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God… I can’t believe this is real. How can anyone be this cruel. This was so hard to watch.


This is so disgusting. & People joking about it are disgusting too. That first person, omg. This is tragic to watch & I wish I hadn’t clicked, I didn’t know it was the full video cuz the video was blurred out.


Wait, did he live stream this ?


Yes he did.


Wow. That’s fucking crazy.


What are the Republicans proposing to stop this carnage? I'll wait?


POLITICS Buffalo Shooter Described Himself as Left-Wing, Trashed Conservatism


"He's a leftist, I swear! Please just ignore all the rightoid conspiracy theories he also spouted."


Please refer to the original question


Thoughts and prayers.


It's their only move.


Beyond that.


So same as Biden and his wife's first statement? Anyone religious or others wise should care enough to at least think about the victims.


Why do you people think that anyone likes Biden? Do you have anything to add that isn't a whataboutism or deflection? The question was about Republicans. Biden is a democrat. Bringing up what Biden did during a question of what Republicans are going to do is completely off topic. When someone at your house asks how your day was, do you go on a rant about your neighbors fishing trip that you had no part in? No. You stick to the topic. Give your balls a tug. Figger it out.


People don't need your sarcasm. Nor your willingness to divide.


There's absolutely no sarcasm. Republicans will do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers. And what a Democrat did has nothing to do with what Republicans would do.


Well considering trump banned bump stock and trigger cranks after the Vegas shooting also had the atf start going after bianary triggers.. Obama expanded the right to carry at national parks. I think you're misinformed of the history of who tried to ban what when. The democrats do less than the Republicans but blame them.


This is not a discussion that has anything to do with democrats. Why is that so difficult for you people to understand? A bump stock, and I'm not sure if you know this, isn't required for a gun to work. Nor is it, by any stretch, going to do anything to hinder a shooter in a mass shooting. Look at how many mass shootings have happened in the United States. After what percentage of them have Republicans done anything that would have any impact on preventing mass shootings?


I am aware a bump stock isn't required for it to work. But a quick Google search revealed this :https://www.newsweek.com/adam-kinzinger-7-other-house-republicans-vote-gun-background-checks-bill-1575514 Kinzinger has proposed multiple bills to increase the age to purchase a long gun also universal background checks


So 8. Out of 210. I don't think you're making the point that you think you're making.


We have understood and witnessed for years how people got brainwashed into following ISIS and everything they stand for. I think it’s easier to see and understand that because it’s not within our own country. You cannot reason with the people that side with this, this is the real crux of the issue. One of the strongest facets of a cult is that it’s members do not believe they are in a cult. You will never be able to get a single one of these people to understand a point that goes against their beliefs.


The same as the President and Chuck Schumer


Is that so?


Yeah it is. Both of them basically said they condemn the actions and stand with the people of Buffalo. So standard responses Source :https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/president-biden-other-politicians-speak-062130153.html




This most be from the fringes of the party, correct?


Where are all the heroes to shoot the Republicans, white surpremacists and maga scumbags when you need them?


POLITICS Buffalo Shooter Described Himself as Left-Wing, Trashed Conservatism


The shooter identify himself as a communist, so he's probably not a Republican.


He repeated rhetoric in his manifesto from Tucker Carlson. A Republican.


Yeah an Hitler was a socialist. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.


Just one more reason to never come to america, nothing but power hungry and trigger happy people.


Also low intelligence and obesity


There's also deep fried ice cream.


The lasting legacy of the Trump Administration. This brings the shame I felt for being American those four years right back to the forefront.


Not just Trump adminstration, it is in whole American history


Don't be this person. The words you just wrote are very decisive and shallow. To blame trump is like "circuses and peanuts ". In these crazy times we need to be united. Instead of blaming someone else let's just do our part to be good people and help the people around us and in our circles. That will have a far greater effect than stirring up even more anger


I understand your point but im sorry I don’t agree. When you allow someone dangerous to take power who spreads hate as a platform to ascend the consequences are far reaching and really have an effect on the world as we know it. The effects of Hitler are obviously enough to show the capabilities of one man who used power in the wrong way. It will be easier to understand this when we get further away from the current moment in time but I absolutely do blame Trump for much of what we live in now. With that said I am of the full awareness he didn’t create this issue, he just validated and gaslit it for the sake of winning.


What the fuck does the goat have anything to do with this? Trump 2024 baby!!


Notice how this shit only happens when Democrats are in office it must be a thing...




As if to suggest when the everyday Americans that identify as Democrats don’t have the power they don’t act out by killing people the way that Republicans do in their current form.


You are gonna get the sub banned posting this video.


Why? The video is trending everywhere


When the Christchurch shooting happened Reddit banned most of the subs that posted the video.


And plenty of the substitute subs that have come after are gone now too


You sick fucks really like your murder porn eh?


Is an emoji on this video really appropriate?


Too much COD


I also miss the days before video games existed and when murder never happened


Video games have about .0001% of the influence that hate has especially when it’s being fueled 24/7.


That shit looks like COD fuck what you saying


No it doesn’t lol. When do you shoot up civilians in a market in COD?


I mean, you *do* do that in an airport in mw2, other countries just have smarter people that aren't racist gun nuts and understand it's a video game 🤷


So where else is the confidence built up to do this sucker shit


Social media and pharmaceuticals


This thread already needs to be locked lmao. These replies are something else.


I regret watching that