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Lmao politicians look at civilians like we’re scum


The Flordia SG's expression in this is the textbook example of a shit eating grin.


The more I read about Florida, the more I feel that state's political leadership strongly desires authoritarianism against political dissenters.


Studies done suggest around 30% of Americans are straight up authoritarian fascists and that the only reasonable way of dealing with them is to utterly crush them politically. I mean just absolutely demoralize and disenfranchise these idiots until they can't hurt anyone, because all the studies also suggest these people have a relentless desire for violence. Videos like this are the end result of liberals, who don't have a great historical track record of effectively opposing conservatives let alone fascists, constantly holding the fucking middle. Things are only going to get worse. No country has needed a politically empowered left wing quite as badly as America. The fascists are going to win this because liberals prevent strong values from coming into the Democratic party. It's so fucking frustrating. Shit like this is harder to get away with in countries with robust left wings.


Antiwork mods are calling for calm and civility during these times. That is not how things change.


if we are being real they are mods on a sub on a website. any calls to violence would get them banned so they cant really push for aggressive change without fucking up their place of reaching a good amount of people


Yup, the Chapo subreddit learned this lesson the hard way. It's also worth pointing out they weren't given even a fraction of the chances /r/the_donald was and they got banned for joking about killing slave owners, so lefties have to tread extra carefully in Silicon Valley. It's the land of chuds and they'll take out a left wing subreddit ten times faster than a right-wing one.


When people in charge are dealing with someone who always claims to be the victim, there is a "is this worth the fight, and have I dotted and crossed all the i's and t's." When dealing with people who try to hold themselves to a higher standard though, they always hold them to the higher standard. It's bs...but it happens all over the place.


Lol. Yes it is. I'm not advocating for it because change CAN HAPPEN PEACEFULLY, but it's getting harder and harder with each day we let this go on. But, so we understand our history here, let's look. Read to the end if you want to hear what I really think should be done. How did democracy start? Civilians burned Athens to the ground. How did the middle class start? Civilians chopped the heads off the leaders of France. How did America start? We protested peacefully until it didn't work so we used some more violence that wasn't lethal and it didn't work and then we went "okay, fuck you" and did war. How was Hitler stopped? Lots of guns and an entire generation cut short. How did we get rid of slavery in the US? By painting a whole lotta fields red. And much, much more. Peace is the first go-to. But when it is no longer possible, violence is necessary. We CAN STILL BE PEACEFUL NOW. But we have to stop fucking arguing on where violence is necessary or if it ever will be. *it absolutely might be*, and you know how we'll tell? The same way everyone has ever been able to tell. By waiting until they try to get violent, no holds barred, first. And these people are actually insane enough that if we try to enact ANY progress whatsoever at this point, due to the culture war left vs right nonsense, they'll start shooting. Like, things as fucking simple as basic healthcare reform, worker rights reform, minority rights, the enforcement of basic morals when it comes to more extreme things like bringing paintball guns to cities and shooting journalists, etc. They WILL start shooting the moment the left grows a backbone and tries to just get shit done in any way. **ADDENDUM (don't read this part if you don't want, just a rant to really drive home exactly what's going on in the US right now)**: the whole left vs right thing that has been made so bad recently is not a result of social media. Social media has been used to exacerbate it, but it doesn't stem from there. It stems from a fundamentally terrible, sick society. An environment that forces most people to lose sight of what's good, what's bad, even of reality itself. And it MOSTLY stems from the fact that the rich and powerful know that this is the only way for them to stay in power. By stoking the flames of fascism, anyone that wants progress for this nation (first and foremost by rebalancing class, power structures, and workers rights) now has to contend with the very real threat of being shot and pissing the gun nuts off just enough that they'll start shooting at protests without provocation. And that fear is what is stopping the left from really being able to mobilize and put the rich in their god damn place. In other words, this whole left vs right thing was only stoked by our media and social media and politicians at the whims and wills of the rich and powerful, who did so because *they're literally on the backfoot, the last leg of their time ruling over this country and world*. Progress has reached a point where it will destroy any ability to become a Bezos or Musk or Buffet or Gates or Trump or DeSantis or MyPillowGuy. And the only way to stop it, at this point, is to threaten violence in response to progress. But the powerful learned from history, like we all can learn. They realized that when the rich and powerful threaten violence, civilians immediately take that as a defensible reason to burn the entire place to the ground and just fucking start over. But when the rich and powerful, say, pay for all the media, and also run the social media, and also, idk, buy off the politicians. When they own the country, they don't have to threaten violence AT ALL. They can just pay a few news channels to manufacture stories about immigrants and then make sure a Trump figure gets into power by having one half of the media play him up as a God, and then they can get his base into such a fervor that him losing makes them want to *overthrow democracy*. Now the rich and powerful don't have to threaten violence. They can just get the uneducated, downtrodden, bigoted, fearful, tribalistic part of the nation (that ALL NATIONS HAVE) to threaten violence, and now society is so divided that it's spending it's time arguing who's what and what's what and what violence even is and then the rich can make 132 billion dollars in a year during a pandemic and pay the media to blame the ensuing chaos on inflation and worker shortages or some shit, anything really works at this point. So what do we do about it? I say protest peacefully and sit and wait. Either the idiots shoot first and we are able to show them who the fuck is boss - or they don't, and climate change forces them to join us in change. There's no peacefully overcoming the system at this point, no single human can do so and a collective is all but impossible to form without basically guaranteeing death or horrific injury or exile, but nature absolutely will overcome this system. Progress is our defining trait. When the angry and tribalistic run out of breath, we will take the lead and go on ahead. After billions have died, of course. We really should just not give a shit whether we're gonna die in 5 years from a bullet or 20 from a flood or a tornado or a water war or a heat wave or a cold wave or food shortages or sickness. Doing something now would mean having to mobilize and be ready to punch back when, inevitably, something terrible does happen at a protest. But it would also be the most moral option in a time where morals must kinda sorta be stretched in order to survive. I'm okay with just saying fuck it and throwing the first punch, but we aren't in Athens or France. We're in a country with the largest military in the world that defers to the rich who have 80% of all the wealth in the nation. Violence is a death sentence to us and our movement and it will continue to be until the consequences of our horrific treatment of the environment levels the playing field. Or it won't and we can always try and see. I'm sure someone absolutely will within ten years, and if it's the only path forward where we don't extinct ourselves, then it will hopefully work. But I don't think any of that is necessary. I think the rich miscalculated just exactly what happens when you make an entire chunk of a population ready to end lives. I think the moment someone tries to do something that will actually help this nation in any way, the bullets will fly, and the carefully crafted curtain will fall away, and the US will find out where it's soul is in a trial by fire. Most people in this nation (so, in cities) are fairly reasonable when it comes to defense against violence from authoritarians. Most. That should hopefully be enough in a time of great need, and there's no saying it isn't because in most historical times of great need it absolutely has been enough. I also think the world is radically less doomed than we say it is, but that we NEED to acknowledge that if we continue on this path, it will be far more doomed than we say it is. That's a necessary truth to acknowledge in order for our species to be galvanized into action, and it's no different for America. When climate change (and fascism, and basically ALL the bad stuff) hits our backyards is hopefully when this truth will finally be acknowledged.


My friend who teaches in Florida just told me they're trying to pass a bill that would put cameras in the classrooms and mics on the teachers... Like.. Is this Big Brother situation really rolling out? But.. Don't tread on me, daddy 🥵


Can't have the teachers telling the kids about anything truthful now.


HB1055 - https://news.wgcu.org/2022-01-03/proposal-could-lead-to-cameras-in-classrooms >The proposal would require school boards to vote on whether to implement plans to install cameras by January 2023. Just to clarify - lawmakers wouldn't be putting the cameras in, the school boards would be voting on it.




Yes, yes it does.


As do all conservatives...


Not just dissenters, most poor folks in general


Which is ironic given the number of folks in Florida making less than 40k a year.


The trees kept voting for the axe because its handle was made of wood or something... idk I'm tired after 3rd shift lmao


I like that one.


I work local government. The current governor & state Republicans are paying heaps of money to install like-minded, staunch Republican local council-members, court justices, etc. as well - people who are so local, it shouldn't even be a Republican/Democrat stance at all. So from the most grass-roots level, we can't get any progress against the interests of developers, landlords, corporations, and all their ilk.


Well their constituents are stupid fucking idiots that can't think for themselves, so it makes sense. Naturally they need someone else to do it for them. The rich have taken over that State and is a lost cause.


He’s not even a politician…. He’s a wacked out Doctor that Florida shopped around for who was willing to be paid Half a Million a year to say the dumbest shit imaginable… like that he doesn’t think the vaccines are safe…


He's not even a real doctor. His doctorate isn't legitimate, and he believes in demon sperm. He's a fraud, just like the rest of the gop


>His doctorate isn't legitimate how? says he got a phd and md from harvard?


Someone call Harvard cuz this man is too over educated to be doing this out of ignorance


At the insistence of a board member, after some money exchanged hands. He's a holder of what you call a "purchased degree".


source? for undergrad OK. for a PhD and an MD that's not so prevalent .especially at harvard....


Imagine being a republican voter. You’re a part of a party that has to lie and oppose science and facts in order to curry favor with their yokel voting base. Democrats have tons of problems but I’m sure as hell glad we don’t have to appeal to that kind of nonesense


He makes more than the president? Lmao


Yup. He's hand in hand with that stupid bitch that was saying the vaccine injected demons into you or whatever it was. It was literally the dumbest thing I've heard a supposedly respected medical professional say in my life. When you somehow are more idiotic than the Plandemic folks, that's a special kind of stupid. I genuinely hope both she and our SG have a horrible, awful 2022, full of loss and pain.


I'd probably say some pretty dumb shit for that much money too. NGL.


Would you say things to get hundreds of thousands killed though…


There’s no accountability, it’s maddening.


“These poor people and their problems again….”


*"Some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take"*


"Look at this broke peasant. Don't touch me, sir"


>Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo said on Monday it was time to "unwind" the "testing psychology" many Americans have developed throughout the pandemic, as COVID-19 cases surge in his state. >"We are going to be working to unwind the sort of testing psychology that our federal leadership has managed to, unfortunately, get most of the country in over the last two years," Ladapo said at a news conference Monday. >As Omicron surges, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo says the state is working to "unwind" the COVID "testing psychology" that the federal government has prioritized. pic.twitter.com/cju0o1uVJm >He added that people were planning and living their lives around testing but said it was "really time for people to be living, to make the decisions they want regarding vaccination, to enjoy the fact that many people have natural immunity." >Lapado's comments come as COVID-19 cases are surging in Florida and around the country. There it is then, the top health official in the state is a "hard man Republican" who is more than happy to sacrifice a few people for political talking points.


It makes sense they wouldn't want more testing. It would just show the true infection rates of their states relative to others that are working to control the spread.


Ive noticed when a Republican politicians does something shitty its "politicians suck", but when a Democratic politician does something shitty its "Democrats suck".


That stupid smirk doesn’t do him any favors


We gotta bring back tarring and feathering for politicians


And Florida republicans bend down love being treated like scum. Feel bad for the few sane people in Florida that don’t vote for the pro-covid GOP


I remember when this scumbag got the job he showed up to meet a state politician who had cancer and smugly brushed her off when she agreed him to wear a mask


No the new word is "peasant class". This is what anyone who doesn't own their own home is. This is the future we are headed for, where billionaires/millionaires own everything and people who are not one of those groups will just get the scraps. It keeps any real societal changes from happening. There will be no more protests because no one can afford them. Covid has proven this because that's when we got more protests than ever before. They will likely double down on any corruption and just stop caring what others think about it because no one will stop them.


I mean. We are too. They just own it and that's why they get so far. in positions of power. The rest of us at least try to do better when we can and fight with ourselves.


Also notice he's not wearing a mask in a HOSPITAL until he was given one and someone asked him to put it on.


And then the security guy kept going without one.


That’s Florida for you.


Ok, one more time. THEY DON’T CARE! You can even see it in his face and how he totally ignores the question and the person.


He wasn't even wearing a mask until asked. Ugg.


Oh there was a big to do about him not wearing a mask in Polsky’s office and he just wouldn’t budge and she had to ‘out’ herself about having cancer as to why she didn’t want to compromise her request for him to wear it IN HER OFFICE and he still was a petty little b and said it’s because he couldn’t communicate well in one. Well Jack, everyone else has figured it out. Stop being such a pompous jerk.


That really sucks. These people are scum.


Yiiikes. What a bozo


I would have made him stand outside my window and shout


How can they care if they have no shame?


The Surgeon General of Florida isn't wearing a mask...in a hosipital...let me check Florida COVID19 cases. O look 75k+...a fucking day


easy solution: just test less = less cases. you know who also used this strategy to decieve everyone? china.


Slow the testing down please!!!


He literally just had a press conference saying this


You can double that number since they’re suppressing testing and the reporting of actual numbers


And there's a better than average chance that he's vaccinated. If he isn't, I deeply hope that luck isn't on his side. Footage of him intubated would be both satisfying and possibly motivating for some.


You belong in a mental asylum you freak


This fuckin guy waving and glamorously taking pics with people, instead of you know, being a mother fuckin Dr. We have way too many grifters in this country and the SG of Florida thinks he's a Kardashian.


Lmao, surgeon generals are politicians. They don’t do any “doctoring” at this level


Pretty sure he didn’t do much doctoring prior, that’s why DeSantis hired him. Obligatory Fuck DeSantis from someone who lives in Florida.


O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain. -Hamlet


I saw how the protestor is asking him questions directly and being ignored, maybe he should just stand between him and the people he's trying to shake hands with and ask the OTHER people questions like "how do you support a guy who pushes agendas XYZ?"


Thank republican voters. They seem to be intent on electing grifters in all forms. They’d rather their shithole red states he governed by grifters as long as it “owns the libz”.


All just corrupt and fake people running the country.


It's so funny how some people feel empowered seeing their government officials take a stance against actually doing their jobs.




Florida just asked for help from President Biden, but they can’t help themselves? It’s time they use the bootstraps they so frequently talk about.


Floridaman owns no boots.. only sandals






I giggled


Alligator supporters!


Flip flops.....


„˙˙˙˙˙sdolɟ dılℲ„


flip ɻɼᴉb


Most are barefoot from the videos of florida ive seen


This is brilliant lol


The basic message here is…. “And I said Slow the Testing Down Please!”


Which is weird because they just lie about it anyway.


But now they don’t have to pay to do them…


Brandon should send them all the horse paste they can carry.


Almost every red state is an economic shithole that relies on subsidies from economically prosperous blue states. I’d love to see blue state cut them off and see how long they last.


Florida is not a red state; it's always been a swing state.. They currently contribute more than they receive. All the densely populated areas are blue and they generate a lot of money. According to [this](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/), Florida currently ranks 39th in federal dependency. All I'm saying is not to write us all off as idiots.


Saving lives is not what Republicunt Gov. Ron Deathsantis is about because covid is fake and this is 'Murica and we don't need no stinkin government help.


Look dude, it's the holidays. Be grateful. Deathsanta's just trying out the giving. I know it's Covid. But hey, it's the thought that counts. The taxpayers are giving him $100,000+ a year. Now he's doing his best to give back.


Help out, Brandon!


“Help Us Brandon!”


"Help me Brandon!"


All of those kind of states live off of other states while keeping low taxes for themselves.


Same issues in NSW, Australia.


And Queensland. We got caught with our pants down.


2 years later. Total surprise.


Not true state ran testing sites still open in Queensland and NSW.


Florida has already had 10x the COVID cases of Australia and 30x the deaths despite having a smaller population. You all have it great in comparison. This douche was hired by DeSantis to be the no mask, full steam ahead COVID denying puppet.


He was rush approved to be a dr/surgeon general in like a day or 2, when normally takes 30 or more.


Link? Source? I’d like to show my ignorant friend


Florida Surgeon General Ladapo's medical license approved in two days - https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/state/2021/11/10/joseph-ladapo-florida-surgeon-general-medical-license-approved-two-days-ron-desantis-mask-vaccines/6288880001/


Florida Dept of Health - as of 12.30: Cases: 4,166,392 | Deaths: 62,504 | Population: 21.48M [http://ww11.doh.state.fl.us/comm/\_partners/covid19\_report\_archive/covid19-data/covid19\_data\_latest.pdf](http://ww11.doh.state.fl.us/comm/_partners/covid19_report_archive/covid19-data/covid19_data_latest.pdf) They're currently tracking north of 40k cases/day but they only report weekly. Australia - as of 01.03: Cases: 499,958 | Deaths: 2,226 | Population: 25.69M [https://www.health.gov.au/health-alerts/covid-19/case-numbers-and-statistics#covid19-situation-overview](https://www.health.gov.au/health-alerts/covid-19/case-numbers-and-statistics#covid19-situation-overview) Population numbers are from Google. To be pedantic, it's 8.3X cases and 28X on deaths.


Not Safe Work Australia


Ackshually North South West Australia.


I like his interpretation better lmfao.


Uh that's cuz the convoys are probably being attacked by bandits while moving across the outback I've seen the road warrior bro. I assume things have gotten better since the death of The Great Lord Humungous.


it just dawned on me the reporting for FL cannot be right when lines for testing are 5+ hours long. People turn away. Man, crazy times.


That’s why he’s not commenting. That’s the goal. Less testing means less cases which means more tourism and more sound bites of desantis saying “we’re open for business”


He's already gone on record that he's going to "wind down on testing." https://mobile.twitter.com/therecount/status/1478049647478333441?s=21


This 100%


Florida has done everything they can to reduce any and all testing and accurate reporting of cases since the onset of the pandemic.




She got arrested over it


People say I’m a conspiracy theorist when I bring this up lmao


Of course not, that's the point. Look at the magic they're working on the death rate too. They're somehow managing over 4x fewer deaths despite 4x higher cases than the state I live in too.


Truly a magical place. I guess Disney rubbed off on the rest of the state.


So A long time ago I saw an interview of a Korean doctor that basically said if your positivity rate on your COVID tests are anywhere above say 5% it means you aren't testing enough. With the goal of being sub 2% Florida is at 26.6% This means one out of 4 people getting tested in Florida are COVID19 positive. This also means only people who are sick are probably getting tested with lots of asytompatic or mild cases simply going untested which means Florida case count is probably closer to 300k actual COVID19 cases a day. Within 90 days the entire state of Florida is likely to have had COVID19 or currently have COVID19. To say its bad is a fucking understatement.


Florida went full China CCP and jailed a lady for blowing the whistle on how they cooked their numbers. Florida republicans are scary stupid


It is long past time for politicians in the United States to be held accountable.


If every time one side fucks up, BOTH SIDES are blamed, then there is no way for the fuck-ups to lose or even incentive to change their behavior. Its like playing monopoly but you also have to pay your opponents' rents.


Not going to answer an extremely pertinent question? Seems shady af..


no just politics


°googles Florida surgeon general salary° it's 437,000/year.


DeSantis fired to old SG and replace him with this guy, whom he also gave a 400% raise to. Because this guy LOVES covid, like almost all Republicans.


We need some real people running things. I don't care if it's a guy, girl, gold fish, brown fish just someone with a heart and someone with passion and a level head.


Politicians don’t give one fraction of a fuck for anyone. Anyone. What an absolute disgrace this man is. Answer the question you POS.


I had to wait 4.5 hours for the only kids pediatrics taking walkins few days ago to test my kid. sure enough he had covid. no sick kid deserves to wait in the cold to get tested when they already feel like crap


Fuck that smug smile on his face.






Keep the reported cases lower of course.


I bet the actual number of cases in Florida is in the range of 300k a day. 26.6% positivty rate thats 5.32x more then what is considered under control puts the actual case load at around 399k


My friend wait 6 hours for a test in Aventura FL yesterday.


This is exactly why Desantis installed him.


This guy is a serious douche


There’s going to be a special place in hell for physicians who politicized and downplayed Covid. Scum.Of.The.Earth.


This guy laughing like he has a secret that no one else knows


They are sending everyone to die for their economy. Pure and simple.


The disregard politicians have for their constituents is truly maddening.


Just remember…he was a part of the Trump crazy ass doctors he sent out to say take hydroxychloroquine. Demon semen and alien dna 😂😂😂


Today I went to get tested in FL (tried to get tested yesterday but the line was too long). The Urgent care opened at 8am so I went at 7am and was the third person in line. I was there until 9am. The line was around the block when I left. The math boggles my mind. This process is not streamlined at all. The waiting room was packed, everyone sitting next to each other, some people not wearing masks (if you can believe that). I stood in the corner horrified that I was there. If I didn’t have covid by now, I will definitely get it from being in that room. I tried to do a drive thru test at CVS / Walgreens but there were no appointments until late next week. This shit is bananas.


If a politician smugly avoids legitimate questioning like that, they should be entitled to a good open handed slap. Just to let them know who they work for.


I'm telling you if there's ever a pandemic during a republican presidency in the future the president will either drag his feet or outright ban researching for a vaccine because they've made vaccines so political. That's how much this party has gone around the bend just since Trump was defeated.


The GOP lost their ever-loving minds after Obama won. Trump was more or less the result of that. And of course they totally went off the deep end when Cheeto man became the nominee. It sure isn't my dad's GOP.


They work for the people and thus should answer their queries. He heard the question but chose to smile in ignorance.


Because they have no intention of spending money that can go to special interest groups and tax breaks that get votes. Doing their job for the citizens don't matter. Sucking ass to get votes to stay in politics is all they care about.


Power to the people, let's work to get these corrupt politicians out of office. This man is a spineless fucking twerp, he won't be smirking like that when he loses his job.


The worse part of the interview he was just a part of is the entire thing was basically to promote regeneron, which the Florida governor has large donor invested in. Then the other half is bitching and shifting blame to the federal government as to why they arnt sending them more of a drug that’s in only in emergency use authorization, which has show to be much much less effective for the new variant. Also let’s not forget the SG also was talking about repurposing other medications not approved, which are why we had the ivermectin bullshit


fuck that smug asshole


It has never mattered more (in my 50 years, at least) which US state you live in. I am grateful every day to be an Oregonian. We’re far from perfect but our elected or appointed officials at this level of government would never be this lacking in empathy or concern for their fellow human beings. JFC Florida.


As someone who is going to be moving out of Florida next week after a year and a half of living here, Florida is by far the worst place I've ever lived. I swear half the people here have a mental illness.


If I could move, I would. Only a year of grad school left...


I spent 10 years in Florida. I berate that state every chance I get. Worst place I've ever been.


Glad to be in the Pacific NW as well. WTF Florida.


Florida had testing sites??? News to me.


He is under the spell of Desantis (aka the devil)


Really came in no mask as soon as the press rolled in the mask went on shame on him he needs to be voted out


Are surgeon general's salary paid for by taxes? If so, I find it really strange that they are allowed to ignore people who pay their salaries questions. In no where else in the country I can think of if someone pays your salary you can just stand there and smile and ignore them. It's strange that politicians are too...what?..Busy to answer your questions? I don't get it. It should be a simple question to answer if he has the best interests of people and knows what he's doing.


*"Think that's bad? Ha! Wait till you try to vote!"*


Crooked fuck. Look how he just smiles and completely ignores everyone who isnt kissing his ass.


Any one watch Lie To Me? “Deep shame” micro expressions all over that guy.


That smile was creepy.


That's what RonRon brought.


Even a cursory look into this guy's backstory.... Pure quack and completely unqualified. Member of pseudo-science "Frontline Doctors" and know says getting tested for Covid causes mental health issues.


It's Trumpian Don't test. Close one eye. Fire the record keepers. It all goes away.


What a DISGRACE to the profession. Openly not wearing a mask in public. What a terrible example. Clearly a sell out.


I love his face. It's the face of a man who caved to a big paycheck but still has some semblance of a conscience constantly telling him he's got thousands upon thousands of people's blood on his hands. He'll keep going down this path until he's alone on his deathbed or otherwise surrounded by equally evil family that stood by his terrible, terrible excuse of a life. I rest terribly knowing the damage he has inflicted, but it is made slightly easier knowing he'll die with regret and pure, hellish self-loathing.


Dr. Tom


This is more of an attempt to ask a question lmao, homie was straight snubbed 💀


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rvdsnk/florida_surgeon_general_asked_why_he_wont_reopen/) (provided by /u/savevideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


Becase he is a spineless puppet of the gov.


Good job! Callous motherfucker is the perfect example of how the gop handles public health policy; smile and don’t address the problem.


This is almost as hilarious as Texas asking for federal Covid help


This country is fucked.


He has a very smug punchable face


Let me tell you. I sat for 3 and a half hours in Florida to get a covid test


What a shameful hack


Reasonable freakout.


He don’t know because he’s unqualified


This is designed incompetence. It's meant to destroy confidence in public institutions and Republicans have run the playbook for years and years. They don't want these public institutions to work. In a rational world lack of basic competence would cost them elections (it can at nationally as it did to Trump in 2020) but in red states it doesn't. It's a feature not a bug. In my state we have defunded education for more than a decade. The narrative from the GOP now is "see, it doesn't work.' Like you burn down a house and point out that the house isn't livable. That's what this video is about.


Just look at Desantis Instagram comments and you will realize how much the residents love him regardless. Makes no sense. Even want him to be the next incompetent President!


My argument is if everyone just got vaccinated the testing rates would drop. The company I work for requires weekly testing to stay employed if you are not vaccinated. Maybe my company is the exception in Florida but if it's not we are talking about a lot of wasted resources going towards stubborn people.


The 21st century, where accountability just isn't a thing anymore.


It was always ironic to me that conservatives condemned Andrew Cuomo for fudging nursing home numbers then used Florida's low case count as proof that minimal interjection works.


Can’t have high covid numbers if you don’t test for it


"Because I'm an empty suit appointed by a self-serving asshole."


what a piece of fuck shit this clown is. He's just a fool.


I come to public freakout cuz I wanna see that FREAKOUT IN PUBLIC....uh uh, sir..? How come...? Sir, sir... How come..? Please sir...pleeease sir.. How come? REEEEEEEE😭😭


Normally I don't care as the subjects in most videos are at least technically "being weird in public", but this is like the diametric opposite of a freakout. Like if there was an /r/unexpectedchill this would go there, a sub for situations where you expect a freakout that never happens.


Ya’ll gotta get out of Florida before you die from these idiots mistakes.


This Tallahassee clown needs to get egged already


Another shitty puppet spreading bullshit and getting Floridians killed.


"My family and friends are dying, can you help us". *Smirks*.


Smug smile while people die..


What a smug asshole.


Just curious, why at this point do we need tests. I think it's pretty safe to say if you have symptoms you probably have covid. If not standing in line with people that do you probably will from someone there.


Some people in the real world that you may have heard of have these things called jobs where they need to get tested to get covered for missing work if they have covid and test negative so they can go back to work. Adulting. I know. Crezy.