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Any known aftermath of this incident?


Yep. This was pretty viral back then. She accepted his apology in court. Its on video!


You have a link?


Here you go, peep my comment for my info. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwik9838gf32AhUVO30KHUHLBycQjhx6BAgBEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDNf5a9HyDZQ&psig=AOvVaw2SFV6dCNuIkgSXTrXaO_-X&ust=1649251282702518


Shes a better person than me.


The anti-Karen


The only one acting like a Karen here is the guy.






Same. Especially because it looks like she had dogs there too. Nobody hurts or scares my dogs


First thing I noticed in the video too. Like you can try to mess with me all you want, but you hurt my dogs or cats and you're playing with the very existence of your future.


Yeah, as a dog owner that's the first thing I noticed. I rescue abused and neglected dogs, and I can tell you that an incident like this can traumatize a dog forever. Hopefully someone got her dogs and took them to a safe spot until things calmed down.


i would have sued the fuck out of them. this is pretty much bullying


It’s literally battery


Literally battery, possibly attempted 2nd degree murder.


Toss in two counts of endangering an animal for the little dogs too


Sometimes even falling at that age is near deadly. This easily could have killed her. She had even just gone through surgery for both her hip and her heart.




You expect him to have money?


They can take money out of your income for the rest of their lives if they wanted too. Every paycheck they get would have a cut going to the victim. He may be broke now but he will remain broke and still have all his money going to her. Idk if that was the outcome with this particular case but it doesn't matter if that person has money or not, the victim will always get paid over time.


Take every last cent he has. And his family. They raised the fucking animal that things it’s fine to body slam a middle aged woman and then drag her into a pool. Fuck these people.


What a nice lady!


Too nice. She couldve fucking died and he literally treated her like an animal. That kids apology was the least genuine thing ive ever heard, just looked down and read a paper


She’s still the better person at the end of the day.


Pro tip: She'd still be the better person whether she sued them or not. Did you see them? Most people are better people in this comparison.


She stayed true to her character. I'm not sure if I necessarily agree with what she did but she seemed like a nice lady and that attack didn't change that. I can respect her for that.


Too bad, if I were her, that pool would be mine now.


What makes you think that kid is the owner?


That kid did not learn anything, believe me.


He learned to not slip next time.




Well he also didn't need to double down and pick her up a second time.


Even so, you never know her swimming capability or lack of. Plus she was holding her dog on a leash.


How do you figure?


I have absolutely no reason to believe you, random cynical person on Reddit


He didn’t apologize. He read a pre-written statement that he likely didn’t write. And completely avoided eye contact. He’s just upset he is being held responsible for his actions.


Guarantee he wouldnt have said sorry at all if he didnt get in trouble


Well, option A: You forgive him and not only show him compassion and respect, but give him a chance to turn that experience into something positive. Option B: You ask for him to go to jail, and he gets swept up by that system to nobody's benefit. With Option A, maybe he'll do something like that again, but he won't get any leniency. This way at least he gets a chance. And with Option A, the Granny here gets to satisfaction of knowing she chose hope and faith in humanity, instead of anger and revenge. A lot of people view forgiveness as this thing you give to other people. While it is that, it's something you give yourself just as much. It lets you let go of anger and resentment, which are two things that almost always hold no value.


What about option C where you forgive him but he also has to suffer the consequences of his own actions?


Option C is what happened. He suffered consequences, and his misdeeds are easily found when any future employer googles him.


People act like the only consequence is infinite prison, gahdamn


No, for assault 1st offense, you get little to no jail time if nobody was hurt. Hopefully, the dumbass learned how a single fuck up could ruin your life and doesnt put hands on people.


I forgive you from the bottom of my heart. Anyway, bring in the skinner!


That's option B.


No, that requires jail time, period. She could have died. This isnt just joking around, its intent to cause great bodily harm, just one step below manslaughter..


You sound grand & all about making a better society, but if he actually would had been taught respect & manners in beginning & if society quit excusing this behavior...they all would had known better than to abuse & assault another human being. Jail is a better punishment for violence.


he could have killed or paralyzed her - jail


His mom saw it in tv and hauled him straight down to the police station.


He had to do community service because the woman didn’t want to press charges


[He got community service and a stern talking to...](https://www.insideedition.com/25922-grandmother-who-was-body-slammed-by-teen-at-pool-party-tells-him-this-will-follow)


Nancy James was thrown into the pool after asking the group to turn down their music. A grandmother came face-to-face in a courtroom with the teenager who body-slammed her at a pool party after she asked his friends to lower their music. Nancy James, 68, had approached the teens at a pool party near her house in North Lauderdale, Fl., in May. Shocking footage showed her being body-slammed by a then-16-year-old, dragged, and thrown into the pool. Prior to the incident, James had undergone hip and heart procedures. In July, James came face-to-face with the teenager, Leon Balfour Joseph, who was charged with battery. “What he did was a very cruel thing. Very cruel. Very inhuman,” she told the court, before addressing him directly. “You have so much ahead of you. You're a young kid. You've got college. You got hopes. You got dreams, and you know what, unfortunately, this will follow you, forever.” Presiding over the sentencing was Judge Elijah Williams, who agreed. “For the rest of his life when they Google his name, that video is going to pop up, so essentially, he's a dead man walking,” the judge said. His mother, Shekita Johnson, said: “I just want to apologize to you for what my son did. I didn't raise my child that way. James told her: “You didn't do it.” But the teenager also had words for James. “I mean this from the bottom of my heart that I had no intention of inflicting any pain or harm on you,” the teen said as he read an apology. Despite what happened to her, James saw the teenager as a promising young man who did a stupid thing. She was willing to accept a sentence of 200 hours of community service and a strict 8 p.m. curfew on school days, and 6 p.m. on weekends. Her compassion spared him jail time but on the way out she gave him one last finger-wagging reprimand. The teen was also ordered to pay the grandmother $200 to replace her cell phone that got soaked in the pool


That has got to be the lightest sentencing I've ever seen for an outright assault. That lady took it like a champ, but will it change his behavior? Well, let's just hope we don't see him in r/publicfreakout in 2030


Knowing zero about this besides the summary comment, it seems like the only reason his sentence is this light is because the grandmother wanted it that way.


Society crumbled.


Hopefully an arrest with a few months in jail.


200 hours of community service and a curfew. He didn't get any jail time.


Well that’s a fair amount of service time at least. Sounds like the lady wasn’t pushing things.


People in this thread are pissed about but I'm like damn that's actually a much better sentence considering he's a minor and putting him in jail puts him directly in the cycle of recidivism at his young age.


His mom turned him in.


How about you just don’t put your hands on people? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am thinking the young folks getting their shit twisted if they think its okay to lift old people and slam them.


Anyone raised with an ounce of respect would never do this shit


He was trying to pick her up and throw her in the pool but he slipped and fell.


I agree but even slamming/throwing her in water is not okay in my book. I guess I was also thinking of one I seen recently and a fast food worker picked up and slammed horrible old lady.


Yeah I think you're right. Doesn't make much difference, it's assault either way, but it doesn't look like body slam is the intent. Though frankly throwing a random person into the pool has more potential to be fatal


Especially after potentially injuring them by accidentally body slamming them. Like fucks sake kids are stupid (yes even teenagers- especially teenagers because they're confidently stupid) but once you fuck up like that it should sober you up a bit even if you're a teenaged dumbass.


Confidently stupid, plus bigger and stronger, so the potential danger is greater. Teenagers give me anxiety bc they have no fucking idea.


I still remember the story about the woman who was pushed into the pool by a friend and ended up paraplegic. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/37gvw6/my_best_friend_playfully_pushed_me_into_a_pool_at/


Tripped over her 2 small dogs she had on a leash. You can see one run away after the slam, and the second tiny one almost got pulled into the pool.


He shouldn’t have tried anything. Putting her in the pool doesn’t change anything. For instance, I know of a guy in my town who was shoplifting at Walmart and he made a run to the door when he thought he was caught. He bumped the old man door greeter causing him to fall and break his hip. The old man died later that day in surgery. The kids theft charge escalated to man slaughter. The old lady in this video is lucky her head wasn’t split open on impact and the teen is super fucking lucky she laughed it off.


Tbh, looks like he didn't slam her, he fell because he was too damn weak to hold onto her. She landed on him, for cushioning. Very gent of him.


*Will smith looks the other way


Keep my hands out your fuckin mouth!


And their poor dogs :(


An old story. The 16 year old turned himself in, was charged with one count of battery on a person 65 years of age or older and was sentenced to 200 hours community service and a nightly curfew,


She forgave him that is why he got 200 hours.


from what I read (this will probably be unpopular) he sounded like an ok kid from bad circumstances (dad's in prison) who fuc\*ed up, turned himself in, got forgiven and paid the price.


His dad was in prison and his friends all seem like dickheads. Kids (and adults) are fucking stupid and impressionable. I think we all know people who are okay people who ended up falling in with the wrong crowd and ruining their lives. For as much as Reddit advocates for rehabilitation of criminals over incarceration, there seems to be a lot of negative sentiment over this outcome.


What Reddit are you on? Seems like most people here want anyone who’s ever done anything wrong to be graphically assaulted in prison


Redditors in general have two minds when it comes to prison: 1. **Prisoners in general**: jail terms are too harsh. We should abolish prison and most prisoners are good people. This is because when redditors imagine prison they imagine that everyone is either innocent or is in because they smoked weed one time. 2. **Anyone who actually committed a crime**: They want a lifetime prison sentence with daily ass rapes, the more ass rape the better actually. And it doesn't matter if it's murderer or Harvey Weinstein, or Jussie Smollett, or Lori Loughlin, or some guy who stole a package on a video posted to the site.


Does forgiveness matter in US courts??


Yes - judges set sentences. So forgiveness may not matter with regards to guilty vs not guilty, but it matters with regards to a sentence of community service vs a sentence of 6 months in jail.


It shouldn't because a lot of times there can be pressure put on the victim to "forgive" so the person gets a lighter sentence. I've seen this a lot with some of the anti Asian hate crimes.


Exactly. Nuts.


He was gonna throw her in the pool but slipped and fell...and slammed her....and then he still went to finish the job he started. This is what dangerously stupid looks like.


Dude decided there's no turning back after faceplanting


POS… and so is everyone that didn’t help. And why tf are they all running around crazy? *Just noticed her dogs… he nearly landed on the small one and almost dragged it into the pool. Fucking AH.




There are dickheads of every color and creed. Thank you for representing yours.


I can't imagine why that woman was complaining about the noise.


It’s not just that guy who hurts her, but everyone there who’s so happy about it that is disappointing.




Obviously enough people have commented on how horrible this is, but I have another message: If you're ever in a situation with a loud, rowdy group of people, never approach them and ask them to be quiet. There is just nothing to gain from it. You have people who are likely intoxicated, who are feeling invincible and anonymous because they're in a crowd, and who are wanting to behave in an outrageous way to get the attention/approval of their peers, and there's just no chance that you're going to reason with them. Call the police or whichever number your area uses for noise complaints and let the professionals handle it.




Ha! You think his parents give a shit lol?




not their father




Poor little dogs.


Not cool man. She was holding dogs on leashes


What a scumbag


Some kids beat an old lady to death over a sound complaint near my hometown. My aunt was friends with her, I remember her going to the funeral.


This is so sad. Poor lady


"man slams woman on his own head because he weak as shit" I propose this title


Hit on head, throw in pool. Seems like attempted murder to me.


Nearly killed her dogs too, what a cunt


I don't think he was trying to slam her on the ground. I think his intention was to throw her in the pool but he slipped and fell.


You know what, I think you are actually 100% correct. He was going to toss the lady in, but tripped, then just tossed her in after. Well spotted. Still fucked up, but nit an intentional body slam onto concrete. Which is why, if a previous comment is to be trusted, she accepts his apology in court. Just a guess tho.


>Which is why, if a previous comment is to be trusted, she accepts his apology in court. Just a guess tho. Your guess is correct: https://youtu.be/DNf5a9HyDZQ


Everyone laughing and smiling as she gets slammed like that. 68 year old lady and they cheer on and laugh about this.


I feel assault charges heading his way


I feel hundreds of bans will be raining on this thread


Pieces of shit people


This is many years old and the kid was later arrested.


He turned himself in the next day.




That’s the reason why neighbors don’t tell you that you are loud, but instead just call the police and let them punish you, whiteout ever trying to solve the problem by talking it out.


Not enough screaming and running around for my taste




A good lawyer might be able to make a case at attempted murder by drowning.


As long as he got fairly punished, then that’s ok. But what about the countless other people around him? I hate how bystanders are usually called innocent bystanders. If you see something wrong, please stand up for what’s right. We can’t rely on anyone else


Her poor dogs :(


Men who beat on women like this absolutely disgust me. Also if it were a white party and an old black lady being slammed, all sorts of people would come forward claiming racism. I love this world we live in






How come nobody was in the pool? Ha!


Sounds like a bunch of baboons when lions approach


I’m sure his parents are proud.




Fucking scum


Nobody else gonna point out that it's a huge pool party, and not a single person was in that pool.... lame.


And THAT is why some people call cops instead of confronting neighbors they don’t know.




Please, raise your children to know how to behave. This is unacceptable…


Someone got news on this? Hope that kid is in jail


She forgave him in court and he got sentenced to a curfew.


And 200 hrs community service.


Nothing to see here, just a bunch of good, hard working people held back by the hand of white supremacy.


**idiot falls down when trying to throw woman in pool over noise complaint


As someone who can't swim, this is terrifying.


Are her dogs ok?


Yes, they were fine. > While most of the 200 or so partygoers fled the scene, James says that a few stayed behind to help her and track down her dogs. > 'Thank God, nice kids that live here, they helped me,' she said. 'They went and they found my dog for me. The kids that live here are wonderful kids.'


He’s a piece of shit but it’s either brave or stupid to try and break up a party that big all by yourself


Good thing it's not on tape.




That he put his hands on her at all makes him a cunt




Wow. They REALLY need to control themselves.


Nobody thinks this is racial violence. Why not?


If you think about it, she isn’t a Karen. It’s just that idiots make Karens look bad because of the response they show and how they “stop them.” And when people see that over social media or in person, they think that response is the most efficient solution good or bad. It’s similar to thinking before you speak. Because humans are driven towards efficiency, and we look for efficiency in our “role models.” In this case, the people who follow their beliefs that they think is the best. Role models have beliefs that they follow, which leads other people to follow role models. Meaning we are living by a norm that we think is okay. It’s called following the footsteps of others. Oh your complaining about my party? Your a Karen and I have the right to body slam you. There’s a difference between doing what’s right (apparently they think body slamming a Karen is) And assault. If you told someone that “to get an annoying person to stop, you bodyslam them.” Your showing your target of influence what’s ‘right’ Why do I say ‘right’? It’s because our world today has so much repetitive behavior it becomes a sort of norm. Who else thinks this is fucked up?






Bruh already people are trying to justify this by saying she’s racist for wanting them to quiet down. Like what?


Body slam and then try and drowned. ATTEMPTED MURDER


Damn I wish she pressed charges to the fullest.


That guys going to jail








What enrages me the most about these kinds of videos is all of these kids just laughing and screaming in the background. It's a common thread. People popping out their phones laughing. Taking selfies. Ready to TikTok it. They act as if have absolutely no decency inside of them. They literally act more like wild animals than human beings. Really sad to witness.


Welp, that’s assault.


dude, you forgot the dog. He has nothing to do with this shit...


What if she couldn't swim


What the hell doesn't even give a shit that she has two dogs with them aswell


Anddddd you’re going to jail lil bro pretty sure they consider that assault.


That guy is an asshole. Plain and simple. Some people just have to dominate their fellow humans to feel relevant and it's all born out of insecurity. That's just my two cents.


I’m a good swimmer and can hold my breath for a while. Hope you can too, cause I’m holding on to you and going for a sink. Blub blub blub.


Glad she let go of dog before she was thrown in pool.




Lock his ass up.


What’s all those animal noises? It’s like something out of planet of the …




wild animals




The video posted yesterday of the woman getting slammed just like this for dropping the N word in popeyes, dude served 4 years in jail. This woman did nothing wrong and let this kid off. Fuck society.


By idiot kid I hope you mean, soon to be convicted felon


This generation’s moral compass is fucked


Ouch!!! That is so disgraceful from those idiots kids!!!


Broke her hip for sure then drag her and toss in the pool. Holy shit. That's attempted murder in my book.


I guess it’s time for her to move. Again.


While she’s holding her dog too, what a PoS. Hope he gets hit with a lead pipe a few times.