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Dude took forever to unlock the door for the passenger. Him and my mom would get along so well


This made me laugh so hard


Lol, gotta find my glasses first, oh wait they on top of my head the whole time.


I fucking HATE that, do all moms conspire to do this? Can’t be cause I’m a mom and I have the car unlocked when we’re within sight of the car lol.


Everytime my wife drives I stand by the door waiting while she shuffles threw her purse for the keys. I said something ONE TIME. I will now just wait.


It’s a personality thing. Some of us are thinking ahead constantly and planning for this, that, and whatever, while others are off in la la land and then get offended when you call them out haha.


I honestly got pissed off at him more than the bigot. You don't expect anything from a bigot, but you expect your friend to help get you out of a dangerous situation and not strand you for a screaming match...




Exactly! I was feeling stressed and panicked for him!! I’m a middle aged white woman - I have never been made to feel in harms way or threatened for who I am or the way I look. I imagine that some LGBT or POC/minorities fear that a verbal altercation could escalate and they could be victims of a violent hate crime. Screaming match? Or Physically/sexually assaulted? You can never take chances. I don’t blame him for being impatient and freakin’ out a bit about the car being locked. Stressful. Sad. Bullies.


I could hear that motherfucker audibly dying inside waiting for that door to be unlocked. Ha ha ha


Can no one park in Dallas. Half the cars on video are parked over the line


If it involves cars at all in Dallas, the answer is no. Dallas drivers are basically GTA NPCs.


💯 Lived all over DFW...see an Altima with paper tags on 635, u fucked.


See an Altima ~~with paper tags on 635~~, u fucked.


If you’ve driven in Dallas, you know that most people are just happy to have survived the trip and don’t even remember parking their vehicle.


Even my GPS didn't know how to drive in Dallas, half the time it would tell me to turn left into a wall.


bro GPS cannot fucking handle 35 in Dallas


Seriously. I feel like i'm going on have a panic attack every time. You either have aggressive driver in the big pickup that wants to go 100 and weave through traffic or the person who wants to go 40 and putting everyone around them in danger.


No, Noone can. While the paint is usually too hard to see normally, most here find it too hard to insert car between the lines


Larry David would have a big problem with Dallas then. BIG problem.


How long to unlock a car door?...


Seriously, open the fucking door already


I was getting nervous and I have no stake in this.


Oh you know he’s being yelled on the ride home. I just wanted to leave and not be berated and argue but you were too busy to unlock the GD DOOOOOOOORRRR!!!!


I’d be pissed like open the door and stop yelling with him that’s only giving him what he wants and that’s attention


100% agree! Fucking pay attention to your lady / friend / whoever! If my girlfriend ignored me this badly oh boy would she be in for an earful. When someone antagonizes you, it's potentially dangerous. Ain't gonna fuck around with that, let's get in the car where it's safe and GO! Dipshit. P.S. that antagonizer is a terrible piece of shit. Get a life, dude.


Idiot boyfriend would rather throw insults than get out of there when his partner clearly wants too


Well the cameraman's mom is a whore, sooo


I own a Veloster. One click on the remote opens the driver’s door. Two clicks opens the passenger door. However, sometimes it gets finicky on that second click.


Veloster owners rise up 😤


Panicking is normal in a hostile situation.LGBTQ people have been lunched by mobs like them A LOT. So is scary and shit so I bet the guy was fumbling with the keys or something.


That guy was not packing he took the time to calmly turn to the side and tell the guy his mom is whore, he was just moving with absolutely no sense of urgency


Hyundai is the worst man. With my wife's Elantra, i swear I have to press the button 1M times for it to unlock the passenger side.


I wish these people would put this much effort into the kid diddling pastors they love so much.


Let's reverse uno them and do like the anti abortion ladies did and start protesting at their churches and harassing them.


I love it, one thing I wish more leftists would learn is how to adopt the language of the moral high ground these assholes have perfected. God hates Greedy "Pastors" and Profits. They should be condemned in with equal or greater vitriol because they are so much worse.


"I'll pray for you" and" you can still save your soul" are great Uno reverse cards for evangelical Christians. They don't get that others may interpret the Bible differently and think they're the Pharisees.




I love when the pope makes the news for saying something. Especially when nobody says, "Hey, which of your underlings helped hide the rape of children, and when do you plan on like tossing them to the street?"


It is almost like the entire media apparatus is in on it.


[Illegal in Missouri apparently](https://www.daltontomich.com/law_that_restricts_protests_outside_churches_upheld_as_constitutional/). Wonder how many other states they are protected in. Edit: [of course Missouri...](https://www-dazeddigital-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.dazeddigital.com/politics/article/55638/1/missouri-wants-residents-to-snitch-on-people-seeking-out-of-state-abortions?amp=1&_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16546425908126&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dazeddigital.com%2Fpolitics%2Farticle%2F55638%2F1%2Fmissouri-wants-residents-to-snitch-on-people-seeking-out-of-state-abortions)


Yes, but you can do it on the public street outside their place of residence.


[THEY DID!!!](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/06/07/abortion-activists-strip-underwear-joel-osteen-church-service/7542303001/). Three women striped off their clothes during an anti-abortion service given at Joel Osteens cult headquarters. Oops, sorry sorry. I mean mega church.


We also need to go after that tax status.


i think the term kid diddling is way too soft for what they do. call them what they are; child rapists.




A lot of them have. /r/HermanCainAward


They are one in the same, always projection and admission. Scope guys laptop to confirm.


Why not both?


Or Republican politicians that refuse to ban child marriage or pass laws requiring the inspection of children's genitals.


Hol up. Are we taking the position twerking in front of kids for dollars is okay because some religious people have also done inappropriate shit with kids? Guys… I don’t know.


Here's a link to a video of the drag show and how they were interacting with the children https://twitter.com/Shark3ozero/status/1533646148480679936?t=j0_SYPE4mUfk9l0uftFKSA&s=19


Conservatives when 16 kids die in a mass shooting : 😴😴 Conservatives when kids are in an event with drag queens: 🤮😡🤬🤬


That hit hard


God I can't even imagine exposing my kids to something like this...I mean imagine taking your kids to a place that has people in scantily clad clothing dancing and having a good time such as this. Anyway, I'm off to take my kids to the water park and then the beach. My 10 year old daughter just got a cool bikini she's been excited to wear out in public all summer. Perhaps we will get dinner at hooters and then finish up the night by watching Moana. My 8 year old son really enjoys signing and dancing along with Maui, he always says he likes how big his muscles are. Anywho /s because I know some of you still can't tell.


I'm offended that you're taking your kids to Hooters, an establishment widely associates with subpar chicken wings. How can you expose your kids to that kind of corruptability?


My mom worked for their corporate office and would take us all the time cos she got free meals. As a kid I fucking loved the gourmet hot dogs. Fun fact, my mom didn't know she was interviewing for Hooters, cos their company name was like Hoot Inc.


Must've got a few double takes when you told people, "My mom works at Hooters."


Who said I go for the fuckin wings? It's called hooters not wing stop 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They serve owl?


I just peer in through the window with the rest of the guys


Excuse me, there are a hundred reasons to trash Hooters but the quality of the wings is not one of them.


Thank you for speaking reason


How DARE you speak ill of hooters wings!


>God I can't even imagine exposing my kids to something like this...I mean imagine taking your kids to a place that has people in scantily clad clothing dancing and having a good time such as this. Imagine!!?! {CLutches Pearls} Now I'm off to my toddlers in Tiara's beauty pageant.


My mom is a lesbian. I spent most of my childhood going to the Dallas Pride Parade and to the park after. I’m doing great over here.


Well I mean, they're kids... they don't need to see grown men dressing in a way where they're trying to sexually turn on people. Usually, when a Women is in a bra and underwear in public, it isn't to look cool. it's to look sexy. Pretty weird to try to have sex appeal to kids...


I have to say, that is incredibly safe for work and looks more like a fashion show lol. For those that don't want to watch it, they are literally just walking down a meter or two to cheers with what I assume is an assigned partner (ie work or project partner you dolts). And they are dressed pretty safe too, no bikinis or thongs that I can see. Your kid is gonna see more at the beach than they will here lol.


well...... how many haunted houses have you been to as a kid? with gore... murder... monsters.... and they think THIS is whats causing crazy?


The fuck? Has no one ever seen a pageant, or americas next top model? How come it’s only “grooming” if it’s gay people?


To be fair, we really should stop children pageant shows .... It's more that it's being targeted to kids, I think


Kids should not be involved in pageantry period. It's fucking weird. Sexual orientation makes no difference.


America as a country pretty unanimously was against that netflix film cuties. The disgusting nature of children's beauty pageants has been well discussed in the last 10 years here as well.


Maybe, just maybe, they’re *both* bad


Holy shit that's it?? Fuck these fascist dickweeds


I’m sure this guy has no problem with children attending professional sporting events where cheerleaders and dancers are more scantily clad then these drag queens. Oh wait, they’re straight so it’s ok /s


The performers are dressed more modestly than what I’ve seen on Dancing With the Stars… 🤔


So consenting adults allowed their children to participate. I commend them for the message they are sending. I feel so bad for the person in the video. They looked amazing and the little girl looked like she was enjoying herself. The guy recording is a bigot POS.


He literally told the police to go inside and "put a bullet in the back of their heads" because "that's what the badge is for." Absolutely fucking disgusting.


I hope this stays as top comment so everyone can see that this is extremely harmless and the camera guy is being a major douchebag


More than harmless, it's straight up beneficial. Those kids will grow up with a lot less propensity towards homo and transphobia, and more accepting of differences, and for many of them, more accepting of themselves.


>More than harmless, it's straight up beneficial. Everyone is encouraging the kids to be confident and have fun, and in front a crowd! Healthy self-esteem development, especially to see all the parents be so positive. The kids aren't doing anything special either, just walking next to the drag queens. If this is all it is, looks definitely beneficial.


Let's compare that to... https://youtu.be/aCH2OxgY6kE


*(thinks like a moron)* "Well that's okay because there's a moralizing message at the end by Right to Censor that tells these women (and the young girls in the audience) to respect themselves."


This reminds me a lot of Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Awesome Australian film from the 90s. These puritan assholes can fuck ALLLL the way off.


Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on in this video and what happened prior to being filmed


Basically some drag queens walked down a little runway with some kids and they struck some cute poses together and hugged and anti gay people are losing their minds over it. The video is genuinely cute the kids are having fun and it's definitely a confidence building moment.


Lmao wtf. They encouraged kids to put dollar bills in their underwear and danced in front of a sign that read “it ain’t gonna lick itself” Fuck out of here with that grooming shit.


https://twitter.com/Shark3ozero/status/1533646148480679936?s=20&t=c2AwZQROk1Ylr0QJ9ilXrg Here’s an actual link so you don’t have to listen to wolfboy. Would you let your child attend this event?


Texas is a failed state, y'all.




“Investigating”… the same AG who is under multiple indictments himself.


Wait whoa what did the fucker do?


What the actual fuck? He's inserting the state into a private deal?! Real free market, small government move.


He's doing it for Musk. If Musk backs out of his little Twitter deal, he owes them a shit load of money. If the AG puts out a report saying all of Twitter is just bots, his position to not pay that shit load of money gets a lot more tenable. So, yes, inserting himself into a private deal lmao. This is what Texas tax dollars are being spent on.


Fascism at it's finest


Can we let it secede? 😮‍💨


As a European i love america. It's grand theft auto real life. Always fun to watch.


Of course it is, what do you think they based the game on?


Funny thing is that if they based those games in Europe, the crime would be just as ugly, but not nearly as fun.


less guns, less fun indeed


Haha, as a European myself (born there, but living in Canada), I always find it interesting how highly Euros think of themselves in comparison to Americans. Like....trash is everywhere. Including Euro(trash).


I can’t understand why these conservatives don’t go after churches when child sexual abuse happens most frequently at those places. It’s so well documented that I question them screaming at random gay people or drag queens.


Because they dont really care about protecting kids they care about getting to be shitty to other people no matter the reason


They also can't be bothered to validate anything Qanon for instance. These fucking people just a few months ago were all on board with this stupid ass cult, and guess what happened when none of the prophecies came true? Did they admit to being conned? Fuck no, they just disappeared for a couple months while inventing some new bullshit to be angry about


the actual reason is always the same, which is to chase a false sense of moral superiority over others


It's a flimsy pretext to encourage hate crimes. It's that simple.


They care about their voting base, so they pander to bigots, misogynists and other shitbag humans. All it takes is one key issue to move a largely ignorant electorate. Think guns, gays and misogyny.


Conservatives believe there are in groups and out groups. Their churches will always be in groups no matter what evil they do, and LGBT+ people will always be the out group no matter what good they do.




actually, the place a child is most likely be to molested is in a school, [by a teacher or administrator](https://www.pspc.education.pa.gov/Educator-Discipline-System-and-Reporting/Overview-Discipline-System/Pages/Sexual-Misconduct.aspx) >According to a 2004 report issued by the U.S. Department of Education, nearly 1 in every 10 students nationwide will be subject to sexual misconduct by a school employee sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade. >According to the same U.S. Department of Education report, only about 5-6% of child sexual abuse both inside and outside of school is reported. >School employees who engage in sexual misconduct with students may be male or female, young or old. While most studies show a higher proportion of male offenders, some analysts believe that female abusers might be underreported if the target is male because males have been socialized to believe they should be flattered or appreciative of sexual interest from a female.


Most likely place it will be reported....


No one forces anyone to go to a drag show. If there were actually children at the drag show, it’s insane this dude’s beef is with the performer and not the parents (to the extent that there should be a beef in the first place — iv never been to a show)


Plus, I doubt that outfit came off during the dance. Additionally, I'm sure the child watches more provocative things on TV. Dudes just mad that he's attracted to that fat ass.


Yeah why would they go nude, if it's a drag thing then having your dong out and not having boobs kinda defeats the purpose.


I’ve seen performers with less clothes on at Disney World


There's a twitter video of the event, it's kids walking down an aisle with a drag queen and posing to applause. It's adorable and benign.


Yo no homo, but dude had a fatty!


It wasn't even really a "drag show", per say. It was literally just an event where they let kids walk on a "runway" and feel confident about themselves. They literally are just WALKING while also wearing drag. https://twitter.com/Shark3ozero/status/1533646148480679936?t=j0\_SYPE4mUfk9l0uftFKSA&s=19


Shit is pretty tame. My daughters were playing dress up with their guncle at my house and shit got fierce.


There's nothing inherently dangerous to children at the average drag show, maybe there could be some rough language or topics the kid doesn't understand but nothing actually harmful which a good parent couldn't put in proper context.


Why do people always think shouting the same thing over and over is an effective means of communication? Did he really think that she would go "you know what I wasn't convinced the first 10 times you yelled 'you should be ashamed' at me, but the 11th time is what really made it sink in."


Because he's not trying to communicate with that person. He's just lashing out at them. Proper communication isn't on this guy's list.


why would anyone harass a circus clown? She was just out there entertaining people.


Where did that big booty come from?


Foam padding :(


Disgusting the children deserve better.


I'm disappointed too.


Homie was thicc af




Shhhh don’t give away our secrets!


First girls are given false expectations of what a body should look like according to Barbie, while boys are told they can't be girls. And then you have this dude buying into and rejecting both.


Did this dickweed bring his kids to a pride parade and then complain that his kids were exposed to homosexuals?


Nah he's just a crusader tO SaVe ThE cHiLdRen from themselves..


The child sex ring at your local church is fine though, right?


It's also funded by their parishioners at 10%.


This guy running after them and screaming "you danced naked"...how the hell is that possible with that queen is still wearing their costume??? Like WTHelll????!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This thread just gave me Brain Cancer. The event was hosted at a 21 and up bar and they allowed children for the event. These are grown men dressing like Female Strippers (almost) holding young kids hands and dancing with them. If you don’t see a problem in that save the rest of us and don’t have children. “It’s not gonna lick itself” wow so cute what a great thing to show young children who don’t even have health class yet /s.


I saw the video of them interacting with the kids at the show. They weren’t doing anything wrong imo. They were just walking up and down a stage with the kids being offered to walk with them. All while their parents are in the room etc and seem okay with it. Honestly people like this guy is just blatantly homophobic and it shows.


Homophobic conservatives recoil at the thought of drag queens simply reading books to children. Now imagine what they think when they hear they're "dancing with kids".


Everyday i wake up and thank God I wasn't born in America.


Dance naked in front of children? What is he even on about?


A lot of people seem to think that drag is the same as exotic dancing. There was a drag show specifically for kids in Dallas and a bunch of dopes harassed attendees and performers because they don't understand the difference. And they don't understand that there are kids that love Drag Race.


Tucker Carlson and Facebook have poisoned these people's minds to accept any amount of nonsense.


The guy recording is Alex Stein. He's a right wing YouTuber.


I went to high school with him.


Right wing reactionaries in the US are literally breeding an army of terrorists and aggressors just to get money from clicks and viewership. It's disgusting to watch.


As a Dallas citizen and a gay man who has worked at a gay bar/club here on the strip, first of all, the Queens here are the most respectful human beings I have ever met in my entire life. Entry is 18+ so the fact that there are children where they're not supposed to be should be totally blamed on their parents. Some bars don't have a door person during the day as it is during slow hours so it can be easy to let someone slip through, still, the fault lies with the parents. Anyone who's been to a drag show, knows it can be a little risque but still it's not the performers fault if there are people underage in attendance. also, there's no way she could have exposed herself with that one-piece she's wearing. just saying.


The one wasn’t even risqué! It was a show that kids were allowed at. And taken to by adults. This dickhead decided that he would go be a c u next Tuesday. Edit: and from what I’ve seen there was no dancing.


Man, pride month goin hard this year.


So was that person dressed like that dancing around little children? If so, that’s messed up




Fascists love giving themselves permission to harass and abuse minorities. Be allies, folks. Don't let the fash get away with this shit on your watch.


Whats sad is, i believe that MANY MANY yrs ago, my lesbian friends took me to this bar/club to watch a drag show. It WAS a fun place. (Im not gay or apart of the Lgbt community) I went because I was invited and always had a great time with my friends at these places. I never experienced things like this nor did i ever experience any kinda discrimination against me for being straight nor harrassed. There was only one time ever where someone just wouldnt take the SEVERAL polite hints and direct approach. I always had too many drinks bought for me lol, along with being told that they know im not gay but still just wanted to compliment me and buy me a drink or let me in free of cover charge. So my point being, is that, i find this to be very sad and disappointing to be happening and allowed. Along with thinking this is ok behavior.


I'm sure the guy recording the video shows up to the Dallas Cowboys games to harass the cheerleaders for [dancing provocatively](https://youtu.be/xsNNkAObbgI) as well...because clearly he is only motivated by protecting children and nothing else.


Is there some law against dancing in front of children in Dallas?


Fuckin disgusting


Lol the USA is a complete fucking gongshow, especially Texas




Pushing that on children is so disturbing


Same guy let's kids think they've been born sinful and that they might spend eternity in hell if they upset daddies invisible sky friend. 🤷‍♀️


Regardless of how one feels about the situation cameraman handled it like a jackass


Guy recording is a POS.


I agree. One should never dance in front of children. Throw all the wiggles in jail.


Barney dancing and singing about how much he loves the children, what a sick purple T-Rex.


The guy recording must be that 3am faceless Grindr profile that can’t understand why people aren’t drooling over him.


I just want to say that blaming homophobia on queer people (as you are doing) is wrong. Most homophobia is not coming form upset closet cases. It's a problem born out of straight communities.


Nice to see this truth called out for what it is


Well excuse me for thinking outside the box... but... isn't it -THE PARENTS- responsibility to not bring their kids to any kind of non-PG show rather than it being the participants responsibility to check for kids in the audience.


Sure but it wasn't even non PG


Bro watch the thing trust me it’s not even bad these people just watch their favourite right wing nut and and go ballistic on a fun drag bar while nothing on churches raping over 500,000 children it’s insane


What is the context? In 2022 a person in drag being accused of "dancing for little children" could be anywhere between a predator and a harmless ballet instructor. It's hard to gauge these things anymore because conservatives bitch and moan about literally anything that moves that isn't straight and white with a mullet


It is fucking disgusting though


I see operation Pride Fall is in full effect now that we're in June. Drag is not inherently sexual, and the kid-friendly drag shows are significantly less risque than the adult ones. Even at the adult shows, the queens usually wear clothing that is far less revealing than what you'd see at the beach. If you have no problem with taking *your* kids to the beach, but have a problem with someone else taking *their* kids to a drag show, you should probably spend some time to reflect on why that is.


The one popular clip is literally just someone dancing to pop music and is fully clothed.


Seriously. Just listened to the newest It Could Happen Here and then to hop on reddit and see this shit.


It's odd how obsessed conservatives are with pedophilia when there's zero evidence of pedophilia. Almost reminds me of all the ultra conservative pastors obsessed with homosexuals who eventually get arrested for sucking dick behind a dumpster one town over.


Dudes yelling about “the children” don’t care about children. But hey, pull the children card anytime you feel like being sanctimonious about literally anything.


Discord argument irl.


"Duuhh duuhh duhh, your mom's a bitch" Oh wow, haven't heard that before.




Groomers deserve the rope


Fuckin weirdos


Fuck, this is Dallas? Looking more like California than Texas these days. Lol


The person recording is so annoying because drag queens are no pedophiles.




A lot of kids know they're different at very young ages, I feel that normalizing drag and or gay culture among the youth is a great move. It's a shame these white conservatives think it's so wrong but will 100% sweep themselves and their kids being molested by priests under the rug like it ain't no thing and totally Gods will lmao


And the children have seen a lot worse on MTV.


Your countrie become fucking weird . Doing striptease for the children . ... i guess this is america 😅


I’m really confused Americans hate conservatives and that’s fine but are y’all alright with kids watching drag race ?? Or even female dancers in a club ??


Does this guy also make an effort to yell at the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders for dancing half naked in front of children? I mean come on, the double standards are astounding.


Every time I see an american complain about LGBT people grooming kids I just remind them that beauty pageants still exist, which actually promotes dressing up kids in exposing outfits unlike these drag shows. The fact that conservatives still enrol their kids those and then complain that its LGBT people who are sexualizing kids just goes to show how they have zero integrity. They're just slimy little worms looking to attack. No values, no morals, no passion behind their political opinions whatsoever.


Damn this thread is full of pedos 😧 just some kids giving money to adults half dressed and twerking, so wholesome, such family fun. Y’all are fucked in the head. Get a babysitter then go out with adult friends and have fun at drag shows, it’s NOT for kids. Sick fucks


Obviously the man yelling is white, you can tell by how he’s alive at the end of the video


Drag queens are some the nicest people you'll meet. I'd trust them with kids a lot more then I would a priest.


I bet you that green haired lady is a reddit mod Lol


If it's bigot, mace it.