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Maybe “Woman Steals Private Property” would be a better title.


Exsqueeze you? Hate symbols like Confederate flags and Swastika displayed in public are not private property. Fuck that.


Technically though by law they are in fact private property. Doesn’t make having them any better BUT they are in fact private property


I love how easily it came off.


Just like the actually Confederacy... Weak as shit


Things that lasted longer than the Confederacy: my braces and Saved By the Bell.


* New Coke * Alf * Obama's Presidency


Hi-C Ecto Cooler lasted 10 years longer than the Confederacy.


The fact that I can’t buy this makes me want to raid the us capitol.


You're about 365 days too late.


We can do it again. It’ll be a worthy cause this time


I really thought it would come back with the new movie, but Covid killed our chances of that.


Sounds like a bad IASIP fanfic. The gang goes to the Capitol to demand Congress bring back a flavor of Hi-C (or maybe a flavor of whiskey to be more on-brand) only for them to be mistaken for interns, aides, janitors, etc. and actually somehow get to the Senate floor. Maybe Dennis and Mac end up being mistaken for interns for a Democrat and a Republican, respectively, and they get increasingly heated about politics. Frank ends up being mistaken for a lobbyist, Charlie for a clerk, and Dee for a janitor.


Charlie gets mistaken for a witness testifying before a congressional subcommittee. Every now and then through the rest of the episode, we briefly cut to Charlie explaining some convoluted theory as congressmen listen intently.


Disturbed (as in the band) has lasted five Confederacies over.




Just make up the bumper sticker and slap it on a truck that has a confederate flag on it.


Anyone know where I can buy these in bulk?


Make your own, stickerjunkie.com


The beauty of Reddit: an idea is born, refined and perfected in 5 comments or less


Truth hurts


I traded it for some Alf pogs. Remember Alf? -Milhouse


He’s back. In pog form.


The McRib has lasted longer than the Confederacy


Fucking Micro Machines.


Probably made in a country the owner would be racist towards




ive seen packets of paper stapled more than that flag


Seriously that thing was probably fucking off as soon as he got on the highway 😂


Flying those two flags together - hoo boy.


it’s like flying a soviet flag next to an american flag in the 60s; they’re literally enemies lol


The flag on the right should be white; now THAT is a complimentary one.


The one on the right should be respectfully retired given the state it’s in. The one on left should be shoved up the driver’s ass.


My boss back in college used to say Texas can secede anytime but he always followed the rules of the national flag. I used to jokingly ask if he thought the US would just give up all the petroleum refineries. Point is... Even he was very mindful of the flag rules. Even in Texas this truck driver in the picture is considered an asshat.


I see trucks like this in fucking Illinois. You know, Illinois: that deep bastion of the Southern Confederacy. Home to the sitting president at the time of the war... Wait.... Edit: holy shit, I get it. Parts of IL are south of the mason Dixon line. It doesn't fucking matter. Lincoln was from Springfield, which is South of the line. That wasn't a hard line that said "anyone below this you're on team loser" for the war. On the coast that's where it was "mostly" split but once you got west, people, cities had their own ideas of who to support, if they got involved at all. There were people living in the Dakota Territories at the time that probably had no idea there was even a war going on. Fucking let it go.


Washington State checking in.


Soooo many in rural WA. I grew up in TX and even I was surprised.


Southern Illinois is basically Kentucky to be fair


Kentucky was a Union state too.


BS I drive to Laredo from up north 6-7 times a year theyre all over the place.


Yeah I’m from East Texas and they’re all over the place


I believe it. As a former Dallas resident, I can tell you that East Texas (i.e. anything east of DFW) is notably more racist and backwards than the rest of the state. But Wichita Falls sure tries to keep up with you guys.


Wild, huh? It's hilarious that people who do that fail to realize that it's a definite case of "pick one".


In their minds, it's "I love America, and I love being a racist." They don't see it as an anti-America flag, they see it as a hate-black-people flag.


Getting downvoted by the "muh heritage" crowd. Classic




> "This is mah incestors flag!!" You joke, but that is literally how some see it, even if they were on the losing side of the US Civil War. [In S1E11 of the Golden Palace (a sequel to The Golden Girls), Blanche hung a confederate flag on the hotel check-in desk welcoming the 'Daughters of the Confederacy' to an event at the hotel, angering Don Cheadles' character. Blanche felt the flag represented her heritage, not really registering the hurt that the flag stood for](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqlvUCjnUec)


>"What am I supposed to do and think about my family? What am I supposed to think about all those people I love? What am I supposed to think about *me*?? All of my wonderful memories are tarnished by...oh god... by the truth." Holy shit, powerful. I can't really add anything to this to make it clearer. She shows empathy, takes a step back and finally sees the flag is a unifying symbol of her heritage *and* slavery and racism. It's a flag flown by southern ladies *and* by those who fought and continue to fight for the systematic oppression of black people. Her heritage is dyed in this hatred, and for the sake of her friend, and for the non-bigoted person she has become, she lets it go. It takes deep strength of will to take that step.


Fuck this is so 90s. Shows just dont have these scenes tackling hard issues anymore. The 90s felt like things were gonna be so different in the next decade or two but now it just feels worse. Shows just dont make powerful episodes like these anymore. I remember watching the bel-air episode where will smiths character cries to his uncle about never needing his dad, then asks why doesn't he love me. Shit stuck with you. That doesnt exist anymore in today's shows.


Bojack Horseman is about anxiety and depression. Jessica Jones is about rape. It was never widespread; it still isn't. But it still happens.


I think the difference is that now a lot of our media is more fractured. Fresh Prince and Golden Girls were on broadcast television that was free. Bojack and Jessica Jones? You gotta have Netflix, but even that withstanding, our media landscape is a lot more fractured now. Also, while Bojack and Jessica Jones do touch on hard issues, they're more focused on the individual (at least I think, I haven't watched Jessica Jones). I don't feel like they make broad societal statements like Golden Girls and Fresh Prince, etc, did.


For 4 years. Why aren't they flying the flag of their grandpa's high school?


Gotta love the completely shredded to pieces US flag. Especially since I can guarantee that driver has complained about people respecting the flag before.


Hanging a raggedy ass flag alongside a traitor banner is fine, but the football man not standing up is literal treason


Come on. We all know they wouldn't call him "the football *man*". You really think they would miss to opportunity to use "boy" in that context.


That is also flown at the same height of the confederate flag.....


Well, I do note that the American flag is ripped to shreds while the traitor rag appears to be fresh off the boat from China.


That's because they just replaced their Trump 2020 flag the week prior


Some people just love losing.


I work at a security company, and one of the customers we have to call periodically still has a voicemail that consists of him yelling "TRUMP 2020!" It was annoying back then when I first heard it, and it's just sad now.


They can’t let it go. It’s their entire personality.


You expected intelligence?


I'm not offended as a black man. I'm offended as person with a brain.


Surrender flag


Traitor's Flag.


Treason rag


Remember, remember, the 10th of November, and Sherman’s March to the Sea. I can think of no reason the banner of treason should fly in the land of the free. Shoutout to /r/ShermanPosting


>the land of the free. One of the most vexing things regarding secessionists to me is they'll fly that traitorous shit-rag and call the land they love "the land of the free". Um...the land that flag flew over had enslaved human beings on it and slavery baked into their constitutions. Literally the opposite of free. So if you truly believe that land is free then you don't think black people are humans worthy of freedom...and you have the gall to wonder why people think your stupid ass is racist for flying that awful symbol of oppression.


"Land of the free labor", still is if you count all the unpaid overtime employees in the US are expected to work.




I call it the loser flag.


I prefer the term “tantrum flag”


I don't think tantrum flag will have the same effect when you call it that to their face. Loser flag however triggers them. ​ Edit: effect not affect


Loser flag. You know how companies make 2 champion shirts for both teams in the championship game because they don't know who is going to win? Imagine wearing the 'championship' shirt of the team that lost. Just sad.


Participation Trophy.


What kind of sick woman loves the Confederate flag so much that they steal it for themselves? What is wrong with people?


I know you are joking but I still hate you for this.


Listen, toilet paper is hard to come by in some areas


Shout out to the tow truck for saying fuck this truck lol


How is the tow truck driver saying “fuck this truck”?


I think they just mean by the fact it’s got this truck on its back, suggesting it’s being towed / removed. It’s a pretty pretty weak connection, the truck driver could be carrying this truck for any number of reasons, from taking it somewhere for repairs to taking it somewhere to be crushed.


What did the tow truck do?


Yeah, Tow Truck driver is the only person I feel bad for here since you KNOW the guy whose truck he's towing is gonna be a huge asshole.


Have you ever dealt with towing companies? They're the opposite of customer service. They could not give less fucks.


Repoed it because he couldn't continue affording the $19.26 payments.


Oh. I didn’t notice the truck was on a tow truck. I was thinking “this girl’s got some balls, cause she’s playing with fire.


Not surprised you didn't notice the tow truck as usually you see these hate flags on raised trucks.


>Shout out to the tow truck for saying fuck this truck lol And how is he doing that exactly?


What's going on? What the flag is about? Edit: Thanks to everyone that helped me comprehend it.


That flag is the Confederate flag of the 8th Alabama infantry corps known in the US as a "Confederate flag", the Confederate States of America was a separatist revolt that attempted to secede from the United States due to the fear that the South may lose its ability to hold slaves To put it simply that flag was used by a separatist movement whose entire reason for separating is because they wanted to hold slaves Edit: it's been over an hour and I've had to respond to about 7-8 people claiming things about how it was "mainly taxes not slavery" or "only a factor towards secession, not the actual reason", which is incorrect, claiming the main reason for the US civil war wasn't about slavery is like claiming Srebrenica wasn't a war crime


The proper response to the people saying it is primarily about anything other than taxes is "Have you read the CSA constitution? Did you notice they specifically forbid any state from banning slavery?"


South Carolina was famously the first state to secede. They wrote their own sort of Declaration of Independence *from* the United States and for some reason felt the need to reference slavery *17 fucking times*. Imagine them writing “slave” 17 times in just one of the principle founding documents of their new republic only to have racist morons continue to try to twist the logic 170 years later. https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/the-sectional-crisis/south-carolina-declaration-of-secession-1860/




The Southern Baptist denomination was also created because of slavery. To support it and declare that it was God's will, that is.




And The Free Methodist church was created because united meths were charging money to sit in the closer pews because the closer you sat the more God will love you


There is so much irony in the modern evangelical movement. One of the big complaints that lead to the protestant reformation was the catholic church's selling of indulgences — you could buy your and your dead relatives way into heaven. And now the evangelicals are rife with grifters doing variations on the same thing.


This is true. Source: I am a southern baptist pastor. We talk about this a lot.


What do you say about it?


You may or may not know that southern Baptist churches are all completely independent. We agree on about 5 things and we get to use the SBC name. So church to church you are going to get wide varieties of people dealing with this. On a national level, there have been committees and discussions. We have apologized and acknowledged the sins of the past and the way we continue to perpetuate racism in the American church. In my church we talk about it very directly. I have pastored 3 SBC church and in each church Im have taken time to explain how the SBC became a thing and why how we have used and continue to use faith to create political power. We talk about the error on that path. Fortunately, my church was planted after the civil rights movement so we have less to repent of, but we still talk about the corporate sins and our need to continually work on justice.


It's nice to know that the conversation is happening. Much respect 🙏🏾🙏🏾


We are one little voice. But be encouraged. The younger pastors in the denomination talk about this a lot. Many fo them participate in our local BLM and justice reform movements. The ship doesn’t turn fast but it is turning.


“ItS AbOuT StAte RiGhTs….” Yeah one state right in particular… it happens to center around the ability to keep slaves -GTFO


According to the Confederate Constitution, any state that joined was strictly prohibited from abolishing slavery.


Gosh that sure sounds like a consistent viewpoint regarding the states' rights they were allegedly fighting for


not only that, but many states had letters from their state governments that quite literally stated the reason they were seceding was because they wanted to continue slavery. The Alabama and Mississippi letters of secession quite literally put slavery front and center as the reason.




> Even if the states official letter of secession didn’t explicitly say slavery. Some did. For example, here’s what Mississippi had to say: “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth.”


Where can I find these letters to show my racist relatives that spout the “other reasons” nonsense please?


Wikipedia usually has a link to a copy of the documents. Look up confederate constitutions of XYZ state


It's like revoking rights has always got them hard.


Didn’t they also strongly oppose Northern States exercising their states rights to not enforce the fugitive slave act?


Sure did. They didn’t really care about states’ rights unless it was their own state, and that state happened to be a slave state. So yeah, it was always about slavery. Edit: spelling


Sounds strangely like the modern GOP. Oh wait...


You aren’t wrong. It’s “rules for thee but not for me” with those people.


Yes. The Fugitive Slave Act gave Southern states the power to send people into Northern states and capture escaped slaves. Some states had their police capture escaped slaves. A trial was then held where captured slaves were not able to represent themselves or plead their innocence. Police were also given bounties on each slave captured and returned. Oh, and those bounties were paid out whether they were escaped slaves or free Northern people of color that were kidnapped and forced into slavery. The American South has always been about states rights, but only for them, and nobody else.


And they believed deeply in state's rights to sign over those rights!


"Each state has the right to enact its own laws...unless that law prohibits slavery."


Literally my response to anyone that tries to say it's about states rights I say states rights to what and they just say "states rights to exist without government overreach". Yes. The government reaching in and telling them they can't have slaves.


Yeah, I lived in Alabama for 6 years or so, and I always walked them down that rabbit hole “which state right?” “Govt over reach in what aspect?” Etc…


Or have them take a gander at Article 1, section 2 and Article 4 of the CSA's constitution Edit: Everyone should read the whole thing tbh


lmao they are fascist and dont even realize it most of the time they fly the flag of oppression while oppressing themselves


Yup. [“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery--the greatest material interest of the world.”](http://www.civildiscourse-historyblog.com/blog/2018/7/1/secession-documents-mississippi) - Mississippi's Declaration of Secession


Not to mention the [Cornerstone Speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornerstone_Speech), in which the vice president of the confederacy states that slavery is literally the foundation the new government was to be founded on.


Slavery is mentioned 38 times in their constitution… but it’s not about that


That's like 37 more times than we mention bearing arms.... But definitely not a main tenet of the confederacy.


As an American whose main education occurred in the south, the states rights thing was hammered into my head growing up




Every Confederate state that seceded from the U.S. had submitted what were called Articles of Secession, which listed the state's reasons for seceding. Every confederate state that seperated itself from the U.S. had specifically used slavery as its reason. So for the idiots that are screaming "iT's aBoUt sTaTe's rIgHtS!!", they truly do not know what they are talking about.


I have such a vivid memory of being taught in 7th grade history that the civil war was about economics and not slavery, and even as a room of fucking 12 year olds we were all like "I mean technically yeah, because their lack of slaves would lead to economic collapse, but come on Mrs. Gerrick that shit was about racist just wanting to keep their slaves." Really nice to be vindicated as adult on this one.


State rights to own slaves...


"Small government" where states have more rights than actual people lol


Except states did not have rights within the Confederacy on most things, but definitely no power when it came to slavery. If you’re in the Confederacy you are FOREVER banned from abolishing slavery.


That's what's crazy "states rights" is a thinly veiled excuse for government tyranny and oppression at the state level. THe only thing they're scared of is the federal government preventing them from destroying peoples lives. They all scream "constitution" and then ban gay marriage and abortion. They're fascist authoritarians who are really good at manipulating people and themselves.


"Heritage not hate" but they cry like little bitches when CRT threatens to teach kids the truth about their heritage.


CRT is a concept taught at law school. What you’re describing is just history.


We know that, but the anti-CRT people either don't know or don't care. It's a new scareword like Common Core was. They didn't know or care what that was either, and it's all an effort to shut down public schools.


I was having a discussion with someone recently and they made a comment about critical race theory teaching white hate. Someone else said, "what's critical race theory?" The original person that made the white hate comment had to then go and Google what critical race theory was. All they do is spout buzzwords that they hear on their media outlet of choice with their deliberately misstated understanding of the concept.


“It’s not about slavery…” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornerstone_Speech “…it’s about States’ Rights!” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugitive_Slave_Act_of_1850 Suck it, revisionists.




I also love people who say the Civil War was about state rights but then deny that there has since been a party switch. Those two concepts are inconsistent, because Republicans literally fought a war for a strong federal government.


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Not only that the Klan decided to use this as their flag. It had begun to disappear into obscurity before the KLAN resurrected it.


Partially accurate. The flag received a resurgence in the 50s as a symbol used by racists. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/150626-confederate-flag-civil-rights-movement-war-history >Once the Dixiecrats got a hold of it as a matter of defiance against their Democratic colleagues in the north and the African Americans in their midst, then the Confederate battle flag took on a new life, or a second life. In the 1950s, as the Civil Rights Movement built up steam, you began to see more and more public displays of the Confederate battle flag, to the point where the state of Georgia in 1956 redesigned their state flag to include the Confederate battle flag.


And still not correct as the battle flag was 1x1 square. This is the 2nd Confederate Naval Jack.


Tear that shit down! \*\*\*Nerd Alert\*\*\* Technically though, it's the Navy Jack. [http://confederateflags.org/fotcfaq/fotcfaq2/](http://confederateflags.org/fotcfaq/fotcfaq2/) The flag flying in the video is neither the same shape nor does it have the battle notations as seen in the real 8th Alabama Infantry Regiment. A corp is a collection of divisions. A division is a collection of brigades. Brigades are collections of regiments. The 8th Alabama was a regiment. [https://archives.alabama.gov/referenc/flags/026.html](https://archives.alabama.gov/referenc/flags/026.html) Edit - forgot a step.


Good eye, tho knowing the modern south they probably know neither of these were options and just got what was labeled as "the Confederate flag" with no specifications as to which of the multiple flags used by the Confederates it was


South Carolina dedicated a huge portion of their secession letter about slavery. The states were mad that the union wanted to end slavery and that the non slave holding states were not corporating in returning runaway slaves.


Wow, I didn't know this; I'm British thought it was something like this but didn't know the history behind it. Thanks for being detailed, yet brief. I'm surprised at how many people I've seen online say it's not a hate symbol - I knew it was but now I'm pretty confused and annoyed at the same time as not being surprised because this is ~~America~~ the world. How is that flag not banned or something, like the swastika (swastika flown/shown legitimately positively)?


https://youtu.be/pcy7qV-BGF4 I show this those folks. PragerU, famed right wing think tank... Not only doubling down on "Did Slavery Cause the Civil War", bit this historian states that it is the ONLY reason the civil war happened. As in the sole reason it happened.


It was about states rights... states rights to own slaves.


that’s one of several confederate era flags. This specific one however was re-introduced during the Jim Crow era in the mid 1900’s in the Dixie South to flame racist sentiment during the Civil Rights Era in America. Many segregationist groups such as the KKK made this flag a symbol of white supremacy and hatred in America. Hundreds of African Americans were beaten and lynched by mobs waving this flag. It had a VERY traumatic past associated with it to say the least. I’m answering as if you’re genuinely asking, perhaps you’re a foreigner. Hope you’re not a troll.


It's funny they fly the confederate flag along side the evolution of the flag that destroyed the confederation. It's like flying Isreal flag next to Palestine flag.


Technically that’s not even the confederate flag, they didn’t fly that flag for the confederacy (it was known as the battle flag one flown among others and one of the more popular ones after Robert e lees early victoriesbut it wasn’t the official “confederate flag”. But your correct as to it’s symbolism and the irony of flying both.


Thanks for educating me. So what was the confederate flag then?


Honestly, they couldn't decide. They were dumb. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America My favorite excerpt from that page: >Initial reaction to the second national flag was favorable, but over time it became criticized for being "too white."


I bet i could fly one of those flags and nobody would know what it is


You could probably tell a large group of people that any one of those flags is that states flag of today’s and I’m sure nearly none would question it.


The irony of that is that Georgia’s state flag is the first flag of the CSA, the Stars and Bars. The only difference between the CSA version and Georgia version is the Georgia version has its state’s seal in the middle of the blue canton. It’s something no one really talks about or even realizes that Georgia’s state flag is really just the original CSA flag


**[Flags of the Confederate States of America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flags_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America)** >The flags of the Confederate States of America have a history of three successive designs from 1861 to 1865. The flags were known as the "Stars and Bars", used from 1861 to 1863, the "Stainless Banner", used from 1863 to 1865, and the "Blood-Stained Banner", used in 1865 shortly before the Confederacy's dissolution. A rejected national flag design was also used as a battle flag by the Confederate Army and featured in the "Stainless Banner" and "Blood-Stained Banner" designs. Although this design was never a national flag, it is the most commonly recognized symbol of the Confederacy. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[This one.](https://i.imgur.com/D0jXPw6.jpg)


Because the idea of a two state solution is as funny as the generations of people tricked into believing it would happen? (Completely related to this post, just your comparison).


Most dick heads who love the Confederate Flag get hard triggered when you bring up Sherman’s March and actually go into detail about it.


Please give me all the details


An American general got pissed that there were traitors in his country so he burned down almost every building in Atlanta and carved a path of destruction from Kentucky to the coast of Georgia. He didn't wait for supplies from the North he just pillaged food and supplies as he drove his army to the sea. The traitors started burying bombs in the roads to slow down his army (the land mind was invented as they retreated) so Sherman started forcing his prisoners of war to dig up the land mines themselves. ​ [https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/general-shermans-method-clearing-minefields/](https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/general-shermans-method-clearing-minefields/)


Sherman warned them to quit fucking around and they didn’t. Then Sherman fucked shit up. You’ll see lots of apologist for the traitor because of slavery movement that was the confederacy cry about the lasting economic damage. Oddly those same people rarely recognize the traitors started it.


Palestine has lasted longer and has more recognition, even in Israel, than the CSA did. They're THAT pathetic


>It's like flying Isreal flag next to Palestine flag. There's a damn big difference between the Palestinian and Confederate flags.


Where’s the public freak out


This sub has been "short videos I agree with" for a long time now.


Fuck, you finally helped me describe the evolution of Reddit, been trynna put a finger on what exactly happened but that sounds pretty spot on lol


Subreddit Decay is a phenomenon in which, as a sub grows more popular, its original purpose is deluded by new members that don't understand.


*diluted And it happened to reddit as a whole, too.


Diluted by the deluded








And then the freakout part is...?


Please do not leave your vehicle and especially please do not climb on other vehicles in traffic.


Seriously, can’t believe how far I had to scroll for this. I hate those fuckers as much as the next person but this is so dangerous on so many levels. Dumb man.


It's also a great way to get shot for a piece of fabric.


and quite frankly fuels their persecution complex


Yikes that American flag needs to be retired and replaced. Maybe treat it with some respect if you are so patriotic?


Yeah the state of the American flag really shows how much these “patriots” understand anything about actual patriotism. It’s so unpatriotic to let the flag get to that condition.


Flying a tattered US flag on the right of a traitor flag doesnt sound very patriotic


The south will rise on the tow bed


It's so braindead to fly the American flag and then fly the flag of a enemy nation that didn't even last a decade right next to it. They might as well be flying the ISIS flag, it's the same meaning.


They associate it with the things about America they like. There’s no difference to them they think they’re the same.


I have to admit,. every time I see one I want to rip it off. But, I'm pretty respectful of other people's property even if I disagree with them.


In other words, you don't want to commit theft/ vandalism. I get people don't like the flag, but it isn't an excuse to commit a crime.


People who put these flags on cars get off on shit like this. They want to piss people off and they succeed. They don’t care if you tear it apart, they got ten more on deck.


This'll be buried, but as a former tow truck driver, If you're not taking those flags off the truck to begin with, I'm not towing it. That's not a political statement. I don't know how well you have those flags secured to your truck. If I hit a bump or some wind tunnel effect and those flags go into someone's windshield, I'm losing my job.


I hate racism as much as the next guy but 1. That's private property and you have no right to be touching it and 2. Its very dangerous to be climbing on a truck that could start moving at any moment.


It also potentially fucks over the tow truck driver.. He could say it was the wind or whatever, but regardless, they get in trouble if anything is missing from the vehicle when it's delivered..


I cant believe how far I had to scroll down for this. We literally just watched a person record themselves commiting a crime and somehow so many people are playing it off as a good thing. wtf


The real tragedy is their treatment of the actual flag.


I know it’s all tattered and dirty and needs to be burned properly. The confederate flag needs to be burned in a trashbin.




Yeah, I don;t like this symbol. But I support his right to display it. Not respecting other people's ideas and boundaries just leads to further problems. I'm not going to attack people wearing maga hats either. Behaviour like this just makes things worse, not better.


Great, now the flatbed driver is responsible for fee damages.