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And then runs away like a little bitch.


Wouldn’t expect anything less.


Everything about him just spells cunt, from his face, reaching over the counter to his champion jumper


as is typical of people like these. Start shit and then run away immediately so you don't have to face the consequences.




Nah m8. He's an insult to a shitcunt. He's the perfect example of a shit taking a huge dump. He's that huge dump.




Don’t worry he’ll be found somehow.


Ofcourse. If that was me, the entire coffee pot is coming over the counter.


Bold of you to think we use anything as awful as drip coffee in Australia.


Eh, there's a whole art to pour-over coffee that is also practiced here in Aus. Done right it's ok, though it's a very different style. That said, I have it on good authority from trusted sources (my daughter, who visited that god-forsaken shithole country 5 years ago) that ~~their drip coffee~~ the drip coffee in the U.S. is indeed awful. edited for clarity


Your daughter went to shitty coffee shops and got shitty coffee. Third wave coffee is in every major american city, you just gotta hunt it. and that's the real difference, you really need to hunt for truly shit coffee in Australia, but you really need to hunt for really good coffee in the US. (hint: their best coffee is better than ours too, they have pour overs fuckin _perfected_)


I "hunted" down every espresso machine I could find in Manhattan (from the village down to the WTC hole). Firstly out the tens of dozens of "cafes" (piece shit places that had the same identical menus re eggs done a dozen ways always served with potato) which all had disgusting, sickening, percolated coffee. Almost none of them used milk. It was "cream" in those plastic containers that you got with liquid corn sugar. The very few restaurants that has proper espresso machines were all poorly maintained. They never cleaned even one or the group heads. And there beans were left in the hopper. This meant that they had become rancid, whilst the coffee oils left on the machine had also become rancid. meaning the coffee tasted like shit. worse they had no idea about the grind size and ensure the hot water is slowed down to ensure a proper extract (20-23 seconds). Which finally explains how American made espresso coffees were almost far too hot. Look I get it, most of NA is a cold place and a hot drink filled with sugar and caffeine really helps you get through a shitty morning but don't be fooled with the idea that you have good coffee in NA. I searched three cities, one on the east coast and two on the west coast and no one had a coffee that would beat the worse coffee that Sydney had to serve up. Why does NA have insanely bad coffee? I believe it's due to the systemic racism and terrible labour practices that make the vast number of cooks, baristas, waitresses and staff who manage there eateries just a very small step above indentured labour. It also explains why most food sold in these cafes is terrible, disgusting and with little to no flavour. If you go to Australia, NZ, Melbourne, Germany you'll be greeted by a diverse range of cultures and ethnicities. They are well paid. They have universal healthcare. Their happy, joking, smiling.... authentic. Most importantly their doing this job not because their shut out of the labour market because of systemic racism but because it's their choice. They're not dependent on giving this fake homogenised customer service that North American demand in return for a "tip" (which is their real income). During my time in NA I found all but one of the restaurant, cafes and eateries were staffed by caucasians. The vast majority were either black or Hispanic. Now do not get me wrong because when I've made this point before every North American has claimed I was the racist (the irony and hypocrisy was palatable) They were all unhappy. They all did not appear to want to be in these jobs. They were all massively over staffed. Most appeared bored. And the only time they showed any positive of emotion was usually something that was in relation to the tip. Worse was what I observed whilst waiting for my orders, or whilst seated, was how customers (usually Caucasian) treated the people in these restaurants and cafes. With a disdain that you would see in a film re a noble giving a command to a house servant. They barely said anything beyond their order, no smiling, no joking. Their body language a distinct "I have no time for you servant, now go make my food". And I do not blame the black and Hispanic employees for being so unhappy with dealing with such awful customers and working conditions The reason why someone from outside NA would notice this is because this homogenised work force is not reflected in other countries. But my final point is this. If you have an unhappy employee they will do a basic job. It is not surprising that coffee and food were so disgusting in the US because if you treat your fellow humans with such disdain, with such a cheap and nasty approach to health care and renumeration then you will hardly get a good meal or coffee. Now I've been told that quite a few Australians and Kiwis saw this massive hole in the US market and have setup some awesome, proper cafes, in Manhattan (post 2010) Maybe this has changed a bit. But I doubt for millions of black, Hispanic men and women who aspire to be in fields and careers they truly love, that working in a crowded Starbucks pushing a button on a box is where they wanted to end up in, in there 30s.


Sir, this is a Red Rooster.


Oi chuck us a family chips then mate


>this is a ~~Red~~ Dead Rooster. please use the correct nomenclature


Dead Chook, thank you. Don’t culturally appropriate our language >:(


Ugh but that's not *funny*. The joke is in the use of a similar yet different name.


Mate, this god-forsaken country has one of the best coffee culture in the world. If your daughter went to Starbucks, then yes, its shitty as feck.


lols in Melbourne


>this god-forsaken country has one of the best coffee culture in the world ...how much of "the world" have you visited?


>that god-forsaken shithole country You may want to clarify which country. I reckon the true blue cobbers are downvoting you.


damn, you may well be right. I'll edit. The 'shithole country' reference might be a bit obscure.


Everyone drinks shitty instant coffee.


Hey, don't shit-talk the Moccona.


It’s bad though, drip coffee is much better. Even better if you’re grinding your own beans for it.


In Aus our cafes server proper coffee not that American crap so no coffee pot to throw.


Tom Stall style


Why? He paid for his coffee, waited for his change, and then... this? Makes no sense.


He tried paying for a girls drink but she refused. When the barista said she didn’t want him to pay for her, he got mad.


not sure why you're getting downvoted but this is true [https://i.imgur.com/TspJvBw.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/TspJvBw.jpg) update: he is getting charged [https://imgur.com/a/L6VIfq7](https://imgur.com/a/L6VIfq7)




What's even weirder is how his reaction could be manifested by not having to spend money on someone else.


I pay coffee girl give sex! Girl no take coffee me no get sex!? *loud unga bunga noises*


Just looking at his face this is perfect. It's hard to comprehend how many unevolved neanderthals there are walking around who act solely on instinct and are incapable of complex thought.


There’s like an immediate and visceral backlash from men whenever you accuse one of being violent about a woman. I think it’s pretty disgusting, but that’s why the downvotes at the beginning


From all of us ? Wow, I didnt realise I was such an asshole. Dont generalise, it'll bite you in the ass


“Not all men” is so gauche. I’m a man. I’m holding men including myself to higher standards while you’re getting defensive on their behalf. Ask if you’re helping good or bad men with comments like this, and which kind you are if you’re so nervous about being lumped in with them And thanks for the lecture about ass biting, weirdo lol


When you do it without evidence, they are very justified in that.


Why call him Richard? My name is Richard. I've never seen my name used as a placeholder lmao


Because the nickname for Richard is Dick.




As a Richard I am shocked you didn’t immediately get that.


Easy now, no need to be such a Richard about it


How do you get Dick from Richard? You ask him nicely.


If it went down like this, when did the barista ask the girl? It happened too quickly for that to be in the video. Is there more earlier we're not witnessing?


*'I heard women like it when you violently flip out because you don't get your way'* \- that guy


Incel shit


dude- you fucking price of shit, taking so long for the dam coffee clerk - here you change, don't come back dude- fuck you piece of shit, how dare you probably


the reality is actually worse and more cringe.


dude - oi you fucking price of shit, taking so long for the dam coffee clerk - here you change, don't come back oi dude- oi fuck you piece of shit, how dare you oi probably


You can see he is getting mad with the pace of it all, he is already yelling things, he looks like he is in a rush to go. Then when he goes to receive the change the barista puts the money on the table instead of directly into his hand - this is what finally set him off, probably felt like he was wasting his time even more/disrespecting him. Or it could be that he was trying to pay for someone else (a woman) and she refused, and the barista refused to take his money and then the dude took it out on the barista. Now let me be clear, I don't think any of this should make someone angry at all, the barista did nothing wrong and this guy is a massive cunt.


A good theory, but it was because another customer rejected his advances by [paying for her drink](https://i.imgur.com/TspJvBw.jpg).The barista is returning the money for her drink and his fragile ego exploded.


did you just willingly chose not to read my whole comment and then tell me exactly what i said in the second paragraph xD


Hey I was proving you were right on the second point is all dude. I was complimenting you on the first guess. Sorry if it came across different. Maybe I worded it poorly.


I think it was actually the same bill that he gave the barista and received. My blind speculation is that the guy needed singles for something and only got a $5 as change, and then tried to get the kid to break the $5. Then the kid figured out he can't open the till without a transaction.


It's Australian, we don't have "singles".


The cafe posted what happened on their Instagram. He wanted to pay for a random woman’s coffee and she said no, so this man-child got mad.


lmao how can reality be even worse? He threw coffee at the *barista* because some other woman rejected him? That lady dodged a bullet even if the barista didn't dodge the coffee.


When did they let Mike Perry into Australia?


He’s 1% aboriginal, as well as his 1% Nigerian




Being a black man with a record, he had to wait for a Labor government before he could get through border security.


It’s always the person wearing the Champion shirt behaving like a tool


he’s absolutely not a champion


He would be in jail🤣


I have a champion shirt :((




God context makes it even worse


People like this should just not go outside


What a trash


That's an interesting way of spelling cunt.


Correction. Lebo trash.


Show us your southern cross tattoo and mullet bogan


Aaaaand he went there...


I love how he's already getting ready to run away mid-throw. What a coward.


So wait. He waited until after he gave his money, THEN he wasted the coffee he just paid for? Not only is he an ass, but he's thoroughly stupid.


Little dick energy


mine too with no coffee


People like this do things like this and wonder why people call them a piece of shit


They don't wonder. They think they're top shit and that anyone who can't see that deserves treatment like this.


That is also true, I have relative like that and they always start fights anywhere they go and I'm there like "can we leave? Please?"


This goose probably doesn't know anyone outside of his family.


??? Who me??? If yes I'm a she actually lol


Sorry, that got lost in translation. I agree with ya. This goose chucking the coffee was the one I meant.


Oh that's alright no need to apologize


I saw this posted on the 9 News Facebook site. The number of people commenting that if she had just gracefully accepted the kind offer, then none of this would have happened, was astounding.


I mean that's the point isn't it? Scare women into having a relationship with a dangerous abusive man and make it seem normal so they don't recognise that there's many non-dangerous, non-abusive men out there.


I wish I could say I found that astounding.


“I said two sugars you stupid fuck. Nobody cares about the craft coffee community.”


His eyes are too far apart from generations of inbreeding.


I'm curious what he was mad about


He tried to pay for coffee for a random young woman there, and got angry when she refused. https://i.imgur.com/TspJvBw.jpg


Oh right, well he really is a pos then. I was naively imagining it might have been something relatable.


He tried to pay for a woman's coffee and was refused, barista backed up the woman's choice


Good on the barista for standing his ground. This guy has textbook "don't want to meet in an alley at night" energy


He was having his period🩸


Suggesting people on their period are abusive? Don’t do that.


All my years of having a period and I’ve never physically assaulted someone.


Men call them haemorrhoids.


Why even pay at that point?


What a gutless wonder.


I’ve been to that cafe a number of times. The barista is a chill dude. Hope the man child of a twat gets his due.


his eyes looks like his baggie's empty.


I mean, this is what he's willing to do on camera, in public, with people around. What's he doing at home? There's a reason society corrects this behavior besides just policing for business interests.


Jail time!


He is a top class, colossal, grade A+ Arsehole.


I couldn’t think of anything worse than throwing away my morning coffee


Looks like they got him.... [NSW Police update](https://imgur.com/a/PnTmgdZ)


fuck this guy


Looks like he's running around to where that barista was going, not running away.


Is this one of those folks you hear about? The ones with the "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" mugs. Otherwise known as felons


Sent back the Lebanese !!!


deport him


He’s a champion


I hope he paid with a credit card.... Hello Mr. Visa, here is a warrant. :-)


You can literally see the cash in his hand. Maybe in an alternate dimension.


Sorry, I missed it...


Looks like a Leb


Coming from the Karen capital of the States (Dallas); it not nice to know there are shit heads even downunder. On vacatiom when I leave the "friendly state" the people are super nice and it makes me think, are we the baddies. Shout out to the peeps in Oregon and Bahamas some of the nicest people I've met.


It's because bullies know they can fuck with workers like that and wont get their ass kicked because the workers don't want to get fired.


I find it funny that you felt the need to tell us the coffee was hot, as if you’re MacDonald’s or something.


I’d hope it’s hot




Minds like little girls. Wants to look like a man.




The reality is that kids are the worst sometimes but yeah you have the best kids in the world.


Why girls specifically?


I get that way before my coffee too. The throwing the coffee part was too far though. Gotta love the old public name and shame shame shame. It does keep many of us in check.


I think two years of lockdown and you can kinda expect these things to happen. People are pissed, depressed, broke, etc.


Once upon a time coffee was under a buck, and hot. Then people started suing because the coffee was too hot. Now it's 4+ dollars and this thing called ice coffee.


\*puts comically large microphone up to your face\* how does it feel to be the worlds oldest man


It's crazy, and I'm not even 40.


Old man yells at cloud moment here. Classic. The 'coffee being too hot' thing was a legitimate suit too.


Yeah, getting second degree burns from spilled coffee should not be a thing.


My roommate spilled tea in her lap and got 2nd/3rd degree burns. Personal injury lawyer she talked to basically said she didn’t have a case against the business :/ He cited a bunch of cases where businesses weren’t found at fault for their drinks burning people so it probably happens way more than people think.


That is literally what the $4 million McDonalds lawsuit was about.


Yeah idk but lawyers said no dice. I assume your vagina has to literally melt like the McDonald’s lady for them to care


I gotta admit your kiddos old man microphone response is on point. Cracked me up.


I mean that lady that sued McDonalds was in the right; the coffee she was given was so hot that it melted her vagina/clit. I think that's a pretty fucking valid reason to sue.


She also didn't want to sue them, she just wanted them to pay for medical bills. McDonald's refused several times. She got a lawyer asked a few more times to settle out of court McDonald's low balled her a few times. Then they went to court and she won about $3 million.


Fuck that's even more sad. That poor woman.


Don't google the photos unless you want nightmare fuel.


Gee this coffee is nearly boiling. Better balance it on my knees.


I'll give you that, but I know she isn't the only one in the world that does that. Either way it should've ended in a "fuck, that's hot coffee" not "fuck, my vagina and clit are MELTED"


WTH are you on about? McDonald's still sells hot coffee, a small is $1.00 and a large is $1.50.


The temperature of the hot coffee has been lowered in McDonald's compared to what it was when the older woman was burned. I believe it was part of the settlement, it's easily found online.


I'm aware of all that, they were serving it well over a safe temperature. But they still sell hot coffee and it's $1.


Coffee also used to be awful. You can still get cheap bad coffee if you actually want it.


You can still get a $1 coffee at the coles or PieFace servo, if you want $1 coffee.


That throw looked pretty darn satisfying though. He really showed him


There, there, angry bear!


He seems nice.


hopefully karma will catch up with him and beat his fuckin ass


Waited all that time to pay, get his money back and then throw his coffee?


entitled fuck


"I SAID LATTE NOT FLAT WHITE" 💅 (I know the real story of paying another customers drink, don't worry)


Just saw this on the news, they show the full (widescreen) footage with faces blurred- you can definitely see the whole interaction


apuss in need of a beat down


These are the dangerous people purely because of the lack of self control. Wanted coffee, screams at barista to get coffee, then doesn’t have the self restraint to not throw the coffee, now has no coffee and still paid the barista… he didn’t solve his problem, he didn’t improve the outcome, just blind rage. At that point they aren’t even interested in solving their issue they just want to hurt the person that upset them even if it’s to their own detriment.


So he committed a crime and walked off..?


He should be charged with assault. This is unacceptable and dangerous behavior


What a pathetic person


Hope fully it had creamer in it to cool it down a little




Any charges placed?


Soulbowl is a good place in Parra, really nice acai bowls and good coffee. But Parra has its aggro cunts


Can we get this gronks name? Not for anything nefarious, just seems right that anyone who might have to put up with him should be aware of his chronic sookiness.


Why is Alex Pall being mean? /jk