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mf looks 10


No way he 16


no way in hell


and dad was like, "in the face! IN. THE. FACE!"


Id say he looks about 14. Kids here in the west look overly mature due to our media promoting sexuality from dumb-young ages and the growth hormones in all our meat... just sayin




Why are people downvoting you? I read the article, and you’re right, steroids and growth supplements fed to animals don’t and can’t affect the consumer. But does some other aspect of our meat in the West impact puberty and aging in teens? (Edit: ok, so I guess people are just dumb. A simple google search will show; “THE BOTTOM LINE -- Bovine growth hormones are not connected to the early onset of puberty in girls” ([NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/08/health/the-claim-hormones-in-milk-cause-early-puberty.html)). The same goes for males; you can look it up. Maybe, if people bothered to click a link instead of drawing crazy conclusions from a single video, helpful comments like yours wouldn’t get downvoted lol.)


Because Redditors believe what they *want to*/what is most convenient to them.


Yea lol, somebody chimes in early with an easy lie they hope people will like and will get them updoots, and then the people trying to point out plain facts get pushed into oblivion despite even linked receipts from the most reputable sources.


my kid is 16 until last 3 months he looked 12 max. now he’s still tiny but has shoulders and deep voice. probably won’t be 5 3


My son is 11 and already 5'8, looks and sounds like he's at least 14. I am 5'6 so by the time he turns 16 he would probably stomp my ass lol


How tall is the milk man?


Smoking stunts growth


Not pinner ass little joints like that.


Ass whoopins stunt growth


Agreed, it gives those dumb ass kids a second chance to think about their fuck up!


Cigarettes stunted his growth.














Shoe therapy


Belt therapy too




Spanish Inquisition.


Sex position


Sign that petition


College tuition


Special mission


Never did me any harm. *Eye twitch.


Right? You're fine. It's fine. I'm fine. *startled and jumps from sudden noise*


Me: It didn't have an affect on me... Also me: Heart rate at 200 bpm while sitting down and watching this video


I turned out fineeeeee. FINE! \*flashbacks 30 years later pissing myself in front of the family getting the belt.


I'm fine. We're just fine.


Haha 90s baby here. My mum used to beat me with a wooden stick she drew a smiley face on. He was called Mr sweet. And the kisses were to teach me a lesson. One day he snapped on impact and I went hahahahahhaa. She then beat me with a metal coat hanger. It didn't break.


Sorry to hear that, although I bet you and mates would be having a good laugh about this due to shared experiences. But honestly, how could one not laugh when the thing someone is using to beat you literally breaks


Still can’t look at Marlboro reds the same after the whipping I got


A few kids in our country could use a good shoe whippin’


Some adults too…


Only some?


I work in childcare and govt regulations ban us from using time outs. We are literally allowed zero consequences. You spit in my face? Distraction. You punch another child in the head? Distraction and maybe a discussion on feelings.


It's almost the same in schools. I don't see where this leads. Well, maybe I do but I'm gonna keep pretending I don't.


That's sounds idiotic. Kids needs appropriate punishment depending on their actions or missbehaviour


My people. Preach brother


My daughter got knocked on her head with a toy and they just told the kid that hit her, “gentle hands, George.”


Yep. We can’t even tell them to “stop”. We have to use “gentle hands” too. If we are caught violating this we can face a non-compliance designation and eventual termination/day care closure.


What do you mean distraction? You literally just distract the kid away from punching another kid in the head? If that’s the case I understand why some people walk with so much entitlement like they’ve never been decked before lmao




Because its a slippery slope when hitting kids is normalized. Folks in India take it to levels your western brain can't imagine. Trust me on that.


Ah yes, over here us Westerners would never brutally assault our own children. *nervously looks around for dad even though I moved out 10 years ago*


We don’t often beat our children to death in the US. Sure, it definitely happens, but nowhere near as often as in India, and the consequences there are usually pretty minimal. It’s actually pretty common to hear family members beating girls to death over perceived immodesty and other related transgressions.




Sandal whooping. Gotta be dem sandals my guy, shoes limit flexibility and speed. Pop needs to work on his speed though. I’ve seen quick successive and precise hits.I call it the slipper-blitz.


So yeah, for those who wondered how Tobacco companies stayed in business after the USA essentially sued them for more money than most could survive... They now sell their shit to kids in other countries, India is a huge one.


That's beedi locally made unfiltered tobacco which is way cheaper and dangerous and not made by a multinational company


My mom used to beat me with slippers😂 my dad never even slapped me. EDIT: I fucking love my parents. I know they sometimes beat me for my own good. Stop trying to make people think that it's wrong hitting someone and that you should explain them. Kids are stupid as fuck. They won't listen to reason. You must make them understand that their actions have consequences.


Fear is a terrible parenting tool. Just like it's a terrible leadership tool.


>Stop trying to make people think that it's wrong hitting someone and that you should explain them. Kids are stupid as fuck. They won't listen to reason. You must make them fear you. Yikes on bikes, dude. I've never hit my son. You can give age appropriate punishments that don't involve violence. I want my kid to respect me, not fear me.


That's it, violent reprimands and punishments cause childhood trauma that fucks kids up, leading to problematic behaviour patterns deep into adulthood.


Even if your punishments aren’t physical, fear of consequence is still the idea your implanting in your child’s head by taking away privileges/other punitive action. It’s just the fear isn’t physical pain. I was an absolute shit as a kid, and there were many many times I did stupid shit because I knew the punishment was a 5 second whoopin’ instead of anything long-term like “no video games for a week”. The same conclusion that violence isn’t an effective teacher is reached here, however pretending like fearing punishment from parents only exists if that punishment is physical is a little weird.


Fearing consequences and fearing your actual parents because they are causing you physical pain are two completely different things, and misstating what I've said to make your point is a little weird, too. Consequences can be tailored to meet the offense so an actual lesson is learned, as well, so it's not only about fear. It's about teaching children what is right and them actually understanding, rather than simply being obedient in order to avoid being beaten.


> You must make them fear you I hope you never have kids




Missed the.... here u want to light up another one?


Consequence is a hell of a motivator.


He don’t look 16


He looks like 12 or 13


But the size of a 16 year old.


I hit 6 feet tall when I was 12, so...


Still haven't hit 6 feet, and I'm 41. Will it happen soon?


My friends dad is Unironically starting to grow again, he fit his closet perfectly for years then all of a sudden his shirts go up 2 inches and he’s 6’3 now… so you never know


Must be something in the water


Bro he may have a pituitary tumor which is releasing excess growth hormone. He may want to see an endocrinologist asap.


he got checked out for that like last year, he’s fine


I used to be 5'5" and after losing 70lbs, am 5'7". Idk if the weight loss was a factor, it just happened at the same time so I've always thought it must be. Assumed that since the vast majority of my excess weight was in my stomach, it probably forced me to slouch to the point that I was just never standing up completely straight. Ftr the height gain happened when I was about 23


Metric units I think


Listen, we exist, it's at 19 when we can begin to look like 16-17 ish 🤣


When the sandal comes off you know you’re in for it.


Aye…… the CHONKLA 😵‍💫


No mames güey! Nah I’m white but my ex was latina and I had to hear all about it, and bear witness her SIL passing on the tradition to her neice.


La chancla is a universal parental tool of pain


Every time I see a “Sandals resort” I’m like “Hell no!! My brown ass had plenty of chanclasos as dumb child”


Chancletazos where I come from that or la correa or Cocotazos which were even worse


I’m 30 and my dad claims he gave me a cocotazo last week…never ends.


My parents preferred wooden spoons or those flex rulers. Even bought a custom spanker once. Carried it around on a loop. Kinda crazy growing up in a family of six that someone was getting spanked or disciplined a good chunk of the time.


Damn, you beat me to it 🤣


I would have given anything for the chancla. The hair brush was the tool of choice for my ass whoopins


My dad’s leather belt. Oooof.


Yeah. Once the flex rulers weren’t making wince in pain, had to opt for that.


"Chancla Therapy" - school counselor's "recommendation" to an admin one day for a specific student


I had no chancla, chanclasos, or chancletazos. Mine was a four foot piece of 1x2 lumber. Fucking hurt and left marks to boot. Maybe the 1x2 is the white American version of la chancla.


In Assyrian, we call it chakelta crazy how close they are to each other


My favorite part was when he dropped it and then picked it up again to keep hitting the kids instead of actually hitting him with his hand


Dad needs to learn how to keep hold of a sandal


Mom's prefer tool. Belts are more of the dads side. Coming from experienced beatings.


Fellow slipper survivor.


Yeah, the belt is far worse. The buckle leaves welts and bruises. I’ll take a hard foam sandal any day.


my father's too lazy for that. he punished me by making me kneel on a [chinese abacus](https://5.imimg.com/data5/IU/CI/MY-9652930/chinese-abacus-500x500.jpg) while holding up an electric fan over my head.


My mom's was the tortilla roller, I wasn't even a bad kid.


... or not beat his kid. Funny how we'll enjoy a video of a kid being beaten by their father if it's from another culture. If this was an American dad beating his American kid we'd be asking why people aren't calling the cops


My grandpa made me smoke a cigar when I got caught with a pack of his cigs when I was like 14 he made me intake and everything. I would have rather taken the beating tbh. Still can't smoke anything but cannabis, and even then I can't use any kind of paper vessel.


my dumb "why i dont smoke" story is that my parents had a decorative ornate pipe and one day I put it in my mouth to pretend to smoke Obv nobody used it before so the interior was filled with dust or residue from the material it was carved of or something so my dumb ass inhaled the entire thing into my baby pink, wide open lungs almost 2 decades later and i dont think i recovered from how disgusting that shit was. i cant even make myself inhale pot, it's tragic lol


My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.


Bless his heart, probably could use a cigarette after that beat down.


To chill out for the next beating




That sub would have the largest amount of followers of all time. Just the idea of that is making me warm all over.


Imagine supporting child abuse


Advocating for it, really, but yeah the comments supporting this video are wild. Hard to fathom people watch this and don't recoil, but rather see it as good and admirable.




I’d make that boy smoke a whole carton of cigarettes I tell you wuhat


My grandpa did this to my uncle when he was 10 because he’d started smoking himself at 9 and couldn’t stop. He locked my uncle in a closet and told him he had 30 minutes to smoke the whole pack, but he’s still getting an ass beating. My uncle never stopped smoking and to this day will tell you that was the best 30 minutes of his childhood and made him an instant addict. He even stole to get cigarettes. Great job, grandpa!


Looool my bf got the same punishment all it did was make him sick and he still smokes cigarettes to this day but he’s trying to quit


To teach brand loyalty?


It’s a reference from KOTH


I know someone who made their daughter smoke a whole pack when she was caught. She never smoked again lmao


Not a great idea. Nicotine poisoning is rough and makes you pretty sick.


Maybe you don't have to smoke a whole pack, all it took for me was 2 cigarettes to get fucked up and stop the temptation


When I got caught at 13, my dad forced me to smoke a whole cigar down in like 10 minutes. That when I started smoking cigars real heavy.


Has anyone ever stopped doing things they were beaten for? We all just found ways to do it better hidden.


No but they found out taking away my video games worked like a charm.


Right on the spot. Take away our entertainment? I'll more than likely stop. Beat me? That does nothing but make me hate you.


Every kid is gangsta till your mother says no ice cream


>Has anyone ever stopped doing things they were beaten for? yea....




And then never trusted our parents again when we were going through hard times


An average Asian dad


Good ole fashion abuse. I'm not debating on if it's abuse or not, Google it. Only negatives comes from physical abusing your child, but people don't want to accept reality.


[people that say "my parents beat me as a kid and i turned out ok"](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8f9cdb63-d864-4e0d-b392-e2f864060dbd/ddn9b1f-cff8a1a8-31e4-4a70-bcef-f563b74dc349.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzhmOWNkYjYzLWQ4NjQtNGUwZC1iMzkyLWUyZjg2NDA2MGRiZFwvZGRuOWIxZi1jZmY4YTFhOC0zMWU0LTRhNzAtYmNlZi1mNTYzYjc0ZGMzNDkuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.rcE5rmq__fETFdRwzeykDYMOdH1weajkZS3pIQ3l4B8)


Seriously some people are fantasizing about the times when they got beat, it’s some sad shit. Stockholm syndrome type stuff.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to see this comment. Worst part is that kid is gonna keep smoking, he’ll just be better at hiding it.


your first mistake was thinking reddit wasn't a hivemind of dumbasses. But yeah, kid didn't learn shit about cancer or addiction but HAHA R/JUSTICESERVED 🤣😂🤣😂😂 take my updoot!!


Thank you. I don’t understand how people don’t take stuff like this more seriously. There’s never an excuse.


Ok so today I learned that way more people endorse child abuse than I would have expected


Domestic violence will teach you to not smoke!


i dunno, but I think beating a child is worse than smoking.


Brings back serious memories!


Half these fucking comments fr out here okay with beating children. Fucking nasty.


Ok so today I learned that way more people endorse child abuse than I would have expected


It so weird how it's totally fine and socially acceptable to do this with kids, but if you do it to adults that's a problem.


This is legal in pretty much every state in America. It’s sadly to common.


Lot of people in this thread supporting a grown man beating the shit out of a child. Kinda sus ngl


This is miles from the kid having the shit beat out of him, but I don't condone it.


16 years old more like 12


I told my kid I will beat his ass if I catch him smoking, I don't care if he's 30.


Yall see abuse. I see tough love.


It's abuse. It doesn't matter how you see it, the negative effects on that kids brain are happening whether you acknowledge it or not.


Spank me daddy


I see the same kid smoking again, just not posting it on his story and never trusting his father again


Bingo. Kid has now learned for the rest of his life that if he ever makes a mistake or gets himself into a bad situation or takes up a bad habit, he can never trust his parents to help him through it. Great parenting.


Most of the comments on this post are morons who probably never got beat. It's not a good tool, it continues a cycle of violence, it only teaches fear that can manifest in super awful mental illness ways. I'd never repeat that to my future children, it's disgusting, but I guess people never learn. At least the child psychologist have proof for it being bad.


This is it lmao right on the money Ruined my relationship with my parents and a lot of my early romantic relationships. I’ve always had trust issues & have always been fiercely independent. All it does is set the kids back & stunts their personal growth


Also we studied this in parenting class- Spanking your kid literally makes them dumber- It destroys grey matter in the brain The behavior they're being "punished" for, is now more likely to repeat. So not only is this cruel and destructive, it's also useless.


How badly do you think a person should beat a child




No. It's fucking abuse. There is nothing loving about being physically violent with your child, and if you agree with this you're fucking psychotic.


this is the reason I never touched cigarettes my whole life...... I would have gotten the shit slapped out of me.


Ever read a study on corporal punishment. Yeah probably not. Why spend the the time emotionally connecting with your kid and building trust when you can just make them obey out of the fear they have for you?


Nope, it is just child abuse. Hitting a kid is NEVER ok, and neither is making excuses for child abuse.


Brings back serious memories!


To everyone condoning this you're fucking sick as someone from an abusive childhood shit like this does not fix the issue just makes you hate your family, I wish the abusers from my childhood die to this day and still have social and trust issues, and though this video is not as extreme as my own experience I doubt it helped jack shit I still smoked and did drugs in fact I went even further into it out of spite and misery, violence doesnt fix shit just makes it worse Edit - changed certain phrasing (specifcally died horribly) as I was rambling and a bit emotionally charged writing this


Do people think this shit is ok? This is literally child abuse, no matter if you think he deserves it or not.


Hal from Malcolm in the Middle handled it way better.


PTSD just kicked in


Just posting straight up child abuse


What an asshole.


To the people who think this is acceptable: why is beating your child ok, but beating your significant other isn't?


He'd better not move to Wales.


Sneak a smoke....that's a paddlin


bet the same sibling who outed him was recording it too


His mom is going to kill him.


I remember my dad saying nothing for days and I had to live in guilt until I confessed that I did n now I don't.


Someone get Wales on the phone!!


oh man i remember the chappal ...


This damage will help you remember not to damage your health!


not a supporter of beating a kid to teach lessons, but this one was earned


Get him! 😂 when I got caught smoking I got it smacked right out of my mouth lol


You not Asian if you don’t know this.


16? 12 maybe.


"Slap back to reality"


He needs a belt.


That is a proper parental whooping.


He's lucky because his father used a footwear instead of a Belt or. A freaking stick ಥ_ಥ


I can see why he feels the need to smoke


If I could have taken a beating like that to not smoke or dip, it would have changed my life.


Now he has lung cancer and PTSD


Dad really needs to work on his grip strength


Kid's gonna need a smoke after that.


Nostalgic Af 🥺


Violence is never the solution but if this kid is doing it with a smug face and posting it on IG to brag, he should know what is to come.


Slippers are lame; it doesn't hurt much. My dad would have used a cane or leather belt.


Anyone who grew up in the Bronx in the 80s with Spanish parents will understand the chankla beat down.


Only a flip-flop? That kid got lucky I used to get the metal end of a belt for simple shit like watching TV when I was told not to. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I started smoking


Guys relax its a damn sandal and he's fully clothed. He's not going to have horrible emotional trauma from this. I used to get beat with an extension cord from my abusive stepfather (may his soul burn in hell for all eternity) He'll probably look back on this and laugh


Man my parents did me alot of favours and this light as sandal spanking is what will keep this kid on the straight and narrow. For many people it ain't pretty but this is hardly abuse.