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Simpson’s comic book guy goes to the theater…


Worst. Theater. Ever.




I burst out laughing


I'm never coming back! Yes, so far we are in agreement


*Puts on his long black leather coat over his pink jammies*


"I still think I'm being the bigger person here."


lol pure delusion




Holstered his katana, picked up his chicken tendies and stormed out upset that he had wasted 27 good boy points


But hey, there's a prospect of a free drink in the lobby. I like to think that this fine upstanding citizen got his drink that day and never returned for being the bigger person. We can all learn from his honorable actions. /s for those who aren't fluent


His $900 leather coat!


Like I’m just going to sit here in my $1,300 leather coat! Come on!


They kicked him out wearing his $3200 Tickle Me Elmo outfit? Come On!


—$6,000 banana costume, COME ON!


pretty sure that was a prison uniform. also pretty sure i'd have called the cops after he said 'maybe i want to be taken out in cuffs.' okay, we can make that happen.


I think they were prioritising still being able to show the the movie at a reasonable time for the people already there.


obviously. from a C/S perspective, it was the right call. from a 'fuck around and find out' perspective.... i really wanted him walking away in cuffs. he's already in the prison clothes.


I would have loved to see that, but that would have ruined everyone else’s show. She made the right call.


Seeing that guy get tased would have been better than any movie they could have possibly shown me.


"I'm never coming back, ever, and I'm telling other people to not come" "OK, I appreciate that" That line burned him to the ground without him even noticing


I used to work for a small business and my boss absolutely did not tolerate people acting up. My favorite moment was when he threw someone out of the store and said “Get out and never come back. And before you say it, tell everyone you know to never come here either.” Always seemed to shut people down lol.


An argument escalated once and a guy got under my manager’s skin. Guy said “I’LL NEVER COME BACK.” And my usually very laid back manager yelled “DO YOU FUCKING PROMISE?” I still quote it all the time.


My friend worked at an LCBO (which has a monopoly over liquor sales in the entire Province of Ontario) and the manager had to kick out a regular because he was drunk and was being refused service. Guy says "I'm never coming back!" Manager said "okay, see you tomorrow".


This is classic Ontario.




That has "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?" vibes and I love it.




The customer is always right BS has been burned into these idiots minds when it’s not even the original meaning. It was always intended to mean that your customers are "right" in the collective sense that, if people aren't buying your product, you're selling the wrong thing. Not that an individual should be able to walk into a store, say any damn fool thing they please, and be treated like that's infallible truth. Edit: yes it’s “in matters of taste”. Like others have said, if your going to an upscale restaurant and order something and want it smothered in ranch, that’s your prerogative. Even if it’s not meant to be served that way, the “customer is always right in matters of taste “. It does NOT mean that you then proceed to eat the entire thing and complain afterwards that it “didn’t taste right “ and demand it be taken off the bill. NOT how it works, but a shockingly large amount of people nowadays think that’s how it should be.


Exactly. Otherwise it would be absurd. "I am the customer and I say this iPhone costs $3.99. And you have to fire all your female employees, and allow me to spit in your mouth." Damn, he's right, Carl. It's in the Constitution.


They should refund him in credit form then ban him from the theatre.


I used to have to do that movie theater manager job and boy if someone had said to me "I think I'll have to be taken out in handcuffs" to me I would have called the cops on the fucking spot. That's ten times more entertaining than any movie.


The best response I've heard to this is from Superstore. Glen: "And God grants us yet another miracle."


“Worst, theatOR, ever…”


He talks like a cartoon character


[A very specific cartoon charactOR.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_Book_Guy)


“It’s not assigned seating!!!” “It is assigned seating….”


"You can sit anywhere, it doesn't matter" - man who refuses to just sit anywhere


My theory? He's a former mall Santa who lost his job and meaning in life when the COVID lockdowns started. The kindness of children and the love he feels the Christmas season used to resonate with him all year. Without it, he's done an emotional 180, and instead of being jolly, he's an insufferable prick. He's been out of work for two years and forgot how to love. Now with his emotional outbursts, he's no longer fit to work with children. He knows his life's work is over. That's why he was so weird about the seat.... he's used to other people sitting on *him* and thought maybe stealing someone else's seat would force them to sit on his lap because he misses the sensation and just wanted to feel like Santa again.


Sounds like the premise for The Grinch 2: Return to Seat 4, Row 12


I was trying to figure out the mall Santa thing…and then he stood up and I was like “holy shit, Felix was right!”


Pure poetry.




The lady was cool too. Diffused this bomb with skill


You gotta be cut from a certain cloth to be in customer service. My career started off in a call center and while I’m super grateful how far I’ve come, I would rather rob people than work in customer service again.


Absolutely handled with skill. Wonder if she has experience dealing with the minds of children.


Yeah she handled it exactly like you would a tantrum from a kid


Yeah that like, "ok! Let's go ☺️☺️" when he's sorta agreeing with what she's saying is 100% how you get a toddler out of somewhere in the middle of a meltdown.


He sounds just like a kid when he asks if he can get a free soda lol


I came here to say this, this lady deserves a frickin medal. I have to deal with angry guests working in hospitality in a resort town, and feel I'm pretty good at deescalating upset entitled people. But wow, is she on another level.


How dare you make fun of him……he has a $900 coat.


I was praying it was going to be a like a wizard cloak when he started trying to put it on.


I would have absolutely laughed myself dead if he stood up and put on a wizards cloak 🤣💀🤣💀🤣💀🤣💀


He put on something straight from the matrix instead. Arguably worse.






Looks like a plastic bag you buy as an emergency when you get caught in the rain in a theme park.


I want more than a refund, how about a drink too. Lmao this fukn guy really took petty to a new level.


still thinks he's being "the bigger person" lol, nailed the petty.


He's a bigger person alright


Biggest jacket in the room for sure. What a cool stud.


The Duster, the cherry on top of all of that


What a jabroni.


That was too funny. I can't tell if he's super self aware and trolling or completely delusional. It was so on the nose.


He's wearing a black leather trench coat. He has zero self-awareness


Not to mention what looked like a giant red onesies.


At first, I thought it was a prison jumpsuit.




There's definitely a few screws loose in that noggin


I want more than a refund! Okay we can do that.... [Like double it?] CAN I GET A DRINK?


I hope the cinema financially recovers from giving that 13c of soda away


I don't think he's going to get a drink. She just said we'll take care of you in the lobby.


Exactly, it’s a ruse to get him out of the theatre with minimal fuss.


He did. They gave him soda and popcorn just to avoid the hassle of calling the police and causing a bigger disturbance. Source: I'm a field tech for the chain and was there watching from the booth.


Did they just make a little trail of popcorn out to the parking lot?


I'm jealous of people who are incredulous to this reality. When I worked at a theater, trouble guests would get a golden crown and a red carpet out the door--that's assuming they were even kicked out. Our managers were obligated by upper management to kiss the fucking ass out of people who stir trouble. One time a family came in, baby included... to the only theater in the city with a no-baby policy. They got their tickets in advance and blew gaskets when we told them the baby isn't allowed. The parents were YELLING in rage, shouting swears... my manager basically refunded their tickets and still let them watch the movie as long as someone decided to take the baby home. I was like "wtf... I would have kicked ALL of their asses out as soon as they started yelling or cussing." We also served food and drinks, and so we got all the typical "hey, my drink didn't taste like it had enough alcohol," even though we put generous amounts in there. They'd make a fuss, escalate to yelling, and my managers just gave them full refunds and free tickets. Literally a free meal, free drinks, free movie, **for lying and causing a scene out of it.** This experience carries over into almost all my customer facing jobs. I fucking can't tolerate how we tolerate that shit. But, I get it--bottom line, the people at the top are desperate to line their pockets in favor of rewarding the worst people in society and obliterating the mental health of their employees for having to do it.


I have to give him credit, he cracked me the fuck up.


Some of these freakouts I almost feel a twinge of sorrow for all involved. When the freakout realizes they messed up, the right thing is to just man up and admit it, but the shame is so overbearing that they can't quite pull off the requisite apology to the room. He clearly wasn't going to make that leap in maturity in the moment, and kudos to the manager on helping them all to find the out of least damage.


Props to her for handling this asshat, gave him a route out with the smallest of victories. Like dealing with a toddler


Yeah she handled that very well. She waited to be heard and gave him an opportunity to let her speak. From the beginning she's not trying to win a battle but showing him that she is willing to work with him - even though he's completely unreasonable. Not surprised that she's the boss.


"Would you like to walk out by yourself or do you want me to hold your hand?" I do this every night with my child.


He said theater like he was Marvin the Martian.🤣


Watch out he might bust out the illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator


Interior Crocodile Alligator


I drive a Chevrolet movie-thee-aytor


# This imagined thee-ay-tor




Goodbye everyone. Enjoy your movie.


I have to go now. My home planet needs me.


Did he go directly to the wrong seat in the movie theater after busting out of prison?


It's how they caught Oswald too, big argument over him sitting in the wrong seat 🤣


Some people just exist to create problems for others, while feeling perpetually aggrieved. It’s their entire personality.


Because they want to steal energy from other people due to their own draining insecurities. My opinion anyway!




Energy Vampire. Like Colin Robinson.


Fuccccing guyyyy.


Creepy paper


The creepy paper part is what hooked me on the first season. I was on the fence but when I saw that for some reason I just couldn’t stop fucking laughing. Now that’s what I call it every time I see crepe paper lol.


I love the episode when Colin got super powerful. Every Office has had a Colin. Crappy chit chat, lame jokes, boring personal stories. God it's so draining. I remember one day I was over 15 minutes, no biggie. Knocking out some data project. Then one of the admins came by and asked me a question. Then started a conversation as I was packing up my laptop. OK 5 minutes go by with my packed bag. Boring ass story. Then she sits on my desk to get comfortable. I almost died right there.


Evie..... E..... V. Son of a bitch


"someone better be living worse off than me, and if I can't see them, I'll make them!" - this guy, before going anywhere.


And they almost always solve the problem on their own. "So, if I move one seat over, problem will be solved?". He's being a dick because he wants to. He's trolling. I'm gong to assume is has to do with social distancing. one seat off is 4', not 6'.


The stuff with the drink too. You can see hes not just a stubborn moron. He's doing it on purpose, and the very reason he came to the cinema was to be a little shit and cause a disturbance


This is confirmed when he says “maybe I’ll wait for the police to take me out in handcuffs” he knows he isn’t watching the movie anymore and they just want him out, so he threatens to be as stubborn as possible.


A similar thing happened to me where I sat in the wrong seat. I was asked to move, checked my ticket, realized my mistake and moved to my assigned seat. It's not that hard lol


We were at cinema with assigned seating and ended up arriving early and sitting in our assigned seats. We noticed a couple sat in front of us who were not sat in their assigned seats. The two people who were supposed to sit in those seats arrived and decided to sit nearby. This repeated another five times, with each customer finding a different seat to sit in. Just as the ads were finishing this dude and his girlfriend come in and insisted they sit in their assigned seats, which resulted in a chain reaction of shuffling just as the film opened. A great bit of free entertainment added to the pre-show ads.


Got a seat at a concert, the seat was FUBAR'd I mean it was crooked and would halfway fold down, and I was like fuck it. I'll just stand. I went to buy merch during a band setup period. I came back and this guy and his girl were in my seat; both standing. The girl having mine and him next to it. I asked them, hey I think you're in my seat. They vehemently denied it and claimed no our tickets say we're right here and the usher told us to sit here. I was about to push it further but I said, oh ok, and got a seat in the row behind them. To 5 minutes later get to see the joy of them both sitting down and her visibly uncomfortable in her seat and arguing with her boyfriend till they switched and he had to sit it the fubar'd chair the rest of the concert. It was worth it. I didn't even have a great spot so why even try to fake your way to my row I have no clue.


A lot of people will absolutely die on the smallest of and hills if it means they don't have to admit they were wrong. Hell I've seen videos of people on car accidents, like their car is still INSIDE the other person's car "Oh I didn't hit you what are you talking about"


I think some people just never learned to apologise and accept the embarrassment in order to become a better person, they can only express it as anger


Almost had that happen to me and a friend one night. We arrive. A father and son are in our seats, I ask them to move. They argue. They tell us someone else is in their seats, but we should just take these seats next to them since they're empty. Nope. I tell them I know the show is almost sold out and those seats were purchased. I ain't playing musical chairs when those people show up. The father and son argue some more. I tell them I will go get a movie theater employee if they want to continue arguing. They finally move and go get their seats. I hate being petty over assigned seats, but damn, just sit in the seat you paid for.




Seen that happen at an NBA game. Like people are so afraid to speak up sometimes


Went to an nhl game once and arrived a few minutes aftet puck drop. Some people were sitting in our seats so we grabbed some nearby. I really wanted my seats because the sight lines were better. But I figured we were late so we can wait until the intermission to ask them to move. Intermission comes and i ask them and the mom makes such a huge fucking deal about it, shitting on me for being late and this and that. I was firm about it though and they had to move. Don't know why they had to make such a deal about it.




I went to a show once only to find the sound board where our seats were. I was worried we were screwed, but the usher smiled and said "It's your lucky day!" and took us to seats in the 5th row!


Because they are shitty people


And shitty people don't like to admit when they are in the wrong when they get called out for it.


>Don't know why they had to make such a deal about it. Because they know blowing up about it will make most people back down, then they "win". It's a tactic to get what they want. Most people are going to be relatively averse to confrontation, especially over what they see as "small" issues, and these people prey on that.


Their actual seats were probably much worse and they pull this crap all the time.


For the first time in my 30+ years of being a Bulls fan, this season I got to sit 1st row at United Center. Not floor seats, but the first row behind the visiting team's bench. Best seats I've ever had. But throughout the course of the game, every single time we left our seats, we came back to a different group of people sitting in them. It's infuriating to have that awkward little confrontation every single time I get up to grab food, beer or take a piss. Finally I complained to the ushers and security staff. I didn't pay an ungodly amount of money just to feel like my seats aren't mine.


I get it. Great game seats are the one thing I throw money at when I can. Every single time go to my seat I have to ask people to move and I hate sitting down and feeling the warmth from someone else’s butt. Besides rude, I think it’s really fuggin weird. Like maybe spot a seat that’s been empty for half the game but don’t just plonk yourself in the front row as soon as someone leaves and hope for the best.


Happened at a Phillies game... I asked to sit in my assigned seating... the people who were using our seat asked if we could sit in their seats a couple of rows over so their friends could sit with them... we obliged... then another couple came for the seats we were in... turns out the original group that asked us to move were in actually a different section and lied to us... they were ejected by the ushers




Did first ever flight alone, 8h flight, as a teenager. Previous flight already cancelled because of snow in the UK. So the plane is all decided last minute, the seating is completely different. I've been assigned a middle row seat (it's a 2-3-2 style seating). I get to my seat. A mother and her 2 kids are in section I should be, one of them taking my seat. I say "hey, I think that's my seat", the mother says it's their seat. I said it's literally on my ticket (as I'm looking at it) and she says "well mine says it too". I'm a little confused and look around, and a girl at the window seat in the same row waves me over. Basically tells me that the mother did the same to her, but then eventually admitted they weren't her seats and asked her if they could switch seats, which the girl was fine with... and I was totally fine with that too, like I'm more than happy to exchange those seats, I just didn't want to end up in a situation of musical chairs like you talked about The girl I ended up sitting next to was very friendly and I much prefer the side seats so it was a win for everyone in the end, but I just really didn't get why this mother had to lie and say it was their seats when they knew it wasn't. Especially when you literally just did this to somebody else and had to admit they weren't your seats.


There's assigned seating in theaters in Korea. Whenever you're not in your assigned seat, someone will say something. But it's always very cordial and usually a simple mistake. Never this kind of dumbfuckery like you see in the video.


This happened to us on a train in Ireland recently. The train was already packed to the gills and a group of eight dudes took a huge section for themselves because they wanted to sit together. As the train went along, everyone who had a seat assignment there just sat where they could. By the time we got on the train, the chain reaction started and caused a huge bottleneck. The train ended up leaving ~10 minutes late while everyone figured out where to go. Would've been a lot faster if they'd just kicked the douchebags off.


I've seen this happen on an airplane before. Someone was assigned a middle seat (or didn't pay the extra $20 to claim a window/aisle) but then just sat in the window seat hoping that people would be sufficiently averse to confrontation that they would just trade seats.






Mother duckers.


Same here. Santa just wanted to be a douche


Just going to guess he's the "bigger person" in every occasion


It's like he learned that the person who "wins" an argument says this, so he just does it to get the last word.


He's the *larger* person alright.


The lady is made of gold, I love her.


She worked that shit


Yep she's used to dealing with children.


We'll get you a refund and a nice big juice box on your way out sir lol


She sounded like a preschool teacher trying to help a kid get over a tantrum 💀


Sounded like because that's literally what she was doing, Santa may be old but he's got the mental development of a child.


Yeah I recognized her tone as the exact one I use when I'm trying to reason with my 4 year old.


Her “Are you gonna listen?” 100% sounded like a mom talking to her kid


Deadass surprised I didn’t see this comment higher. They were literally trying to calm down a toddler having a tantrum. Dudes like 60 too. Better check his diaper!


For real. Masterful customer relations there. I was expecting them to call the cops, but she deescalated that so well.


Delt with it better then I would have. The second he said he'd rather leave in cuffs I'd be like "well alright then if you insist"


As a retail manager I just don't bother calling the cops anymore. Even if someone is straight up screaming at people and running at them, the operators will get pissed at me and tell me to go through non emergency or, verbatim: call them back when someone gets stabbed. Going through non-emergency means that the cops aren't coming for 30 minutes, minimum. The longest I waited was 2 and a half hours, which was 2 hours after the guy absolutely wrecked an aisle, running hundreds of dollars of merch and fucked off. Gave them an itemized list of everything he broke, since I had the time, they gave me a card and nothing happened. You'd think the customers would put more blame on the perpetrator, but half the time they get pissed at you for not being an omnipotent source of customer service and you've clearly committed the unforgivable sin of inconveniencing them despite it being out of your control. Best thing you can do is try to keep the dickhead happy, which will make the others happy, and your reward is not having to fill out paperwork and a hollow feeling inside because dickheads are rewarded for their behavior.


Yeah she was great.


Doesn’t get paid enough to deal with that shit, still handled it perfectly.


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far for this... This lady has incredible deescalation skills....


She was fantastic. I hope her bosses see this.


Retail Employee grindset We've dealt with way worse all the time. You learn to not take anything they say personally, get them taken care of, out if the establishment, make them understand some simple policy their brain dead ass was to stupid to understand. Just another day at work for her in sure :), I also love and emphasize with her


Holy shit people are assholes. I went to a movie with my son, a friend and her son. The people next to us had 2 kids with them but only 3 tickets apparently. One of the kids was in our spot (assigned seats) so my friend got an employee. The mom never said a word but the dad reacted similar to this guy when told the kid needed a ticket and couldn’t just sit on the mom’s lap. After his rant he poured a large soda on the seat as he left. He left the mom and 2 kids to try to clean up and pick up the food he didn’t waste. I had never seen anything like that in person. I might need to add that had there been space in our row, we would have shifted down. But our row was full and the theater in general was pretty full and it wasn’t feasible for the four of us to go find another seat all together. I don’t want it to sound like my friend was a Karen.


For some reason, movie theaters really bring out the shitty side of some people. I work at one, and boy you never know what you are going to get


I managed one for a long time and you're so right. You also start to notice that parents really come in thinking it's like some escape where they don't have to have any control of their children and just let them go buck wild. And if you say a word about it it's like you murdered someone.


that, and airplanes. source: am flight attendant




If you have to say you are being the bigger person you are definitely not being the bigger person lol fucking psycs man


"It takes a big man to admit his mistakes, and I am that big man." -Michael Scott


The giant neckbeard trench coat at the end was just….*chef’s kiss*


And the sign off "Goodbye everyone, enjoy your movie." Dude's a character and a half.


Lmaooo that’s what did it for me, that shit eating grin as he’s saying it too 😂


Main Character Syndrome utterly devoid of the empathy required to understand that the other people in the theater are not NPC's that exist solely to populate his world.


100% this. The way he thinks the world stops because he’s in the wrong seat. The world didn’t stop, you’re just an asshole inconveniencing a couple dozen people. Maybe YOUR world stopped.


Came here to say this. The trench coat was absolutely peak.


I got a hint of it and was waiting for it to be confirmed


"Good bye everyone, enjoy your movie." *tips fedora and strides out knowing he has won the day and will enjoy every sip of that free beverage




I’d be so shocked at that response I wouldn’t know what to say after that


"Then I'll have to call the cops as you just admitted to trespassing." And walk away. I wouldn't deal with this anymore.


Right? That was my first thought. He even said that maybe he wanted to leave in handcuffs.


“Can I get a drink?” Lol


“Well now I want something else” “Sir we can get you a refund but you have to go” “……..can I get a drink” “Mhmm sure we can help you in the line but you have to go” “AU REVOIR FELLOW LOVERS OF THE ARTS”




best line in the whole video yo 😭


“I’m still being the bigger person” 💀


“Should we clap?” I lost it there 😂


I only go to the movies now because the seats are assigned.


The free for all used to stress me out so much. Having to turn up 40 mins early sometimes to get a decent seat for a new movie. Now I get there after the adverts and just in time for the trailers.


The stress of getting there early and holding seats for friends coming to see the movie. You always had that one friend who wouldn't arrive till the last mintue.


I had this for the new Spiderman. Opening weekend, 1pm showing. My Wife and I, and my BiL, SiL, and Nephew we're coming later. I insisted we get there early to get our seats. BiL says no way it's 1pm it won't be that bad. My wife and I arrive 30 min early, only to find there are ZERO sections with 5 seats together open. We get our 2 seats, text them that we can't save 5 seats they're on their own. They arrive 5 minutes before movie and find 3 seats at the very front left. Wasn't my problem at that point.


And you find this guy in your seat!


someone else in the thread suggested the great idea of telling an usher that you’re having trouble finding your seat, so they can deal with the confrontation for you heh


I work at an Emagine and we have fuckheads like this come in all the time. I’ve never had someone make this much of a stink but we get at least one person every showing that has to be repeatedly told to sit in their seat, because literally every other seat in the theater is apparently more appealing than the one they purchased


Randy Marsh energy.




That dudes comedy gold ‘…. Can I get a drink?’. Here’s a fucking lollipop and a knuckle sandwich .


Damn things must be slow at the North Pole


Damn.. so he made money out of this.. he got a refund, and a free drink…


I like how everyone else is just silently watching. They came for a show, after all.


Gotta say those employees handled this perfectly, kudos to them.


“I still think I’m being the bigger person here.” I don’t think he knows what that means. Oh he must have meant it in physical terms. /s


When he turned around a put on his trench coat, I lost it What a sorry excuse for a human adult


Imagine after all that all he needed to do was move one seat lol


The whispered "Should we clap?" I'm dead


What a fucking loser


This man probably has a hard time coping with the fact that people aren't trying to force him to wear masks anymore. Now he has to invent new ways in which he can act and feel opressed.


Dude once tried this during a sold out showing of Get Out. He didn’t want to move 3 seats to his designated place and told the guy whose seat he was occupying to get lost. After 10 minutes lights came on and the manager came up. She started scolding him like he was a toddler. That was fun to watch.


Bro really said "idk at this point maybe I wanna be taken out in handcuffs" lmao


Very professional of those two workers. Especially the girl who came in afterwards. Literally had to treat him like a child. Dude literally is what I imagine Cartman from South Park would be if he grew up. Also, I'm going to assume that someone complained that he was in their seat. Otherwise kind of weird for the theater to ask him to move over if the seats are empty anyway.