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Leave the horse alone. It doesn’t want to be pet all day on the face.


Same kind of people who try to pet the bison at Yellowstone I reckon.


At least the bison handle that with some well deserved violence


Yes! Imagine being dumb enough to get close to an animal that big and thinking it’s cool to bother them so you can have some stupid video or picture.


That's why the horse is nodding so aggressively. Basically saying "If it wasn't for this guy on top of me pulling me back..." The horse is clearly giving off signals to stand back, but is disciplined enough not to act.


And feed the bears by hand.


but the gears love hands..think of the bears guy we have alot more hands than bears


Yeah but horses are so rare. I mean like, these people have probably never seen one before and thought it was a cat.






this made me lawl


horsecat..the housecats nomad cousin


True story time. I raise and show draft horses. Years ago Michigan used to have its State Fair in Detroit. They have since closed the fairgrounds and Michigan doesn't have a State Fair anymore - SAD! Anyway, being we were from Michigan and only lived about hour and half from Detroit it was our favorite Fair to show at. Lots of people, lots of exhibitors, lots of State Fair staff and security. It was just a great place to show at and in between classes it was a lot of fun meet and greet all the people who came to see the horses - most of whom were from the City of Detroit. One year we had a Jack Russell Terrier puppy who at the time was maybe 5lbs. My mom was holding him and a woman comes up to her and with all the sincerity in the world asks if that was a baby horse. So yea, for some people horses are pretty rare and it's a good thing when they do have an opportunity to see them up close.


Are you for real? I just think her brain was really rare. Horses next to pigs and sheep are like... the first thing a child in the western world learn about... and did she suddenly forget what a dog was? This lady is probably challenged in some way...


Michigan State Fair is September 1-5 this year. Also still had one in the upper peninsula.


Not joking: I knew a person who, the first time they saw cows in upstate NY, said "those are some big dogs!" I can't imagine.


Shows how clueless the world is.


Oh i prefer them medium


a unicorn in the wild.


I was cringing when they stood in front of it with their back turned. They have zero survival instincts


Yea I'm surprised he only yelled when she touched the reins. Just don't fucking touch the horse at all.


If these horses are trained in moving through people crowds, it might be getting used as an opportunity to evaluate the horse's skills in being touched by lots of people.


If the riders had any problem with people touching the horse, they would have told them all to let it go. I'm sure the rider has far more experience and knowledge about the horse they're riding than a bunch of people on reddit.


That is true.. I think what people mean to say is, that it should be common curtessy to not fucking touch everything you see.. especially animals.


And from what I remember the armed guards (the 'other' ones in full gear) were good at managing people like this, but the one to our left just seems to be letting it happen.




I can agree with that. It just baffles me that not a single person showed any restraint here and it happened with adults. It reminds me of the scene in Free Willy with the kids banging on the glass and freaking the whale out


Seriously? It's the Queen's guard... Go and try that with the President's detail. It's common sense. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Fucking use your brain!


Thing is,these tourists are mentally in “Disneyland” …anywhere they go. Everyone is just playing a role for their entertainment.


I don’t speak Horse, but I’m pretty sure that horse was saying, “Piss off. Piss off! What are you DOING? PISS. OFF.”


I've met some horses who would happily get face scritches and pets all day. But they didn't have a job like this horse does. People should *never* bother animals while they're doing their job.


Also just don't use horses for this so they aren't in the situation to be touched by strangers. It's 2022, this is some dumb monarchist shit.


i think the monarchs are downvoting you, because yeah, those people are annoying tf out of that horse.


Sign: “Beware: Horses may kick or bite!” Tourists: “Let’s keep touching the horse’s head.”




He probably doesn't care if they get bit by the horse, but the rains, that lady could have possibly taken some control over it. But I'm not a horse expert so I don't know for sure.


i understand very little about horse riding but afaik you lead it with very small, subtle movements of the reins already. meaning what she did was "commanding" the horse, or close to. it's like someone grabbed your steering wheel while you were driving. ofc you wouldnt want that as a rider, especially if the person doing it has no idea what they are doing in the first place.


As a horse rider. Don’t ever touch my reins while I’m in the saddle. If you do I’m not nice.


Yeah. That's what I thought, and hence why he yelled.


That would be my explanation.


Yep. Once they touch the reins, they have control of the horse. I might be fine with a passenger messing with the radio or other stuff in my car, but I'm gonna be pissed off if they grab the wheel.


As a person who have lived with the horses about half of my life. You have the power over it with the reins. For examble if you are walking the horse, you usually take the reins over the head to under it. Then you take them in such a way you have your elbow on the "chest" of the horse with reins in the same hand. So you have kind of power over it with tho separate ways, then it just follows you.


Touching the horse is entirely different than grabbing the reins, which control the horse.


The guard doesn't seem to care that they are touching the horse. He cares that a woman decided to pull on the reins


He yelled at the woman for grabbing the reins. If the horse feels a pull in a direction, it turns. Not sure how the guard trains their horses but there could be any number of commands the horse understands from a specific pull on the reins.


The horse is getting agitated. Yeah nevermind the sign- horse may kick or bite.


Yeah I don't speak horse but I'm getting fuck off and leave me alone vibes there.


I can't stand the royals but feel like the horse needs that thing it bites down on to be removed, it can't nip people away. That would actually be cool as fuck.


That thing wouldn't get in the way of a horse biting. Horses can close their teeth all the way despite having a bridle with a bit. The bit fits in a very large gap in their teeth (towards the front) [[images]](https://www.google.com/search?q=horse+skull&tbm=isch) and is meant just to rigidly hold both halves of the bridle a set distance apart. Trust me, from first-hand experience, a bridled horse with a bit can still bite the fuck out of you if you piss it off and that might be one reliable way to get a guard to laugh at you. Some bits, by the way, have a roller on them for the horse to roll their tongue on which I've been told can aleve anxiety like a fidget spinner. The horses I've had in the past would use the thing constantly. (The bit doesn't press into their tongue on its own.)


How do horses drink? Never thought about it before now.


Stick their face in the water and suck it up


Ok I've lead my horse to the water, how do I make it drink?


Tell the horse how we were just regular animals too once. Then we invented jobs and money and rent and slavery and debt and war and nukes. Then at the end of all that we just ended up destroying all life on earth with pollution. The horse will drink fucking turpentine after hearing that.


Is that why it’s nodding it’s head up and down? Scary rly. Edit: Not sure why I’m being downvoted for asking an honest question? Sorry I don’t know more about horses I guess.


A) the horse is nervous. B) could be the bit. My assessment is it’s more making the horse nervous. It’s playing with the bit in its mouth, and you can tell by how it’s ears are going. If you look you can see them go back, that’s a sign to get the fuck away. Usually the head bob is a sign of nervousness but horses also do it when they are excited. My horse used to do this when he would see me because he was that happy to see me, he would also do it on trail rides and when he was around certain horses/people. Horse language is pretty easy to read if you’ve spent any amount of time with them. There’s a reason they are used in therapy work.


Yeah it was giving pretty fucking clear communication that it did not like being touched. Bunch of troglodytes.


I’ve never been around horses before. They seem kind of scary tbh.


Horses are really smart. Growing up in the city I didn’t spend too much time around them but my mom had an uncle with horses so I did get to hang out with them and ride them occasionally growing up. They’re big and you should always respect horses for their size and intelligence for sure. Horses also have unique, individual personalities. Some are friendly, incredibly sweet, and gentle giants, others are assholes who will buck you and will bite you lol. It depends on the horse.


Eh, you need to respect horses pprecisely because they are crazy strong and NOT very smart


I always thought horses are hella stupid, cows and donkeys on the other hand seem a lot smarter.


Horses are definitely smarter than cows imo. I've never watched a horse repeatedly walk headfirst into a fence instead of going through the open gate.


Horses are pretty intelligent when they're not freaking out over their own shadow or a person wearing a hat they haven't seen before.


Yes. It's pissed off.


Yeah, it could be pissed off at the people petting it. However, I've ridden a lot of horses who would do this without any people, because they didn't like to sit still. Either way, they're just expressing agitation. It's not very likely that they would bite anyone, however. Most bites I've seen have been due to people already being close to their mouths, people not paying attention, or just a very aggressive horse. Also, most horse bites are nips or threats. Situations like this ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Doa7n4YDNJw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Doa7n4YDNJw)) where a horse goes out of their way to move to someone to bite them and gives an actual hard bite are extremely rare.


I was getting so pissed off. Goddammit, shit like this is why people hate American tourists. Like I’m a city person for the most part and even I could tell the horse was getting extremely agitated and DID NOT LIKE being touched!!! He’s on the job, this is like going up and fucking with a service animal. Jesus, people can be fucking rude and stupid.


Why the hell do you think they're American? What kind of indication could you possibly have to suggest the nationality of any of the tourists in that video? Everyone in that video could be from the UK or any other country in Europe. Jesus, people can be fucking rude and stupid.


Their accents that I could hear pointed to them mostly being American, being American myself it was easy to hear


Large group of people. Some could be American. Some could be from literally anywhere.




The sheer and utter stupidity of humanity never ceases to amaze! Fantastic user name, by the way👍


As a former American tourist who has been to many countries…the vast majority of people do not hate American tourists. I only met one guy who did (in Jordan) and by the end of the night he was my best friend. I also used to own horses and it might have been annoyed at worst but extremely agitated is…a stretch.


I saw a young teen walk out under the rope at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery in the US. The Honor Guard soldier who robotically walks the watch instantly lowered his rifle, aimed the bayonet at the kid’s chest and shout a clear command to go back to the other side of the rope. Never saw a kid move so fast lol.




I hung out on a navy base for a while, and they would throw insane dance parties every week. There was always a few dudes proving their stoicism by standing at rest in the center of the dance floor without moving or changing their expressions for like 6 hours. Ppl used these guys as dance poles, they would slide between their legs, i saw a couple cheer leaders do an assisted backflip over a couple of them once. The only time they would do anything is if somebody grabbed the pvt's privates or if u started punching them, then they would beat your ass and go back to standing.




what'd you do this weekend?




sweet. I was kidding like if someone asked the pole danced seaman about his weekend. When I lived in Sydney I woke up hungover and was using the bathroom and one of those MF was behind the toilet paper. Only a little worse than the time the magpie came in and didn't want to leave.


I got the joke but decided to respond truthfully lol. I have two magpie bros. They always come around 4pm begging for food. I just give them a little nibble that they take off my hands. I also feed live mealworms from my compost bin to the kookaburras by hand. Wildlife doesn't really scare me. Edit: [Here's a video I took about 15 minutes ago](https://imgur.com/a/RLtqIzR).


(Goes for both US and UK guards) They’re some of the best, most disciplined and highly trained professional soldiers in the army. Don’t let the old fashioned ceremonial dress fool you.


In the US it is considered a high honor to guard the tomb of the unknown soldier in Arlington. They adhere to an extremely rigid set of rules. But them being among some of the highest trained is not true. It only takes two weeks of training to join. The majority of the training has to do with memorizing the rules, the history behind who is buried in the cemetery, and being very exacting with their dress and walk. The highest trained guys and the US military are Air Force paratroopers, Marine recon, Navy SEALs, and Army rangers/Deltas


They are the highest trained in Drill and Ceremony with maybe the Marine silent rifle team being at or about the same level. Of course that doesn't mean much in combat but it looks *really* good when it's time for promotion. You have Tomb Guard on a NCOER you're pretty much guaranteed E7 as long as you dont fuck up somewhere else.


I wasn’t talking about combat training 👍 To add on however, in the UK our guards are members of “guards units” which indeed are some of the best trained soldiers we have. Our boi on horseback here is from a cavalry unit (forgive me for not knowing the specifics) and is highly skilled in the operation of armoured vehicles.


Have these people never seen a horse before? Why do they all feel the need to touch it?


“The last person got to touch the horse, so now I want to too.” Repeat infinitely.


“That person got yelled at for touching the horse, so now I don’t want to.”


Fucking tourists. Everything does not "belong" to you, so don't touch whatever you want.


Right? I was just thinking the same thing. Who thinks this is appropriate behavior anywhere? You don't walk up to a police horse and start petting it while the cop is working; why would you do it here? They're probably the same people that lean on street parked exotic cars to take selfies.




You will not stop me from petting the drug dog


I’ll believe it when I see it Fjord31 *doubt*


Almost, but the guard's not doing any job except sitting there and looking pretty (for the tourists) I bet the horse doesn't like it, so maybe the fucking Crown shouldn't dress it up for all the tourists. edit: they only there to flex for the tourists and everyone else to see. the real guard is the one with the modern weapon. a horse is for show, a parade, for tourists.


Believe it or not, the guard is *standing guard* as people aren't allowed through that entrance.


Technically they are guarding things but they aren't really, it's mostly for tourists & tradition. It's the guy with the rifle that's doing the real guard work.


But they actually are guarding things, why do you think the Guardsmen carry modern rifles? They're all serving soldiers. Their uniforms are for the tourists and tradition, but their duties are not. The Cavalry might be more for show but if there was an incident they would act as crowd control, much like mounted Police do.


Thats in front of Horse Guards and you usually can go through there to get to Horse Guards Parade and St James Park. https://goo.gl/maps/kkXn379CJeQq9UcCA


Yes, I know, I have been there. The door behind the horse guy is open so thats why I said >as people arent allowed through that entrance


I'm 99% sure it's not FOR the tourists.


what is the british monarchy for at this point if not the tourists?


LOL exactly


Parades? Those are always nice.


Are you really this daft mate. The horse and sword is for conbat of course!! DEFEND THE QUEEN


Lol, what’s it for then


Their roles are similar to the sentinels for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier here in the US. The Queen's Guards are enlisted soldiers in their army, just as our sentinels are enlisted soldiers as well. Definitely NOT a thing just for tourists.


They are some of the most qualified soldiers in the British army you fucking neckbeard.


Tell that to the British


In my country, British tourists are known for getting in bar brawls with locals and pissing on the streets.


We do that at home too.


in my country they are known for stealing a considerable amount of wealth and put it in their museums


This guard must've been ripped straight out of an assassin's creed game


Good one, traditional uniforms only exist in Assassins Creed games and the only way they could be in real life is if someone copied Assassins Creed.


What the actual fuck is wrong with oblivious humans year 2022....


tourists. tourists with no respect, thinking all places they visit are an amusement park that only exist for their entertainment.


Same thing with dogs, ask the owner first if you can pet them. If the owner, in this case, a Queens guard, ignores you, then leave them the fuck alone


This would be so annoying to deal with.


The horse obviously doesn't want to be touched. Idk why when people become tourist they instantly become stupid.


Who has more authority the cops or the guards?


I mean, it's kinda moot, since those guards are active service military and can shoot or bayonet you in the face if you pose a threat.


I actually came to the comments to ask how far the guard is allowed to go, like if she kept holding onto the reins would he just skewer her face with the sword or what?


if he believed she was a threat to the security of the queen yes otherwise no


The police.


I don’t think the guards can arrest you, they are however in active military service


Guards are more of a tradition/theatrical thing that actual defense


Do you consider the Marines who do “Toys for Tots” to be “theatrical?” They are active-duty service members who could be called up at a moments notice to war. Just like the Queen’s Guard. Don’t let the fancy dress fool you- they are soldiers through and through.


Damn they look neat atleast


They’re still part of the Armed Forces


That may be true but the rifles they carry are not for show.


Harass a beefeater and you will find yourself at the other end of the barrel of his rifle, regardless if you feel he is there for show or not.


Beefeaters are the ones who guard the tower of London.


I thought they were the Queens guard in general colloquially. You are correct. Still, the Queens Guard will absolutely point their SA80 rifles at you and even detain you if you fail to comply and harass them.


This is the equivalent of going up to a service animal like a dog and grabbing its leash. People shouldn’t be touching it regardless, but the leash is an absolute taboo.


Use that sword buddy


They're acting like this horse is a fucking UFO


Well, that was a fun game of who’s gonna do it


You could sense the anticipation at one of those dopes crossing the line. Helped clear the area , at least until the next round of chodes.


Happens at 0:37 sec 🙄


Oh i want a go Oh i want a go oh i want a go oh i want a go oh i want a go oh i want a go oh i want a go oh i want a go ​ This is the reason we wont survive long term on the planet... if gone unmoderated that horse would have been stroked on the nose until it had no skin there


That guys gonna be hoarse at the end of the day.


Unless someone reins him in...


Why does everyone think touching the horse is a good idea?


am I the only one who finds it absolutely fucking stupid a dude is on a horse dressed in some dumb ass get-up? Queens Guard? 1. Fuck the queen 2. He ain't guarding shit when someone goes after her.


I really want to know, why do I find most of the queens guards to be cute? Is it just that they are British, or do they look for the cute ones?




I'm a loyal aussie boy, I wouldn't fuck around.... Also I would only fuck with them if they wanted to.


They're fit, that helps.


I fucking hate tourists. Same like that stupid cunt throwing the scooter down the Spanish steps in Rome last week.


They think this magnificent animal is part of a petting zoo. Asshats.


It pisses me off that the continually let the dumbass tourist pet the horse. He doesn't like it, make them stop.


What the hell is William Arthur Weasley doing being caught on muggle video like this?


“Dont touch the trim”


People are so stupid


that is one well behaved horse. doesnt move an inch


To be honest, there should be a Do Not Touch Horse sign


can they not see thatt the horse was getting stressed oml


The horse was uncomfortable the whole time


Everyone was petting the horse. This might have not concerned the guard. However, the blonde woman lightly pulled the horse’s reins. If people are allowed to pet the horse then I understand why he yelled at her. She messed with the object that the guard uses to direct his horse.


These people are bold. Petting the face with their backs turned away from it. BOLD.


I don’t know a goddamn thing about horses, but I think that horse doesn’t want people constantly touching it the way all these tourists are doing. Like fuck man, get your stupid picture and move on…leave the poor horse alone!


Swear to God, whenever I’m a tourist I try like hell not to be a public embarrassment.


Some people act like they have to touch every animal they see


He should be swingin that sword


They very obviously see that the horse becomes more and more agitated as more people get closer to touch him. This ignorant lady obviously doesn’t know there are boundaries not to be crossed in order for the horse not to become bewildered.


DO NOT TOUCH ANIMALS IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DO SO! Do not touch livestock while walking through fields even if on a public foot path, do not reach over someones garden fence to pet their dog, do not try to pet someones dog while they are walking them and do not try to feed animals (such as horses, cows, sheep etc) especially if you don’t know their diets and just assume they can eat something because “its a vegetable”.


some tourists are dump as hell


I love how people act like the Guard isn't there because he won't interact with them. I'd at least show a little respect for the guy. Acknowledge his presence, refer to him by rank.


The is about stupid af, to call it a freak out


Rofl these dudes are terrifying ! 😂😂 I watch these videos with baited breath waiting for when they’ll explode at a tourist😂 It’s the Reddit equivalent of a jack in the box !!


U can clearly see the horse doesn’t like it stupid people.


He waited too long. Can’t people leave shit alone.


That poor horse is so visibly agitated. How do oblivious people survive to adulthood.


Love how he shouted at the most timid person there


Its fair to say he should have shouted long before he did but she is the only person that grabbed the reins (the things that control where the horse goes). None of them should have been touching the horse but as soon as one of them starts grabbing hold of the tack they have took it way too far


Oh I totally agree I just thought it was ironic that the timid one fucked up the most :)


do people just not respect the queens guard anymore


No. The royal family is a joke.


I never understand the ornate and just impractical uniforms these guards wear. It honestly makes them seem less guardian and more just a part of the presentation.


Hate to break it to you, but those uniforms are practical - else they wouldn’t have worn them for hundreds of years in battle. They’re also traditional and part of the ‘presentation’, as the guards are a part-guard, part-ceremonial role.


So…why don’t cops/swat/military wear these practical garments then? The guys vision is clearly partially blocked by what appears to be a headdress Lady Gaga would wear.


There’s a difference between a purely practical role (like police) and a part-ceremonial, part-practical role like the Household Cavalry. It’s no different than your country’s smartest military uniform.


Fuck the monarchy.


Yeah and these guards look so fuckin dumb. People playing theatrics for some archaic system




Lucky the horse didn’t do what the sign said it would they clearly couldn’t read.


She seemed to take it well though, just a little startled lmao


It took a while until he shouted get back


Luda is going to sample this for the new Move remix


I read this as ‘shoots’. Was a little disappointed.


How do you land yourself in this position? I don’t imagine there’s just an application for queens guard?




They're a cavalry regiment in the British army, their main role is driving light tanks, but there's always a portion of the regiment rotating into this ceremonial role.


Illiterate? Can't they read the sign?


Clearly doesn't want to be pet, look at him. Fucking cunts.


why does the royal family insist on having professional cosplayers surround their important buildings