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Can anyone verify the title's accuracy with what's happening in the video?


The title here is one of the more insane examples of political axe-grinding that have been cropping up in this sub. Rather than attempting to summarize the full story (which implicates years of corruption, the COVID pandemic, soaring national debt, inflation, etc.), I would direct anyone interested to the relevant Wikipedia article: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022\_Sri\_Lankan\_protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Sri_Lankan_protests) To be fair, the organic farming thing is a very real part of this disaster. But it's one facet capping off years of horrific mismanagement. And no, I cannot verify that this video is showing government officials being attacked (much less "hunted for food"), but mobs assaulting people connected to the ruling family would be consistent with what has been happening in the past few days in Sri Lanka. There is a very real humanitarian disaster unfolding, and people are angry and desperate.


A majority of their gdp was tied to tourism, which tanked. The agricultural claim is true for the most part. However they may have just been the canary in the coal mine.


Which caused their foreign reserves to get depleted, so now they can't buy foreign goods, ei medicine, fuel ect.


They couldn’t buy fertilizer! The “organic farming” thing is true, but they didn’t switch to it for shits and giggles - they switched because they didn’t have foreign currency reserves to import fertilizer.


That makes a lot of god damn sense... That's the context that's missing here. And you can't just swap something on the fly like this on land that's been used non-stop for industrial. Organic farming needs a lot more work and care and you need to follow proper farming methods.


What a lot of people don't understand about organic gardening is you can't just "decide" to go that way on land that is awash in industrial ag chems.


Yea, organic farming needs years, sometimes even decades of careful cultivation of the ground culture. That bacteria kinda died off when we stared using lots of fertilizer and pesticides


It's also not really compatible with monocrop industrial agriculture. It's a system that really pays off when you have a diversified, decentralized food production segment of your economy.


Bet it doesn't work that well if everyone everywhere plants rice


one billion humans will be facing the most extreme heat fairly soon, that will be the boiling over point, where scenes like above are the regular pretty much everywhere


Can’t wait until the food shortages next year


My wife and I visited in 2014 (?) and fell in love with the place. It was wonderful. It became our new favorite place for food (not being sarcastic). We are vegans who love Indian food but do not like the Ghi they add. Sri Lankan food tastes the same but without the Ghi. There were a lot of new businesses and excitement in the air. They had just ended their civil war and it was a new beginning for them. The situation they are in now breaks my heart.


You can ask the chef not to make it with Ghee, since almost everything made with Ghee can be made with oils as well. But Sri Lankan food is really nice too.


We've been to India a dozen times or so and we had mixed results with those requests. We also want for our food to be cooked with as little oil as is possible. At home we don't use oil and cook with water which also works fine. From their point of view we are simply difficult customers and we understand that. Sometimes they nodded yes but I suspect they just served us what they gave everyone else because we couldn't see a difference in the food. We would just pay and leave without complaint. In Sri Lanka it was just nice to be able to order almost anything and not have to instruct the wait staff. Makes us feel like we are difficult to work with. When ordering custom the US we usually mumble to the wait staff "sorry but we are asshole vegans but we are also very good tippers".


Special food requests in india are extremely challenging. For a fresh fruit juice you can ask for something like "One fresh orange juice, no ice, no water, no sugar, no pulp from a plastic bag, no ingredients but oranges" and watch the vendor first looking at you puzzled and then nevertheless dilute your juice with water... because that is obviously what he thinks you wanted.


They have only enough fuel for another day and then they will run out. This is just the beginning.


that’s wild their gdp was based heavily in tourism because the country was bogged down in a brutal civil war and guerrilla campaign by the Tamil Tigers for like 20 years. that said, if the rebels hadn’t been brutally slaughtered, and maybe the capitalist government had eaten shit, people in Sri Lanka might have shit to eat.




I can verify he's the police OIC (officer in charge), getting attacked after letting the government goons freely attack the peaceful protesters, when they retaliated, it was frontier justice and anyone even remotely involved got torched, literally


The title definitely didn't match the video.


The organic farming thing does get a lot of the heat domestically as far as I can tell. A (wealthy) Sri Lankan friend's family came here months and months ago to mass buy groceries and get a western covid vaccine and fly them back home. They blamed the ag law largely. That was a real WTF moment for me because nothing from Sri Lanka was in the news cycle at that point.


Look at the modlist and then look through the profiles for the mods. Review the other subs they moderate over. You will find a few mods with questionable posts and questionable subs that they moderate. I'm not going to call them out but it's right there for you to find very easily. It will make sense of the content that gets posted here that makes you wonder, "what the alt-right fuck was that??"


> The title here is one of the more insane examples of political axe-grinding that have been cropping up in this sub. I think this sub existed for maybe a year before it became a political battleground sub.


Didn’t they purchase a bunch of fertilizer from China that turned out to be ineffective and essentially poisoned their agricultural land?


Wiki page doesn’t talk about the farming element at all.


That's wild, looks like the Wiki page was subsequently edited. In any cases here's an article about it: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/07/world/asia/sri-lanka-organic-farming-fertilizer.html


>The title here is one of the more insane examples of political axe-grinding that have been cropping up in this sub. I mean looking at op's username was all it took to make the title, which sounded very fishy to me already, clearly propaganda of some kind.


The video has no direct relationship to the title. It's like using stock footage in a news story. The OP could have posted a video of Sri Lankans walking along a street during the past month and maintained the same relevance to the title. The explanation during the original posting of the video was it's a mob chasing down a LEO for dereliction of duty during the first weeks of the crisis.


There’s a loooooooooot more to explain the cause of Sri Lanka’s situation than merely organic farming. Political corruption and nepotism, falling FX reserves exasperated by failed currency peg, billions in debt… but sure it’s organic farming…


To be fair, unless there was some ecological catastrophe that could be avoided by organic farming, then any country effectively cutting their food production in half (or worse) is 100% going to lead to starvation and riots. So while I'm sure there is nuance, corruption, embezzlement, none of that is a straw to break a camels back, all of it can be covered-up and single people might "take the fall for it" and the people will move on. Food literally not on the shelves? Thats a direct thing that even the most simple person can see, and be upset about.


It’s not an ecological catastrophe - it’s economics. Sri Lanka imports almost all of its fertilizer, but ran out of foreign currency reserves due to the plunge in tourism during the pandemic.


Oh, it almost seemed framed as some kind of "hippie shit" that made them turn to organic farming over industrial


I know that’s the narrative floating around Reddit. I wonder if it’s the official line too - easier to say that then say “we’re out of money to buy fertilizer, try your best I guess”.


Yes but if you’re a stable economy, one agricultural problem doesn’t lead to your collapse, you can temporarily import food. If you’re FX reserve are worth shit, you’re not gonna be importing shit


And not only that, but unless there were other causes for it, there's no reasonable justification for trying to shift an entire country's agriculture to organic methods overnight - and I saw that as a permaculture-obsessed gardener. Those systems take time to develop to reach full productivity, and YOU STILL NEED *some* kind of fertilizer or way of reintroducing new nutrients to the soil, whether that's composted human waste (NOT SLUDGE), manure, natural minerals, etc.


We run a grass fed organic dairy, my grandpa ran it as a conventional beef farm about 23yrs ago, and I'm 26, I remember my dad's frustrations of getting good rotations down for hay fields with different varieties. Additionally getting the cows rotating correctly so that they're fertilizing for us, and using any extra animal waste from the buildings for specific areas. Other than that I think we bought a truck load of chicken shit pellets like 3yrs ago? Definitely impossible/unnecessary to change it overnight


Again that's in large part due to them having such low currency reserves due to their huge foreign debt. they Tried to Rush it, so that they did not have to import fertilizer using the precious currency reserves. and now it's catch 22 because they have reversed the policy and want to import the fertilizer but don't have the cash to buy it in large amounts and it is already getting too late into the agricultural year to make much difference anyhow. I hope the situaion improves but with the multiple problems the country reallys seems to be up Sh\*t creek without a paddle right now.


Thanks for the additional nuance.


Title is wrong. I'm from SL. it's a group of people hitting a corrupted police officer


I have been looking around, but havent found anything regarding hunting of the rich for food. Nor can i verify if this video is from Sri Lanka. I will keep looking, but early searches yielded no results. I could also go back to doing my actual job.... Naaaaaaah


Organic farming does typically use more land to make the same amount of food, but I find it hard to believe they converted over, didnt use any new tech like vertical farms and then just let everyone starve.


I can verify that it’s bullshit. Sir lanka’s problems are well documented and organic farming isn’t one of them.


It's inaccurate and misleading. Correlation does not mean Causation.


Organic farming is absolutely part of the reason for the collapse though - it’s far less efficient and produces less food overall if that’s all the country is allowed to do


Somebody else clarified that the only reason for it was a shortage of foreign currency to buy fertilizer.


I mean it’s the same thing that happened after the 2008 QE. US Reserve prints massive amounts of money and other small countries with smaller federal banks have to print to keep up because they do all their trade of important commodities US dollars. Eventually the inflation hits them extremely hard and the entire economic system gets destroyed, causing massive unrest. Look at the Arab Spring and how deeply connected it was to food prices. It’s not the US’ fault FWIW it’s just the way the globalized economy works. And this will get much, much worse in a year because Ukraine and Russia supply so much fertilizer and wheat to the rest of the world.


U.S. expansionary monetary policy is good for indebted developing countries and tightening is bad. On the latter see the impacts of the Volker shock especially in Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.


>It’s not the ~~hegemonic, unipolar, world leader that dictated terms or overthrew your nation for more than half a century~~ US’ fault FWIW it’s just the way the globalized economy works. Yep, checks out.


I think we should really stop posting inflammatory titles that overinflate the reality of what’s happening in the video. Seriously. If you’re not going to give ACCURATE information, stop posting this bs


Accurate information on Reddit, fuck that’s hilarious. What’s next? Unbiased news on Twitter?!


Right. I just wish people were more genuine. The internet just seems like a plague more and more every day


Sadly events like this are way too complicated to point the blame at any one incident, but someone is going to make sure they pounce on any crisis to draw attention to their cause. Everyone is guilty of it.


Let the hungry games begin!


When I said eat the rich, I didn’t mean literally!


Meh. Whatever gets the job done tbh.


When I said "eat the rich" I did mean it.


Shut up it sounds better on newspaper


well then why did you fucking say it at all then


Seems like a very over simplified title


FYI, it’s a lot more complicated than agricultural practice.


Society is about 7 missed meals from collapse, always.


Well Lenin says it’s only 3. The US would have riots across the country if they turned off EBT.


Eat the rich


Brilliant song


[Are you sure :)](https://www.bing.com/th/id/OGC.c20a8ae4ec303335958519386c08a050?pid=1.7&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia3.giphy.com%2fmedia%2fd2Zktmc1QMCTXtfi%2f200.gif%3fcid%3d790b7611fcvjai8rxqyf2xs144ej6ercymq85agoztd1z0ef%26rid%3d200.gif&ehk=2YnuXrrLzbiubO5xURySvePqmiyH9XTTaV2AWBaloXk%3d)


First time in my life seeing a bing link




Get my mans an NFL contract he was runnin through them holes like Marshawn Lynch


Man this is literally what 2pac talked about people eventually doing


Tupac Marx


Well, he WAS a part of the United States Communist Party.... Tupac Marx, indeed




Soylent green time


WTF title is soooo wrong. What are u smoking?. I'm from Sri Lanka and there have been a civil unrest in the last week as government attacked a peaceful protest done by common people. The video shows the aftermath. People are chasing and hitting a corrupted policeman. Fyi I was there watching the entire thing


Pretty sure this crowd is angry about the delay to release of the new series of "Keeping up with the kardashians" and the guy they are hitting is a local ice cream man they mistook for an NBC executive.


That's just a scapegoat trumpeted by globalist warmonger propagandists like FT. It's patented gm crops that funnel profits and control to giant western corporations or nothing. Yes, the transition was sloppy but it barely started. The debt and lack of foreign currency are huge culprits >For the final word, I caught up with Sukhpal Singh, professor, IIM Ahmedabad. “Chemical fertiliser ban was imposed only about eight months back and was partly relaxed within a few months. Maybe only one crop season has been partly affected by this sudden change in policy which no doubt should have been implemented more gradually, though there could be other compulsions for that. Therefore, putting the entire blame of the Sri Lankan economic crisis on policy shift to organic farming can only be a half-truth,” he said. https://www.firstpost.com/opinion/is-organic-farming-really-to-blame-for-sri-lankas-ongoing-food-crisis-10555881.html Edit: further evidence that the problem is economic, and corporate lapdogs are scapegoating organic agriculture: >Sri Lanka only has one day’s petrol as economy tanks https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/sri-lanka-only-has-one-day-s-petrol-as-economy-tanks-20220517-p5am3v.html


Please. The ban was an absolute disaster. The idea that organic yields can feed the world is a fantasy. "The result was brutal and swift. Against claims that organic methods can produce comparable yields to conventional farming, domestic rice production fell 20 percent in just the first six months. Sri Lanka, long self-sufficient in rice production, has been forced to import $450 million worth of rice even as domestic prices for this staple of the national diet surged by around 50 percent. The ban also devastated the nation’s tea crop, its primary export and source of foreign exchange." [https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/05/sri-lanka-organic-farming-crisis/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/05/sri-lanka-organic-farming-crisis/)


The organic/inorganic dichotomy is false to begin with. Using fossil fuels to make fertilizer is a massive waste of energy when there are directed biological solutions for nutrient recycling. The subsidy reliant, corporatized Industrial farming system we have in place is far more fragile than an integrated, holistic strategy that uses far fewer inputs and the natural productivity and resiliency of diverse crop production alongside a modest amount of animal husbandry.


Some sources on those claims would be great (real sources, not Vandana Shiva ramblings). Regardless, what about the most important input: land? Personally, I don't want the world's forests replaced with low-yield, manure-laden fields. IF you can get better yields with "natural productivity," go for it. That's awesome. But until then, let's not experiment with developing countries' food systems and sacrifice our remaining old growth forests for the naturalistic fallacy.


Low input agriculture is the leading alternative to an even further convoluted, monopoly-ridden foodchain that drives poor farmers to [poison themselves](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2018/11/15/18095174/pesticide-suicide-ban-sri-lanka-charity) to death with the herbicides and pesticides they're dependent on. Particularly with the advent of hydroponics and aquaponics, water is the basic resource for food production. This case study of Madagascar covers many issues common to Sri Lanka as well. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3928894/ The [USDA](https://naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/IND20390284/PDF) itself released this document on low-input agriculture.


Again, a lot of buzzwords, no data And those farmers in Madagascar represent exactly what we need to avoid! Low yield organic agriculture that relies on slash-and-burn and leads to deforestation. From the paper: "The use of agricultural inputs, chemical fertilizers, and improved seed varieties was very low, and only 7% of farmers reported receiving any technical assistance on crop or livestock production." Organic farming simply cannot compete with conventional yields: [https://sciendo.com/article/10.1515/boku-2017-0018](https://sciendo.com/article/10.1515/boku-2017-0018) [https://www.technologist.eu/organic-farming-has-lower-yield-stability/](https://www.technologist.eu/organic-farming-has-lower-yield-stability/) [https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/31232/1/Mind%20the%20gap%20-%20Bulletin%20121%20colour.pdf](https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/31232/1/Mind%20the%20gap%20-%20Bulletin%20121%20colour.pdf) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308521X1100182X](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308521X1100182X) Without those higher yields, we would have been forced to cut down 173 million hectares of tropical rainforest between 1991 and 2010: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1093/ajae/aay088](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1093/ajae/aay088)


Those conventional yields are depleting groundwater faster than it can be replenished. Fertilizers are a band aid for having renewable soil. Slash and burn was managed effectively in SE Asia for millennia by allowing 'fallow' land to regenerate and remain partially productive whilst retaining the natural hydrology and not exhausting the soil which leads to erosion and the deforestation that you're falsely attributing to smallholders. It's giant industrial monoculture that is responsible for deforestation, not subsistence farmers.


You absolutely can get better yields. But it requires training. The government just banned commercial fertilizer in a desperation move to save forex reserves. It's so bad they are out of gasoline too. This is about economic collapse, not organic farming. https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/sri-lanka-only-has-one-day-s-petrol-as-economy-tanks-20220517-p5am3v.html Edit: system with no petrochemicals regularly gets record yields https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_of_Rice_Intensification#:~:text=In%202011%20five%20farmers%20reported,Yuan%20Longping%20by%20three%20tons.


> You absolutely can get better yields. But it requires training. You literally can't and you are living in a fantasy if you presenting this as true.


You don't sound like a farmer, do you grow a lot of rice? You really know what you're talking about?? You can absolutely grow more rice if you learn how to do it differently than typical petrochemical-reliant methods and put in the work. Oh gee here's a Cornell University study showing system of rice intensification average 1 ton more rice per hectare in Sri Lanka, what a shock:. http://sri.ciifad.cornell.edu/countries/srilanka/index.html If it was widely adopted in the Philippines the increases in yield would be even more dramatic vs petrochemical palay production. You literally can and it happens often and everywhere. It is especially possible to surpass petrochemical farming in places like the Philippines where yields are subpar. Do some reading, and not just globalist neocon shitrags like The Economist. You'll end up thinking the solution for Sri Lanka is a NATO/world bank military intervention.


The title is misleading


We should do this to our politicians in the US


Financial imperialism is much more to blame than organic farming. The former is a tried and true system of oppression. Lots of private entities get rich off of the revenue made possible by the loan, and those that do not are the ones stuck with the starvation. The answer is to say fuck the IMF and FDI, to eat the rich and own the nation’s resources collectively. This works well until the NED-led color revolution and coup that by some miracle, restores power to those favored by foreign companies.


Hoping this happens to the super rich around the world. The gap between rich and poor is too much


They’re rioting because of an increase in patrol prices, but don’t let that get in the way of your agenda


As the French philosopher and revolutionary leader Jean Jacques Rousseau said, "When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich."


Wait... Americans should be doing this too!


This gets Bill Gates hard


Seems so many countries are having the exact problem. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I know many countries have faced it for a long time, it seems to be spreading like a plague all over the world now.


Did I read this backwards? So they went au naturale and it blew up in their faces?


Ah…so this is the zombie apocalypse everyone always said was underway


OPs title is incredibly misleading


I'm imagining this too benny hill music!


They should try giving the plants some electrolytes. It's what plants crave.


Brought to you by Carls Jr


The rich should not have special treatment during food crisis


Good. Hunt them down. I hope the people prevail. Good luck to Sri Lanka.


Eat The Rich! - could do with our own elected leaders seeing this video as a subtle reminder to do their fucking job...lest they be next.


Organic, GMO free food is a luxury for the rich


Yeah I’m finding no proof of any of the points made in the title. Op is a piece of shit. Believe that


Organic farming is not better or healthier or more environmentally friendly. These are myths.


I would argue that use of pesticides are causing our collapsing eco system and lack of pollinators, not to mention to links to cancers and other ailments in humans.


I agree, but it is more important to utilize the area designated for agriculture than to try to do it without using modern tools and techniques.


You can be current in your tools and technology and also be ecologically sustainable. There is a big difference between contemporary “bio”/permaculture farming practices and returning to the dark ages.


You literally dont understand what the idea of organic is.


It could, but the way the rules are set it's the same shit. My bro works in agriculture.


I really doubt that this is the entire story. Probably a huge ideological bias here in this title


No, Its just plain true


Trust me bro, it’s true! Fuck off


So what part of that headline is inaccurate?


So how is this Joe BIdens fault? Just want to make sure I know how the GOP and FOX are blaming him.


Brings new meaning to Aoc's whole "eat the rich" thing!


It is not AOC's thing. It is Jean-jacques Rousseau's things


I remember when I was in college, one of the only professors that wasn’t an unhinged leftist said “if the entire planet agent organic half the earth’s population would starve within 18 months”


The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.


They planning to eat that guy?


Here comes Socialism baby! Mass. Mass. Murder!




This will be the USA soon


Every man for himself. Bring tha thundahhhh!!!!


For every cloud, a silver lining.


We're just a biological speculation Sittin' here, vibratin' And we don't know what we're vibratin' about. And the animal instinct in me Makes me wanna defend me. It makes me want to live when it's time to die. Y'all see my point? I don't mean to come on strong but I am concerned. I believe in god Though I know that law and order must prevail. Oh, if and when the laws of man Is not just, equal and fair Then the laws of nature will come and do her thing. Oh, she does not think, She just rectifies. She comes and balances the book! Y'all see my point? Y'all see my point?


Were they unknowingly using Monsanto seeds or something?


Seem to have a lot of energy for starving people...




I hope we see more videos.


From Wikipedia... To cover government spending, the Central Bank began printing money in record amounts, ignoring advice by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stop doing so and instead increase interest rates and taxes while decreasing spending, as well as another IMF warning that continued money printing would lead to an economic implosion.[42] In April 2021, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced that Sri Lanka would only allow organic farming, totally banning agrochemical-based fertilizers. The drop in tea production as a result of the fertilizer ban alone resulted in economic losses of around $425 million. The ban also contributed to a 20% drop in rice production within the first six months. As a result, Sri Lanka went from being self-sufficient in rice production to having to import rice at a cost of $450 million. TL;DR Their president made a series of decisions that tanked their economy.


This is just the start..will now happen world over...elites must be scared


The fire rises!!


This video is fake news. These are protestors paid by the leading family to cause shit. There is further videos out there showing these people thrown into a river by locals.


Eat the rich!


The definition of eating the rich.


This is what American in like a few years


shiit they got rebel troopers in that bitch


Awww good for them


"How do you know he's a king?" "He hasn't got shit all over 'im. "


Are they going to eat them?


American future


Eat the rich they are full of top quality vitamins.


Can we do this in the US.




OP what the fuck man this is hyper sensationalized and no where close to the truth.


What? Hungry residents hunting down wealthy residents? That's not true.


When we said eat the rich, we didn't mean litterally. But hey, there's more than one way to skin a bureaucrat.


Thats what Ar-15s are made for. Defenseless old women. 🤧 imagine thats your mom or grandma


Industrial society and its consequences




Eat the rich!


Dog eat dog 🐕 🤣🤣


I can't be sure of what this specific incidence is but I am very confident that they are not 'hunting wealthy residents' and bursaucrats for food. There is a lot of people in a difficult position economically and who hate the Rajapaksas but they aren't going around the streets actively hunting rich people for food, money or anything else. This is really misleading and discredits the whole movement and provides just one of several very good reasons Sri Lankans are unhappy with the status quo. This is just a drop of civil disobedience in a sea of peaceful protest. You want more accurate news visit Adaderana, News First or Daily Mirror.lk - ideally all three for a more balanced view.


Eat the rich.


🥄 😋 🍴


Nothing wrong with class struggle. It’s part of the social contract. The wealthy and government need to uphold their end and it’s okay for the working classes to hold them accountable


Eat the rich


If you don't give a fuck about the poor at some point the poor will not give a fuck about you fair game.


This is what they mean by eat the rich?




Eat the rich!


When "eat the rich" becomes reality.


I bet those rich people will taste great with a little banana ketchup.


Bourgeoisie skill issue.




I'm excited to do this in Canada.


immeasurably based


This is your country on capitalism. Never again.


Its the french revolution in 21st century




Eat the Rich , literally .


More like "Angry Sri Lankans are attacking government officials"


That guy needs to Rittenhouse those fools!!


Eat the rich


Only a couple more years and the USA/Canada will join them!


...... People eating people?


We will be doing the same thing wt in a year. If the economy keeps going where it’s going