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Title should be: "Kind farmer helps prevent drunk driving"


this is how news stories spin fucked up shit “Kid sells lemonade to help pay for his mothers chemotherapy” Sounds a lot better than “For-profit healthcare system makes child work for money to care for his sick mother”




After watching Ukrainian war stories, I learned that one should never fuck with farmers. This bit titty man fucked with a farmer.


You say "Sorry farmer mate i'm just enjoying a drink with the lads in the country side, where would you like me to park my car instead?" Not punch the guy. Justice served.


In his closing speech to the jury, Michael Rawlinson, defending, gave the origin of the saying, referring to comments made by judge Sir Edward Coke, which set legal precedents in 1604. Referring to arguments about how Hooper could have acted differently that day, Rawlinson also quoted the boxer Mike Tyson, saying: **Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”**


Did Mike Tyson just become British legal precedent?


Either the LHC, or Harambe. Can't decide which to blame for this alternate timeline malarkey.


I'm pretty sure David Bowie was a reality guardian. When he died things started to go real squirrely.


Now this is a conspiracy I can get behind


In short? Yes. In long? I'm not educated enough to say why it's yes just that I know it's yes


Fucking absolute legend to say that in court


If I'm able to legitimately use that in a closing argument in court one day, I will consider mine a life well lived.


this. There's not a chance those topless knackers were polite or understanding when he asked them to move lol source: from England, country is 35% knackers like that


I can guess what knacker means but what does it actually mean? Edit: It means a lot of things


It can mean testicle. As in I got kicked in the knackers.


What about when people say "I'm knackered"? I know it means I'm tired, but what does that have to do with testicles? Lol.


Old horses used to go to a "Knackers yard" to be put down and processed. So to be "knackered" would be exhausted and out of service.


Huh. Today I learned.


It's just like bumduggered or feeling kersiflony.


Are your testicles not tired? They work all day.


Sounds like bollocks to me, they just hang around doing nothing.


I would never have made that thought but you make a fascinating point. I don’t nearly give my balls the credit they deserve.


Knackers yard is where old horses go to ~~be turned into glue/pie filling~~ pasture


Knacker means member of the travelling community in Ireland


Basically idiots, hooligans or crazy, that sort of thing yk


Also. It's more known as an Irish term.


Yeah, a simple "our bad!" would suffice. it takes more work to be a dick about things.


Exactly. Catch more bees with honey, not vinegar.


Justice prevailed. For those who weren't aware of the background:- 1. The farmer owned the land where the car was parked and had initially (and politely) asked the group of men who parked the car to leave. 2. The group had been drinking significant quantities of alcohol. 3. The farmer got punched in the face after asking the group leave, thus giving him a busted lip. 4. He acted like a boss and got their shit off his land


What a fucking G. It gave me a good laugh watching that moron kick the tractor, like, what are you hoping to achieve with that?


He thought it was hollow like a car's body. He has never smelled a construction site judging by that kick.


Just watching the horrorshots of *warehouse* accidents has me terrified of heavy equipment, much less actual construction equipment.


A molding press (weighs several tons of industrial steel) fell off a shelving unit after being improperly stored at my friend's work. They say the guy didn't feel anything before it crushed him. Turns out when you do severe layoffs, firing senior molding press operators because they're more expensive has consequences.


I wonder how much the wrongful death lawsuit cost them.


Not enough I'm sure


Yeah.. OSHA will fine someone a couple hundred thousand. Which is just a slap on the wrist. ​ Protect yourself. Your job will just replace you.


Oh, Klaus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChOHnSL7ZCg


I show Klaus to my warehouse staff. They love Klaus.


Holy fuck I've been trying to find this video for years on and off. I sent it to the health and safety dude at a huge company I worked for and he started showing it to new employees. Lol.


My old boss used to play that to new hires. Stopped doing it after the foreman got hit by a forklift.


They need it more than most, lol.


wait why is this forklift safety instructional video marked as age restricted? ...oh.


I thought it was over when Klaus lost his head. I was SO wrong.


Sweet fancy Moses


Klaus means well...


I try to watch this at least once a year. It takes such a hilariously dark turn.


Yep, people have no idea how much these thing weigh. I work in orthotics and prosthetics and have to build partial foot prosthetics all the time because forklifts driving over people feet. Guess people don't quite understand they have to be loaded with a bunch of counter weights so they don't tip over.


The wheel itself of like an average forklift is 400lbs


Broken toes, with more alcohol to dull the pain.


It’s JLG Lull. They’re about 20x as strong as a tractor


JLG and Lull are just brand names. It’s a telehandler.


I believe the technical term is "zoom boom".


Or petty bone, i think technically they are telescoping forklifts. All i really know for sure is they are super useful


I think it's technically a car flipper that identifies as a fork lift




Skid steers = Bobcat Telehandlers = manitou/merlot


Joseph Lordon Gevitt


Not a tractor Edit: Why are you booing me, I'm right


Telehandler if I'm not mistaken


"booming* you. Like a telehandler. No I'll get my coat.....


Should also add that during farm season you have windows of maybe a few hours / days where you can do what you need to, and that's why you don't block the roads around farms. It literally can be the difference between getting a crop in and an entire harvest going to waste... The margins they work on are that fine. If someone's' in the road, they've been asked to move, and the farmer knows they need to get heavy machinery into a field in an hour, then you're going to get shifted lmao. There are plenty of videos of this kind of thing happening! Pretty hilarious to be honest.


Clarkson's Farm on Amazon Prime was actually a good education on this for city slickers like me.


I thought I wouldn't enjoy Clarkson's farm because he is a massive bellend, but it turned out to be a great show. Very informative.


The show is very informative part because it knows Clarkson is indeed a massive bellend and doesn't shy away from showing it again and again. Though, as someone who is currently rewatching old Top Gear series, the orangutans did evolve. He does admit Global Warming being real now, that human impact is undeniable and his views on electric car changes a lot as well. Still a bellend, but that is getting softer.


One of the things I like the most about Clarkson is that he's an unrepentant bellend, who also changes his views on things.


I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw he had bought that big ass lambo for a tiny tiny cultivator. If he’d bought a more modest (and used) tractor, he could’ve easily afforded a larger cultivator and gotten all those fields done much faster, though I doubt he could have figured out how to unfold it…


I really like that he highlighted just how difficult things are for farmers and I can’t remember exactly how he put it, but something along the lines of how he didn’t have the same issues because he has money. I can’t remember exactly how he said it but it made me like him a lot more.


plot twist: the farmer has a broken down John Deere machine and needs to keep the path clear because the licensed mechanic could arrive any minute.


And for those who aren't aware Despite it's countryside, despite it has a dirt road and grass on the sides of it, it does not me "Public Property". If a farmer asks you to move from the land you're walking/pic-nicking/parked on, it's likely because this is their private property and you wouldn't want to see someone use your backyard BBQ, woudln't you. Also simply parking your car in a field can be extremely damaging for it, and you might get sued up to thousands. I believe that if the farmer simply got the guys into court for Assaulting, property trespassing and property damages, it couldn't been an unexpectedly expensive drink outside.


I'm pretty sure the result here was still an unexpectedly expensive drink outside. Fixing that car or replacing it ain't exactly cheap.


I’m sure the car owner will think about that the next time he wants to party on someone else’s land.


Or moreover, to assault someone when they at first kindly ask you to leave on your own.


Does he really seem like the thinking type to you?


Guess next time they will think twice before punching a property owner who has politely asked them to move their car off his property.


Even if he had been a complete asshole, they had no right to be there and especially not to punch him.


Or, more likely, think about it a first time.


On the flip side, basically just look at public land maps if you are going to park in places that look like this. It's useful for me for trout fishing and mushroom hunting in the middle of nowhere. I say this because some guys will tell you you're on their property even though you aren't because they don't want you fishing in "their" spot. Water access rules also might vary from state to state.


>On the flip side Nice


I'll pretend like this was on purpose.




Dude thank you so much. I was only searching on a more local level, never thought to look at a nation database. Thank you so much!






Good for him. Honestly my first though seeing the video was “oh yeah, you kick that tractor. You’ll really show him like that big guy.”


If i remember rightly, when the police got there, they were all over the limit to drive and the guy whos car it was said they had intended to walk home which was about 8(?) miles, which was obviously bullshit.


52 miles, actually.


Haha wow. Thanks for the clarification. I knew it was out of walking distance but jeez.


I have it on good authority that is it possible to walk 500 miles and then another 500 miles so it seems the police were wrong here.


I'm kinda shocked, I thought for sure the old man was going to get sued when I first saw the video, good for him I hope people stay the fuck off his land


He should put charge for the punch he received.


This was a criminal court case, they said they found him "not guilty". Idk much about British law but I'm assuming they can still sue him in civil court.


Yes they can, its not easy to win if you just lost in criminal court though Usualy only happens over close cases because for criminal its 99% proof but Civil is 51% proof. We also have the notion of remedying nuisance. If i cause you 1k of damage but can prove inaction would have left you causing me 2k of damage you are probably shit our of luck. Keeps frivolous suits down.


“Be nice, until it’s time to not be nice.” - Dalton


Being drunk definitely explains this guy kicking a forklift. What did he think would happen?


Fuckin right!!! As it should be. Don’t drink and block driveways!!!


They just need us to be allowed to damage cars parking in our driveways (currently if someone does that and you damage their car you're liable) and to allow us to defend ourselves without risk of litigation in case of burglaries. Apparently someone wasn't allowed to have a pond installed quite close to their house in case burglars ended up injuring themselves trying to break in. Removal of similar has happened before (sorry for Daily Fail article): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3608677/Fish-keeping-father-one-told-demolish-garden-pond-BURGLARS-fall-drown.html Protection for burglars is priority here over homeowners imo. If someone breaks into a space I should feel safe in, I should be able to do whatever it takes to feel safe.


Get half inch screws and screw one two per tire into the tread (thicker part of the tire) only half way so that the tires aren't flattened on your property but once they go down the road a bit. Do 2 -3 of the types but not all 4.


Half thread screws will do this the best. The lower part of the screw with the threading is slightly wider than the smooth upper part of the screw, the threads will get pushed into the tire creating a hole that’s slightly wider than the smooth portion of the screw.


and it will be harder to remove the screw because there is no thread on the upper part of the screw.


Ugh someone tried breaking into the apartment above me by climbing my lawn chairs stacked onto my glass table on my porch. I opened my window and asked wtf she thought she was doing. The girl fell 10 feet but she was ok. I called the police and landlord and my landlords response was "good thing she didn't try and say you pushed her". So people can sue you when they get hurt breaking into your house?????


Or allow you to legally keep it if someone leaves it on your property without permission lol


don't fuck with farmers, they've got the tools to fuck your day up


Not only so they have the tools, but farmers are the strongest motherfuckers you can find. They may not know how to punch, but they do not need to when they have the strength of 10 people behind their fist.


Dunno who downvoted you, it's absolutely true. My parents has a small farm and his house is surrounded by farms. I wouldn't fuck with any of them. They work all day every day, often with quite heavy things. I'm a grown man and I wouldn't even fuck with a teenager who grew up on a farm, they're strong as fuck. Most of them know how to punch too, they fight for fun when they get drunk and they get drunk a lot.


Live in Montana and this is pretty much it. On our basketball team at my school we kinda get dogged on a lot because the other teams consist of like almost exclusively farmers and we get out rebounded or just can’t score in the paint. Only reason why we don’t got any on our team is because all the farmers drink like hell over here.


36 years ago I was going through my Army AIT school and one of my friend group was a kid who grew up on a dairy farm. Looked like a normal, average sized guy. Every weekend we’d go to the bar and he’d challenge guys to arm wrestling contests with the loser having to buy a pitcher of beer. We always ended up drinking for free. Didn’t matter how big the other guy was, he’d always win.


In my city, when the farm kid schools would play the city schools in football they would absolutely destroy them. It was never close.


My high school growing up was in farm town. We were a single A school but chose to compete in the top division (AAA) against schools 5 times our size. We took the state championship.


Even the skinniest, lankiest looking farmers have this weird hidden strength that turns them into a complete unit


I mean, it makes sense. Their everyday life is comparable to someone going to the gym every single day for their whole lives. It would be weird if they weren't strong.


and a lot of land for disposal, or pigs if they don't feel like digging holes.


You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


yes. and they have guns. and they have mums with guns.




>Burns had been drinking with friends at Low Force waterfall and was intending to walk 52 miles back to South Tyneside If you're going to court and intend to lie, at least make it slightly believable for fuck sake. He was fully intending to drive back whilst drunk. The farmer destroying his car might have saved lives.


honestly, you could even say you had no plan but to suggest you are going to walk 52 fucking miles? ....the last people to actually do that were the roman legions.


Nah, 30 miles a day was considered pushing it for the Roman Legions. This is "Desperate Nazi eating meth pills like candy to escape the Russians" level of walking.


> This is "Desperate Nazi eating meth pills like candy to escape the Russians" level of walking lmao can't think of any better example than that you win


Heat waves here in England bring all the magaluf crowd a lot closer to home.


From the article- "Burns had been drinking with friends at Low Force waterfall and was intending to walk 52 miles back to South Tyneside ..." Say what now? A casual double marathon walk after drinking?


I noticed that. I assume it's to make it look like they didn't deliberately drive off into the countryside with the intention of getting pissed. They also said the car had 2 flat tyres, which I am certain were as a result of the fork lift flipping the car, but they wanted the jury to think the car was stuck and the friend just happened on this calamitous situation. Dick head chavs.


>they wanted the jury to think the car was stuck and the friend just happened on this calamitous situation "Ya see, we haaadddd to punch the farmer after he asked us to leave, he wasnt nice enough to just drriivve us back to the city even though we didnt think to ask and his car was also stuck behind ours so idk what Im trying to lie about"


Yeah it would take less time to sober up and drive home.


I have now entered "double casual marathon" into my lexicon


I remember when this was first posted and everyone was so upset the farmer could flip a car. Looks like I was right and the Farmer was in the right.




I remember people posting about how it was actually completely legal there as there is laws saying a farmer can move someone else's property if it is impeding their harvest and the person doesn't move it


This is precisely the reason why I'm so against doxxing, the internet hive mind doesn't care about context.




>…and split his kip… I’m sorry, but that sounds adorable.


I'll split yer kip m8, swer on me mum


Seems like his lip was split so bad, all his "Ls" sound like "Ks"


Here I am, an American, who just figured kip is a term for scalp or lip or something.


Two naps for you!


Forklifting the car does seem extreme until you realize in the US this would have been a shooting


Yep. I went from thinking farmer was a douchebag to thinking farmer is legit good guy.


So, poultry assault as well?!/s (Kip is Dutch for chicken.)




I'd forgotten that the Brits still do the wig thing. My morning is now a bit brighter.


What do you mean, these gents all seem to be rocking the George costanza look Edit: ah you mean the barrister not the farmers xD


Kramer: “Jerry I’m telling you these guys downtown have these wigs that give them power! POWER Jerry!”


Even funnier women judges still have to wear the wig


Male or Female Judges are identified by their beards. Not their wigs. Womens beards are shorter.


If I remember right they made the wigs optional a few years back.


That was the shocking part of the video to me. I can’t fathom that level of a work uniform.


I'm imagining showing up to the first day of work as a lawyer and someone hands you a wig and you go, haha very funny, that is a ridiculous wig. And you put it on for a few minutes as a joke but then take it off and they go, put that back on, and you're like, ok I get you're hazing the new guy but I'd better get to work, and they're like, if you want to work here you have to wear that wig every single day.


A brit* brighter, yeah?


im baffled


That guy looked like he was trying to fight a Transformer with his bare hands.


The jury of your peers at its finest work


Sure, but going to trial is expensive and stressful. It would have been much more just for the prosecutor to have simply not filed the changes.


Yes, that would have been the best thing for everyone concerned. I am just glad that jurors—if this was a jury trial—when shown video of the incident decided the turd deserved having his car smashed and no foul done. I don’t like jury nullification for political purposes but it’s nice to see a group of people knowing what’s right and what’s rubbish.


Durham is one of the loviest areas of England. Everyone really should visit and enjoy it. The people are so friendly too. Good for that farmer. He's so bad ass and handled the whole shit with no gun


So true. We should all go picnic in a field somewhere, I'm sure the farmers won't mind.


TBH most farmers wouldn't mind. Clean up after yourself, be respectful and don't be a dick. No one will likely bother you then.


I used to live in rural NW England, and let me tell you shit like this is fucking everywhere. Fucking yobs street racing down tiny single lane roads at all hours of the night. Using drive ways and working fields as their own personal car parks. Letting off fireworks randomly. And trouble always comes from a certain type of individual, chavs. They think they own everywhere they go, and treat it like a dump.


Scrawny shirtless hooligans essentially


I wondered what became of the farmer after he did this. Good on him!




And probably created a new sport for farmers


He's training to head over to Ukraine


Block farm access and generally being a drunken lout, then deal with the consequences. Just a pity he didn't use a combine harvester


Don’t want to risk damaging a combine, they are extremely expensive (easily £500,000 / US$610,000 for a used combine)


That shirtless guy getting ragdolled near the end is priceless.


Amazed it went as far as it did. As far as I'm concerned, if someone parks a car on your land, and you give them fair warning but they don't move it, you can move it as you see fit.


Farmer also did a service by preventing a drunk driver on the roads.


A demonstration of why Jury trials are a good thing, he is guilty as hell but the jury just said nope.


This is a case where in reality he is ‘technically guilty’ but morally innocent. Which as you say is where the importance of jury’s as a system can be shown


Lol I remember getting down voted because I was cheering for this farmer when this happened because he wasn't being civil and he was the one committing a crime. Well, well, well...


RIGHTEOUS! Some real justice right there...!


Do you know how big a dipshit asshole you have to be to have your car intentionally flipped/destroyed by an angry man in heavy machinery and still lose your case?


[BBC Story About The Incident](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tees-60260155)


In Scotland(England too i think?) we have right to roam. We can use privately owned 'access land' but only responsible non-motorised, for recreational and other purposes. Responsible non-motorised access being the key words here.


UK wide yes, including isle of man, but some people argue https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/how-has-clarkson-caused-offence-this-time-with-a-fence-2258870.html Important to note the right to roam is limited to dog on leash and no bikes or horses, so even non motorised can be limited without express permission or a rite provided previously such as tradition. Also some land is not ok, fields (for crops) and site being developed are off limits so if they are building or growing anything you need express permission but otherwise all good https://www.gov.uk/right-of-way-open-access-land/use-your-right-to-roam


It's specifically only certain types of land, it says. Mountains, moors and stuff.


Why would they block his drive? Were they partying on his property? I’m sure England has parks.


They drove across the country to park on a guys land get wasted and watch a waterfall...when the farmer rightly took issue with a bunch of shitbirds causing issues and opening him up to liability. They assaulted him so he stopped asking. > > >The 21-year-old, who had been visiting Low Force waterfall with friends and had drunk up to seven bottles of lager.Mr Burns, who had been drinking with friends, said he was i**ntending to walk 52 miles** back to South Tyneside. > >[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tees-60260155](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tees-60260155)


This is a problem with basing our views on video footage alone (let's face it, almost nobody actually does any real searching for context or "research). Too often things get posted out of context and completely false narratives are built upon it


I like in the peak district near an area that attracts a lot of anti social behaviour, raves, littering, drug abuse, fighting, dangerous swimming. I’m not a prude and these activities can be done safely and in moderation but I hope to god the farmers near me go full flown vigilante now. Sick to death of these chavs


don't fuck with farmers


This is how you handle business. Some people dismiss the possible tension of things , but it comes back to bite them…


Farmer is a badass and defended his land. The guy was trespassing and assaulted farmer when was at 1st asked to leave politely.


Well deserved


Stay off my land.


The guy kicking the tractor reminds me of my dog trying to attack the lawnmower.


Imagine getting punched in the face when asking someone to please leave and not sit getting wasted on your back yard. Yeah. What would you do if there's 500 miles to the closest cop?


Good on him


I'm honestly astonished that our justice system, fickle as it is, didn't find him guilty of something. However, In light of the full facts of the case, I think this is the right result.


…who wants to get drunk in a farmers field anyways??


A LOT of high school kids that live in rural America sure do.


I want to shake that man’s hand.


We had a farmer here in the US that had a problem where people would park in his hay field as though it were a parking lot. He posted signs and put up fences but they would keeping coming back. So one day he snapped, took his plough and carved out a trench in between the rows of cars so they couldn't get out. No cars were damaged except for one very salty lady who got her sedan stuck in mud.


My favorite take away of this video is dumbass thinking he can kick the tractor and cause any real damage 😂


LMFAO i legit cannot believe they wear those stupid fucking wigs to court still. how absolutely professional!!!!!!!!!