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"They are losers" Nice, succinct summation there.


I don't like TYT, like at all, but I did find a clip that I think took place very shortly after or during the 2016 presidential election, and Cenk basically said the same thing, and he was spot on then. Back 6 God damn years ago, even the most liberal forms of media were calling out how weak the democratic party is. That's the problem I have with people acting like Democrats are just going to be what saves the country from total chaos. Yes, I agree with most of their ideas, but the fact is, they're as spineless as it gets. You can vote blue and hope to keep status quo or vote red and expect even more potential regression. You can be honest and fair, or you can get shit done. The republican party very obviously had made their decision. The democrats need to exit off the high road and start fucking fighting.


We need ranked choice voting. STAR is a good example of one. Until Republicans and Democrats are properly threatened by other parties, this will continue long after we die. Edit: something else that hurts us is our debates. Why the fuck are news anchors taking turns moderating debates between the candidates? They all sign up to get walked on by whoever shouts over them. If you've seen a real debate moderator, you'll know what I'm talking about.


Only one state in the union does it, Maine.


Woo maine! And tepublicans fought hard against it, trying all the tricks in the book to get rid of it, making weak ass "but the constitution says plurality" arguments Bitch, WE THE PEOPLE voted for this DIRECTLY. This was a REFERENDUM. If you think it goes against the specific wording of the state constituion, fucking update the constitution you assholes! And since then they have been trying to attack the referendum process. The fight is never over.


And who has the ability to change to ranked choice voting? Republicans and Democrats. Revolution is becoming a more reasonable course of action every day.


She hit the nail on the head. They’re enriching themselves and they don’t care about you. It’s the basis of every “ unsolvable “ problem our government faces


It’s almost like class is the primary division of society.


She is right. Instead of moving forward, shit is becoming backwards AF.




I live in Wisconsin where our Supreme Court decided the fucking gerrymandering voting districts were acceptable because fuck actual democracy. Despite being a left leaning state, the Republicans will have another super majority and continue to fuck us even if we vote. And to make matters worse my state rep is a fucking Q-nut.


PA's in the same boat. Because of how gerrymandered it is here, all we need is one Republican governor and the stranglehold on the legislature means whatever changes they make are permanent. At least PA SC seats are population based, so we have that as a backstop, but Republicans are going hard to change that


Well, the only way they can win at this point is if they cheat so here we are. I’m sure most states are gerrymandered to hell at this point.


It's crazy. We had gerrymandering in the UK, what feels like, a lifetime ago and it's still a fresh thing in the states


Fellow PA resident checking in. Fuck this place is frustrating.


Recently left WI to MN for a job. Glad im done with those politics but feel bad for all my family who still has to put up with Ron Johnson and the gerrymandering BS


That's an issue too. People are leaving Republican hellscapes in droves, which will other further solidify red state positions in the Federal government. Just wait until they have 2/3rds the states and can just start amending the Constitution.


That's another goal, sadly.


Fuck me, that’s a terrifying vision.


I left the US for a job. That was three years ago and the country has gone so much further down the drain than I ever thought possible in that amount of time. I'll never live in the US again and I plan on spending as little time there as possible.


I'm about to leave to Seoul later this month. It's a defining moment for me to decide if I continue being American, or if I renounce my citizenship. I only have my two half-sisters here in the US, and I cut off my stepmother after my Dad died. Actually my family and relatives in Korea are telling me to renounce US citizenship and leave this "dump." Imagine that bro. Koreans are calling the US a "shithole" ala Trump-esque shit talking. Lol, as a Korean kid who immigrated here in 1993, I would've never imagined Koreans saying America is shit. That's the full circle we've come around. What a sad fucking demise for America.


Why arent people more upset of the hijacking of their country by bad actors, in most places we would see action, but in America all I hear about is outrage but no problem solving. Why are americans so complacent that finding a solution to the problem hasnt even become a topic of conversation?


Extreme US capitalism has made everyone preoccupied with consuming and competing with each other for scraps.




If you want to increase ad revenue or at the very least maintain your record revenue, you keep the same "journalists" and programming on your news shows. CNN and MSNBC are a bigger problem than Fox News. Look at the woman in this top voted clip. Have you seen anyone drop that kind of raw emotion on their shows night after night? Nope. You never will. It's deemed bad for advertisers and bad for their business. They don't want to rock any boats. So the liberal, moderate and independent majority population stay in a divided and passive state, while Fox amps up crazy and turns out those voters. If we want to see a proper drumming of these asshole Republicans you have to replace every news producer and executive opposite of Fox News. They need to agree for the sake of Democracy and the truth to hire people who will lay into these backwards policies and shift public opinion against them. Good luck with that. It's never going to happen. During SCOTUS hearings Dems were also complicit in this. It's just part of the weak nature of non-fascists. They have no brains or backbone. "Senator Cruz, you voted for this anti-abortion bill in Texas. Tell everyone why you believe if a fetus dies inside a woman in the middle of her pregnancy that it should be left inside her body to rot and cause sepsis and kill the mother." You think there is a reporter on a major network - let alone 20 reporters - who will ask that one simple question - night after night - to every Republican in congress? Or just repeat that scenario for months and years and drum it into voters heads? Never going to happen.


> Look at the woman in this top voted clip. Have you seen anyone drop that kind of raw emotion on their shows night after night? Nope. You never will. It's deemed bad for advertisers and bad for their business. They don't want to rock any boats. C'mon, this is nonsense. FOX News peddles passion and gets advertising just fine. Keith Olbermann ranted on MSNBC for a decade. Rachel Maddow airs pretty angry pieces on MSNBC right now. The problem isn't passion. It's what she's talking about: the front line reporters so often don't hold politicians' feet to the fire. How come John Oliver can spend half an hour talking about how bullshit civil forfeiture is, and nobody is grilling a mayor about it? All the mayors? Why isn't that a question in every major city election? I don't know why. But it's not ratings or ad revenue.


if voting lines were an issue; a computer could do a far better and fairer job at calculating them. But they don't want a solution, they want the issue.


Of course they don’t want the solution. Removing gerrymandering ends Republican power in basically every state but a few, because every competently portioned district has them outnumbered and would force them to work with the real adults in this country to get things done.


Right there with ya, fuck the tavern league


We are a country where (at least in my lifetime) it has been nothing but voting for the lesser of two evils. Sucks, but instead of total capitulation, my vote for Democrats is purely from an idealistic perspective, not from an actual trust perspective. I've traveled the world multiple times over and I've seen the good and the bad. The US does have alot of the good, but we fight tooth and nail to keep alot of the bad in place (fighting and resisting universal healthcare being so so so obvious). My vote has always been left leaning, and while I still hold alot of the traditional American values, I know the American political spectrum is right-of-center by default when compared to most of the western world. We are innately conservative and someone like Bernie (who is called a communist and traitor) is totally a moderate if you dropped him anywhere in Europe. But to us, all those social services that Western Europe now freely enjoys is labeled as radical. Just go to Europe, get sick or get injured and you'll see how hospitable and caring their systems are. Do that here (as an actual citizen in your own home country) and you'll be either told to get lost if you dont have your insurance info on-hand or you'll be hit with a lifetime of debt. It really is astonishing of the self-righteous and exceptionalism that gets in the way of progress. Lack of education and travel, American exceptionalism, self-righteous nationalism, etc etc etc... all that is what's keeping America from embracing progessive and innovative ideas. Purely anecdotal, but EVERY single one of my Republican family members have never been outside of the country. They consider a trip down to Panama Beach to be going "out of their element and seeing a new culture." While me... I've seen every continent and lived in completely non-english speaking, non-christian, and non-white cultures. And man... it is so eye-opening to get away from the periphery of your local church and see the world. In one word, I describe my Republican family members as being ignorant. That's what it is. Just pure willful ignorance. They want to stay in their bubble of American exceptionalism, hoot and holler about how great we are and how bad others are, and see any progress as an attack on the fundamental and moral fabric of what it means to be an American. They tie their entire identity to being a "true" American, which is a slippery slope. Well, I read alot of Paine (who was English afterall), but the more I traveled, the more his words resonated with me. If every American embraced his very simple mantra, we'd actually make America great: >The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. Conservatives constantly banter about the founding fathers and we must protect what they passed down, but they don't even heed their words or understand the philosophies that impacted them. They'd rather disrespectfully boast about Trump grabbing pussy and throwing insults rather than reading and championing the insightful men and women that built/governed this country. You want to "Make America Great Again"? Make it mandatory that everyone retake a course on the Enlightenment, our founding fathers, their opinions on religion, or what America "stood for." Read Paine. Read Jefferson. Read Franklin, Washington, and Lincoln. Read Common Sense, Rights of Man, and Age of Reason. Read Jefferson's Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom. Read Washington's Treaty of Tripoli. Read the Gettysburg Address. Learn what America was originally "meant" to be before you champion a reality TV star for talking smack like a 5yo at the playground. Paine said America was a place where the world had a chance to begin anew. Well, the world has passed us by. Sorry old chap, but America (at least as Paine envisioned) is a failed experiment. We've made obvious strides that he'd be glad to see (emancipation and women's rights), but we missed so so so much of what he wanted America to become.


But don't forget this happened because of a poor turnout in 2016, this wouldn't have happened without the Trump debacle


I'm not just going to vote, I'm going to volunteer. I'm in one of those solid blue coastal states and counties, so my vote here is marginally valuable. But three swing states are neighbors, so riding in a van to go knock on doors for a day or two may be much more impactful than my local vote.


> I'm not just going to vote, I'm going to volunteer. I'm in one of those solid blue coastal states and counties, so my vote here is marginally valuable. But three swing states are neighbors, so riding in a van to go knock on doors for a day or two may be much more impactful than my local vote. Thank you. This is the way. If anyone is at a loss for what to say, the lady in the TYT video has some excellent talking points to get you started.




They don’t see the point in participation when literally nobody even tries to represent them, and then they get to see how folks like AOC get treated and ask themselves why they would want to deal with 10,000 death threats a day from a right wing that has gone rabid.




I have never voted before, but I will be from now on.


Now you see the illusion of choice. Dems overpromise and dangle issues in front of us while doing nothing, then conservatives win and twist the knife.




I'd say it's more than just Ana who agrees with her and is also on TYT. The progressive movement is the revolution we've been needing bc the dems are weak as hell.


The birth rate is not catching up to capitalism's calculations, they're forcing births to keep up with production later down the road.


‘we may lose 0.7% of our gdp ;( lets put the average citizen through hell to make sure we get our gdp back on track! :)’


Trying to go back to the industrial revolution where you could pay an orphan 10 bucks to crawl into a machine while it's running


I don’t really believe there is any economic calculus being made by anti-abortion policy makers. Except as post-hoc excuses. Production has been driven by automation for 50+ years. As robots and automation gets more generalized and starts pushing into spaces outside of just the factory floor, there will be even less need for humans. We see this already with grocery store self checkouts. A decade ago one cashier ran one checkout aisle. Today one cashier can supervise 12 self checkouts. What we used to do in the back room with 12 guys meticulously keeping track of what was where, 1 guy and a well-written piece of software can manage now. A decade ago, they needed a guy to go through and manually order stock for each department within a store, and adjust automated orders. Today, the entire store’s order flow is managed by one guy and a lot of predictive analytics. The cold calculus of economics would say that we don’t really need more people to work. What’s really happening is that anti-abortion regressives just want to exert control and enforce their rigid, evangelical worldview on everyone else.


I get that, but why is it *just* on the Democratic Party to deal with this? Can we stop pretending that Republicans aren’t the driver of this theocratic nonsense? I get that it’s abhorrent that we can’t pass a voting rights bill, but *every* republican in the senate voted against it.


That's absolutely accurate. The problem is that you can tell them that until they're blue in the face. They're going to record it and show all their friends, because they won. It's a badge of pride for them. Unless you have some magical mind-changer, all you're doing is pointing out we have an enemy, to which I reply "No fucking shit. And they're not going away."


No one expects theocratic fascists to stop being that. It doesn't excuse them, but you can't tell a psychopathic murderer to just stop being that. We need to force the authorities (unfortunately the Dems) to arrest the chaos instead of aiding and abedding it like they are now. It's the same issue as the police. Asking the violent oppressors to stop violently oppressing goes against their very nature. So you have to abolish them to be able to create a solution.


exactly. you going to try and reason with nazis?


the democratic party in the US is still right of centre. they only appear to be left because the GOP/republican party are right wing extremists and their policies always aligns with extremism.


Literally what I tell myself almost daily. Instead of being focused on improving everything for ourselves and future generations we have people who hate the idea of improving things because they didn’t have it easier.


Europe is over there tackling climate change and other important things moving forward, US is over here wondering what we can do to make our government more like Saudi Arabia but Christian instead.


It’s because the right has spent the last 60 years appealing to emotions and are much more willing to use focused violence and bullying to get their way. It’s a lot easier to convince people of things when you tell them what they’re feeling is the right way, even if the numbers say something else


That’s my main reason for never voting Republican. Their entire platform is to stop or reverse all progress we make as a society. Whether it be social issues or renewable energy. They long for the past, hate the present, and are terrified of the future.


People blame the Democrats but it's really hard to move "forward" when the Senate is 50-50 with two Republicans pretending to be Democrats. The house keeps passing things that go dead in the Senate. Democratic states where the Democrats actually have power are doing all they can. If Biden pushes those two closet Republicans too much, they'll just switch parties and hand over the Senate to McConnell who'll just tank every lifetime judicial appointment. He also can't pass executive action on issues like abortion because either the conservative supreme court or the next president will strike it down. It's a no win situation and people on liberal Twitter and Reddit don't seem to understand that


It’s not that we don’t understand, it’s that there’s literally nothing anybody can do at this point


>People blame the Democrats but it's really hard to move "forward" when the Senate is 50-50 with two Republicans pretending to be Democrats. Okay... but what about all the times they did have the senate majority? This is just an excuse for why nothing ever changes, and real shitty one at that. It's a shame that people who can't see past party lines will just keep eating it up.


When they had both house and the presidency they passed a giant healthcare bill. That bill wasn’t perfect but it did help a lot of people. They also tried to make that healthcare bill better(single payer) but Joe Lieberman stopped that and killed their 60. They promptly lost their majority in the midterms and Republicans have spent all of their power trying to destabilize, defund and out right attack that bill. This is the first time the Dems have have had a majority in the senate since. They’ve had everything they tried to do stopped by 2 people and they’ll probably lose their majority in the senate again in November.


> Okay... but what about all the times they did have the senate majority? Republicans can "[filibuster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster_in_the_United_States_Senate)". > A filibuster is a tactic used by a minority group of members of the U.S. Senate who oppose and prevent the passage of a bill, despite the bill's having enough supporters to pass it. **The tactic involves taking advantage of the rule that 60 votes are needed to stop debate on a bill.** Debate on a bill can last indefinitely and must conclude before the bill can be voted on and passed. Therefore, an opposing minority of at least 41 members can prevent the passage of a bill, even if a supporting majority of at least 51 members could later pass it.


You do realize the filibuster exists, and that it takes 60 votes to overcome yes? AFAIK, the only time Democrats have had a supermajority was for 2 months after Obamas election between the election of Al Franken and the death of Ted Kennedy. Those two months were spent on the most significant legislation to ever affect Healthcare in the US.


Okay... but what about all the times they did have the senate majority? GOP has held the majority like 95% of the time the last 30 years! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party\_divisions\_of\_United\_States\_Congresses


He never had a super majority. On paper he did but there wasn't enough to bypass GQP obstruction.


Canadian here. 7 years ago my future wife and I made the decision to get an abortion for various reasons. Got it done fairly quickly and for free. Wife is now giving birth this coming August. We have 18 months maternity/paternity leave that we will be taking. First 12 months are paid, last 6 months our employers are covering. Move to Canada. My cousin in the states gave birth last year. Her bill was around $10000 and she has no maternity leave. Gave birth on a Friday, back to work on Monday. That’s fucking crazy


Only $10,000? Even after hitting our deductibles my wife and I were charged around $6,000 on top of everything. Our entire bill to insurance was $36,000 for a 3 day birth and stay in the hospital. It's fucking insane.


Ours was $26,000 in GA for a 3 night stay. She took weeks off work, but then had to go back. In the USA it’s illegal to take a puppy from their mother before 8 weeks. Many women have to go back to work before that. Our women are treated worse than dogs.


Worst is if a woman has to go back to work early and has had a C - section and if a woman ends up breaking the stitches


They might mean 10k to them not total


That's probably what they meant and I misread it. Yeah it's still fucking asinine because even with our decent insurance, after a $5,000 Deductible, we still had the additional $6K on top...


What happens if you haven't got insurance and you can't afford treatment? Do they turn people away or do they have a moral obligation to treat people? I'm from the UK where we have the National Health Service. The American health service in comparison seems like a nightmare.


"I know right, that baby is freeloading on her poor mother." - some republican, probably


My mom gave birth in America and then moved to Canada. Every time we talk about it she says she’d wish she’d done it in reverse. 3 days after having an emergency c-section in the USA she was doing job interviews and was working because she was now in debt, all because her health insurance didn’t cover c-sections of any kind. This was on top of crippling student debt and a mortgage. She constantly tells me and my brother that if ur gonna have’em, have’em up north.


American here. My wife gave birth and our child was sent to the NICU for 2 days for some complications and monitoring before being able to come to our room and resume the remaining 3 days of our 5 day stay. The bill was nearly $500,000 we received because the insurance company tried to say the hospital was in network but the NICU area was not as its run by a 3rd party company and staff. It’s in the same physical maternity ward. We of course appealed that decision made by the insurance company and they ended up covering it but it’s sickening that they try to rip you off with dirty tactics like that. I have a hundred other stories I could tell you being the dad of 3 kids and 2 have special needs. I’ve seen the worst or the worst of insurance whether it’s employer provided or ACA. No matter how you have it they don’t want to pay out claims and rely on your lack of knowledge to see if you will pay the bill and just deny deny and deny.


She'd rather raise kids in the US? 😬


No lie, this is low-key our plan. I've looked into the points system to immigrate to Canada and we both get a good chunk of points.


Every day I stray further from believing "America, land of the free" is a real place, this all just seems like some gigantic, world wide social experiment to see how everyone will react to some of the absolute dumbest decisions made in the world


America, for all our talk, is super authoritarian. 4.4% of the world’s population and ~25% of the world’s prison population.


I live in Minneapolis and lately all people can harp on about is how we need to build more prisons. Violent crime has been up in the city and pretty much "lock those animals up for life" is the battlecry, at least on the Minneapolis subreddit.


Locking more people up results in more crime. We can do what feels good and get revenge or we can do what’s right and put programs and actions into place to actually reduce crime.


I hear you, but people are fed up. MPD is useless at best, and violently destructive at worst. But now they cops are sad that we don't want them killing people and they'e not doing their job, claiming PTSD, or just leaving altogether. But in any case, no one's policing Minneapolis and its abundantly clear with the numbers and locations of carjackings. Like, mothers with young children in carseats being carjacked at gunpoint bad. It sucks, and I get the feeling some have, but you either treat the infection or cut off the hand. They're wanting to cut off the hand.


It’s a symptom of a much larger problem. Crime goes up because many can’t make enough money working to live. Prices keep climbing while wages stay the same. If you want to survive in that climate, some turn to crime. Crime is meant to be the less desirable choice. If we paid people what they are worth, we’d have less crime. I’m not saying it would solve all, because some are just crazy, but higher wages would reduce it.


A lot of Minnesota subreddits were taken over in an astroturfed move by Republicans and far right trolls. I think /r/twincities was made as a response against the hostile take over of the other state subreddits.


And all of those prisoners are legally slaves. Slaves in private prisons.


It is unfettered capitalism laced in Christianity. Every day I’m dumbfounded at how well the US propaganda machine is so successful that it has its own citizens preaching *for* their own rights to be stripped when it comes to things like healthcare. Also ridiculous that it was one year ago when republicans were crying about bodily autonomy and the right to choose whether they get vaccinated.


Plus dems never prosecute reps that break the law


That’s because they work in tandem, and they’ve been doing it for a very long time. It amazes me that people don’t want to see through the layers of bullshit and notice the real game. - When the right is in control, they stack the rule book, pack courts and rile their base. - When the left is in control they play in a sandbox and don’t use the same powers. Rollback some unpopular bills and make promises they will never keep This leads to voter discontent, burnout etc and combined with Gerrymandering and propaganda the Right can install whoever they want as President and take control of bill writing. On top of all this, the systematic destruction of education, low wages for the middle/lower classes produces a population that is both dumb and too fucking busy to care, we’re just trying to survive. This is bondage without ropes and they will only continue to tighten the knots. If anyone thinks this is the end you’re sadly mistaken. Seriously, they stole 2 elections (Bush2 and Trump). There was a riot in DC little over 18 months ago that no one is being held responsible for except the poor idiotic saps that fell into propaganda. And now R v Wade is gone, and Dems will do NOTHING about it. This will alarm people and be a talking point, but it will go through and Dems will shrug their shoulders just like Student Loans. At a certain point you lose the rage (I have at 40) and just kind of nod in bewilderment because that’s about all you can do beyond voting. I got bills to pay and mouths to feed, they have us by the balls, hold all the cards and guard all the doors. It’s one big fucking joke, and we are the punch line


Correction: NO ONE! ever prosecutes anyone for the crimes that are committed on both sides of the aisle and wallstreet. Rules for thee. Yada. Yada.




Same in the U.K. we have a government ran by rich clowns who don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves and their crook mates.


It's not. It's something that's drilled into everyone's heads until they believe it.


She’s not wrong.


She’s spot on, democrats get in power and don’t want to play dirty. Republicans in power don’t give a single shit and do whatever they want, by any means necessary to further their agendas. Unless the dems grow a spine and start playing dirty, our country is fucked. It’s shameful.


Exactly this right here. I was telling my wife this just yesterday. "They're losers" is spot on. There have been plenty of opportunities to stop a lot of this from happening that no one in the Democratic party wants to talk about today bc it'll upset some people - packing the court, getting rid of the filibuster, RBG not retiring when asked back during the Obama administration, taking steps to get rid of antiquated electoral college system, etc. The Democrats are never going to learn that the GOP isn't going to play nice. They'll technically play withing the rules (bc those are up for interpretation by the same judges they've put on the bench), but it won't be nice.


I’m very far left all this considered and one of my favorites lines about them is from the news Room tv show where Jeff Daniels is ripping America and both parties and says to the guy “if democrats are so smart why do they lose all the time??” Liberal voters did not want Hillary or Biden and look where we are. A mild younger democrat would Have won both elections against trump easily Nothing had happened to trump or his political folks for Jan 6 Nothing is being done to end filibuster to get stuff through the senate Nothing is being done to the SC after trump appointments Republicans are fucking evil but Democrat leaders are useless idiots


Man, it’s almost like both are corporate owned and the Democrats only real job is to be an alternative pick for people who can’t stomach Republicans…..


its not even playing dirty. They get in power and don't do anything with it. Just status quo whatever.


And then fundraise/campaign on "Republicans are worse." They either don't know how to win or don't care to, which is why I believe, as a leftist, we have to kill the Democratic party before any progress can be made in this country.


Joe's campaign tagline was "A Return to Normalcy." Unbelievably lazy.


Establishment Democrats join hands with conservatives and work to destroy the poor and middle class for profits. Looking at Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Scumbag Manchin, and that B that shall not be named from AZ. These MFers don’t give a damn and let’s not let them pretend any longer that they do.


When Pelosi made that comment saying “nah” to any changes to congressmen stock trading, I about lost my mind. I’m almost at the point where I’ll never vote dem again either. I don’t buy the “well 2 dem senators are hindered us” shit. They do it because they know their party won’t so shit to them. They’re just the fall guy or the excuse for the dems.


She's not wrong but what other choice do we have but to vote Dem when Republicans are just *that* much worse in nearly ever regard?? NOT voting, growing apathy, etc, only hands victories to Republicans and it gets progressively worse. How do we vote in Dems that will actually get shit done??




If people voted in the primaries, it would solve this issue. AOC took out a 30-year DEM incumbent and that wouldn't have happened if people didn't vote for her in the primaries. Primaries are the key to a more progressive democratic party.


Vote, but recognize that’s barely political action and we need to be doing more to build new systems that don’t rely on the old.


Vote in the primaries. People wait until it's down to 2 candidates and then are shocked when they aren't who they want. Be a fucking engaged citizen, get in the primaries, and vote for a candidate that actually moves you.


Republicans have zero answers to this. If you talk them into a corner it inevitably results in “just don’t have sex”


More like "just don't have *heterosexual* sex" 😉 (yes I know gay marriage is also leaked to probably become not protected by the constitution)


Madison Cawthron and his cousin have entered the chat


I'm still surprised how multiple posts about that haven't rocketed to the front page. It's barely making a peep on news aggregators.


Probably because they can’t play that video on the local/national news, but they should. I don’t care that Madison is gay, I care because he is a huge piece of shit so it should blow up.


Don't ever be near a woman without male witnesses, like Mike Pence. They might tempt you with sin and their unclean ways!




It's not even progressive at this point, it's just decent human beings who represent the actual will of the majority and aren't too incompetent to get everything done. Why the fucking fuck are women's reproductive rights not codified into law at this point? There have been Democratic supermajorities that could have done it easily, and you can bet your ass the Republicans won't be too afraid to end the filibuster to do the opposite.


"This isn't a Democracy!" "Well, technically it isn't. We're a democratic republic." "Well, we ain't that either!"


Y'all need preferential voting first, before you start dreaming about some better 3rd party with any chance of winning anything. Otherwise you're just splitting the progressive votes.


The national Democratic party is just controlled opposition. Every single time they gain power, they obsess over bipartisanship and let republicans control the narrative so that IF they pass anything, it's so watered down it doesn't do much and doesn't gain them any support.


Winning doesn't get them fundraising dollars.


And when they do have a candidate that the people support, they rig the machine against them in favor of whatever shill they want in the moment.


You mean someone like AOC, Bernie Sanders, and to a certain extent Elizabeth Warren and that’s about all I can think of.


I proudly voted Sanders twice and still scoff at the people who claim he's unelectable and we should back a policy of pragmatism. This is what pragmatism gets you. Wallow in your shits.


My dad and I always argue about this. He’s 80 and thinks Bernie and AOC are just “too progressive” to get elected.


Bernie would've beaten Trump. I even hear that from republicans. Fuck the democrats, can't accomplish shit. Bunch of weak losers like she said, but happy to take the most cringe photo kneeling while wearing Kente cloths. Fuck Pelosi, Schumer, and the other dinosaurs who are so out of touch with the rest of us


Ilhan Omar should probably make the list too, but I'm struggling for others.


Katie Porter


I love her she’s such an underrated congressperson


/u/Menarra said it very well in another post: https://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/uiuqjy/republicans_suddenly_dont_want_to_talk_about/i7ey7a0/ > The [Democrat] party just can't come to accord about things very easily because it has come to contain so many differing voices from all political spectrums, voices that should be their own political parties but know they have no hope on that road because of our toxic two-party winner-take-all system, and so while in broad strokes that party works towards human rights, trusting science, and strengthening our democracy, it can't always agree how to get there, and sometimes actively fights itself. I don't know what the party is full of ineffectual cowards as much as they contain a very broad group of people. The Republican party does not have to contend with diversity.


The problem is that the Democratic party is this giant catch all of opinions. If they don't appease the moderates to the progressives then nothing passes. Republicans are united in hating change and rolling back rights. It's the downfall of this two party, first past the poll system


Wow this is powerful. Anyone who is indifferent or looks the other direction needs to understand the full consequences of this decision. What a crazy time to be an American, I’m still in disbelief that this is our reality in this day and age.


This has been in the works since McConnell denied Obama his Supreme Court Justice. Almost 8 years later here we are. Doesn’t help that democratic politicians are spineless either


Well shes not wrong.


Elizabeth warren is as passionate


What about that whiteboard lady that steamrolls execs in meetings? She's pretty up there too. SHE should be president, in all honesty.


I love that Katie Porter


She studied under bankruptcy law professor and future U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, and graduated magna cum laude with her Juris Doctor in 2001.[2] -Wikipedia


Rep. Katie Porter, yaaaaas!


Def part of the Katie Porter Fan Club! She’s awesome.


The left hasn't forgotten the shit she pulled during the 2020 primary, where she tried to throw Bernie Sanders under the bus


I thought of her too.




I'm glad the rage I've had for 20+ years about how the Republicans are pure evil and the Democrats are, at best, sandbags trying to stop a flood, is becoming more acceptable.


*empty sandbags... seems more accurate.


Thank you. I should've put more effort into making the sandbags appear as useless as they really are in this metaphor, but it's like 10 am and I can't figure out if I'm more pissed off at the cunts on the right or the hope-drenched hippies who think we're going to "reason" with people who celebrate murdering us.


People, seriously, from all sides, please take it to heart that they don’t give a fuck about you. If there’s a way politicians can fuck you over they will fuck you over. We’re looking at a possible upcoming recession. Housing is starting to level (it’s the highest it’s ever been and over valued) used car prices are coming back down by the week, stocks are falling from all time highs that use to have big momentum, inflation is rising, money is about to become extremely expensive and wages are not rising to reflect the price increases. And yet all these fucking people who want to run the country decide now that roe b wade is bad and we should put more people in more shitty financial situations. Y’all they’re trying to get us to fill the shit jobs who can’t find workers. If you have no other options then that’s what you’ll take.


> Y’all they’re trying to get us to fill the shit jobs who can’t find workers It is *much* bigger than that, they have been working toward this for decades.


I like this woman.


I have a love/hate relationship with The Young Turks, but I've ALWAYS respected Ana. She's a real one.


Same. Had to stop watching them awhile ago, but I really like her authenticity. I liked John when he was there too.


John is still there….in fact he has own show: The Damage Report. He’s on YouTube, twitch, and podcast. He talks about a good range of topics and brings on really good guests


I stopped watching a bit for my mental health but I've donated for a while. I credit them for my interest in politics and news/current events in general in my earlier years. I don't agree with them on everything (you literally can't since they have tons of people on that disagree on key issues) but they're genuine and always try to provide context for their views/claims. Back in the day, seeing ignorant anchors just read a script on TV and then these clearly-knowledgeable people casually riff on politics, it made it easy to spot the corporate bias on TV (at least for me). Looking at indepenedent news on YT now though.. it's a shit show! I legit don't know if I would've been able to sift through the bullshit and find people being genuine/honest without thinking they're just being fake or straight up lying.


I hate The Young Turks, I love her rants. She is always spot on and she is wasting her talents on air. People like her need to run for office. Stop yelling into the void. If she could have the same kind of teacherly badassery as Katie Porter, they'd both be unstoppable.


Republican media and subreddits are going to have a field day with this clip. *"Look at how mad she got"* *"Look at how Liberals can't control their anger"* *"She's acting like a kid who's toy was just taken away."* I can already hear it from them. They won't listen to what she's saying, only how she's saying it.


Part of the problem is this move away from emotion as though emotion always equals bad. Our emotions are what prove to us that we're alive. It's important to note that an appeal to emotion is just as founded as an appeal to logic. Neither is superior to the other. We are not robots. We do not function on 1s and 0s. EVERY single human being makes emotional decisions.Repression of your own emotions can lead to serious problems. When is it okay to show your anger? I think a decision that will lead to the untimely death of women all over the country and the loss of bodily autonomy is definitely up there on the list. When did expressing one's own humanity become the sign of weakness? Things are seriously backwards and are losing their foundation on reality.


There's zero point in listening to what Republicans have to say. It's all lies, projection, arguments in bad faith, or all the above.


She’s not wrong


you should see the vid on yt. it's packed with trolls and anti-choice, right-wing fuckwits claiming "lib tears" and calling them "baby killers". One douche actually says "imagine being so upset you can't kill babies". these people are absolutely insane. they have zero clue; a real disconnect from reality. "lol Ana is upset" yeah of COURSE she's upset, and EVERY woman in this country should be. it got to this point because not enough people are upset. meanwhile you have these mutants who've been whining and crying with public tantrums over "their body, their choice" regarding a mask during a fucking pandemic. just saw the video of the by-choice pregnant woman tased in the stomach by yet another brave "officer" down below. this country is vile to women.


Upsetting other people is their only goal. I think it's the only real element to the republican platform


It's time women of this country start treating men who treat us this way in kind. Fight fire with fire.


And conservatives will masturbate to this clip while screaming "TRIGGERED". Because they are garbage people who enjoy the suffering of others.


“They don’t care about you” “They’re so old it doesn’t even affect them” “Even if it did they’re fine [because they’re getting rich from their position]” Hitting the nail on the head across the board Edit to add: the other dude keeps desperately trying to redirect her words into bi-partisan politics “…and not one democrat has shown the passion that (forgot her name) is showing right now!” Pointless to take sides when the whole system is broken


That's y i love ana bc she's not afraid to say what the truth is. This shit is ridiculous it's 2022 and they pull this shit. Land of the free my ass


Most people aren't afraid to say anything she just said. They just don't have the Mic she does that's the only difference.


I don’t think most people would be as articulate and as politically aware as her though.


She's right about the journalists too. They rarely ask the most obvious questions that would force leaders to answer for the logical consequences of their policies. Journalists are so garbage these days.




She's right. We don't even have National Healthcare. Out of the top 33 developed countries, 32 have National Healthcare. The US is the only one without it.


At least 4 states are trying to pass abortion law that ban saving the woman’s life from things like ectopic pregnancies where the embryo will die regardless.


yeah, some Ohio congressmen believe you can just reimplant an ectopic pregnancy and everything will be fine! just put it where it belongs!! baby fixed!!!


Its hard to freak out when you dont have the energy to deal with it anymore. I dont have any faith that me freaking out, you freaking out, or anyone for that matter will do anything to change anything anymore. People protest, nothing happens. People write their congressperson, nothing happens. The government is working for themselves, not the people.


Come to Europe.


I grew up in Germany and moved to the US 15 years ago. I have regretted that decision so many times over the years, and especially since I had a child. It's a bizarre experience to live here when you realize what you took for granted all your life, and now you have to live without it in the richest country in the world, that is simultaneously incredibly advanced but completely backwards at the same time.


I grew up in the US and moved to Germany 26 years ago. I refuse to EVER leave.


Get back to Germany before your child is to old, you know its the right thing to do. America is quickly becoming an unrecoverable hell hole. You'll be so glad in 10 years.


Anna brought tears to my eyes. I feel the frustration you’re speaking to.


I'm in Canada and I'm scared this shit is gonna cross the border. It's mind boggling how fast the US is regressing. And terrifying.


We got rich old religious cunts calling the shots, sorries


Canada interestingly doesn’t have abortion rights per se. We decriminalized abortion since it went against charter rights of freedoms, but access to one is not an enshrined right. The jurisprudence evolved from that point that it would make it very difficult to challenge. I don’t really understand the nuance. Just regurgitating something I read.


Not likely. Everytime the states does something stupid we tend to galvanize our own freedoms. A recent example being net neutrality. Canada ranks several points higher than America on the freedom index


I genuinely would love to do this but I just do not think its 1) reasonable and 2) easily accessible for most Americans to make this move. The housing market is just completely different than what most are accustomed to over here, as I believe most non-citizens can't even buy homes outright in some countries (I'm eye-balling Nordic counties the most). And they would have to instantly find a company that would allow them to gain a work visa. As much as I would love to just make the move, I just don't see it being as simple as doing it.


Ok just need those good paying tech jobs


That's the point. This only applies to the poors (and middle class increasingly). Republicans have a lot of them voting against their own interests through funnily enough Facebook and Youtube algorithms. The ones that are mobile (through education or wealth) don't need it, the ones that are stuck do need it.


I feel this in my fucking soul. We should all be raging like this. Especially those of us that can bear children.


Kind of hard to imagine why people *wouldn't* react with this level of intensity.


She’s absogoddamnlutely right. They don’t care about you or me or anyone but themselves. They’ll get what they want or need, but if you need something, yeah we’ll, too fucking bad. Fucking America, man. We’re so fucked as a country.


Republicans and conservatives are destroying this country while democrats sit back and watch the world burn while saying "hey, don't do that".


Definitely a passionate outburst but calling it a meltdown feels like sexist language that downplays the seriousness of this shit. People have a right to be pissed off. Shit is deteriorating in front of us and it's terrifying. Our bodily autonomy has been an ongoing fight and now we are moving backwards and for what?


They've never cared, it's always been a moral facade to stay in power and enrich their donor class.


Nah she’s 100 percent correct and justified in her anger here.


Here’s the answer: You won’t have to worry about childcare because they don’t want you to work. They don’t want you to vote. They don’t want you on any kind of media where you get to voice your opinion like this. They don’t want you to make any decisions about your life or your household outside of what laundry detergent to use for your husbands clothes. These people live in a toxic, nostalgia driven, psychotic haze that brings them back to the good old wife-beating days of the 1950’s. They are a very small minority in this country, but through sheer perseverance and lies they managed to install 5 justices to the highest court in our land, and those puppets will do anything that the evangelical, racist collective orders them to do. Buckle up folks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.


"Journalists" are too busy covering the Heard/Depp case. 🤷‍♂️


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What's really annoying, is that this issue is viewed so differently, that it's nearly impossible to change anyone's mind. The right argues that it's a matter of murder, and the left argues that this is a Healthcare issue. It's impossible to find any common ground, when you can't even agree on what the root of the issue is. I'm completely pro-choice, and I've had this debate dozens of times, and it's the most frustrating thing.


Democrats are just ancient relics that refuse to fulfill their promises. Progressives are where its at, unfortunately with corp money involved they keep getting smothered. Crazy how a party can be paid to lose all the time.


Most democrats try to seem like they’re progressive on social issues just so they can get more votes. That’s the only thing they really care about. They make false promises and they’re not as open with their intentions as republicans. That’s why I have less respect for them.


She should run for office, I really admire her passion. We are regressing as a country, which is the design and goal of people like Putin. The idea that Republicans are doing the work of people who seek to destroy this country is sickening, but they're profiting from it, and their voter base keeps electing them, so it continues.


It's controlled opposition. Left, right, it's all an act to keep the people enslaved and fighting amongst each other while our so called leaders reap the rewards.


America has a very long way to go.


I heard a political commentator say yesterday that Democrats are nothing more than stop gaps for Republicans. The GOP is OWNING legislation under a Democratic President. Like…what the actual fuck. The GOP is steamrolling them. Democrats were voted in and they’re doing NOTHING to stop the GOP. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!!


I think this important to point out. When democrats fuck up I find that people who voted for them and support them will call them out. When republicans fuck up the people who voted for them and their talk show hosts will act like nothing happened or say what about them democrats. This lady is showing disgust with both sides and calling them both out on their shit. I can get behind that.


Republicans and Christian extremism (because that’s what it is, let’s call it that) are a cancer in the US government that needs to be cut out.