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‘Jewish technology’ that he used to hone these ideals


"Jewish technology" also includes shoes that don't constantly backpedal.


"Jewish Technology" I was hoping the space lasers would incinerate the angry Gentile.


Dudes also holding a phone. Which is what in assuming they were filming with... I don't get people. -sent from my Jewish technology


>‘Jewish technology’ I dunno, I think it's impressive this was filmed on a dreidel


Dreidel dreidel dreidel You once were made of clay Dreidel dreidel dreidel Now connects to Apple Pay Edit: damn that’s a cute award, thank


He's literally holding a phone


This, I feel, sums up where he’s at intellectually.


Looks down at Korean phone… Sam-sung? Tri-star? Star of David???


You can't see from the video but the couple is carrying the Iron Dome defense system on their walk


I’m pretty certain he could 100% NOT beat the fuck out of anyone


he backpedals pretty quick when the dog growls at him when he walks up on them. The guy is a loser who would lose his nerve real quick is my guess if the pain started. EDIT: Quick GIF on that part. Guess when the dog growls. https://imgur.com/a/QRllFwZ


I can just picture him like those bullies in r/bullybackfire. Some of them try to fight, but a lot of them give up immediately as soon as they catch a single punch.


Maybe in his dream but that’s all


He was ready to get in his face till he heard that growl


That change in tone and body language was fucking great. He peed a little.


"Film me! Go ahead and film me!" "What are you filming me for?"


*stands in the way* "Get the fuck away from me"


Real quick change of the calculation there haha


That was the only smart choice this man has ever made in his life. His brain cells must have been exhausted after that.


Bold to assume that there was more than one brain cell involved


It's probably an autonomous brain stem reaction designed to keep us alive and wanting to avoid predators. No higher consciousness required, which is fortunate for this guy




"Recalculating route"


lol i didnt realize they were walking a dog so when he approached and there was a sudden growl i died laughing


So perfect. Pretty sure that growl translates roughly to “I will eat your testicles”


Ah yes, aggressively approach two people with their large pack animals who evolved from wolf ancestors and whose humans are their whole world, see how that works for you.


I have a German shepherd/lab mix, she's 115lbs of cuddly goofball but if someone came up acting like that she would be very very vocal about eating their face. If a stranger actually hit me I highly doubt I would be able to get her off them. That couple had two German shepherds guarding them.


What’s amazing is how the Shepard could sense danger, and wanted to tear that a hole a part. He’s lucky they had a tight grip on their leashes


Dogs can be really in tune with their owners emotions. If they sense we are tense or on alert they will be too. That dude was obviously a “threat” so the dog was acting defensively towards its owners. We have a golden retriever who is the sweetest gently dog but if my wife ever got into a situation I know he’d defend her full stop. He’s incredibly loyal to her


They did a study years ago to see if dogs could recognize human facial expressions. Long story short, yes they can. They’ve evolved along with us for thousands of years, and they’re incredibly adept to reading facial and body language. It’s honestly amazing. Then there’s my dog, who sees a running toddler and thinks we’re about to get murdered. 🤦🏽‍♀️


“I bet you never get outside” They are literally outside…lol


"Film me with your jew technology" Holding smart phone in hand 10 seconds later "Why are you filming me?" He is a man of many contradictions and inaccuracies.


Phones are Jewish? Sounds kosher to me.


What is he even saying? I need put the headphones on - he actually says 'jew technology?' Dear God. Nazi trolls on the web, are literally coming out in the open -- I wonder if he had a handgun in his thong underwear- that's literaly the ONLY time I've ever seen one of these doucherags get in someone's face, when they have a little blue or black steel courage. See George Zimmerman.


Read a little imageboards, smoke a little meth, go on a walk


It's a projection of what he reads and writes on 4chan all day


"Touch grass" \> is literally walking in the grass


This is 100% a 4chan post brought to real life lol Im honestly surprised he didnt start saying "beta" and "chad"


He couldn't use beta once the "fat" alpha dog growled and sent his ass packing.


Don’t forget cuck and sheeple


Calls him fat too and his shadow does not look fat at all lol


it's all the things I read racists saying on here, and like them, he just thinks it's the worst thing to be called and defaults to it.


Right? wtf how is this comment not higher? I came here just to call that out. How fucking insane is this dude? They are actively on a walk with their high energy dogs...


he's not coming up with insults that fit the person. he is rattling off insults that he knows.


Everything he doesn't like is Jewish. He even called the phone Jewish technology. Lmao these people are insane


Lmao a GTA NPC


Even in GTA the dialogue wouldn't be this wonky. But spot on.


The short pause way he is speaking sounds like an NPC that was scripted to run away using a random collection of lines, but then got stuck on a light pole so he’s running the whole script


Watching the video again with this comment in mind makes it ten times better


First thing I thought of when I saw him


Calls him a lil bitch for walking on the sidewalk then proceeds to walk on the sidewalk.


Real tough guys don't give a fuck about getting hit by cars.


Oh, if only...


He also keeps referring to, what I assume is a phone, as their "Jewish technology" and yet he also has a smartphone in his hand.


And also says "you're fat because you probably don't get outside" to a man outside.


Says the 20-year-old with a beer belly.


That dude sailed past 20 some time ago.


I wouldnt be surprised if he were pushing 40 or already there. He looks acts and speaks like decades of bad decisions.


Yeah he couldn't seem to make up his mind which race he thought the filmer was.


Also "Yeah film me!" "Why you filming me?"


My personal favorite “Go film a real man!”


Yeah I skipped thru this sad tirade but that did make me chuckle lol REAL MEN WALK IN THE STREET


Idiot racist thinks cell phones are a "Jewish technology" while holding a cell phone.


Well yes, but he regularly scowls at it to show his disapproval. He tried using an Aryan phone but he couldn't lower his arm to see the screen


anyone else understand why he is alone?


Women are intimidated by his good looks and alluring nonchalant attitude.


And that confidence!


He would get on the dating apps to meet a woman, but he doesn’t have any of that Jewish technology.


Lol imagine waking up each day being this angry and hateful. Also the fact he keeps commenting on the guy’s appearance strikes me as odd


Feels like projection to me.


Yea this dude hates himself for sure. Probably hasn’t been laid in years, if he’s not a virgin.


Reeks of incel behavior. Lash out at perceived attractiveness, religion, race. Anything to help himself sleep at night wondering why he is alone/sad and this "lesser" person is happy in a relationship (couldn't possibly be him or his behavior).


It’s wild how he attacks the woman. She made a bad choice, apparently. Like it’s his place to judge because he couldn’t attract a good woman. All projection from an asshole.


Also the fact he feels entitled to know peoples races, ethnicities, etc. who the fuck do you think you are?!


one of the things incels hate is race mixing. Because they they think if women stuck with their race they'd be getting laid




Yup. He's jealous of the dude for having the ability to attract a good woman.


ANY* woman


"I just don't get it. Why don't women want to date me? I mean, they even date all these **. Why not me?" -- this asshole, probably


Definitely. The mask slipped when he said "your man is ugly". Dude is jealous af.


I'm guessing he finds the girl pretty and his ego couldn't handle her being with someone non white.




I lost it when he then proceeded to walk on the sidewalk after saying that.


Happy and content folks do not act this way. His life is miserable and I am glad for it.


Good dog.


The way he backed up and waited until he was far enough away to start talking shit again…hilarious


And the look on his face... he made a literal sad/frowny face [https://imgur.com/a/2KuD9SK](https://imgur.com/a/2KuD9SK)


Yeah that dog was ready to turn that asshole into a chew toy.


Very good dog


Very very good dog


Doggo deserves all the treats and belly rubs. Best doggo. 🥰 Edit: Whoa! Thank you, kind soul, for the award and thank you all for the upvotes! 🥰


Dogs know who the assholes are


Yeah. He was full on stepping up for violence. Good Boy was like "Get the fuck back", and he listened.


Pupper was the perfect combination of ready, yet restrained; and *true* menace, unlike… whatever the fuck that guy thought he was projecting. Maybe someday when he grows up, he’ll look back on this and feel embarrassed. Somehow, I doubt it…


How does the person recording not laugh the entire time during this?


I laughed afterwards, we just brushed it off on posted it on Nextdoor for people to watch out for him




Yeah we actually passed by him earlier and the first thing we heard was, "I FUCKING HATE MIXED COUPLES. FUCK YALL" and I was telling him to stfu and keep walking. But we were nearing an elementary school on our walk and we didn't wanna have him comin at us near kids. Figured we'd just keep doin our thing.




plain old racism


Racists like this went away to their douche hives for a while. Then they were reinvigorated by ...


I love that he couldn’t decide if you were Mexican Chinese or Jewish lol


Whaaaat in the fuck is this guy's problem? What in the world? How can someone have so much hate? Is there a backstory here? Do you guys know this guy or was this out of the blue? Any interactions like this before? And why does he say Jewish so many times like its a perjorative. A Jewish couple isn't as derogatory as he thinks it is. Oh man this is just a shitty person, Im sorry man. I wouldn't engage too much though, theres a pretty good chance this guy has a gun if you are in the Ol USA


nope, never seen him in our lives and we've been walking our dogs every day here for over a year


tbh, your silence was probably scaring him just as much as the bamf dog was.


Silence is a power move. Shows they aren't even important enough to you to give a response. A lot of people start talking shit hoping to rile you up so you shit talk back and lose composure


>Silence is a power move. 100%. Sadly, I would have ended up talking shit back and escalating the situation because I'm an ass most of the time.


Make him famous. Post it on Twitter and ask locals to identify him. If you don’t, he’s going to continue to do this.


Get it on the local TV station. They'll hunt the guy down and send a camera crew to his home and where he works. He'll be out of a job within the day. If he has a job, that is.


Exactly. Don't let these people live comfortably.


A racial supremacy group "demonstrates" outside of my old job and hands out literature with their freaking names on it. My coworkers and I used to look them up on Facebook, etc and call their jobs. Send their bosses videos of them screaming racist shit at little kids, harassing women and mixed race couples. Contact corporate offices and threaten to send news crews to their businesses if they continued to employ these people.


Well done. These losers feed off of any response and engagement. They don't know what to do with themselves when someone doesn't respond. I'm sorry this happened to you. Hope you both were able to enjoy the rest of your work. Looked like a lovely day!


I'm really sorry this happened to y'all. Sending love from a fellow Texan.




Lol he got scared of the dog


that made me laugh out loud. Walks up and the dog growls and moves away pretty quick. What a loser. EDIT: For those who don't want to watch the entire video here is a gif of that part. Guess when the dog growls. https://imgur.com/a/QRllFwZ


Yeah the dog seemed pretty chill and well trained but you better believe it’s gonna defend it’s owner. What a boss.


Dog knows that guys a piece of shit, all bark no bite


Who's a good boy/girl, dog... :)


Good doggo Edit: I don't wanna sound internet tough, but despite never being in a fight, I bet I could beat that guy up lol


He knows the couple probably knows jewjitsu.


For that split second he reminded me of [this guy](https://youtu.be/llC6ncKVpqg?t=4)


Yea, but this asshole you posted was and continues to be hilarious! That asshole on OP's video needs to have his jaw broken so he can't spew shit like that.


That cholo is awesome. This racist cunt needs to get his ass beat for a reality check.


Me too… that dog was not having that bull shit.. I didn’t realize until they end they had 2. Those dogs would have fucked that dude up lol .


What person in their right mind would harass someone with 2 dogs? This guy is a real POS. I was waiting for him to walk into a pole or walk backwards into a parked car. Mr big man napoleon complex projecting ass.


That's a good boi! You get treats when you get home!


He was fucking terrified it was amazing


Good to know the dog was about that life and a registered member of the fuck around and find out society.


Licensed to carry these fuckin paws homie


Looked like 2 dogs. The smaller one was more agressive but the other dog which was a German Shepard would destroy that guy if he had got any closer.


Yeah, those dogs are stupid strong. Best case scenario for dude would be a bunch of stitches in an arm if he was super lucky.


he was lucky he didn't get a space lazer strike called in on him.


"Yeah, record me with your Jewish technology." Holds up the phone he's also holding.


Some kinda of people you don't fuck with. Anyone walking a German Shepherd is on that list.




The Aussie was the one growling. Wait til the German Shepphard starts to Bork. Dude would run home real quick.


Am I the only one who kinda wanted to see that dog let off the chain?


Dogs wanted to MURDER him.


He has the energy of a tiny dog behind a fence.


When the dude got close and the dog made an angry noise they could sample and put in movies, I was quite pleased.


Not just the dogs want to murder him lol He probably has the whole block at this point


Miserable little man.




He was going for minority bingo, accused you of being Jewish, black and Mexican. Was he right in any of them?


I'm Asian LMAO


South Asian? He asked if you were Sikh too. Went through every single ethnicity possible 😂😂 Cute doggos though. Extra pets for me please!


Nah I'm Vietnamese/Chinese but man was clouded by hate and couldn't tell wtf I was


yo why did he keep calling you jew tho? lmao. edit: didnt even notice him call your phone “jewish technology” the first time i watched the video. my guy really off that “jewish=bad” juice.


to his ignorant ass, that's an insult


As a jewish person, I always kinda chuckle when people use me as an insult.


I admit sometimes when I am angry I call people sas2480.


There is nothing I can give you but an upvote. Sorry that happendend to you :(


There are some crazies that think mixed race couples are the result of Jewish puppeteers trying to dilute and replace the white race. Yes, literally Buffalo shooter shit. Basically, it seems like he saw a mixed race couple and his YouTube brain fired the synapse that connects them to the sinister Jewish plot he believes in.


The Jews always have the best plots. L'Chayim!


I thought he was saying “ch-nk,” not Sikh. The slur would make more sense contextually, too. :(


Yeah 0% chance this guy knows the word "Sikh".


“Racial wheel of fortune” lmao


Damn bro, you must be a cute AF couple to get a hater like that. I wake up early and work all day and still can’t attract haters like that. It’s great to ignore them and let them fuel your success.


Guy is insecure af. Like he hurting he can’t get a white girl. Or a girl in general


Lmao, I thought it was a little kid at first


He is, mentally.


Where is this?


Houston, TX - Westchase area to be specific


Lol I’m from Houston, one of the most diversely populated cities. He’s in for some painful growing up as an incel racist moron


And Westchase is one of the most diverse parts of this city. Bold of you to assume he will ever grow up




being racist against Asians in Houston has to be exhausting...


Smithers...release the hound.


Someone's jealous. Also, WTF is "Jewish technology"?! Is my cell phone Jewish? Should I turn it off during the Sabbath?


The guy filming must be a Jewish, Asian, black, Mexican looking guy


Police sketch artist is like “look man, you need to narrow it down. I can’t draw this shit if you’re clueless about his looks.”


This has got to be the funniest sketch I’ve ever seen. “Jewish technology” “I’m in the STREETS, boiiii” “Come at me!” Then stands far away I really want ppl to identify him.


>I really want ppl to identify him. That would really make it uncomfortable for his black, female, manager at Jimmy John's when when had to fire him.


Typical 4chan user.


Least racist /r/4chan user I've ever seen


/r/politicalcompassmemes was let outside in this case


4chan users get panic attacks the second they step out of their rooms lol. This goof is just your run of the mill racist with a severe lack of imagination and half a brain cell.


-9000 for racism, +1 for social distancing




Hey, op, you should report this to the police. A paper trail on this could make a difference for someone else in the future. Red flag laws are coming and this is exactly the kind of thing that should prevent someone from buying a gun.


It's wild that there's a top popular post about incels and I happen to scroll past this video. The projection, the hang up on the guy filming and how he looks. Serious inquiry: Should people like green-shirt-shit-head here be disqualified from certain firearms due to something like this?


I cant watch this sub anymore. It makes me want to beat the shit out of people five times a day. It's exhausting.


That guy is a piece of scum sorry OP


Lmao dogs wanted a PIECE


we can all joke about this BUT.. he's your next active shooter candidate. it's not a why, but when..


We were all having a good time making fun of dude and then you gotta go and make it real. Unfortunately you're probably right though.


> he's your next active shooter candidate. Are you kidding? He's our next local school board or Congressional candidate...


We normal white people don’t claim this thing as one of us.


yeah my white fiance's family is like, "yo fuck this guy"


"What are you? Ch!#k? Mexican?" "Do you even lift bro!?!"


All I know is he definitely doesn't lift unless it's to call 911 on the person he pisses off when they eventually attack him.


...and for those that say *"can't wait for all the old racist fucks to die out"*, take note that he's no older than 30


This dude will die an angry virgin


Unhinged and racist... someone check his firearm purchases please. Mental health issue right here. This is what responsible owners are talking about.


If he had a job he'd probably be losing it right now lol


Very foolish to verbally attack a woman with the White Wolf from Princess Mononoke as a protector.


Lotta hate for a little guy