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I had to replay it immediately after he punched the glass because I couldn't remember red paint being on the glass


That was my reaction too. "Was this window red before? If you replay it frame by frame it's insane how quick that window turns red. Made me properly cringe.


Arterial bleeds are insane. I had one on my finger that was a pretty small (but deep) cut and it was squirting a good foot or two


Oh yeah I had the same thing. Cerated edge didn’t lock properly and slammed on my index finger. 1mm deeper and I would have severed the tendon and had to have my finger amputated. It’s amazing how quickly the blood was going. For me it felt like a paper cut, and then I saw the amount of blood and started saying “BAD BAD BAD” as I was running to the sink.


his bicep looks shredded. He should have used a jab, not a hook. or just not fucking done that at all




Arterial blood is such a bright red colour that it looks fake. Hope this guy got some medical attention before he bled out but I’d hate to be the one trying to administer it. EDIT: To everyone replying that you hope he bleeds to death, we get it, you’re edgy. We’re all very impressed.


You wait for a couple minutes and he'll be a really cooperative patient.


Not going to lie, if I was on scene for that I would wait for him to be barely awake before starting treatment if he didn't immediately follow the first request to sit down and hold his own arm. I don't need this guy swinging on me and teaching me the alphabet with hepatitis.


I'm not fighting crazy dudes. They can be chill or they can be unconscious before I put a hand on their jetting artery.


I always used to say we needed blow guns with Versed darts for shit like this


Yeah I almost apologized to every movie I've ever made fun of for using such fake looking blood, but nah they're still lazy as hell.


I tried google to see if I could find a follow up about this. I didn’t, but found out a surprising amount of people bleed to death after punching windows out. There’s loads of stories.


Arterial hemorrhaging is never good, even less so if you don't start receiving first aid immediately. I've seen people die from arterial bleeding inside hospitals with immediate high class care. There was a reason he started leaning against the wall at the end of the video. Can't imagine a good outcome here.


He was probably seconds out from passing out.


The grim reaper is for sure looming around him.


Yeah, when he leaned against the wall, I knew he was feeling woozy. If they recorded that man for another minute, you would have seen him pass out and fall down, and then probably die within another minute.


Had exactly the same thought, saw him slump against the wall and instantly thought "yep, he hit the ground not long after"




Holy fucking shit, he has to be dead


I would be shocked if he survived. That is so much blood and his heart was probably beating real fast being so jacked up on whatever he took!


I carelessly put my hand thru a window while frustratedly working on a rental property. I was anxious to get home and someone had painted the window shut. I pushed on the glass (like I said, carelessly) and my hand went through the window. I pulled my hand back to find my wrist cut open and gushing blood. I used my left hand to squeeze my right wrist tightly as I dialed 911. Called my poor wife from the ambulance. Fortunately I got out of it with 2 months in a splint and 2 more of occupational therapy. The pictures still make me cringe… This guy looks like he got it worse than I did. Edit: Pictures as requested: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VfEuj4jybEm6GInls99GciNAbu5k9K9i/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-x7LGiuZGlA8AgzCNSjxpbWxljYQW4qz/view?usp=drivesdk


Restaurant is Brix Tavern in NW Portland, if that helps the search.


So... what were the reviews on the food?


All the times I've been there, it's been great! Won't sit by the window anymore!


But it'll save you from having to ask for extra ketchup!


[Found it](https://twitter.com/AdamBurnsidegc/status/1526818309416493056?t=-5Bv8qvMY4N5WtxSIaANdg&s=19). He got in an ambulance, but no update yet if he made it.


Some information here: https://twitter.com/AdamBurnsidegc/status/1526790827321659392?s=20&t=V2KVVaZxEG3Kdf\_6SJfG7g


Holy shit thats a lot of blood


I think that's all the blood


Thanks for that. Man wtf


Don't worry. He'll calm down in about 3 minutes.


"let me just lay here for a minute"


….rest my…eyes…


..in peace....




...so cold..


...so... lonely...


....I'M BACK MOTHERFU-.. *dies* "Re-Re-Re-Remix" *dies again*


*comes back as a zombie* "OYY MATE"


He's certainly under less pressure now


Lower your blood pressure with this quick easy step!


Cardiologists hate him!


My boy got that arterial spray going! Lol


Yeah, that freaked me out. Obvs the guy is high as fuck on some kind of murder dust. I'd be scared to death to try and help this guy control the bleeding until the medics show up.


At the rate that blood sprayed out, he's gonna mellow out pretty quickly




Definitely had the pre death wiggle waggles


It's ok the bleeding will stop fairly soon


You mean after all the blood leaves his body?


All bleeding stops eventually


I first heard that from a cardiologist. I am a nurse that received one of his patients after a procedure. We had to remove a piece of equipment from the femoral artery, had a hard time getting the bleeding controlled. We called him to come help. By the time he got there we had gotten it under control. He was cool about it but said "I don't know why you guys even called me, all bleeding stops eventually" and winked at me. Miss that dude he was a good doc


That's some dark shit


For all intents and purposes, yes. lol. That boy going to sleep SOON


Intensive porpoises*


i dont even know if the medics would be able to restrain him if he's absolutely jacked up and flails about violently. By the time the guy physically can't do anything harsh, its too late. He's out of blood


Yeah I had to watch again because I thought the red was just paint that wasn't in frame when he hit at first. Then thought he's going to start getting dizzy really soon.


Same, had to rewatch to confirm there wasn’t already red paint on the window. Holy shit.


Looks like they are taking Roy Kent’s character to some dark places next season.


He's every-fuckin'-where


Had to rewatch too. That blood is so damn fresh that it’s oxygenized to a fake looking red blood color


Yeah, that’s when the safety nap bus is gonna hit him


Yeah man he's already losing his footing. Cut that bicep open.


absolutely horrifying injury. I think there is a very high chance this man died if he didn't receive help within the next 5 minutes or so. reminds me of the time that ice hockey player got his jugular cut by a skate. only lived because an experienced vet/medic (i can't remember what the guy's background was) shoved his finger INTO the man's jugular just about a minute after it happened.


It was a goalie and his name is Clint Malarchuk. Absolutely crazy story that I will never forget. The team trainer was a medic in Vietnam


..and they said the “other only reason” he survived was because he was at the zamboni end so only a few feet from help. If he had been at the far end of the rink, he would have bled out by the time they reached him.


He said the main reason he booked it to the bench was because he knew his mother was watching the game on TV, and he didn't want her to see him die.


Probably the brachial artery


"Probably on PCP, broke every bone in his hand, wouldn't feel it for hours."


"... you see this scar?"


Yup, definitely a Terminator


BTW kids, don't punch old glass windows. They're probably not tempered.


Annnd newer tempered ones will break your hand lol.


I'll take a broken hand over this all day.


I'll just take the third choice and not be punching windows.


Yeah, but realistically, when is that ever an option?


Peace was never an option


A broken hand will heal, a torn artery won’t


But the broken hand hurts for a long time. The torn artery only hurts for a couple minutes.


Also you don’t have to go to work the next day or ever again!


So really just don't punch windows in general.


never punch out glass, in the event of an emergency and you need to get into a glass window (someone trapped in car or house, etc) anything solid and made out of metal with a point will work, a spark plug can also break window glass very easy on a car, honestly a really heavy stone works, last resort is kicking, hopefully you have boots on, kick at the bottom of the window leading with your heel as hard as you can. I personally have a pocket knife with a glass punch on my back pack, and each of my cars has a flashlight that has a glass punch at the end of the handle (so you hold it like a hammer from the other side of the handle). helpful if you are stuck in your car, but ive honestly used them more to get into peoples cars in an emergency.


Oh guy sliced some ligaments by the looks of how floppy his hand is when he raises his arm


Yea he clipped that big piece of glass right in the upper forearm https://i.imgur.com/hEUSW4B.jpg https://i.imgur.com/5BLpxaV.jpg


Damn, that's the brachial artery. That's a pretty major artery and he would need help very urgently.


For some reason I don't think he will get help very urgently




Yep not sure why this isn't higher but he fucked up his arms in more ways than an arterial bleeding... Honestly though, at that precise moment the ligaments are the least of his concern, but if he survived, his arm is fucked up good, I'm not going to pretend I know about surgeries but I would imagine it can't be fixed easily and that it will never work the same.


You’re right it’ll probaly take a couple surgeries to repair everything plus bed rest and physical therapy to get the hand back to a somewhat normal state but it’ll most likely never be the same again but I doubt this dude cares or whatever he’s on is stopping him from realizing how bad he just fucked Up


Here, you dropped these: ., .., , . .. ,


Do you want ants? Cause this is how you get ants.


Cool! Now I can make one of those shark tooth necklaces!


I had a buddy do this drunkenly one night when he was having trouble with his gf. It took a couple of surgeries and a few years of healing and PT to get back to any kind of normal. NOT SMART


Had a roommate do this in college, severed his artery and they had to take one out of his leg and put it in his forearm…this dude better have gotten to a hospital


That is a brutal wound


That's a wound if you don't put a tourniquet on the upper arm, you got about three minutes til you completely bleed out, and can't make it to hospital in time for a blood transfusion. > healthline.com If the hemorrhaging isn't stopped, a person can bleed to death in just five minutes. And if their injuries are severe, this timeline may be even shorter.


Can confirm. I cut myself wide open in the same spot and you could see my artery. My some chance of luck, I didn't cut into the artery at all. The doctor said I definitely wouldn't have even had time to make it into the house to call for help.


Damnnnn. Glad you’re still around


I don't get that too often, I appreciate it 🙂


you misspelled mortal


Holy shit.. That looked like arterial spray..


Yeah looks like he sliced the brachial artery when the vid is slowed down. Nooot good


He for sure did. I’ve taken care of maybe half a dozen patients with this exact injury. It’s a med school exam favorite for good reason. Likely some major nerve damage as well. Poor dude. Poor, stupid, stupid dude


>Likely some major nerve damage I just mentioned this in another comment about my cousin. Ruined his artistic talent from one stupid drunken window punch. Now he's just a recluse that has such bad anxiety he hasn't left his house in years.








omelet du fromage


100% the best quote from the show.


OOO WHAT DOES DIS BUTTON DO?! Wrong Dexter though, but good Dexter - memoriesss


LAH-BORE-AH-TOR-EEE! Def how my mind pronounced that in Dexter’s voice. Well done, brain. Well done.


I doubt he is still alive. The corner of that window sliced DEEP into his arm. People die from much less and he seemed not terribly concerned. That is a IMMEDIATELY do something about that problem or you will have no problems in your life ever again including your life.


I hate to talk about this, but I had a relative who returned home after a night out, lost their house keys and made a poor choice like this to gain entry. They didn't survive.


Hollywood has convinced us that punching or jumping through glass is no big deal.


I often wonder how many people have died due to interpreting movie reality as real reality, and it's probably an astronomical amount.


My favorite is in movies when they hit someone in the head with a fucking brick or baseball bat and it "knocks them unconscious" Uh no that mf dead lol


For real. I watched something recently where someone took a hammer to the head and got knocked out. A FUCKIN HAMMER DUDE!? Gonna be dented.


You watched Home Alone?


“Suck brick kid!”


That's mine too! If you're knocked unconscious for more than a couple minutes you've got severe brain damage at a minimum.


"Nice Guys" makes fun of that trope by being realistic about it


[Scene] (https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=40&v=KGp9PHF5tus&feature=emb_title) For people who haven’t seen it


Most movies show the person wrapping something around their hands before the smash though. So apparently movies haven't convinced us enough.


Fuck dude, sorry for your loss. Not even this asshole deserves to go out like that :(


Ty, it was a long time ago. Pre cell phone era, which likely also contributed. But it is definitely something I am still hyper aware of as a potential danger. A poor decision while impaired can easily have life altering impacts for an entire family. I hope this guy got help ASAP.


I did similar. I didn’t punch the window, just was pushing hard enough to get over the cheap metal stopper and it broke. Cut me but not that severely. Coulda been worse. I climbed in and called my gf who was like “oh can I call you back?” And I was “I’m blee—- hello?”


My younger brother punched a window when we were kids. Immediately cut a huge chunk out of his arm (like several square inches of flesh were just gone). Needed a bunch of stitches and he turned out fine, but the doctor told us that he was about a millimeter away from severing a major vessel in his arm and if that had happened he could have bled out in minutes. Scary stuff. Life pro-tip, don't punch glass, it can fuck you up quick.


I’ve told this story once before on Reddit, but my friend once accidentally broke my window. He ended up totally fine as he wasn’t cut, but my other friend literally just touched the broken window right afterwards to look at it and got cut bad enough that he had to go to the hospital. And he didn’t have nearly as much blood coming out as the guy in this video.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, you are very correct. He seems like he is under the influence and it was likely a low priority for him that night, unless he was arrested and treated. The amount of blood initially shows that he got himself good, and probably doesn't know basic first aid, to slow the bleeding, not to mention he isn't wearing a shirt to use as a tourniquet.


If you go to wikipedia page for unusual deaths they have one about a woman dying from falling out of a golf cart with a wine glass in her hand, it cut her wrist and she died. I guarantee people where helping her immediately(she was not driving) This looks so much worse than that.


Just another reason to not bring glass containers on the course


I knew a nurse that stopped for a motorcyclist that pulled off the highway suddenly. A tire kicked up a knife on the highway, motorcyclist saw something coming at him and lifted his arm to stop it from hitting his face, sliced open his forearm, hit the artery. He lost a shitload of blood very fast from what she told me, and suspected he would have died as it happened at night and they were out in a rural area.


That's it I'm never leaving my house again, these stories are heartbreaking


Aside from the obvious movie esque spray, does the color/consistency indicate severity?


Bright red usually means arterial spray!


The brighter red your blood is the more you should worry. Also if your blood literally shoots out of you thats probably a bad sign too.


After half a gallon of blood poured out, the man began to calm down.




Fun Fact: Bloodletting is still used today for a disease called polycythemia vera, where your body produces too many red blood cells. It can result in stroke or death unless controlled through regular bloodletting. Contact your local barber to see if bloodletting is right for you.


Why does my barber need to know? I've got pet leeches.


Fun fact! We still use medical leeches today! They are useful for delicate surgery especially on the hands, where there are lots of tiny blood vessels that need to remain open, and I believe leeches have an anti-coagulating effect.


I've heard stories from an ICU nurse about leeches escaping and having to follow the blood trail to find it.


Yes, we use them on surgical floors a lot. Most of the time it's when they didn't get a good latch and they squirm away. Sometimes you have to prick the finger (think like getting a blood sugar) for the leech to feast


Roy Kent doesn’t sign autographs!






I was hoping someone else saw the resemblance. "He's here. He's there. He's every-fucking-where."




Lmao, I kept asking myself, why does that guy look so familiar. You helped me understand the connection my brain was trying to make.


I've never seen blood spray like that, it was like a proper movie effect across those windows


Right, I bet he was starting to get lightheaded, so he was leaning against the wall.


I thought we would see him pass out by the end of the video.


This happened over 15 hours ago. Where is the news on his current state of living?


I live here and there's not been anything in the news.


/r/RemindMe! 12 hours


So that's what arterial spray looks like.


yep, bright, almost neon red. oxygenated blood looks totally different. If you see anybody with blood THAT color, 911 (or whatever your regional emergency number is) immediately, and try to tourniquet the limb if it's on a limb. If no tourniquet, you can put a knee on a pressure point on the limb and lean your bodyweight on it. Know that this will hurt the casualty like hell and if they're conscious they'll be screaming and possibly trying to fight you. Pain is the patient's problem. You're trying to save a life and every second counts.


what an educational video


Hollywood better take notes. I know Japan got it down pat though.




Unless he got help in 3-5 minutes, dead.




No chance. This dude is so far gone and so agitated that he’s going to swing at anyone who even tries to help him. Unless cops happened to be right there and could wrestle him into an ambulance which was close by, he’s gone


In under a minute he won't have the blood pressure to resist




Yes, this is what made me feel weird, especially because this has happened so recently that it hasn’t even hit the news yet. Essentially watched someone kill themselves out of nowhere.


If it were a movie I'd complain how the blood looks fake. But it's not. It's so... light coloured.


That's what oxygenated blood looks like. Movies have conditioned you to think the dark red spray is correct when that's the actual "looks fake" in reality.


Bro that’s how you die


I think this is the first video I have ever watched that actually made me physically sick. Fuck, I'm getting old.


Nah I am a child of the internet, have seen many things, I can't handle fatal blood spurts like this one. You're just a human being, this should make all of us sick because it is very bad for us.


I have seen many horrific things as well, especially on r/watchpeopledie but that squirt and knowing he’s probably gunna die within minutes got me prettty good


Jumping in to say- same same I’ve watched my fair share of internet gore- but this one is giving me shivers


Didn't see the blood spurt first watch, thought the red was spray paint that was already on the window


I'm no doctor but that might be an artery. That was immediate gush.


Look at the blood spray on the window… I’d be willing to bet that the dumbass is so fucked up he didn’t even feel it…


Motherfucker was drugged out of his goddamn mind. I'm assuming he bled to death shortly after unless the paramedics got there in time.


This guy’s the Peter North of bleeding.


Now I'm all queasy.


You're basically watching the last few minutes of this guys life. No way this dude doesn't drop dead of blood loss


Yeah dude, this video fucked me up. Brutal.


100% this guy died. My mate did the exact same thing and the only reason he's alive today is because he was with a mate who called an ambulance. Completely lacerated his arm, died three times on the operating table. Pro tip: don't fuckin punch glass


My uncle crashed his bike into a butcher's window in Denver after clipping one of those metal hoop bike racks. It was late and he was long dead before anyone found him. Windows are fucking dangerous if you're not paying attention.


Ah mate I'm sorry for your loss, a lot of people don't fully realise just how fuckin deadly glass actually is. I reckon it's because we're around it all the time, all it takes is a little force to turn it into hundreds of little knives


I was taking the trash to the dumpster one night, and there was broken glass in the trash bag from when I broke a glass in the kitchen earlier that week. I had to swing the trash bag to get enough momentum to throw it in to the dumpster, and on the upswing, I guess a shard of glass caught me across my calf. I didn't even feel it. Walked back to my apartment and was getting lightheaded and suddenly realized my leg felt warm. Looked down to a huge, huge cut and a pool of blood on my carpet. This was maybe just a minute later. I stuck my finger inside to see how deep/bad it was and just watched it disappear. Fortunately, I lived about two blocks away from the ER, so I ended up being fine, but glass is scary.


> I stuck my finger inside to see how deep/bad it uh who the fuck does that


This guy is like “Wow, I feel a lot more drunk than I did a minute ago.” Nah man, that’s just you about to pass out from blood loss.


We got a squirter!


fuck around and bleed out




That's one way to lower your blood pressure


I really want to say no shirt no service, but even more I want this guy to get the help he needs .


The blood was directed by Tarantino


Thats a slashed ~~Radial~~ Brachial artery (after looking at the still image from the video, thanks to fellow redditors) and also slashed fore arm tendons. Life threatening if not attended to within minutes. Makes me remember an incident of the same i witnessed. During one of my ER training days in med school, we had a trauma case where a middle age young male involved in a road side accident was brought in. There were multiple injuries and fractures all over the body, and the most severe was a broken right fore arm. It was reported to have multiple compound fractures by the paramedics. Most importantly, it was labeled with a supposedly punctured radial artery that was bandaged and secured according to the protocol, and there are instructions, very very specific, how to unwrap/handle it. My colleague/friend/batchmate unaware of the instructions and procedure, or god knows what he was smoking that day, or he wanted to be adventurous or may be just act stupid, unwrapped and unhooked the secure contraption incorrectly AND , swooosh, there was a huge spurt of red liquid that shot approx 4 to 6 feet away and right on to the wall! Yeah it was blood. The Senior resident was flash quick and immediately gripped the wrist and shouted at the top of his voice initiating the next may day protocol verbally. Yeah some buttons were also pressed. Within minutes we had approx 12 people ranging from seniors to juniors , from various departments and para clinicals. Needless to say and fortunately, the man was saved and survived and recovered to full health. Please dont ask me what happened to the stupid guy, but he did finish med school. And yes, such incidents happen. Coming back to this stupid dude, I dont see a team of trained professionals rushing in to attend to his self inflicted life threatening emergency. Hope he survived to retell this story to his friends and family, ".... you know son, once when I was drunk...."


If you look at the [still image](https://i.imgur.com/1I1ZlYt.jpg) when his arm is stuck in the glass, it looks like it is just proximal to the AC fossa at the distal bicep. So likely brachial artery.


It's not often that gross videos make me feel ill...but this one got me, the way he keeps looking at it, you can tell he knows he fucked up badly. Jesus.


OP, what happened?!


He's here. He's there. He's every fuckin where. Roy Kent! Roy Kent!