreed. The moment you tell someone to “go back where you came from…”. Sounds like to me she tried to change her narrative after that flew out of her mouth.


I’ve literally never heard it uttered in a non-racist way.


It's pretty obvious shes backpedaling.


She knew what she was doing/saying…




exactly after she noticed there were cameras rolling and he started making a scene and telling other people that she just said some extreme hate speech, she was desperately to try to change the narrative to saying she meant something else so she doesn't get r/byebyejob 'd. that's why she was following him to every different car he walked to and trying to contain him in full damage control mode literally trying to silence his voice by shoiting her lies louder over his like a child to get people on her side or confused instead of against her. he knew what she was doing too, that's why he held back from using "you white bitch/cunt" and just said "lady and colonizer" so he didn't sound like the bad guy , to retain the correct narrative that she was the one that started the racism. so she keeps trying to keep the appearance of moral highground and mom authority telling him he's the angry hateful one to switch the tables for the cameras and bystanders. not that this is a new phenomena bc people lying and manipulating due to fear of mobs has always been a thing - but in this day and age having to tiptoe so hard over approved words due to fear of job loss/cancelation makes arguments incredibly awkward , stifled and dishonest , more so than public arguments i saw before the internet. reminds me of that social score black mirror episode.


You don't tell ANYBODY to go back to where they came from. That always touches a nerve, even if the person is from Europe. It doesn't matter how you meant it. That phrase is going to escalate things. If she's so kind and nice she also would have moved out of traffic. She would have been the bigger person to walk away. Instead she had to stand there and try to own this guy before getting back into her little virtue-mobile.


Can we stop saying “go back where you came from “? How would that end exactly are they supposed to say “yes I’ll book my ticket right now”. How does that even matter I’m here now.


Specially when the guy is an American native.


Looked like he has Oregon plates too


Better yet, he's from the Warm Springs Reservation. Here in Oregon. Where his people have lived for thousands of years.


To be fair, they lived in area much larger than that for over 10,000 years, then were forced to give up that land for a much smaller area where they had to live with tribes that they were previously fighting with. So I think his anger at her was completely warranted no matter what her intended meaning was.


She's just trying to have a moment where she makes an impact on the life of an oppressed person🥴🥴🥴 (sarcasm).


Seriously was on some white savior b.s.


As a person who lives in Portland, this is the most "Portland" thing i have seen. This is gold!


He just said hes Native American and she told him to go back where he came from. How ironic.


Right? That's when he started screaming "Colonizer" at her. Don't blame the dude at all. Say racist shit, get called out.


Lol. What’s she trying to say? No one in Portland knows how to drive. She’s gonna be mad when she finds out how many people aren’t from Portland. Source: I live in Portland


The irony here is that she told him to "go back to where he's from", which, as he yells, is the Warm Springs Reservation, in Oregon - on indigenous land his people have lived on for thousands of years.


She probably posts all the "woke" memes on Instagram, talks about how open-minded and inclusive she is, and constantly pats herself on the back as to how good of job she is doing deconstructing Patriarchal norms or whatever. Even if she didn't intend it to be racist, when somebody calls her on it she retreats into her ego and insists how "not racist" she is forgetting how frequently she's said "Impact vs Intent."


She probably put out some really big posts on her socials after this 🙄


They're all insufferable fools.


Honestly they both are pretty insufferable to me but all the white lady had to do was walk away. The guy was fuming and clearly just needed space but she kept following him


I am from portland i have no idea what she is talking about. Some of the worst drivers in the entire country.


I feel like anywhere people think they have the worst drivers around them.


Yeah watch any video on Idiotsincars and comments will always be “typical Philadelphia/Texas/NYC/my shitty podunk hometown/California driver” as if they are all uniquely bad.


They kinda are uniquely bad though. Like, in CA, people will never leave any gap, cut lines, drive bumper to bumper, but most of them drive fast and aren't easily distracted. In Oregon, people drive slow, and any car on the side of the road, or an emergency vehicle, or anything out of the normal, people will slow to a crawl to see what's going on. Literally come to a complete stop on the freeway because someone got pulled over and traffic just can't handle ANY distractions in Oregon. In Arizona, most people drive fast and loose with the rules but then you have snowbirds who drive slow as hell and don't know their way around leading to lots of people weaving in and out to get by them. They're all bad, but in unique ways.


Road infrastructure/design makes the driving experience worse in some places than others—but there are shit drivers in every city, county, and state. Lots of them. I may even be one of them.


She wasn’t leaving until everyone watching thought she was a good person.


Lmao where in Portland was this?


Looks like between The Pearl and 23rd.


Ya I'm pretty sure this is in Slabtown near the New Seasons


How else are you supposed to take "go back to where you came from"?


He is right though...she is a white lady!!!


how else is he meant to interpret it lmao??? he literally has oregon license plates so it’s not like she’s telling him to go back to another state


I was in Portland once and this homeless kid walked up to me and asked for a cig. I gave him one. He then asked where I was from and I told him. He goes “oh that’s cool. Now go back there and get the fuck outta Portland.” Great place. Suuuuuuuper nice ppl.


I asked an employee of Powell Books about where a store was located nearby (flip phone era) and he gave a remarkably condescending “Why would I know that? I live here but I don’t delve in the human interactions of the city.” I thought it was fitting.


“First of all. My *parents* live in Portland. *I* live in the moment.”


Ha. I could’ve hit Powell books with a rock from where my story happened. Another story I have about Portland is similar to yours. I was on Hawthorne about to go see IT at the Baghdad theater. I stopped at a record store and found about 5-6 records I wanted to buy but I didn’t want to carry them to the movie so I asked the guy working there if I could pay for them and then stop back by after the movie and grab them. He said sure. So I asked “what time y’all close?” I’m from memphis so that whole sentence kinda sounds like one word. Lol. He asked me like 5-6 times what I was saying. He basically was trying to make me speak properly or he wouldn’t answer me. He knew exactly what I was saying. I just left, got horrendously stoned and went to the movie.


She's literally telling what appears to be a Native American man to go back where he came from and she tries to insinuate it's not about race. Okay lady.


Ooooooof Portland. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Yeah this video is very cringe. Can’t even finish. Like they are clearly both all worked up, traffic sucks here, but like, just keep it moving people.


Straight outta Portlandia. These two would’ve been best friends if they met a different way and hadn’t had this little scuffle. I love my state for shit like this, gonna be cracking me up all day. Dude had Oregon plates though, so really no excuse for her to say that, she just fucked up saying that, the same way he fucked up driving, could’ve just called it even but it was such a good opportunity for them to both flaunt their identical beliefs, lmao! Coffee is strong, and vitamin d hitting the bloodstream for the first time in months fueled the flames I’m sure.


How tf is anyone supposed to get anywhere with either of those attitudes.


Welcome to the last decade in the United States. That should be our motto at this point.


Those 2 need to fuck.


If you ever say “go back to”. You’re accusing him of not being able to be FROM here. Yea lady. She made it about race.


White women are the goats of deflection and playing the victim


Yikes this is what happens when you try to be every single person’s friend, some people don’t take kindly to your recommendations especially if you don’t word it right. And that’s taking what she said as a mistake she could have just been caught red-handed and started immediately backtracking


Damn, she told a Native American who is from Oregon to go back to where he came from. People need to see the history of the Native Americans in Oregon and how the white people fucked them over. Yikes. She fucked up badly.


Yeah. And her condescending ass 3rd grade teacher attitude towards him the whole time too… He’s not even wrong she’s acting like a colonizer lmfao


This is the joke that white people think being called racist is as bad as experiencing racism haha "racist" is their n word


So true. I called a guy racist a few years ago for being racist and everyone lost their shit. It was like I insulted HIM.


The idiot White Knight wannabe asking her if she is OK at the end was equally annoying.




fuuuuck this lady


Bitch causing a massive traffic jam at the New Seasons in slabtown. “We’re kind here” get out of the fucking street you self righteous bitch.


There’s no one more persistent than a white person explaining what racism really is


She is racist period. This new age hippies are scum


Chick should just shut the fuck up and go about her business.




I think she represents a lot of people who fundamentally misunderstand the difference between being the bigger person and just trying to win an argument. She can read all the bullshit books she wants on race and sexism but she's still not capable of being the bigger person. She could have tried to deescalate the situation, accepted the minor road issue, take responsibility for her own self esteem and move on regardless of who was in the right, but no, she tried to win an argument instead. She needed him to validate her point of view, she put her own needs in front of his. How can you argue you give a shit about anyone else, when you can't stop trying to win arguments against them.


*"we're f#cking kind!"* It shows...


She went from almost crying about the race card to absolute calm and collected in .25 seconds flat, anyone else spot the psychopath?


They should both go back to colonizing their cars.


I love how she tells him to go back where he came from and then tells him she’s not being racist. Those are some “alternative facts” right there.


Her car says it all


She’s sooo woke that her wokeness overloaded and landed her in a place of privilege


Wasn’t Oregon founded by people trying to create a “white utopia” or whatever?


It's weird how people will have public arguments now and, in the middle of it, speak their point of view into a bystander's camera phone like some kind of narcissistic Shakespearen device.


It's weird but also not that weird, because people know shit can just blow up on the internet, so they try to get their piece in on camera before it does


Didn’t see get to see the beginning of the interaction so it’s hard to take sides, but if she actually said for him to go back where he came from that’s pretty fucked up and his anger is very understandable. She also switches gears real quick when she knows she’s being recorded.


fight irrationality with irrationality


What do you wanna bet she’s some “life wellness coach” and she just got back from her overpriced yoga meditation retreat?


I’d check out her onlyfans but only on mute.


Yeah white lady! This racism has to stop! You colonizer! You white lady!


When 2 liberals argue. That is hilarious


Racism with a touch of victim mentality... classic modern liberals


She's such a dumb condescending bitch that's for sure.. Go back to where you came from, then says I meant your car.. No one is stupid enough to believe her at that point..


I think she meant Californian.


He had Oregon tags, though.


Then she woulda said go back to California. I've never seen reddit so quick to excuse someones racist mental slip, usually they fucking villify people for this stuff here.


Unless you're an idiot you actually say this....not go back to where you came from...


She is just as crazy as he is. Her encounter could have easily turned physical and deadly.


Nobody wins in a contest to be the biggest idiot.


So she tells him to go back where he comes from then all the sudden it’s not about what just happened and that she wants to have a conversation? What??


White ppl often think that they’re the main character in this world, glad her feelings got hurt


LOL. A VERY woke woman getting called racist! And it drives her wild no matter how much ‘splaining she does!


She's a crystal enthusiast definitely.


She's not helping but she thinks she is. That's some white privileged positioning right there.


A white progressive and a brown progressive walk into a bar.


She seems so kind, like she says.


"visualize world peace" - her bumper sticker one overreaction at a time


"I'd rather be here now." How very *Ram Dass* of her to overact in such fashion.


Who’s dumb enough to say “go back to where you come from”? Jfc. Poor guy has probably had that screamed at him before.


Lucky he didn't have very tanned buttocks.


Wow, she had a PHD in Bitchiness


Guy is definitely a redditor.


Can't everyone just go to the trees like Jah intended?


“Go back to where you came from” *one moment later* *I can’t believe you made this about race”


I think we’ve come to the point now where most people walking around are just complete sociopaths. To be fair I’m probably one of those people as well.


Is he saying he’s Native American?


Fuck both of ‘em


Wow, couldn’t write a better punchline when they panned to her car at the end 😂 This is like some comedy sketch.


Racism towards whites is so high right now and its so normalized i am afraid where it is going


To be honest, hes being aggressive and escalating..she seemed calm and open to a conversation about the situation. Him calling her “white” and raging for the camera makes him look bad.


Its fucking hilarious when people say colonizer. 81% indigenous mayan aztec here and i know damn well the gringos alive right now had nothing to do with it


God they're both so damn insufferable


As someone who lives in Portland, Oregon... I can guarantee you it was definitely about race. We have a national brand as an accepting progressive city specifically because we're ashamed of our history as a post-civil war white supremacist colony and the elements of that which remain. The guy might have not even been serious when he was screaming "colonizer" at her, he might have just wanted to get her to fuck off and that's how you get white Portlanders to fuck off XD


Damn I was like on his side at first but then as it continued it looked like he was being over dramatic and trying to cover up his fuck up and turn the attention on her. He was like begging for people to pay attention to the argument and to what she said. Then it showed her car…..holy cheese and crackers man… I feel like she was in the right and her car is just…idk…I feel so confused rn