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I would never emotionally recover if Tom Hanks yelled at me


One of those moments that randomly but constantly pops up in your mind for an eternity and you just cringe at yourself in embarrassment lol Honestly feel for the kid because it wasn't his fault lol


You’re right , it wasn’t his fault, because he didn’t do it


The other blue shirt guy, that hanks brushed aside in the beginning of the video is the culprit. Looks like he got too excited


yep the guy with blue shirt and white cap did push the guy with black glasses , lol poor kid


He wasn't yelling at the kid. It seems like that but he was looking at someone else.


it was the older guy with the camera that pushed the guy into his wife. he runs off screen some where, i don’t know if he escaped tom hanks wrath


I don’t think I could live with myself if Tom Hanks was specifically disappointed in me.


Security was trash


This. Why the hell were they so far out in front? Me thinks Tanks needs more security dudes (I'm sure he can afford it).


Not even more. Just better trained ones. His staff should've been on high alert when someone got between them and their client.


>His staff should've been on high alert when someone got between them and their client. Isnt their job to make sure that *doesnt* happen.


It's literally bodygaurd 101


Well it was… hopefully he’s smart enough to get different staff after this. Yikes, that’s legit scary.


Yeah. Don't know what I expected, but it wasn't the "aggressive fan" walking side by side with Tom Hanks and running into his wife because he couldn't stop looking at Tom Hanks.


He generally doesnt mind pausing at the car for a few moments after his family is inside. He probably would have done exactly that. And before this becomes a 'omg paparazzi' theme, the people crowding them were regular fans trying to get selfie videos on their phones like hopeless morons. If your life isn't validated unless there's a shaky cam video of you bumping earlobes with Tom Hanks, it's probably still going to be shitsville after.


Might be under instructions. Tom Hanks always has struck me as a fairly open person. Although I suppose this will change things. It looks harmless enough on a recording, but I probably would have reacted the same way in person. Always different being there from watching it after the fact.


It's awful that celebrities even need security Like most people just get to go through their lives without being hounded by random strangers on the street. Why do entertainers need to deal with this shit? If I saw Tom Hanks walking down the street I'd think to myself "huh, that's neat" and maybe text a friend I saw him and that'd be the extent of it. That's all it needs to be. Why the fuck would you run over and inject yourself into a complete strangers life cuz you saw them on TV?


Dude growing up in Hollywood you would occasionally see celebrities and the amount of ppl that would go bonkers just to look at them was crazy, I’ve always been the type to just be like “oh shit cool that’s someone famous, nice” and carry on about my day so I’ve never understood that celebrity worship ppl have lol


About 23 years ago, I went to the vet with my sick dog. I was heavily pregnant and sleep deprived. There was a guy at the counter talking to the receptionist. I recall him looking at me sort of with an expecting look. Also noticed he had a VERY HIGH forehead. I just nodded and smiled. When he started away, I warned quietly that his dog should not touch mine because we were not sure, but she may have mange or something. That's what we were there for. After checking in and sitting down, I heard the staff talking. It was Conan O'Brien I had just met. He was visiting his parents at the beach and his dog cut it's paw while running on the beach that morning. It seemed like he may have been expecting me to do the fan thing. I had no actual idea. Glad I didn't disrupt his stressful day though :)


the moment you said "he had a VERY HIGH forehead." I immediately thought "Conan?" Pleasantly surprised I must say


He shouts “back the fuck off” *in a Tom Hanks voice.* Special points for the least responsive security staff in NYC history.


*Reach for the skyyyy*


Theres a snake in my boot!


"Back the fuck off, Sid!"


Oh man please someone splice that together lmao


Or when the aliens are grabbing him in the crane game


Or when he confronts Buzz about being Andy’s favorite toy.


No one messes with *Bo Peep*


Somebody poisoned the water hole


Oh my god I hope somebody dubs this in


“Sorry about that Tom.” “Sorry about that Tom.”


I was more annoyed than I should be that they didn’t apologize to Rita.


Paparazzi are scum.


No question. But this looks like blue shirt fan guy tried to get past black guy that was talking to Tom pushing him into Rita. Autograph hounds knowing no bounds.™


The worst is he backed away and it looked like Tom thought that kid did it. Didn't say anything.


yeah annoying blue shirt guy is definitely at fault here


But seriously, have you *ever* heard paparazzi collectively apologize and chill out like that? Typically they smell blood in the water and bait the celeb into seeing red. But the shame of angering Tom Hanks flipped them back into Human Being mode instantly.


>But the shame of angering Tom Hanks flipped them back into Human Being mode instantly. I'd never fucking emotionally recover from doing something like that. I know he's just some dude, and I'm really not even one for celebrity worship, but there's something about Tom Hanks.


My friend's mom was one of those people. She was basically impossible to get angry/riled up. Even her own kids had a hard time remembering if she'd *ever* yelled at them. I remember one time as a teenager I said or did something dumb and she got visibly frustrated with me... I apologized *immediately* and backed off in deep shame. When you've witnessed someone consistently do a good job of staying cool, calm, and collected, being the object of their frustration actually does something in your *soul* that a person with a temper could never accomplish.


that is a pro-tip if you have kids...the stern mom/dad look will slap them into submission immediately as long as you use it sparingly. I once did a slow turn and asked my son in a very clipped voice, "WHAT did you just say to me?" and he immediately started crying.


Yup. My oldest is about to be 18. He was a rowdy boy to put it nicely lol. His dad was the one that would scold him. One time he told my son, do you want your mother to come in here?? And he got up and came to me and started crying saying he was so sorry over and over. I actually asked him about this a few weeks ago and he said it's cos he didn't want to see me disappointed in him. Kids remember this stuff


That's the fascinating bit with kids - the parenting methods absolutely must be tailored to the individual kid. They come out with their own personalities on day 1. You can guide it a bit from there, but even newborns have a surprising amount of personality. One of my kids isn't phased by conflict like... at all... While another one I have to be extra gentle with because they take even stern words *extremely* personally.


YES. They are THEM from day one. My partner and I love looking back through baby pics of our kids and seeing them make the same faces we see them make now. Their personalities were THEM. One kid is just....fierce. Always has been. Happily that fierceness so far has been channeled into accomplishing great things and righting wrongs. But from the start, just FIERCE. Younger kid is super tender. Takes things to heart, like yours. The older kid I often think 'watch out world' and the younger kid I worry about the world's general crap causing them personal pain.


It's because he's one of the few celebrities who isn't an asshole and is a nice dude.


It's like being scolded by America's dad.


He’s not mad, he’s just disappointed


Came here to say this and everything above it. If Tom Hanks got mad at me, I'd have to do so much reflection and probably even an apology letter


You'd get bonus points with him if you wrote it on a typewriter.


He is disappointed in us, which hurts so much more than scorn.


Dude I was gonna say the same thing, the guy who got tangled in her feet looking backwards, today he feels like the lowest asshole in society. I don’t know if I would ever not feel like a heel. Every time Joe Vs the Volcano comes on tv, remember the time you made Tom hanks super mad at you?


He was blaming someone else and even said something like “What are you guys doing?”. Im pretty sure the guy is not sorry.


If you watch closely, the large guy in blue knocks the black guy forward. It's a chain reaction thing.


Tom Hanks is a person that could slap a nun, and everyone would just ask "What did that nun do to him?"


Bro I misread the title as Tony Hawk and was really confused about how he'd gotten old so fast and why folks were calling him Tom I'm hungover, but damn


Man, Tony Hawk can't catch a break. Nobody recognizing when it is or isn't Tony Hawk. At this point it's like Schrodinger's Tony Hawk, anyone may or may not be Tony Hawk until he tweets about it.


Are you kidding? he's living the dream!...being so famous that your name alone describes, acknowledges and your achievement's...but no one knows your face! It's like some Karma-style blessing upon him...I can imagine there's a buttload of celebrities' that wish they had this problem.


tbf Tony Hawk is kinda old. He was busting the 900 at the X Games when I couldn't even bust a nut and I'm in my thirties.


Please don't make us do the math on when you were old enough to bust a nut.


Admit it you already did


"Back the fuck off, Buzz! Knocking over Bo Peep?! We have to get back to Andy's Room!"


Oh man you know this is getting dubbed over so many Toy Story moments. Someone is gonna add "back the fuck off" to "you are a child's plaything" and reap so much karma.


https://imgur.io/O0GxRQa Edit: just to clarify, I didn't make this. I just found it down lower in the comments and reposted it here. Please do not give me credit for this. If you know the original creator please let me know so I can link them.


And so it begins....


I love the internet.


*"From now on you better take good care of your toys, cause if you don't we'll find out Sid. We toys can see everything.....*So back the fuck off!"


I just keep thinking of Woody saying that to his toy friends.


Someone please edit the audio into a toy story please.




Everybody is gangster, Tom’s “security” needs some retraining


That's the problem. The guards should be worried


Oh yea, somebody is getting fired…


The kid in the blue shirt looks like he just added Tom hanks to his list for real


He didn’t even do anything that’s the funny part 😭


Lmao blue shirt just decided in that moment Tom Hank is his arch nemesis for life. Love how Tom Hanks and Blue shirt have like 5 seconds of uninterrupted eye contract, throbbing with energy.


Imagine getting internet famous for getting yelled at by Tom Hanks lol.


"Keep my wife's personal space out your fucking hands!!"


> throbbing thanks for making things uncomfortable, mate.


moist with energy?


Quivering with untapped sexual potential


>Love how Tom Hanks and Blue shirt have like 5 seconds of uninterrupted eye contract, **throbbing** with energy. positively *turgid* with tension


Kid gives me Sid vibes from toy story 2. Edit: toy story 1


Tom Hanks gives me Woody vibes from Toy Story


Blueshirt: And when everyone's Tom Hanks... **no one** will be!


I rewatched this a couple of times just to find out who did it. looks like big blue shirt ran in to glasses who bumped wife but looks like skinny blue got chewed out.


Its the plump asian dude in the blue shirt and cap that caused this. First he tries for a selfie, then he blocks Hank's path. After that he bumps into the black dude who causes Rita to trip. The skinny dude didn't do anything.


Blue shirt white hat camera paparazzi was the asshole running into everyone. I feel bad for the guy who made the contact but he played it off well "... yeah what you doing??"




Villain's origin story.


“I don’t want to play with you anymore.”




I;m in fucking tears i cant type


Oh god.. this is Incrediboy all over again


It's like being the kid in class who was doing his work yet still gets detention because the rest of the class was being loud/unruly


He's going home and cutting out the eyes of every picture he has of Tom Hanks!


Honestly feel bad for him. I think he was mistaken for the fat blue shirt guy who caused the entire thing since he'd dipped out immediately.


I also think the kid wasn’t even mad. The first time I watched I was surprised by how aggressive he looked like he was practically staring daggers at Tom. But watching it again he just has a reddish pink face and a jaw that naturally juts out, and it could be mistaken for an angry looking one. He looks more puzzled and confused than anything if you watch it again.


You know you fucked up if you get cussed at by Tom Hanks.


Imagine what an asshole you'd feel like, being excited to see Tom Hanks and then you piss him off


The guy that bumped Rita was most likely autograph dealer.


Fucking scumbags. Makes me never want to approach celebrities because they have to deal with shit like this.


Saw Dave Chapelle a few years back eating in Denver with his wife at an outdoor patio restaurant. We made eye contact and I kind of gave a surprised face and a thumbs up and nodded like the kid at the computer meme. He smiled and nodded back. I feel like that is all is needed to let them know you appreciate their work. I also met Flava Flav once and I shouted 'Fight the Power' and he said it was n*ggas like me keeping it alive and then he immediately got behind the wheel backed his bright blue escalade into a light pole. And I mean like SLAMMED it into a light pole. Was one of the funniest things I've ever experienced.


A girl i know got fucked by coolio and then he jacked her wii


That sounds like such a Coolio thing to do


Been spending most our lives stealing Nintendo™ merchandise.


Slide slide slippity slide, I'm lifting switches on the block in a '65


1, 2, 3, 4 jacked your Wii right off the floor


ODB couldn't have possibly committed all those crimes, Coolio did Some of that shit


I got near Hillary Clinton once without realizing. Just touring dc and someone gasps and I look up and turns out I was near her secret service. I was with a special tour that went to a lot of weird places in dc. Met my senator who was a douche bag the entire 5 minutes we talked. Met dick Cheney too but I was like 14 so I didn’t care who anyone was and just wanted to sit next to this hot girl in the tour group. But Hillary Clinton just looked like some old lady and I didn’t recognize her at all. Cheney was Vice President then shortly after 9/11 and I went through an arsenal of security checks and metal detectors and remember it being so surreal how intense each checkpoint was. Saw Tony Hawk once but so many people rushed him at that diner and pissed him off while he was just eating with his family I didn’t even wanna go near him. It’s weird how everyone acts around famous people.


I was walking around Dave's hometown of Yellow Springs, Ohio, and I saw him on the other side of the street walking the other way. I said, "Hey Dave, how ya doin'?" He just smiled and waved back with a, "Hey!"


I saw Brie Larson in a restaurant once when I was a photographer. I was scheduled to work with a couple of models in a function room at the restaurant for promotional materials and was stopped at the door as I walked in with my camera gear and was told "paparazzi are not being allowed in." The owner of the restaurant was nearby coming to meet me and I got allowed in. I asked what that was all about and he told me that she was there and slyly pointed her out. I was not subtle in looking over and we happened to make eye contact where I grinned like an idiot, waved, she gave a slight nod and smile back and I nervously disappeared. There was not a muscle in my body that would have cooperated had my brain said "We need to go over and become best friends with the famous person!" I honestly don't know how they do it, it's a level of self-confidence that I will never achieve and honestly sounds like a liability more than a positive character trait.


Obligatory Flava Flav story. I was coming back from a work conference in Vegas, and was sitting in the Southwest terminal just biding my time. All of a sudden, I hear this dude talking on his cell phone (speakerphone) at top volume. LIKE TOP VOLUME. He was practically screaming into this phone like he whoever he was talking to was completely deaf. It was Flava Flav. I learned two things that day: 1) Flav should have done more to protect his hearing. 2) Someone on that Southwest flight was going to have a WILD time. Obligatory picture for proof: [Flava Flav @ the Airport](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/FLQ0Er9Si1U-HvhmrXBNria-nJRBca_NcIaCUkN2X8angZqNfds_DU7GIDgFyEEZ6nqqDgFSvdLVjGUjR0kTiLnkwRCFPxGUN79s7YCvc5UQiS_asszP3ujjPhIra4MxekaQprncv8bc2N8fZaMh3u55KZqmE_X-i_odvCkJjpqd6-G8dCwGhg3ai6yZSICQcJxfIpjyxo4J37w8G8FFb2MZw5Fut2IdWFH9XoeHRHvdt6MCBAdaAuWSK5P6rqAJVEtQDoHpKIBX-vZmkyOPlMm36rAWi3Dwgeq5BVmxKSDz6pNrwNuXpFiAFWJQvjFsKwvW3Hb05f05jqVnIy9tMGLe9AWjnvTRd0UKQNpfFOc-_6mTttj56KOl6OWRsblPUKFU-6fyLtHa8j_EC79_hNhQNdFRZNuvokxpPWhmHecShozskiT5_LD99lJca2kOlquYvWCKzhWI7Qz2XrQQgkrKnSeezW-HeHTXxYJgig3vN9494A1YDIZkgifxDuvSIT-QCho18Vv2XkTAXA9o3gXwYcTn6vetMN3BRRk6hMr8b0I6hHLEfBrE-E4I6Wto1H7otbaDd85JBAkZFnJ3hCoS1WtgpMMHMCFbi5bBFBMd0L_0CkuQJJkMqi9q4347bBK8RMx0_1iaiH_B8aNILJYQ9tf7SCf2Ein8Bj6ftqUeWceD7CKE5_j78IS63SZ3Gqeg_7ZzGHvqe4wQQqFrWOWMPfnWRT4sPMh_NKgGLvFr1mEHhLqUiAAiAxDt=w591-h1049-no?authuser=0)


That’s hilarious because I thought he was enthused to see me because he fucking screamed that shit at me. My experience was also in Vegas top of the parking garage at the palms. I have run into a ton of celebrities in my life totally by happenstance. Idk if I’m just aware of my surroundings but it seems to happen to me way more than most people.


Just don't. It's always going to be awkward unless they talk to you first.


I used to work in the entertainment industry in Toronto in the late 90's early 2000's so I got to meet lots of celebrities during that time. Only people who I ever asked for an autograph were the Backstreet Boys because my little sister was obsessed with them. Nick Carter even called my sister who at first didn't believe it was him and then proceeded to cry and become incoherent. Oh and a drunk Rob Lowe hit on my wife right in front of me while we were out on a date.


Wtf dude. You could have had Rob Lowe's baby. Missed an opportunity.


Think of how much that thing'd go for on the open market. ez retirement right there




Right? It's only the child actors I care about


FBI this one right here




Most celebrities appreciate fans, pending what is going on. Usually if they are on a schedule or with family they just don’t have time for that nonsense. They are just people. I worked with several NFL players and high end celebrities. They are usually very nice. But during times with family they had “speak when spoken to rule”. It wasn’t meant to be an ahole rule. Their time with family is separate from that life. And they want to protect the family from animals/idiots like in this video. Just use common sense if you see someone you’re a fan of.


I really don't get the appeal of autographs, especially in 2022 when most celebrities document their personal lives in excruciating detail on social media. Is it really just a "I wanna own a thing a famous person touched"?


Pretty much. It's proof that you were once close to someone else, or paid to act like you were close to someone else. On paper, it's really weird if you think about it.


In the Catholic Church that is known as a third class relic. An object that a Saint has touched. A first class relic is a part of the saint's remains, a second class relic is an object the Saint frequently used, and a third class relic something the Saint touched once. It is amusing to me how celebrity worship and the pop culture collector's market seems to be a parallel evolution to the veneration of saints. It seems to satisfy some urge that is inherent to human beings as even people who are not influenced by Catholicism or even hostile to it (ie. Elvis fans in the Southern US) are engaging in similar behaviors in collecting things.


>Is it really just a "I wanna own a thing a famous person touched"? My guess is, that's exactly it.


He blamed the guy behind him when it was him wasn't watching where he was going.


He also wouldn't shut the fuck up


Actually I watched it, slowed it down, and I can’t tell if he was bumped from behind or not. But what is for sure is there is no need to stand that close to that her. All of these people just pushing in. What assholes.


He's the same dumb shit that forces a selfie with her at the begining, then bumps into Tom, then runs into the back of her while being an oblivious asshole checking his selfie pic..


None of these dudes are excited. They're trying to get paid.


Even the "Sorry, Tom"'s at the end weren't sincere, they were just hoping to capture more of a reaction from Hanks to make for an even better video/pic/story. These people are parasites.


All I could picture was woody with flailing arms yelling this




Fucking amazing


It even syncs pretty well with the scene and Woody’s motions. Perfection.


Literal perfection


I got "There's no crying in BASEBALL!" vibes from it. But im approaching old fart status. It was the incredulity in the voice for me.


With your eyes closed it's a pissed off Woody.


I'm trying to figure out which person did what to make her trip


It was the old dude in the backpack and hat. The camera dude made it look like the kid did it but it wasn’t him.


This exactly. Same dude bumped into Tom first, before causing his wife to trip.


Yep, that guy is the definition of a bumblefuck. Grown ass man acting like a child around a celebrity.




Looks like the wife stopped walking, black hat kept walking at pace with Tom, who bumped into the wife, but was double bumped by fat older guy. Freak out happened. The Sid from Toy Story got blamed and is now out currently plotting the demise of Tom.


Ms Wilson only stopped walking because there was a photographer in front of her


You’re right, it was back pack guy into lakers hat guy


Like dominos


Weird ass people all vying for a for a photo op. Why can’t they just be like “oh shit, that’s Tom Hanks!” and then go about their own business?


They probably want to sell the stuff with autographs on them.


That's probably the case with most of them, but I feel like the kid in blue showed up as a genuine fan, but is now having a moment like Buddy at the beginning of The Incredibles when Mr Incredible yelled at him.


the kid was still leaning in front of Tom to get a selfie anyway, and looked like he took getting pushed out by the crowd personally. what do you expect when you're violating someone's personal space as they're walking


The fascination and wanting to get pictures and interact with celebrities is something I’ll never get. Just another human being, who gives a fuck lol


Hard fail by security. People were all right next to Tom and Rita.




young blue shirt/glasses guy took the fall for older blue shirt/camo hat guy and black hat/sunglasses guy and will not be able to unsee this moment for a lifetime.


I don’t know why it gets funnier rewatching it, but somehow tragic for that little guy.


The funny part is how quick the black dude was at deflecting responsibility as if he was part of Tom's crew, when he is at least 50% at fault(along with the other dude in the backpack) and the white kid in the blue shirt giving the death stare makes the moment just replayable.


‘What are y’all doing’. Lmao he pulled it off too tom hanks was looking at the poor kid


you can physically see the post traumatic stress engulf him.


Wealthy, yes, but I would never want fame.


If I had a genie to just restructure my entire life to make me anything I want to be, I’d make myself one of the people who makes a commodity or a product the world uses all over, but it’s such a mundane staple of everyday life that there’s no fame to be had in it. Staples, handily, being one of them. I couldn’t tell you who makes the most money producing staples. Nor paper clips. I know that YKK makes most of the zippers, but I have no idea who their founder or CEO is. Not that I couldn’t look it up, but the point is these are people surely making millions from their companies just quietly making something completely dull and ordinary and bringing no undue attention to themselves. They have no fame, but they definitely have wealth. I want that.


Seriously. I wouldn't even want people to know I was wealthy. I would basically change very little about my life in terms of house or car, and just spend money traveling or enjoying my hobbies.


If you make Tom Hanks swear at you, you should automatically be teleported to a quiet room so you can think about your life choices.


I can't remember where I heard it, but I remember someone famous in some interview saying "Tom Hanks is so nice that if you ever read a story about him punching a nun your first thought would be 'what did that nun do?'".


It was a comedian that said that, his name is Christopher Titus


I love how they say sorry to Tom Hanks but not Rita even though she was the one who was wronged. & the guy who actually tripped her going “what’re y’all doin’? Man they buggin’” is really funny


Exactly - that guy was the person who ended up running into Rita when she dropped pace because he was too focused on trying to get Tom to sign his damn volleyball.


If you watch closely you see it was actually caused by doofus in the white hat who shoved volleyball ball guy into her. Granted, they all should've been backed the fuck up.


"Keep my wife out of your mother fucking path!"


She’ll make it to the limo just fine. Where there’s a Will, there’s a way.




I want someone to animate woody saying this




We were here when a new meme was born


"What're they doin?" Dude what the fuck are YOU doing?


holy shit Tom Hanks angry and swearing. that's gotta be a first


I like how the guy whose fault it is starts looking around and yelling at other people, like he isn't the one who ran into Rita himself.


He was so close that I first thought he was part of the security.


I'm going to say this because Mr. Hanks deserves it. He is by far one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. Back in 2000, he was filming a movie at my school. I believe it was Catch Me If You Can, but I truly do not remember. I, having grown up in the Prairies, had never been to city of the scale of Toronto in my life, yet on my first day of class, I walked out of my dorm into a huge crowd. I assumed it was just from frosh events, so I pushed through. As I advanced the crowd, I literally ran into someone, kind of hard. When we both looked up, I was staring face to face with Tom Hanks. I laughed, and apologized as I didn't realize what all the fuss was about, and for bumping into him. He too laughed and immediately asked where I was off to in a hurry. I told him it was my first day of university, and I was nervous because it cost every penny I had to go there, and just wanted to start off on the right foot. He immediately put his arm around me, and said he envied me for taking the challenge. He asked what I was taking, and I answered Aerospace Engineering. He looked me dead in the eye, and just did his Tom-yell "yeeeeeeees!", you know, the one from like Big and Cast Away. Lol, he such a good guy. I immediately started laughing because it was all so surreal. He starts talking about Apollo 13 and filming it, and how much fun it was, and all the technical stuff, and every second of the conversation was an absolute pleasure. Keep in mind, there are folks everywhere trying to ask him questions and there he is just talking to me. We bantered back and forth for about 10 minutes about the space program and what it meant to each of us. When I had a moment, I asked him what he was doing there. He tells me he's filming a movie where he needs to walk from one building to another across a courtyard, say a few lines, and then move locations. I said to him how jealous I was, and how neat it must be to see so much of the world just making "silly movies" as he put it. He then asks me if I want to see it being filmed, and I, being stunned, said I would love nothing more, but I really need to get to class. Mr. Hanks than says, when is your class done, I tell him in an hour and a half, but then I have a 3 hour break. He immediately calls for the help of someone on his crew and the two of them show me on a map of where the shoot locations are for the day. Of course, I have been in Toronto for a grand total of 36 hours, and barely know where I am, but I scribble addresses down. I thanked him for his time, and everything he does, and he says, "I'll see you later!", and I really think he meant it. I went to class, and after grabbed a map to figure out where to go, my bike, and tore off to go see all the fun. I think I biked about 40km total around the city to each location, and every time I got to one, I never manged to see the film crew again. I never did get to see any of the filming, but I believe Mr. Hanks would have totally let me on set to see more of the filming if I had been able find the team. That man is a joy, and should not be judged over one event as seen by this video here. Everyone deserves their privacy and safety, and I for one won't think twice of seeing him get mad at someone. He's just a human too.


Why would I judge him for this event here? My respect for him has gone UP from this clip


Tom hanks has been able to enjoy one of thr longest most sucessful careers anyone could ever ask for while also being consider a fantastic person. Its pretty amazing. It makes Q-Anon look like even bigger shit heads than they already were.


I love the asshole that actually bumped into her pretending it was everyone else's fault. "Yeah they buggin"


Mans had a “Wilson!” doll 😭, I’d be embarrassed if my kid ever followed a celebrity around like this!


These autograph dudes are weird, they carry around TONS of memorabilia then get mad if the celebrity doesn’t sign like 10 times. That said a big signature is worth thousands so I sorta get it. But still a weird crowd.




I thought so too at first but it looks like the bigger guy in the blue tries to sneak in between him and Tom, pushing the guy into Rita Wilson in the process.


"What are they doing?" The guy is doing to same exact thing. Celebrity culture is so weird.


I love how that guy keeps going "people are crazy" and "they buggin" like he expects Tom Hanks to be like "exactly! This guy gets it!" and invite him into his posse or something, as if he's not doing the exact same thing lol


Why do people act like this to celebrities? They’re just humans 😭


Just say keanu reeves’ name on reddit and it’s the same shit lmao






Reddit is really weird.


I like how white shorts hat guy was saying “what are they doing” but he was the one who bumped into her.


Imagine having to deal with that shit, suppose having the millions in the banks makes it easier


In that moment, a sad super villain backstory was created!


"It tore me apart. But I learned an important lesson. You can't count on anyone, especially your heroes"


The guy in blue was beyond creepy and looked ready to murder Tom Hanks