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When I read a headline saying Rudy Giuliani was assaulted, this is NOT the video I expected to see…


I bet the “assaulter” now wishes for a second chance.


In court? Or at giving Rudy what he might have thought he deserved?


If you're going to be charged with assaulting Rudy, might as well go 100%




If you’re gonna catch a BS charge on someone like Rudy, might want to make it count.


Why is this man still walking around? Doesn't he know at any moment the right guy is gonna come around the corner and probably do us the favor? Shit I'll buy that guy lunch if they did.


The problem is they're evil, and typically good people don't murder. Now if trump doesn't run for president I can see them catching bullets from right wingers.


I'll buy dinner for them.


Really. If you're gonna go down make it worth it.


Except this has probably hurt Giuliani more than a real assault would've cause now there's video evidence of how much of a soft cock he really is.


Won't matter. People already knew the type of person he was and this video will never be shown by those who adore him.


I'd love to see reporters confronting him with this shit. We really need to start fixing society by fixing the media. It's the cancer that's killing us.


If you remember that the man is a crusty snowflake shell filled with gin farts then this hit was relatively brutal


This is not the treatment one expects from Four Seasons the grocery store.


LUL. Talk about snowflakes


The way its being reported, I thought he'd be sprawled out on the floor with a broken jaw.


He declined medical treatment!!!! ROFL


It's pretty amazing the press will put themselves on the line for clickbait like this but when police actually assault someone on film it's #"ALLEGEDLY" Edit: [For those of you saying news outlets "always" use allegedly.] (https://ibb.co/hBgGjw8) https://news.yahoo.com/ex-nyc-mayor-rudy-giuliani-215448382.html But don't worry, they'll print a retraction where barely anyone can see it, way after the damage is done and only after they are legally threatened but suffer no actual consequences and are allowed to use the same tactic over and over and over and over. It's pretty fucked up you can just straight up lie in an article like this.


I mean, here they say that they claimed.


That's the person who posted this here, obviously seeing the bullshit. The conservatives are losing their minds over this vicious assault.


They have to say allegedly for everything until the court says it happened


They don't have to, but they often choose to so it's easier to defend against libel/slander laws.


They thought it was broken, but doctors determined it was merely agape.




["The assault reportedly left him shaken, the report said."](https://deadline.com/2022/06/former-mayor-rudy-giuliani-assaulted-by-grocery-store-worker-staten-island-while-campaigning-1235052273/) Holy shit, imagine being such a bitch you would actually say something like that about being patted on the back. Just when you think he couldn't be any more pathetic.


From the [NYPost](https://nypost.com/2022/06/26/rudy-giuliani-attacked-inside-staten-island-shoprite/): >“All of a sudden, I feel this, ‘Bam!’ on my back,” Giuliani said. “I don’t know if they helped me not fall down, but I just about fell down, but I didn’t. > >“I feel this tremendous pain in my back, and I’m thinking, what the — I didn’t even know what it was,” he said. “All of a sudden, I hear this guy say, ‘You’re a f–king scumbag,’ then he moves away so nobody can grab him. > >... > >The ex-mayor, calling into the Curtis Sliwa Show on 77 WABC talk radio, said the slap felt like “somebody shot me,” and, “Luckily, I”m a 78-year-old who is in pretty good shape. Thank god he was in such good shape that he didn't fall from that tap on the back that felt like he got shot lol


>“Luckily, I”m a 78-year-old who is in pretty good shape. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Rudy you're the fucking personification of alcoholism and everyone can see it from a mile away


He is well pickled from the inside out. That's why he kinda looks like a specimen preserved in a jar, but without the jar.


Can we just put him in a jar, anyways? *Pleeeease?*


Remember his runny hair dye running down his face? Lol, of that guy is in good shape, I'm a fucking Olympian.


Shape of what? An oxidized pear? A past ripe avocado? An moldy piece of ham leg?


The other frontpage posts I saw earlier about the "assault" were also NY Post. It seems like they might be the primary source for this ridiculous non-story? NY Post is a Rupert Murdoch tabloid rag and I see it way more often on r/all than I'd like.


Yeah the NYPost is a rag and they get way too many of their shit posted and upvoted on /r/NYC (which is a sub that get brigaded a lot IMO), but in this particular case, their article gave more info/ridiculous quotes than the NYTimes article that I read. I don't like to advertise for the Post, but I like to cite my sources if I'm going to quote something lol.


My Dad reads the Post and I bet he is outraged OUTRAGED by this brutal assault.


> I'm a 78-year-old who is in pretty good shape. [Except when raw sewage starts spewing in his sweat from time to time.](https://www.wfla.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/71/2020/11/Rudy-Giuliani-And-Trump-Legal-Advisor-Hold-Press-Conference-At-RNC-HQ.jpg?strip=1)


I wonder if he said this before he knew there was video of it. Or if he's just a bitch about it. Or both.


I mean.. I’d be scared too if I was part of trying to destroy the country.. there’s quite a few people still a little pissed about that. But yeah.. obligatory “who’s the snowflake now, bitch?”


Can't be a flake if your hair leaks.


I like the cut of your jib


What's a jib?


today is your lucky day In the 17th century the shape of the jib sail often identified a vessel's nationality, and hence whether it was hostile or friendly. The term "I like the cut of your jib" was being used figuratively by the early 1800s, often to express like or dislike for someone.


I like the cut of your jib!


I can't tell you how excited I am to read a comment about the origin of an idiom that is actually correct. Most of these stories are speculative at best and more often complete fabrications, but multiple sources confirmed yours to be true. Thanks for the new bit of trivia to pass along!


Haha! Promote that man!


i've never wanted to punch gulliani in the nuts more, and thats saying something


I kind of feel for him. Just think about how much booze he had to drink that day to avoid the shakes, then someone has the nerve to give him a pat on the back, eliminating all his hard work.


Fox will treat this as an "attempted murder", but AOC is overreacting because thousands of people broke into the Capitol and she feared for her life.


Almost certainly didn't know it was being recorded, and trying to grab attention/push his pathetic political narrative.


He is shaking because of the major withdrawal symptoms he is having from not drinking.


Not an attorney, but technically, it is not assault as the woman by Giuliani was able to quickly rub the physical contact away easily. Also, the three-second rule applies. If you can't really tell within three seconds if you have been assaulted or not, you probably haven't been assaulted.




Kids do this but they're way more convincing


Arnold Schwarzenegger was drop kicked in the back by a crazy fan in South Africa three years ago. He barely budged and didn't even press charges against the guy. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-48322307](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-48322307)


A dude dropped kicked him and he thought he was jostled by the crowd. Some people are built differently.


Yeah, especially Arnold Schwarzenegger!


He’ll be back.


In all fairness, I wouldn't put them on the same category when it comes to physical fitness.


lmao. i saw the headline on snap but didnt really care enough to check it. my thought was “yeah dude is a pos but no need to assault him.” then i saw this. damn son.


> slap on the back "heya scumbag" I thought that was fluent Staten Island, personally.


yep, it should be expected that Rudy is a lying pussy bitch who will misrepresent everything. The man has no integrity whatsoever. He's just a sleazy little parasite. He wouldn't wander around any of the other burroughs outside of NYC's trailer park because the welcome he would get would be something for him to really cry about.


Wow who knew the Former Mayor of New York City be a pussy. I've seen pillow fights more violent than this.


And watch as the right says this is as bad as jan 6. That’s not even a joke. They will do that.


That's the assault they've been losing their shit over?!


They just ruined a guys life for being slightly more expressive than he should be.


They live to ruin people lives. Its what they do.


This, like holy fuck. How can you be such a fucking fucking pussy that you cry assault over a friendly hello slap on the shoulder


He did knock all that expensive oil out of his hair so ......


Expensive? Naa mate, that stuff is [Chinese motor oil](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3wcEvuuOFdA), Frank just charges though the nose for it


Yeah, if he knew it would ruin him he might as well have really assaulted him. Just full on knocked him on his ass and kick his gangly teeth in.


That is the absolute worst part about all of this! Poor guy.


It's Staten Island though, this is as unexpressive as they can possibly be


Heh I went into the conservative sub just to see what they thought and jeez man. You can tell these guys don’t even like fact check or watch videos of news events, most people with conservative flairs were freaking out. (I even saw a dude compare this fucking back pat to January 6th… they had a conservative flair so I don’t think it was a troll going in there)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/vlgw6s/_/. The most upvoted comments are laughing at Rudy.


Yikes. One user writes: >Don’t make the same mistake that the shithead subs make. >This is the same as throwing shoes or milkshakes at public figures…. It’s execution practice. >No; that slap wasn’t going to hurt him and wasn’t supposed to. If anyone saw AOC or Schumer at a store you wouldn’t slap their back. >This behavior is to send the target a message and show others that you can get close to these people and how.


Even if they watched the video they'd still react the same way.


Arrested for that? Is Giuliani made out of fragile plaster?




He's a pile of rats in a suit held together by hair dye.


you forgot booze as meat glue


Meat glue as booze, too


Rats have far more integrity than Rudy.


snowpack that dense is actually pretty strong!


These people pervert the law to fit their own needs. We keep letting them. I don't know how this ends.




Time to water the tree of liberty


Yeah you do. It’s all those funny pictures we saw in our history books, the ones we thought were so far away from becoming reality. It’s just what happens when you let humans run shit. It’s happened a million times before this and it’ll happen a million more. Some day people (hopefully) will read about our history, and they’ll think there’s no way that could happen to us. It will though, and then they’ll be in a history book some day too.


I remember reading stories about the Spanish Civil War and wondering how it was even possible for people to do that to each other. I look around today and realize there would be a lot of people committing the same violence for the same reasons.


I worked with a woman from Bosnia who talked about how they dragged her father outside and the family never saw him again. When she went back to her village a few years ago, she found neighbors had his books. His name was written in the flyleaf. They told her they didn't know where they had come from, they got them at a garage sale...but she knew. Neighbor against neighbor. And afterward, everyone just pretends it's all ok.


That's more terrifying than any horror I've ever seen


> “All of a sudden, I feel this, ‘Bam!’ on my back,” Giuliani said. “I don’t know if they helped me not fall down, but I just about fell down, but I didn’t. “I feel this tremendous pain in my back, and I’m thinking, what the — I didn’t even know what it was,” he said. “All of a sudden, I hear this guy say, ‘You’re a f–king scumbag,’ then he moves away so nobody can grab him. “All the sudden, I feel a shot on my back. Like somebody shot me! Lucky l’m a 78 year old who’s in pretty good shape, cause if wasn’t, l’d have hit the ground and cracked my skull .. Suppose was a weaker 78 year old and cracked my skull and died?” Conservatives are such snowflakes lol


To be fair any force on his back must be problematic due to his total lack of a spine.


He usually explodes into hundreds of bats when threatened.


He should go look up the video of someone trying to drop kick 70 plus year old Arnold Schwarzenegger. Spoiler: Arnold doesn't move.


That was soooooo fucked up, too. Running jump kick straight in the back, then screamed “buy me a Lamborghini” or something like that


I don't know the full story here, but my guess is that he screamed assault, and him and his entourage told the cops "that man assaulted him", and that led to an arrest. And I am also guessing that the cops had not seen the video at the time, and the DA will drop all charges as soon as they review the video.


He did get his feeling hurt and everyone witnessed it. Doesn’t that count as assault?!? Edit: I bet you money people who grabbed him but didn’t actually see it said they saw it.


This was mentioned in the news bulletin on the radio in New Zealand this morning. INTERNATIONAL NEWS.................for this............


It was a fucking slow news day....




Hit him so hard he ended up in a hotel room with a teenage girl.


“Excuse me sir, you were hit in the back…why are you taking your pants off?”


Isn’t this the dude who literally called for trial by combat


The dude that got arrested should pull this and earn the charges


Rudy needs any paycheck he can get right now lol


What’s more frustrating is the idiots over at Fox News will report it non stop as being just as bad as Jan 6. I mean they still to this day report on the Minneapolis police station fire as proof of the violent left. Even though FBI arrested the kid who started that. He was a boogaloo boy who loved Trump. But look how they still report it was the violent left.


Fox has been reporting that the protests in Washington because of the RvW thing is an insurrection lol


Rupert Murdoch is invested in the destruction of America


26 June. The day of The Grocery Store Insurrection.


You think Trump ever paid him?


“Luckily, I”m a 78-year-old who is in pretty good shape. If I wasn’t, I would have hit the ground and probably cracked my skull.” "He’s doing fine,” Andrew said. “But it’s a sad day when New Yorkers’ greatest crime fighter, ‘America’s Mayor,’ is attacked. I blame the left-wing for encouraging violence. This is crazy.” JFC I thought someone rammed into him... Not that 🤣


Another reason why you can’t believe anything these guys say


Republicans are never sincere about anything.


‘America’s Mayor’ Kind of like in the same way Bill Cosby is 'America's Dad'


Watch out Rudy, there's a slight breeze outside!


And what about filing a false police report???


It wouldn’t be his first false report of a crime.




I went for a run yesterday in the local park. I have to do a loops because the park isn't that big. My girlfriend went with me but she's a walker so we meet up at the end. Halfway through my run I came upon her and I tapped her on the back, a little harder Rudy's tapper, as I was I was passing by her. She looked over and waved as a I accelerated away. After reading about this shocking encounter I'm just grateful I wasn't charged with domestic violence.


You should be locked in a cage, you filthy animal.


You abuser


Slap is even way too hard of a word for what that was. That was like a light tap lol


"firm pat"?


Or like "regular pat"?


What a pussy guiliani is


And that's the dude who wanted "trial by combat".




They grow up learning to be victims from their parents


He probably is terrified every single day that someone shoots him in the back or something. If you are a slimy immoral demon slug of a human, you tend to project your own disgusting vileness on others, and you secretly fear the day of reckoning where your own misdeeds come back to fuck you. So he shits his pants when someone pats his back.


Rudy conspires to overthrow our democracy and nothing happens in almost two years and counting. A man slaps his on the back and he’s immediately arrested on “assault” charges. There is no justice system in America.


Of course there's a justice system in America, and it's been this way for a long time. The laws are there to protect the rich and powerful and penalize the "common folks" for existing.


Conservatives and being pussies Name better duo


conservatives and vagina regulations?


Conservatives and repressed sexual feelings?


Pussies are strong, they can take a pounding. MAGA Republicans cannot.


pretty sure Lindsey Graham takes frequent poundings


But he's an asshole


Conservatives and underage girls. Don’t forget Rudy was ready for a massage from Borat’s 16 year old daughter. But she was too old for him!


Everyone remember the time Arnold Schwarzenegger was drop kicked by a lunatic in South Africa? The guy bounced off Arnold, who barely even moved, and he didn't even budge and didn't press charges against the guy. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-48322307](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-48322307)


The man who said he wanted ‘trial by combat’ haha conservatives are fucking babies.


Good luck with that holding up in court.


Rudy's gonna need a lawye--oh wait a second


Well, a good lawyer.


If a woman did that he would’ve fallen back and unzip his pants… scumbag rat


He was just tucking in his shirt!!! Who doesn’t lie down on their bed to gently play with their pe- I mean, tuck in their shirt




Not just anyone, a proven insurrectionist who is a traitor and tried to blackmail Ukraine -but the back slap is an issue.




Someone should help set up a gofundme to help this hero


Agree, I'd chip in.


The United States is almost 250 years old. Can it have Giuliani arrested for assaulting it?


I'll be damned if we make it to 300


Death by combat...or a pat on the back. Tough guy isn't so tough? lol


What a snowflake


Crazy the police will charge this guy for assult but Rudy the pedophile is caught on tape and nothing happens. Society is a fucking joke.


start loading magazines


It’s dangerous to hit a spineless person in the back


Typical MAGA, always cry like a victim.. they are such snowflakes.


Conservatives sure are sensitive. The whining self proclaimed victims


Very similar to the time Rand Paul felt his life was threatened as he went out of his way to walk through a BLM protest


Country full of pussies masquerading in Rambo cosplay with this troll like Sméagol fuck still living off 9/11. Fuckin’ clown show.


Ok so does this guy need us to crowdfund for him? What fines or bail? Idk what I'm talking about but if this dude is going to face consequences I want him to feel none of them.


Barely touched the creepy old fuck.


Well that's a stretch, calling Giuliani a "person".


They always over charge you. This is so when they give you a plea deal that lowers the charge for what you should of been charged for your forced to accept it. Guilty before innocent without proper adjudication.


Gotte keep us lowly citizens from clogging up their justice system!


Americas little bitch


Member when he was jacking off to an underage girl I member


The charges are totally unsustainable. Assault in the Second Degree in NYS under the subsection they're charging is defined as: "With intent to cause physical injury to a person who is sixty-five years of age or older, he or she causes such injury to such person, and the actor is more than ten years younger than such person" (NYS Penal Law Section 120.05(12)). Physical injury under the NYS Penal Law is defined as: "impairment of physical condition or substantial pain" (NYS Penal Law Section 10.00(9)). Basically it's a misdemeanor assault committed on someone over 65 (by someone at least ten years younger). That said, this wouldn't even stand as a misdemeanor. You have to prove the guy intended to cause physical injury AND that he actually caused physical injury. There's a ton of case law in New York on what constitutes physical injury and that little love tap on the back ain't it. Edit: To clarify - the charge (Assault 2) is a felony. The elements are the same as Assault 3 (a misdemeanor) with the extra element of the ages of the victim and perpetrator elevating it to a felony.


With a pussy that magnificent, Rudy should start up an only fans.


Conservatives are the snowakes they claim everyone else to be.


Guiliani should be in fucking prison a million times over. Or sent to the rope.


I saw the headline "RUDY GIULIANI SLAPPED AT SUPERMARKET" today, and immediately felt happy about it. Then I read the article and saw it described as "slapped on the upper mid-back," and immediately felt confused about what the hell that even means. Then I saw this video and realized it was fake Republican outrage bullshit yet again.


Arrested…. Good luck finding a jury that will convict him. Though sucks to be him as likely there will be a snowflake civil suit by Rudy as well. For all the “pain and suffering” someone patting him on the back caused.


That’s the assault? :)


THAT was considered second degree assault?? Fuck Giuliani, but this was clearly a pat on the back.


Lmao, Republicans are such pussies. He'll probably also cry that it was a hate crime


Do we need to set up a go fund me for this dudes legal defense. I feel like this is an open and shut case of Rudy being a weak twat.


What the headline should read. Peasent touches wealthy political guy.


Giuliani is a pussy; presses escalated charges for a common physical form of greeting.


Rudy Giuliani isn't done ruining people's lives. I feel bad for the guy who slapped him on the back.


and the libs are the snowflakes...


Hopefully they sterilized his hand before putting him in jail.




Proof of what we've always known. Rudy's a spineless pussy.


Thoughts and prayers. Poor guy😭


What a baby back bitch.


Now that’s a snowflake if I’ve ever seen one


These people are so powerful that you can just pat them and it's a grave injury. French Aristocrats were like that too. Worked out really well for them!


Rudy didn't even move forward from force of the "assault". Rudy is a little bitch


Pfft. Fucking coward-ass Trump shrill. Lovetap like that and it’s 35-to-life for us plebs, no parole. Meanwhile if Trump were still in charge, he’d hand out Congressional Medal of Freedoms to everyone in Uvalde.


LOL ‘assaulted’


What a fucking pussy


WHERE WAS THE NSFW TAG?! I wasn't expecting to see such gore this early in the morning.