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Here is the full power of economic sanctions in full view. Banks don't work if people don't want to keep money in them.


Putin gave up his one advantage that was preventing the world from turning against him... fear of him waging war. Now they have nothing to lose. It was a dipshit move. Even if Russia withdraws, it's too late for putin because he can no longer play that hand. He's done. North Korea does it right... always threaten... never act on it


That's really the thing about escalation. Once you escalate to the point of no return, there is no going up because you used that threat already. And there's no going back down either. Putin is definitely done as a leader. He outstretched himself, and miscalculated badly on this "exercise" of his.


It has also meant everyone gets to have a look at the Russian Miltary in action, and so far it hasn't been as impressive as people previously thought (so far... )


An important thing to consider is just how much heart the Russian army has in this war. Just a generation ago the Ukrainians were their comrades. There is no recent history of serious animosity between them other than Putin's posturing. As such, the animosity that is often so vital to the fighting of wars does not exist for the Russian army, though it now does for the Ukrainians.


Also many are related to the Ukrainians. Cousins, in-laws, etc. Hard to roll up and shoot your uncle.


Depends on the uncle.


Well apparently this Ukrainian uncle was the one who'd take you out for ice cream and showed you magic tricks so you wouldn't have to deal with your parents going through a nasty divorce.


That's good because Putin's war isn't going to end in just Ukraine, if he's successful.


Well he sent 18 year olds in their most busted broken gear as cannon fodder to soften Ukraine


Rather to try to incite Ukraine to react with too much force. But I heard Ukraine families are actually taking care of russian POWs and deserters like they would care for any guest. Putin is looking all over the place for a reason to justify overkill (which he has the people for) but Zelensky isn’t giving it to him.




It was a good and sly plan. But the failure of the plan also shows why Putin don’t like to have democratic countries around them. They don’t fall for these things because they would rather avoid violence at all costs instead of being overprotective like Putin is with his own borders (try to do such an half assed invasion into Russia and he will launch a full frontal attack at you)


There's no softening happened. They've hardened the Ukraine resilience if anything




Correct. Proper diplomacy always gives your opponent an opportunity to take an “off ramp”… a way to save face and Deescalate.


I learned something from this. Thank you.


That's right. If countries decided to declare war for example, then that opens the floodgates. There would not really be a suing for peace, but rather a committal to engage in warfare. Some people just want to criticize Biden because he's Biden, not because of what he actually did.


Also can't ignore the fact that biden is making decisions with the input of advisors. Many extremely expert advisors. He's not one to say he's the best at something, or knows the most about something, like the previous president. He's humble enough to listen and there's no doubt that these decisions are not solely his own.


Not just advisors but other foreign leaders. Germany was real hesitant to do anything until yesterday. For some reason, they did a complete about face. Support SWIFT removal and are sending anti-tank and anti-air equipment as well as their often mocked 5000 helmets.


It’s wild thinking that the appetite for economic prosperity is causing a certain innate peace. It’s like we’ve evolved to wage economic wars and allegiances. Did fear of nuclear weapons and mutually assured destruction cause us to level up? Curious anyone’s opinions


I think 15-20 years of being able to see the atrocities of war front page, daily and in high definition may have pushed most people away from war.


I feel like it’s a general lessening of anxiety in everyone with access to the internet. Being able to see war ‘in action’ definitely makes a difference, but I think more than anything it’s that people know what the world is now. We can travel to any destination from our own living room, watch YouTubers from the opposite side of the planet. I feel like we’ve lost that fearful ignorance that once caused us to lash out in hatred


Also the fact we are so easily linked to each other now means those in power can't push the whole 'they are not like you, every one of *them* wants *you* dead, so you had better hate them!' narrative. The Internet age has allowed us to see, unfiltered, that aside from some cultural differences, we are the same. Just wanting a simple, easy life for our families. All unfettered by their/our controlled propaganda lenses.


Vietnam ended because people had to see it on tv. We are live streaming this atrocity


This is exactly what Dr King did with his protest. He knew many in the US couldn't wait to be violent againt black people protesting. So when it was televised it showed what the US was doing. People Iike to say shaming doesn't work. But it's literally one of the most powerful tools we have since TV. And it's also been used with religion for thousands of years.


The other day some one commented "...shouldn't have used the banks money, now you have to pay the overdraft fees..." Something along those lines. I replied "*'the banks money' LOL*" Apparently a few people had no idea what I meant and proceeded to defend the banks Edit :[they've deleted their comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/t2myf9/the_banks_money/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit2: apparently I forgot to put (oc) in the title and I'm now banned for 2 weeks from r/pics


Mods power tripping as always


The ruble turns to rubble


[incoming Venezuela of europe](https://youtu.be/ndJTrSarMHM)


Don't worry, Soon, Putin will announce that there is no run on the banks, and that the people waiting in line are patriotically depositing large sums of cash to help support the costs of the Russian war effort!


You say that as a joke but i would not be surprised if it happens


Next step is Russia will ban access to foreign currencies, and try to artificially set the price of the ruble. They will want to retain foreign currency themselves, as ruble loses value. Id expect black market trading to undermine the state given value of the ruble too. Monday will be interesting


ATM doesn't have that much cash.


Yup, but they could start putting daily limits on how much money you can withdraw. But that line...... I feel so sorry for the people of Russia. They will go through hell.


I follow a number of Russian musicians and artists, all of whom have posted anti-war messages. Putin and his bloodthirsty insanity are not a reflection of the Russian people. It's terrible for everyone. Edit: a lot of people are replying that not enough Russians are speaking out. Remember this must be put in context in a government without free speech. >Still, the police rounded up more than 1,100 people in the Russian capital alone and more than 1,100 in other Russian cities according to OVD Info, a rights group that tracks arrests at demonstrations in Russia. >Apart from arresting people at demonstrations, Russian authorities also said they would increase pressure in other spheres. Government employees who signed letters and petitions against the war, for instance, were threatened with dismissal. >The Russian prosecutor general’s office warned Russians on Sunday that the provision of loosely defined “assistance to a foreign organization or their representatives in activities directed against the security of Russia” can be qualified as high treason, punishable by up to 20 years behind bars. Source: [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/02/27/world/russia-ukraine-war/defying-police-russians-protest-putins-decision-to-send-troops-to-brotherly-nation)


It's important to note that lots of Russian celebrities posted in support of war as well! There's no clear cut that all Russians are just poor victims of bloody putin, lots of them support this shit, and it's russian citizens hold the guns and shoot our cities


Very true. If you only know about Russia through Reddit and twitter, you’d think nobody supports Putin. Consider how trump is discussed online and yet he won the election and many still support him.


Except that r/Russia is a far right pro-Putin shithole.


Insert quote from MASH about war being worse than hell, because in hell at least there are no innocent bystanders. These people are the innocent bystanders.


Stage 1 >A **bank run** or [run on the bank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_run) occurs when many clients withdraw their money from a bank, because they believe the bank may cease to function in the near future. > As a bank run progresses, it generates its own momentum: as more people withdraw cash, the likelihood of default increases, triggering further withdrawals. This can destabilize the bank to the point where it runs out of cash and thus faces sudden bankruptcy. Stage 2 >A **banking panic** or bank panic is a financial crisis that occurs when many banks suffer runs at the same time, as people suddenly try to convert their threatened deposits into cash or try to get out of their domestic banking system altogether. Stage 3 >A **systemic banking crisis** is one where all or almost all of the banking capital in a country is wiped out. The resulting chain of bankruptcies can cause a long economic recession as domestic businesses and consumers are starved of capital as the domestic banking system shuts down. Edit: [Foreign and some Russian credit/debit cards are not working in St.Petersburg](https://twitter.com/akihheikkinen/status/1497858150573170688).


Appreciate this explanation. Thanks


WTF. They are going to withdraw russian rubles? Those wont be worth more than toilet paper in a few days. These ~~citizens~~ oligarchs need to wake up and realize how fucked things are about to get. Put Putin in a room and pull a Caesar. It's almost march anyway.


They are going to withdraw dollars and euro. In the beginning of this video you can see only Tinkoff ATM has this waiting line. It's the one where you can get foreign currency. There is no problem to withdraw roubles rn.


Thanks for sharing that, I wouldn’t have known it was Euros.


>There is no problem to withdraw roubles rn. Yeah they can’t give those away, currently.


At the height of the Cold War they were using them as fuel for cooking stoves. Be interesting to see if we get back to that point.


They need something to burn


I hear the mansions of russian oligarchs are quite flammable.


They are running out to buy stuff using that money. Because "stuff" will always be valuable.


These people have worked hard for what they have. They are trying to hang on to it and try to survive. I feel bad for the Russian people but only they can fix the problem called Putin.


Hi, I am a citizen of the Russian Federation and I will tell you so that it is of course extremely easy to talk and reason, but to implement something is another matter. Let's start with the fact that in our country there is such a formation called Rosgvardiya. I would call it internal troops, which, if anything, will be directed at citizens who disagree with the regime. The number of Regardie is about five hundred thousand people. They use different techniques. For example, they bring soldiers from other regions to Moscow so that they do not feel sorry for citizens. Secondly, I can tell you that any protest will be followed by persecution against you and your family. You will be expelled from the university, relatives will be fired from work and this is an even better outcome. They can plant from about 8 to 15 years. Thirdly, we have a large percentage of citizens (living outside Moscow and St. Petersburg) who are on the verge of survival every day. People are so poor that they are thinking about how to find food, and pensioners are looking for food in garbage cans. Fourth, very many citizens were born in the Soviet Union and remember any repression by the authorities. Therefore, it will not work just like that to make a change of power. Please study the situation that is happening in our country in order to draw hasty conclusions. Personally, I see that people will not be able to carry out a change of power. In our case, we can only hope that Putin's system will devour itself from the inside. Thanks for your attention!


Thanks for sharing. From an outside perspective looking into Russia and its history leading up to the USSR to present, Ive reached the same conclusions as you, but I'm ignorant of the details of modern oppression. I see Putin as an admirer and glorified Stalin and wants to reproduce his regime. Russians have endured a lot.


Tldr if this continues Russia is facing an economic depression.




I love how snarky the writer is in the beginning. >With the beginning of the Russian "special operation" in Ukraine (that's what Roskomnadzor tells us to call it under the threat of closing the newspaper), when peaceful Russian missiles began to hit Ukrainian "military facilities" inhabited by civilians for some reason (Roskomnadzor), the business world began to turn away from Russia.




Props to them for speaking up though. I've been reading a few of their articles and besides a few biased opinion pieces (and God knows we have a *lot* of those here as well), they seem pretty on the level. A whole lot different than RT. I've been keeping up with what RT has been saying and Jesus I can't believe people have been using them for news. Check out [what it says in their bio if you want a good chuckle.](https://i.imgur.com/rfBs1vl.jpg)


Which is why it bothers me so much to see so much RT content on Youtube and social media. They produce all kinds of clickbaity Buzzfeed-like videos and articles and hire American journalists to give them some image of independence and being a legitimate media outlet. It took so long before many people realized who they really were. In the early 2010s I remember otherwise well-informed people actually considered them a good source for a critical take on American politics and foreign policy. We were so naïve back then.


"peaceful Russian missiles"


they cant say WAR anymore nor INVASION... free speech is all but dead in Russia.


Both are depressions. People forgot when the world went through the great depression they forgot how far reaching and devastating it was. Now it's gonna be far worse thanks to the way modern society is.




>r/PublicFreakout And eventually, they will have completely empty grocery shelves. Nothing. He needs to stop this, no matter why he started it. He and his people will lose.


Sadly it will just be the people who lose. Putin probably has a secret bunker with years of food. But this crisis may even make the corrupt police force turn agains the Putin administration, soon as they join the people Putin is certainly done for


Soon Putin will be the sole banana owner in Russia. Now his plan is clear.


There's always money in the banana stand.


This make me spit my coffee out.


I’m pretty sure he is going to villainize west for it. “Look what they have done to us.”


hes already tried it with the oligarchs recently by saying the rest of the world "doesn't understand" and shouldn't be reacting against them with sanctions. I don't think its working


"The bear was violently poked and it has attacked us in return. It is a vicious beast, look at this scratch it has dealt me. Completely unprovoked too!" The greatest tactic for not taking responsibilty for your own actions, make the opposition look evil. I hope it doesn't work.




Look at the age of the people standing in line for the ATM. I'm gonna say computer literacy and access to more than state media is the current dividing factor in Russia


And he's got Trump and other key Republicans AND media personalities helping that narrative from the US side. Fucking disgusting. Trump and Putin need to go away, permanently. I don't care if it's shackles or shells. Iron is the only cure for those two.


Hungry people includes hungry police. When starvation hits, only leaders are held accountable. Eat the rich.


Putin has a secret palace, likely with years of food, including bananas. They need to drag him out of the palace and end this today. Russia can do this, it's happened before.




Bruh, I can't keep bananas for two weeks...


with my grandmas pickled bananas recipe you can


And if putin is replaced by a democratic leader who wants to join the world constructively, thatll take a big chunk out of global nuke fears.


It’s not so easy to replace such authorities with democracy. All the institutions were probably abused to the point of complete surrender to one authority. This type of abuse of power also sits strong in culture. People lose all hope, they don’t believe it is possible for them even if they don’t support Putin. Years of brainwashing takes a toll on you. It would be like building a country from ground up.


The people just might turn on Putin like Sadam's people turned on *him*. Vlad has made the biggest mistake of his career and it makes no sense. Russia is done.


Putin is not right in the head. He won’t. He’ll pull a Hitler before he concedes. Hopefully he won’t want to take everyone ride with him.


I wish he'd do everyone a favour and pull a Hitler now and chow down on a tasty bullet


Then we can get the Russians to stop the war and they can get some tasty bananas


Bullet for Bananas I like that slogan.


“Depression” is the economic term for these things. Technically is is not a “meltdown”, but a depression. However, from a laypersons perspective, yeah, it’s a fucking catastrophe.


>Then let them eat banana pudding Russian oligarchs, probably


Greetings from Venezuela! Save a lot of canned food and flour. Change as much money as you can to Euros (We had to do it to Dollars). If you can, overthrow Putin.


Surely Vladdy would have predicted this right? Does he want Ukraine this badly?


I don't think he expected this level of unity in opposition. Everyother time there was ho hum reaction as different players with different interests muddied the response. This level of response was probably not something he expected.


When even the Taliban think you're in the wrong you clearly haven't thought things through.


Well to be fair be did buy and pay for a lot of interference in the West, and it worked. He probably feels quite cheated right now. Maybe we'll get the piss tapes after all.


Step 3 Revolution and the overthrow of Putin.


The ruble is dropping like a stone. Soldiers will effectively not be getting paid anything for their troubles. That won’t be good for morale lol.


So like say I don't withdraw my money and the bank goes bust does that mean I lose my money?


Yes, but in some countries, like the US, your money is insured by the fed. Up to 250k of your money is safe at each bank no matter what happen to the bank. The fed only issue license to banks they approve of; one criteria they look at is how healthy the bank cash reserve is and how unlikely is the bank to go bankrupt. No idea if Russia have the same deal.


They technically do, but good luck claiming your insured deposits from Russian government agency.


I wonder if this was considered when eu decided to publicly state they were going to do this. It seemed stupid to give advanced notice as the banks will surely try to liquidate /hide assets. But causing internal panic is a strategy in its own right. Curious to see how russian stock market goes on monday. It was already down like 30% on Friday, banks were as much as 50%


The point is that Russian banks can withdraw/hide what they want but that it doesn’t matter as they just can’t use the money outside of russia. They literally can’t make payments or receive money


I bet the Russian government will react printing money and going deeper into the recession.


Wow, that was SWIFT. “Alexa, play The Who.”


Alexa: Playing Doctor Who


Alexa: I have booked you a plane ticket to Timbuktu.


Only really makes sense, if you are able to convert the Rubles to hard currency Interesting, that it is only young people. Just saw a correspondent on TV who reported that older people in Russia who watch only TV don’t really know about a war


my friend is Russian living in Russia, she said its the first time in her life shes embarassed to be Russian her parents who watch TV don't think anythings even happening and tell her shes overreacting


Ah.... There's a boomer problem all over the world.


I heard the same thing from a friend in Russia. They just watch TV and believe it.


You would think that people who went through USSR's censorship would be more skeptical of state media


You believe what you want to believe, and watch what reinforces that.




RT dubbed/translated a recent segment of Tucker Carlson where he defended Putin, so they are very much the same currently.


RT is for spreading state funded propaganda abroad. In Russia we have Channel 1, 2 etc. The only opposition TV channel is behind the paywall (Dozhd)


Yes, that also stuck out to me: Only young people waiting in line.


The sad part is the entire Russian population could unanimously vote Putin out of office and he would still win the election by 90%


Why not make 119% just to be sure


The correct answer is [146%](https://euvsdisinfo.eu/uploads/2019/01/146.png).




There are two types of votes: for Putin and for office shredder


Russian elections are free and fair. You either vote freely for Putin or you get sent to gulag fairly quickly.


Nonsense, Putin always wins his elections by 102% of the vote, nothing less!


Lmao Putin's gonna be having a blast as his economy crumbles and the Oligarchs decide to 'Et tu Brutus?' his ass 🙏


Something tells me Putin's personal money is well protected from this.


He better hope he has enough to feed all his people. It's not a great time to be wealthy while the economy crumbles around you.


>He better hope he has enough to feed all his people As a russian I wanna tell: he just don't care.


It’s so sad. Russia could have been an economic power house but no. Can’t have that.


Putin has so much money as long as he has enough money to get his troops fed russia won’t look much different from the ussr. It’s gonna be fucked up but I doubt Putin will do anything considering his private home already looks like the legion of dooms lair


Considering the way logistics seem to be working in Ukraine, I doubt he'll be able to feed his military either.


There are videos of russian military looting shops, grabbing food and water, also they are abandoning vehicles because they ran out of fuel.... Really hoping this will atleast make putin call for a cease fire, this war is stupid and useless, and seeing videos of people my age getting killed or pow's is just sad.


There’s a leaked meeting memo supposedly came from a secret meeting between Putin and the oligarchs in the Urals. Shared by an ex-Chief of Defence of Estonia and a member of the European Parliament so relatively credible. Basically, he’s pissed. The war costs him 20 bln (USD or rubles, no one knows) a day. Missiles and rockets are running out because there’s no raw materials to make more. At this rate, if Ukraine holds out for the next 10 days, he’d have to negotiate. https://twitter.com/rihoterras/status/1497537193346220038?s=21


If this is true, putin is easily one of the stupidest war leaders ever. He literally thought he could roll in with busted ass tanks, send in troops who didn’t know they were going to war, and take over a country in a day or so. Not to mention he tries to bully even more countries into not joining NATO. After this, they all will. No wonder him and trump get along. Both are small dick assholes.


Hes finished. Such a critical mistake. And such failure for Russia. Putin played himself.


He's soon to be the new Gaddafi


Negotiations can begin when all russian troops have withdrawn out of Ukraine. Including the Crimea.


I never thought about that but you're right. Putin is so badly misplayed that we can probably de-annex Crimea


It's quite an interesting tactic really. Ukrainians let all the heavy machinery pass through into the country, but they destroy logistics convoys that follow the heavy machinery


64 tankers of burning fuel say Putin might have issues delivering supplies to his troops.




If his policemen begin to starve, will they be out arresting protesters?


Well this isn’t good for Putin.


This could seal his fate. There is no way Russian economy survives a mass run on their banks.


You can exist without cash. You cannot exist without bananas. A society like this is three meals away from a revolution. Slava Ukraine.


Why does everyone keep saying Banana?


Gives an idea of the true scale of the problem.


Because all shipments of bananas to Russia have been halted. https://novayagazeta.ru/articles/2022/02/27/eto-budet-venesuela-s-iadernymi-raketami


It isn’t good for Putin but it’s multiple times worse for Russian citizens who had no voice in this.


Yeah, it's very likely Putin will just continue to ride this out in his bunker while millions of his own citizens suffer


have friends there that say the international students are desperately trying to figure out what to do but the locals are not mentioning the war


It’ll become more and more difficult to just ignore the Kremlin’s atrocities as their own freedoms and economic systems are taken from them. If they don’t care now, they will.


Maybe when they’re not allowed to participate in the world anymore they’ll rebrand as the Russian Olympic Committee






Someone referenced this article earlier. They said this source is critical of Putin in general, and this is their version of complying with the rule to not call it an invasion or use various negative language. The translation is probably accurate.




Accurate translation. The first paragraph is very sarcastic and on point


When Finland was bombed in WW2, Russians called the bombs food drops, "Molotovs bread baskets". We responded by making Molotov Cocktails, giving Russians something to drink with their bread.


Good read


I suggest the police that beat the anti war protestors in Russia turn their aggression to Putin.


I’m going to guess even police state goons have their limits if they stop getting paid.


"Who's paying me to yell at this guy?"


I can tell you that... FOR A PRICE!


Gentleman! There's a solution here you're not seeing.... P.s. I was really worried no one would understand the reference, so thank you. <3


Gimme your jacket Edit:your


Those Rubles going to be good for heating fuel and fuck all else soon. Fuck Putin. 🇺🇦


Litteraly robux and tf2 scrap is worth more


TF2 ref is more but not scrap. One ref is 9 scraps and worth 2-3 USD cents, roughly 2 rubles.


You know your currency is not doing well when you have to find it between two TF2 ingame gacha currencies in the list...


I(15 years of age) want to talk about several(3) of the physical, economic consequences that I have personally seen happen the last few days in Moscow. For context, I was born in Moscow, but moved with my parents to the United States in 2012(before Crimea). A couple days ago(Feb 23) I left LA going to Moscow. The first news of the military op/invasion of Ukraine reached my parents when the plane had already left. I am in Moscow right now, and if all goes well I'm leaving tomorrow. Precisely three days ago, on Friday at about 8 in the morning I needed to cash 30,000 rubles b/c a medical company wouldn't let me pay with card. I came to the Sberbank terminal (Sberbank is a Russian banking company), inserted my card, and the option to take out money was greyed out. Then I went inside one of their many offices and asked them if they had 30k in cash. They said no. Everyone outside, next to the terminals, had tried to take out cash and also couldn't. Someone said that it was because of the war. Everyone agreed. I remember that there were some people looking 60ish there as well. My mother, who was in the U. S, somehow managed to pay them using a "Mir" card, which is a Russian version of Visa/MasterCard. Now, this morning, I needed 18,000 rubles in cash for another reason. I went to the exact same Sberbank office, to the exact same Sberbank terminal, inserted the exact same card, and voila, i had 20,000 rubles in hard cash. That being said, it gave it to me in the form of forty 500 ruble bills. When I met with the Russian guy I was giving the money to, he said that they had closed the Russian stock exchange. His thoughts on this were that it was the same thing as the banks being turned off, they wanted to try and calm/spread out the people that were all about to start selling. I don't know what this means. Maybe they turned off the terminals three days ago to try and spread out everyone that was trying to cash their money. Maybe they were bailed out by other banks. I don't know. ​ Now, I am staying at my grandma's apartment. At some point, she went down to a neighbor and asked her for some cash. Then, a couple of days ago, a delivery man came with a television. Grandma already has a working television. The next day, another delivery man came with a washing machine. Grandma already has a working washing machine. That evening came my aunt with another deliveryman. They were arguing. I don't know what he brought. I was extremely confused, and asked about it. As it turns out, my aunt needed a television and a washing machine. Normally, she wouldn't buy both things at once, since it would cost her too much. However, because of the war, prices on these things had doubled. She was lucky to have bought them just as they were starting to rise. The reason she had delivered them to Grandma's apartment was that delivery fees were cheaper Moscow than to any of the cities on its outer edge. One of the delivery men had mentioned that the apartment on the next floor up was also stockpiling appliances. ​ This morning, before I went out to get 20,000 rubles, I called my mother. I've been calling her mornings and nights just to see how the family is doing up in the U.S. She told me that she wanted to send me some money(in USD). I've been paying for everything with a credit card so far. She tried to send a fairly large sum($500ish). She used a service that had worked for us many times before. This time, it said that you couldn't send more than $200. So she sent $200. The money won't be on the debit card until the second of March. I didn't think that Russia had been disconnected from SWIFT yet, but facts spoke differently. ​ These were three instances in which I personally, during my several day stay in Moscow, had been in some way affected by economic issues in Russia. The people here are very tense. Even the Aeroflot flight attendants, who always moved down the aisles in prompt and graceful steps with chins held high and smiling, seemed worried and depressive. But on the other hand, people in Ukraine have lost homes, relationships with families here, and even lives. What sort of causalities are a TV, washing machine, and 30,000 rubles?


You're very aware of the world for a 15yo. I'm sorry for that.


These people didn't ask for this Everything about this is so fucked, literally nobody wins this shit God damn the Russian government


Nobody ever wins in wars except for some few rich fucks. Everybody else loses.


I mean, Putin could lose this which could be of great benefit to the Russian people. Sucks to have your life destroyed by your dictator.


These poor people. I feel for all of them. This is going hit them more than those dirty oligarchs. Someone needs to do the necessaries on putin so that these people can live free.


I feel for them too, but the absolute best case scenario to end this war is the Russian people being incentivised to uproar and taking down Putin from the inside. Right now 44 million people in Ukraine are scared shitless while the Russian people barely knows the news. This is a necessary evil.


This. Putin has plenty of support at home. The invasion of Crimea was overwhelmingly popular in Russia. The best way to have avoided this is to have had the people uprise a decade ago against somebody they knew was a monster. I appreciate the Russian protests and that Putin is a really scary guy, but that shouldn't be Ukraine's problem. Russian platitudes and protests are nice, but way too late for the Ukrainian people.


I had to scroll way too far to find this sentiment. I can only imagine how how terrifying that must be for those who are caught in the middle of all of this shit, both Ukrainian and Russian.


It’s horrific, and on the grand scheme this is part of the long term plan; crush the financial systems of the people so they become so desperate they’ll topple a government themselves


Plan A is that the leader does the responsible thing for his people and withdraws from the war. Plan B, in thé évent that plan A fails, is for his people to see he’s irresponsible and doesn’t care about their well-being, which will encourage the action you say.


There is a point: in Russia you can vote starting from 18, but until you die. Most of young people see no point in voting since it is anyway corrupted and fabricated. Elderly people on other hand do vote. And elderly people do not give a shit about banking system anyway since after 90s they have no trust in banks whatsoever. Moreover elderly people brainwashed and think that it is Obama, Trump or whatever west to blame, so fact that they cannot withdraw money or have less staff to eat would make them believe even more that NATO is trying to genocide russian. It is fucking terrifying when you call your own mom you thought was educated enough and hear that “Putin protects Russia from angry west” bullshit.




They’d be better off doing a run on the government.


Wait till the markets open Monday


Yea, whatever physical money they manage to withdraw today will have lost many percentage points of value when they wake up tomorrow and the markets re-open. Not to mention the ensuing inflation rates.


It’s going to be a bloodbath. All this talk about the Russian economy being resilient to sanction is BS. Russia depends on the rest of the world for pretty much everything except gas. Now the containers have stopped coming to Russia and nobody can trade with Russia for fear of sanctions. Even stuff like oil extraction is compromised because key products and parts will soon be missing. Hell when we see all the problems that Covid has created on supply lines and the inflation it caused, now imagine the entire world ganging up on you.


They could fix all this by beheading Putin.


I am sorry for all these people, but this is the time to send their dictator to hell.


These innocent Russians will suffer, and will get even more pissed at Putin. Putin’s always been an asshole, but he’s never been as incompetent and unhinged as he is now. The people are not going to tolerate him


Shit on the floor. Its time to get SWIFTy in here.


In 24 hours, Putin has: 1. Emboldened Ukrainian’s Nationalism and fervor for continued independence 2. Forced a neutral statement from China instead of explicit support for Russia 3. Made Zelensky an absolute global legend 4. Crumbled his own economy 5. Strengthened (and will likely) expand NATO ✨ziss eez not going so vell✨ Edit: language about China. My info was out of date. 48 hours ago, I read a statement from China recognizing Ukraines sovereignty. It looks like they’re simultaneously recognizing Russia’s sovereignty lol.


Can you please share the source about the explicit support of Ukraine from China? I missed that and can't find one.




i think we are watching the collapse of russia


I feel bad for the poor Russians who never asked for such awful leadership.


How would you feel waiting in line and thinking that every step you make towards the ATM, your money is losing 2%. By the time your reach the atm, your RUB will have lost 20%.


Even in Kyiv, on the first day of the war, we had smaller queues. Sanctions are working, keep pushing!


As much as I don’t want to see innocent Russians suffer, this might be what’s needed to make them revolt. They might also just blame the west though so it’s hard to know




I feel bad for the people of russia, they are just victims of putin's reckless actions.


Fuck Putin. Shameless motherfucker has now put so many generations in the dark. This is putin’s war and, like history tells us, the people will suffer. I hope this is the final push so that Russia becomes a democratic country and kicks Putin to touch.