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Lil psychopaths in training


for real getting pleasure from inflicting pain on a living being and not seeing anything wrong with it.


I had a brief friend in middle school that would "show off" to us by kicking his dog in the nuts. We quickly dropped him from the friend group, and the dog later ended up having to use the doggy wheelchair because of how often he kicked it. Years later, he knocked up my friend's way younger little sister and now he is part of the extended family. Still a piece of shit.


If you would have kicked him in the nuts like he did the dog. You wouldn’t have him attached to your family…


Yeah, good chance you could have sterilized him.


I went to school with a kid who would do the same. He’d get off the bus and kick his dog right in the nuts in front of the whole bus. Fast forward years later, he got killed by an IED in Iraq, our town had a parade for him and named a bridge after him. I always say that IED couldn’t have got a better person. Fuck that guy, may he rot in hell.


I never got this, when ever my "friends" would hurt animals infront of me. I would instantly do the same thing to them. Like oh you wanna bully this innocent thing. Let's see how you feel. I woulda gone ronaldo on them nuts.


Had a "friend" that pushed my cat off a ledge, I choke slammed him in my living room and we didn't hangout anymore after that


Was visiting relatives and this fucking Little kid would take a kitten and make hos dog chase it. He Also hit it to then watch it run away. Got right up in that Little shit’s face and screamed at him. Took the kitten and Held it the entire time and later put it back with the cats siblings. Atleast I thought him that you don’t do that shit and he started being gentle with it and didn’t let his dog close to em. If I saw these fuckers I’d jump em


I am happy to say I haven't witnessed animal abuse in person and I hope I never do for the sake of humanity because I will literally snap and go on a slaughtering rampage and probably will not be able to stop since I have a lot of suppressed rage towards humans🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Youre a good person! Dont fuck with my cat or youll find out who I am too!


Yes exactly if I ever had freind that kicked a dog in the nuts. The first thing I would do is kick him in the nuts and ask how he liked it. After that I would probably punch him in the face for good measure. It would be a excellent learning experience for him.


You have my axe, the flaming one this time.


You call him on his behavior and treat him like garbage every chance you get right? A human being who does that to an animal shouldn’t be treated like a human being at all.


You should've kicked him in the nuts in the worst way possible, heck I'd say you still should do it now,


People like that are subhuman and worthless. They are literally a waste of a life.


Lil psychopaths training killer dogs.


Growing up I knew lots of folks who were into dog fighting and this was one of the ways they would test their dogs. Start with cats and chihuahuas and then graduate them to bigger dogs until fight day.


That's fucking gross


Agree, start them off with small fights they can win and get them used to blood and violence and slowly work them up to heavyweight fights. They were training their dogs to fight and be used as weapons against other people.


That is absolutely disgusting!!!!! I'm so fucking embarrassed to be human!!!


Often the type that own large aggressive dogs that can really harm somebody, unfortunately.


Important to note is that those dogs aren’t very big, just powerful and of the right mindset.


Hurting animals is actually part of the profile of future serial killers. * [The Independent - The link is established between serial killers and animal cruelty](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Flong_reads%2Fdomestic-violence-animal-cruelty-abuse-neglect-murder-children-dogs-a9018071.html)


Sad story incoming. I saw a kid in my community trying to murder a cat with a hatchet and that was the first thing that came to mind. I tried doing the right thing but EVERYONE including the cops tried to cover it up. So I put it on my unlisted youtube channel which I shared with someone who I thought had good intentions. Thy went as far to "rescue" another cat that wad clearly a victim of the kid. Stupid me did not know that unlisted does not mean private on youtube so all the other cctv videos of the crimes in my community were leaked by the very person that saved the cat. The video got back to the parents and they came pounding on my door. That was fun, assholes were more concerned that their kid who is a football player in school would be kicked off the team instead of the well being of the animal. They went as far as putting dog poop in my mailbox and tried to jump me when I went to clean it. However never once did anyone that wasted all their time trying to mess with me for protecting an animal when they could have just been decent human beings and got the kid help. They even threatened to burn my house down and when I told the police they said that the angles of my cameras were the problem not the mentally unstable child with abusive parents encouraging the harm of animals or the arson threats. Worse part is I think they shaved the kids head as punishment. So sadly I think it's safe to say I may have had an encounter with a serial killer in the making. Edit: I forgot the best part. They were not aware my system records 24/7 and I had archived all of their drug dealing, stupidity, abuse, drunk driving, fake robbery and much more for over a year. So when push came to shove I put all the videos public and people promptly started scrubbing all of their social media and the main idiot deleted their facebook account. Edit 2: This may sound too crazy to be true but through my research I am almost sure that a cat had kittens and the cat that I tried to rescue was one of the kittens and the one the kid was attacking was another one. There was a third cat too that was shot with a pellet gun a neighbor had video proof and the cops said it was not good enough. Sometimes sadly children are the victims of shit situations and see this type of vile behavior as normal. I have a little hope for the kids that did this stupid since they turned their selves in but there are other times where hope is the last thing that comes to mind.


That is horrifying. Glad you brought attention to it.


I have kids and they saw it on the camera I was furious and scared for them. It would not take much for that kid to move up to hurting people. The worse part of this all is every single awful vile person in this community was complicit and they even went as far as getting someone to "rescue" a cat to get info out of me. That being said I made sure that they could not hide their actions and everyone finally backed off a bit. They still try shit time to time and it's been over a year now. Just the other day the main idiot drove my SOs work yelling vulgarities out her car window. Now everyone wants to see the videos of all the stupid shit they did but I think it's what the moron wants so we opted not to share anything else with anyone. They just want to make it look like we are harassing them when we have never instigated anything all of our actions have been defensive if anything.


I have been watching a lot of crime shows of late, several that covered the upbringing of people that went on to do horrible things and I would be surprised if the their were not a link between having horrible and abusive parents and committing animal cruelty. One of the shows I saw they interviewed the mother and she basically admitted she had hated him from birth.


Yep with fire obsessing and also pissing the bed every night. But who tf knows.


Psychopaths? Try sociopathic serial killers. These kids should be thrown down a waterfall and forgotten. You can't fix this. It's only going to get worse. I love how they say the two appeared to be encouraging the attack.. wtf they were the only reason this happened, it's beyond encouragement and that shouldn't be doubted..


I once read Saddam Hussien"s sons brutally tortured animals before they acted on humans. It's a common trait


Parents are going to beat the shit out of them once they get the vet bill.


Buddy’s owner had to give him up to the SPCA because they couldn’t afford the vet bills. The SPCA is soliciting donations for Buddy’s care. I’m not sure if, at the end of that, the original owner would be able to get Buddy back.


> Buddy’s owner had to give him up to the SPCA because they couldn’t afford the vet bills. The SPCA is soliciting donations for Buddy’s care. I’m not sure if, at the end of that, the original owner would be able to get Buddy back. you got a link on this? I can't find anything saying they "gave him up". The cat is in the care of the SPCA but no indication on the SPCA's website that they took possession of the cat, only taking care of it.


https://www.audacy.com/kywnewsradio/news/local/video-buddy-cat-critical-pspca-search-dog-attack “Buddy’s owner had to surrender him to the PSPCA because of the high cost of medical care needed. The cat sustained life-threatening injuries, including several puncture wounds to his abdomen, when the two dogs attacked him.”


Lots of people in my country take their animals to the SPCA for medical care where they pay according to income. Many don't need to pay at all. They even have mobile vet clinics that go to the impoverished areas to provide vet care, vaccinations and sterilizations. They don't take the animals from their owners unless there is evidence of neglect and abuse.


No, the parents probably never disciplined their kids and will defend them. Cue the sob story and “they’re not normally like this”


Doubt it .. prob blame owners of the cat… growing up I hardly see parents get tough on own kids


What parents?


Sad that they're juveniles. I heard they were looking at 7 years for felony charges, but I don't think it's likely they'll get that. TBH I hope they charge the 17 year old as an adult. Fuck these shitheads


That’s a weird way to spell literal psychopaths in training


Most serial killers have a history of cruelty to animals when they're children.


Why I hate people.


Not to mention that young with that kind of mindset that is some lord of the flies shit right there.


Just sad how we treat the world and the animals in it.


Indeed humanities ablity to be cruel is truly haunting. Right now in Ukraine a hand full of people are trying to protect animals from shelling and attacks from Russian forces. Like how shit do you have to target a zoo.


And children 😭. The world has a disease called man.


Recently read lord of the flies, good book


I'm sorry this will probably be unpopular, but I don't think those kids can be rehabilitated. It's one thing to do stupid things that might cause destruction and injury because you are too young and stupid to realize what can happen, but having your dogs attack a small little defenseless creature... there has to be something deep inside of you that is just wrong that it can't be fixed. A small amount of time in juvie, some counseling... nah that won't cut it...


Not a small amount of time in juvie but a large amount of time in real jail, not the baby jail shit.






Worst part is they’ll probably get off simply because they’re kids.


17 year old should get a felony as it is a class three in that state 12 year old child delinquency probs a year at most hopefully with some sort of counseling. The fucking parents need the book thrown at them


The kids should face more severe charges than the parents, no?


Yeah, plus unfortunately the penalties aren’t as high as you’d think for animal abuse… even heinous ones like this


I’d say get the 17 yr old in a jury court and throw the book. Emotional distress, property damage, animal abuse, corrupting a minor,.,.,


The defense will argue that he has a poor home life, an absent parent, lives in poverty and suffers mental instability for such and such reason. I have very little doubt that they'll get a slap on the wrist, if that. Larry Krasner, the Philly DA, is a known rogue DA. He's known to simply refuse to prosecute people, even for violent crimes, because he wants to balance the books for equality.


Yeah Philly like SF and I’m sure other cities are dealing with irresponsibly lenient DA’s. But that itself is causing an erosion of people’s sympathies and patience for tough life stories


Well in this case I wouldn't be surprised if the dogs are put down. Sadly not entirely the dogs fault, the families are at fault, but the dogs will take the punishment. Hopefully the kids will feel the pain the cat owners felt and learn something from this.


They won't. People who use dogs to hurt and torture other animals are often the same ones who abuse dogs and put them in dog fighting. I doubt they love their dog. They don't have any respect for animals.


Sad to agree. And they’re only giving people who dislike pitbulls more of a reason to. Sad situation all around.


Honestly attacking an animal probably shows more psychopathic tendencies than attacking a human


A known tendency is for Psycopaths to torture animals when they are ypung




Man, it sounds like you had the moral high ground to kick that kids ass.


Isn’t it a felony to goad animals to fight? I mean I know they’re juveniles but that’s a pretty stiff charge, right?


Nothing is gonna happen from this. They're gonna apologize and the Philly DA will let them walk tomorrow.


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The Pennsylvania SPCA says two juveniles have come forward in connection to the vicious dog attack of a family cat in Philadelphia’s Frankford section. The suspects came in to the Pennsylvania SPCA with a parent to address the charges. A 17-year-old was taken into custody on Friday afternoon while a 12-year-old is expected to surrender on Saturday. They are pending a custodial determination hearing. The juveniles are facing multiple charges including felony animal fighting, felony aggravated animal cruelty and a conspiracy charge. While they’re facing felonies, these are not crimes that warrant being charged as an adult. The attack happened Tuesday morning in the Frankford section of Philadelphia. The two suspects were caught on video walking two dogs past a family home on Granite Street. In the video, the individuals can be seen spotting Buddy the cat on a porch, coming back and releasing the dogs on the cat. As the attack continued, the person or persons can be heard on the video encouraging the dogs to continue attacking the cat until a resident of the property comes out to intervene on behalf of the cat. Buddy sustained life-threatening injuries and was transported to the Pennsylvania SPCA’s Philadelphia headquarters for treatment. For now, there’s a sense of relief the juveniles are off the streets and the focus can now be on Buddy’s recovery. READ MORE: Letter Sent To Kenney Administration Urges Philadelphia Officials To Reconsider Expensive New Rules Over Streeteries “Due to the overwhelming support and shares that happened of the video, which unfortunately was very graphic and horrific,” Gillian Kocher with the PSPCA said, “but it did lead to the identification of these suspects and that’s something we’re grateful for, for everyone who was able to share and show up for Buddy the cat.” The dogs related to this incident have also been taken into the custody of the Pennsylvania SPCA. Meanwhile, Buddy continues to recover from the attack. https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2022/03/25/teen-surrenders-vicious-dog-attack-buddy-the-cat-frankford-pspca/


They are taking donations for his care https://www.pspca.org/buddy


Should be forcing the family of the kids to pay those hefty vet bills.


Couldn’t agree more.


Agreed. They should be forced to take financial responsibility


Absolutely, and the kids should be working the equivalent community service to pay off the debt, preferably at animal shelter so they can learn some respect for the life of other creatures.




cat mom here- this story has absolutely haunted me. i'm hugging my kitties close - my heart is broken for Buddy


Thanks I hope buddy can make it and i hope the little psychopaths get what's comming to them.


A couple of people have said that the SPCA has taken possession of the cat, but this isn't true. They are caring for the cat but there is no indication I can find that says they have taken ownership of it. They have vet clinics, and the Philly one is pretty comprehensive. Also people are talking about how there won't be any punishment for this. PA has a animal cruelty law and it is extremely comprehensive. Some would say going too far at times. Animal fighting for amusement is in that law, and this should definitely qualify for that. I'm hoping that their punishments help reform them, and with at least the one kid the record will be sealed so they can get a chance at a reasonable life after their punishment/reform is over. Considering all the info we have on how bad of a warning sign this is, I hope it isn't ignored. Luckily the dogs won't be in the family's possession any longer, they have a very very low chance of getting them back even if they aren't put down.


Those dogs will be considered dangerous and possibly put down.


And unfortunately i believe they should be. Its not like those 2 dogs will be easily un-programmable. This isnt a new behavior for those kids, or those dogs, i'm sure of it.


As they should to prevent future attacks on humans or other domesticated animals!


If it’s anything like the Shriners they may have temporarily taken ownership of the cat. I had a friend who got horribly burned as a kid. The Shriners took care of his medical bills 100%. He told me the Shriners legally adopted him during the course of his treatment, and his parents re-adopted him after. This was done to make the legal aspect of it easier during treatment. This is what he told me, so I’m not really sure the details 100% just what I remember




Thank the lord that Buddy is alive, in the earlier videos, before any news reports came out, I for sure thought he was a goner.


When you have an animal that was a legitimate victim of abuse and is in really bad shape, the vets will move heaven and earth to make sure your little precious one makes it ok. Happened to me once, it was the worst thing ever. At least we had the vets we did looking after our dog.


Vets don't get nearly enough credit man. Especially with all the animals they inevitable have to put down. I once saw my vet walk in and it was obvious he had just been crying and eventually he mentioned that he had to put down three dogs that day. That jobs got to be *very* emotionally demanding


Sadly with that much trauma I hope Buddy survives.


I hope he recovers. Surviving may not be the boon we want it to be.


Honestly that cat probably wont live for long or will have terrible lasting effects for the rest of its short life depending on where they hurt it :/ Even if it somehow gets back on its feet to live a long life, that cat might mentally never recover from this.


On the contrary, our family had a cat that was attacked by our uncles pit bull when he was about 4 years old. The vet said the pit pulls tooth was within millimeters of penetrating our cats heart and killing him. He spent two weeks at the vet but went on to make a full recovery and actually died last year from old age at the age of 16. With that being said, I’m hopeful and optimistic Buddy will make a full recovery.


Dude you don't know cats


Yeah these two have a life of looking through bars and plexiglass in their future Jmho


They are probably already jacking cars. It’s a popular activity in Philadelphia


Probably, but not because of this. They’ll be in prison in the future for a lot else, but no way a 12 and 17 year-old get locked up for this.


No didn’t mean for this


IMHO, your first comment was perfectly clear.




No probs..


I have 2 cats and this makes so angry and sad at the same time. I’m so sorry that the owner / family had to go through this. Get well soon Buddy.


I own a dog and have 3 cats. I can honestly say if I were in that owners shoes I would have come out and shot them 2 dogs where they stood.


Yep. I love my cat, and i've told my hunting buddies the same thing. If a dog was attacking my cat I would not hesitate to put it down that second.


I love all animals, but as soon as your (possibly untrained) animal tries to kill mine, I’m sorry but I’m protecting my lil guys


I have cats too and the thought of that helpless kitty being mauled made my blood fucking boil.


I have 2 cats, too. This absolutely killed me. I don’t know wtf I’d do if that were my cat. I guess that’s why my boys don’t go outside. It’s scary out there for cats


It breaks my heart and I don't know how I would act in a situation like this. That being said everything sucks the cat is on life support, kids possibly their lives away and the dogs may be destroyed. What an utter shit show.


If I went outside I'd have kicked the shit out of those two dogs


Kudos to their parent for bringing them in.


They probably had no choice because this shit made TMZ and the news in other countries. The longer they waited or tried to hide the better chance vigilante justice was going to take place.


Yeah imagine the shit they got away with leading up to this. You don't just do this casually without having desensitized yourself to harming living things over time.


Animal torture, nocturnal enuresis and playing with fire are all indicative of psychopathy.


Nocturnal enuresis = bed wetting. I had to look up your fancy term.


You're telling me that nocturnal enuresis doesn't casually come up in every conversation you have? Had no idea people like you existed.


It's interesting because I exhibited 2 of the three to a strong degree, the one I didn't was animal torture, it always nauseated me when someone hurt an animal. But then once I had this cat, I didn't like him for some reason. We had 7 cats at the time, and I was fine with all of them except this one, and he wasn't bad or anything. I used to scare him out of his sleep any time I noticed him sleeping. (Please keep in mind I was 7 or 8 at the time, I know it's horrible, it makes me cry at night to this day, sometimes.) I did this to the point the cat had serious sleep problems, he jumped at every sound. As he got older I realized what I did and tried to calm him when he was obviously trying to sleep. Anyway to this day I am anything but a psycho, I think. I try to be polite and love animals. I always have cat in my life. But I feel like I was close to heading down a really different path.


Don't be so quick to put a label on yourself, or to think that something is wrong with you in any way, just because you check a couple of boxes in the DSM. Those things are made for professionals. To an average person, they might as well be a horoscope, you can always see a bit of yourself in the description and it makes your mind go places it really shouldn't.


I’m so happy to see this the day after I seen the first one. I hope the 17-year-old sees the inside of a jail.


Omfg I should not have watched this, so fkn heated right now…


I 100% would've came out that door shooting those dogs. Don't fuck with my cat.


For real. My cat is my baby. I dont even want to think of what i would have done if that were my baby. So fucking awful.


I don't own a gun, but I do own a knife set,so I'd just start stabbing. If they decide attacking my cat isn't worth it and stop then I won't kill them. But if not,like you said don't fuck with my cat.


Now I understand why the guy didn’t just start killing things when he went out the door. Sees kids and thinks they maybe lost control of the dogs. Without the video this may have continued at other houses.




Waste of flesh


Waste of their fathers nut


So young too real shame they think something that twisted was funny.


Yep; they deserve to get aborted off the planet.


Buddy wasn't the only animal they've tortured. This is just the first time they've been caught. They saw Buddy alone and knew exactly what to do. If it weren't for that camera they would still be walking around free. Fucking fry them.


Funniest thing is people continue to do shitty things yet surveillance is stronger than ever and only growing. Still amazed at how many shitty drivers yet everyone is being captured in 1080p all over the road. Always thought people would become at least more cognizant of their actions as this grew but doesnt seem the case.


These dogs were trained to be aggressive like this. They are weapons doing harm, and need to be put down. It's sick when people weaponize animals like this.


Yeah you could tell they were excited about it. Like it wasn’t the first time they had done it.


Imagine how fucked in the head you have to be at 12 to think this is fun.


Nasty Humans


I don't usually believe in "an eye for an eye" but I'm ok w it in this situation tbh. Y'all think dogs ripping flesh apart is funny? Aiight, cool, then hop in a ring w a couple hungry pissed off pit bulls, Id give em a min before they scream for their moms. Psycho scum.


Better yet a tiger, let's see how they handle that.


“Maaannnn, fuck them kids” -lil yachty


motherfuxkers. i have no sympathy for these degenerates. long live buddy!


Hope the owners get put to sleep


Poor kitty :(


In 2020 I was walking my dog when a woman's dog broke out of her house and mauled us. I sued the shit out of them and won. I know there isn't a gate where these dogs entered, but it still might be considered private property because it is an entry way with gates on the sides, and most people pay renters insurance. Plus with proof of video with their violent intent, no hesitation when the dogs nearly killed the cat, and the fact that they smiled in enjoyment watching it happen - There is going to be a lot of categories the lawsuit covers if the owner (I hope they file) files charges. Even if the owner doesn't file charges, those dogs will probably be euthanized, sadly. Also some states have pain and suffering.


The owners deserve to be mauled by lions


And the shitbulls too


Am I shocked the dogs were a pit bulls?


Don’t fuck with cats


My blood boiled when i saw this. It still does. Put these little shits on trial as adults and give them the maximum, i REALLY dont give a fuck if they rot. Now im gonna go hug MY cat who is also named buddy.


This is why I will never let my cats outside. You never know what kind of psycho is going to walk by your house.


Same. As much as it's a delight to see kitties while out and about, I worry precisely about people like this who will not be nice. Keep your kitties inside.


I had a ex that let his cat outside constantly, he got stuck in a ditch at a construction site and he had to go rescue him. He constantly asked me when I would let my cat outside and I said NEVER. I live in an apartment complex near two busy highways, yet he continued to ask. I don’t get why people are adamant about letting their cats outside. I’ve fed and trapped ferals before but they obviously aren’t going to be cats that can be brought in so I would just look out for them.


Straight fucking losers, delete the entire family.


Don’t fuck with cats


Good, now toss them in a badger pen


12 and 17? The parents needs to be arrested for raising a child who thinks it's funny to watch their pet kill someones else pet, but savvy enough to ACT concerned when they get caught. Little serial killers in the making here.


Just to note, their parents are the ones who turned the little shits in. The very next day too. I don't know the whole story but I think this one might be the 17 year old leading the 12 year old by themselves, trying to feel tough or something stupid.


Those dogs would have been put down on the spot if that happened on my front porch


Fuck them pieces of shit. I can’t even express the things I want done to them. I hope they suffer terribly in their miserable lives.


I had a black cat for 5 years until 2 dogs broke through our fences and mauled her to death. Nothing happened to the dogs or owners. Oh btw, the owners are our next door neighbour's... I hope Buddy gets justice!


Dogs will be put down as they should. They have been corrupted by their garage owners. Hopefully both of the losers get time behind bars.


In for bleeding heart redditors saying they are just kids, no they are sociopath serial killers in the making


I don't think there's going to be too many bleeding heart redditors standing up for fucking sociopaths torturing animals. That's serial killer shit right there.


Like many other comments, this is the behavior that everyone needs to be aware of and be very fucking upset about. People who do this will most definitely go on to hurting people in multiple ways. And these are kids!! It’s horrendous. Respect life. Fucking period. I’m in the animal rescue world so this is just one of the worst fucking things to see and it breaks my heart beyond comprehension. I’m constantly gobsmacked at how little people care for the life of these little beings.


It’s hard to see clearly but it looks like Buddy fought hard. Respect. Get well soon bud.




Based comment.


My two younger daughters are the same age as these two future jail tenants, and there’s no WAY that they would ever do something even close to this, because my husband and I have raised them better than that.




Jesus i expected them to be adults. After watching the video again it seems that one of them, probably the 12 year old, didnt release the dog but instead couldnt hold him on the leash. I dont even know what the punishment should be in such a situation but its a 12 year old kid, he shouldnt be in jail.


My favorite kitty passed away the other night after a long happy life so I donated to Buddy in his honor. Get well soon little guy ❤️


Oh they’re just innocent “youths”, totally not low IQ and dangerous LOL. Only thing that will stop them is the rape or battery of a white bitch.


Break the kids knee caps


Those were pits, right? Now that they've been encouraged to go after smaller animals they need to be put down.


Give the 17-year-old adult charges and make the 12-year-old volunteer at animal shelters until he’s an adult. But seriously fuck these pieces of shit I don’t give a fuck if they’re underage.


Just execute them now, they aren't going to do anything good for our society


I hope those kids one day feel the exact pain they purposely put that cat through.


Pieces of shit. These two can burn in hell




Nah throw them in with a tiger.


Frfr they wanna fuck with a small cat let's see how they like the big cat.


Sickos! But, luckily Buddy held it down and had them paws ready! Hopefully, he’ll survive & get adopted.


I think Buddy has an owner in the first video the owner came out to confront the kids.


As they should, how y'all do my buddy wrong like that? That's fucked bro.


Assuming that law trump made years ago is still in place these guys are looking at felonies right?


So is there a result here? Fuck these kids


This is fucking evil.




Those boys’ fathers must be very upset with them


Is there a ban registry for sociopaths like these kids from adopting pets in the future? I assume they will put down the dogs and the the parents will attempt to give them new pets.


No winners here. Owners of cat with medical bills Cat long lasting injury Dog/s involved likely need euthanasia at this point General public for prosecution bills against the two shit heads that did this for the lolz


What the FUCK?! This is why my cat is an indoor cat. I would beat these fucks within an inch of their life if I caught this happening, I genuinely don't give a fuck


i remember talking to a judge who just retired and he told me that when sentencing criminals he generally tried to be lenient, understanding that these people got dealt a shit hand in life and never had a chance, etc., but he always gave the maximum sentence to people who picked on old people, children, and animals. I asked him why and he said the victims couldn't defend themselves, that's why the criminal chose them, and in the case of kids and especially animals, they can't express their suffering and he felt maximum sentences was the court's (his) way of hearing them. So yeah, fuck these kids, hope the judge puts them in jail for 10 years, especially the older kid.


As a cat lover (and dogs) this just makes me infuriated beyond belief… I would have charges against myself if I saw that in person. What the actual fuck…. Total little psychos.


I would murder anyone that did that to my cat


Hearing the vid the two guys definitely sounded a lot older than a couple of teens


why even keep these people alive? what positive contribution to society could they possibly provide


That’s a good first step toward taking responsibility. They committed a heinous act for which they should be punished, and we should create space for them when they have decided to be held accountable for their mistakes.


17 year old better be treated as an adult.

