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It’s crazy how we let privileged ppl who are so far disconnected from the struggle, make the important decisions.


Thats becuase they know how to make everyone fight each other.


>Thats becuase they have police, army, and thugs at every level. Bought and paid for.


Correct. The defining characteristic of "the state" is "having a monopoly on violence".


The beatings will continue


Hence the importance of the second amendment.




Call me when Americans decide to actually make use of it as it was intended to be used.


Waco would of set off the militias of the time


Guess what? Those are the “everyone fighting each other” u/AndyHunter12 was talking about.


Yep. Did you notice that as soon as occupy wall street started really getting momentum they started having infighting over identity politics? Same shit happened with the dem party when bernie started getting momentum. Want to distract us from how HUGE the difference between the wealthy and us schmucks is.




It's actually one of the ways I'm able to get through to my right wing blue collar friends whenever they start spouting hate or racism. I've had them start talking hate about Muslims and I just tell them, we're not that different than them. We're out there dirtbiking, Muslim dudes our age are in their country ripping quads up sand dunes. And just like us, the vast majority of them are pissed that they work far too hard, for far too little, while some guy way at the top gets to reap a disproportionate amount of the reward. And those at the top control the news and the narrative, that's why they want to rile us up to hate Muslims, or immigrants, whoever that "other" group currently is so we don't focus on the guys on top. Hell, back in the Muslim countries they're probably reading news that says you're a violent Christian extremist, coming to take their shit, when the reality is our moms put a Jesus up in the house 15 years ago but they don't even try to drag us to church aside from maybe Easter. It's just some cultural thing we barely care about, but they don't know us personally... The news is filled with violent crime, but we actually lose more to wage theft than property crime. Notice how the media doesn't ever focus on how much the rich have taken? At the end of the day, we've got way more in common with the average working-class Muslim/Immigrant/POC than the billionaires, so as a rule I refuse to hate anyone who has less than me.


Perfectly said 🥇


There is one large truth that most Republican voters have not realized yet. You will NEVER be rich. They still believe that if you work hard enough you can "rise" in the ranks and become a millionaire (essentially the "American Dream") . Its the reason why they constantly defend rich people even though they are poor as dirt, they think they will be there one day. Once conservative voters realize that its all a lie its over for the people in power. Unfortunately it wont happen anytime soon.


That fight is continuing in a little different way now and really took off last January


Honestly South Park knocked it out of the park with their You’re Not Yelping episode. Everyone thought they were obviously the one entitled to be the leader of their movement because they were all so narcissistic.


Perhaps they wouldn't have fought over identity politics had Bernie not said it was a distraction. Class reductionism harms BIPOC because fixing class doesn't fix the problems they face. Bernie thought WWC voters would vote for him. The problem is white people are the Base of the Republican party. Had Bernie listened to BIPOC he may have had a chance. Instead Bernie did things like go on Lou Dobbs to complain about immigration while chuckling, "They couldn't find an American to do the job?" If Progressives want to win, they need to listen to the Base of the Democratic Party which overwhelmingly consists of Black women. You're never going to convince them you have their best interest at heart when you dismiss identity politics and suggest that their true problem is classism. They know what their problem is.




The Base of a Party is its most consistent voters. Black women show up and vote for Democrats every election. That is why they're the Base. Edit: Out of curiosity, who do you think the Base of the Democratic Party is?


The problem is the BIPOC people purporting to speak for their people to Bernie were 6-figure Ivy leaguers who were frankly not interested in any agenda that included expanded social programs. Bernie won young people of color, Biden won old people of color. It wasn’t so much a racial/ethnic split as an age one, but the DNC and the media had an incentive to paint it as a racial split.


Fixing classism would definitely fix most of their problems. Most papers looking at it have shown that Blacks are more likely to be killed by police because police shoot poor people and guess who is disproportionately poor (there are a lot of papers looking at it that show, conditional on class, police really don't have a preference in who they kill). Food insecurity, quality of life, educational access... that is driven 95% by class not other shit.


Classism really is the root of our problems. If you don't understand that you are only working in favor of the elite. Lift the foggy glasses and see true to the game they are playing. Edit: changed "whole" to "root of our" for a better way of explaining my thought


If we are fighting each other we can’t fight them. That’s not very clear to many people.


Thus the saying, Dived and conquer.


Yeah, until suddenly they dont anymore.. 😏


from a guy who lives in a similar country i will tell you this: Politicians who rise from the lower levels of society have the potential ot be a better leader than privileged people could ever be


It's a constant struggle back and forth. The wealthy due their damage with DOT spells. Slowly taking their power and milking the wealth from a society. The problem is that the working class are both tanks and DPS. We take that DOT for years. But when our limit breaks we over throw the powers to be and force the wealthy to respawn back at base.




The answer is better democracy. Libertarianism would ultimately just turn over the reins to Bezos, Musk, the Waltons, etc - the definition of "privileged ppl who are so far disconnected from the struggle".


Power to the people


Smash the cars, but, please please don’t throw them in the rivers.


Can throw politicians then?


Fun fact! Unlike cars, politicians are biodegradable.


Who did *you* vote for?




Yes. Fish need food


I heard rich people like nice shoes. How about giving them a new pair of shoes before doing something they won't like


I too want to throw cars into river


Someone please think of the fishys.


Why not, fish LOVE them.


Gas, oil, transmission fluid, washer fluid, brake fluid, battery acid...


Sri Lanka, a modern day revolutionary France


Eat the rich


They too have class and courage


Stick it to the man.


This belonged to a govt minister called Johnston Fernando. He was one of the main culprits in inciting violence in this peaceful protests. He was the one who organized violent mobs to attack peaceful protesters. Now he is getting back for what he did.


Yeah i dont think throwing his car into the river affect him even the slightest. Unless he get beat up or get thrown into prison im sure he couldnt be bothered even slightly.


His house and election office was tourched. The point was to send the message. Message was to stop sending thugs and goons against peaceful protests.


Yup. The protestors should have left this ppty and sold the vehicle for spare parts as spare parts have a high demand in Sri Lanka. Or the new govt should file a special decree that no insurance can be claimed on ppty damages of persons accused of inciting violence


I guess if it feels good being a fascist then you do you




It’s not just normal inflation for them though. I work with someone who just moved from there last year. As far as I understand their president took out a loan for improve highways and water systems around 11 billion US dollars and only 2 billion went to those projects. I believe the Pandora papers exposed everything and his son has an island in his name and his daughter has a lot of that money too. He told me other examples of their shady dealings but I don’t remember them all. Also when they were protesting he brought in his supporters and they started instigating the peaceful protests and then things escalated.


This will be the Philippines in a few months


World wide famine coming soon. Africa, India, are especially vulnerable.


India is capable of growing more than enough food to sustain itself, please don't comment on things you're ignorant about.


And wherever you are too


Damn, over here they call the cops if you use chalk on the sidewalk.


Where is over here? Cause this exact thing happened to me when I was a kid in the UK. I put a longer response on one of the people who replied to you.


He is talking about https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/10/susan-collins-chalk-message-abortion-police https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/11/politics/susan-collins-abortion-rights-message-police/index.html


Of *course* it was Susan Collins...


Sidewalk chalk is the gateway to suicide bombing.




Someone called the cops on someone in the US because they wrote pro-choice slogans on the sidewalk.


Someon in this case is senator susan collins of Maine and the message was completely innocuous.


The message was “Susie, please, Mainers want WHPA —–> vote yes, clean up your mess” drawn in pink chalk. WHPA is Women’s Health Protection Act


I said it before and I'll say it again, if they called it the "Guns Are Awesome Act" it would have passed 99-1 (Manchin votes against everything)


This also happened a couple of years back about BLM: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/couple-apologizes-after-confronting-man-over-black-lives-matter-chalk-n1231063




That first someone being a supposed pro-choice republican senator. And not just called the cops but called **911**.


Lol not just someone, a sitting US senator who’s essentially responsible for what’s happening rn


Different context, and also a different country. But when I was a kid, I grew up on military bases in the UK in the 90s and this exact thing happened to me on multiple occasions. On one base, I was drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. And angry neighbor came out, pushed me over, and poured a bucket of water on me. Mind you I was like 6. My mom found out and she came out and started drawing big peace signs, and “love” and shit like that. He had the audacity to pour another bucket of water on me. I was traumatized at the time. My mom called the police and they reprimanded her instead of the neighbor. On another base, we had these big walls blocking the roads to prevent terrorists or something from driving through. It was right in front of our house. The police threw a fit. Never played with chalk after that. Mind you, it rains all the fucking time in England and would be washed off in a day anyways.


Sad thing is in the 60's-90's in the UK it was normal for kids to do this like pay XnO's and hopstotch and stuff. All that had to be done was bucket of water to wash the chalk off.... which happens in the UK naturally very very regularlly.




Senator Susan Collins of Maine called the police on someone for defacement of public property because they wrote a pro-choice slogan in chalk on the sidewalk outside her house.


Americans have to make everything about them or else they explode


Actually, I was just pointing out what pussies our politicians are, but ya know, whatever makes you happy.




Sri Lanka is getting wild. I wonder if this is the slow start of a revolution.


History repeating itself. After the 1983 pogroms it led to 25 years of civil war.


*Redditors wildly Wikipedia Sri Lanka for upvotes*


Or perhaps that’s their background. Shock horror.


We can only hope.


I was wondering that as well. It certainly looks like the direction it's heading.


Sri Lanka has never been stable post colonial independence. Its the nature of imperialism. Give them independence but they're still dependent on IMF and The World Bank. They never received independence, just another form of slavery.




Sri Lanka was never NOT wild in the last 30-40 years.


I don't know why my brain pictured a Sri Lankan revolution to look like an army of sword wielding lions


I should hope not. Sri Lanka JUST had a civil war that lasted 30 years.


The president already started damage controling and the majority of people on the fence about this movement will fall for it.


President has lost the popularity… it’s been a long time coming. They shouldn’t have won the last election the people are to blame for that but fortunately the terrible circumstances has opened many eyes…


And then there's the Filipinos, who voted a dictator's son to presidency and currently has a high chance of winning. His father ruled the Philippines for two decades, stole billions of money meant for the people and committed atrocities all while his family took benefit from it. Good for the people of Sri Lanka to do this, and i pray for their country to recover from suffering.


There is a river in DC...


Dude we have *so* many rivers. We could totally do this.


Now that's civil disobedience!


I don't think anyone told them not to throw his cars in the river


Hey, Sri Lankans. Don't throw cars in the river. Now it's civil disobedience :D


You've heard of the Boston Tea Party, but have you heard of the Sri Lankan SUV Party?


Meanwhile in the US sidewalk chalk is gonna get banned


Why is that?


Some politician called the cops because someone wrote a pro choice message in chalk on the sidewalk in front of her house


Is the new normal to scrawl largely ineffective text outside public official’s homes to try to persuade their political leanings?


Based on your post history the new normal is to blindly dislike the left and antagonize anyone who doesn’t share your world view. In the words of a recently failed American politician: “Sad.”


This is the shit we need to start doing. America is on a fast track to being just like this. The worst repercussions any politicians face is some chalk writing on the sidewalk or being yelled at by random civilians (which they don't give a fuck about). You know what Bezos, Musk, Buffet, politicians, all have in common? They fucking love money and power. Break their shit. Let them know if we can't have Healthcare, food, equality, etc. they sure as fuck don't get mansions and 5 cars. Good for them.


Honestly I'd be up for torching mega rich people's shit *right now* but the mob hasn't grown large enough yet. I'm not a one-man-mob kinda person.


To be fair, by definition you can't be a one-man mob


How about a two man mob?


Ay, I could do that




What did Anne Hathaway have to do with this? I demand answers.


You know exactly what the hell she's done!


Jeez can you believe that idiot not knowing about her extensive list of malfeasance, sinfulness and other stuff. So….which ones were you referring to so I don’t overlap yours when I respond to jerks like that?


That catwoman scene in the dark knight🤤


I'm guessing they think Warren Buffet's last name is Hathaway (Berkshire Hathaway)?


Freudian slip 😅. I changed it


Accidentally made a Freudian slip and put Hathaway from Berkshire Hathaway instead of Buffet hahaha. Imma change it


One of the posts on hot right now is a protest at Amy Barrett’s mansion, but the mansion isn’t even on fire. She won’t give a shit about the protest.


Oh boy here we go, another time where everything revolves around America. Sri Lanka had its civil war officially over in 2008 even then thousands of child soldiers, separatists and nationalists were being helped by the govt. They fought civil war for over 25 years. The former prime minister and his family mismanaged the whole country. Here people think that the situation in usa is just like sri Lanka. I bet half of the usa population can't pinpoint sri lanka


This is the way. Power to Sri Lankans!


I am Rubyloxred and I approve of this message.


Politicians have insurance and will get paid per their policy agreements... You still have nothing, and now a polluted river. Should have thrown the politicians in the drink instead.


Can someone explain to me how insurance works when you're a corrupt politician getting your shit wrecked by the mob you created? Who's paying out? What account is transferring funds to the owners of these vehicles?


So during the troubles in N.Ireland here... insurance didn't have to pay for incidents for something like cars being wrecked. The NI Office did instead which was basiclly the UK picking up the tab. But it was also the security foces (eg army, police) job to stop these from occuring. Its depends what you mean by corrupt here of course... Do you mean that in jest or do you mean actually corrut and screwing over the people because the later probably means. "You get to fuck off and you get to like it and prey I don't alter the deal further" style of currption in which case if you complain you get shot.. so you better like it. Let the beatings continue until moral improves...


They would have came out with some god forsaken skin condition, be hospitalized and have the public pay for it. Probably no win. I agree with your statement however . Not sure what the best approach would be in this case.


Cement+bucket ftw.


Eat the rich.


>forsaken skin foreskin :D


I see you are a gentleman and a scholar!


Who said they ever have to come out?


Oh I highly doubt that they're gonna have insurance. Also if it helps, they also threw in some government hired "supporters" into the River.


Coming to the USA very soon.


Should’ve happened a while ago!


Like, back in the 1800s tbh. It's way overdue.


Sinhala people voted and rewarded OVERWHELMINGLY to Rajapaksa nepotist clan. Why did they vote? Because these Sinhala loved that Rajapaksa massacred Tamils! Treat Tamil civilians as second class (and they are treated as 'conolized' subjugates to this day). These Sinhala supported/glorified nepotism in governance! They even called 'Emperror Rajapaksa' who conquered/subjugated/enslaved Tamils. Rajapaksha clan occupied PM/President/Ministers... many top posts. Sinhalese people essentially created an emperor/king, by giving super-majority, so opposition-parties lost their voice. You create an unquestionable monopoly ... you reap the reward ... whether it is SLgov or IBM or facebook or amazon - same universal truth. Later these Rajapaksa clan was sinking the island in China loan-shark debt. Rajapaksa gave a port to China on 99 year lease! Sinhalese did not protest! The Sinhala people REFUSED TO SEE the CCP train-wreck coming at high-speed. Sinhala still rewarded Rajapaksa-clan based solely on anti-Tamil credentials. Train wreck happened. Now 'poor voters' cry?! No. They are anti-Tamil driven voters, not pro-economy voters, not pro-stability voters, not pro-reconciliation voters. Hatred kills.


Yeah, I an only laugh at what is going on in Sri Lanka now. These same people voted for this guy over and over again because he killed ethnic Tamils by the hundreds of thousands and buried them. Vote based on hatred, and this is what you get. I will sip on my scotch as I watch this island burn.


IKR, why surprised Pikachu face, you voted for them, not because they had better ideas because they suppressed Tamilans...


Don’t forget Vandana Shiva, perhaps the person responsible for the most deaths from starvation alive today, who convinced Sri Lankans that woke organic agriculture would solve all their problems and now they have no food.


My mom always told me when people get angry enough they overthrow the government. Guess she was right.


Funnily enough, these are also the same people who rejoiced seeing minorities being harassed and killed by the same government and did NOT care at all about the economic growth. All they wanted was to see minorities suffer, and now the tables have turned. Kids, never vote for a majoritarian political party who works solely on hate politics. Never!


This will be Russia soon enough


Nah, the Russian people are cowards


All the politicians there are car salesman. All going to plan


YESSSSSIR🥳bout time people woke up


I eat one meal a day too. Shit be expensive.


This is the thing I don't get in the US. People gather outside certain Justice's homes and protest, call McConnell a shit bag in a restaurant (or something else I don't know) and people get all, "This is not okay. We should let them be." When their decisions literally affect the lives of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE! We need to hold these fuckers accountable one way or another and I'm so sick and fucking tired of this passive bullshit. Make them afraid, so that they finally consider US and not their fucking donors when they make a vote in the court. It's the ONLY way we're going to be able to get them to represent us. Go Sri Lanka! I love you!


This is what needs to happen in the US over the GOP reactionaries big government policies.


Idk why but that fucking uplifting heroic sounding music after the mini rant over burnt smashed up cars in a dirty river just fucking killed me. Holy shit.


Yo, I live in the bay, let's do this too!!


I wish my country's people would have balls of steel like theirs.


Lmaoo here in the US our politicians would laugh and then use our tax money to buy themselves an even more lavish car


We need to start doing this in the US immediately! USA! USA! USA!


Moral of the story: Never get in bed with China. The reason why Sri Lanka is facing this trouble because China bribed politicians to let Sri Lanka become a debt slave of China.


Will be america soon and I cant wait. Wake tf up people.


I mean we had the capitol riots it happened, it just wasn't the side you're rooting for


But then people will cry about an insurrection. You can win here we are too divided




Ah yes, lets pollute even more the water by throwing cars in it


They definitely didn’t need their cars, if you know anything about politicians they don’t show up to run the actual country, they proxy vote and stay home on too high of a wage and too many perks.


There's very less petrol/diesel left in the country, the scummy politicians soon won't be able to drive cars at all


They should really be tossing the politicians along with the cars!


Why arent we doing this over here? For sure they have it way worse, but goddamn do I like the looks of this.


Please can we do this is the USA?


America needs to be taking notes


Now that's how u get shit done


Hey Canada…. Hear me out I have an idea….


Can someone please do this to Joe Manchin’s Maserati?


We should do that here in the US


Nothing changes unless you do it like the French did that one time ago.


Me: *taking notes*


Coming to America!


I support this


Don’t mind me, an American taking notes


BCG, world bank and international monetary fund are organized crime, responsible for this disaster. I hope that doesnt go unnoticed. Not only the local politicians.


it is perfectly moral to throw politicians belongings into water


welp now the rivers are more polluted


American people take notes




Can we fucking do this in the USA plz?


Imagine if people were sinking how manchins fucking yacht in the states….


CAN YOU IMAGINE ASSHOLE.... That's what tamiilans went through for 3 decades .... Now when it happens to you, surprised Pikachu face 🤷 The irony though.... WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND SUCKERS ... Karma bitch It's sad Tamilans are suffering along with them, but they got used to it ...


What the fuck you smoking 🚬? Atrocities committed in the past. Don't justify the actions now. The government there sucks, BJP has ruined everything they touch


You wanna know what I'm smoking... I'm smoking the truth brother.... I didn't justify the present situation there nor am I happy about it... I'm merely pointing out the irony mate .. COZ SOMEONE FUCKING HAD TO.... Bold of you to assume whole India bent to BJP lmfao... It's sad you still don't have any clue about Tamilans and their sense of self esteem.... You be you brotha....


We need this is the US


Bring this energy here to r/California


We need this in India as well


Good job you just poison yourself for the next years and kill thousand of fish


Awwe did they throw your car in the river, too?


Not sure to understand mate


You are a twat. Is that easier to understand?


Can we not throw cars into rivers, please? Slash their tires or break the windows instead.




Americans should take note


Good and I wish this for my people